noah | networkmanager is not saving passwords | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | linuxmint: What is the output of "lsb_release -c"? | 00:00 |
correa2 | hey people, can i help me to make an shell script for build an personal firefox | 00:02 |
lamogo | Anyone familiar with Bodhi Linux? Can't seem to find their channel and their site is down. Got a quick question about autostarting script. | 00:04 |
Jordan_U | correa2: What is your end goal? | 00:04 |
compdoc | ##Bodhi | 00:05 |
compdoc | ooops | 00:05 |
correa2 | Jordan_U, I need firefox has the proxy, favorites and some active bars | 00:05 |
linuxmint | Jordan_U: Codename qiana | 00:05 |
Jordan_U | linuxmint: That's not Ubuntu 14.04. This channel only supports Ubuntu, not Mint or any other Ubuntu derivatives. | 00:06 |
willbradley | has anyone else experienced problems alt-tabbing with Sublimetext? | 00:06 |
willbradley | i only get it occasionally but it's super annoying | 00:06 |
linuxmint | Jordan_U: Didn't you know that Mint runs on Ubuntu 14.04? | 00:06 |
Jordan_U | !mint | linuxmint | 00:07 |
ubottu | linuxmint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 00:07 |
linuxmint | Well, thanks for the help. | 00:07 |
daftykins | linuxmint: i always wondered why you used that nickname in here. | 00:07 |
lamogo | #bodhi is empty | 00:07 |
linuxmint | daftykins: I run another server on Ubuntu, so that might cause confustion, but this sound error is on Mint. | 00:08 |
daftykins | linuxmint: ah ok. are you in their channel on their server? | 00:08 |
MACscr | so i removed unity and installed xfde and unfortunately now its just booting to a dark grey background. I can see my mouse pointer move and i can hit ctrl+alt+delete to see my open processes, but thats about it. Any suggestions? | 00:08 |
lamogo | are they not on freenode? | 00:08 |
linuxmint | daftykins: I'm on a Mint desktop today, but usually I'm sshing into the Ubuntu server for fixing it. | 00:09 |
linuxmint | ok, have to go. | 00:09 |
daftykins | lamogo: see ubottu's reply just above | 00:09 |
correa2 | !mint | 00:09 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 00:09 |
daftykins | yes, or you could've looked one screen up :P | 00:09 |
Jordan_U | MACscr: Is the grey background before or after you login? | 00:10 |
MACscr | Jordan_U: no login and this is an htpc and i have it set to auto login | 00:11 |
Jordan_U | MACscr: Did you make XFCE the default session? If so, how? | 00:11 |
correa2 | Jordan_U can u help me ? | 00:12 |
MACscr | yes, i used update-alternatives --config x-session-manager and set it to startlxde | 00:12 |
Jordan_U | correa2: I don't understand what you mean by "I need firefox has the proxy, favorites and some active bars". Could you please rephrase your question? | 00:13 |
MACscr | ignore him. im more important | 00:13 |
MACscr | lol, jk | 00:13 |
Jordan_U | MACscr: I'm not sure that that is the correct method for lightdm. Try disabling auto-login and select XFCE as a session manually at the login screen. | 00:14 |
correa2 | Jordan_U I look for any way to create a script that let my firefox with proxy, favorites, etc. adjusted. | 00:14 |
noah | network manager is having issues with kwallet | 00:15 |
Jordan_U | correa2: I'm sorry but I still don't understand what that means :( | 00:15 |
Jordan_U | correa2: Do you want to have two firefox profiles? One profile would have one set of options, and the other would have a different set? | 00:16 |
correa2 | Jordan_U I am installing several computers, and I'd like a bash script sets the proxy, bookmarks, etc .. I have heard about creating a personlizado package firefox for me | 00:18 |
Jordan_U | correa2: A personalized package seems like overkill. I would just configure everything once, then copy that machine's ~/.mozilla/firefox/ directory to all of the other machines (assuming that they are all starting off fresh, without any other existing individual preferences that need to be preserved). | 00:26 |
Gokhan | hi | 00:32 |
MACscr | Jordan_U: hmm, must be lightdm related. I did disable autologin with it and i was able to select lxde and it loaded | 00:32 |
xreal | Why should I switch from Debian to Ubuntu for server use? Please summarize the differences from your own point of view. I don't need any GUI or x-server. | 00:32 |
Jordan_U | MACscr: LXDE or XFCE? | 00:32 |
Gokhan | /sseerrveerr bukolayy.mcooom Write please login | 00:32 |
Gokhan | /sseerrveerr bukolayy.mcooom Write please login | 00:32 |
Gokhan | /sseerrveerr bukolayy.mcooom Write please login | 00:32 |
Gokhan | /sseerrveerr bukolayy.mcooom Write please login | 00:32 |
MACscr | lxde | 00:33 |
MACscr | xreal: more up to date packages from repo | 00:33 |
MACscr | repos | 00:33 |
=== johnnie is now known as funkymuppet | ||
MACscr | think of it more like fedora vs redhat | 00:34 |
xreal | MACscr: is this good or bad? more "up to date" might be like "more unknown bugs" ? | 00:34 |
MACscr | though ubuntu server is much better than fedora as a server imho | 00:34 |
MACscr | xreal: i stick with LTS versions for servers and its been fine for me over the years | 00:34 |
MACscr | i still use debian for some projects, but mostly only because the particular software is tested against it better than ubuntu | 00:35 |
xreal | MACscr: which one? sorry for asking details | 00:35 |
MACscr | what are you using the server for? | 00:35 |
MACscr | xreal: Foreman | 00:35 |
xreal | MACscr: OpenStreetMap: data import, postgresql etc. | 00:36 |
MACscr | and another is webvirtmgr | 00:36 |
ceberous | hello | 00:42 |
p0wder | Anyone familiar with wireshark? | 00:44 |
daftykins | yes | 00:45 |
p0wder | I installed Wireshark on a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 lts. My interface list shows everything but the pseudo-interface. Anyone have an idea what is going on here? | 00:45 |
p0wder | I asked the same question in the #wireshark chat but no one is responding | 00:45 |
daftykins | can't say i'm familiar with a pseudo interface | 00:46 |
p0wder | it's the interface that basically sniffs all network traffic in promiscuous mode | 00:46 |
daftykins | you might need to install gksu and run "gksu wireshark" ? if you're just running as your user right now | 00:47 |
p0wder | is that like running wireshark with the sudo command? | 00:47 |
daftykins | yes except you don't use sudo with GUI programs, you use gksu | 00:48 |
p0wder | didnt work, hmmm. I'm beginning to think my nic doesn't support promiscuous mode | 00:50 |
Asblarf | Connection reset by beer | 00:52 |
pixelkat | will packet loss effect ubuntu installation? | 00:53 |
pixelkat | like make some things not work properly? | 00:53 |
daftykins | oh pixelkat. packet loss in the context of installing an OS makes zero sense | 00:53 |
Asblarf | packet loss while you're downloading packages? | 00:53 |
pixelkat | that too | 00:53 |
daftykins | not possible due to TCP | 00:54 |
pixelkat | but i mean packet loss while downloading ubuntu iso | 00:54 |
daftykins | !md5 | 00:54 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 00:54 |
Asblarf | no | 00:54 |
daftykins | you hash your download to confirm it's good | 00:54 |
pixelkat | because sometimes my ubuntu istalltion is fubard | 00:54 |
daftykins | it can be corrupt, doesn't mean anything to do with packet loss :> | 00:54 |
pixelkat | but if i nuke HD prior to installing, things usually work fine | 00:54 |
pixelkat | with derrik boot and nuke | 00:54 |
daftykins | that doesn't apply | 00:55 |
Asblarf | packet loss is not the cause of your issue | 00:55 |
daftykins | whether or not a disk has been zero'd before a clean install won't somehow affect the installation, if the media was good or bad | 00:56 |
pixelkat | well ive noticed that when i install ubuntu or other linux distro over a current install things break, but if i nuke hd first things work properly | 00:56 |
daftykins | pixelkat: why don't you state what's happening then we can go from fact rather than theory? :) | 00:56 |
daftykins | you must have kept an existing /home | 00:56 |
pixelkat | well this time | 00:56 |
pixelkat | no | 00:56 |
pixelkat | i told the installer to erase hd | 00:56 |
daftykins | then you must not have formatted completely | 00:56 |
pixelkat | i told ubiquity to erase hd and install ubuntu | 00:57 |
pixelkat | then i installed xubuntu via apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 00:57 |
pixelkat | and now various things dont work | 00:57 |
pixelkat | so i was wondering if packet loss could be an issue since im on wifi | 00:57 |
daftykins | ok so now we get to the truth | 00:57 |
daftykins | adding xubuntu-desktop after a unity setup can make things go funny | 00:58 |
daftykins | why not install xubuntu media? | 00:58 |
pixelkat | ah | 00:58 |
pixelkat | how | 00:58 |
daftykins | download xubuntu ISOs. | 00:58 |
pixelkat | is there a multimedia version of xubuntu? | 00:58 |
pixelkat | i need screen recording software | 00:58 |
daftykins | software is in packages, they can be installed on any version | 00:59 |
pixelkat | ive also noticed that, i have better luck with things i install in ubuntu 12.04 as opposed to 14.04 | 00:59 |
pixelkat | but 14.04 has latest build of certain programs that i use | 01:00 |
daftykins | could be more stable older versions, hard to say | 01:00 |
pixelkat | like kazam | 01:00 |
pixelkat | most likely more stable older versions | 01:00 |
pixelkat | i think i will install 12.04 and be satisfied with stability over latest version | 01:01 |
pixelkat | 12.04 is supported till 17.04 right? | 01:01 |
daftykins | you could just install from 14.04.1 xubuntu media to do it right :> | 01:01 |
daftykins | correct | 01:01 |
daftykins | !precise | 01:01 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu. Download - Release Info: | 01:01 |
pixelkat | well the other thing about xubuntu is there are too many options | 01:01 |
pixelkat | i like simplicity | 01:02 |
Asblarf | so why do you want xubuntu? | 01:02 |
pixelkat | but there are things about xubuntu that i like better | 01:02 |
pixelkat | i wish i knew how to compile my own distro | 01:02 |
daftykins | pixelkat: welcome to Linux and life with computers in general | 01:02 |
pixelkat | to make best of both worlds | 01:02 |
daftykins | i think that's going too far :P | 01:02 |
Asblarf | take the one you have the least and pimp it | 01:03 |
daftykins | anyway gotta run, laters | 01:03 |
pixelkat | later | 01:03 |
Asblarf | cu | 01:03 |
pixelkat | well theres tons of pimping for ubuntu 12.04 | 01:03 |
Asblarf | go for it, then | 01:05 |
pixelkats | kiwiirc is neat | 01:06 |
noah | my network manager is nos saving secrets | 01:08 |
noah | my network manager is not saving secrets | 01:08 |
Asblarf | network manager is a piece of junk | 01:08 |
Asblarf | it should be burnt | 01:08 |
mindless_chaos | lol | 01:08 |
Asblarf | just my opinion | 01:08 |
* mindless_chaos has no issues with it | 01:08 | |
MichaelHabib | Hi, how can I mount an xfs partition using command line | 01:09 |
bean | MichaelHabib, easily :) `sudo mount -t xfs /dev/driveyou'remounting /mnt/mountpoint` | 01:10 |
mindless_chaos | you may have to run fdisk -l to see what dev it is | 01:11 |
mindless_chaos | and make sure you make a directory to mount it too | 01:12 |
Asblarf | or cfdisk ;) | 01:12 |
mindless_chaos | yes yes | 01:12 |
noah | im getting a No agents were available for this request. error | 01:13 |
MichaelHabib | bean: I get wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdk, | 01:13 |
MichaelHabib | missing codepage or helper program, or other error | 01:13 |
MichaelHabib | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 01:13 |
MichaelHabib | dmesg | tail or so | 01:13 |
Asblarf | anyone using irssi here? | 01:13 |
MichaelHabib | note that I can mount this same device normally on Puppy ! just one click | 01:14 |
mindless_chaos | I am not using irssi right now, but I tend to use it usually | 01:14 |
Jordan_U | MichaelHabib: /dev/sdk is a drive, filesystems are normally stored on partitions like "/dev/sdk1". | 01:14 |
Jordan_U | MichaelHabib: You can list devices and filesystems by running "sudo blkid". | 01:14 |
mindless_chaos | right now I am using xchat because I am being lazy | 01:14 |
MichaelHabib | lolz.. ty guys .. i was missing the "partition number" !!! | 01:15 |
Asblarf | mindless_chaos: I suck at IRC, so n00b question: how do I get rid of "joined/quit" messages in my main chat window? | 01:15 |
Jordan_U | MichaelHabib: You can probably mount this xfs partition with one click via nautilus as well. | 01:15 |
MichaelHabib | mindless_chaos: i'm using Thunderbird with IRC add-on | 01:15 |
MichaelHabib | keep my e-mails, contacts and chat in one location | 01:15 |
MichaelHabib | ty mindless_chaos Jordan_U bean | 01:16 |
_x994 | des français ? | 01:16 |
Asblarf | _x994: ouaich gros | 01:16 |
Asblarf | represente | 01:16 |
_x994 | sisi. | 01:16 |
Bashing-om | Asblarf: /ignore #channel JOINS QUITS . | 01:17 |
mindless_chaos | np | 01:17 |
_x994 | euh, tu gères un peu avec ubuntu ou tu débutes ? | 01:17 |
_x994 | j'ai un petit souci. | 01:17 |
Asblarf | _x994: explique toujours | 01:17 |
squinty | !fr | 01:17 |
ubottu | Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 01:17 |
mindless_chaos | ah ha, see I knew it had to do with server | 01:17 |
Asblarf | _x994: We should talk on #ubuntu-fr / On devrait aller sur #ubuntu-fr | 01:18 |
Asblarf | Bashing-om: thanks | 01:18 |
_x994 | Asblarf je viens de m'y connecter, sorry. | 01:18 |
Bashing-om | Asblarf: :) | 01:18 |
mindless_chaos | plah | 01:21 |
MichaelHabib | can I use "cp" to copy files to an ftp location ? | 01:21 |
mindless_chaos | uh, on ftp, or local? | 01:22 |
MichaelHabib | from local to ftp | 01:22 |
mindless_chaos | because you can cp if you are there, but it doesnt work that way on ftp | 01:22 |
mindless_chaos | if you are trying to put a file from local onto your ftp, then you use the put command | 01:23 |
TrivialGravitas | Do you take Kubuntu questions here? Not actually KDE related | 01:24 |
mindless_chaos | if you are trying to move a file from one dir on you ftp to another and you are in console, then you have to download then upload where you want it. get and put | 01:24 |
bubbasaures | TrivialGravitas, yep | 01:24 |
mindless_chaos | yes | 01:24 |
Asblarf | TrivialGravitas: we take everythin, it's open bar | 01:24 |
mindless_chaos | kubuntu is an alternate of ubuntu | 01:25 |
bubbasaures | mindless_chaos, try to get used to perafcing with nicks please | 01:25 |
TrivialGravitas | Oh good, kubuntu is dead. I upgraded to 14.04, And it dumped me into grub rescue. Error 'file not found'. I did a fresh install but still getting the same thing | 01:25 |
bubbasaures | prefacing* doh | 01:25 |
mindless_chaos | there is a way, but it's easier to just dl the ul | 01:26 |
Asblarf | TrivialGravitas: did you upgrade or fresh install? | 01:26 |
bubbasaures | TrivialGravitas, More than one HD per chance? | 01:26 |
TrivialGravitas | One harddrive, but I run multiple partitions | 01:26 |
TrivialGravitas | Asblarf: Upgrade first, then fresh | 01:27 |
bubbasaures | !bootinfo | TrivialGravitas this will save a lot of questions, post the url where you paste | 01:27 |
ubottu | TrivialGravitas this will save a lot of questions, post the url where you paste: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem. | 01:27 |
TrivialGravitas | k | 01:27 |
mindless_chaos | bubbasaures, word... | 01:28 |
bubbasaures | ;) | 01:28 |
Asblarf | ubottu: you're such a buzz kill ;) | 01:28 |
ubottu | Asblarf: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:28 |
Asblarf | ubottu: yet... | 01:29 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
Nedal | Hi guys, I just install Compiz and the problem is .. it doesn t work ! no effect nothing is applied ! I don t what I m missing | 01:30 |
Nedal | installed* | 01:30 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, release and desktop? | 01:30 |
Asblarf | compiz still exists? | 01:30 |
Nedal | Asblarf .. It does | 01:31 |
Nedal | bubbasaures Nothing at all | 01:31 |
Asblarf | Nedal: interesting | 01:31 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, Really if you do not understand say so. | 01:31 |
pixelkats | ubuntu 14.04 uses compiz for visual effects | 01:32 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, Is this an imaginary ubuntu? | 01:32 |
Nedal | bubbasaures .. well I just installed the application as they said on a tutorial ... but nothing happened | 01:33 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, What ubuntu release is this and what desktop? | 01:33 |
Asblarf | Nedal: what tutorial? On which Ubuntu version? | 01:33 |
Nedal | Asblarf .. Ubuntu LTS 14.04 | 01:34 |
TrivialGravitas | the script just hangs. It might be stuck on the encrypted partition | 01:34 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, compiz was installed, do you mean the compiz gui? | 01:34 |
bubbasaures | TrivialGravitas, Yeah, wont work there, I would just install again, there is a swap issue I believe, should be made after the install. | 01:35 |
Asblarf | hmm | 01:36 |
TrivialGravitas | other possible issue, when i installed it asked me where to put the bootloader | 01:36 |
TrivialGravitas | I hit sda1, I'm wondering if I should have hit sda | 01:36 |
squinty | Nedal: see if compizconfig-settings-manager is installed | 01:36 |
Nedal | bubbasaures ... I don t understand what you re talking about ! | 01:37 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, Did you install the Compiz Config Settings Manager and not compiz | 01:37 |
Nedal | squinty , yes it is | 01:37 |
Nedal | bubbasaures Yes I did | 01:37 |
Nedal | all the plugins too | 01:37 |
alexgeist | do the daily vagrant box builds at include guest additions? | 01:37 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, Thanks. | 01:37 |
Nedal | bubbasaures_ I m don t really doing well with english ( I m french) and I m not an expert on linux neither | 01:39 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, Be very careful with that settings manager, you can easily really mess up your desktop, easily fixed, but it may be from a command line and not the desktop. | 01:40 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, No problem, there is a french ubuntu channel if you think that would help, but we understand you. | 01:41 |
Nedal | bubbasaures_ I ve tried it once and it wasn t really helpful as this one for me | 01:41 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, unity-tweak tool is used more often for modifying the desktop. | 01:42 |
javnut | how can I copy over my cron jobs which I set up with gnome-schedule? | 01:43 |
Asblarf | bubbasaures: I guess Nedal is here because in France it's a** o'clock right now | 01:43 |
Nedal | so you re advising unity-tweak tool instate of compiz ? | 01:44 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, compiz was installed already, hyou just installed a tool to change it. compiz can if you do not know exactly what your doing break the desktop, the unity desktop is a plugin in it. I would start with the unity-weak tool is all. | 01:45 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, It may be what you want can be fully done with the unity-tweak tool | 01:46 |
Asblarf | fun fact: unit-tweak tool is also called CompizConfig Setttings Manager | 01:47 |
bubbasaures | Asblarf, wrong | 01:47 |
Asblarf | wrong? | 01:48 |
bubbasaures | Asblarf, They are not the same tool | 01:48 |
bubbasaures | in fact ; | 01:48 |
bubbasaures | ;) | 01:48 |
Asblarf | damn you're right | 01:49 |
Asblarf | I got confused, somehow | 01:49 |
Asblarf | my bad | 01:50 |
Asblarf | so, not so fun a fact, then | 01:50 |
=== nexus is now known as Guest38157 | ||
bubbasaures | Asblarf, No problem, just be careful to help when you know for sure is all in general; we all make mistakes. | 01:50 |
bubbasaures | ;) | 01:50 |
Asblarf | well, fun, but not a fact | 01:50 |
Nytram | Just installed Ubuntu in place of mint. Fingers crossed. 8) | 01:50 |
Asblarf | bubbasaures: will do | 01:50 |
alexsson | mommy | 01:50 |
Nedal | so i have to uninstall compiz ( i want to play it safe) and go for unit tweak bubbasures ? | 01:51 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, No the desktop is actually inside compiz as a plugin, has to be there for that desktop. The tweak tool is for modifying the desktop, so is compiz, however compiz is tricky. | 01:52 |
alexsson | Im so tired | 01:52 |
frawg | Anyone here installed MAAS on top of vmware and been able to have it power up the virtual machines. Currently mine are staying off and can't get powered (without manual intervention) | 01:52 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, compiz is called a desktop manager unity-tweal would be more of a desktop modifier. | 01:53 |
bubbasaures | compiz is working you would have no desktop otherwise Nedal | 01:53 |
Nedal | bubbasaures ok ! so i forget about compiz for modifying and not uninstall it and go for unit tweak | 01:54 |
Asblarf | frawg: Nope. | 01:55 |
frawg | Asblarf: Okies. Will keep digging | 01:55 |
Asblarf | frawg: sorry about that | 01:56 |
frawg | all good | 01:56 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, My concern here is since your new, messing with compiz is well not so safe till you understand it, but it is your install, the tweak tool wont break the desktop in general. | 01:56 |
Moonlightning | Trying to troubleshoot this GRUB installation; a couple people have told me to run an EFI shell. Is there a reputable source I can get one from? My machine doesn't seem to have a built-in one, and I'm wary of running the one the Arch wiki links to, especially since it's at such a low level. | 01:56 |
=== spinnyp_ is now known as spinnyp | ||
Nedal | bubbasaures, I trust your knowledge you ve been helpful more than once for me .. So since i m a beginner whatever you told me to do , I will do it | 01:57 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, it is basically msdos or gpt, partition table and associated partitioning, take your choice | 01:57 |
bubbasaures | Nedal, Sorta like exercising you work up to the marathon. | 01:58 |
squinty | Moonlightning: might want to check the following to see if anything applicable to your situation | 01:59 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: GPT. The partition table seems fine; the machine will boot just fine…but only if I plug in the flash drive I installed Ubuntu from and tell it to load the GRUB configuration from the internal HDD. If I try to boot directly from the HDD, the machine's firmware says it can't find a bootable device. | 01:59 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | Hi I am having trouble with a usb speaker. I have a usb microphone which works fine, but i have a usb speaker that does not. when i run lsusb it does not even recognize the device. Any suggestions? | 02:00 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, I'm not your best help in efi gpt is all, I know the difference and msdos really well. | 02:00 |
alexgeist | for future reference, it appears they do! good news. | 02:00 |
Asblarf | bubbasaures: can't parse your last sentence | 02:01 |
squinty | Chelsea_Jurgens: unplug the device and then plug it back in. in a terminal type dmesg and look at the end of the output to see if your device is recognized | 02:01 |
bubbasaures | Asblarf, was it to you? | 02:01 |
Asblarf | ? | 02:02 |
Asblarf | bubbasaures: no, I was just puzzled | 02:02 |
bubbasaures | Asblarf, Not my responsibility if the one I address needs a confirmation than I will, this is not a chat channel is all. ;) | 02:02 |
ki7mt | squinty, assuming the usb speak actually has a sound card device in it, most are just amplified speakers | 02:03 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: also having a bit of trouble parsing it. | 02:03 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: You're not the best one to ask about EFI with GPT, and…? | 02:03 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, yes | 02:03 |
Moonlightning | Well | 02:03 |
bubbasaures | not the best wording sorry | 02:04 |
Asblarf | bubbasaures: exactly my point | 02:04 |
Asblarf | ;) | 02:04 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | squinty: I'm not sure, would it be the last thing? I can't tell | 02:04 |
bubbasaures | I will have my doctoral committee check my work thank you | 02:04 |
ki7mt | Chelsea_Jurgens, Whats' the make / model of the usb sepaker set and what are you plugging it in too, desktop / laptop / other? | 02:05 |
squinty | Chelsea_Jurgens: if it doesn't show up there, afaik, then lsusb is not going to recognize (see ki7mt comment to me above) | 02:06 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | ki7mt: sylvania SP258, plugging into my monitor which is plugged into my desktop | 02:06 |
Asblarf | Chelsea_Jurgens: try plugging it somewhere on your machine directly. | 02:07 |
squinty | ki7mt: maybe send your comments to the person asking. dmesg was a valid way of identifying whether the device is actally a usb device or just powered from usb. thanks | 02:08 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | it's plugged into my laptop usb now. bluetooth does not work with it either | 02:08 |
Moonlightning | squinty: the liveusb booted in EFI mode (I got a GRUB screen similar to the example), and as far as I can tell the HDD installation is also EFI. I wiped the partition map before installing, and there's an EFI system partition. | 02:08 |
Asblarf | Chelsea_Jurgens: now it's plugged to your laptop can you see anything in dmesg? | 02:08 |
Asblarf | unless your laptop is not running linux... | 02:09 |
ytuty | anyone know why there is a fastboot file in root | 02:09 |
Moonlightning | squinty: Secure Boot is enabled, but disabling it doesn't seem to make a difference: either way, I can boot indirectly from the USB, but not directly from the HDD. | 02:09 |
ytuty | im using ubuntu 14.04 OpenVZ image | 02:09 |
ki7mt | Chelsea_Jurgens, Just for Info, the USB plug provides the power to the device, the Audio channel appears to be Via Bluetooth on that particular speaker set. | 02:09 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | ki7mt, so the audio channel can only come via bluetooth? | 02:10 |
ki7mt | Chelsea_Jurgens, Unless there is some new fango technology that allows Audio of USB Power, yes, it's Bluetooth Audio. | 02:11 |
bubbasaures | Asblarf, Honestly the moment you hit the channel I put you in ignore. Than, I saw you were trying to help people and knew very little and although my answer was not understandable to the both of you any one here with an inkling of the subject would understand, this is not an english class. | 02:12 |
ki7mt | s/Audio Over USB Power/g | 02:12 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | ki7mt: so i would need an audio in jack | 02:13 |
Asblarf | bubbasaures: mate, if you want to help people you need to make understandable sentences. Most of your sentences are OK, don't get me wrong, it's just that one that didn't make sense. No need to get upset. | 02:13 |
ki7mt | Chelsea_Jurgens, If it has an audio jack on the Speaker, that would work, connect headphone jack to the Audio in jack should work. I was just going to read the manual to see what it has. | 02:14 |
ytuty | so anyone have any idea what the fastboot file is doing in root | 02:15 |
ki7mt | Chelsea_Jurgens, It says it has a 3.5mm Aux-In, that should work with your Laptop speaker out. | 02:15 |
ki7mt | But, Bluetooth should also work. | 02:16 |
Chelsea_Jurgens | ki7mt: thanks. now i need to see if i can get it to pair via bluetooth to avoid the audio jack | 02:16 |
ki7mt | Chelsea_Jurgens, That's what I think needs doign at the moment. I know the Bluze-Alsa package is part of the default install on 14.04. | 02:17 |
javnut | how can I copy over my cron jobs which I set up with gnome-schedule for when I reinstall? | 02:18 |
ki7mt | javnut each suer has their own crontan, they are stored in /var/spool/cron/crontabs .. you could cp them or whatever you want from there. | 02:21 |
ki7mt | s/crontab/crontan/g | 02:21 |
ki7mt | You could also pipe it to a file: crontab -l > my-cool-crontab.txt o something. then back it up | 02:23 |
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javnut | how can I copy over my cron jobs which I set up with gnome-schedule? | 02:29 |
drkokandy | Does anyone know about adding an upstream bug to a bug in Launchpad? I'm trying to add an upstream bug I created to a bug report, and Launchpad does not recognize the URL. The bug is | 02:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1347402 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "lxsession-default webbrowser crashes session" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:30 |
bubbasaures | javnut, You should just get used you making them that is easy work. | 02:30 |
drkokandy | And the upstream bug is | 02:30 |
javnut | bubbasaures: no | 02:30 |
javnut | anyway, I found the directory | 02:30 |
ki7mt | javnut, It's supposed to be saved in the same place | 02:30 |
javnut | nvm, I'm just used to having all the configuration in the home folder | 02:31 |
javnut | it's in /var/spool/cron/crontabs | 02:32 |
javnut | what about the desktop launchers (for gnome flashback) anyone know where those are? | 02:33 |
bubbasaures | drkokandy, Bot sees the link I can as well, what was the issue? | 02:33 |
ki7mt | drkokandy, Im not sure what you asking herel you want to update the bug, add to the bugs or something else ? | 02:34 |
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ki7mt | javnut, .desktop files, for non user created stuff, goes in /usr/share/applications/* | 02:35 |
drkokandy | Launchpad has the ability to pair a bug to an upstream bug "+ also affects project" - but that linking isn't working for the upstream bug in this case for some reason bubbasaures and ki7mt | 02:35 |
javnut | ki7mt: I'm using gnome | 02:36 |
javnut | not unity | 02:36 |
ki7mt | drkokandy, Ok, so it's not linking the bug. That's different. Probably best to ask / discuss in #launchpad for that one. | 02:36 |
drkokandy | didn't know there was such a channel. Thanks ki7mt | 02:36 |
ki7mt | javnut, it uses the same place | 02:36 |
bubbasaures | drkokandy, I'm not familiar with the link your after, sorry about that. | 02:36 |
drkokandy | thanks bubbasaures | 02:37 |
javnut | ki7mt: nope, none of my launchers are there | 02:37 |
ki7mt | javnut, Your wont be there, those are system install applicaiton launchers, yours are most likely in ~/.local/share/applications or somethign similar | 02:38 |
javnut | ki7mt: only one of them is | 02:39 |
ki7mt | javnut, check ~/.gnome ~/.gnome2 or ~/.gnome~private | 02:39 |
javnut | ki7mt: yeah, I remember it being in there | 02:40 |
ki7mt | Im not going to log out to find them, but there ins a .dot file / folder somewhere in $HOME | 02:40 |
PenguinAnon | Does anyone here have a favorite terminal multiplexer? I was going to try out tmux, but I'm interested in comparing a couple options. | 02:41 |
ki7mt | You could seach $HOME for *.desktop as that's what they should be labeled as. | 02:41 |
javnut | .config/gnome-panel/launchers | 02:41 |
javnut | I think last time I tried copying that though, it didn't work | 02:42 |
javnut | I'm going to try it on a VM and see if it works out | 02:42 |
ki7mt | PenguinAnon, I like guake especially on smaller laptop screens and such. | 02:42 |
ki7mt | javnut, Could be in the Gtk folders also. | 02:44 |
javnut | where are those? | 02:44 |
LTS14N00b | Hi All, even though my scanner is listed on the SANE support page, it isn't recognised. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can utilise my HP SCanJet 5370c with 14.04? | 02:44 |
javnut | /usr/share/themes? | 02:44 |
bubbasaures | LTS14N00b, Have you opened printers to see if a driver shows | 02:45 |
LTS14N00b | bubbasaures: My scanner doesn't show up in the printers list. | 02:46 |
bubbasaures | LTS14N00b, This wizard is rather nice and has a debug built in, | 02:46 |
ki7mt | javnut, ./config/Gtk-3.0 .. Gtk-2.0 ,, but I dont think Gnome3 uses desktop shortcuts in this manner anyway | 02:46 |
LTS14N00b | bubbasaures: I'll give it a go.. Thanks. | 02:47 |
ki7mt | javnut, | 02:47 |
ki7mt | which uses : ~/.local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications as stated earlier. | 02:47 |
LTS14N00b | bubbasaures: "Sorry, HP Scanjet single function scanners are not supported by HPLIP. For possible Linux support, please visit:" | 02:47 |
bubbasaures | LTS14N00b, I missed the scanner part have you tried simple scan? | 02:50 |
rapeclown | e1 | 02:50 |
bubbasaures | !ops | rapeclown nick | 02:51 |
ubottu | rapeclown nick: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 02:51 |
ki7mt | LTS14N00b, It sasy it's supported: .. and .. | 02:51 |
IdleOne | rapeclown: change your nick to something less triggering | 02:51 |
rapeclown | holy shit | 02:51 |
rapeclown | really? | 02:51 |
IdleOne | yes and I suggest you read the channel guidelines linked in the topic | 02:52 |
IdleOne | !guidelines | 02:52 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 02:52 |
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lil-bitch | yes master | 02:52 |
IdleOne | problem solved | 02:52 |
LTS14N00b | bubbasaures: That's OK. These days you can't buy a single function device anymore, or it's hard to find... Yes I have tried Simplescan and Xsane - Neither recognise the scanner | 02:53 |
bubbasaures | nicks like that are huge red flag | 02:53 |
fizzle | q | 02:54 |
mindless_chaos | :/ | 02:54 |
LTS14N00b | ki7mt: Yes, I agree it does state that it is suported, but it doesn't work, which is why I thought there may be another reason. I have unplugged the scanner form both the power and USB and rebooted, but it still isn't recognised. | 02:54 |
ki7rw | after upgrading to webmin 1.730 i get this when trying to delete postfix mail: Failed to open temp file /var/mail/user.del : Permission denied | 02:54 |
bubbasaures | LTS14N00b, Xsane is funky, I had to do a wipe and load of the config I believe to get it work on an old HP, I wish I could remember exactly. | 02:54 |
PenguinAnon | ki7mt: Thanks, I'd forgotten about Guake. I'll give that a shot as well. | 02:55 |
ki7mt | LTS14N00b, Best I can off is starting here: .. and .. | 02:57 |
fgordon | Hello2all | 02:57 |
ki7mt | Hello | 02:57 |
fgordon | Hmmm I hav a strange problem I cannot stop samba? and don | 02:57 |
ki7mt | PenguinAnon, Yeah, I like the F12 hide / unhide .. work pretty well. | 02:57 |
LTS14N00b | ki7mt: Will do, thanks for the links.. | 02:58 |
fgordon | 't know where it's started... | 02:58 |
