
noahnetwork manager is having issues with kwallet00:15
valorienoah: yes, but I'm not sure what the issue is00:17
valorieI searched the bug reports to find a workaround: http://bugs.kde.org00:17
noahvalorie: sometimes i cannot connect and it sits there.00:18
noahvalorie: what bug is it?00:20
valorieoh, can't recall00:30
valoriedidn't take long to find though00:30
valoriethe workaround for me was to edit the connection, and select both automatically connect when available AND all users can connect to this network00:32
valoriethe latter is not good because it cuts kwallet out of the loop00:32
valoriebut since kwallet wasn't/isn't working for me00:32
valorieuntil the problem with kwallet is fixed00:32
noahvalorie: this just started happening, even though it had been working before01:16
noahim getting a No agents were available for this request. error01:16
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TrivialGravitasI just upgraded to 14.04, boot tells me file not found and gives me grub rescue01:20
TrivialGravitasinstalled fresh, same thing01:20
TrivialGravitasWhen I installed I told it to put the bootloader on sda1, I suspect that's the problem, is there a way to fix that that's faster than reinstalling again?01:21
valorieTrivialGravitas: sounds like a borked ISO02:10
valoriedid you do an md5sum?02:10
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:10
TrivialGravitashmm, no, that's possible02:10
TrivialGravitaswill go run that, thanks02:10
valoriealso, grub repair02:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:11
valorieI had a thing where the bootloader got installed on the thumbdrive02:11
valorieTHAT was fun02:11
valorieold bugreports, I wasn't the first02:12
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cpyargerWho can help a guy with integration of Gstreamer into an app in the ubuntu SDK?04:53
cpyargerI cant figure out why it can't find the qtgstreamer, or or gstreamer libraries04:53
_zxq9_cpyarger: Never used the ubuntu SDK or gstreamer. Is it just your build environment can't find the headers?05:10
cpyargerIt may be, though the headers are located in /usr/local/include/QtGStreamer05:11
_zxq9_Try building a stub app from the command line with the includes you think should work.05:11
_zxq9_Just to check if your environment is screwy, or if its a problem occurring after you've handed off to gcc.05:12
cpyargergstreamer.cpp:1:21: fatal error: QGst/Init: No such file or directory05:13
_zxq9_ooc, which qt?05:14
_zxq9_You have libqtgstreamer-dev installed?05:16
_zxq9_That's what apt-file search QGst/Init shows me...05:16
_zxq9_paste your stub code somewhere05:17
_zxq9_That's your whole stub?05:18
cpyargerFigured, That less is better in this case.05:19
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cpyargerif I switch it to #include <QtGStreamer/QGst/Init>05:22
cpyargerThat is my output05:22
cpyarger_zxq9_: https://github.com/cpyarger/kast is the latest code I am working on, prepending QtGStreamer/ seemed to have partially worked05:30
_zxq9_cpyarger: Its just missing lib includes. This is some of what qmake will generate from a .pro file that includes QtGstreamer:05:39
_zxq9_cpyarger: g++ -Wall -fPIC -I/usr/include/QtGStreamer -I/usr/include/qt5 gstreamtest.cpp05:39
_zxq9_But your question is with the Ubuntu SDK... and I don't have an answser for that, since the only IDE I ever mess with is QtCreator (and only with Qt/C++, which I rarely use).05:41
cpyargerumm, The ubuntu-sdk is essentially qt-creator05:41
_zxq9_Oh, didn't know that.05:42
_zxq9_I'm not exactly familiar with ubuntu, either (just overwhelmingly prefer KDE, so its Kubuntu and Gentoo instead of Windows or Mac for me)05:42
cpyargerI recently switched to kubuntu over ubuntu, I tend to find it a less frusterating experience all around05:43
cpyargerI never was much of a fan of unity05:44
_zxq9_Same here. I'm not particularly fond of a lot of the other things going on within Ubuntu, either, but in the end this is a tool, and kubuntu is the easiest match of solid desktop and generally hassle-less maintenance for non-geeks.05:46
_zxq9_At least for now. We'll see how long that lasts.05:46
cpyargersad, but true05:46
_zxq9_I still prefer Gentoo, but for building a stable roll to fit some particular purpose. It is just more annoying to make radical adjustments to it frequently than in a fully prepackaged distro like this.05:47
_zxq9_And, Ubuntu LTS is the sweet spot of sorta-new-libs-but-doesn't-eat-babies-like-Fedora05:48
cpyarger*blinks* Agreed05:48
_zxq9_Anyway, hopefully you find a slick way to get your IDE to do conjure up the right include paths for you. :-) This sort of stuff can be a real annoyance (I know what I want to do, how to do it, already typed it, but it just can't find anything on this one stupid platform!! AHH!).05:50
_zxq9_That's how I feel every time I port something to, say, OS X05:51
cpyargerlol, Thanks, at least I am not dealing with any / vs \ errors05:53
