Purebe_|Work | oh | 00:13 |
Purebe_|Work | I bet it's because I misunderstood nohup, I thought it automatically rebased your application to have initd be the parent | 00:13 |
Purebe_|Work | but that is only if it intercepts a hup signal | 00:14 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
ahoneybun | darn scopes are hard | 01:23 |
ahoneybun | I'm trying to make a Steam scope | 01:24 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: I built a bunch of apps but no scopes. Is there a big difference? | 01:31 |
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, they pull from other apis and can get info | 01:32 |
ahoneybun | look at the Cinema Scope, pulls info from IMDB and you can search for local movies right from the dash | 01:32 |
ahoneybun | or the ebay and amazon scopes | 01:32 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: Looks like I have to take a proper look at the scopes concept | 01:33 |
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, really nice and cool | 01:33 |
ahoneybun | rpadovani, would I be about to use this http://steamcommunity.com/dev or is there some other api steam has if you know | 01:35 |
ahoneybun | nevermind need a key | 01:35 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: Jep, http://steamcommunity.com/dev is the official API and you need a key | 01:36 |
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, the question is if I could use it for what I want | 01:36 |
ahoneybun | and I need a domain (website) to get a key | 01:36 |
ahoneybun | I think the main use of it is for a widget or something on a site | 01:37 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: Looks like it, yes | 01:38 |
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, I have no exp with API and such other then the ubuntu one for apps | 01:38 |
SturmFlut | Grrrr, the Ubuntu SDK supplied with Vivid changed and now some of my projects no longer work on the phone. I have to create a new project, incorporate the file from the existing project and then it works again. Don't know why and don't want to know. Probably some change in the CMake files | 01:45 |
ahoneybun | wow | 01:46 |
SturmFlut | Most of my projects which use native Qt/C++ code no longer work | 01:48 |
* SturmFlut hates to fix qt3d-cylinder | 01:49 | |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, all my just use QML | 01:54 |
ahoneybun | I have some exp with C++ from a intro class lol | 01:54 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: There are no QML classes for a lot of use cases, and QML lacks performance | 01:55 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: My "Game of Life" app runs way too slow on a phone | 01:55 |
ahoneybun | yea SturmFlut my app is simple and my others are just webapps | 01:55 |
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: I did some webapps in the beginning, too, but then I built qt3d-cylinder and since then I mix QML/C++ whenever it makes sense. My two main applications, Flood It and Game of Life, are currently implemented in pure QML though. | 02:06 |
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, see that is far above me, I know I could get there just not there yet | 02:06 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
SturmFlut | ahoneybun: Qt/C+ is actually quite easy once you get the basic concepts. | 02:28 |
ahoneybun | SturmFlut, yea I just need practice and application | 02:29 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
bzoltan_ | SturmFlut: what is the symptom of "my app not working on the phone" is there an error message fro cmake or from compiler? | 04:24 |
cpyarger | Who can help a guy with integration of Gstreamer into an app in the ubuntu SDK? | 04:28 |
cpyarger | I cant figure out why it can't find the qtgstreamer, or or gstreamer libraries. | 04:30 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
AkivaAvraham | does anyone know if any projects have more than one test suites for autopilot? | 06:50 |
emc2 | send hola | 07:16 |
emc2 | No se como funciona esto | 07:16 |
AkivaAvraham | emc2, hmmm? | 07:17 |
AkivaAvraham | if only dpm was here; I think he speaks spanish | 07:17 |
Pra | hi... can tell how to import existing cordova project to the ubuntu sdk | 07:35 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, cordova? I'm not familiar with it. | 07:35 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, what is it programmed in? | 07:35 |
Pra | yes ,for cross platform | 07:35 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, do you want to just make it available for the ubuntu desktop, or for the ubuntu touch? | 07:36 |
Pra | ubuntu touch | 07:37 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, okay you came to the right place. | 07:37 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, What does the project do? | 07:37 |
Pra | there is option in sdk but it showing error | 07:37 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, are you on 14.04? | 07:37 |
Pra | it is just a demo app insert and delete op. | 07:38 |
Pra | 12.04 | 07:38 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, you need to upgrade to at least 14.04. | 07:38 |
AkivaAvraham | if you plan on developing for the touch. | 07:38 |
Pra | what to do? | 07:38 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, sec | 07:38 |
