
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
charlie___hey guys, I am working with mmcc in #ubuntu-solutions, I need to add utopic images to maas. Can someone point me in the right direction?00:47
sarnoldcharlie___: I think this is it: http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.5/install.html#import-the-boot-images00:52
charlie___I have a utopic maas and am trying to get utopic images00:53
charlie___right now all I have are trusty images00:53
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
lazyPowerthere's a file to edit to get the utopic images charlie___01:10
lazyPowerits in /etc/maas/, and i dont recall the rest of it from there unfortunately. I'm not within ssh range of my maas server :(01:10
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
blrwhen testing a charm deployment, is there a faster method of redeploying other than destroying and re-bootstrapping the local environment?03:08
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=== scuttle` is now known as scuttle|afk
lazyPowerblr: juju destroy-machine --force, juju upgrade-charm, juju add-unit04:07
lazyPowerit may yield odd behavior now and again but it works for rapid prototyping 90% of the time04:08
blrlazyPower: excellent, thank you!04:09
lazyPowerblr: np - just understand what its doing - you're removing the existing unit so you dont eat resources, upgrade sends the new charm code to the state-server on basically a non-existant service, then adding a unit deploys the new charm code, its pretty much a hack04:12
lazyPowerwhich explains the weird behavior now and again :)04:12
blrhah ok, I'll try not to panic if it misbehaves :)04:13
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=== scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
=== scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey
jobotHi, I have an issue with my charm (suitecrm). It deploys ok, but once I deploy mysql, suitecrm is no longer accessible via the webbrowser. i.e I can't complete the full install. Install hook: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9765951/ , debug-log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9768861/18:31
jobotI did ssh to suitecrm and changed the permissions all to 777, and it was still inacessible. Only after completely destroying the services and re-deploying (without mysql) am I able to go through the installer again (of course unable to pass the database part).18:32
jobotgotta go afk, but thanks in advance for any help.18:35

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