fgordon | I even killed all S*samba from te rc*.d | 02:58 |
fgordon | but it still starts on bootup.....? | 02:58 |
undecim | fgordon, maybe pstree can give a clue? | 02:58 |
undecim | fgordon, you could always uninstall it | 02:59 |
fgordon | hehe yes but I want to use it but just not at the moment | 02:59 |
fgordon | and I just think it | 02:59 |
fgordon | s strange | 03:00 |
fgordon | one moment will just reboot to use pstree | 03:00 |
undecim | fgordon, Your pinky is too long XD | 03:00 |
ki7mt | Well if you go into /etc/rc.d and remove the links, that surly would prevent it from starting. Not the right way, but should work | 03:01 |
fgordon | yes thought so too | 03:01 |
fgordon | but it still is running after booting | 03:01 |
undecim | fgordon, Does another service depend on it? | 03:01 |
fgordon | I also checked rc.local and crontab of course | 03:01 |
fgordon | :D | 03:01 |
fgordon | Hmmm don't know which service uses samba....? | 03:02 |
fgordon | I don't have something special installed | 03:02 |
ki7mt | I dont know but : sudo update-rc.d -f smbd remove :-) | 03:02 |
mopao-mokonzi | hello from central africa ! | 03:02 |
undecim | I can't name one off the top of my head | 03:02 |
X123 | hello :) | 03:02 |
mopao-mokonzi | waooh this thing does work ! | 03:02 |
mopao-mokonzi | Jesus ! | 03:02 |
ki7mt | Indeed it does | 03:02 |
undecim | I'd say so | 03:02 |
mopao-mokonzi | Where ar you guys based ? | 03:02 |
ki7mt | Based? | 03:02 |
mopao-mokonzi | yeah where do u live ? | 03:03 |
mopao-mokonzi | i am in Congo | 03:03 |
ki7mt | This channel is for Ubuntu Support, may want to go into #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:03 |
undecim | mopao-mokonzi, I'm in Alabama, USA. But maybe we should got to #ubuntu-offtopic for chatter? | 03:03 |
mopao-mokonzi | oooh right this one is just for ubuntu support...apologies..i am new in here ! | 03:04 |
mopao-mokonzi | i shall let u get on with your business | 03:04 |
mopao-mokonzi | but thanks for helping ! | 03:04 |
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taburlo92 | what is | 03:08 |
taburlo92 | the last release of ubuntu? | 03:08 |
lecoder | the term "release" is offensive and it triggers me, please change it | 03:09 |
PenguinAnon | taburlo92: The most recent release is 14.10. The most recent long term support (LTS) release is 14.04 | 03:11 |
mopao-mokonzi | hey guys one question as i am new in here | 03:12 |
bubbasaures | lecoder, Bad fishing history eh. | 03:12 |
NikolaiToryzin | lecoder: Check your privilege, offensive is one of my trigger words. | 03:13 |
mopao-mokonzi | is the irc chat program we using now using some sort of encryption ? | 03:13 |
mopao-mokonzi | i know i could be checking using tcpdump | 03:13 |
ki7mt_ | mopao-mokonzi, No | 03:13 |
mopao-mokonzi | but i am sure some of u know | 03:13 |
NikolaiToryzin | It uses encryption, but with the server if you choose | 03:13 |
NikolaiToryzin | It's just ssl | 03:13 |
Laban | Hello! | 03:13 |
NikolaiToryzin | Optional of course | 03:13 |
Laban | Is there an easy way to change a whole bunch of filenames that are currently hard linked, into their own copy? | 03:14 |
mopao-mokonzi | alright so it all goes through ssl then | 03:14 |
Laban | I.e breaking the link. | 03:14 |
NikolaiToryzin | mopao-mokonzi: optionally through ssl. | 03:14 |
bubbasaures | mopao-mokonzi, You can tor the channel if that floats yer boat | 03:14 |
NikolaiToryzin | In a lot of defaults and ways people connect they don't even use ssl | 03:14 |
ki7mt_ | If your asking if the this is a secure communication channel ( encrypted send/rcv) then no no it's not. | 03:15 |
mopao-mokonzi | alright | 03:16 |
mopao-mokonzi | can any of u point me to some url where i can learn how to set up ssl or alike on this chat...thanks in advance | 03:17 |
undecim | Laban, I suppose if you found both links 'cp link1 link2' would "split" a single link? | 03:17 |
undecim | I'll test that | 03:17 |
PenguinAnon | mopao-mokonzi: What IRC client are you using? | 03:17 |
ki7mt_ | | 03:17 |
PenguinAnon | You should check the documentation for that client for instructions on how to configure SSL. | 03:17 |
bubbasaures | mopao-mokonzi, What IRC client are you on? | 03:17 |
ki7mt_ | That example is Xchat, but the basics are the same. WOuld be a fare bit different for CLI clients like irssi and such. | 03:18 |
undecim | Laban, well, you could do 'rm link2; cp link1 link2' | 03:18 |
undecim | Anyone know how to enumerate links of file? | 03:18 |
mopao-mokonzi | i am using xchat-gnome guys | 03:19 |
ki7mt_ | enumerate links ? | 03:19 |
undecim | like: ln file file_link | 03:19 |
undecim | given file, how can I get the location of file_link? | 03:19 |
PenguinAnon | mopao-mokonzi: ki7mt_ has posted the link you need, then. | 03:19 |
PenguinAnon | | 03:19 |
bubbasaures | mopao-mokonzi, ssl is in the edit fro the opening gui, the preferences has other stuff. | 03:20 |
undecim | Or is enumerate the wrong word here? | 03:20 |
fgordon | Hmmmm tested some stuff...... though still the same..... | 03:20 |
bubbasaures | from* | 03:20 |
fgordon | pstree shows root-smbd----smbd | 03:20 |
fgordon | root-nmbd | 03:20 |
fgordon | root=init :D sorry | 03:20 |
ki7mt_ | undecim, Depends on what your wanting, are you wanting to link one file to another or a list of files or lines within a file etc? | 03:21 |
undecim | ki7mt_, Actually, I don't think I need to do that after all | 03:21 |
ki7mt_ | :-) ok | 03:21 |
mopao-mokonzi | cheers guys ...merci beaucoup ! | 03:21 |
mopao-mokonzi | lol | 03:21 |
undecim | ki7mt_, I'm considering solutions to Laban's question | 03:21 |
fgordon | really strange is even as root I cannot kill -9 the smbd processes they seem to get restarted is there any startup-thing in ubuntu different from other linux? | 03:22 |
Laban | Found a quicker solution, not pretty but did the trick. Just cp -rp folder /tmp and then copy it back. | 03:22 |
ki7mt_ | undecim, well .. loop command and change the links. | 03:22 |
Laban | (different fs) | 03:22 |
Laban | It didn't answer the question per se, but solved the issue at hand. | 03:22 |
undecim | Sounds good | 03:23 |
undecim | You could have, for each file, done: cp file file.bak; rm file; cp file.bak file | 03:23 |
undecim | (if you have to do it on larger file sets) | 03:24 |
Laban | Thanks undecim | 03:27 |
eredwood | hello every one i have a ubuntu server, after I set up ufw and enable, now my server in Network will not open at all when I click on it. | 03:31 |
mopao-mokonzi | aaah you might have locked yourself out | 03:31 |
mopao-mokonzi | is there a chance you could access the machine physically | 03:32 |
mopao-mokonzi | to change the rules ? | 03:32 |
ki7mt_ | that is within the realm of possibility :-) | 03:32 |
eredwood | yes I ssh to the server with know problem | 03:32 |
eredwood | i just ssh to the server with know issues | 03:34 |
eredwood | if I disable ufw I can can get my samba file folder with now issue | 03:35 |
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forceful-funtime | | 03:36 |
forceful-funtime | you guys are pathetic | 03:36 |
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bubbasaures | that is the nicest comment we have gotten, thanks | 03:37 |
undecim | I feel accomplished | 03:37 |
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forceful-funtime | trigger warning | 03:38 |
forceful-funtime | | 03:38 |
forceful-funtime | | 03:38 |
forceful-funtime | | 03:38 |
forceful-funtime | | 03:38 |
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forceful-funtime | | 03:38 |
bubbasaures | !ops | 03:38 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 03:38 |
* rww looks up | 03:39 | |
Moonlightning | Not sure if SJW or just troll. | 03:39 |
rww | ? | 03:40 |
eredwood | In ufw I have port 139 and 445 open so that I can get to my file but , when I click on my same server in Network it will not open now | 03:42 |
eredwood | 139 and 445 for samba | 03:42 |
eredwood | is the the wrong room that i have connected too? | 03:46 |
fgordon | uh wow I found the cause of my error :O :O seems my external usb where the OS was running from got too little power causing strange things :O :O | 03:48 |
fgordon | at least when writing sometimes with heavy load reading was ok | 03:49 |
ki7mt_ | eredwood, Im not a ufw expert, but have you popled a hole in the fw for Samba, somehting like: sudo ufw allow Samba | 03:49 |
ki7mt_ | s/poked/popled/g | 03:49 |
fgordon | interfaces in smb.conf is ok too? | 03:50 |
fgordon | maybe also restricted | 03:50 |
NoobsFlyRNP | I'm trying to add a new user using sudo adduser xxxxxxxx but I keep getting an error when I retype the new password: | 03:51 |
NoobsFlyRNP | passwd: Permission denied | 03:51 |
NoobsFlyRNP | passwd: password unchanged | 03:51 |
ki7mt_ | sudo usermod -a -G sudo $USER | 03:52 |
eredwood | Ki7mt let me try that | 03:52 |
ki7mt_ | You need to log out and back in for the group change to take affect. | 03:52 |
croberts | ++ | 03:52 |
bilegt | I'm on X220 with i5 and 4gb. After working for a while and ram usage is around 70% (I have no swap partition), it sometimes becomes very slow. I'm plugged btw. is it normal? | 03:55 |
ki7mt_ | bilegt, no, use htop or top and watch for a memory leak in VIRT | 03:56 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, what does sudo usermod -a -G sudo $USER actually do? | 03:56 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Also, I still get the same error: passwd: Permission denied | 03:57 |
ki7mt_ | modifies a users group and adds the sudo group to the user. You can see the groups a user belongs to by typing: groups from the command line. | 03:57 |
fgordon | Hmmm as linux uses free ram for cache I would say 70% percent ram usage is normal? depending on what the ram is used for | 03:58 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, How did you setup the user to begin with ? | 03:58 |
NoobsFlyRNP | I did an su to drop to root shell, passed adduser xxxxx | 03:58 |
NoobsFlyRNP | And put in the password. | 03:58 |
ki7mt_ | fgordon, No exactly, see man mem | 03:59 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, Well, you dont need to drop to a root shell, just use sudo | 03:59 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Tried that too. Same error. | 03:59 |
bilegt | ki7mt_: does watching flash videos affect performance too much? | 04:00 |
fgordon | Hmmm my computers < 8 gig have all ~ 80% usage only those with 16 gig or more have less | 04:00 |
bilegt | ki7mt_: it seems to happen when I watch videos on utube. | 04:00 |
undecim | bilegt, While watching the video? yeah | 04:01 |
ki7mt_ | bilegt, I dont know, I dont watch them .. but I do know, HTML5 is better than flash. | 04:01 |
niceties | All these years and that trash Adobe flash is still around. | 04:01 |
eredwood | Thank you ki7mt that was the tick I can get to my folders now. | 04:01 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, Use this guide: | 04:01 |
undecim | bilegt, Does the performance problem persist when you exit the page or something? | 04:01 |
bilegt | undecim: it took a while to exit that utube page, and after that it became smoother | 04:02 |
undecim | bilegt, It's possible that the flash plugin is misbehaving. What browser and what kind of system specs? | 04:02 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, that guide doesn't apply to shell commands, though. | 04:03 |
NoobsFlyRNP | I am using Ubuntu Server with no gui. | 04:03 |
niceties | bilegt: chrome has the newest flash. Its the only browser that uses its own version | 04:03 |
bilegt | undecim: ubuntu 14.10 and latest chromium I guess | 04:03 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, Ok, well this one does: | 04:04 |
niceties | bilegt: chromium uses the old version of flash. It uses the same one Firefox does | 04:04 |
bilegt | niceties: Even though I installed flash plugin, does chrome only use its own version? | 04:05 |
niceties | Chrome uses its own version no matter what bilegt . You can force it to use the flash you installed. | 04:06 |
niceties | Adobe stopped developing flash for Linux a few Years ago bilegt . Chrome uses the newest version that Windows uses. | 04:08 |
bilegt | niceties: ok, so I'll try using chrome for few days and how it performs. | 04:10 |
pixelkat | hello! | 04:10 |
pixelkat | i finally decided. | 04:10 |
pixelkat | ubuntu 12.04 for me | 04:10 |
niceties | bilegt: chromium uses the old version. | 04:10 |
ki7mt_ | Why 12.04 and not 14.04 ? | 04:10 |
pixelkat | stability | 04:10 |
pixelkat | apps in 12.04 work better for me than in 14.04 | 04:10 |
nadimsite | 14.04 not stable? | 04:11 |
pixelkat | for me it wasnt | 04:11 |
vinit | ok | 04:11 |
ki7mt_ | Ok, well it's supported nonetheless, so go for it. | 04:11 |
pixelkat | indeed! | 04:11 |
pixelkat | :D | 04:11 |
niceties | pixelkat: probably 14.04 is becoming bloated | 04:11 |
nadimsite | Give us an app that doesn't work perfectly in 14.04 | 04:11 |
pixelkat | kazam | 04:12 |
pixelkat | ppsspp | 04:12 |
ki7mt_ | niceties, that's a very ambiguous statement | 04:12 |
niceties | ki7mt_: older machines run better sometimes on older versions | 04:13 |
ki7mt_ | Ubuntu minimal + XFCE could in no way be considered bloated. | 04:13 |
bubbasaures | pixelkat, There is a offtopic channel for chat, you can have an actual conversation. | 04:13 |
pixelkat | wow so many people in here | 04:15 |
Basketball | me | 04:16 |
=== Schnabel- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
pixelkat | oh poop | 04:16 |
pixelkat | OBS is only available on 14.04 | 04:16 |
Finetundra | does youtube-dl not work anymore? | 04:16 |
ki7mt_ | What is OBS ? | 04:17 |
pixelkat | open broadcasting software | 04:17 |
ki7mt_ | Ok | 04:17 |
pixelkat | i use it to stream live to | 04:17 |
pixelkat | bbl, system finished installing | 04:17 |
jeffrey_f | Off topic, but can someone answer a really quick PHP question on private? | 04:18 |
rww | ask ##php? | 04:19 |
ki7mt_ | niceties, if you have something to say, say it in the channel, I really dont want to read nasty PM's form you. | 04:19 |
jeffrey_f | rww: Gotcha | 04:19 |
ki7mt_ | s/from/form/g | 04:19 |
bubbasaures | ki7mt_, report it to the #ubuntu-ops | 04:19 |
rww | or don't, since we're #ubuntu ops, not PM ops | 04:20 |
ki7mt_ | I've never used that, hope I never have too. | 04:20 |
bubbasaures | ki7mt_, gotta take out the trash sometimes | 04:22 |
ki7mt_ | lol .. that seems to take care of itself round here .. | 04:23 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, thanks for the adduser manpage. But the problem still exists. | 04:23 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, SO you've added the user, and all your after is adding them to the sudo group yes? | 04:24 |
NoobsFlyRNP | No, I'm just trying to set/change the password of the user. Let me get your a screenshot. | 04:25 |
ki7mt_ | I dont need a screen shot | 04:25 |
NoobsFlyRNP | It appears that I can't even set a new password while adding a new user to begin with: | 04:27 |
bubbasaures | rww, Really that a new rule, has been the norm the 4 years I been here. ;) | 04:27 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Also, the user I'm currently logged on to is added to sudo group. | 04:27 |
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rww | bubbasaures: Ops have never had the ability to stop problematic PMs and have never stepped in unless it's some sort of channelwide harassment by a troll. | 04:28 |
rww | That's been the case for the 5 years I've been here ;) | 04:28 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, so this is on a server or something ? | 04:28 |
NoobsFlyRNP | That is correct. (I have physical access to the server, btw.) | 04:29 |
ki7mt_ | via SSH I presume? | 04:29 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Correct. | 04:29 |
pixelkats | any ubuntu techs here? | 04:29 |
pixelkats | i installed 12.04 over windows and now when i reboot | 04:29 |
bubbasaures | rww, Ah, just when they are in the channel actually using it seemed appropriate, out side pm's I understand, but I have PM's off so wont mention. | 04:29 |
pixelkats | windows says it needs to be repaired | 04:29 |
IdleOne | bubbasaures: We can't stop PM abuse. If it becomes an issue where multiple known good helpers report an issue we might step in, but the PM abuse we can't really do much about | 04:29 |
NoobsFlyRNP | I tried passing all the commands on the server too ki7mt. | 04:29 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, Try this: sudo useradd -d /home/testuser -m testuser | 04:29 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Thanks. Wait. | 04:30 |
bubbasaures | IdleOne, Thanks. | 04:30 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, sudo passwd testuser | 04:30 |
quill-building | how can I remedy this? when I boot I get a black screen. all I did was change gpu driver | 04:31 |
pixelkats | do i need to reinstall grub? | 04:31 |
pixelkats | any takers? | 04:31 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, passwd: Permission denied | 04:31 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Same error. | 04:31 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, Does it boot, it should? | 04:32 |
NoobsFlyRNP | pixelkats, can you boot to Ubuntu, though? | 04:32 |
pixelkats | i cant boot to ubuntu | 04:32 |
pixelkats | it wont let me past windows repair screen | 04:32 |
pixelkats | im on live dvd right now | 04:32 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, More than one HD perchance? was it W8 you installed over? | 04:32 |
NoobsFlyRNP | You can try reinstalling GRUB, pixelkats. | 04:32 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, Is this on encrypted home dirst by any chance ? | 04:32 |
pixelkats | i installed ubuntu over windows 8 | 04:33 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, yes. | 04:33 |
pixelkats | i have more than one hd, but my secondary hd is formatted as ext4 | 04:33 |
quill-building | how can I remove all additional drivers through the command line? | 04:33 |
bubbasaures | !uefi | pixelkats might be something you should have known in general, UEFI | 04:33 |
ubottu | pixelkats might be something you should have known in general, UEFI: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 04:33 |
thomedy | hey i am trying to learn more about programming video... | 04:34 |
thomedy | is there an ubuntu app | 04:34 |
thomedy | that i can look at the hex behind a video | 04:34 |
thomedy | there is apparently a moov atom and i want to know more about it | 04:34 |
thomedy | im trying to avoid writing a hex editor | 04:34 |
thomedy | so i can do this quicker | 04:34 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, Can you run sudo parted -l and pastebin it. | 04:35 |
pc_ | how do i make the terminal window appear in the super menu when i enter "cmd" instead of "term"? | 04:36 |
Seven_Six_Two | thomedy bless is a hex editor. also, it's more considerate on irc to not use the enter key as punctuation, especially in a busy channel. | 04:36 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, I know what I would do if I have physical access to the server, but being remote, I dont think it's safe to do. Is this a hosted sever? | 04:36 |
pixelkats | | 04:36 |
thomedy | i found it... sorry its a force of habit... i apologize... i found bless right before you said that... I realized that after i hit return way too often that should just be googling it | 04:37 |
Seven_Six_Two | thomedy, no worries. I do it too. | 04:37 |
pixelkats | i also get an error when i try to dban the HD | 04:37 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, oh, it runs in my basement. | 04:37 |
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thomedy | can i just say... and this is purely out of excitement... you know how none of the webcam's in ubuntu have a good resolution | 04:38 |
pixelkats | bubbasaures: did you get that pastebin? | 04:38 |
Seven_Six_Two | thomedy, mine is hd | 04:38 |
pixelkats | my webcam has good resolution in ubuntu | 04:38 |
thomedy | or at least as far as i have seen... i am in the middle of writing anti internet software and (by the way it is testing so well.) but i amg oing to do that too... it sounds awesome | 04:38 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, No gaurentee here, but I would try, as root: rm -rf /home/.ecryptfs, then again adduser --encrypt-home ... .. .. | 04:38 |
Seven_Six_Two | 1920xwhatever] | 04:38 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, Yeah, how did you install ubuntu wubi sound familiar? | 04:38 |
thomedy | really... i have a great resolution on my images but not on my webcam | 04:38 |
pixelkats | i burned 12.04 to live dvd | 04:38 |
pixelkats | booted it, clicked install | 04:39 |
Finetundra | lets try again, does youtube-dl not work anymore? | 04:39 |
jamie_ | hey i have an odd question. I run multiple desktops and was trying to use KDE and was wondering if it has to have a specific x11 currently using lightdm | 04:39 |
NoobsFlyRNP | ki7mt, tried that. No go. | 04:39 |
pixelkats | i didnt have this problem first time i installed ubuntu over windows | 04:39 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, encrypted? | 04:39 |
pixelkats | maybe | 04:39 |
pixelkats | how do i check or unencrypt | 04:39 |
Ben64 | Finetundra: maybe not the one from the repo, update it | 04:39 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, Alternatively, check the permission are sudo chmod 755 /home/.ecryptfs | 04:39 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, I see no evidence of a ext4 partiton and a ntfs taking up half of sdb | 04:39 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, any dm will work. So will any desktop that I've tried. | 04:40 |
thomedy | can i ask what webcam you are using and maybe there is a setting i can do to fix it | 04:40 |
pixelkats | it shouldnt be | 04:40 |
bubbasaures | err a tiny ntfs that is | 04:40 |
pixelkats | that must be where windows is installed | 04:40 |
pixelkats | i told ubuntu to replace windows tho | 04:40 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: when i go to use kde for some odd reason the screen goes black, and only on kde | 04:40 |
ki7mt_ | NoobsFlyRNP, If that don't fix it, I'm outta ideas for this one. | 04:40 |
NoobsFlyRNP | Well, thank you so much for the help, ki7mt. | 04:40 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, both monitors? do you have a mouse cursor? | 04:41 |
pixelkats | ill try disabling fastboot and all that from bios | 04:41 |
pixelkats | brb | 04:41 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, if I'm slow to react, it's because it's friday night, nudge nudge, wink wink, and I'm watching star trek. | 04:41 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: okay i may have miss worded, I have gnome3, ubuntu default, and cinnamon | 04:42 |
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Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, which gives you the black screen? I have those too. I'm using cinnamon now. | 04:42 |
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bubbasaures | we are at warp ten now captain | 04:43 |
jamie_ | the forth one i just added kde, from kubuntu | 04:43 |
quillford | can anyone gelp | 04:43 |
rqou | hi, not sure of the best place to ask this, but I'm having trouble setting up UEFI secure boot using my own PK/KEK/db keys. KeyTool gives "Failed to update variable: (26) Security Violation" and efi-updatevar gives "Cannot write to PK, wrong filesystem permissions." System is definitely in setup mode | 04:43 |
quillford | can anyone help? | 04:43 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, did you add kde-full package? | 04:43 |
bubbasaures | quillford, Probably gotta know the issues | 04:43 |
quillford | how can I remedy this? when I boot I get a black screen. all I did was change gpu driver | 04:43 |
quillford | bubbasaures ^ | 04:44 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: i added the desktop environment via terminal | 04:44 |
rqou | the only reference to these errors on google seems to be, but there is no clear solution there | 04:44 |
bubbasaures | !nomodeset | quillford get in a fix it | 04:44 |
ubottu | quillford get in a fix it: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 04:44 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, do gnome3 and cinnamon work fine? | 04:44 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: yep im in gnome3 now | 04:44 |
bubbasaures | Seven_Six_Two, 14.10 it is in the repos | 04:44 |
rqou | i tried compiling the latest efitools git, didn't help | 04:44 |
quillford | bubbasaures: I've tried that | 04:44 |
bubbasaures | Seven_Six_Two, sorry, missed that was a question. | 04:45 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, what video card? | 04:45 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: one sec | 04:45 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: NVS 3100M/PCIe/SSE2 | 04:46 |
bubbasaures | quillford, There is a safex boot in recovery you might try that, details are they key here for any help, drivers, hardware and what you did if you can, to the channel not me. | 04:46 |
quillford | is there any way to remove additional drivers installed through the root shell from recovery? | 04:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, is it a laptop? Does it also have integrated intel video? | 04:47 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: yes | 04:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, ok, that's a special problem. | 04:47 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: should be more than enough to run that with ease | 04:47 |
bubbasaures | quillford, Try a TTY after a little wait on the boot. | 04:47 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: what do you mean | 04:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, oh wait nm. | 04:48 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, do you have mouse cursor in kde? | 04:48 |
quillford | bubbasaures: tty? | 04:48 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: the screen is kinda off | 04:48 |
bubbasaures | quillford, ctrl-alt-1 1-6 are a terminal | 04:48 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, can you switch to a tty? | 04:48 |
bubbasaures | quillford, sorry ctrl-alt-f1 my bad | 04:49 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: what | 04:49 |
quillford | bubbasaures: so on the black screen or root shell? | 04:49 |
Seven_Six_Two | lol. I just realized that bubbasaures and I did the same thing. try ctrl+alt+F1 | 04:50 |
bubbasaures | quillford, wait a minute on the black screen, you are probably up and running, just no graphics | 04:50 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, that should get you to a login screen, from where you might see a log. | 04:50 |
jamie_ | I have logged in from ubuntu 14.10 lightdm | 04:51 |
bubbasaures | quillford, for the record the root shell is rarely used, never in a situation like this really. | 04:51 |
quillford | bubbasaures: it worked. how do I get the GUI back? | 04:51 |
bubbasaures | quillford, You wanted a terminal to remove drivers. | 04:52 |
quillford | bubbasaures: how do I remove them? | 04:52 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, so then you get a black screen? try switching to another vtty using ctrl + alt + F1 | 04:52 |
bubbasaures | quillford, Ah, other help needed, I was leading you to the trough so to speak. ;) | 04:52 |
quillford | bubbasaures: got it. thanls | 04:52 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, that should give you a non-graphical login screen. login from there if you can | 04:53 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: with what command to follow, the only one i can think of to try is startx | 04:53 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, do you know how to use cat and less? | 04:53 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: not really, only really used to using it from backtrack | 04:54 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, try cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less | 04:54 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, scroll down to bottom, and look for driver issue. | 04:54 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: can i by anychance check the syslog | 04:55 |
protopopulus | Amigos, how to make an kanji/katakana/hiragana keyboard input like in google translate? | 04:55 |
bubbasaures | protopopulus, ubuntu related how? | 04:55 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, you can, but your problem is more likely not a kernel issue. Xorg log will more likely have your error, since screen is turning off for only kde | 04:57 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, sorry. I misread your msg | 04:57 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: okay be right back ill try that and see | 04:58 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, but still, check xorg log first. then all other logs that you might want to look at. | 04:58 |
jamie_ | okay one sec | 04:59 |
thomedy | what is that alternative to ffmpeg | 05:01 |
ki7mt_ | avconv | 05:02 |
Seven_Six_Two | thomedy, mencoder and avconv | 05:02 |
thomedy | here is what i need... and maybe i should be using ffmpeg i just dont have much experience with it.... convert mp4 to mov and the equivalent to test other movie formats | 05:04 |
thomedy | for the moov atom | 05:04 |
pixelkats | ok | 05:05 |
pixelkats | fixed the problem | 05:05 |
pixelkats | btw uefi was not enabled on my machine | 05:05 |
pixelkats | the small ntfs partition on secondary HD was causing the problem | 05:05 |
jamie_ | Even that didnt work | 05:05 |
pixelkats | so i deleted that and reinstalled 12.04 | 05:06 |
pixelkats | everything working well so far | 05:06 |
jamie_ | It was still just black and it is turned off to by the way | 05:06 |
ki7mt_ | thomedy, if you can ffmpeg makes it pretty easy: ffmpeg -i file-1.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mov | 05:06 |
thomedy | i should probably man that to see what s going on with that command line | 05:06 |
Seven_Six_Two | thomedy, getting familiar with the terminal is a good investment. | 05:07 |
quillford | is there a way to revert back to stock drivers from the terminal? | 05:07 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: still aint working at all | 05:08 |
Seven_Six_Two | quillford, have you done something that you regret? Can you please provide more info? | 05:08 |
jamie_ | even when using the ctrl-alt-f1 | 05:08 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, nothing happens when you do control alt f1? | 05:09 |
jamie_ | nope | 05:09 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: the screen is actually off | 05:09 |
quillford | Seven_Six_Two: indeed. I replaced the stock drivers with proprietary amd/ati ones | 05:09 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, interesting. is your harddrive running? do you have another computer from which you can ssh in? | 05:09 |
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thomedy | well im fairly familiar with terminal | 05:10 |
thomedy | i just dont know much about ffmpeg | 05:10 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: no, and yes my hardware is running.... wait.... i got a error reading from discriptor again... i may need to change my driver or update it..... u | 05:10 |
thomedy | i have even written my own bin/bash and ran it out as a command | 05:11 |
thomedy | but not familiar withffmpeg | 05:11 |
pixelkats | Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so | 05:11 |
pixelkats | what do!? | 05:11 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: what are you trying to do | 05:11 |
pixelkats | just trying to mount my secondary hd | 05:11 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: yes that much i can tell, give me more information | 05:11 |
pixelkats | i really dont want to lose all my data | 05:11 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, yeah, likely driver or power management, but hard to tell. ok, can you log in to kde, then do what you have to do to log in to cinnamon or gnome, and pastebin your previous xorg log file to pastebin? It will be /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old or something similar. I'm using mint right now, so i don't know if my logs are different than stock ubuntu. anyone? | 05:11 |
pixelkats | im just trying to access HD | 05:12 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: thats the same information... i need more | 05:12 |
pixelkats | didnt have this problem before installing windows | 05:12 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: well the nvida 311 bug still exist i thing with the kernal release | 05:12 |
pixelkats | then when i installed ubuntu windows overtook the boot | 05:12 |
pixelkats | and said it needed repairing | 05:12 |
pixelkats | so, i deleted the ntfs partition on my secondary hd | 05:12 |
pixelkats | and now ubuntu boots | 05:12 |
pixelkats | but now i cant access hd | 05:12 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, I don't know that bug, although gnome3 should be using the same driver as kde. | 05:12 |
pixelkats | i need to access my files | 05:13 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: less <enter> key please, and please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" | 05:13 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: all of it should be..... im using the same x11 | 05:13 |
uhhimhere | | 05:13 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, yeah, please pastebin your previous xorg log | 05:13 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: one sec | 05:13 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: if you deleted it. Its gone | 05:13 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, it won't be Xorg.0.log if you're currently successfully logged in. | 05:14 |
pixelkats | ben64: | 05:14 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: yep, looks like sdb is deleted | 05:14 |
pixelkats | w.t.f. | 05:15 |
pixelkats | sorry | 05:15 |
jamie_ | i cant get to it when logged into kde at all ctrl-alt-f1 isnt working | 05:15 |
pixelkats | but seriously why | 05:15 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: probably because you deleted it... you can try testdisk suite to recover stuff | 05:15 |
pixelkats | i didnt tell wubi to delete the whole HD, just the ntfs partition that was like 700mb | 05:15 |
pixelkats | how do i use testdisk | 05:15 |