AkivaAvraham | Pra, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/developers | 07:40 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, o/ | 11:16 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, yo | 11:16 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, btw about a week ago, I posted the music reboot on the linux subreddit. If you want some feedback, well you know how linux users are :) | 11:16 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, oh cool :) have you got a link? | 11:17 |
AkivaAvraham | sure | 11:17 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2s5df2/ubuntu_music_app_on_ubuntu_1504/ | 11:18 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, thanks | 11:18 |
AkivaAvraham | 174 comments | 11:18 |
* ahayzen just read all of them lol | 11:23 | |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, its hard reading a lot of the comments because many people have no clue that this is just the phone/tablet interface. | 11:24 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, yeah lol ... it'll be interesting what they say after we get/implement the tablet designs and then the desktop after that | 11:24 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, do you remember the old app ? | 11:24 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, barely | 11:25 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, http://hayzentech.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/old_music_app_images_2.jpg | 11:26 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, the last version of it | 11:26 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, i agree with most of them that it is tricky to use on the desktop, but the recent addition of search has helped... and say if you could use the keyboard to navigate through the tiles and other screens, if the actions didn't overflow etc things would be much better | 11:27 |
ahayzen | oh and if it didn't waste soooooo much whitespace on larger screens :) | 11:27 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, indeed. | 11:28 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, also remember we only started this rewrite in ~oct 2014 ;) | 11:28 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, I remember; its the reason why I am writing this autopilot plugin | 11:31 |
ahayzen | hehe | 11:31 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, is that the one for qtc? | 11:31 |
AkivaAvraham | which btw is almost done. It now autodetects most autopilot tests, and allows you to run them. | 11:31 |
ahayzen | sweet :) | 11:31 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, yah I just pushed an upgrade. | 11:31 |
AkivaAvraham | :) | 11:32 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, have you got it working with qmltests as well? | 11:32 |
ahayzen | alot of apps are starting to use them as well as autopilot | 11:32 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, I'm not sure. what it does, is it uses "autopilot3 list [module]" to get a list, and then parses the list to create menu actions that will run the tests. | 11:33 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, so does qml tests use "autopilot3 run test_name"? | 11:33 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, ah yeah it'll be autopilot only, but that is still *really* useful | 11:33 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, not it uses qmltestrunner ... let me find an example | 11:33 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, there are some here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/files/head:/tests/unit/ | 11:34 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, i wonder if they are already being run via cmake in that example though | 11:35 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, okay I'll have to add that later then. | 11:35 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, yeah they are easier, and far quicker to run, than autopilot... so an autopilot helper is of more use | 11:35 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, the trouble with autopilot, is detecting the tests. There is no "Keyword" or uniformity, so I basically have to cast a few nets and hope I get lucky. | 11:35 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, can you pick one test and run it in your plugin? | 11:36 |
ahayzen | hah | 11:36 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, yes. | 11:36 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, I'll make a video and show you, give me 7 minutes | 11:36 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, sweet :) that would save me *alot* of time hehe | 11:36 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, you know about Vis as well? could be useful having a menuitem to launch that | 11:37 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, thanks :) | 11:37 |
AkivaAvraham | vis? | 11:37 |
AkivaAvraham | nope | 11:37 |
AkivaAvraham | okay stop pinging me, you cut my video off :P | 11:37 |
ahayzen | http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/01/introspecting-with-autopilot.html | 11:38 |
ahayzen | its a gui tool which allows you to 'see' what autopilot 'sees' | 11:39 |
AkivaAvraham | hmmmm don't you already see what it sees though, when you run it on your desktop? | 11:41 |
