=== WalterN is now known as tiwake | ||
tiwake | anyone awake? | 17:06 |
wxl | tiwake: here after a long absence | 17:07 |
tiwake | is there a suggested method for updating https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnemyTerritory to use http://etlegacy.com/ ? | 17:08 |
wxl | are the versions on there even relevant anymore? | 17:09 |
tiwake | enh | 17:09 |
tiwake | it is possible to get it running correctly | 17:09 |
tiwake | but et legacy has so many bug fixes | 17:10 |
wxl | yeah that page needs help | 17:10 |
wxl | fileshack.com 404s | 17:10 |
wxl | so those need to be removed | 17:10 |
wxl | it looks like etl is just a continuation of et mentioned on this page | 17:10 |
tiwake | yeah | 17:11 |
tiwake | its "binary compatible" with enemy territory | 17:11 |
wxl | so yeah i'd wipe out the old references and mention the change to et and at which point it happened | 17:11 |
wxl | and maybe update the updating old versions bit as needed | 17:11 |
tiwake | id software released the source code a while back, but it was not the entire game they open sourced... a while later they released the rest of it and thus completely open source... this was a couple/three years ago | 17:12 |
tiwake | if I change that wiki page, I'm going to basically wipe it and rewrite | 17:13 |
wxl | yeah so just put what you know | 17:13 |
tiwake | also, et legacy needs more love | 17:15 |
tiwake | :3 | 17:15 |
wxl | yeah well this wil be a start :) | 17:15 |
tiwake | wolfenstein enemy territory is still my favorite multi-player first person shooter | 17:16 |
tiwake | really good balance, fast paced, not an unreal tournament clone, and not dumb modern thing like call of duty | 17:20 |
wxl | cool | 17:21 |
tiwake | herm | 17:22 |
tiwake | oh gosh thats such old login stuff | 17:23 |
tiwake | can I change my username on this? lol | 17:23 |
wxl | mmmmmmmmm | 17:23 |
wxl | don't remember :) | 17:23 |
tiwake | for some reason my name isnt even spelled correctly | 17:23 |
tiwake | and Ksmudge was before tiwake, which was 2008ish | 17:24 |
tiwake | no, before that even | 17:24 |
tiwake | oh gosh, 2007 evidently | 17:27 |
tiwake | https://launchpad.net/~walterneary | 17:28 |
wxl | i'd use the newer one | 17:29 |
tiwake | newer one what? | 17:29 |
wxl | oh i thought you meant you had two accounts | 17:29 |
tiwake | no | 17:29 |
wxl | change your info here https://launchpad.net/~walterneary/+edit | 17:29 |
wxl | well | 17:30 |
wxl | not your username it seems | 17:30 |
wxl | OH | 17:30 |
wxl | if you don't have a ppa you can change it on there | 17:30 |
tiwake | username is walterneary? | 17:30 |
wxl | yep | 17:30 |
tiwake | display name can change | 17:30 |
tiwake | thats really all I want to change | 17:31 |
wxl | ah | 17:31 |
tiwake | though I can change my name to tiwake too | 17:31 |
wxl | yep | 17:32 |
tiwake | do a google search, tiwake is all me... nobody else uses tiwake... :P | 17:32 |
wxl | wish it was the case with wxl | 17:32 |
wxl | i've had to be wxl23 or wxl423 a few times | 17:32 |
tiwake | or dont... heh.. probably better off not | 17:32 |
tiwake | "Changing your name will change your public OpenID identifier. This means that you might be locked out of certain sites where you used it, or that somebody could create a new profile with the same name and log in as you on these third-party sites. See https://help.launchpad.net/OpenID#rename-account for more information." | 17:33 |
tiwake | I have no idea what that means... heh | 17:34 |
wxl | probably a non-issue | 17:34 |
wxl | especially if you've only used it for the wiki | 17:34 |
wxl | and/or for launchpad itself | 17:34 |
tiwake | alright | 17:34 |
tiwake | I didnt really want to make a new account, because it shows that I've been around a while | 17:37 |
tiwake | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games is out of date too | 17:43 |
tiwake | meh, screw it... if somebody really does not like the changes, they can look at the revision history | 17:54 |
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