Ben64 | !recover | pixelkats | 05:15 |
ubottu | pixelkats: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 05:15 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: how exactaly do i get int then | 05:16 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, you said gnome3 works? use that to log in, and open a terminal. do ls -l /var/log | 05:16 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, there will be one or more that start with Xorg.0 | 05:17 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: open drive utility and see if the partition you have files on is their. | 05:17 |
pixelkats | drive utility? | 05:17 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, sudo apt-get install pastebinip | 05:18 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: | 05:18 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 05:18 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: what is that | 05:18 |
ki7mt_ | If the file system has been removed, it will not be easy to recover data, but whatever you do, don't write anything else to the drive. | 05:19 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, I don't know. It depends on when you logged in to kde last. There's only 2 from today, do probably the .old one | 05:19 |
bubbasaures | pixelkats, Open gparted on the live dvd, do you see any partitions? | 05:20 |
bubbasaures | on either HD | 05:20 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, the Xorg.0.log is always the current session. If you're in kde in a virtual terminal, it's that one. If you tried kde, and are now in something else, it's the next oldest, which is Xorg.0.log.old | 05:20 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: cna you rewind for a sec, for one- have never successfully logged into kde and two- what were you saying about sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 05:20 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, the sudo command will install pastebinit, which allows easier pasting from terminal | 05:21 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: I prefer the site.... I dont have a very large hd | 05:21 |
zacwalls1 | my disk drive wont recognize the dvd-r in there. I have lost all faith. Anyone have a suggestion? | 05:22 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: disk utility | 05:22 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, even logging in to kde and not getting a desktop will create an xorg log file, and the logs will rotate with every login. | 05:22 |
pixelkats | disk utility says it is not partitioned | 05:22 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: to get out had to restart the computer completely | 05:22 |
Seven_Six_Two | jamie_, it's a console prog, and won't take much space, but it's your choice. | 05:22 |
pixelkats | how do i hide people entering and leaving channel? | 05:23 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: then the files are probably gone | 05:23 |
Seven_Six_Two | pixelkats, then there is no partition,and no data outside of specialized recovery | 05:23 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: only have 75gb and that is a constant uphill battle for space | 05:23 |
pixelkats | gah! | 05:23 |
Seven_Six_Two | pixelkats, it's based on your client | 05:23 |
pixelkats | oh well, time to reformay | 05:23 |
pixelkats | reformat | 05:23 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: or you can recover like i said | 05:23 |
Seven_Six_Two | pixelkats, if it's important data, you can likelly recover. | 05:23 |
pixelkats | recovery seems hard | 05:24 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: hopefully you backed up important stuff offline | 05:24 |
Seven_Six_Two | pixelkats, the longer you wait, and the more you do, the less likely it will be that you get all of your data. | 05:24 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: depends how much you want the data | 05:24 |
pixelkats | its ok, there wasnt anything i cant get back i dont think | 05:24 |
Tian | hey guys | 05:25 |
Seven_Six_Two | that's good, because professional recovery usually costs in the thousands of dollars. | 05:25 |
Tian | is it safe to say Wine is an extention on ubuntu | 05:25 |
cfhowlett | Tian, nope | 05:25 |
Tian | that allows you to install any windows application? | 05:25 |
cfhowlett | Tian, SOME windows apps to SOME extent | 05:26 |
bubbasaures | Tian, any not even close | 05:26 |
Tian | oh | 05:26 |
pixelkats | disk utility says my 750gb is ext4 | 05:26 |
NikolaiToryzin | It can run a lot of simpler stuff | 05:26 |
jamie_ | TiamL up to about xp and maybe recent with play on linux | 05:26 |
pixelkats | but not partitioned | 05:26 |
jamie_ | Tiam: ^ | 05:26 |
NikolaiToryzin | But overall wine is a great utility for a lot of simple use cases | 05:26 |
Seven_Six_Two | Tian, Wine is a windows application layer of sorts. Provides windows framework witout actual OS. Which is why (W)ine (I)s (N)ot an (E)mulator | 05:26 |
quillford | recursive like gnu? | 05:27 |
rammaxee | Some one tell pixelkats How to screen shot disk utility and paste it. | 05:27 |
NikolaiToryzin | Nope | 05:27 |
Seven_Six_Two | Wine runs a lot of current stuff too, not just simple stuff. | 05:27 |
NikolaiToryzin | quillford: stuff like GNU and XNU are recursive acronyms, meaning the first letter is the word itself | 05:28 |
DF3D2 | can someone tell me if the Marvell 88SE91XX sata3 controller is supported ? | 05:28 |
NikolaiToryzin | GNU means GNU Not Unix and so on, and XNU means the same | 05:28 |
pixelkats | | 05:28 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: You don't have no other partitions like swap or empty space. | 05:28 |
ki7mt_ | It runs allot of complex software, especially useful for testing cross compiler builds. | 05:28 |
pixelkats | check SS | 05:29 |
kktex | hi all | 05:29 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, not with certainty, but I would guess yes, based on previous experience with marvell | 05:29 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: Im probably just gonna remove it, I dont actually need it, I just like testing all of the different desktop environments | 05:29 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: what if you select mount volume | 05:30 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: was looking at buying this to add to my ubuntu server | 05:30 |
DF3D2 | I believe it has that marvell chip | 05:30 |
NikolaiToryzin | quillford: actually I'm being dumb, wine is one | 05:30 |
nmvictor | hi guys, what package mounts drives in nautilus? i am running | 05:30 |
nmvictor | nautilus in my mac but the drives are not shown on the status. Also, what | 05:30 |
nmvictor | happened to Trash folder in nautilus? just cant get in | 05:30 |
jamie_ | Seven_Six_Two: or ill just tey to get some help later... when its a little less busy | 05:30 |
pixelkats | rammaxee says filesystem driver not installed | 05:30 |
pixelkats | want SS? | 05:31 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, that chipset requires a config file modification, but is supported. google for that chipset with "linux" | 05:31 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: I did but I just found some bug reports | 05:31 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: it was ntfs before ext4. | 05:31 |
pixelkats | i havent changed anything | 05:32 |
pixelkats | so, can i just change it back to ntfs and get my stuff back? | 05:32 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: im already using adaptec jbod cards to add some extra hdds. I have 6x3tb already and dont want to buy that if it will fight with the adaptec card somehow. I know they have a bios they use | 05:33 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, this link indicates fix: | 05:34 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: did you have anything in the ntfs partition you deleted? | 05:34 |
pixelkats | nope | 05:34 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: then how would that help? | 05:34 |
pixelkats | it was put there unwillingly by windows | 05:34 |
pixelkats | it was something like 700mb | 05:34 |
pixelkats | or less | 05:34 |
pixelkats | but it kept ubuntu from booting | 05:34 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: hmm that looks annoying though I'd have to do that each time, or write a script to do it on reboot? | 05:35 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, not sure | 05:36 |
kktex | I'm planning to use my old hard drive with some bad blocks for not-important-files storage. Should I handle those bad blocks with some specific procedure/utility or simply create an extended partition with a ext4 logical partition inside? (gparted/ext4/OS will manage those bad blocks for me during partitioning?) | 05:37 |
pixelkats | oh welll, ill just reformat the drive | 05:37 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: it will take long time to recover data. Software has to scan the whole drive for file headers. That's only if you don't do a deep format. | 05:37 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: it could scan for a day. | 05:38 |
bubbasaures | kktex, your risking just loosing what is put on it really. | 05:39 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: then you have to manually filter out garbage files. Which could number in hundreds of thousands. Especially if the drive had an operating system on it. | 05:40 |
kktex | bubbasaures not a problem, some trash video, some test ISO files.... | 05:40 |
bubbasaures | kktex, This an learning exercise than? | 05:41 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: heh will i can get two "unbranded" with that marvell chip in it for $16 might as well give it a shot | 05:41 |
rammaxee | That's why bubbasaures said it costs thousands to recover data. pixelkats . It's very time consuming. | 05:41 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, I think it's unlikely that you won't be able to get it working, with some help | 05:41 |
bubbasaures | never said that ;) | 05:41 |
Seven_Six_Two | that was me. | 05:42 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: yeah I just dont know how it works, is it like my adaptec jbod/raid cards where they insert a system bios before the mobo bios? or what | 05:42 |
Seven_Six_Two | it's also a field with specialized software, and contracts that bill you no matter what is recovered. | 05:42 |
kktex | bubbasaures also, just more storage where move big file instead wasting I/O cycles on my brand new hard drive..... | 05:42 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, yeah, something like that. | 05:43 |
BigBawb | hi there, Im dual booting to windows and ubuntu and it seems to have messed with my system time. | 05:43 |
DF3D2 | im just scared it wont all play nice lol | 05:43 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, that will work like any OS though. Its the interaction bit later that might take some tweaking | 05:43 |
BigBawb | Not so big of an issue to change it back. But when I generate a keystore to sign my android applications it says it "isn't yet valid" | 05:43 |
bubbasaures | kktex, Never tried, never had a HD fail really, so not sure. | 05:43 |
Seven_Six_Two | DF3D2, then don't try to save a few dollars. Spend a few more that guarantees linux support. | 05:44 |
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Seven_Six_Two | Paying as little as possible will always have a drawback. | 05:44 |
bubbasaures | BigBawb, IN windows though right? | 05:45 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: usually ubuntu uses local time. You may of told it to use utc time. Or maybe it's the other way around. Your system was using utc time and ubuntu changed it to local time. | 05:45 |
Ben64 | i think ubuntu uses utc by default | 05:45 |
BigBawb | bubbasaures: Yes | 05:45 |
BigBawb | switching back to windows | 05:45 |
BigBawb | Ive read about this problem before | 05:45 |
bubbasaures | BigBawb, Ubuntu should not have any to do with this is all. | 05:45 |
BigBawb | saying Ubuntu like uses GMT and adjusts idk it wasn't so bad | 05:45 |
DF3D2 | Seven_Six_Two: yeah googling makes it seem kind of like a piece of crap chip lol | 05:46 |
kktex | bubbasaures point is... ext4 is smart enough to handle those bad blocks automatically or should I isolate them in a separate partition? | 05:46 |
DF3D2 | lots of bugs | 05:46 |
bubbasaures | hadware or the MS OS | 05:46 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: it's a real issue and needs fixing. Its actually changing the time in UEFI | 05:46 |
BigBawb | rammaxee: I tried changing my time back but it still says my keystore "Isn't yet valid" | 05:47 |
bubbasaures | kktex, No idea I would not bother myself. | 05:47 |
BigBawb | Like it will be in the future. I've read around and said this has to do with the system time. Realizing that I had been dual booting I looked (sure enough it was off ) I tried to change the time, remake the keystore. Still ot right | 05:47 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: does your system use bios or EFI | 05:47 |
kktex | bubbasaures ok, I'll run some files on it no risk... | 05:48 |
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dopie | hey guys | 05:49 |
Seven_Six_Two | kktex, I would only use that drive for transient data, like tmp or swap or downloads or whatnot | 05:49 |
dopie | im getting this error in my sublime text was wondering if yu guys can help me out with it | 05:49 |
dopie | | 05:49 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: EFI time is changed whenever | 05:49 |
BigBawb | rammaxee: UEFI | 05:50 |
kktex | SEven_Six_Two I will use it only for files storage, video, ISO and other things that if I loose it I will not cry.... | 05:51 |
Seven_Six_Two | kktex, then I wouldn't worry about it too much, just monitor it for acoustic changes, heat, dmesg output | 05:52 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: Yes dual boot systems cause this. | 05:52 |
nmvictor | any reason why my nautilus wont show drives in the side bar? | 05:53 |
BigBawb | Would I have to boot to my bios and change the time there? | 05:53 |
ki7mt_ | dopie, it's not a very complicated error, the file it's looking for, whatever ( it is ), is not finding the file, thus your getting the not found error. | 05:53 |
bubbasaures | nmvictor, Are any in fstab? | 05:53 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: Did you tell ubuntu to use utc time | 05:53 |
Seven_Six_Two | kktex, just format it as usual. does it have SMART? | 05:54 |
BigBawb | rammaxee: D'= I did not | 05:54 |
kktex | SEven_Six_Two I'm thinking about create [ Extended [ Logical ext4] ] on that drive, to not bother primary boot partition on my OS hard drive, that's right? (yep SMART is on board and drive) | 05:54 |
BigBawb | would that solve the issue if I booted back to windows | 05:54 |
bubbasaures | nmvictor, Okay are any set to be mounted on booting automatically? | 05:54 |
BigBawb | because the issue seems to be deeper than just cosmetic | 05:55 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: You can change it in system efi, it's bios replacment. But every time you boot Windows it will change it again. Bios didn't allow Windows to change system time. | 05:56 |
nmvictor | bubbasaures:no, i dont have fstab in my etc | 05:56 |
Seven_Six_Two | kktex, not sure about what partitions you'll need, depends on uefi or bios. You don't have to have a boot partition normally, it's just a precaution if you remount boot write only, so likely doesn't matter to you. Unless you're a G-man. | 05:56 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: | 05:56 |
bubbasaures | nmvictor, you have to have fstab to boot the OS. | 05:56 |
bubbasaures | well mount the partitions anyway | 05:57 |
cyberfab007 | hey fellas, listen I am having issues running a bash cmd from my php script , I have narrowed it down to a permissions issue in my ubunut server, | 05:57 |
cyberfab007 | how do I add permissions to www-data user to run a ruby command ?\ | 05:57 |
nmvictor | ooh, actually am on mac, nautilus is running on my mac, which is | 05:57 |
nmvictor | still unix, but for some reason, no fstab. | 05:57 |
rammaxee | BigBawb: the time being off will also mess up updates. | 05:57 |
nmvictor | bubbasaures:^ | 05:58 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, change the owner of the script to www-data | 05:58 |
kktex | Seven_Six_Two :) ok. (bios by now) | 05:58 |
bubbasaures | nmvictor, What is the operating system? | 05:58 |
cyberfab007 | can I add the scirpt to the group www-data | 05:58 |
pc_ | how do i assign alt+enter to show super menu? | 05:58 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, not necessarily, although I'm not sure of the details, | 05:59 |
nmvictor | bubbasaures:mac 10.9 | 05:59 |
rammaxee | pc_: Just hold the Windows key | 05:59 |
bubbasaures | nmvictor, not supported ever | 05:59 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, you can definitely try. do you know the command? | 05:59 |
bubbasaures | you wanna dual boot your supported nmvictor | 05:59 |
cyberfab007 | no I am looking it up | 05:59 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, sudo chown script-owner.www-data /path/to/script | 06:00 |
nmvictor | bubbasaures:ooh, ok. so have to live with nautilus in my mac with | 06:01 |
nmvictor | no side bar. i guess thats what i get for working with commercial os. Thanks anyways | 06:01 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, sudo chown cyberfab007.www-data ./mysuperruby.rb | 06:01 |
rammaxee | pc_: isn't using one key. The Windows key good enough. | 06:01 |
rammaxee | nmvictor: You can install KDE in osx. | 06:02 |
cyberfab007 | Seven_Six_Two, ruby scirpts do not have direct paths | 06:03 |
Ben64 | nmvictor: this channel is for ubuntu support only | 06:03 |
pc_ | rammaxee: no it's not because i want it to be like on my mac | 06:04 |
pixelkats | flip it, im upgrading to 14.04 | 06:04 |
pixelkats | because why not | 06:04 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, I'll take your word for it | 06:04 |
clockwork_ | Hello | 06:04 |
pixelkats | gnome-disks is better in 14.04 | 06:04 |
kktex | I go, thanks, bye | 06:04 |
Ben64 | pixelkats: good choice. 14.04 is the latest LTS, supported until 2019 | 06:04 |
clockwork_ | Could someone direct me in capturing audio directly from my soundcard? | 06:05 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, wait, how can a file not have a path? | 06:05 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: download the 14.04.1 iso to upgrade. | 06:05 |
pixelkats | hopefully some programs that i use from 12.04 will work as well on 14.04 | 06:05 |
pixelkats | im already upgrading via update manager | 06:05 |
cyberfab007 | well to execute the scirpt in the command shell i use | 06:05 |
cyberfab007 | script input | 06:05 |
rammaxee | pixelkats: Okay. Just takes longer. | 06:06 |
cyberfab007 | and it executes, | 06:06 |
pixelkats | oh | 06:06 |
pixelkats | ok thats fine | 06:06 |
Seven_Six_Two | cyberfab007, you can put that in a file and run it! | 06:07 |
lava333 | Guess what house number captcha I just on webchat? | 06:08 |
lava333 | 404 | 06:08 |
lava333 | lol! | 06:08 |
clockwork_ | lol | 06:08 |
rammaxee | lava333: so it said You are error | 06:09 |
lava333 | No, I'm not found :-) | 06:09 |
lava333 | That's also my phone extension at work | 06:09 |
clockwork_ | Not only that, neither is your compute | 06:09 |
lava333 | HTTP error 404: Not found | 06:09 |
clockwork_ | computer* | 06:09 |
lava333 | Does anyone here have access to an ubuntu mirror? I need someone to do a "du --max-depth 1 -h ...../pool" - on the pool directory, I need to know how big each of main, multiverse, restricted and universe is.... pleeeease | 06:10 |
clockwork_ | You're trying to find the size of... *gulp* multiple repositories? (I have no idea where to begin) | 06:10 |
clockwork_ | I'm just trying to foward my audio output to my input so I can then foward it to my phone | 06:11 |
aeon-ltd | clockwork_: low tech, just run 3.5mm out to in | 06:13 |
lava333 | I started mirroring last night... I'm up to 337G.... I want to know if I've passed the halfway mark yet | 06:13 |
lava333 | Knowing the continuing bandwidth requirements to keep a mirror up-to-date would also be immensely cool, of course....... | 06:13 |
clockwork_ | the 3.5mm is annoying, my ports are so low grade that I can hear the grainyness of the mic input | 06:13 |
thomedy | you know what i just realized | 06:14 |
lava333 | 337G is mainly on the main tree | 06:14 |
clockwork_ | i've been dealing with it and sucking it up for three weeks but I can't stand it anymore | 06:14 |
aeon-ltd | clockwork_: i know audacity can handle audio routing internally, though i'm not sure if it can do system wide | 06:14 |
lava333 | I have a feeling universe is even bigger | 06:14 |
thomedy | i was about to write code to move the moov atom on any video to the front of the video for quickstart play | 06:14 |
thomedy | in my software | 06:14 |
lava333 | I only have 700G available.... | 06:14 |
Ben64 | lava333: this is probably not the channel you want, this is for ubuntu support | 06:14 |
thomedy | sorry im hitting return alot again.... But i realized i can probably run a system call on a linux command and then move the moov atom or the ftyp with a command like ffmpeg or something like that in a much easier way | 06:15 |
rww | lava333: universe is a lot bigger than main. | 06:15 |
rww | lava333: I don't have numbers, but yeah. | 06:15 |
thomedy | thats way faster and easier... google time | 06:15 |
lava333 | Sadly, I can't seem to find much info on the web.... :-( I'm definitely blogging about- / publishing my experience setting up a mirror | 06:17 |
rww | lava333: You probably want #ubuntu-mirrors if you want more info on mirroring from IRC. It's a lot smaller than here though, so be prepared to ask, leave IRC open, and get an answer later (potentially a lot later, since Canonical is often on European time and it's now the weekend) | 06:18 |
lava333 | Yup, 8am to be exact... I'm sure lots of people work on Saturdays :-) Thanks | 06:19 |
ki7mt_ | lava333, sri, I been away fer a bit, what's question about mirrors? | 06:22 |
lava333 | ki7mt_: I've asked in ubuntu-mirrors too... I want to know if the 650GB figure is accurate for the size of a mirror.... I started last night and I'm up to 334G, just want to know how far I am. Also, I'd love to find graphs for bandwidth requirements of keeping up-to-date sans downloads. | 06:25 |
ki7mt_ | lava333, Ahh ok .. I can aswer the quesiton about their mirror, but mine for 14.04 i386 and amd64 is just over 100GB. | 06:26 |
ki7mt_ | s/can't/can/g | 06:26 |
lava333 | ki7mt_: surely that's only the pool/main? | 06:27 |
ki7mt_ | lava333, that's for everything, main, Uni, Muti-Uni, etc etc | 06:27 |
lava333 | ki7mt_ Run a du --max-depth 1 -h ....../ubuntu/pool ? | 06:29 |
zacwalls | how can i send a file via terminal over wireless network | 06:30 |
Ben64 | zacwalls: send to what? | 06:31 |
zacwalls | Another system | 06:31 |
ki7mt_ | lava333, At the moment, no I cannot, as I'm not on the right LAN. | 06:31 |
lava333 | zacwalls: what terminal? text file? copy and paste :-) | 06:31 |
Ben64 | zacwalls: thats not helpful | 06:31 |
zacwalls | I mean iso file | 06:31 |
zacwalls | like an image | 06:31 |
lava333 | zacwalls: scp / winscp | 06:32 |
zacwalls | Is that the command? | 06:32 |
lava333 | zacwalls: in the old days we used Xmodem protocol. If you want to get really geeky, you can probably still use it today, LOL :-) | 06:32 |
zacwalls | really | 06:32 |
zacwalls | Now everything is tcp /ip | 06:33 |
ki7mt_ | lava333, If your downloading sources also, I could easily see a full i386 / amd64 mirror being over 600GB | 06:33 |
lava333 | zacwalls: no, don't. What terminal are you using? Its easier to use scp. If you had to ssh you can just as well scp my-local-file.iso | 06:33 |
Ben64 | zacwalls: again, send to what | 06:33 |
zacwalls | Another pc running win 7 | 06:34 |
lava333 | zacwalls: or if you're on windows, use winscp, bitvise tunnelier, or filezilla scp | 06:34 |
lava333 | zacwalls: from windows to windows? | 06:34 |
zacwalls | to | 06:34 |
lava333 | zacwalls: or windows to ubuntu? | 06:34 |
lava333 | zacwalls: download winscp or bitvise... you'll like it | 06:34 |
zacwalls | ubuntu to win | 06:34 |
Ben64 | from the windows computer you can use winscp, from linux you could use samba, but you'd have to have file sharing set up | 06:34 |
Ben64 | and you'll need openssh-server on ubuntu in order to connect with winscp | 06:35 |
zacwalls | How can i do that | 06:35 |
lava333 | zacwalls: yes. sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 06:35 |
zacwalls | Thats easy enough | 06:36 |
zacwalls | brb | 06:36 |
joe___ | hey guys, I had disabled Intel rapid storage tech, fastboot and UEFI in my laptop before installing ubuntu. Now I've Ubuntu Running properly on lappy. So Should I enable these to improve performance? | 06:37 |
eaxxae | what is the best source for books online, can be any protocol. torrent, irc, https, http, ftp, etc... [please resist urge to flame] | 06:37 |
eaxxae | what is the best source for books online, can be any protocol. torrent, irc, https, http, ftp, etc... [please resist urge to flame] | 06:37 |
eaxxae | - one of those.. ugh. | 06:37 |
clumsy_bot | eaxxae: Gutenberg? | 06:38 |
Ben64 | eaxxae: not on topic here | 06:38 |
eaxxae | clumsy_bot: Project Gutenberg, love it .. yes. | 06:38 |
zacwalls | Done | 06:38 |
zacwalls | now what? | 06:38 |
eaxxae | Ben64: any suggestions on where it might be 'on topic' | 06:39 |
lava333 | zacwalls: Or if you want to get really fancy, use SAMBA. apt-get install samba. Then you can just use windows filesharing.... but then you need to set passwords on Windows, and you need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and service samba restart. Or you can mount your windows share on ubuntu: mount //windows-pc/MYSHARE /media/windows7 -o username=MYWINDOWSUSERNAME and then access it like its a directory on ubuntu | 06:39 |
clumsy_bot | Pretty sure there should be an ubuntu-offtopic channel. | 06:39 |
bubbasaures | zacwalls, If you're addressing someone use their nick | 06:39 |
joe___ | hey guys, I had disabled Intel rapid storage tech, fastboot and UEFI in my laptop before installing ubuntu. Now I've Ubuntu Running properly on lappy. So Should I enable these to improve performance? | 06:39 |
Ben64 | there is indeed #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:39 |
undecim | joe___, I don't think fastboot or UEFI will increase performance | 06:39 |
zacwalls | Okay | 06:39 |
bubbasaures | !patience | joe___ | 06:39 |
ki7mt_ | real fancy would be be to use sshfs :-) | 06:39 |
ubottu | joe___: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 06:39 |
undecim | joe___, Maybe Intel's think might, but IDK anything about it | 06:40 |
zacwalls | lava333: lets try and stick with ssh | 06:40 |
joe___ | ok | 06:40 |
undecim | think* | 06:40 |
Ben64 | zacwalls: now you can browse your system using winscp from windows, all you need is your ip, user name, and password | 06:40 |
undecim | thing** | 06:40 |
gartral | hey all, I have a laptop with a wacom tablet intergrated into the display (HP Elitebook 2730p) and since upgrading to 14.10 from 14.04 the tablet isn't detected... any ideas? | 06:40 |
eaxxae | clumsy_bot: gratzi, gracias, thank you.. | 06:40 |
bubbasaures | joe___, Channel likes ten min intervals. ;) | 06:40 |
zacwalls | And i need to set that up using ssh? | 06:40 |
Ben64 | zacwalls: you already have ssh | 06:41 |
eaxxae | gartral: probably a change in the packages that deal with it, you should see if it's detected at all and move on from there.. lspci | 06:41 |
zacwalls | Do i need to set a password? | 06:41 |
lava333 | joe___ - it won't do much... fastboot just makes your PC not search for CD's, USB, etc... so maybe your pc will boot 1 second faster. Whoop. | 06:41 |
zacwalls | Nvm | 06:41 |
zacwalls | what do i need on win? | 06:42 |
undecim | zacwalls, winscp or Filezilla | 06:42 |
eaxxae | gartral: | 06:42 |
gartral | eaxxae: it isn't detected at all | 06:42 |
zacwalls | okay brb | 06:42 |
clumsy_bot | Is there documentation for Startup Disk Creator? As in, what it does in the backend? | 06:42 |
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru | ||
eaxxae | gartral: it's an integrated device, to a display... does it require a USB cable go from the display to the tower .. if so, have you tried a different usb port and or rebooted ? | 06:42 |
clumsy_bot | I've always wondered how Startup Disk Creator creates LiveUSBs that still allow remaining space to be used in other OSs (e.g Windows 7) | 06:43 |
eaxxae | nevermind | 06:43 |
eaxxae | it's a laptop | 06:43 |
gartral | eaxxae: no, it's intergrated internally, the Elitebook 2730p is a laptop/portable workstation | 06:43 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, man usb-creator-gtk | 06:43 |
undecim | gartral, Can you put the output of "lshw" into It would tell us if its detected at all, and how it is connected | 06:44 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett: Very basic man page, just covers normal usage. | 06:44 |
gartral | undecim: sure, one moment | 06:44 |
undecim | gartral, Actually, "sudo lshw" | 06:45 |
undecim | more "rootsy" than normal lshq | 06:45 |
undecim | lshw* | 06:45 |
gartral | undecim: already knew to add sudo | 06:45 |
bubbasaures | clumsy_bot, You would have to do some work to get any second partition on a usb seen by windows. | 06:46 |
gartral | undecim: hold, installing pastebinit | 06:46 |
undecim | Artemis3, Well, I can't really assume anyone's knowledge level until they indicate it | 06:46 |
bubbasaures | not sure what you mean | 06:46 |
clumsy_bot | bubbasaures: Yea, I've never been able to get that to work. Startup Disk Creator with persistence seems to be able to allow everything on just one partition though. | 06:46 |
clumsy_bot | bubbasaures: It was basically able to create 1 partition with Live + Persistence + Free space for use in Windows | 06:47 |
bubbasaures | clumsy_bot, Yes, casper-rw is the persistent, can be just a partition as well. | 06:47 |
gartral | undecim: | 06:47 |
zacwalls | Copying files..... | 06:47 |
clumsy_bot | bubbasaures: I previously used dd to create LiveUSB on other distros cause they don't have Startup Disk Creator, so documentation on how SDC creates LiveUSB would be nice... | 06:48 |
bubbasaures | clumsy_bot, I think you mean you have a save option, not a free space in windows, it is a free space anywhere. | 06:48 |
clumsy_bot | bubbasaures: dd just left with a bootable USB but no way to utilize remaining space. | 06:48 |
bubbasaures | clumsy_bot, I think what you want is to understand casper-rw | 06:49 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, eh? I use the extra space on USB all the time | 06:49 |
undecim | gartral, I dont see anything that looks like a wacom | 06:49 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, on live boot: save files to /etc/cdrom/ | 06:50 |
gartral | undecim: it's deffinately part of the hardware, it worked in 14.04, but since the jump, it's been MIA | 06:50 |
undecim | gartral, Any info on how it was set up before? Did you have to install anything? | 06:50 |
undecim | gartral, Or did it work out of the box? | 06:50 |
clumsy_bot | Let me grab a screenshot to make sure we're on the same page for what I'm looking for. | 06:51 |
clumsy_bot | Gimme a sec. | 06:51 |
zacwalls | What file protocol do i use? | 06:51 |
gartral | undecim: it did *NOT* work out of the box, I had to install the xorg input driver for it | 06:51 |
undecim | gartral, Can you confirm that this driver is currently installed? | 06:51 |
gartral | undecim: hold | 06:51 |
undecim | zacwalls, to transfer files over SSH, use SFTP | 06:52 |
zacwalls | okay | 06:52 |
zacwalls | what about host name and port and all that stuff? | 06:52 |
undecim | zacwalls, You'll need to figure out your host name. Port wont matter if you specify SFTP (22 by default, I think) | 06:53 |
gartral | undecim: installed yes; in xorg.conf; yes, loaded and working; no | 06:53 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett: bubbasaures | 06:53 |
undecim | zacwalls, figure out your IP address, I mean | 06:53 |
undecim | zacwalls, And use that as the host name | 06:53 |
zacwalls | Wat command on ubuntu? | 06:53 |
undecim | gartral, Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 06:53 |
undecim | zacwalls, ip addr | 06:53 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett: Files are still accessible, and the remaining free space is also usable. I'm curious on how to achieve a similar result without the use of Startup disk Creator | 06:53 |
zacwalls | Txh | 06:54 |
zacwalls | *thx | 06:54 |
undecim | clumsy_bot, You can start a live session from the creator and investigate the configuration | 06:54 |
bubbasaures | clumsy_bot, many usb loaders, most have a persistent as aart of the install choice, you can make a partition as well casper-rw is the key, right click it and see it's size. | 06:55 |
undecim | clumsy_bot, better yet, open up 2 VMs. One using a creator USB and one using a unetbootin USB or a Live CD | 06:55 |
bubbasaures | part* | 06:55 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, format the drive to fat32/xfat. use fdisk to create OS partition of ... say 5 GB. create a secondary partition labeled casper-rw in ext4 format . dd your .iso, delete the casper-rw file | 06:55 |
gartral | undecim: certainly, ICH9M-E LPC | 06:55 |
gartral | oops | 06:55 |
zacwalls | inet? | 06:55 |
cfhowlett | !persistence | clumsy_bot | 06:55 |
ubottu | clumsy_bot: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on | 06:55 |
gartral | undecim: | 06:55 |
undecim | gartral, What's the name of the driver? | 06:56 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett: undecim I'll check out all your suggestions. Thanks. | 06:56 |
gartral | undecim: it used to be xinput-wacom or similar.. | 06:56 |
zacwalls | Or inet6? | 06:56 |
undecim | gartral, your Xorg.conf, also | 06:57 |
gartral | undecim: I'm sorry I don't remember the exact name >.> | 06:57 |
undecim | gartral, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:57 |
bubbasaures | clumsy_bot, Just be aware if you have anything saved on the usb, when you remove casper it is gone. | 06:57 |
undecim | gartral, Or may be files in xorg.conf.d | 06:57 |
clumsy_bot | bubbasaures: Alright, I'll bear that in mind. | 06:58 |