ahayzen | no as in the actual objects so you can see the all the properties | 11:42 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, its more obvious what it does if you run it ;) | 11:43 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, interesting | 11:44 |
* AkivaAvraham fears the feature creep! | 11:44 | |
ahayzen | hehe | 11:44 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, have you talked to the sdk and autopilot guys about what your making, they may have some more ideas? | 11:44 |
AkivaAvraham | I have one more thing I need to do to get this to be ... accepted by the sdk team. I need it runnable on devices. | 11:45 |
ahayzen | ah | 11:45 |
AkivaAvraham | yah, bzoltan_ and zbenjamin said its got be seemless. Will be a bit hard because of how the autopilot tests vary so much from project to project. | 11:45 |
bzoltan_ | AkivaAvraham: we can enforce a structure policy I guess ... | 11:47 |
AkivaAvraham | bzoltan_, you work on weekends? | 11:47 |
AkivaAvraham | :o | 11:47 |
bzoltan_ | AkivaAvraham: I never work ... I do my hobby during the week | 11:47 |
AkivaAvraham | bzoltan_, :D | 11:48 |
AkivaAvraham | bzoltan_, ahayzen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RRFLKYCeck&feature=youtu.be -- latest version | 11:48 |
AkivaAvraham | it detects all the template apps I think, most core apps, but not the terminal reboot! | 11:49 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, thats pretty cool :) ... i think it would be useful if there was a 'run all' at the top of the menu or something | 11:50 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, yah thats easy enough to do. | 11:51 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, but it already looks pretty functional and *really* useful | 11:51 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, no more copy pasta from the terminal to run individual tests | 11:51 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, maybe just have a few menus at the top like ... Autopilot docs, Start Autopilot Vis, Run all then the others underneath | 11:52 |
ahayzen | <- no UX designer ;) | 11:52 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, yah I got you. Its easy enough to put in. I'll put it on the todo wishlist. | 11:53 |
ahayzen | sweet | 11:53 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, when it dumped the output... was that in a separate window or something? | 11:53 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, now if only I had a device, where I could actually test whether this will work on a device :< | 11:53 |
ahayzen | hah :) | 11:54 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, i'm sure people with devices will be willing to test things for you ;) | 11:54 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, oh that was just a QMessage::notify(0,string,standardoutput) | 11:54 |
ahayzen | ah | 11:54 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, are you able/already dumping the output to one of the panes at the bottom ? | 11:54 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, yah I'll need to make that more scaleable. | 11:54 |
AkivaAvraham | mmmmmm no , havn't thought about that. That would be a bit more work creating such a widget on the sdk | 11:55 |
AkivaAvraham | nik90 suggested adding a side tab; I don't disagree. For now, I just want to focus on getting the menu commands working. | 11:56 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, when you run the sdk things the output usually appears in general messages or app output IIRC | 11:56 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, you mean from qDebug? | 11:57 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, yeah and others ... would be cool if it could appear down there | 11:57 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, yah I think I know how I might be able to do that... Anyways, | 11:58 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, I need to get a device, because I don't know how to run autopilot on devices. | 11:59 |
ahayzen | erm ... phablet-test-run or via adt-run | 11:59 |
AkivaAvraham | and bloody bq and meizu won't work in canada on my network ;_: | 11:59 |
ahayzen | :/ | 11:59 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, if you want to do me a solid, do you have a video of you or someone running a test on a device? If I can boil it down to a terminal command, that might be enough. | 12:00 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, i usually run ... $ phablet-test-run -v $tests > $out ... where $tests is like music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_shuffle | 12:02 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, but you have todo other things first to enable ap and set it all up | 12:02 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, well do you need to ssh into the device? | 12:03 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, probably best to talk to the autopilot guys as i have old scripts ... and i'm not sure if adt is preferred now | 12:03 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, no phablet-test-run does that for you | 12:03 |
AkivaAvraham | okay | 12:04 |
ahayzen | AkivaAvraham, IIRC adt is something like ... ADT_AUTOPILOT_MODULE="-v %s" adt-run --click com.ubuntu.music --- ssh -s adb ... where %s are your tests to run | 12:04 |
