
CrystalEmpireJ'ai un probleme , j'ai installer Lubuntu et les bas des fenetre semble cache par la barre de raccourci00:21
wxl!fr |  CrystalEmpire00:21
ubottuCrystalEmpire: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:21
MACscri removed unity on my trusty desktop box and installed lxde. Now for the life of me, i cant figure out how to get autologin and lxde to work together01:11
MACscrshould i still be using lightdm or should i be switching to something that is more lxde friendly or what?01:12
Chelsea_JurgensHi I am having trouble with bluetooth getting my speaker to work properly02:17
newbooterCould you describe the speaker problem in more detail?02:18
newbooterWhat version of Lubuntu are you running?02:19
Chelsea_Jurgensi am trying to connect via bluetooth, and using the bluetooth manager it recognizes the device, device added successfully, but failed to connect02:19
newbooterDo you get an error message saying "failed to connect"?02:20
newbooterOr do you mean that there is no audio going to the speakers when you play something?02:21
Chelsea_Jurgenswhen i pull up bluetooth manager, i search for the device, the device shows up, i then make it pair, which is a success02:22
newbooterHave the speakers worked before when connected to another source via bluetooth?02:22
newbooterOk succesfull pairing, then what?02:23
Chelsea_Jurgensnot sure, just bought it. so i successfully pair, and it is still not recognized on input/output for pulse audio02:24
Chelsea_Jurgensi then do setup in bluetooth manager and it has four options02:24
newbooterwhat are they?02:25
Chelsea_JurgensHeadset service, a2dp sink (send audio), input service and don't connect02:25
Chelsea_Jurgensheadset service is the only one i can get to02:25
Chelsea_Jurgensadd and connect successfully02:26
newbooterSo go to sound + video, play something with audacious or mplayer.02:27
newbooterWhere does the audio go? To your normal laptop speakers?02:27
newbooterLaptop or pc btw?02:27
Chelsea_Jurgensyes internal laptop speakers by deafult02:28
newbooterso you hear sound from the laptop speakers?02:28
newbooterwhen you play something?02:28
Chelsea_Jurgensi do have a blue yetti usb speaker with headphones plugged in via usb, not now, but those work fine no problem when plugged in02:28
Chelsea_Jurgenseverything still plays from internal speaker02:29
newbooterSo you have you got the little speaker icon in the bottom right of the panel? Righ click on that and choose volume control settings02:29
Chelsea_Jurgensyes, which is pulse audio02:29
Chelsea_Jurgensor pavlu control02:30
newbooterI am not familiar with pulse audio02:32
Unit193Lubuntu doesn't generally come with it by default.02:33
Chelsea_Jurgensoh ok i must have added it after the fact via advice to set up my mic02:33
newbooteron my 14.10 lubuntu if I right click I get alsamixer02:33
newbooterWhich shows02:33
Chelsea_Jurgensi have that as well02:34
newbootermic, speakers etch02:34
newbooterSo does alsamixer show your headphone as muted?02:36
newbooterOr are they enabled and on vol x02:36
newbooterOk I am not sure ihf your bt speakers should show up02:38
newbooterseparately in alsa02:38
Chelsea_Jurgenshow could i tell02:39
newbooterDid quick read just now02:41
newbooterLooks like pulse audio is the way to go02:41
Chelsea_Jurgensyea thats what i'm trying, but never recognizes02:43
sakhas anyone used vino or remmina on lubuntu 14.04?02:43
newbooterAlso in the playback app you have to set your output device. Have you done that?02:44
Chelsea_Jurgensi try using pulse audio, but does not recognize it02:44
Unit193sak: What's the question?02:46
newbooterSo like audacious settings, audio, output plugin, pulse audio output?02:47
Chelsea_Jurgensyea, does not recognize it02:49
sakI am working with the QAteam creating a testcase for vino and remmina. These two packages was said to be installed by default on ubuntu. I was guessing ubuntu unity. I did not see them installed on lubuntu 14.04 which is the system I wanted to use for a trial run. I installed vino from synaptic, but did not see any package with that name in the app menu, nor could I run it in the terminal. I understand it is a plugin for remote d02:50
sakesktop protocol for VNC connections. My question, what remote desktop protocol uses vino as a vnc plugin that I need to install on Lubuntu?02:50
Chelsea_Jurgensi was able to do it with my blue yetti usb mic and headphones, but not this02:50
drkokandyhave you tried vino-server sak?02:52
drkokandyI don't think vino is a plugin, I think it's a VNC server02:52
newbooterWorked via pulse audio output? Or alsa output?02:52
Unit193sak: Yes, Ubuntu, edubuntu, and vino is also on ubuntu-gnome.02:53