undecim | gartral, from Xorg.0.log: [ 63.445] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices. | 06:58 |
zacwalls | Cant assign | 06:58 |
undecim | gartral, did Xorg.conf change with the upgrade? | 06:58 |
gartral | undecim: neither /etc.X11/xorg.conf nor /etc/xorg.conf.d exist | 06:59 |
l9 | reinstalling is #¤%&%/%¤/64 to say at least :/ oh well fresh slate i recong | 06:59 |
undecim | gartral, You said "in xorg.conf: yes" | 07:00 |
zacwalls | Wat username? | 07:00 |
Ben64 | zacwalls: your username in ubuntu | 07:00 |
gartral | i did, but I don't remember where it was >.< | 07:00 |
zacwalls | Oh | 07:00 |
gartral | undecim: I should point out that I may have had one too many beers tonight | 07:01 |
undecim | gartral, well it's certainly not in a place where Xorg will use it | 07:01 |
undecim | It should still auto-detect I would think... | 07:01 |
gartral | undecim: "find Xorg.conf" and "locate Xorg.conf" both failed | 07:01 |
zacwalls | password is my unix password correct? | 07:01 |
undecim | zacwalls, correct. | 07:01 |
gartral | zacwalls: yep | 07:01 |
zacwalls | Is there anything i need to do on ubuntu? | 07:02 |
gartral | zacwalls: have you used any linux/*nix before? | 07:02 |
zacwalls | um.... | 07:02 |
zacwalls | not sure | 07:03 |
undecim | gartral, So you're SURE that xserver-xorg-input-wacom package is still installed? | 07:03 |
gartral | undecim: YES i had to reinstaal it, and rebooted after | 07:03 |
undecim | zacwalls, All you have to do on ubuntu is install the openssh-server package. After that, any SSH client can access the computer with the IP address, username, and password | 07:03 |
zacwalls | so in terminal? | 07:04 |
undecim | gartral, So you added it to xorg.conf before, and now xorg.conf is missing? | 07:05 |
undecim | zacwalls, sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 07:05 |
gartral | undecim: this seems to be the case.. | 07:05 |
zacwalls | I did | 07:05 |
zacwalls | so do i have to run it? | 07:05 |
undecim | zacwalls, No, it installs it as a service and launches it immediately | 07:05 |
undecim | gartral, well it seems you need to do that again. | 07:06 |
undecim | gartral, see if there is something like xorg.conf.bak in /etc/X11/ | 07:06 |
gartral | undecim: add it to Xorg.conf? how if the file is missing? | 07:06 |
undecim | gartral, I suppose the upgrade cleared it out. | 07:06 |
zacwalls | I have a file on ubuntu that i wish to share with win. And my password wont work to login. so...... What did i do wrong? | 07:07 |
gartral | undecim: nope, not there.. | 07:07 |
undecim | zacwalls, What client are you using? | 07:07 |
zacwalls | winscp | 07:07 |
undecim | I'm not familiar with winscp. What errors does it display on failure? | 07:07 |
zacwalls | and it says somthing about the server closing | 07:07 |
undecim | zacwalls, From Ubuntu, can you successfully run "ssh localhost"? | 07:08 |
Forest-Dragon | Hiya, I am wondering, which channel should I visit for asking people to review a program I am working on and offer suggestions? | 07:09 |
zacwalls | I added it to the list of known hosts | 07:09 |
undecim | Forest-Dragon, if it's an ubuntu-related program, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic? | 07:10 |
undecim | zacwalls, That is with "ssh localhost"? | 07:10 |
zacwalls | yes | 07:10 |
eatyourguitar | has anyone here installed clojure? I'm looking for an install guide for clojure + leiningen + quil | 07:10 |
Forest-Dragon | Thanks. | 07:10 |
undecim | zacwalls, Did the login complete? You should see a fresh print of your system stats and stuff | 07:10 |
ErC1 | I using Vuse , Is there anyway to get an updated Woring Vuze ? | 07:11 |
undecim | zacwalls, It will look like you opened a new terminal | 07:11 |
zacwalls | ecdsa key fingerprint | 07:11 |
ErC1 | I using Vuse , Is there anyway to get an updated Working Vuze ? | 07:11 |
zacwalls | | 07:11 |
undecim | zacwalls, can you pastebin that terminal? | 07:11 |
thomedy | i went to sudo apt-get install ffmpeg and i dont even have it as a candidate | 07:11 |
thomedy | wtf | 07:11 |
zacwalls | i just want to say im on eth0 | 07:12 |
kk_ | need help to autodetect android device on ubuntu armhf image on beaglebone black | 07:12 |
zacwalls | i dont have wireless compatibilities on ubuntu | 07:12 |
kk_ | anybody experience with MTP on ubuntu? | 07:12 |
jamie_ | hey, came on here earlier trying to get some help but it seemed a little busy... for some odd reason when trying to run kde desktop environment it will go through the login via ubuntu 14.10 lightdm but then as it gets to leaving the login the screen goes black no courser and ctrl-alt-f1 doesn’t work at all and the screen seems to be turned off | 07:13 |
gartral | undecim: you as confused as I am?!? | 07:14 |
undecim | gartral, Can you bring me beers until I'm as confused as you are? | 07:14 |
gartral | undecim: you in Ohio? | 07:14 |
zacwalls | | 07:14 |
undecim | gartral, No, Alabama | 07:15 |
gartral | undecim: darn, no I can't | 07:15 |
zacwalls | what is the localhost password? | 07:15 |
undecim | Your login password | 07:15 |
zacwalls | nope | 07:15 |
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* gartral bang head into his Linux Bible saying "Give me strength!" | 07:16 | |
undecim | zacwalls, do "ssh -vv localhost" and pastebin the result | 07:16 |
zacwalls | k | 07:16 |
The_Stuntman | wondered if someone could give me a quick hand with a mail server setup, I utilized this guide here | 07:16 |
The_Stuntman | and it seems like if I telnet, I can see all of the ports are open but 23 and 993 | 07:16 |
The_Stuntman | I used uwf disable to disable the firewall for testing purposes | 07:17 |
jamie_ | zacwalls: do you think it may not be set, kinda like root where it needs to be set first for some odd reason, i know its normaley not that way with localhost... but what the heck | 07:17 |
The_Stuntman | I'm running ubuntu 14.04.1 | 07:17 |
undecim | jamie_, It would have given an incorrect password line if it were a bad password or username | 07:17 |
zacwalls | Maybe? | 07:17 |
undecim | I've never seen it just drop the connection like that | 07:17 |
jamie_ | undecim: it was a shot in the dark | 07:17 |
zacwalls | | 07:18 |
undecim | jamie_, Or maybe his is behaving differently for some reason | 07:18 |
jamie_ | undecim: one sec let me take a closer look | 07:18 |
undecim | zacwalls, That time it worked O_o | 07:19 |
zacwalls | IDK anymore | 07:19 |
undecim | zacwalls, "Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS" | 07:19 |
undecim | try from Win again | 07:19 |
undecim | maybe it fixed itself. | 07:19 |
jamie_ | undecim: are yall trying to set up a apache? | 07:19 |
undecim | jamie_, SSH server | 07:19 |
jamie_ | undecim: same concept | 07:19 |
zacwalls | access denied | 07:19 |
zacwalls | :( | 07:20 |
undecim | zacwalls, try again. That sounds like a bad username or password | 07:20 |
zacwalls | Did i use the right ip/username? | 07:20 |
undecim | It was a different error from before? | 07:20 |
zacwalls | how can i see what my username for ssh is? | 07:20 |
The_Stuntman | nevermind -.- apparantly all I needed was a quick restart | 07:20 |
undecim | 'Access denied' sounds like it's the right IP address, but bad login credentials | 07:20 |
undecim | zacwalls, It's the same username as ubuntu | 07:21 |
zacwalls | i mean the host name | 07:21 |
zacwalls | srry | 07:21 |
undecim | zacwalls, in a terminal: whoami | 07:21 |
jamie_ | undecim: are you using just openssh | 07:21 |
zacwalls | okay | 07:21 |
jamie_ | sorry kinda came in late | 07:21 |
undecim | zacwalls, host name will be the IP address | 07:21 |
zacwalls | I am zack | 07:21 |
zacwalls | thats what it says | 07:21 |
undecim | jamie_, Trying to transfer files to/from windows client. Winscp fails to login to SSH | 07:22 |
undecim | zacwalls, hostname = your ip address from "ip addr"; username = your username from "whoami"; password = your unix password | 07:22 |
undecim | zacwalls, if it gave the error "access denied" you probably have the right hostname/ip | 07:23 |
undecim | zacwalls, A bad username will give the same error as a bad password (so hackers can't figure out what usernames exist) | 07:23 |
jamie_ | undecim: so you just want to transfer files.... why dont you just use samba | 07:24 |
zacwalls | I figuerd it out | 07:24 |
undecim | jamie_, he was given the option of that and SSH, chose SSH | 07:24 |
undecim | SSH is easier than samba | 07:24 |
zacwalls | Thx for all your guys help | 07:25 |
undecim | No setting up shares and whatnot.. Just access to all the files | 07:25 |
zacwalls | Bye! | 07:25 |
undecim | zacwalls, any time | 07:25 |
jamie_ | sorry i wasnt of much help | 07:25 |
jamie_ | undecim: undecim: okay, i was just asking because samba in my opinion is easier... compared to this... and well ssh is used for adminstation mainly | 07:25 |
undecim | No need to apologize for something like that. It's not like we're paying you | 07:26 |
jamie_ | well i enjoy helping | 07:26 |
undecim | jamie_, Well, depends on the situation. For personal use by a Linux user, SSH is the way to go. Its flexible and quick to set up | 07:26 |
* cfhowlett was preparing the invoice ... | 07:26 | |
undecim | If you set it up for others to use, Samba is easier for the end user | 07:26 |
jamie_ | undecim: for constant use and easier maintenance and adding computers i would have to say samba is more worth the time | 07:27 |
jamie_ | but to each their own | 07:27 |
undecim | exactly. Whatever works | 07:28 |
gartral | undecim: well, i'mma sleep on the issue... maybe by tomarrow I'll have a clue | 07:28 |
undecim | gartral, Have fun with it! | 07:28 |
undecim | gartral, Xorg.conf is easier sober | 07:28 |
gartral | undecim: I wrote server code drunk that didn't break in 6 weeks | 07:28 |
jamie_ | oh... by the way.... i almost forgot i came on here for a specific reason this time | 07:29 |
undecim | This is why I stick with LTS. Upgrades are nightmares | 07:29 |
undecim | gartral, I write my best code drunk | 07:29 |
gartral | undecim: I agree on both counts | 07:29 |
undecim | gartral, sometimes i have use hemingway's advice and edit later | 07:30 |
jamie_ | lol that is a odd thing... but I cant say much... i work best half asleep and after a 27hr day | 07:30 |
undecim | For me, it works best to plan out the whole task sober, then write it with a few in me | 07:30 |
aeon-ltd | jamie_: adrenaline only periods of time | 07:31 |
undecim | Unless I get past that Ballmer peak | 07:31 |
jamie_ | aeon-ltd: i dont sleep much in general... so.... yea | 07:31 |
Chocola | hi, anyone know how to set vsftpd to use port 2222? result would be like this: at browser | 07:31 |
jamie_ | oh and while i still remember... im gonna scratch you brains for a min | 07:31 |
jamie_ | for some odd reason when trying to run kde desktop environment it will go through the login via ubuntu 14.10 lightdm but then as it gets to leaving the login the screen goes black no courser and ctrl-alt-f1 doesn’t work at all and the screen seems to be turned off | 07:32 |
undecim | jamie_, You have to hard shutdown? | 07:32 |
jamie_ | kinda | 07:32 |
undecim | Can you raise elephants? | 07:32 |
bazhang | undecim, thats not helpful | 07:33 |
jamie_ | lol what.... but sometimes i can use the double tap of ctrl-alt-delete and it will take me back to login... but some of them i have to hard reboot | 07:33 |
undecim | bazhang, The B still works, doesn't it? | 07:33 |
undecim | I haven't had to do it in so long... I know Ubuntu disabled some of the SysRq | 07:34 |
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ | ||
undecim | jamie_, It sounds like a hardware issue, probably graphics related | 07:34 |
bazhang | undecim, this channel is for support, please refrain from nonsense commentary, thanks | 07:34 |
jamie_ | hey... i dont necessarily need it but im getting a good laugh right now | 07:34 |
jamie_ | Nope, can guarentee it | 07:34 |
undecim | bazhang, eh? | 07:34 |
jamie_ | i am currently in genome3 | 07:34 |
undecim | bazhang, What nonsense commentary? | 07:35 |
jamie_ | can run cinnamon and ubuntu default also.. but kde doesnt work | 07:35 |
cfhowlett | undecim, "elephants" is clearly offtopic | 07:35 |
undecim | "raise elephants" refers to SysRq keys | 07:35 |
bazhang | the whole drunkenness bits | 07:36 |
undecim | jamie_, KDE starts a compositor by default, I think | 07:36 |
undecim | jamie_, That may be triggering the thing | 07:36 |
undecim | jamie_, You say sometimes you can get back to a login? So the computer isn't totally halted. | 07:37 |
undecim | bazhang, Oh yeah. You were a little late for that? Now we're just adding more lines talking about it... | 07:37 |
undecim | jamie_, Are you logged into X now? | 07:38 |
jamie_ | undecim: the first time i went to log onto kde desktop it popped up with the start of kubuntu but then... went black at first I thought it may be due to not running the standard x11 for it | 07:38 |
undecim | jamie_, I'd like to see an Xorg log from a failed session | 07:38 |
jamie_ | that is the weird thing... I have checked... there isnt one | 07:38 |
jamie_ | | 07:38 |
ki7mt_ | Chocola, unless things have changed rescently, edit the vsftp conf file in /etc/vsftpd.conf and set the listen_port | 07:38 |
undecim | jamie_, Xorg.0.log? | 07:39 |
jamie_ | one sec | 07:39 |
undecim | jamie_, Or are you logged into X in another DE right now? if so, that's not a log from a failed session | 07:39 |
undecim | jamie_, though your previous session (Xorg.1.log) was Jan 5? | 07:40 |
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jamie_ | no... and that is from about 1 hr ago | 07:40 |
undecim | jamie_, What GPU? | 07:40 |
jamie_ | undecim: NVS 3100M/PCIe/SSE2 | 07:41 |
undecim | jamie_, has anything remotely similar to this happened before? | 07:42 |
jamie_ | nope | 07:42 |
void123 | hello is crontab @reboot useless when you have encrypted lvm? ive bene trying different things and nothing ever happens, like @reboot logger "testing testing" | 07:42 |
undecim | jamie_, Are you using proprietary drivers? | 07:43 |
jamie_ | yes | 07:43 |
undecim | jamie_, does the same thing happen with FOSS drivers? | 07:43 |
jamie_ | the others dont work..... the stupid 331 bug applies to me.... :\ | 07:44 |
undecim | fun. | 07:44 |
jamie_ | undecim: so the recent linux kernal release kind scewed me over | 07:45 |
undecim | even fbdev and vesa? | 07:45 |
jamie_ | cat/var/log/Xorg.0.log | less returns nothing but ~ | 07:45 |
undecim | Just to 1) verify that the drivers are part of the bug at hand and 2) to try disabling compositing in KDE | 07:46 |
jamie_ | how do i do that from outside of it | 07:46 |
undecim | jamie_, Did you put a space after cat? | 07:46 |
jamie_ | lol whoups | 07:46 |
undecim | jamie_, That's why I suggested a FOSS driver. idk how to do it from outside | 07:46 |
undecim | jamie_, Also, you can just do 'less filename' | 07:47 |
undecim | Save your pinky a trip over there | 07:47 |
jamie_ | one sec | 07:48 |
DrManhattan | I'm getting a strange series of errors when I run du with the max-depth option. it doesn't interfere with the command but I am a bit worried about why it would do this | 07:48 |
jamie_ | undecim: ..... | 07:48 |
undecim | jamie_, nothing helpful there. This log is from a successful session? | 07:49 |
jamie_ | undecim: yes... gonna see if somehow i can manage to get one from the failed.... gonna try to launch no grapical terminal as soon as it accepts password | 07:50 |
undecim | DrManhattan, possibly between the time that program sees that file exists, and attempts to access it, the file is gone? | 07:50 |
DrManhattan | hmm | 07:51 |
undecim | DrManhattan, /proc/ is one of those funny filesystems that doesn't have a lot of "normal" files | 07:51 |
undecim | DrManhattan, is it the same files each time? | 07:51 |
jamie_ | and try all of the drivers real fast.... because when i switched to the proprietary from nvida when that one got working again it was no longer saying broken pipe reading from descriptor and now is again | 07:51 |
DrManhattan | undecim, yes | 07:51 |
DrManhattan | undecim, I got it - thank you | 07:52 |
undecim | DrManhattan, when I do it, I get the same pattern with differn PIDs | 07:54 |
DrManhattan | undecim - adding the -x option helped me | 07:54 |
jamie_ | undecim: what other drivers where you sugesting... all the ones here other than the open source are from nvida and base around the legacy binar driver | 07:54 |
undecim | jamie_, vesa and fbdev | 07:54 |
jamie_ | Okay gonna look into those | 07:55 |
undecim | jamie_, You either have to set them up in xorg.conf or remove the other drivers | 07:55 |
jamie_ | this ought be fun | 07:55 |
undecim | If you can get in with an alternate driver, try disabling the compositor in KDE and coming back with the proprietary | 07:55 |
EriC^^ | DrManhattan: i tried du /proc & ps aux | 07:56 |
EriC^^ | DrManhattan: undecim is right, it's the pid of the du command itself | 07:56 |
DrManhattan | EriC^^, did you get the error too? just out of curiosity | 07:56 |
DrManhattan | EriC^^, right on, thank you | 07:56 |
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EriC^^ | it changes every time and it disappears | 07:56 |
jamie_ | undecim: any links for info? | 07:58 |
undecim | jamie_, The first response in this link shows a simple xorg.conf to select the video driver: | 07:59 |
jamie_ | undecim: okay thanks | 07:59 |
undecim | How's Kubuntu/KDE these days? | 08:00 |
jamie_ | undecim: would love to tell ya | 08:00 |
undecim | XD | 08:00 |
jamie_ | undecim: and i started to read down that.... the problem is different | 08:00 |
undecim | jamie_, The problem is different, but the technique to change drivers is the same | 08:01 |
jamie_ | undecim: I have an odd idea.... if I uninstall kde then reinstall and try to redo it and the first time i do have access to the Xorg log | 08:01 |
undecim | No point to do an uninstall and reinstall | 08:02 |
undecim | Just remove the KDE stuff from your home dir | 08:02 |
jamie_ | well should, there was a small bit in first attempt that was there | 08:02 |
jamie_ | and I dont know if this may help... but when i start my computer it doesnt say ubuntu.... it says kubuntu | 08:03 |
jamie_ | but opens ubuntu lightdm login and under the x11 for ubuntu not kubuntu | 08:03 |
cfhowlett | jamie_, that's a plymouth startup theme ... doesn't mean kubuntu is installed | 08:03 |
undecim | jamie_, You might try changing to KDM then | 08:04 |
jamie_ | cfhowlett: i know, just saying that its instalizing that way for some odd reason | 08:04 |
Chocola | ki7mt_ > just changing the listen_port ? | 08:04 |
cfhowlett | jamie_, because at some point you installed kubuntu ... | 08:04 |
jamie_ | undecim: it has since i installed kde from terminal | 08:04 |
undecim | jamie_, So you're on KDM now? | 08:05 |
jamie_ | cfhowlett: its still ubuntu... not kubuntu all defaults are still set and its not using the x11 that kubuntu uses | 08:05 |
jamie_ | undecim: no I am in genome3 | 08:05 |
raj | in gparted, my drive size seems to be off by 1 byte, can someone tell me why? and | 08:05 |
undecim | KDM = KDE Display Manager | 08:05 |
jamie_ | oh sorry, read it wrong | 08:06 |
jamie_ | and no... i am using lightdm | 08:06 |
undecim | jamie_, You can try KDM. I would normally expect it to help, but with proprietary drivers, anything is possible | 08:07 |
jamie_ | .... :\ | 08:07 |
jamie_ | that is gonna really piss me off if it does.... | 08:08 |
undecim | jamie_, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' should switch it, I think | 08:08 |
jamie_ | when i was on earlier I asked and even stated that and asked.... and the person said no... there will be no difference | 08:08 |
undecim | jamie_, Well normally, there shouldn't be a difference | 08:09 |
jamie_ | undecim: | 08:10 |
undecim | jamie_, I only suggest KDM because it might handle logging into KDE different than lightdm | 08:10 |
jamie_ | undecim: ^ | 08:10 |
undecim | Oh, i guess sudo apt-get install kdm, then | 08:10 |
jamie_ | ... lol | 08:11 |
cfhowlett | jamie_, if it's splash screen options only ... | 08:11 |
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jamie_ | .... this is gonna sound really odd | 08:11 |
jamie_ | I actually already have two dm in there and setable... and kdm makes three..... | 08:12 |
undecim | jamie_, Really? what's the other? | 08:13 |
jamie_ | gdm | 08:13 |
jamie_ | yea.... im like... where did that come from | 08:13 |
undecim | Oh yeah, gnome3 | 08:13 |
jamie_ | i know what its for... but i dont remember putting it there | 08:13 |
undecim | jamie_, it comes with gnome 3 | 08:13 |
jamie_ | .... it would have asked me... not to sound rude... this aint my first rodeo | 08:14 |
jamie_ | and also why wouldnt kdm be there to start with if it is for some odd reason thinking its kubuntu at start up | 08:14 |
undecim | jamie_, Who knows. | 08:15 |
nithin | Hi My Micro SD card is not working could some one please help me to recover it. | 08:15 |
jamie_ | i should restart the dm now right? | 08:15 |
undecim | jamie_, errm... Stop lightdm, start kdm | 08:16 |
bubbasaures | nithin, What is the file type? | 08:16 |
bubbasaures | this a fat ext ntfs? | 08:17 |
nithin | bubbasaures: file type in the sense? | 08:17 |
bubbasaures | nithin, What is the partition type? | 08:17 |
nithin | i thing it is fat | 08:17 |
bubbasaures | nithin, Can you run a chkdsk /f from windows if a MS type | 08:18 |
bubbasaures | might work in windows, have you checked? | 08:18 |
jamie_ | hey by any chance... do you know the command for that...... | 08:18 |
chebit | hi | 08:18 |
chebit | which is more stable 14.04 or 14.10 ? | 08:18 |
Ben64 | 14.04 is LTS | 08:18 |
jamie_ | nvm.... just rememver i have to restart my computer.... dam | 08:19 |
jamie_ | be right back with outcome | 08:19 |
undecim | jamie_, That works | 08:19 |
chebit | I have problems with my 14.10 | 08:19 |
undecim | 14.04 should be more stable | 08:20 |
undecim | it's an LTS, and it's had 6 more months of testing compared to 14.10 | 08:21 |
bubbasaures | don't hold back describing it to the channel | 08:21 |
gagalicious | i am overly used to iptables | 08:23 |
gagalicious | where is /etc/sysconfig/iptables in ubuntu 14.04 | 08:23 |
gagalicious | and how do i use iptables instead of ufw? what should i do? install iptables?? | 08:23 |
Ben64 | gagalicious: iptables should already be installed | 08:24 |
gagalicious | so what should i do? | 08:25 |
gagalicious | if i disable ufw, does iptables still work? | 08:25 |
bubbasaures | gagalicious, | 08:25 |
Ben64 | ufw is just a frontend to iptables, use whatever you want | 08:25 |
jamie_ | ....okay... that was not a good idea | 08:25 |
nithin | my Micro sd card is not getting mounted (i tried in my mobile laptop) could any one please help | 08:26 |
gagalicious | ufw .. for me is adding complications to iptables. | 08:26 |
Ben64 | nithin: plug it in, wait 10 seconds, and then pastebin the output of "dmesg" | 08:26 |
undecim | jamie_, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' should give you the same menu again to switch back | 08:26 |
Ben64 | gagalicious: like i've said, use iptables then | 08:26 |
jamie_ | yea... i am currently in cinnamon right now..... had to use non gui | 08:27 |
gagalicious | service iptables restart,,,,iptables: unrecognized service | 08:27 |
gagalicious | how to restart iptables in ubuntu 14.04? | 08:27 |
nithin | Ben64 "then pastebin the output of "dmesg"" could you please explain wat to do i couldnt understand | 08:27 |
gagalicious | can i add to /etc/init.d/iptables from centos 6? i copy and paste? | 08:27 |
undecim | jamie_, maybe KDM is doing the same thing KDE is to trigger? | 08:27 |
Ben64 | nithin: open a terminal, type "dmesg" , copy the text that comes out, probably only the last 20 lines or so are relevant, go to, put it in there, submit, then give the resulting link here | 08:28 |
jamie_ | undecim: lol think i should try gdm? | 08:28 |
Ben64 | gagalicious: ubuntu doesn't work the same way as redhat based distros | 08:28 |
bazhang | gagalicious, try in #netfilter | 08:28 |
undecim | jamie_, Eh, why not? it's even more of a long shot than KDM | 08:28 |
gagalicious | yes i know | 08:28 |
gagalicious | i'm transitioning from centos to ubuntu | 08:29 |
gagalicious | very difficult | 08:29 |
jamie_ | well while im at it why not.... I already know to to fix it to default if i need to... lol | 08:29 |
bazhang | gagalicious, try gufw then its the gui for ufw | 08:29 |
nithin | Ben64, [ 598.345384] sd 34:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk | 08:29 |
nithin | [ 831.264600] usb 2-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 12 | 08:29 |
nithin | [ 939.618701] usb 2-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 15 using ehci-pci | 08:29 |
nithin | [ 939.874844] usb 2-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 16 using ehci-pci | 08:29 |
nithin | [ 939.968836] usb 2-1.1: New USB device found, idVendor=14cd, idProduct=121f | 08:29 |
nithin | [ 939.968846] usb 2-1.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=3, SerialNumber=2 | 08:29 |
gagalicious | i'm ysing command line ... operating server | 08:29 |
gagalicious | basicailyl centos to ubuntu server | 08:29 |
Ben64 | nithin: really? i even explained fully how to go to :| | 08:29 |
undecim | jamie_, well I'm about go to sleep | 08:30 |
gagalicious | can u guys tell me how do i do service iptables restart in ubuntu 14.04 server/ | 08:30 |
Ben64 | gagalicious: its not a service | 08:30 |
jamie_ | undecim: actually I have an odd idea... there is no way to launch a seperate desktop enviroment from kdm unless you ue the non gui | 08:30 |
bubbasaures | gagalicious, You miss the link? | 08:30 |
undecim | jamie_, okay | 08:30 |
jamie_ | well gonna try these ideas... either way i still have 3 desktop environments i just try to keep current with all of them... i can live... go to sleep man, thanks for the help though | 08:31 |
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undecim | jamie_, You might also be able to change some driver settings in Xorg.conf | 08:31 |
undecim | jamie_, Anything that might change the state of the graphics card is a potential workaround/clue to what's going on | 08:32 |
gagalicious | i read the link | 08:32 |
undecim | good night, all | 08:32 |
gagalicious | didnt say anything i need | 08:32 |
undecim | jamie_, /msg me if you find a solution | 08:32 |
jamie_ | undecim: i have to drop off here to test these either way, and im not gonna go through all that touble for a 4th desktop enviroment | 08:32 |
bubbasaures | hmm a official ubuntu wiki, imagine that | 08:32 |
jamie_ | undecim: okay, i am kinda intreiged though why it doesnt work | 08:32 |
nithin | Ben64, i have done that please find the resultant link: | 08:33 |
jamie_ | but have a good night | 08:33 |
Ben64 | nithin: seems like you have a damaged or otherwise corrupted or deleted card | 08:33 |
nithin | Ben64, what can i do to recover it? | 08:34 |
Ben64 | nithin: you can make an image of it using ddrescue and seeing if you can recover any data using testdisk/photorec | 08:34 |
nithin | Ben64, could you please give a detailed explanation on what to be done | 08:35 |
Ben64 | nithin: 1. use ddrescue to make an image of the card, putting it on your hard drive or something else 2. use testdisk and/or photorec to try to recover any files | 08:36 |
Ben64 | nithin: more information here -> | 08:37 |
gagalicious | iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?). | 08:42 |
gagalicious | why? | 08:42 |
Platypus-Man | apt-get tells me that I have broken packages, and it turns out one of my packages depends on "libperl5.14" which I have no install candidate for with my defualt Ubuntu PPAs, anyone know which PPA I can add to get it? | 08:55 |
Ben64 | Platypus-Man: PPAs aren't supported here | 08:56 |
Platypus-Man | ok, whatever else makes apt-get work then.. I really have no clue what I'm doing | 08:57 |
Ben64 | Platypus-Man: what version of ubuntu | 08:57 |
Platypus-Man | think it might be 14.10, perhaps 14.04.. any way to check via commandline? | 08:58 |
Ben64 | lsb_release -d | 08:58 |
Platypus-Man | I did a dist-upgrade though (was recommended do-release-upgrade, but that didn't work for me) | 08:59 |
Platypus-Man | 14.04.1 LTS | 08:59 |
Seveas | Platypus-Man: there's no such thing as 'default ppa'. By default there are no PPA's enabled. | 09:00 |
Ben64 | libperl5.14 is not in 14.04, you got some weird stuff going on, probably mixing PPAs for other releases of Ubuntu, sounds bad | 09:00 |
Seveas | !info perl trusty | 09:00 |
ubottu | perl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is important. Version 5.18.2-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 2122 kB, installed size 11509 kB | 09:01 |
Seveas | yeah, 5.18. You added some PPA's for saucy or raring | 09:01 |
Seveas | time to ppa-purge :) | 09:01 |
Platypus-Man | so... any way to upgrade to 14.10 or do I need to re-install? as mentioned, I was recommended to do apt-get do-release-upgrade but that didn't work for me | 09:01 |
Ben64 | 14.04 is not the problem | 09:02 |
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Ben64 | Platypus-Man: pastebin the outputs of "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 09:03 |
Seveas | Platypus-Man: first you need to purge the broken packages | 09:03 |
Seveas | otherwise apt-get won't be able to do much | 09:03 |
Mathis | hey | 09:04 |
Seveas | hi Mathis | 09:04 |
darkvi0l3t | hi | 09:04 |
Mathis | I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a UEFI system (in secure mode)... I downloaded the ISO file and burned it on DVD... the UEFI cannot boot from it, what did I do wrong? | 09:06 |
Platypus-Man | sudo apt-get update: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:07 |
Seveas | !uefi | Mathis | 09:08 |
ubottu | Mathis: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 09:08 |
Mathis | thanks, I already know about UEFI | 09:08 |
Seveas | so you have read that wikipage? | 09:08 |
Mathis | they wrote there for installing in secure mode, I have to set it in the UEFI setup and boot from that CD | 09:09 |
Mathis | so I set Boot Mode: UEFI Win7 | 09:09 |
Mathis | also tried UEFI Win8 | 09:09 |
Mathis | but in both modes the CD drive is not shown in the boot manager | 09:09 |
Mathis | I even downloaded the ubuntu-14.04-amd64+mac.iso and used that | 09:10 |
Mathis | installing in Legacy Win7 mode worked fine, btw | 09:11 |
GuyOnEDGE | Hi | 09:13 |
GuyOnEDGE | Hi | 09:13 |
tolditsa | GuyOnEDGE: Hi | 09:13 |
darkvi0l3t | hi | 09:14 |
GuyOnEDGE | Hi | 09:15 |
darkvi0l3t | does anyone know anything about multimonitor issues im in kubuntu 14.10 with kwin and the windows always load on the wrong screen | 09:16 |
coleman | hey trying to install ubuntu, got it hooked via hdmi to a tv, but the sidebar and top menu are all out of frame, checked my display settings on the tv and it is set to full | 09:23 |
coleman | anythoughts? | 09:23 |
tolditsa | coleman: it's called underscan. Does your tv have pc mode in settings | 09:24 |
Ben64 | overscan* | 09:25 |
coleman | not thought i can find? its a panasonic 32 inch | 09:25 |
Ben64 | its not always easy to find | 09:25 |
tolditsa | coleman: sometimes the setting is called different names. Go into tv settings and search. | 09:25 |
coleman | i did, not seeing anything related | 09:26 |
coleman | its more of a resolution issue | 09:26 |
Ben64 | it isn't | 09:26 |
tolditsa | coleman: look for 1:1 pixel setting maybe | 09:26 |
cluster_groupie | is there no reliable wireless driver for ubuntu 14.04 on lenovo L440? | 09:28 |
OerHeks | cluster_groupie, wireless b/g/n ? | 09:28 |
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tolditsa | coleman: find anything yet | 09:29 |
herkules2 | hal | 09:30 |
coleman | no | 09:31 |
coleman | tv is an panasonic TC-l32u3 | 09:32 |
tolditsa | coleman: Are you looking in settings of the TV. | 09:32 |
coleman | yes | 09:32 |
coleman | hit menu on the remote and poke around | 09:32 |
tolditsa | coleman: if not found. What GPU do you have | 09:36 |
coleman | its the intel, sec ill look up the exact | 09:38 |
Ben64 | "This TV hooked up to my PC's HDMI port without problems, and produces a crystal-clear, sharp picture. For people complaining about 'halos' around screen fonts etc., turn down the 'sharpness' setting in the picture settings. If you have overscan issues and the edges of the screen appear cut off, switch to 'HDMI2' mode in the settings and your screen will display properly." | 09:39 |
Ben64 | from amazon review of that tv | 09:39 |
coleman | its not halos | 09:39 |
Ben64 | keep reading | 09:39 |
Nathan2055 | Alright, so I wanted to get KDE installed alongside Unity on 14.04. | 09:39 |
bazhang | kubuntu-desktop package Nathan2055 | 09:40 |
Nathan2055 | I loaded the kubuntu-desktop package and it works great, except for a few problems. | 09:40 |
Nathan2055 | #1: It uses the Kubuntu logo for the start-up shutdown splash (not really a big problem, but still weird). | 09:40 |
tolditsa | coleman: see if switching to hdmi mode 2 like Ben64 said. Not sure if he means switching ports on tv. | 09:41 |
Nathan2055 | #2: The font in Unity menus is wrong. | 09:41 |
Nathan2055 | How do I fix this? | 09:41 |
coleman | i tried port two, am lookinjg for that setting | 09:41 |
coleman | oh man | 09:42 |
coleman | there was a sub menu i just completely was missing | 09:42 |
coleman | damn | 09:42 |
coleman | well thank you! | 09:42 |
Ben64 | yay google-fu :D | 09:43 |
Nathan2055 | Should I switch to using kde-full instead? | 09:43 |
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ifahad | Hi every one | 09:45 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, you just to wish to see lightdm instead of kdm? | 09:45 |
PsilonuX | HI, i am running software raid mdadm and suffering low write speeds (< 10 MB/s) on 12.04. I suspect a failing disk (WD Greens ..) . Smartctl doesnt show anything suspect. How can I test individual write speeds of the disks with dd, without messing up my data? | 09:45 |
tolditsa | Coleman that setting seems to be in HD aspect ratio. | 09:45 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, as for unity, try unity-tweak-tool | 09:46 |
bazhang | PsilonuX, try in ##hardware | 09:47 |
PsilonuX | k thx | 09:47 |
Nathan2055 | I'm really confused (may be because it's really late here, I most likely shouldn't be hacking at all). So lightdm doesn't load any particular libraries at startup? | 09:47 |