_zxq9_Or that friggin \r\n vs \r vs \n thing or... This is part of why I prefer to isolate myself in a magical land of convenient make-believe like the Erlang runtime, and pretend it is the OS instead!05:55
cpyargernow my brain is hurting... lol..... always remember that to understand recursion, one must first understand recursion05:56
_zxq9_But Windows deployment can suck there unless you want to write a pointy-clicky installer just for it. Its always something. <grumble>05:56
_zxq9_Like the busy idiot cards "continued on other side"05:57
cpyargeryes or GNU05:57
_zxq9_But fortunately that language itself is braindead simple.05:58
_zxq9_otoh, single assignment and recursion are probably easier to come to grips with before you learn 10 flavors of Algol.05:59
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tankd0ghey, can anyone tell me if there are two versions of kubuntu now?  I just installed 14.04 with unetbootin and I get some kind of touch pad desktop instead of the one with the kickoff launcher\06:52
valoriewhy ask if you won't stick around for the answer?07:14
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_zxq9_valorie: The fleeting scourge of IRC. Even more fun when you have entry/exit messages muted...08:39
darkvi0l3tcan anyone help me with a dual monitor issue?09:04
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lordievaderGood morning.09:42
BluesKaj'Morning all12:20
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VimarHi Pals15:50
Riddellhi Vimar!15:52
VimarHi Riddell15:56
VimarHas anybody solve a problem with adding aditional input method...? I wanted add additional language next to English, but when I choose desired  Language and try to ADD IT, the language appears for miniseconds in Input methods ind IBus preferences and dissapers not listed in my input  methods.The only option for changing keyboard is "setxkbmap" in console.15:56
lordievaderVimar: はい :)16:00
lordievaderI had to add a few variables before applications would accept Ibus input.16:00
vimarHas anybody solve a problem with adding aditional input method...? I wanted add additional language next to English, but when I choose desired  Language and try to ADD IT, the language appears for miniseconds in Input methods ind IBus preferences and dissapers not listed in my input  methods.The only option for changing keyboard is "setxkbmap" in console.16:02
vimarI mean in XFCE :-)16:02
lordievadervimar: This is Kubuntu, for XFCE question you should be in #xubuntu.16:03
vimarlordievader: I use Kubuntu with XFCE also :-)16:05
lordievadervimar: Using XFCE makes it Xubuntu, effectively.16:05
vimarBut thanks, I will go there, sorry for hurting your feelings LOL16:05
lordievadervimar: You didn't.16:05
vimarno it makes it KXubuntu precisely :-)16:06
vimaranyway some people here could meet the problem too, lets not be so hyperactive :-)16:07
lordievadervimar: I'm not... Never had any problems here adding other languages though.16:08
vimarlordievader: so it seems like isolated bug.16:13
lordievadervimar: I'm not entirely sure what the bug is, your explanation is a bit vague.16:15
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sudhaHi! I was trying to build kholidays on kde 4.14 when this happened: http://pastebin.com/RGXtpkXa . I was sugggested to install kitemviews for kf5 as a distro. Can someone help out on how to do it ? :)19:34
cpyargerA framework for bash scripting -- http://git.io/DV5eow20:49
JunkHunkhello I got two errors in a kubuntu 14.04 install: the first one is because I installed AWN for saucy and after removing it something is still making the system to look for it:http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=82502 and the second one is about a graphic element wich started to behave buggy after adding printer tasks manager to system tray  would anybody know how to fix these errors?21:14
valorienot sure anybody is still working on old plasma, but you can ask in #plasma21:17
JunkHunkvalorie old plasma?21:38
JunkHunkwhats hot then?=21:38
valorieplasma 521:39
valoriewhich I've been running for a few months21:39
valorieit's almost there21:39
valoriestill some missing widgets and stuff though21:39
JunkHunkit must be cool21:39
valorieI love the new look21:40
valorie15.04 will be plasma 521:40
valoriealthough I'm still running 14.1021:40
JunkHunkoh I jump from lts to lts21:40
JunkHunkthats why I am still using the old21:41
JunkHunkI like it21:41
JunkHunkI find it more comfortable to use than gnome or unity21:41
soeeJunkHunk: 5.2beta https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/UDVK6jUhhLX :)21:41
JunkHunkthough I am trying to get rid of panels21:42
JunkHunkI like the mac look I get with docky21:42
JunkHunkI cant find anything related to AWN in session manager...I myself removed it from the system...but any time I login it warns me it is gone21:50
JunkHunkhey fix them I fix them by re-ticking the device manager box I think the warning was due to the repositories still on the sources list I ll check on boot22:10
JunkHunkthanks bye22:10
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