sakdrkokandy, no I have not. I just installed a package named vino02:53
Unit193!info vino02:53
ubottuvino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.1-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 142 kB, installed size 580 kB02:53
Unit193!info remmina02:53
ubotturemmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 117 kB, installed size 415 kB02:53
Unit193And yes, vino is a server.  Try: dpkg -L vino02:54
Chelsea_Jurgensvia pulse audio02:55
drkokandysak: on my machine, after installing vino, it auto-starts on the next login02:56
sakFrom the info you displayed Unit193, I should be using gnome. Even though I am not using gnome, should I still be able to use the packages?02:56
Unit193sak: Sure.02:56
Unit193drkokandy: Fancy that, login or pre-login?02:57
Chelsea_Jurgensi tested the bluetooth speaker on my idpad and it works fine02:59
sakUnit193, what does the option "-L" mean03:00
Unit193sak: Lists files installed with that package, it'll basically show: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/i386/vino/filelist03:00
drkokandyhmm... I actually can't access it03:02
Unit193drkokandy: sudo netstat -lnp | grep vino03:04
Unit193drkokandy: And that also already answered my question, xdg/autostart means on login, not DM.03:04
drkokandyNada. sudo netstat -lnp | grep vino returned nothing03:05
Unit193Likely wanted you to set a password first, perhaps?03:05
Unit193vino-passwd ?03:06
drkokandyI did03:06
* Unit193 has no idea really though, never used vino.03:06
Unit193Ah, I see.  You could "manually" run it, see if it spits anything out.03:06
newbooterchelsea were you using pulse audio as output device with the usb speakers?03:09
newbooteror alsa output?03:09
Chelsea_Jurgensi tried with both03:10
newbooterYeah but with the usb yubbi things that worked for you (headphones?)03:12
newbooterWas that with pulse or alsa?03:12
Chelsea_Jurgenspulse audio03:14
drkokandysak & Unit193: Yeah, didn't autostart on Lubuntu. that was a big lie. But you can run it on Lubuntu with: /usr/lib/vino/vino-server03:14
drkokandyand that works03:15
Chelsea_Jurgensi plug it in, open pulse audio and for each application (firefox, skype, audacious) i have to go in and make sure the usb mic was selected03:15
Chelsea_Jurgenswhen i try it now with the bluetooth mic, it does not even recognize it anywhere03:15
Unit193drkokandy: Desktop file have OnlyShowIn or NotShowIn set?03:19
newbooterSeems like it is not registering as an audio device in pulse or in alsa03:21
Chelsea_Jurgensif i pair it via bluetooth, should it recognize it in lsusb?03:21
Chelsea_Jurgensor dmesg03:22
drkokandywhere would I find that Unit193 ? :)03:22
drkokandyOnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity; Unit19303:23
Unit193There you go then.03:23
drkokandyAnd Terminal=false - that must be why running just "vino-server" didn't work - I thought that was weird03:24
drkokandyI knew I installed it03:25
Unit193No, has nothing to do with that.03:27
ianorlinonlyShowin means only put in the menu in that environment right03:39
Unit193ianorlin: Generally, but this is a startup item, so it changes to "only start in"03:40
sakThanks, Unit193 and drkokandy. Seems I have some tweaking to do. I will get to you with more questions03:49
Unit193Oh, make sure to ask drkokandy!  He's the nice one!03:50
drkokandyI'm also the one who doesn't know all the technical things though - Unit193 knows how all the things work03:50
Kaye1anyone here?08:11
Kaye1are any of you seeing my message? sorry first time user08:13
Kaye1hello mr comet08:39
=== Mr_Comet is now known as Comet|Lunch
Kaye1can anyone help me please09:05
=== Mr_Cometz is now known as Mr_Comet
web-mani have lubuntu lts should I upgrade to latest version?15:59
testdrweb-man: if its working (no newer hardware specs) there is no reason to do so. - You only can break whats already working and the support for lts will last for years16:01
testdrweb-man: if you are interested for the state of development, then you should try to install multiple different versions and select the one you want at boot-time16:02
wxlweb-man: the latest version is stable, but will require more maintainence.16:32
wxlweb-man: the one advantage you'll find with newer versions is the latest package versions.16:32
wxlweb-man: lts is always kept up with the latest security changes but that doesn't mean it has the latest package versions.16:33
web-manthank you16:33
wxlweb-man: for example, you might have the latest openssl package, but you might not have the latest version of gimp.16:33
wxl(i realize gimp is not part of lubuntu natively)16:33
wxlyou can get the latest version of packages, but it often takes more effort16:34