Nathan2055 | I would assume that the issue in Unity is KDE libraries being loaded at startup, right? | 09:47 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, you said you saw the kde greeter, thats not really a problem, but more of a preference, have it load ligthdm instead if you wish | 09:48 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, thats doubtful, try the unity-tweak-tool as suggested for that | 09:48 |
Nathan2055 | It was the Unity log-in screen, the only changed thing was that it started using Kubuntu splash screens. | 09:49 |
Nathan2055 | How can I change it to lightdm? | 09:49 |
bazhang | !info galternatives | Nathan2055 | 09:51 |
ubottu | Nathan2055: galternatives (source: galternatives): graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.5+nmu3 (utopic), package size 23 kB, installed size 231 kB | 09:51 |
Nathan2055 | What would my root password be? It wasn't set during installation. | 09:55 |
Ben64 | there isn't one | 09:55 |
bazhang | its the sudo one Nathan2055 | 09:55 |
Nathan2055 | Thanks. | 09:56 |
bazhang | np | 09:56 |
Nathan2055 | What setting would this be in galtternatives? | 09:56 |
bazhang | kdm and lightdm | 09:57 |
bazhang | update to the one you want, making sure both ar e installed, of course | 09:58 |
Nathan2055 | Nope...neither of those are in there. | 09:58 |
Nathan2055 | Maybe I'm missing a package... | 09:58 |
Nathan2055 | lightdm is installed, kdm isn't. | 09:59 |
bazhang | what version of ubuntu are you on Nathan2055 | 09:59 |
Nathan2055 | 14.04 | 09:59 |
coleman | ok, one last problem, trying to install teamviwer, | 09:59 |
coleman | just fails with no error | 09:59 |
Prezident | Hi guys, i recently upgraded to 14.04 and im really happy withit, but there is a problem i got, when i do "sudo reboot" it gets freezed in ubuntu logo screen and i has to press on buttonf or poweroff | 10:00 |
Prezident | any ideas? | 10:00 |
bazhang | !info teamviewer | 10:00 |
ubottu | Package teamviewer does not exist in utopic | 10:00 |
bazhang | teamviewer installed from where coleman | 10:00 |
coleman | downloaded it from there website | 10:00 |
pipi- | teamviewer is closed source innit? so from their website im sure | 10:01 |
Ben64 | coleman: i'd recommend using something in the ubuntu repositories instead of teamviewer | 10:01 |
bazhang | coleman, so follow their install instructions we dont know that here | 10:01 |
Nathan2055 | Should I install kdm? | 10:01 |
coleman | my question more was is there a log that will tell me why the deb is failing | 10:01 |
coleman | but thanks | 10:01 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, by all accounts, your own, you have it already | 10:02 |
Nathan2055 | 4:59:41 AM <Nathan2055> lightdm is installed, kdm isn't. | 10:02 |
pipi- | coleman: did you try installing it from command line? sudo dpkg -i teamviewer*.deb | 10:02 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, yet you said you see the kde greeter screen | 10:02 |
Nathan2055 | I said I saw the KDE *splash screen*. i.e. it says Kubuntu instead on Ubuntu when booting. | 10:03 |
Nathan2055 | I still get the Unity log-in screen. | 10:03 |
bazhang | Nathan2055, not sure what the problem is then | 10:04 |
Nathan2055 | Alright. I'll mess with it tomorrow when I'm in my right mind. | 10:05 |
herensuge | Nathan2055: do you want kdm ? | 10:06 |
rrr_ | why it takes 10mins to half an hour to install ubuntu while I can spin a droplet VM from digitalocean within 55 secs? | 10:13 |
bazhang | ten minutes is very fast | 10:14 |
bazhang | one is on actual hw, the other a vm | 10:15 |
pipi- | rrr_: probably because its different hardware. pre-installed vm on great hardware is not the same thing as manually installing on consumer hardware | 10:17 |
bekks | rrr_: Because the "droplet VM" is preinstalled, and just needs to be configured. | 10:21 |
Prezident | Hi guys, i recently upgraded to 14.04 and im really happy withit, but there is a problem i got, when i do "sudo reboot" it gets freezed in ubuntu logo screen and i has to press on buttonf or poweroff! Any ideas about this bug? | 10:22 |
rrr_ | bekks: I don't get it. actually I was installing as VM. I want the same thing as droplet. how do i do it in VM? | 10:26 |
mitt | Prezident: what if you click to reboot in Unity itself? | 10:26 |
Prezident | same thing mitt | 10:27 |
Prezident | I saw on google its something with grub | 10:27 |
rrr_ | pipi-: why installing ubuntu requires internet connection? it is nonsense | 10:27 |
rrr_ | we have iso already. | 10:27 |
rrr_ | bazhang: doesn't the ubuntu ISO include everything needed? | 10:28 |
cfhowlett | rrr_, .iso does not include updates | 10:29 |
rrr_ | cfhowlett: ok but let me install updates after installation ok? | 10:29 |
cfhowlett | rrr_, sure. | 10:30 |
rrr_ | cfhowlett: but why internet connection is required during ubuntu installation? | 10:30 |
bazhang | rrr_, its not | 10:30 |
lilstevie | rrr_, 2 main reasons, 1) the iso is mastered, but updates continue after, 2) proprietary bits require you to agree to a license before they are grabbed | 10:30 |
cfhowlett | rrr_, it is NOT required, it's advised | 10:30 |
lilstevie | however, you can still install without internet connection, it is just better to do it with the internet connected | 10:31 |
bekks | rrr_: I have no cue what a "droplet" is, I just used the same term as you did. A vm is installed just the same way as real hardware. | 10:31 |
lilstevie | bekks, a droplet is a digital ocean vm | 10:31 |
bekks | Ah, marketing buzzword then. | 10:31 |
lilstevie | rrr_, a digital ocean droplet is more than likely a template image, I haven't delved deep into how their side works, but you are more likely to find they have a bunch of disk images ready to go, when you order a droplet it just expands that image into the vm you are creating | 10:32 |
rrr_ | lilstevie: desktop ubuntu installation clearly states that internet connection is required before installation start. | 10:33 |
bekks | rrr_: It doesnt. | 10:33 |
mitt | Prezident: GRUB is a bootloader, not "shutdowner" | 10:33 |
eaxxae | anyone have lollipop running on their samsung note 4 or other android device yet ? | 10:33 |
cfhowlett | rrr_, non-connected install are done all the time | 10:33 |
bekks | rrr_: And technically, it doesnt need an internet conection. | 10:33 |
lilstevie | rrr_, well I managed to install it without internet because the installer iso doesn't support my systems network devices | 10:34 |
mitt | eaxxae: offtopic | 10:34 |
rrr_ | lilstevie: can i do that same thing as digitalocean does when I create a new VM locally? | 10:35 |
lilstevie | rrr_, if you make the template sure. | 10:35 |
bekks | rrr_: IF you know which virtualization technology they use, sure. | 10:35 |
lilstevie | IIRC xen has the ability to template an entire image that you then use as a base image to create new vm | 10:36 |
eaxxae | mitt: I use my phone with my ubuntu computer.. it's not entirely offtopic.... | 10:36 |
=== LogicMatters is now known as RationalityMatte | ||
rrr_ | i am using virtualbox. can i do that using vbox? | 10:36 |
=== RationalityMatte is now known as [Arab] | ||
rrr_ | I don't want the lengthy installation steps for each VM I created. | 10:37 |
mitt | eaxxae: okay, then what questions do you have? | 10:37 |
ljunggren | Hi, because Unity is utilizing 3D card. would i gain some perfomance boost by installing proprietary drivers isntead of using open source ones?Just to get Unity a little more snappy?`Using AMD E-450 APU | 10:38 |
ljunggren | Or is that somehow related to gtkrendering etc? | 10:38 |
lilstevie | eaxxae I have a tablet running 5.0, what is the problem you are having | 10:38 |
bazhang | ljunggren, the open source are quite good as is | 10:38 |
=== [Arab] is now known as LogicMatters | ||
eaxxae | I'm not having a problem... yet. I was just wondering if anyone running it had any issues yet .. | 10:39 |
ljunggren | bazhang: yes. i just mean latest catalyst software is ahead of open source in terms of gaming. my question is merely if it also give a little boost in enviorment? since Unity uses 3d acceleration to render? | 10:39 |
lilstevie | none that I have noticed, but then I don't do much beyond adb and MTP | 10:39 |
lilstevie | rrr_ | 10:39 |
bazhang | ljunggren, I would venture no to that | 10:40 |
ljunggren | bazhang: thank you. | 10:40 |
bazhang | eaxxae, this is not the place for android support, try their channels | 10:40 |
bazhang | !alis | eaxxae | 10:40 |
ubottu | eaxxae: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 10:40 |
lilstevie | ljunggren I exclusively use the open source drivers with due to slightly better performance and less glitching for regular desktop duties | 10:41 |
eaxxae | I wasn't asking for support, I was asking if anyone upgraded their device or got an OTA update for lollipop yet... anyone who understands what I'm saying would just say yes or no. | 10:42 |
cfhowlett | eaxxae, off-topic. | 10:42 |
bazhang | eaxxae, its still not ontopic here at all | 10:42 |
Novice201y | Hello. I'm trying to setup VNC on Ubuntu Server, but for "update-rc.d vncserver defaults 99" I receive "update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/vncserver missing LSB information". | 10:42 |
ljunggren | lilstevie: Yeah thanks. So if you don't game open source should be sufficient right? I feel a little paranoid i miss out on something not using catalayst. Like power consumption etc. Guess not:) | 10:43 |
antonino | ciao | 10:43 |
antonino | !list | 10:43 |
ubottu | antonino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:43 |
eaxxae | bazhang: your opinion, isn't it ? I mean.. the phone is *nix based.. but yeah. noted. | 10:43 |
bazhang | eaxxae, channel policy actually | 10:44 |
ljunggren | eaxxae: still has nothing to do with Ubuntu | 10:44 |
eaxxae | bazhang: where is the channel policy written.. love to read it. | 10:44 |
cfhowlett | !topic | eaxxae | 10:44 |
ubottu | eaxxae: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 10:44 |
bazhang | eaxxae, try /topic | 10:45 |
instigator | Hello. I am using iptables and for some reason can not access any websites. What rule could you use to allow connection to websites? | 10:45 |
cfhowlett | !guidelines |eaxxae enjoy | 10:45 |
ubottu | eaxxae enjoy: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 10:45 |
aaearon | instigator outbound to all on 80/443 ? | 10:45 |
lilstevie | ljunggren I find that using catalyst on my APU powered laptop uses more battery and glitches frequently (artifacting, screen taring, etc) for standard desktop stuff, I switch over only if I am planning on running games | 10:46 |
instigator | aaearon: my policy for output is set to accept | 10:47 |
ljunggren | lilstevie: too bad one has to choose. Alright then, im sticking with open source one on my laptop. | 10:47 |
aaearon | prolly makes more sense to put the rules in a pastebin so we dont have to guess | 10:47 |
lilstevie | aaearon a link is in the topic that you are shown on join | 10:47 |
aaearon | ok? | 10:48 |
eaxxae | so, who actually represents leadership if you had a question about something being ontopic or offtopic | 10:48 |
ljunggren | eaxxae: this you are doing is also offtopic. Android lollipop has nothing to do with Ubuntu, try #ubuntu-offtopic instead | 10:48 |
lilstevie | eaxxae it is a fairly simple test, does $topic have anything directly to do with ubuntu? if not off topic | 10:48 |
eaxxae | lilstevie: ok, so.. asking if someone tested a specific piece of hardware, with their ubuntu computer.. would be offtopic ? | 10:50 |
eaxxae | ubottu: much appreciated.. reading it now. | 10:52 |
ubottu | eaxxae: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:52 |
eaxxae | lol. | 10:53 |
eaxxae | cfhowlett, rather. | 10:53 |
cfhowlett | eaxxae, ><) | 10:54 |
eaxxae | Canonical has it's down phone thing going on, didn't even realize. | 10:56 |
bazhang | !touch | eaxxae | 10:57 |
ubottu | eaxxae: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 10:57 |
AkivaAvraham | is this video on youtube playing wrong for anyone else? | 11:00 |
AkivaAvraham | It keeps skipping for me for some reason, but not other vids, | 11:00 |
AkivaAvraham | and the comments don't seem to reflect that there is anything wrong with this video. | 11:00 |
EriC^^ | AkivaAvraham: sometimes ctrl+f5 reloads the video correctly | 11:01 |
wonderworld | video description says it's broken | 11:01 |
AkivaAvraham | hmmm strange | 11:01 |
AkivaAvraham | ahhhhh didn't see that. | 11:01 |
AkivaAvraham | !cookie | wonderworld | 11:02 |
ubottu | wonderworld: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 11:02 |
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ropo_ | can u recommend me a channel to learn java | 11:13 |
EriC^^ | ropo_: ##java | 11:14 |
AkivaAvraham | ropo_, #learnprogramming | 11:14 |
AkivaAvraham | ropo_, why do you want to learn java? | 11:14 |
ropo_ | hello | 11:14 |
bazhang | ##programming is the actual channel | 11:15 |
bazhang | !alis | ropo_ | 11:15 |
ubottu | ropo_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 11:15 |
AkivaAvraham | ropo_, it is off topic, but you can also drop by #ubuntu-app-devel; that is where we do software development for ubuntu. | 11:15 |
=== IKRAM_ is now known as IKRAM | ||
O_OniGiriii | hi there | 11:18 |
O_OniGiriii | daftykins hi :D | 11:19 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiriii, o/ salutations | 11:19 |
O_OniGiriii | for how long havr you been using ubuntu? | 11:19 |
AkivaAvraham | 2006, you? | 11:20 |
O_OniGiriii | wowww | 11:20 |
O_OniGiriii | i just wanted to learn a linux based OS | 11:20 |
AkivaAvraham | aww shucks :) | 11:20 |
O_OniGiriii | but it's so unstable | 11:21 |
cfhowlett | O_OniGiriii, | 11:21 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiriii, ah very cool | 11:21 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiriii, ubuntu is unstable? | 11:21 |
O_OniGiriii | cfhowlett what is it? | 11:21 |
O_OniGiriii | AkivaAvraham how are you surviving with ubuntu? | 11:21 |
cfhowlett | O_OniGiriii, download. read. learn. | 11:21 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiriii, I'm a developer. I love ubuntu for developing, just for its hud alone. | 11:21 |
O_OniGiriii | everythings breaks or has bugs | 11:22 |
AkivaAvraham | Arch, mac, Windows; they don't have that feature. | 11:22 |
O_OniGiriii | AkivaAvraham yeah i want to use ubuntu for web dev | 11:22 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiriii, maybe you are running root to much? | 11:22 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiriii, oh very cool! You should come over to #ubuntu-app-devel | 11:22 |
O_OniGiriii | What is it about? | 11:22 |
AkivaAvraham | If you are interested in html5; that would apply to you. | 11:23 |
O_OniGiri | disconnected :( | 11:24 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, I saw that | 11:24 |
O_OniGiri | anyways... i installed skype | 11:24 |
O_OniGiri | and it broke everything :( | 11:24 |
O_OniGiri | I was using Xubuntu though... but it should be different right? | 11:24 |
AkivaAvraham | anyways #ubuntu-app-devel is where we develop applications for ubuntu, using primarily qml, c++, html5, go, among other languages. | 11:24 |
O_OniGiri | or is ubuntu more stable than xubuntu? its the same except the desktop env right? | 11:25 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, Yes I'd say it is. They are both officially supported though. | 11:25 |
O_OniGiri | i see, might look at it in the future | 11:25 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, skype, you got that from the skype website right? | 11:25 |
O_OniGiri | yeah | 11:25 |
O_OniGiri | but it was stuck and i couldnt force close it | 11:26 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, in that case, you are relying on microsoft to package for linux... | 11:26 |
O_OniGiri | so i did sudo reboot | 11:26 |
AkivaAvraham | ah | 11:26 |
O_OniGiri | and then my whole system kinda broke | 11:26 |
O_OniGiri | audio didnt work | 11:26 |
O_OniGiri | and internet was suddenly super slow | 11:27 |
O_OniGiri | so this morning i used my window recovery | 11:27 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, that is really unfortunate to hear. | 11:27 |
O_OniGiri | but im planning to install ubuntu as dual boot | 11:27 |
O_OniGiri | but why is ubuntu more stable than xubuntu? | 11:28 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, good question. One reason is that the xfce interface does not have many developers actively working on it, like gnome kde or unity | 11:28 |
O_OniGiri | i see, that makes sense | 11:29 |
AkivaAvraham | it is only developed afaik by a few part time university students | 11:29 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, there was a discussion about it on the Linux Action show. | 11:29 |
O_OniGiri | i liked the 'lightweightness' of xfce | 11:29 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, Many people do. There is also lubuntu if you are interested. | 11:29 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, I like unity because of its most unused and hidden feature; the hud | 11:30 |
Ben64 | or gnome-fallback or whatever its called now | 11:30 |
O_OniGiri | what desktop env does lubuntu use? | 11:30 |
Ben64 | lxde | 11:30 |
O_OniGiri | is it more stable than xfce? | 11:30 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, I think so. | 11:30 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, i'm not a user of it though. | 11:30 |
O_OniGiri | but well... next time i will just install ubuntu | 11:30 |
Ben64 | you can install whatever you want on ubuntu, you don't need to reinstall to try another desktop | 11:31 |
O_OniGiri | since its probably more stable | 11:31 |
O_OniGiri | well, my laptop is pretty good, so it doesnt really matter that gnome is heavier | 11:32 |
O_OniGiri | btw, people on internet are all eager to learn linux | 11:32 |
O_OniGiri | but what do they mean with 'learning linux'? | 11:33 |
cfhowlett | O_OniGiriii, ask them? | 11:33 |
O_OniGiri | i see many people recommending learning terminal | 11:33 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, that is a very interesting question | 11:33 |
O_OniGiri | but it linux all about terminal? | 11:34 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, it can be. | 11:34 |
Ben64 | the terminal is very powerful and much easier to use than the windows command prompt | 11:34 |
O_OniGiri | currently i am following a course for linux though | 11:34 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, terminal is really important if you are a sys admin. | 11:34 |
pozitron | terminal is faster than GUIs | 11:34 |
O_OniGiri | the one on edX | 11:34 |
Ben64 | O_OniGiri: if you don't have any ubuntu support issues, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for chatting | 11:35 |
O_OniGiri | Ahh sorry Ben64 | 11:35 |
O_OniGiri | bye guys :) | 11:36 |
Ben64 | O_OniGiri: not a big deal, but with 1500+ people in here, we try to stick to the topic pretty well | 11:36 |
O_OniGiri | Yeah I understand | 11:36 |
AkivaAvraham | O_OniGiri, drop by #ubuntu-app-devel some time! | 11:36 |
O_OniGiri | will do ;) | 11:36 |
AkivaAvraham | o/ | 11:36 |
* A124 lives in termnal | 11:36 | |
ankur | ? | 11:44 |
Aleksa | Help! Firefox got infected. Sometimes it redirects some web sites to unknown spam (for example: | 11:46 |
rrr_ | lilstevie: thanks for the link | 11:46 |
Aleksa | I have noticed it yesterday | 11:46 |
Aleksa | And I thought that I must've clicked on something | 11:46 |
AkivaAvraham | Aleksa, :O | 11:46 |
eaxxae | Aleksa: apt-get remove firefox, apt-get install firefox .. or use the GUI package manager | 11:46 |
Aleksa | Now I realise I didn't click anything | 11:46 |
OerHeks | Aleksa, easy to fix, close firefox, and remove ~/.mozilla/firefox | 11:46 |
AkivaAvraham | Aleksa, is it one of your addons? | 11:47 |
rrr_ | what is the difference between ubuntu desktop, ubuntu server, ubuntu cloud? | 11:47 |
Aleksa | AkivaAvraham, no addon recently installed | 11:47 |
Aleksa | btw, purging it doesn't help | 11:47 |
OerHeks | Aleksa, then use clam-av to scan your system | 11:47 |
eaxxae | I'd uninstall and reinstall.. not go into terminal and find the user's profile.... you can delete the wrong folder.. | 11:47 |
Aleksa | I'll try removing .mozilla | 11:47 |
eaxxae | noobs in terminal, always leads to trouble... | 11:48 |
Aleksa | eaxxae, only one user on my PC | 11:48 |
Aleksa | besides root | 11:48 |
eaxxae | Aleksa: random pop-ups might not be firefox related.. you could have a worm or something. I'd backup anything important and reinstall... if the code was smart enough to modify firefox at the user level... it could have escalated privledges to root. BUT, I do get called paranoid a lot | 11:50 |
Aleksa | remove or purge firefox? | 11:53 |
boodllebat | Hello I recently wrote an small application for Gnome and Unity Env under Gtk 3 It would be great if you take a look and give me feedback I have hosted it on Github Here is the video Demo and here is the github link | 11:53 |
OerHeks | Aleksa, no need to remove firefox, do those 2 steps first | 11:53 |
OerHeks | boodllebat, wrong channel for testing and opinions, try #ubuntu-offtopic please | 11:54 |
Aleksa | OerHeks, ok, I removed .mozilla/firefox | 11:54 |
Aleksa | Now, how do I scan using clam-av? It ain't installed I guess | 11:55 |
eaxxae | they say ain't in russia ? | 11:56 |
Aleksa | eaxxae, I'm from South Europe - Serbia, not Russia. | 11:56 |
Aleksa | so it's my bad english | 11:56 |
eaxxae | it's not bad, just informal.. they say it in parts of the US | 11:57 |
eaxxae | I grew up saying it | 11:57 |
OerHeks | sudo apt-get install clamav clamtk # and run the updater first, keep firefox closed | 11:57 |
OerHeks | | 11:57 |
Aleksa | my fingers were faster :( Now I must wait for synaptic to be installed :( | 11:57 |
Aleksa | OerHeks, I must wait few minutes until I could open that link :) | 11:58 |
Aleksa | I'm wondering where did that Russia-thing come from. Maybe from output of the command whois that says I'm on channel ubuntu-rs (rs as Republic Serbia, not as Russia) | 12:00 |
Aleksa | I guess ru is for russia | 12:00 |
AkivaAvraham | Aleksa, Also go to #firefox, and tell them that you got a virus on linux from their browser. | 12:01 |
AkivaAvraham | they ought to be mighty interested in that. Viruses aren't supposed to be common on linux. | 12:01 |
eaxxae | Aleksa: the nick.. and the IP ... when I hover my mouse on a nick, said RIPE-RU | 12:01 |
OerHeks | on't call it a virus, just a browser hijack | 12:01 |
eaxxae | is where I got russia | 12:01 |
OerHeks | *don't | 12:01 |
Aleksa | ok | 12:02 |
eaxxae | OerHeks: how do you know what it is at this point ? | 12:02 |
MonkeyDust | a virus? | 12:03 |
MonkeyDust | how exciting! what does it do? | 12:03 |
eaxxae | exploits firefox.. and opens ads/spam for the click-thru profits ? | 12:03 |
eaxxae | this guy said just remove the profile... if my browswer was opening random tabs and windows on trusted domains... I'd refresh the pc.. period. 20 years experience. | 12:04 |
eaxxae | like it's some add-on... for sure, 100%, theres no way to know that.... | 12:04 |
MonkeyDust | deleting the ~/.cache folder should solve that issue | 12:04 |
Wagih | i have a problem installing ubuntu on my laptop | 12:05 |
cfhowlett | !details | Wagih explain | 12:05 |
ubottu | Wagih explain: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 12:05 |
OerHeks | MonkeyDust +1 cache is also a good thing to remove | 12:05 |
Wagih | ok :) | 12:05 |
Wagih | i have ubuntu 14.10 14.04 , 12.04 | 12:06 |
Wagih | tried to install them all with no luck | 12:06 |
Wagih | first | 12:06 |
Wagih | the installation hangs | 12:06 |
Wagih | when i press any keyboard button | 12:06 |
OerHeks | Wagih, easy on the enter, buddy, please keep it in one line | 12:06 |
Wagih | so i just use the touch pad or on-screen keyboard | 12:06 |
Wagih | Sorry :$ | 12:07 |
cfhowlett | Wagih, your hardware??? and STOP USING <enter> | 12:07 |
Wagih | ok | 12:07 |
Wagih | Laptop Dell XPS 15z, core i7-2640M CPU 2.8. HDD 750 GB, Tried to Install Ubuntu 14.10,14.04, 12.04 but with no luck, all of them just hang when i press any keyboard letter, so i just use the touch pad, 2ndly when it comes to installation it just stops with /dev/sda input/output error | 12:10 |
cfhowlett | Wagih, this is from the USB or the hard drive??" | 12:11 |
Wagih | cfhowlett, i m trying to install it from USB | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | Wagih, SAME usb? :_ | 12:12 |
Wagih | i m trying to install from usb to HDD | 12:12 |
eaxxae | Wagih: did you check the laptop hardware against the supported hardware list ? | 12:12 |
eaxxae | have you tried using an external USB keyboard ? | 12:13 |
cfhowlett | Wagih, try a different USB | 12:13 |
Wagih | eaxxae, no where can i check that, tried it but i doesnt even light up | 12:13 |
=== hyper is now known as Guest32847 | ||
Wagih | cfhowlett, do you mean a different USB flash drive ? | 12:14 |
eaxxae | if you plugged in the keyboard.. and the LED lights don't come on.. either the laptop's usb port is bad, or the keyboard is bad, try another one... this sounds like a hardware issue | 12:14 |
cfhowlett | Wagih, this ^^^ | 12:14 |
OerHeks | Wagih, maybe this anser is any help | 12:14 |
Aleksa | OerHeks> sudo apt-get install clamav clamtk # and run the updater first, keep firefox closed | 12:14 |
Aleksa | the latest firefox installed | 12:15 |
eaxxae | linux runs on a toaster, it should work... if it has an i7 especially.... you might need to go into the BIOS and enable usb emulation and legacy support, I had to do that on a few laptops | 12:15 |
Wagih | the port is working i boot from it and the keyboard is working on my pc :D | 12:15 |
Aleksa | Should I use firefox now for checking the link that shows me how to run that AV? | 12:15 |
Wagih | OerHeks, i m checking | 12:15 |
OerHeks | Aleksa, use the clamtk icon in your menu, or run manually sudo freshclam | 12:16 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 12:20 |
eaxxae | why is he running an antivirus... removing the profile didn't work ? | 12:20 |
Aleksa | no, I'm running it after removing the profile | 12:20 |
=== jack is now known as Guest1295 | ||
Aleksa | now that removing firefox profile Google asks for security code sent via SMS, I don't trust Google security anymore | 12:24 |
Aleksa | I thought it's somewhere stored on their server (some signature of PC, I don't know) | 12:24 |
Ben64 | uh, its because you removed the profile | 12:24 |
MonkeyDust | Aleksa microsoft does that too | 12:24 |
Aleksa | but storing it locally on firefox profile, omg! | 12:25 |
Ben64 | um... no | 12:26 |
Aleksa | Virus scanner runs still | 12:27 |
Aleksa | threats found: 1 | 12:27 |
Aleksa | I'm excited | 12:27 |
Wagih | Laptop Dell XPS 15z, core i7-2640M CPU 2.8. HDD 750 GB, Tried to Install Ubuntu 14.10,14.04, 12.04 but with no luck, all of them just hang when i press any keyboard letter, so i just use the touch pad, 2ndly when it comes to installation it just stops with /dev/sda input/output error, tried diff. USB Drives, External Keyboards arent working but never mind i'm using on-screen keyboard, tried to fromat the HDD using Disk Utility got the | 12:32 |
Wagih | tried also editing the boot menu acpi=off & acpi=noirq with no help | 12:32 |
Wagih | "error erasing helper exited with exit code 1 in part_del_partition" tried this solution "sudo swapoff /dev/sda" but get erorr invalid arg. *** | 12:33 |
XTREME-H | please help vlc is not installing on my ubuntu 14.04 | 12:34 |
MonkeyDust | XTREME-H what happens when you try | 12:36 |
minimec | XTREME-H: o you get any specific error message? "sudo apt-get install vlc" | 12:36 |
XTREME-H | i am installing it from software centre | 12:36 |
=== Jean-Charles is now known as Guest626 | ||
MonkeyDust | XTREME-H what goes wrong during the installation? | 12:37 |
minimec | XTREME-H: consider an installation via terminal. Open a terminal with <ctrl><alt>t, then 'sudo apt-get install vlc' | 12:38 |
XTREME-H | i have an error requires instalation from untrusted packages | 12:38 |
XTREME-H | i click repair | 12:38 |
xutl | mobile broadband disappeared and not coming back in network manager menu after disconnecting 3g dongle | 12:39 |
XTREME-H | then another error check your internet connection | 12:39 |
BluesKaj | Wagih, still have windows 8 , and are you using it ? if so check out the UEFI tutorial | 12:40 |
minimec | XTREME-H: Did you add some repositories yourself? You shouldn't have that 'untrusted' repo message with the official ubuntu repositories. | 12:41 |
XTREME-H | no i didn't but know i am installing it from terminal | 12:42 |
MonkeyDust | XTREME-H open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update|pastebinit then paste the url here | 12:42 |
=== Guest626 is now known as KAristide | ||
Wagih | BluesKaj will check it but my laptop have no system right now | 12:44 |
fred_ | hi, can someone help me with a command that i forgot? | 12:45 |
XTREME-H | MonkeyDust: i have that error permission and 13 ...... i closed my software centre | 12:45 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest22880 | ||
Guest22880 | how can i launch a program in a proxy using http_proxy via command line? | 12:46 |
MonkeyDust | XTREME-H when do you get that error message? | 12:46 |
XTREME-H | when apt-get update | 12:46 |
tarelerulz | Do Ubuntu auto config for SSD or you need to do a bunch of configing ? | 12:46 |
MonkeyDust | XTREME-H open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update|pastebinit then paste the url here | 12:46 |
XTREME-H | there is a huge error i will PM you | 12:48 |
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt | ||
minimec | XTREME-H: You may have to install 'pastebinit'. It is not installed as default. | 12:48 |
BluesKaj | Wagih, do you have gparted on any media like a usb or cd? Looks like you need to create some linux/ext4 partitions on your hard drive | 12:50 |
Wagih | BluesKaj ok | 12:53 |
Wagih | BluesKaj, but the disk utlity isnt working i ca try from Hirens CD | 12:54 |
Aleksa | Security threats: 9 | 12:54 |
xutl | mobile broadband disappeared and not coming back in network manager menu after disconnecting and reconnecting 3g dongle | 12:55 |
=== BlackVenom is now known as BV-Away | ||
MonkeyDust | Aleksa make a screenshot and paste it here | 12:56 |
MonkeyDust | Aleksa | 12:57 |
Aleksa | damn prt scr | 12:59 |
xutl | help --> mobile broadband disappeared and not coming back in network manager menu after disconnecting and reconnecting 3g dongle | 12:59 |
Wagih | BluesKaj, Used gparted to create linux-swap 12GB , and another partition ext4 200GB will try to install now | 13:03 |
BluesKaj | Wagih, ok | 13:04 |
LPG1 | Good morning! | 13:05 |
=== ryan is now known as Guest43053 | ||
Wagih | BluesKaj, in the installation when i choose where to install , i choose "something else..." but it doesnt view my partitions | 13:08 |
Aleksa | guys, nine threats! | 13:08 |
Aleksa | I can't believe it | 13:08 |
FBI | Wagih: I would do a seperate / and /home | 13:08 |
BluesKaj | Wagih, use manual partitioning | 13:08 |
cfhowlett | clear | 13:09 |
ovrflw0x | FBI, is it --> Forgetful Boring Idiot? | 13:09 |
xutl | help --> mobile broadband disappeared and not coming back in network manager menu after disconnecting and reconnecting 3g dongle | 13:10 |
Aleksa | MonkeyDust, the link from scan: | 13:10 |
MonkeyDust | Aleksa type rm -r ~/.cache to solve the problem | 13:11 |
ovrflw0x | huh? | 13:11 |
minimec | Wagih: I would only do two partitions, '/' and '/home'. I do NOT use a separate swap anymore. I either install zram-config for 'swap in RAM' or create a swap file. 12GB of swap is overkill... That's enaugh for a full linux system partition... ;) | 13:11 |
MonkeyDust | Aleksa all the threats are situated in the cache, so delete the cache file | 13:11 |
MonkeyDust | folder* | 13:12 |
Aleksa | MonkeyDust, could someone analyse it? For example, firefox guys? | 13:12 |
cfhowlett | google it. first hit. don't be lazy. | 13:13 |
=== BV-Away is now known as BlackVenom | ||
MonkeyDust | Aleksa analyzing firefox 'threats' is beyond the scope of this channel | 13:13 |
Aleksa | ok | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | minimec, let's just let him get ubuntu installed right now , the fewer distractions , the better , besides he has a 750G drive, plenty of room | 13:14 |
ovrflw0x | cfhowlett, google it'.' first hit'.' don't be lazy'.' why do you use periods so much that makes you sound smarter? ;) | 13:17 |
=== tcpman is now known as Guest43407 | ||
ovrflw0x | huh? | 13:18 |
ovrflw0x | k. bye. i go. later. see ya. | 13:19 |
OerHeks | Aleksa, just remove thet ~/.cache/firefox folder too, that should solve | 13:20 |
Guest43053 | goddamnit does anyone know how to open tools in iceweasel | 13:28 |
Guest43053 | the enitre toolbar is missing :S | 13:28 |
MonkeyDust | Guest43053 no profane language here, please | 13:28 |
EriC^^ | Guest43053: are you in unity? | 13:28 |
OerHeks | iceweasel is not in the repos | 13:32 |
OerHeks | maybe the toolbar is on the top panel, not sure | 13:33 |
cfhowlett | per wikipedia, iceweasel is no longer maintained ... icecat is the current brand | 13:33 |
cfhowlett | | 13:34 |
EriC^^ | firefox says Provides: gnome-www-browser, iceweasel, www-browser | 13:35 |
Guest43053 | ok it is driving me mad, the stuff like , EDIT VIEW TOOLS is just gone :S | 13:35 |
OerHeks | LoLz | 13:36 |
xtpeeps | Can't log in my college web by line, anyone can handle this? | 13:36 |
EriC^^ | www-browser works, iceweasel says command not found | 13:36 |
EriC^^ | Guest43053: try pressing tab | 13:36 |
EriC^^ | *alt | 13:36 |
EriC^^ | oh ok, www-browser opens elinks | 13:36 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps sounds like a question for your college's web administrator | 13:36 |
Guest43053 | EriC^^: thank you sir, you are a genius | 13:37 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: Should I connecte the administrator? | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | Guest43053: no problem | 13:38 |
dominiqu1 | hi | 13:42 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: I can touch the web in my Windows system, but can't in Ubuntu. | 13:42 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps i missed that part in your question | 13:43 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps what happens when you try | 13:43 |
=== sobukus_ is now known as sobukus | ||
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: Let me see, wait a min | 13:45 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps and how do you try it | 13:46 |
damnme | hi | 13:47 |
TrivialGravitas | I have a fresh install and no swap partition | 13:47 |