ahayzen | but again needs setup before | 12:04 |
AkivaAvraham | if its just that, that would be easy. | 12:04 |
ahayzen | something like $ phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable .. so setup | 12:04 |
AkivaAvraham | ahayzen, will phablet-test-run only run if it detects an attached device? | 12:04 |
AkivaAvraham | or running emulator? | 12:04 |
ahayzen | yup ... i think | 12:04 |
AkivaAvraham | okay that should be easy then. | 12:05 |
ahayzen | yeah should be simple enough, i would just check with someone what the latest way of doing things is | 12:05 |
AkivaAvraham | thanks | 12:06 |
cpyarger | If anyone is willing to give a hand. I need someone to build a framework, that I can fill in that uses qtgstreamer for my kast project. -- https://github.com/cpyarger/kast --I would like to get somewhere with this project, But qt+gstreamer hasn't quite clicked for me yet and I am hoping with some help from more experienced people some progress might be made. | 14:22 |
Akiva | !ping | 15:58 |
ubot5 | pong! | 15:58 |
Akiva | cpyarger, hey | 15:58 |
cpyarger | hey | 15:58 |
Akiva | cpyarger, What are you having trouble with specifically? | 15:58 |
Akiva | Assuming you know how to incorporate qt into your qml program, right? | 15:59 |
cpyarger | I do not know c++, QT, or Gstreamer well, | 15:59 |
cpyarger | So at this point I would say im stuck at the good Idea stage | 15:59 |
Akiva | cpyarger, okay thanks; gives me a good grounding on what you need | 16:00 |
Akiva | cpyarger, okay question: whats the difference between the stack and the heap? | 16:00 |
cpyarger | I believe in how the memory is allocated. | 16:01 |
Akiva | cpyarger, okay good, | 16:01 |
Akiva | cpyarger, which one is dynamic? | 16:01 |
cpyarger | To be perfectly honest, My skills in programming lie in making decent BASH scripts, and coding for the arduino, and Heap | 16:02 |
Akiva | cpyarger, no problem, if you are honest, that is best. | 16:02 |
cpyarger | It took me about 3 hours to figure out how to include a library in the ubuntu-sdk | 16:03 |
Akiva | cpyarger, yep, ive been there. | 16:03 |
Akiva | cpyarger, trust me. You are not alone in your frustrations. C++ has archaic error messages. However, I know of a cure. | 16:03 |
Akiva | Most people would tell you to go learn C++, but the trouble with that is that you will learn skills that will be supplanted by qt | 16:04 |
Akiva | And if you want to learn qt, you need to know c++ | 16:04 |
Akiva | So, the best solution is a manual that teaches you c++ the qt way | 16:04 |
Akiva | that way you kill two birds with one stone; are you following me? | 16:04 |
cpyarger | Got it. | 16:05 |
Akiva | okay hold on one sec... | 16:05 |
Akiva | cpyarger, alright, go here; its an incomplete guide (i'm busy) | 16:05 |
Akiva | http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/comments/2qy5ko/guide_for_new_ubuntu_developers/ | 16:05 |
Akiva | but it provides you what you need at the bottom, and gives a good synopsis. | 16:06 |
Akiva | Now, the reason why c++ is important, | 16:06 |
Akiva | and very important | 16:06 |
Akiva | is that it will teach you how to understand the qt documentation. | 16:06 |
Akiva | cpyarger, if you can drag yourself through the first two chapters, learning Classes and Memory Management, you probably can go from there and start completing programs on your own. | 16:07 |
cpyarger | ok, I have it downloaded. | 16:07 |
cpyarger | any suggestions on books for qtgstreamer integration? | 16:08 |
Akiva | cpyarger, well, I gather there is qt documentation on it | 16:08 |
Akiva | sec | 16:08 |
Akiva | cpyarger, okay apparently this is something by gstreamer. in any case; their api requires you to understand c++. | 16:10 |
cpyarger | yea, I found their stuff, it seemed a bit lacking in depth, | 16:11 |
Akiva | Don't make the same mistake I did, about groping in the dark until you found out how it worked. For the love of god, make sure you read that manual. | 16:11 |
cpyarger | I already started reading | 16:11 |
Akiva | do the tests. figure out that first. | 16:11 |
Akiva | cpyarger, do all the tests and questions it gives you. comment and explain how memory is being allocated. | 16:11 |
cpyarger | Will do, | 16:12 |
Akiva | cpyarger, oh and if you are like me, and are a bad reader, It really helps me to go through the documentation with a text-to-speech reader. | 16:12 |
Akiva | :) | 16:12 |
cpyarger | I am a good reader, and tend to love experimentation, So as long as I dont end up with a 32 GB memory hole somewhere I should be good | 16:13 |
Akiva | cpyarger, the first chapter is definitely the most important though. | 16:13 |
Akiva | cpyarger, anyways I have an appointment to attend to. Read the documentation! It is for your own good. I can't stress it enough. | 16:14 |
* Akiva still has so many regrets about not reading the documentation earlier... | 16:14 | |
* cpyarger nods Documentation is key | 16:15 | |
Akiva | cpyarger, oh and if you do get bored and need to take a break, learn some qml by contributing to one of the core apps. Fun language, easy to use, and you get a lot of good experience if you see how ubuntu is developing theirs. | 16:16 |
cpyarger | will do | 16:17 |
* SturmFlut announces that "Flood It" is now feature-complete and available in the store | 19:09 |
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