wxlso the question is: do you want to spend more time with maintainence or tracking down the latest package versions16:34
wxli should also add that the latest version is guaranteed to have the latest version. that doesn't mean that lts won't have it, but that it may.16:35
wxlhoep that makes sense16:35
Trickster1hello all19:25
Trickster1someone know how can we change the order of the program in the task bar of lubuntu 11.04.1 ?19:25
Mr_Cometzwhich order?19:27
Mr_Cometzmaybe right click panel items?19:28
Trickster1you know when you open some program like in windows or the old genome, we have thoses prog open on the task bar and we just click on it to change programme when we want19:29
Trickster1But the order of those program is the same than the order we open it, i just ask if we can change that order on the task bar19:30
Trickster1i used lubuntu 14.04.1 and not lubuntu 11.04 sorry i wrote wrong19:31
holsteinim sure you can.. what is the goal?19:33
Trickster1just it is easier to use19:33
holsteinwell, "easier" will be a matter of opinion19:34
Trickster1sometimes you open aplication in different oder but for ease of use after we can prefer have a program next to an another one19:34
Mr_Cometzprobably want his fav apps easier to click than to browse top to bottom19:34
holsteineasier could be, the same as before, or predictable. but, you are saying, you have, the windows open in a certain order? and you want them how?19:34
Trickster1hmm maybe my explication is bad because my english :(19:35
holsteini always let the task bar group similar tasks.. makes it cleaner for me19:35
holsteinTrickster1: i think you are doing fine with english :)19:35
Mr_Cometzhow does one edit menu options/folders19:35
Mr_Cometzor re-arrange19:35
Trickster1i will explain by exemple we have firefox, kvirc and openoffice open on lubuntu and we saw them on the task bar menu19:36
Trickster1how can we move firefox next to openoffice19:36
Trickster1i just want to move slide it19:37
Trickster1and i can't don't know why19:37
Trickster1drag and drop :x19:38
drkokandywow, I'm not sure if this is possible without closing a program and reopening it in the order you'd like it to appear19:38
holsteinMr_Cometz: depending on what i want, i'll just edit with a GUI tool, if there is one19:38
holsteinMr_Cometz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/196614/how-do-i-edit-the-menu-in-lubuntu for example.. menulibre19:38
Mr_Cometzi got 20 tabs open :D19:39
holsteinTrickster1: i find that allowing the task bar to group tasks cleans that up for me.. there are also other docks and panels and task managers that do things differently19:39
holsteinTrickster1: you may find one of them allows you to "drag and drop". the aim of all the lxde tools is always to be light first..19:40
Trickster1ok thx i will check it :)19:40
Trickster1i go diner and will check all that thx19:40
Trickster1i'll back19:40
sakUnit193, drkokandy, I installed vino. There was no vino-server in the lubuntu repo. When I installed it, I had tp configure it typing this command in the terminal #vino-preferences20:06
holsteinsak: that should allow you to configure the server20:08
drkokandythat is where you can configure preferences20:08
drkokandybut the server is not running until you also run /usr/lib/vino/vino-server20:08
drkokandyas packaged, vino auto-starts on GNOME or Unity, but not on LXDE20:09
drkokandyyou can run it manually with that command20:09
drkokandyor add it to the auto-start list20:10
sakIn the preferences window it had the option "automatically configure upnp router to open and forward ports". I believe this was to allow a remote user to connect to the vnc server without a password20:10
holsteinsak: if you have that disabled, it wont work20:10
holsteinsak: test locally.. make sure the machines can ping each other20:10
holsteinsak: that is, as stated, to set up port forwarding on the router.. nothing to do with "connect without a password"..20:11
sakI am testing it on my local machine, the same way I test an ssh connection20:11
sakThis is what is in the /etc/xdg/autostart20:12
sak[Desktop Entry]20:12
sakName=Desktop Sharing20:12
sakComment=GNOME Desktop Sharing Server20:12
holsteinsak: i woudnt bother with anything to autostart20:14
holsteinsak: i would literally configure the server, start it, test that i can ping the machine with the server from the one with the client, and try testing the connection.. and share errors if they dont connect20:15
holsteinif i want to forward them through my router, i would read about how to implement that safely, and not assume the uPNP will do the job20:15