TrivialGravitas | the partition is there but not recognized | 13:47 |
damnme | i need mixed library for lcd2*16 | 13:48 |
MonkeyDust | TrivialGravitas try sudo swapon -a | 13:48 |
TrivialGravitas | "swapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: stat failed: No such file or directory" | 13:48 |
MonkeyDust | encrypted swap | 13:49 |
TrivialGravitas | I've seen this before and fixed it by reformatting swap, but it won't work now | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | TrivialGravitas, then use gparted to the swap on | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | turn | 13:49 |
TrivialGravitas | KDE | 13:49 |
TrivialGravitas | Doesn't work | 13:49 |
TrivialGravitas | Unless gparted has features the KDE partition manager doesn't? | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | !doesn't work | 13:50 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 13:50 |
TrivialGravitas | I mean the partition manager refuses to do anything at all with the swap partition, all options are greyed out | 13:50 |
artisanIndia | can anyone suggest me a good http debugger for ubuntu ? | 13:50 |
damnme | i need mixed library for lcd2*16 | 13:51 |
artisanIndia | like substitute for fiddler on ubuntu | 13:51 |
BluesKaj | TrivialGravitas, then you probly already have more than 4 primary partitions | 13:51 |
TrivialGravitas | I have 3 | 13:51 |
TrivialGravitas | root, swap, home | 13:51 |
BluesKaj | do you have windows ? | 13:51 |
TrivialGravitas | no | 13:52 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: I just wanna connect the internet by wired ,and I dial-up in windows ,now ,I can't connect by wired. | 13:52 |
xutl | help --> mobile broadband disappeared and not coming back in network manager menu after disconnecting and reconnecting 3g dongle | 13:53 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps dial up? you mean like the old days? can you reach any other url? | 13:53 |
MonkeyDust | TrivialGravitas what's the outcome of sudo blkid|pastebinit | 13:54 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: nonono ,like VPN | 13:54 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps that's a lot of details you didnt mention... now, start from the beginning | 13:55 |
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wafflejock | artisanIndia, not sure what fiddler is... are you looking for something like POSTMan chrome application? | 13:57 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, or perhaps Charles Web Debugging proxy | 13:57 |
artisanIndia | no sure what POSTMan is | 13:58 |
artisanIndia | fiddler is web debugging proxy you can say | 13:58 |
artisanIndia | it tracks all the http request a website sent out | 13:58 |
TrivialGravitas | MonkeyDust, That i don't have pastebinit, gimme a bit, other stuff installing as we speak | 13:58 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, yeah Charles Web debugging proxy does the same and lets you repeat/modify requests and man in the middle on SSL | 13:59 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, it looks like Fiddler has a linux/os x compatible build using mono too | 13:59 |
artisanIndia | k | 14:00 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: okey~now I connect up the wire line. | 14:00 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, POSTMan is for crafting requests to particular URLs and seeing the response, it's good for building and manually testing APIs | 14:00 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: but I can't connect the web. | 14:00 |
artisanIndia | having a look on postman | 14:01 |
artisanIndia | will that work on chromium too ? | 14:01 |
artisanIndia | installing | 14:02 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps you can connect, but can't connect the web? meaning? | 14:02 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, think so I usually use regular chrome for dev but have chromium on here too | 14:02 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, had some font rendering issues on chromium wasn't looking as nice for a while there so I switched to regular Chrome most of the time | 14:03 |
artisanIndia | ok | 14:03 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: I connected the wire line .. | 14:03 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps you mean the physical cable? | 14:04 |
shezhawt | ubuntu is awesome | 14:04 |
artisanIndia | wafflejock what do you code ? | 14:04 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: yes that's it | 14:04 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: physical cable | 14:04 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, can you ping | 14:05 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, lots of AngularJS using PHP/Eloquent/Slim/MySQL server side usually, started recently playing with SailsJS (node/express/ORM) | 14:05 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, should keep only support topics in this chat though, join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat, I'm in #programmers and #angularjs right now too | 14:06 |
artisanIndia | ok sorry for that | 14:06 |
shezhawt | wazzup ladies ? | 14:06 |
wafflejock | artisanIndia, no worries just don't want to get in the way of support conversations | 14:06 |
MonkeyDust | shezhawt wrong channel | 14:06 |
artisanIndia | k k | 14:06 |
artisanIndia | dafuq shezhawt | 14:06 |
shezhawt | MonkeyDust, ubuntu has a lot of hot chicks | 14:07 |
shezhawt | I saw in an event | 14:07 |
jerrcs | Those were their mothers. | 14:07 |
shezhawt | lol | 14:07 |
shezhawt | no | 14:07 |
OerHeks | !ot | shezhawt jerrcs | 14:07 |
wafflejock | !ot | 14:07 |
ubottu | shezhawt jerrcs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:07 |
jerrcs | I actually believe that was on-topic, thanks OerHeks and wafflejock. | 14:08 |
wafflejock | as funny as that is... keep the chat to support and keep the language tame, there may be kids in here | 14:08 |
shezhawt | OerHeks, you are a bore | 14:08 |
jerrcs | There was nothing wrong with my language. | 14:08 |
wafflejock | shezhawt, go to #ubuntu-offtopic lots of playing htere | 14:08 |
jerrcs | Is the English language not permitted for use in here? | 14:08 |
wafflejock | jerrcs, nothing wrong with your language no, was referring to artisanIndia | 14:08 |
ester | buonasera | 14:08 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: it says "destination host unreachable" | 14:08 |
shezhawt | ok fine tell me guys, who wrote the Ubuntu ? | 14:08 |
shezhawt | I would like to thanks him | 14:09 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, that's bad... sure the cable itself is ok? | 14:09 |
shezhawt | its free of cost and opensource | 14:09 |
jerrcs | OK. Anyway, my girlfriend uses Ubuntu, so I would agree there are attractive girls who use it. | 14:09 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: yea the lingts on | 14:09 |
shezhawt | jerrcs, ok, she has a friend ? | 14:09 |
wafflejock | shezhawt, lots of developers have contributed to Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth is the figurehead and owner of Canonical that makes this particular distribution of open source code | 14:09 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps can you ping the router? | 14:09 |
TrivialGravitas | MonkeyDust, | 14:09 |
jerrcs | shezhawt: You should perhaps read the Wikipedia page to get up to speed. | 14:09 |
Guest43053 | lol ubuntu is my GF | 14:10 |
MonkeyDust | TrivialGravitas idd, no swap | 14:10 |
shezhawt | wafflejock, Is there an official book to learn Ubuntu ? | 14:11 |
jerrcs | Official book? What..? | 14:11 |
MonkeyDust | !manual | shezhawt | 14:11 |
ubottu | shezhawt: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 14:11 |
wafflejock | shezhawt, no not one official book I have like 4 on my shelf, the manual there is a good free starting point though | 14:11 |
TrivialGravitas | That would be the problem I started with. Good news though, installed gparted, apparently it's just the KDE partition manager that has the problem | 14:12 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: :( the same | 14:12 |
TrivialGravitas | works now | 14:12 |
shezhawt | wafflejock, ok | 14:12 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: ....unreachable | 14:12 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, it must be in your network config files then, i guess | 14:12 |
shezhawt | jerrcs, also Nixie Pixel's video inspired me to use Ubuntu | 14:13 |
jerrcs | Nixie's an interesting girl. I like her videos. | 14:13 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: so ...what's the next ? | 14:13 |
wafflejock | shezhawt, heh yeah Nixie makes some good stuff IMO helps bring Linux to the people | 14:13 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps what's the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces|pastebinit | 14:13 |
jerrcs | However, just because an attractive girl tells you to use Ubuntu doesn't mean you should use it. There's various distributions, all catering to different needs. Linux is not a a "one size fits all" type of OS. | 14:14 |
wafflejock | MonkeyDust, you can also pass the file as an arg to pastebinit just FYI | 14:15 |
Wagih | FBI , BluesKaj , minimec i used manual partitioning but it hangs with the mouse cursor loading | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | TrivialGravitas, Kubuntu 14.10? if so the KDE partition manager works fine here. Perhaps you need to update upgrade and dist-upgrade to complete your install | 14:15 |
wafflejock | jerrcs, no but Ubuntu does offer a relatively easy to adjust to environment for most people coming from Windows or OS X, once they get more familiar with how Linux works and other distributions and get more informed they can decide what's best for them | 14:15 |
shezhawt | wafflejock, no here ..... brings people to her and then linux | 14:16 |
shezhawt | her* | 14:16 |
FBI | Wagih: try the text mode installer, it is somewhat less buggy | 14:16 |
xtpeeps | #interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8)and ifdown(8) auto lo iface lo net loopback. | 14:17 |
BluesKaj | Wagih, wireless mouse and KB ? | 14:17 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: #interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8)and ifdown(8) auto lo iface lo net loopback. | 14:18 |
jerrcs | wafflejock: again, it depends on the experience level and needs. i found nixie's videos after knowing a fair bit about the OS already. | 14:18 |
wafflejock | shezhawt, join me over in #ubuntu-offtopic so we can keep this channel open for people asking for or doing support and we can chat there | 14:18 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: I didn't install pastebinit | 14:18 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps no, paste this line in a terminal cat /etc/network/interfaces|pastebinit | 14:19 |
MonkeyDust | ah | 14:19 |
Wagih | BluesKaj, no wireless kb & mouse | 14:19 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps do you have acces to the web, other than with the cable? | 14:19 |
Wagih | FBI, how go to the text mode installer | 14:19 |
FBI | Wagih: the alternate install image aka netinstall image | 14:20 |
BluesKaj | Wagih, try using the touchpad instead of the connected mouse | 14:20 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: WiFi? | 14:20 |
Wagih | BluesKaj, i m using the touchpad and it's working fine | 14:21 |
Wagih | FBI ok will download it | 14:21 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps yes | 14:22 |
xtpeeps | I paste the line in the terminal but it says"I didn't install pastebinit" | 14:22 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: okay now | 14:23 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: by wifi | 14:23 |
ramin | hi | 14:24 |
xtpeeps | Should I atp-get pastebinit ,I'm doing this | 14:24 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, now install pastebinit | 14:25 |
Iveny | wow | 14:25 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: OK, OK. Then I get: | 14:26 |
xtpeeps | What's this meaning | 14:27 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps lo is loopback ... now: cat /etc/resolv.conf|pastebinit | 14:28 |
bipul | I would like to know, apart of testing,debugging and writing. Any other team? Like the one who write codes in C. | 14:29 |
bipul | Where i can get them? | 14:29 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: another website: | 14:29 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps i wonder why you can connect by wifi and not by cable, usually it's the other way round | 14:31 |
xtpeeps | Omg,it seems my server was setting127.0.1.1 | 14:31 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps try this, moment ... | 14:31 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps sudo -e /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base | 14:32 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps and change the nameserver's address | 14:32 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: how to write ^o | 14:34 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps what's your editor? | 14:34 |
xtpeeps | Vi | 14:34 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, press i to insert text, when you're ready, type : and then wq | 14:35 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, press i to insert text, when you're ready, typeesc, then : and then wq | 14:35 |
wonderworld | i have a 3g modem in my notebook. is it possible to use it as a cell phone too? like placing normal calls from my comp? | 14:36 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust:here`s a problem that I seems get in a GNU nano ,how I quite this | 14:37 |
bipul | wonderworld, what exactly you wants to do with your notebook. And what it has to do with ubuntu OS? | 14:37 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps nano is a different editor, use ctrl x to exit it | 14:38 |
FBI | xtpeeps: it says so at the bottom of the screen | 14:38 |
FBI | it says ^X Exit | 14:38 |
FBI | ^O WriteOut | 14:39 |
FBI | ^G Get Help | 14:39 |
bipul | xtpeeps, Use gedit , it's gnome supported. And easy to do any text task on it. | 14:39 |
MonkeyDust | FBI don't confuse people while they are struggling, please | 14:39 |
bipul | CTRL + X hit enter. | 14:39 |
FBI | MonkeyDust: uhm, how is this confusing? | 14:39 |
FBI | MonkeyDust: how is pointing people to the button to press confusing? | 14:40 |
FBI | now I'm confused :/ | 14:40 |
bipul | xtpeeps, It's really simple to get out from "nano" editor. What you need to do is to press both [ctrl + x] | 14:41 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: should I use :vi /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base | 14:41 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps yes | 14:42 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps i mean: yes, that file, with the editor of your choice | 14:42 |
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MonkeyDust | xtpeeps and put sudo in front of the command, or you can't write | 14:43 |
faLUCE | hello, can you suggest me a MINIMAL text editor with: 1) I can choose default font 2) I can apply bold and italic to this font. | 14:43 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: oh,too bad it seems an empty file:/ | 14:43 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, now add: nameserver [ip address of your router] | 14:44 |
Zero_Work | Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and it freezes after attempting to login | 14:44 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: BTW, what's the nameserver | 14:44 |
Zero_Work | I can still drop to a virtual term | 14:44 |
bipul | !info ubuntu 14.04 | 14:45 |
ubottu | '14.04' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed | 14:45 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps usually it's or so | 14:45 |
Zero_Work | Ubuntu 14.04 | 14:45 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps i guess the command 'dig' shows it | 14:45 |
Zero_Work | 14.04.1 LTS | 14:45 |
bipul | Zero_Work, Could you explain more about it? , like from where you have downloaded and how you have installed on your machine. | 14:46 |
bipul | I always recommend to use LTS version. At least it is less buggy. | 14:46 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: should I just write : | 14:46 |
Zero_Work | bipul, I downloaded it from the Ubuntu website. I'm dual booting my machine with windows. Ubuntu has its own drive but the boot loader lives on an SSD with windows. There is also a RAID 5 NTFS array in the system. | 14:47 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: or:nameserver[] | 14:47 |
bipul | Zero_Work, Are you using graphic card? | 14:48 |
Zero_Work | bipul it was booting fine for months | 14:48 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps open an new terminal window and type: route -n what's the gateway? | 14:48 |
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Zero_Work | bipul , yes NVIDIA GTX 970. Just tried uninstalling prop drivers | 14:48 |
bipul | Yes, i got your problem. Do one thing you know how to file a bug. | 14:49 |
Zero_Work | Yes, I have an account | 14:49 |
bipul | Great. | 14:49 |
bipul | But before take a test | 14:49 |
arshia | Hi , I downloaded Eclipse for linux , but i cannot find the .deb package on the archive , what to do ??? | 14:49 |
MonkeyDust | !find eclipse | 14:50 |
Zero_Work | arishia, elcipse is portable | 14:50 |
ubottu | Found: redeclipse, redeclipse-data, redeclipse-dbg, redeclipse-server, redeclipse-server-dbg, eclipse, eclipse-anyedit, eclipse-cdt, eclipse-cdt-autotools, eclipse-cdt-jni (and 51 others)§ion=all | 14:50 |
Zero_Work | you can just run it | 14:50 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: there are 2 of the gateway one is : The second is | 14:50 |
faLUCE | hello, can you suggest me a MINIMAL text editor with: 1) I can choose default font 2) I can apply bold and italic to this font. | 14:50 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, the use nameserver | 14:50 |
MonkeyDust | then* | 14:50 |
arshia | Zero_Work: Really ???!!! What is the extension of the executable file ??? | 14:51 |
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Zero_Work | bipul I don't understand, it was working fine a few days ago. | 14:51 |
bipul | Zero_Work, reboot your system, then login ,if the problem persist, then press [alt + f4]. or try doing ssh in your system. It is to check either your system has a problem with graphics card or not. | 14:51 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: OK then:[] | 14:51 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: right? | 14:52 |
bipul | If your system works fine in a console mode then, it is a problem of graphics card | 14:52 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps no, not the [], delete that | 14:52 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: okey, ok | 14:52 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps just nameserver | 14:52 |
Zero_Work | arishia there is an executable file called eclipse | 14:52 |
b10s_ | hi2all | 14:52 |
Zero_Work | it doesn't have an extension. | 14:52 |
arshia | Zero_Work: it cannot open it. | 14:53 |
b10s_ | how can i check which SATA i have? | 14:53 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, now save and close that file and type sudo resolvconf -u | 14:53 |
Zero_Work | Does it give you an error? | 14:53 |
b10s_ | cos looks like my hdd now works under ATA | 14:53 |
arshia | Zero_Work: I'll pastebin the problem. | 14:53 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: u mean :nameserver | 14:54 |
bipul | Zero_Work, | 14:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1220426 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "[nvidia-prime]Freeze while using touchpad" [Low,Triaged] | 14:54 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps yes | 14:54 |
Zero_Work | bipul : | 14:54 |
Zero_Work | ..oops | 14:54 |
Zero_Work | ..that is cool too but not what I wanted to paste | 14:54 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: OK saved, woo | 14:54 |
Zero_Work | | 14:55 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, now type sudo resolvconf -u | 14:55 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: type is okey | 14:55 |
xtpeeps | Null | 14:55 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps not better? any errors? | 14:56 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: then? | 14:56 |
xtpeeps | No | 14:56 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: just nothing | 14:56 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps did you type sudo resolvconf -u | 14:56 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: yea I did | 14:57 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps ok, now, with the cable, try to ping | 14:57 |
elektron_ | @#$ | 14:57 |
bipul | Zero_Work, Ok, is that your current log file? | 14:58 |
Zero_Work | biped yes | 14:58 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: OK everything is fine | 14:58 |
Zero_Work | correct | 14:58 |
arshia | Zero_Work , | 14:58 |
Zero_Work | bipul | 14:58 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: I get the time | 14:58 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps problem solved? | 14:59 |
Zero_Work | arshia, why are you trying to open with an archive manager? Is the file executable? | 14:59 |
arshia | Zero_Work, no , .tar.gz is the extension of the file. | 15:00 |
bipul | Humm.. I don't find any issue. | 15:00 |
Zero_Work | bipul I may need to try to login again... one sec | 15:00 |
bipul | Yes, do it and check, and then let me know. Let see what i can do for you. | 15:01 |
Zero_Work | thanks | 15:01 |
arshia | Zero_Work, the extension of the file is ".tar.gz" , what can i do ? | 15:01 |
Zero_Work | That is a compressed archive | 15:02 |
Zero_Work | you need to decompress it then un archive it | 15:02 |
Zero_Work | Ill send you instructions | 15:02 |
bipul | arshia, Just untar it. | 15:02 |
Zero_Work | | 15:03 |
EriC^^ | arshia: what are you installing btw? | 15:03 |
bipul | !info .tar.gz | 15:03 |
ubottu | Package .tar.gz does not exist in utopic | 15:03 |
bipul | ops | 15:03 |
arshia | EriC^^: Eclipse IDE | 15:03 |
anonymous__ | Hello | 15:04 |
MonkeyDust | arshia eclipse is in the software center / repos | 15:04 |
EriC^^ | arshia: why dont you install it from the repository? sudo apt-get install eclipse | 15:04 |
Zero_Work | bipul , system is frozen and can't drop to a terminal... going to try SSG | 15:04 |
Zero_Work | ssh | 15:04 |
MonkeyDust | !info eclipse | 15:04 |
ubottu | eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-5.1 (utopic), package size 15 kB, installed size 122 kB | 15:04 |
anonymous__ | GO TO DDOS WEB SITE | 15:04 |
Mihaibuc | | 15:04 |
MonkeyDust | anonymous__ wrong channel | 15:04 |
anonymous__ | | 15:04 |
=== b10s_ is now known as b100s | ||
arshia | EriC^^, Now i downloaded it and i don't want to waste my Internet again . What should i do with this status ? | 15:05 |
anonymous__ | I m new | 15:05 |
anonymous__ | IM NEW | 15:05 |
EriC^^ | arshia: it's better if you install it from the repositories cause it will be integrated with the system and get updated when you update the system and wont break any other packages | 15:06 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: oh no I still can't connect | 15:06 |
anonymous__ | Who will teach the sutes to break | 15:06 |
dobrishinov | Hello | 15:06 |
bipul | Zero_Work, Press [ctrl + alt + f2 or f3] | 15:06 |
anonymous__ | HELLO! | 15:06 |
Zero_Work | bipul, ssh isn't working either | 15:06 |
Topsy | hi | 15:07 |
Topsy | we r new here | 15:07 |
Zero_Work | bipul, yes tried that | 15:07 |
arshia | EriC^^, You mean i should download it from the terminal ??? no better way to keep up with this ????? | 15:07 |
bipul | Zero_Work, Is it not working? | 15:07 |
anonymous__ | HELP ME !!! | 15:07 |
Zero_Work | bipul, nope | 15:07 |
EriC^^ | arshia: yes, it's better that way | 15:08 |
Zero_Work | anonymou__ ask a question | 15:08 |
Zero_Work | anonymous__ ask a question | 15:08 |
anonymous__ | Want to off site 1 | 15:08 |
Zero_Work | bipul, I'm about to reinstall I think | 15:08 |
anonymous__ | Help ME | 15:08 |
arshia | EriC^^: Ok ... | 15:08 |
bipul | wait, | 15:08 |
bipul | I am sitting on slow speed. So i might take some time. Between if you want to reinstall then as your wish. | 15:09 |
anonymous__ | This website | 15:09 |
anonymous__ | Tematic HACK | 15:10 |
bipul | Zero_Work, Get me your /var/log files. | 15:10 |
anonymous__ | Virus programm | 15:10 |
anonymous__ | I from russia | 15:10 |
Zero_Work | bipul, ok looks like Ill have to do a hard restart | 15:10 |
BluesKaj | !ru | anonymous__ | 15:10 |
ubottu | anonymous__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 15:10 |
bipul | anonymous__, Don't sounds like noob. This is a Ubuntu channel, please talk about ubuntu. | 15:10 |
anonymous__ | I DONT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | anonymous__, ^ | 15:11 |
bipul | anonymous__, then how come you are writing it? | 15:11 |
Zero_Work | bipul, HD activity light is solid, if that gives you a clue | 15:11 |
bipul | just get me a log file and system details. I will look at my free time. | 15:12 |
OerHeks | how is that helpfull, bipul ? | 15:12 |
Zero_Work | Can you PM me an email? | 15:12 |
bipul | OerHeks, At least i will search it. | 15:13 |
Zero_Work | bipul... lol it just booted fine | 15:13 |
bipul | ok. | 15:13 |
Zero_Work | maybe my hard drive is going bad and leaving it turned off for a few seconds did something | 15:13 |
Zero_Work | ... ill check SMART | 15:13 |
arshia | Why some of these apps on Software center are not free ? isn't Gnu Linux's Apps open source ?????? | 15:13 |
ikonia | arshia: not all apps are open source | 15:14 |
arshia | or at least free ??? | 15:14 |
MonkeyDust | xtpeeps i'm out of ideas, maybe someone else can help | 15:14 |
ikonia | arshia: some are comcercial products | 15:14 |
arshia | ikonia: Hmm... Ok , got it... | 15:15 |
Zero_Work | bipul, yeah I guess it might be a drive issue. SMART says this one has been running for over 2 years now. seek errors are starting to smell. | 15:16 |
Zero_Work | Looks like a trip to Microcenter is in my future | 15:16 |
Zero_Work | Thanks for the help | 15:16 |
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xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: its okey, Thank you so much ,so kind of u:) | 15:19 |
xtpeeps | MonkeyDust: Thank you for your patient | 15:19 |
anonymous__ | People I i well english teach you ))) | 15:20 |
anonymous__ | I FROM RUSSIA ! | 15:21 |
BluesKaj | anonymous__, what is your problem? | 15:22 |
Zero_Work | He's a troll, best to ignore | 15:22 |
BluesKaj | Zero_Work, are you sure? | 15:23 |
Zero_Work | 80% | 15:23 |
anonymous__ | I FROM RUSSIA And do not know English | 15:23 |
anonymous__ | USE TRANSLATION | 15:23 |
anonymous__ | ^_^ | 15:23 |
ikonia | !ru | anonymous__ | 15:23 |
ubottu | anonymous__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 15:23 |
Zero_Work | anonymous__, ask a question if you need specific help | 15:24 |
anonymous__ | Zero thank YOU | 15:24 |
anonymous__ | While i will try to communicate with you ^ | 15:25 |
Zero_Work | ok | 15:25 |
Zero_Work | BluesKaj, I may have been wrong =/ | 15:26 |
anonymous__ | IT is difficult but nothing | 15:26 |
BluesKaj | Zero_Work, we'll see | 15:26 |
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anonymous__ | I am 15 years olD ^D | 15:27 |
Zero_Work | ahh | 15:27 |
arshia | anonymous__: Funny : Same age ... | 15:27 |
anonymous__ | YES..... | 15:27 |
BluesKaj | anonymous__, just ask your question | 15:27 |
Zero_Work | anonymous__ What is your problem? | 15:27 |
anonymous__ | Zero ANYTHING" | 15:28 |
bipul | Actully we don't need to feed the troll. | 15:28 |
Zero_Work | bipul++ | 15:28 |
bipul | ok later. | 15:29 |
BluesKaj | Zero_Work, looks like he just wants to chit chat | 15:29 |
Zero_Work | Yeah I'm finished. anonymous__ if you aren't a troll, you may need to try to find someone that speaks your language to help out. Google translate isn't working too well. | 15:29 |
anonymous__ | With WML will quickly learn ENGLISH i think PEOPLE | 15:29 |
anonymous__ | Not only shebites | 15:30 |
arshia | Zero_Work: What is a troll ?! a kind of bot or something ?? | 15:30 |
anonymous__ | AXAAXA | 15:30 |
Zero_Work | arishia, a prankster I guess. | 15:30 |
Torzon | im trying to setup my Ubuntu for Tor Browsing Only and its not working well anyone can help me ? | 15:30 |
anonymous__ | I dont Understand | 15:30 |
ikonia | anonymous__: I suggest you use #ubuntu-ru as your translation is not working | 15:31 |
ikonia | !ru | anonymous__ | 15:31 |
MonkeyDust | anonymous__ type /j #ubuntu-ru | 15:31 |
anonymous__ | Communicate with me often words i will remember | 15:31 |
anonymous__ | IDOKIA I KNOW | 15:31 |
ikonia | anonymous__: then please use #ubuntu-ru | 15:32 |
anonymous__ | ikonia I want to be here | 15:33 |
anonymous__ | Please ) | 15:33 |
anonymous__ | I'm in 8 th grade | 15:33 |
anonymous__ | you how much year | 15:34 |
ikonia | anonymous__: this channel is for ubuntu chat only | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | anonymous__, we don't teach english in this channel | 15:34 |
xtpeeps | Funny first seen this | 15:35 |
anonymous__ | OH/// | 15:35 |
anonymous__ | THANK YOU HELP | 15:35 |
EriC^^ | anonymous__: go to #ubuntu-offtopic to chat | 15:35 |
arshia | Zero_Work: Looks like you're right . | 15:35 |
Zero_Work | yeah, probably getting posted directly to 4chan | 15:36 |
anonymous__ | Eric you are from whic country | 15:36 |
Guest80890 | .xchat2/ | 15:36 |
=== Jean-Charles is now known as Guest53491 | ||
arshia | anonymous__: This is IRC; not the viber or yahoo massanger. | 15:37 |
Seryth | Hi all. I've got a bit of a problem with xorg. Whenever i run startx, it just crashes and I can't access TTY or move the cursor (which shows up) or anything. I'm not actually running on Ubuntu atm, but on Debian, but I figure you guys will probably be able to lend a hand to this. It's an old Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop. | 15:44 |
MonkeyDust | Seryth better ask in #debian, then | 15:46 |
Seryth | MonkeyDust, I did half an hour ago, no response and join/part messages have hidden my question. I've found #ubuntu to be a lot more active than #debian, and I don't think this is a distro specific problem at the moment. | 15:47 |
MonkeyDust | Seryth this channel *is* distro specific | 15:48 |
xchatter | I just got my new laptop and installed Kubuntu in an encrypted LVM. After the installation finished I had to enter my passphrase 3 times before it loaded Kubuntu. But each time it said successful. Does this have to do with UEFI somehow? I never had an UEFI BIOS before or could it be some other problem? | 15:49 |
fedorafan | Seryth maybe try to reinstall your desktop environment | 15:50 |
ikonia | fedorafan: please don't offer random help | 15:50 |
ikonia | we do not support debian here | 15:50 |
Seryth | Yeah I get I shouldn't have asked here | 15:51 |
fedorafan | yeah here its just talk about ubuntu but wehre to set bounds | 15:52 |
ikonia | fedorafan: the bounds are set - if it's ubuntu its ok | 15:52 |
xchatter | Now it worked. | 15:53 |
xchatter | Strange. | 15:53 |
xchatter | What could be the reason that when I installed Kubuntu and choose German keyboard layout that "y" and "z" are still switched in the login window of Kubuntu but once I am logged in "y" and "z" are mapped correctly to the keyboard I have | 15:55 |
andres_ | hola | 15:56 |
LPG | Hola | 15:56 |
xtpeeps | Hola | 15:57 |
LPG | Ubuntu must have change. | 15:58 |
ikonia | ? | 15:58 |
xtpeeps | What's the meaning | 15:59 |
LPG | Hmm... | 15:59 |
LPG | It is complicated. | 16:01 |
arshia | I'm downloading the eclipse from the terminal , why it is not finishing ????!!! | 16:01 |
LPG | Reinstall | 16:01 |
ikonia | arshia: it's quite a big package | 16:01 |
ikonia | arshia: what is the name of the package you installed | 16:01 |
arshia | eclipse | 16:01 |
arshia | installing , not installed | 16:02 |
ikonia | what was the exact command you run | 16:02 |
haruna | @find junketsu | 16:04 |
OerHeks | haruna, try !find | 16:04 |
=== none is now known as Guest5705 | ||
delac | i would like to force sound through speakers even when headphones are plugged in. I have managed to disable Auto-Mute, but the speakers are still muted after restart, likely by PulseAudio. How to configure it to not do it? | 16:09 |
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OerHeks | delac, most hardware detect headphone and disconnect line out, so if you find a solution, let us know | 16:12 |
nicholas | on a thinkpad x120e and have a strange issue: when press the power button, it does a force shutdown, then restarts. the power dialog comes up, but as soon as I release the power button, it force shuts down. Any help/ideas? | 16:15 |
delac | OerHeks: it is possible to get the speakers to work even when the headphones are plugged in. the problem is that I dont seem to be able to make the settings permanent | 16:15 |
OerHeks | delac no, it is hardware that does that, not software. | 16:15 |
delac | OerHeks: hardware does what? | 16:16 |
OerHeks | ... | 16:17 |
BluesKaj | delac, plugging headphones into some sound cards shorts the speaker outputs | 16:18 |
OerHeks | delac, stop trolling | 16:18 |
OerHeks | you asked,<delac> OerHeks: it is possible to get the speakers to work even when the headphones are plugged in. | 16:18 |
nicholas | anyone? please? | 16:18 |
delac | BluesKaj: not in this case. I am able to use the speakers with certain settings. I just cant make the settings permanent | 16:18 |
junming | hi all | 16:18 |
junming | i have a question about download managers on linux in general | 16:19 |
sudormrf | hey guys | 16:19 |
k1l | junming: its not that common to use them. | 16:19 |
sudormrf | what is the best way to see what folders on the entire machine are taking up the most space using the cli? | 16:19 |
BluesKaj | delac, did you setup alsamixer with those options? | 16:20 |
junming | k1l, i know, but i need a download manager to check by itself, automatically, and regularly, a rss feed (or any xml file, or html or whatever) to retrieve new links and download automatically | 16:20 |
k1l | sudormrf: "ncdu" | 16:21 |
delac | BluesKaj: i did disavle the automute there, and that setting sticks. But the speaker volume still gets muted and set to zero | 16:21 |
sudormrf | k1l, that is only showing me the current directory | 16:21 |