sakThis is what I did, and the error that I got back20:18
sakxtightvncviewer x.x.x.x:590120:19
sakConnected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.720:19
sakServer did not offer supported security type20:19
sakAfter running /usr/lib/vino/vino-server20:20
sak, I got this back20:20
sak** (vino-server:8514): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-3lXPtqLo8q: Connection refused20:20
sak(vino-server:8514): EggSMClient-CRITICAL **: egg_sm_client_set_mode: assertion 'global_client == NULL || global_client_mode == EGG_SM_CLIENT_MODE_DISABLED' failed20:20
sak17/01/2015 03:13:15 PM WARNING: Width (1366) is not a multiple of 4. VncViewer has problems with that.20:20
sak17/01/2015 03:13:17 PM Autoprobing TCP port in (all) network interface20:20
holsteinsak: cool.. so, what security type are you implementing? have you tried disabling it, and testing?20:20
holsteinsak: please stop pasting here..20:20
holstein!paste | sak20:20
ubottusak: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:20
drkokandysak - I get a lot returned like that when vino-server correctly starts. Seems like it is working20:21
holsteini'll set up the server, without authentication, i'll make sure i can ping, and i'll test locally..20:22
sakWill, I was able to connect the the vino-server. However, I lost connection after the vino server stated: client protocol version 3.7,advertising security type [18], Client x gone20:31
holsteinsak: so, again, what security type are you using? have you tried disabling it? locally?20:35
sakholstein, all I know is that I am implementing type [18], whatever that means. I don't know where to go to disable that20:39
holsteinsak: sure, so, try implementing *none* and see if that allows you to connect20:40
holsteindoing that locally wont hurt.. if you are behing your routers firewall, anyway20:40
sakwait, I am using type "TLS" [18]. And, my laptop is connected to a router that provides internet services20:42
holsteinsak: sure, i get that, friend20:43
holsteinsak: what im saying it, while you are *not* forwarding the connection out of the internet, and since its not working for you, and you have a message about auth type, try removing that from the equation20:43
sakholstein, lets see if I can20:47
tewardwxl: ping21:25
wxlpong teward21:25
tewardwxl: LXDE upstream tracker not recognized on LP?21:25
teward(supposedly sourceforge)21:25
tewardcc: drkokandy21:26
wxllp problem21:26
tewardwxl: known issue, or no?21:26
wxlthere's a couple reports21:26
wxlmaybe now that colin is moving to lpp full time it will get fixed21:26
tewardso my bug and drkokandy's question are both gonna get dupemarked21:26
tewardworks for me21:26
wxlare you helping him, too?21:26
tewardwxl: no... was lurking #launchpad21:26
tewardhe asked for "how to link upstream bug"21:26
tewardhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/260846  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1412052  (bug has the IRC logs)21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1412052 in Launchpad itself "System unable to process Upstream SourceForge Bug Tracker Entries (observed: lxde project)" [Undecided,New]21:27
drkokandyforgot to ask you about it today wxl - by the time I ran into the issue last night, you were away, so I was directed to #launchpad for help21:27
tewardhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/260846  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1412052  (bug has the IRC logs)21:27
drkokandyhonestly forgot about it until teward responded on there21:27
tewardstupid system21:27
wxli personally filed a bug against it that got duped too :)21:27
tewardwxl: i'm not doing testing right now - busy building my computer forensics VM21:28
tewardwxl: well, that's not unusual - it's fine if it's duped, a search for 'sourceforge' has 400  bugs o.o21:28
* teward noms his donuts21:28
tewardi made a fail and impulse bought a half dozen donuts :/21:28
wxlfyi teward was the one who helped me get approved in bug control21:29
drkokandyThis one maybe - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1154939 ? I can link it21:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1154939 in Launchpad itself "New style SourceForge bug URLs are reported as invalid" [Low,Triaged]21:31
tewarddrkokandy: see #launchpad21:31
wxli think that's it21:31
* wxl kicks and screamws21:32
wxlstupid moin moin!!!21:32
* teward throws wxl a lollipop21:32
* wxl crunches the lollipop angrily21:34
* teward slides a drink over to wxl21:34
Unit193Now you're all just getting offtopic.21:36
sakWell, I was unable to get vino to work, but I did learn a lot about it22:42

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