sudormrf | I want to see the entire machine | 16:21 |
k1l | sudormrf: then go to / | 16:21 |
sudormrf | derp. thanks :D | 16:21 |
sudormrf | just did ncdu / | 16:21 |
nicholas | on a thinkpad x120e and have a strange issue: when press the power button, it does a force shutdown, then restarts. the power dialog comes up, but as soon as I release the power button, it force shuts down. Any help/ideas? thanks! | 16:22 |
sudormrf | trying to figure out what all of a sudden filled my drive up | 16:22 |
sudormrf | lel | 16:22 |
kibibyte | hi | 16:22 |
kibibyte | what i shuould buy in order to install ubuntu phone on it ? | 16:23 |
BluesKaj | delac, does F5 in alsamixer show a heaphone output ? | 16:23 |
kibibyte | whine phone * | 16:23 |
kibibyte | what phone* | 16:23 |
MonkeyDust | !phone| kibibyte | 16:23 |
ubottu | kibibyte: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 16:23 |
kibibyte | k | 16:24 |
delac | BluesKaj: yes | 16:24 |
nicholas | anyone? please? :-p | 16:24 |
delac | BluesKaj: I think I could solve my problem if I could make Pavucontrol to remember a certain setting even after reboot. Is there a way to force that? | 16:25 |
Guest34014 | sera | 16:26 |
Guest34014 | che si dice qui? | 16:26 |
BluesKaj | delac, then set the volume on the headphone output and the speaker outs, then run sudo alsactl store in the terminal | 16:26 |
DocWaffle | Brand ne | 16:27 |
krabador | Guest34014, il canale italiano è #ubuntu-it | 16:27 |
krabador | Guest34014, t'è stato anche segnalato , ci sono problemi? | 16:27 |
sudormrf | k1l, is there a way to make ncdu exclude a certain folder from its search? | 16:28 |
DocWaffle | attempting to get Ubuntu going for the first time ever, is this the right channel or is there a more appropriate one? | 16:28 |
cfhowlett | DocWaffle, right channel. ask | 16:28 |
sudormrf | DocWaffle, for ubuntu desktop this is the correct channel | 16:28 |
DocWaffle | Thanks | 16:28 |
delac | BluesKaj: I was sort of hoping to fix this with user settings | 16:29 |
DocWaffle | So far my issue is my pic won't boot from disk even when I change the settings it boots windows from the hard drive | 16:30 |
BluesKaj | delac, what's your audio chip? | 16:30 |
cfhowlett | DocWaffle, hardware specifications??? | 16:30 |
eraggo | DocWaffle: you can try to change boot order from BIOS. Other way is to change boot disk with F8 (in most computers) while boot is happening. Sometimes it might be ESC-key | 16:31 |
Delta706 | is it possible to select nothing for the default mail application? | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | delac, the audio chip is listed in the top left in alsamixer | 16:32 |
delac | BluesKaj: its not like theres any problem with the chip or drivers. The problem is theres a piece of jack stuck in the headphones plug and I need a temporary fix for a friend | 16:32 |
DocWaffle | AMD Fx(tm)-4130 Quad-Core Processor 3.8 GHz | 16:33 |
DocWaffle | 8 GHz installed ram | 16:33 |
DocWaffle | 64 bit OS | 16:34 |
cfhowlett | DocWaffle, you're making a boot disk? Not usb? | 16:34 |
BluesKaj | delac, well pulseaudio settings like to over ride alsa settings, if it's an intel audio chip , you safely run all the audio without pulseaudio installed on mos intel audio setups | 16:35 |
ropo_ | can someon teach me javascript | 16:35 |
DocWaffle | Yeah, it's del for me, but that doesn't actually do anything, it still boots windows from the HD | 16:35 |
k1l | ropo_: better ask in a javascript channel | 16:35 |
k1l | !alis | ropo_ | 16:36 |
ubottu | ropo_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | delac, hence alsamixer settings can then determine final audio settings for the system | 16:36 |
ropo_ | hello | 16:36 |
cfhowlett | DocWaffle, 1. verify your .iso 2. verify your boot DVD 3. go into your bios, disable the HDD and choose dvd as the boot device | 16:36 |
DocWaffle | Um, actually the boot disk was too big, so I tried the mini | 16:36 |
MonkeyDust | ropo_ start here | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | got stuff to do for 30 mins or so, BBL | 16:38 |
sudormrf | is there a way to start the built in vnc program on ubuntu from the CLI? | 16:39 |
DocWaffle | Hmm got a new screen that actually seemed to change the settings but windows loaded anyway | 16:40 |
sudormrf | trying to VNC into my desktop without having to plug it in to my TV | 16:40 |
rtwdf | botnet disclosure report: check/clean your systems. Thank you. | 16:41 |
DocWaffle | Wow, this windows is aggressive | 16:43 |
DocWaffle | Instead of loading from the CD-ROM I got a windows recovery error that the computer had attempted to load something other than windows | 16:44 |
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cfhowlett | DocWaffle, yep, that's windows 8 "protection". you need to do some uefi / legacy manipulation | 16:45 |
cfhowlett | !uefi | DocWaffle | 16:45 |
ubottu | DocWaffle: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 16:45 |
DocWaffle | Except I'm running 7? | 16:45 |
Stunt131 | Anyone have any experience with Macbook 10.1 sensors and how to get them working? | 16:47 |
Moonlightning | So I used the whole disk and set up an encrypted LVM when I installed Ubuntu, and I told it to overwrite the disk with random data | 16:48 |
Moonlightning | But there wasn't a really long /writing random data/ phase, so I feel like it didn't happen. | 16:48 |
=== corey84-- is now known as Corey84 | ||
Moonlightning | Is there a log that stuck around somewhere that I could check? | 16:48 |
sudormrf | anyone? | 16:50 |
sudormrf | nm | 16:51 |
sudormrf | question about cron | 16:51 |
Moonlightning | There probably is, sudormrf. Did you install it using `apt-get`? | 16:51 |
Moonlightning | I'm thinking you can probably `sudo start` it, if it has an, uh | 16:51 |
Moonlightning | whatever the equivalent of initscript is | 16:51 |
bipul | sudormrf, what's the question? | 16:51 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, no, this is built in to ubuntu. didn't need to install it. but I can work around it | 16:51 |
sudormrf | bipul, in the crontab, can I just # to comment things out, or do I need to remove them? I have been using gnome-schedule to manipulate the crontab, and since I can't VNC in I will just modify it from the CLI | 16:52 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I forget what the program is called, but if you type remote into the unity search it comes up | 16:53 |
sudormrf | I don't believe it is a service, it is a program AFAIK | 16:54 |
sudormrf | know what I mean lol. | 16:54 |
bipul | "#" it is used to comment. | 16:54 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: if it's sitting there and listening for inbound connections, it seems to me that it /should/ be treated as a service | 16:54 |
sudormrf | bipul, you can comment things out with # in conf files and what not normally. wondering if the same thing works in the crontab or not. | 16:54 |
Moonlightning | Like SSHd, or…a VNC server. | 16:54 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: yeah, it does. | 16:55 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, don't disagree with you about it should be a service. # works in crontab...good. will comment out the offending lines for now. | 16:55 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: see `man 5 crontab` | 16:55 |
sudormrf | would like to get this vnc thing back up and running | 16:55 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, checking now. | 16:55 |
sudormrf | maybe it's if you type screen sharing | 16:56 |
sudormrf | I forget what you type. I typically don't VNC into this machine. | 16:56 |
=== amin__ is now known as amflir | ||
bipul | sudormrf, just try and let us know, i believe it's work as a comment there. | 16:57 |
=== biledemon is now known as frthtfhfgik | ||
sudormrf | bipul, I can insert the # there no problem, but how can I verify without waiting for the job to run? | 16:58 |
Moonlightning | Hm, I found /var/log/installer/partman; would there be some indication in here that the disk was overwritten with random data? | 16:59 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I believe it is vino | 16:59 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: the idea here is to kick it off however it's normally kicked off. | 17:00 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, IC. well that job is set to run at midnight or somewhere there abouts | 17:00 |
Moonlightning | If that's by init, then tell init to start it; if it's just run as `nohup ... &` then do that | 17:00 |
smakos | I want to buy access to an ssh server surpporting x86 architecture. Any good recommendations? | 17:00 |
smakos | And running ubuntu or linux of course | 17:01 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: It does normally start at boot, right? | 17:01 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, normally, yes. but I just rebooted and it has not started | 17:01 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: …check your logs, actually; maybe it's failing to start for some reason. | 17:02 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, not seeing anything in syslog about it | 17:03 |
sudormrf | need to find a longer hdmi cable to solve this | 17:03 |
=== saint_ is now known as Guest11572 | ||
Moonlightning | sudormrf: do you still have a log from a time when the system booted and it autostarted? It might not be in the most recent one. | 17:04 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, Just plugged it in to an HDMI and I am getting a message saying that the system is running in low graphics mode. probably related to the hdd getting filled up due to the cron job. going to restart it aggin | 17:06 |
* Moonlightning blinks. | 17:06 | |
Moonlightning | What's it writing that's filling the disk? | 17:06 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, that is resolved. it was a cron job that was backing stuff up to a NAS. the NAS had a drive fail and I haven't bought a new one yet. shut down the nas and unmounted the shares. forgot there was a cron job backing stuff up. it ran last night and filled the main drive. removed the backed up data from the main drive. | 17:07 |
Moonlightning | Uh, okay. | 17:07 |
sudormrf | yeah ther eig toes | 17:08 |
sudormrf | the drive was 100% full | 17:08 |
sudormrf | it's a small SSD | 17:08 |
Moonlightning | For the future, maybe make it actually check that that's a mountpoint. :) | 17:08 |
sudormrf | I knew it was a mountpoint lol. I had forgotten about the cron job | 17:08 |
Moonlightning | When it's backing up. | 17:08 |
Moonlightning | So that it doesn't ever back up a volume to the same volume. | 17:09 |
sudormrf | ooooohhhh. how can I do that? I like that idea | 17:09 |
sudormrf | :D | 17:09 |
Moonlightning | man mountpoint # :) | 17:09 |
sudormrf | oh that is cool. so then how would I tell it to stop if it is not a mountpoint? | 17:10 |
Moonlightning | Well, what is it? I've been assuming it's just a shell script you wrote. | 17:11 |
=== Jean-Charles is now known as Guest41753 | ||
sudormrf | oh. no, no script in this case. just a cronjob that uses rsync | 17:12 |
sudormrf | rsync pathx to pathy basically | 17:12 |
Moonlightning | Mmm. Might be a good idea to stick it in a script and add a bit of logging. | 17:12 |
sudormrf | not opposed | 17:13 |
=== saschpe is now known as zz_saschpe | ||
sudormrf | Moonlightning, but being a noob to the scripting, I don't know how I could pass the "is a mountpoint" "is not a mountpoint" | 17:14 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: if statement? | 17:15 |
* Moonlightning is trying to avoid writing it for you. You learn less that way. :) | 17:15 | |
WangXufeng | hello, | 17:15 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, yes that I understand, but I don't know how to make it read "is a mountpoint" "is not a mountpoint". I don't want you to, I prefer to learn :). I can write most of it myself, just don't know how to have it read the is is not from the text | 17:16 |
sudormrf | probably easier for it to read the exit code | 17:16 |
Moonlightning | Oh, yeah. | 17:16 |
sudormrf | 0 = mountpoint, 1 = not | 17:16 |
Moonlightning | That's probably what you want to do. | 17:16 |
Moonlightning | Especially since you can just write it as the condition. | 17:17 |
sudormrf | yep | 17:17 |
sudormrf | but where is that exit code written to? I just did mountpoint /path/ and then checked syslog and didn't see an exit code | 17:17 |
sudormrf | hmm | 17:18 |
nicofs | I am trying to get audio output via hdmi running but sadly there is no hdmi sound card recognised by the system... where do i start to solve that? | 17:18 |
WangXufeng | Is there somebody can help me solving my Ubuntu 14.10 Desktop starting error? | 17:19 |
sudormrf | checking in to it | 17:19 |
z0ran | is anyone had a problem to install kali-linux on kvm | 17:20 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: use `mountpoint` here like you would `[`. | 17:20 |
WangXufeng | I installed it with Kali Linux | 17:20 |
Moonlightning | Parent processes can find out about their children's exit codes. No logs needed. | 17:20 |
cfhowlett | z0ran, kali is not supported here. sorry | 17:20 |
Moonlightning | You don't need to do that directly though | 17:20 |
z0ran | ok, sorry | 17:20 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, what is [ ? | 17:20 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: `test`? | 17:20 |
sudormrf | WangXufeng, go to the #kali | 17:21 |
sudormrf | or is it #kali-linux | 17:21 |
sudormrf | forget | 17:21 |
WangXufeng | thanks | 17:21 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, why the backticks? :P | 17:21 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: personal markup. I use them to mark code, not unlike the HTML <pre> and the Markdown…backticks. | 17:22 |
WangXufeng | It's my ubuntu starting error | 17:22 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, gotcha. well I just did a test script, mountpoint /path/ then under that echo $? and it returned a 1 because it was not a mountpoint | 17:22 |
sudormrf | it's a starting point :)D | 17:23 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: indeed. You don't need $? though. | 17:23 |
sudormrf | WangXufeng, what is the error? | 17:23 |
WangXufeng | I installed it with Kali linux in one part | 17:23 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: that is, using `$?` in a shell `if` is (generally) redundant. :) | 17:23 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, so if it returns 1, then the script will automatically stop? | 17:24 |
WangXufeng | and if I uodate it ,it will not working | 17:24 |
sudormrf | WangXufeng, you haven't explained your ubuntu starting error. | 17:24 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: no(t by default—you /can/ make it do that). That's not what I meant, though. | 17:24 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, sorry then I don't follow | 17:24 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: right about now you should be looking at the documentation for your shell's `if` statement :3 | 17:25 |
cfhowlett | !details | WangXufeng | 17:25 |
ubottu | WangXufeng: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 17:25 |
sudormrf | cfhowlett, thanks :) | 17:27 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, looking at if else bash documentation online | 17:27 |
WangXufeng | When I installed it,I opened it,but not find windows boot option,so I use "fdisk -l" and "apt-get update-grub",When I restarted It,I can find windows boot option,but I could,t power on ubuntu | 17:27 |
Nate_ | Hi I dual booted windows 7 and Ubuntu. I chose try from cd and then I went to install. I clicked continue after choosing where to install and the whole PC froze. I held the power button down and when I turned my PC back on it says unknown file system and it's in grub recovery mode something like that | 17:28 |
WangXufeng | my ubuntu and kali is in one part | 17:28 |
Nate_ | Plz help | 17:28 |
cfhowlett | WangXufeng, wait, what? | 17:28 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: the lesson here is not to immediately hardware reset when something seems to freeze. | 17:29 |
cfhowlett | WangXufeng, that's not going to work | 17:29 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: ESPECIALLY not when you're messing with disks at a low level. Anything that involves repartitioning or formatting or anything like that. | 17:29 |
WangXufeng | how can I solve it? | 17:29 |
Nate_ | Ok so what can I do to fix it? | 17:29 |
cfhowlett | WangXufeng, 1... sudo update-grub NOT apt--get update grub | 17:29 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: do you happen to have a record of what was on the screen when you reset the system? | 17:30 |
=== Guest41753 is now known as KAristide | ||
Nate_ | When it was frozen or in the grub recovery thing? | 17:30 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, could you have a look at the test script and explain why it is saying there is an error on line 5? (TBH I don't understand where the line numbering starts with bash scripting. does it start #!/bin/bash <- there or the next line after that? are carriage returns counted? etc) | 17:31 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: when you did the hardware reset (i.e. held the power button until it powered off) following the freeze | 17:31 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: sure; pastebin it. | 17:31 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: '\n' should always be considered a line ending; '\r' may or may not be depending on context. Not sure about shells. | 17:31 |
Nate_ | Ok it was on the partition screen in the Ubuntu install after I booted from cd I don't think it got to the install part yet | 17:32 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: IIRC, the first line of the file is line 1, regardless of comments. | 17:32 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, | 17:32 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, ok. in which case that would mean the error is at the if statement | 17:32 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: was it a screen where you were supposed to select options, or a progress screen (where it was doing the actual repartitioning)? | 17:32 |
rbi | hi | 17:33 |
Nate_ | Select options like it showed a bar with free space and stuff | 17:33 |
Nate_ | And I clicked install not continue | 17:33 |
Nate_ | Forgot that | 17:33 |
rbi | quit | 17:33 |
rbi | quit | 17:33 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: that's invalid syntax. `[` is a program; the brackets here are not like the parentheses around the condition in C-like languages. | 17:33 |
agata | \c | 17:33 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, the fix is to start the installation over. take your time, understand what your selecting and be patient. | 17:33 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: you clicked a button to tell it to continue, and after that it appared to freeze and you did a hardware reset. | 17:33 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, needed spaces | 17:34 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: yep. | 17:34 |
Nate_ | Btw I cannot boot into windows 7 or Ubuntu I go into the bios and chose hdd but it still says like grub rescue | 17:34 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: do you understand how `if`s work? | 17:34 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: add a space after [ and one before ] | 17:35 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: no kidding. You hardware reset in the middle of a repartition for Luna's sake! | 17:35 |
Nate_ | ? | 17:35 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, well I have always understood how if/then/elses work in the general context of programming, just wasn't sure how to pass the information from the mountpoint command to it. but an exit code is sufficient. | 17:35 |
sudormrf | ActionParsnip, that was it :) | 17:35 |
Nate_ | I had already made the partition tho | 17:35 |
Moonlightning | ActionParsnip: trynna explain /why/, though. | 17:35 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, at least in this case an exit code is sufficient. Oh, in that case I don't understand why a space is necessary. | 17:35 |
Nate_ | Wait I tried booting again and it shows Ubuntu and the dots | 17:36 |
Nate_ | Like going orange and white | 17:36 |
sudormrf | dots are good! :D | 17:36 |
hggdh | sudormrf: because '[' is a binary -- ls -l /usr/bin/[ | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: not sure. Maybe it's to show that the character is not part of the variable names and so forth | 17:36 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: in general, partitioning operations are created and then committed. | 17:36 |
=== LazyO is now known as LazyO|Off | ||
Nate_ | Oh | 17:36 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: i.e., it doesn't /actually change anything/ until you click /continue/ | 17:36 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: which you did, and then killed the system. | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | !away > LazyO|Off | 17:36 |
ubottu | LazyO|Off, please see my private message | 17:36 |
Nate_ | It shows Ubuntu and the dots how long will this take? Oh now I see what I've done | 17:37 |
Moonlightning | Yeah. :( | 17:37 |
Moonlightning | Gotta cross your fingers that it's not in a partial state. | 17:37 |
Nate_ | So the only option is to factory reset the os somehow? | 17:37 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: it's not /necessarily/ messed up. | 17:37 |
Nate_ | My cd drive is jerking like crazy lo | 17:37 |
Nate_ | Lol | 17:37 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: it's just not /guaranteed/ to be okay. | 17:38 |
Nate_ | Now the dots have stopped changing | 17:38 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, clean install ubuntu. windows is there, but you scrambled the bootloader | 17:38 |
Moonlightning | It /might/ be messed up. Gotta wait and see. | 17:38 |
Nate_ | There all orange | 17:38 |
Nate_ | Now it shows a bray screen | 17:38 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: this is Ubuntu's booting animation. | 17:38 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, thank you for this suggestion. with this PoC I can turn it in to a script to put in place. will be simple enough. | 17:38 |
Nate_ | With a bar at the top | 17:38 |
Nate_ | Now it's loading the Ubuntu Logan screen | 17:38 |
Nate_ | Yay | 17:38 |
sudormrf | just need to replace the mountpoint statement with the correct path and the else with the action I want it to take | 17:38 |
Nate_ | Yayayayayayayaya | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Holo | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Holo | 17:39 |
sudormrf | Nate_, Awesome! | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Yolo | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | Nate_: wtg | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Stupid autocorrect | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Thx for the help | 17:39 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: `mountpoint $dir; if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then $etc; fi;` is redundant; can you see why? | 17:39 |
WangXufeng | my ubuntu 14.10 Desktop x64 error is : | 17:39 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: not outta the woods yet | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Ok | 17:39 |
Nate_ | Dang | 17:40 |
Nate_ | It's doing the setup I chose the download updates and stuff | 17:40 |
Moonlightning | Go through with the installation again, as cfh_wlett said, and be patient. Don't rush through stuff you're not sure about; ask us. | 17:40 |
nicofs | I am trying to get audio output via hdmi running but sadly there is no hdmi sound card recognised by the system... where do i start to solve that? | 17:40 |
Nate_ | K it's frozen again not gonna make the same mistake | 17:41 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, No. how I read that is this "we want a certain action to be taken based upon the value of $?" which requires an if statement in my mind. but I am very much a noob to programming. | 17:41 |
Nate_ | Lol | 17:41 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: you know that `[` isn't special, though—it's just a regular program. | 17:41 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, sounds like it's downloading updates. go get a cup of tea and cup back later | 17:41 |
Moonlightning | (hgg_h mentioned this) | 17:42 |
Nate_ | K lol | 17:42 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, hmm. I don't follow. [ is defining the condition for the if statement as I read it. | 17:42 |
Nate_ | K I just clicked something else for installation type | 17:42 |
WangXufeng | my ubuntu 14.10Desktop x64 system error is:[ 2.381833]request_module:runaway loop modprobe binfnt-464c | 17:42 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: `[` is a program: `ls -l /bin/[` | 17:43 |
eraggo | was it 5 years that canonical offers updates on 14.04? | 17:43 |
Moonlightning | eraggo: that's /support/ | 17:43 |
cfhowlett | !LTS | eraggo, | 17:43 |
ubottu | eraggo,: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) | 17:43 |
Moonlightning | Love dem unicorns, though | 17:43 |
eraggo | thanks | 17:43 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I don't understand. | 17:43 |
Nate_ | K I have a 21 gb thing it's sda4 and a 22 gb free space and a unusable 20gb part | 17:44 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I understand that ls is a program, but I don't understand how [ is a program | 17:44 |
ikonia | 17:44 | |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: because it is. There's a `/bin/[`. The character `[` happens to not be special to the shell. | 17:44 |
Nate_ | K clicked install now and it says no root file system defined? | 17:45 |
=== LogicMatters is now known as DoweedhMatters | ||
Nate_ | Nvm got it do I format oration or no | 17:45 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, when I try to do ls -l /bin/[ it says no such file or directory | 17:45 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: wat. What OS? | 17:45 |
Nate_ | format partition or no | 17:45 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, ubuntu 12.04 | 17:45 |
p-trust | put like if you like to squirt | 17:45 |
p-trust | oops wrong chan,sry | 17:45 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: and this is yet another place where you want to be careful. :P | 17:46 |
shuman | :) | 17:46 |
Moonlightning | Nate_: can you get us a screenshot? | 17:46 |
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Nate_ | Ok il try | 17:46 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: my bad; it's in /usr/bin | 17:47 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, ah, yes now I see something there | 17:47 |
gangosan | Hi | 17:47 |
gangosan | please help me | 17:47 |
eraggo | gangosan: just ask | 17:47 |
gangosan | where download Ubuntu 12.04 | 17:48 |
Moonlightning | gangosan: from the website. | 17:48 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, sorry, OK so back on track. I don't understand why the if statement is redundant | 17:48 |
ActionParsnip | gangosan: | 17:48 |
Moonlightning | gangosan: also, unless you need 12.04 specifically, I would get the latest version (14.10 Utopic Unicorn) or latest LTS (14.04 Trusty Tahir) | 17:48 |
cfhowlett | gangosan, HERE | 17:48 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: Utopic is only supported til July this year. | 17:49 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: so when you do `if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]`, the shell invokes `[`. But then how does it know whether to execute the `then` or not? | 17:49 |
gangosan | thak you | 17:49 |
gangosan | thahc you | 17:49 |
Moonlightning | gangosan(, ActionParsnip): that's why I said /or latest LTS/ | 17:49 |
gangosan | thank you | 17:49 |
Moonlightning | You're welcome, gangosan | 17:49 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: Precise is supported til after Utopic dies. | 17:49 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, in my test script it invokes the then? | 17:50 |
Moonlightning | ActionParsnip: and Tahir is supported until after Precise dies. | 17:50 |
Nate_ | Sorry it took so long I think this it it | 17:50 |
Nate_ | | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: yes. So for casual users. Non-LTS releases aren't great | 17:50 |
Moonlightning | ActionParsnip: so unless you need Precise specifically, why not get Tahir? | 17:51 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, that wasn't a question, it was a statement that my test script invokes the then or the else depending on the result, so I am confused. sorry :) | 17:51 |
Moonlightning | Pangolin * | 17:51 |
Nate_ | Monolingual | 17:51 |
Nate_ | Whips | 17:51 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: the result of…what? :) | 17:51 |
Nate_ | Whoops | 17:51 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, 20GB for /swap? | 17:51 |
Nate_ | It set that default or something I dint do that | 17:51 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: oh absolutely. The latest LTS all the way unless there is a requirement | 17:51 |
Nate_ | I wanted 20 for like main thing | 17:51 |
Moonlightning | ActionParsnip: hence: Tahir if you need LTS; Unicorn if you don't. | 17:52 |
Moonlightning | Latest LTS (Tahir) or latest release (Unicorn). Which is what I said. | 17:52 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, delete /dev/sda4 make a new swap of 2 X your ram st the rest as /home | 17:52 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, what I have placed in the brackets. so telling it if [ $? = 1 ] then write "not a mountpoint, stopping script" | 17:52 |
Moonlightning | Nate_, cfhowlett: careful with deleting things by index. | 17:52 |
Moonlightning | Nate_, cfhowlett: sda4 might not be what you think it is | 17:53 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, STOPP | 17:53 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, if I change the $? to $? = 0 then it goes to the else | 17:53 |
Nate_ | Ok | 17:53 |
cfhowlett | Moonlightning, please expand/expound | 17:53 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, is it not working correctly? | 17:53 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: but the shell isn't doing the check. `[` is doing the check. | 17:53 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I am still confused as to what the problem is. | 17:53 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: the shell doesn't treat `$? -eq 0` specially; those are just arguments to `[` | 17:53 |
Moonlightning | Right? | 17:54 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, right, I agree with that. | 17:54 |
Moonlightning | cfhowlett: oh, I missed the point where Nate_ posted a screenshot. | 17:54 |
Moonlightning | Which details what's what. Never mind. | 17:54 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, but it appears to be working as designed, so I am confused as to where the problem is | 17:54 |
cfhowlett | Moonlightning, thanks. | 17:55 |
Nate_ | Oh | 17:55 |
cfhowlett | Nate_, "suggested" best practice is 2 X ram for /swap | 17:55 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: it works as designed, yeah. But I'm trying to give you a deeper understanding. :) | 17:55 |
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sudormrf | Moonlightning, yes, I appreciate it :). But without being more explicit in this case I don't think I am going to grasp the concept :) | 17:55 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: Since the shell is just passing arguments to `[` instead of doing any checks itself, how does it know what the result of the check is? | 17:56 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I don't know the answer to that. | 17:56 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: have you read the manual page for `[` (aka `test`)? | 17:56 |
hggdh | [is a synonym to test. 'man [ | 17:56 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, looking at it now | 17:56 |
hggdh | ', or 'info [' or details | 17:56 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: the command returns a value of 1 or 0 if it's successful or not | 17:56 |
Moonlightning | ActionParsnip: being able to look up documentation oneself is a useful skill IMHO :) | 17:57 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I typically do look at man pages ;D. | 17:57 |
Moonlightning | :D | 17:58 |
ActionParsnip | Moonlightning: very. Teach a man to fish | 17:58 |
Moonlightning | Quite. | 17:58 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, so you are saying I can just have it to test mountpoint path instead of an if [ blah ] in this case as that would be the shell passing the argument | 17:58 |
sudormrf | ? | 17:58 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: Do you see how that would work? :) | 17:59 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, not really, no. I just created a test script that says "test mountpoint /path/to/test" and it gives me an error | 18:00 |
sudormrf | unary operator expected | 18:01 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: indeed. `test` doesn't have a `mountpoint` option. | 18:01 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: let's back up a bit. When you say `if test "$?" -eq 0`, how does the shell check the result | 18:01 |
Moonlightning | ? | 18:01 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, sounds good. I don't know how it checks the result | 18:02 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: how does `test` indicate the result? It doesn't print anything; we can see that. | 18:03 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, sorry I don't follow. in a test script if I don't use [ it fails | 18:04 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, it tells me [ is required | 18:04 |
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ | ||
=== Jean-Charles is now known as Guest69354 | ||
Moonlightning | sudormrf: `test` (also known as `[`) is a program that evaluates expressions passed to it as arguments. We've established that much, yeah? | 18:05 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, yes | 18:05 |
kyle_dz | bbb | 18:06 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, ok, so I just created a test script that says if test "$?" -eq 0 (and added some echo statements for the then and else) | 18:06 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, and it works | 18:06 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf, yep. | 18:07 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, but I am really not seeing the correlation here | 18:07 |
EriC^^ | sudormrf: it's the same as if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then echo exit status was 0; fi | 18:07 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, EriC^^, so wait a minute, I think I get what you are saying now, maybe. Let me test something | 18:08 |
=== Guest50632 is now known as Rory | ||
sudormrf | Moonlightning, EriC^^, nope. still don't get it. I just modified the test script to say this test; if "$?" -eq 0; then echo blah; fi | 18:10 |
sudormrf | and I get an error | 18:10 |
EriC^^ | sudormrf: you can either use [ ] or test | 18:10 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, EriC^^ you are saying that test == [, which I get. but with an if statement it requires me to use [ condition ] | 18:10 |
sudormrf | EriC^^, so I am lost as to what the message here is. | 18:11 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: why does the shell want you to use that one specific program as the condition of an `if` statement? | 18:11 |
Moonlightning | Why would it do that? | 18:11 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I don't understand the question. | 18:12 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: you're saying the shell requires you to use either `[` or `test` as the condition. | 18:12 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, in the scope of an if statement, yes. | 18:12 |
Moonlightning | i.e. you cannot, for example, do `if echo foo; then echo bar; fi;` | 18:12 |
EriC^^ | sudormrf: you can use if test "$?" -eq 0; then echo exit status was 0; fi , or if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then echo exit status was 0; fi | 18:13 |
theadmin | Moonlightning: Um. | 18:13 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, correct, because that is not how if statements work. at least the way I understand them | 18:13 |
EriC^^ | it's the same thing | 18:13 |
quillford | how can I get my GUI back? all I can do atm is open TTY and use startx to see my wallpaper | 18:13 |
theadmin | Moonlightning: - that works, just like expected... | 18:14 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: ^ | 18:14 |
sudormrf | EriC^^, I get that, but I feel like Moonlightning is saying my script is wrong because I used the [ ] and I want to know why. | 18:14 |
theadmin | sudormrf: Can I see the script? | 18:14 |
EriC^^ | sudormrf: can you post a link to the script? | 18:14 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, EriC^^ appreciate the lesson guys :) | 18:14 |
sudormrf | EriC^^, sure | 18:14 |
eraggo | quillford: try alt+F7 | 18:14 |
EriC^^ | quillford: are you on ubuntu? | 18:15 |
quillford | eraggo: when? | 18:15 |
sudormrf | EriC^^, | 18:15 |
quillford | EriC^^: 14.04 lts | 18:15 |
EriC^^ | quillford: try sudo service lightdm restart | 18:15 |
eraggo | quillford: if you are in tty and desktop is running try that | 18:16 |
EriC^^ | quillford: ( you shouldn't use startx, especially with sudo cause you'll mess up the permissions ) | 18:16 |
theadmin | sudormrf: That script seems perfectly fine, except the extra whitespace | 18:16 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, so were you getting at the test vs [] thing? | 18:16 |
quillford | EriC^^: restarting lightdm gives a blank screen | 18:17 |
Moonlightning | theadmin: I'm trying to get him to understand why it's redundant, without outright saying it. | 18:17 |
sudormrf | theadmin, thanks. the PoC had worked, so that is why I was confused | 18:17 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I don't understand why it is redundant. | 18:17 |
quillford | eraggo: alt f7 gives blank screen | 18:17 |
minimec | quillford: if you do a 'normal' boot, do you get the graphical login screen to enter a user session? | 18:17 |
quillford | no | 18:17 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, if [ == test, then where is the redundancy? | 18:18 |
eraggo | quillford: that is weird for me | 18:18 |
theadmin | sudormrf: Well, all he's saying is that you probably could have just done this: | 18:18 |
theadmin | I think that works. Not sure... | 18:19 |
theadmin | Oh whatever. | 18:19 |
* theadmin doesn't get it either. | 18:19 | |
Moonlightning | theadmin(, sudormrf): that's not how `if` statements work. | 18:19 |
theadmin | True, yes, that probably will fail | 18:19 |
quillford | eraggo: minimec: EriC^^: I'm getting "(WW) fglrx: no matching device section for instance([BusID]) found" | 18:19 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, totally lost. | 18:19 |
theadmin | Oh. | 18:19 |
minimec | quillford: I guess 'no' was for me... ;) Do you use amd/nvidia GPU card? And did you do some system upgrade like 13.10 -> 14.04 ? | 18:19 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf, theadmin: in most languages, the condition is an expression. | 18:20 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf, theadmin: in most languages, the condition is an expression. | 18:20 |
theadmin | | 18:20 |
theadmin | There. | 18:20 |
minimec | quillford: Ok. Did you upgrade your system? | 18:20 |
quillford | minimec: not an upgrade. fresh install from 14.04. amd gpu | 18:20 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf, theadmin: In POSIX shells, the condition is a list of commands. | 18:20 |
=== Don is now known as Guest9186 | ||
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: you mean if test $?; then .... ? | 18:21 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf, theadmin: If the exit status of the `if` list is 0, the `then` list is executed. | 18:21 |
theadmin | There's no point in testing for $? since you can just write the previous command directly in the "if" part. | 18:21 |
Moonlightning | ^ | 18:21 |
eraggo | quillford: can you start ubuntu on safe mode? | 18:22 |
sudormrf | I see | 18:22 |
theadmin | That's what he's on about. But you know, there's more than one way to do the same thing | 18:22 |
minimec | quillford: Ok. I read here that yuo installed the fglrx GPU driver. I guess, that is your problem. I would 'sudo apt-get purge fglrx' and then try to reboot with 'sudo reboot'. | 18:22 |
quillford | eraggo: safe mode? | 18:22 |
Moonlightning | if `mountpoint` exits with 0, then `rsync` is executed | 18:22 |
Moonlightning | You /could/ do `mountpoint` separately and then `test $? -eq 0` | 18:22 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: yeah but he doesn't get the mountpoint doesn't exist part | 18:22 |
eraggo | quillford: press shift on boot | 18:22 |
sudormrf | theadmin, no no no, I appreciate the lesson. I am very much a noob to this and I want to learn more about scripting and programming in general | 18:22 |
Moonlightning | But all that does is check if `test` exited with 0 | 18:22 |
Moonlightning | Which is redundant. | 18:22 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: | 18:23 |
quillford | minimec: still blank | 18:23 |
minimec | quillford: It might be that your card was supported by fglrx in older Ubuntu versions, but not anymore... | 18:23 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: it's not redundant to it's informative | 18:24 |
EriC^^ | imho | 18:24 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, how is that github link different than the script I pastebinned (other than the else statement)? | 18:24 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: it's analogous to a C `bool is_mountpoint = check_if_mountpoint(dir); if (is_mountpoint) do_the_backup();` | 18:25 |
quillford | eraggo: can't get into safe mode | 18:25 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: which I would avoid in favor of `if (check_is_mountpoint(dir)) do_the_backup();` | 18:25 |
=== biledemon is now known as frthtfhfgik | ||
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: that's different, that is using the extra mountpoint part | 18:26 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: the comments, for further explanation. | 18:26 |
eraggo | quillford: did you keep pressing shift on the boot? there is text "loading grub..." on the screen | 18:26 |
minimec | quillford: ok. Canyou give us the output of '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' after a clean boot? 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit' <- Should do for the command line | 18:26 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: i dont see why it's redundant to inform the user that the mountpoint doesn't exist | 18:26 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, so instead of using then to echo something like "not a mountpoint" you omit that? | 18:26 |
EriC^^ | ( not using an if else ) | 18:27 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: `if` doesn't suppress output. | 18:27 |
EriC^^ | i feel like we're splitting hairs anyways | 18:27 |
quillford | minimec: 9768852 | 18:28 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: Aside from that, it's the same matter of putting the condition in the condition, instead of letting it go into a variable that will never be used again and then checking the variable. | 18:28 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: don't believe me? `if mountpoint /; then :; fi;` | 18:29 |
basichash | I've got a thinkpad x240 running v14.04. Sometimes I get these massive lag spikes (not sure if this is the proper term, but basically everything just freezes). When I pull out my power cable, everything seems to work fine again. Any ideas what could be the issue here? | 18:30 |
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EriC^^ | Moonlightning: i know what you're getting at, not using the variable i get what you're saying, i just dont see the point of not echoing that it isn't mounted as being redundant | 18:30 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: that's all | 18:30 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: /like I said/, `if` doesn't suppress output. `mountpoint`s note will get printed whether it's in a condition or not. | 18:30 |
eraggo | quillford: what kind of gpu you are using btw? | 18:30 |
quillford | eraggo: R9 290 | 18:30 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: ok, so drop the -q then? | 18:31 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I am explicitly surpressing the output, but I see what you mean | 18:31 |
Moonlightning | Sigh. | 18:31 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: | 18:32 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: yes, so drop the -q from mountpoint | 18:32 |
EriC^^ | -q = quiet | 18:32 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: there is no string '-q' in that gist. | 18:33 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: i was exclusively talking to sudormrf :P | 18:33 |
sudormrf | EriC^^, that's what Moonlightning seems to be getting at. | 18:33 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: yeah, s_dormrf can drop the -q if they want `mountpoint`s output. They don't have to move `mountpoint` out of the conditional. | 18:34 |
Moonlightning | condition * | 18:34 |
EriC^^ | sudormrf: yeah, i think so too | 18:34 |
quillford | minimec: eraggo: is there a way to revert to the stock drivers via command line? | 18:35 |
minimec | quillford: ok. Xorg seems to load the fglrx driver... Hmm. Is this a clean install or an system install with an existing /home partition and 'old' user directories? | 18:36 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, I see now. | 18:36 |
sudormrf | the redundancy | 18:36 |
eraggo | quillford: did you use left or rifgt shift on boot to load GRUB menu? i didn't say right but right shifr was the correct one :S | 18:36 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf :D | 18:36 |
sudormrf | after looking at your last git link | 18:36 |
sudormrf | then did a test script myself | 18:36 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: also: `test`s `=` and `!=` are for string comparison; use `-eq` and `-ne` for integers (and see the manual page for more operators) | 18:37 |
minimec | quillford: 'sudo apt-get purge fglrx', then 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.old.conf'. That should bring you the default opensource driver back. | 18:37 |
quillford | minimec: I installed it about 2 weeks ago (to finally replace windows :)) and have been using it. I noticed the graphics would lag so I used addition drivers to try a different driver. I also installed some drivers from amd's site. | 18:37 |
minimec | quillford: well reboot afterwards... | 18:38 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, thank you :) | 18:38 |
quillford | minimec: it says fglrx is not installed | 18:38 |
Moonlightning | You're welcome, sudormrf. ^^ | 18:38 |
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minimec | quillford: Ok. So remove all these drivers with that 'sudo apt-get purge fglrx' command and rename the xorg.conf as mentioned before. | 18:39 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, sorry, I am not in the programming mindset yet. one of my goals this year is to finally get down and study a language. This was insightful :). | 18:39 |
minimec | quillford: Ok. Did you reboot you removed the driver? | 18:39 |
quillford | minimec: I'm also getting no such file or directory on xorg.conf | 18:39 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: almost all languages have the same basic constructs: conditionals, loops, functions, and such. | 18:40 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: the semantics of each can vary, though. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. | 18:40 |
quillford | minimec: I just checked. I don't have an xorg.conf in the X11 directory, but a bunch of files with derivative names | 18:41 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, yep :). I have a grasp of those basics as is, but I still feel very lost when it comes to programming :) | 18:41 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf: A less major variation is that the conditions of some languages (e.g. C, Python, POSIX shell) implicitly convert the result of a condition to a boolean, whereas in others (e.g. Java) the condition must evaluate to a boolean on its own. | 18:42 |
sudormrf | Moonlightning, interesting. to me seems like and implicit conversion is more logical | 18:43 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: using less characters in a code/script doesn't mean it's better | 18:43 |
minimec | quillford: --> 'I also installed some drivers from amd's site.'. Do you had to compile these drivers from the amd site? Do you still have that directory? If yes, go into that directory and try 'sudo make uninstall'. | 18:44 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: the output of the command, not suppressed is going to be an ugly mountpount: /bla is a mountpoint then copy the files, and if it's not there an uglier bla not found | 18:44 |
theadmin | sudormrf: Implicit conversion is not logical at all. | 18:44 |
stangeland | hi, my harddisk is almost completely full, but i dont know what takes up all the space. Is there any way to get an overview of where on the harddisk the most space is used - ie what files | 18:44 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: I don't see it as less explicit; I see it as redundant, especially given that the result of `test` is interpreted in exactly the same way. | 18:44 |
sudormrf | theadmin, why not? :) | 18:44 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: i'm talking about the output of the script | 18:44 |
Moonlightning | sudormrf, theadmin: I like implicit booleanization. | 18:44 |
minimec | quillford: Can you do 'sudo updatedb && locate fglrx' If you have such a file installed, we would have to remove it probably. | 18:44 |
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quillford | minimec: the amd site download redirected to fglrx iirc | 18:44 |
theadmin | sudormrf: You can end up with things like if(a = 5) by accident and that will always evaluate to "true" with implicit conversion (since 5 is true, and == is for comparison rather than = in most languages) | 18:44 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: as in what you see when you run it | 18:45 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: so add -q and do output or logging yourself. | 18:45 |
theadmin | sudormrf: On the other hand, if the conversion is explicit, then you won't ever run into a problem like that. | 18:45 |
sudormrf | theadmin, interesting :) | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: i'm just saying your logic is wack | 18:45 |
theadmin | You'll just get an error saying something like "boolean expected, got integer" | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | ( with all due respect ) | 18:45 |
Moonlightning | theadmin: you could argue that that's a problem with allowing assignment to be an expression, though. | 18:45 |
quillford | minimec: a bunch of files were listed | 18:45 |
Moonlightning | Python doesn't, for example. | 18:45 |
theadmin | Moonlightning: That's not necessarily a bad thing and allows for amusing constructs like a = b = c = 3 eh | 18:46 |
sudormrf | I love this. come in here to figure out an easy way to identify what was taking up all the space on my hard drive, get on to a discussion about programming :D | 18:46 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: how is my logic not sound? | 18:46 |
Moonlightning | theadmin: Python also allows that. | 18:46 |
* squinty could argue that this is not the #ubuntu-nit-picking-programming channel | 18:46 | |
theadmin | Moonlightning: Oh, okay. | 18:46 |
sudormrf | hahaha | 18:46 |
* sudormrf squints at squinty | 18:46 | |
Moonlightning | There /is/ a ##programming; we could all go there. | 18:46 |
keithclark | I need to create a live usb stick but when I try to use unetbootin it gives me an error as follows: You must first mount the usb drive /dev/sdc2 to a mountpoint. I can see the usb stick in my file manager so I know it is mounted. Ideas? | 18:47 |
sudormrf | joined | 18:47 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: you're saying if i make a really fast engine that's the whole point, and you dont think that a heavier engine is going to screw up the handling | 18:47 |
EriC^^ | you want to use less chars, and that's all | 18:47 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: your logic is wack | 18:47 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: I don't see that your analogy is accurate. | 18:47 |
zamba | i have lots of ipv6 addresses on my eth0 interface.. is there a way i can clean up these? | 18:48 |
Moonlightning | I'm going for conciseness, not charcount. | 18:48 |
EriC^^ | huh? you want to use the less chars possible, and the output is all screwy | 18:48 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: my analogy means you have to think about the whole package | 18:48 |
EriC^^ | it's perfectly accurate | 18:48 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: I'm sorry, are we talking about whether `mountpoint` should be the condition, or are we talking about output? | 18:48 |
MonkeyDust | Moonlightning EriC^^ we get the point, now back on-topic please | 18:48 |
Moonlightning | EriC^^: ##programming | 18:50 |
EriC^^ | Moonlightning: the output | 18:50 |
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EriC^^ | squinty: i'm nit picking the nit picker, so that makes me not nit picking, more chars for eveeeeeryyyyy onnnnnnnneeeeeeee | 18:52 |
* EriC^^ shuts up now | 18:53 | |
squinty | EriC^^: ;-) | 18:54 |
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JimFenton | I'm having trouble getting packages from via IPv6 (2001:67c:1562::17). Is this a known problem? | 18:56 |
minimec | quillford: I am sitting in a train an dthe connection dropped... So... Removing/renaming the xorg.conf file should bring you the opensource driver back on the next boot. I would do a clean system halt/boot after that. The /var/log/Xorg.0.log should be different after that boot (no fglrx things). As it was working like that for two weeks, it should work again after these steps. | 18:57 |
keithclark | Any ideas on my usb stick issue? I don't even seem to be able to format it with 'disks' either | 18:57 |
eraggo | keithclark: usb3 or <usb2? | 18:58 |
keithclark | eraggo, not sure | 18:58 |
eraggo | keithclark: is it blue on the stick (contacting parts) | 18:59 |
CJKay | Why does upstart lie about the network being up and how can I tell it to stop lying about it because it's screwing up all my IPv6 upstart scripts? | 18:59 |
bipul | Can we able to run .webm in totem or VLC | 18:59 |
keithclark | eraggo, I think black | 19:00 |
PenguinAnon | keithclark: Have you tried GParted? | 19:00 |
eraggo | keithclark: so i think it is not usb3. Now... what is the issue? You can not see stick on the GUI? | 19:01 |
OerHeks | keithclark, is it a U3 stick ? | 19:01 |
PenguinAnon | bipul: Both of those players support WebM, though I use Gnome MPlayer | 19:01 |
OerHeks | !info u3-tool | 19:02 |
bipul | PenguinAnon, Between i am not able to see the image | 19:02 |
gagalicious | i have eth0 eth1 and eth2 ... how can i make them use both as incoming lines for different ips in different subnets? | 19:02 |
ubottu | u3-tool (source: u3-tool): tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1.1 (utopic), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB (Only available for alpha; amd64; arm; armel; armhf; i386; ia64; mipsel; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386; hurd-i386) | 19:02 |
PenguinAnon | bipul: What about Gnome-MPlayer? | 19:02 |
lupoSolitario88 | ciao | 19:02 |
minimec | bipul: yes. Maybe install 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' to have all the 'common codecs' | 19:02 |
keithclark | eraggo, when trying to burn an iso image: sudo dd if=/home/keithclark/Downloads/GroovyArcade-Arch2013.02.24-i686.iso of=/dev/sdc2 | 19:02 |
keithclark | dd: writing to ‘/dev/sdc2’: No space left on device | 19:02 |
eraggo | keithclark: use "dd if=/home/anything of=/dev/sdc" as suo | 19:03 |
eraggo | sudo* | 19:03 |
keithclark | eraggo, I did | 19:04 |
eraggo | so full command was..? | 19:04 |
keithclark | see above ^^ | 19:04 |
OerHeks | note of=/dev/sdc, not of=/dev/sdc2 | 19:04 |
keithclark | OerHeks, ah | 19:04 |
bipul | crisis of bits/bytes see you later | 19:04 |
eraggo | keithclark: change /dev/sdc2 to /dev/sdc | 19:05 |
keithclark | eraggo, trying now | 19:05 |
keithclark | eraggo, I assume that I was trying to write to one of the partitions and not the entire drive? | 19:05 |
eraggo | keithclark: yes. number is to tell partition | 19:06 |
eraggo | keithclark: and you need to use disk; not the partition | 19:06 |
keithclark | eraggo, got it, let's see what happens now. | 19:06 |
eraggo | keithclark: that might take some time so get coffee | 19:07 |
keithclark | eraggo, beer | 19:07 |
eraggo | +1 | 19:08 |
keithclark | eraggo, does 'dd' have a verbose mode to see progress? | 19:08 |
eraggo | keithclark: i do not know, but 5 mins is usual. It just tells if copying went correctly afterwards | 19:09 |
keithclark | eraggo, thanks! Seems to have worked and now I have to try it out. I appreciate the help here. | 19:10 |
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quillford | minimec: still not working :( | 19:16 |
johnb003 | I am planning to update my distro soon, but I also want to start using ZFS. I currently have 4x drives, and I'm planning to add another 4, to make a raidz2 pool. | 19:16 |
johnb003 | Actually I also have a spare from an advance replacement from WD, which might help shuffling the data into the pool | 19:16 |
johnb003 | Do you think I could start the configuration and installation of the new distro on a single drive, and then setup my raid later and somehow preserve the install? | 19:17 |
minimec | quillford: Did you check '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' to be sure that fglrx is not used anymore? | 19:17 |
jamie_ | undecim: ping | 19:18 |
quillford | minimec: I can open a terminal in startx. how can I open the additional drivers program to revert back to open source drivers? | 19:18 |
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undecim | jamie_, pong | 19:21 |
minimec | quillford: so you can open a terminal in the graphical environment? That would mean, that 'Xorg' os working, but you have a 'bugged' user session. Can you confirm the terminal in the startx session? | 19:21 |
quillford | minimec: yes | 19:21 |
jamie_ | undecim: okay i did a lot of checking stuff last night and.... just came up with more info that made me scratch my head | 19:21 |
quillford | minimec: I got additional drivers opened, but it says it is using xorg | 19:21 |
quillford | minimec: startx only gives me my wallpaper however. I had to use ctrl + alt + t to open a terminal window | 19:22 |
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jamie_ | qullford: are you having it just show the desktop and not the unity launcher after login | 19:23 |
minimec | quillford: Ok. What if we added a user 'quillford' with 'sudo adduser quillford' in the console... Then you logout/login on the console as quillford and try 'startx'. | 19:23 |
boriseto | Hello, is there a way to make the web browsers in Ubuntu to render the fonts as in the other operating systems? | 19:23 |
jamie_ | quillford: are are you have a problem with the drivers not set right anymore and its not showing the unity launcher just the folders on the desktop and background | 19:24 |
samthewildone | !offtopic | 19:24 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:24 |
quillford | jamie_: indeed I am | 19:24 |
undecim | boriseto, How are they different? | 19:25 |
bubbasaures | quillford: startx is not correct in ubuntu with a desktop | 19:25 |
jamie_ | quillford: okay execute cd ~ mv .config .configold | 19:25 |
jamie_ | from the same place as the others | 19:26 |
boriseto | undecim, well several sites look a little distorted when viewing them. They don't look like that on Mac or Windows. | 19:26 |
jamie_ | after that restart | 19:26 |
undecim | boriseto, can you get me a screenshot? | 19:27 |
quillford | minimec: same thing with user quillford. just the desktop/wallpaper | 19:27 |
jamie_ | boriseto: are you using firefox | 19:27 |
Trickster1 | Hello all | 19:28 |
Trickster1 | someone know how can we change the order of the program in the task bar of lubuntu 11.04.1 ? | 19:28 |
minimec | quillford: Ok. Seems that others are following us. Cool. So let's disable autologin for lightdm and do a reboot... --> 'sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf' Do a change like this... "autologin-user=" | 19:28 |
jamie_ | Trickster1: your in 11.04.1 | 19:28 |
minimec | quillford: <ctrl>x to save the changes... | 19:28 |
boriseto | undecim, sure, give me a sec. | 19:28 |
bubbasaures | Trickster1, 11.04 is end of life and not supported you need to get to at least 12.04 | 19:29 |
boriseto | jamie_, on both firefox and chrome. | 19:29 |
jamie_ | boriseto: okay, | 19:29 |
MartynKeigher | hey all. just bought a Raspberry Pi and i was wondering if i could run 14.04lts? | 19:29 |
quillford | minimec: rebooting... | 19:29 |
MartynKeigher | the Pi is a Model B+ | 19:29 |
MartynKeigher | if not.. Debain works | 19:30 |
bubbasaures | MartynKeigher, THe web to hard? | 19:30 |
MartynKeigher | just curiuos | 19:30 |
MartynKeigher | bubbasaures .. .was more after peoples experiences with it to be honest? not a yes/no. | 19:30 |
Trickster1 | bubbasaures i use lubuntu and it is 14.04.1 sorry i wrote wrong | 19:31 |
quillford | minimec: I now get a login screen, but when I login in all that happens is the login dialog box disappears | 19:31 |
boriseto | undecim, and | 19:31 |
bubbasaures | MartynKeigher, Neither really on topic is all. | 19:31 |
minimec | quillford: Would you have this with both accounts? So with 'quillford' too? | 19:31 |
bubbasaures | Trickster1, Great, not sure myself without searching. | 19:31 |
undecim | boriseto, Nothing looks odd to me. In what way are they distorted? | 19:32 |
Trickster1 | bercause i searsh and don't find it via google :( | 19:32 |
quillford | minimec: same thing | 19:32 |
quillford | minimec: works with quillford | 19:32 |
MartynKeigher | yeah. how silly of me to ask a 'Ubuntu' question... in the 'Ubuntu' channel!! | 19:32 |
MartynKeigher | thanks for the "help". | 19:32 |
minimec | quillford: Ok. ;) One step forward... | 19:32 |
catacost | Hi, alsamixer is showing me headphone impedance but not volume, what do I need to do to gain the normal volume percentage control? | 19:32 |
boriseto | undecim, for example, in the first picture, the words are cut out and are under the searchbox. It isn't like that on Mac or Windows. | 19:33 |
bubbasaures | MartynKeigher, THis is suport, the first question easily found, second really both #ubuntu-offtopic honestly an attitude does not help you. | 19:33 |
boriseto | undecim, and in the second picture, the member name is in one line (and it is even next to half the size and overall rendered differently). | 19:33 |
undecim | boriseto, so it seems the characters are too wide? | 19:34 |
boriseto | undecim, I'm guessing it's due some missing fonts or something, but not sure how to find which. | 19:34 |
minimec | quillford: So you have some broken user settings for your default user. As mentioned above I would forst try to 'mv .config .config-old' in a console, logged in as the not working default user. | 19:34 |
undecim | boriseto, Do you have ttf-mscorefonts-installer ? | 19:34 |
boriseto | undecim, well yes. And in some sites some google fonts aren't rendered as they are on the other browsers. | 19:34 |
minimec | quillford: 20:25 jamie_ : quillford: okay execute cd ~ mv .config .configold | 19:35 |
undecim | boriseto, You've tried this with more than one browser? | 19:35 |
schultza | why is there a huge delay in trusty partner ? | 19:35 |
jamie_ | minimec: that is waht i was saying, ive had to do it before, actually quite recently | 19:35 |
boriseto | undecim, I think so, they usually are installed with playonlinux. Yeap, with Firefox, Chromium, Chrome and Konqueror (not sure if I spelled it right). | 19:35 |
quillford | minimec: in the x11 directory? | 19:35 |
boriseto | undecim, I'm installing firefox with wine to check if it's the same over there. | 19:36 |
undecim | boriseto, Why playonlinux? | 19:36 |
bubbasaures | schultza, Have you just tried other servers? | 19:36 |
minimec | quillford: /home/non-working-default-user/.config .;) | 19:36 |
boriseto | undecim, well because it uses that package for applications. So whenever I install it, it downloads all the fonts as well. | 19:36 |
schultza | bubbasaures: is there trusty partner packages on other servers? | 19:36 |
schultza | are there... "trust partner: | 19:37 |
undecim | boriseto, Does native Firefox do the same thing | 19:37 |
schultza | i cant type today.. think i need to go back to bed or take a shower.. lol | 19:37 |
boriseto | undecim, does what? Render the fonts like that? | 19:38 |
undecim | boriseto, yes | 19:38 |
boriseto | undecim, well the screenshots are from Firefox. | 19:38 |
quillford | minimec: there is only | 19:38 |
quillford | minimec: there is no xorg.cong | 19:38 |
quillford | minimec: there is no xorg.conf | 19:38 |
bubbasaures | schultza, My guess is that is the issue, software & updates first tab you can find the fastest ping, or closest, not sure exactly how your using it however. | 19:38 |
undecim | boriseto, Do you know how to use element inspector? I'm curious if this happens with only specific fonts | 19:39 |
boriseto | undecim, yes, I'm in the beginning of web development and it's the main reason how I realized this. If I disable a font family on the site, the fonts are rendered differently (and in some cases correct) but it isn't like that on all pages. | 19:40 |
minimec | quillford: .config/ is a hidden directory in the user directory | 19:40 |
boriseto | undecim, *sites instead pages | 19:40 |
quillford | minimec: no such file or directory | 19:41 |
undecim | boriseto, See if you can discover which specific fonts are like this | 19:41 |
jamie_ | boriesto: have you tried using firefox web developer edition | 19:41 |
boriseto | jamie_, yeap. | 19:41 |
minimec | quillford: Just login as that bugged-user in a console and do 'mv .config .config-old' that should do. | 19:41 |
boriseto | undecim, sure. | 19:42 |
quillford | minimec: no file or directory | 19:42 |
quillford | minimec: I'm seeing the default desktop. did I lose my desktop configuration? | 19:43 |
boriseto | undecim, for example it happens with "Tahoma" | 19:43 |
boriseto | undecim, it happened to some other fonts as well. | 19:43 |
undecim | boriseto, Do you have Tahoma installed? | 19:44 |
undecim | boriseto, and Tahoma is the first in the font stack? e.g. "Tahoma,Verdana,Segoe,sans-serif" | 19:45 |
minimec | quillford: Well yes, but you would have all of it backed up in '.config-old'. So you can copy some folders back, if you recognize the specific software | 19:45 |
quillford | minimec: so I didn't lose any files or programs? | 19:46 |
boriseto | undecim, ehm, how to check which fonts are installed? And yes, it was the first one in the font stack, I tried removing only one. | 19:46 |
minimec | quillford: No. You only lost the individual settings you did for a specific software. Like if you changed the default font in libreoffice or so. | 19:47 |
undecim | boriseto, Easiest way is to check in another program like LibreOffice | 19:48 |
undecim | boriseto, or do "find /usr/share/fonts/ -iname *tahoma*" | 19:48 |
quillford | minimec: I can't get in via the login dialog. only through TTY then startx | 19:49 |
jamie_ | quillford you have to make sure you are in dir ~ and tne from there do the mv .config .configold | 19:49 |
boriseto | undecim, yeah, I don't have it there. | 19:49 |
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jamie_ | quillford: would you happen to have any other enviroments installed | 19:49 |
undecim | boriseto, You might be able to download it here: | 19:49 |
quillford | jamie_: just stock unity | 19:50 |
bubbasaures | quillford Startx is wrong. | 19:51 |
minimec | quillford: What happens if you try to login with tha graphical dialog? Are you just thrown back to that dialog? In that case you might have to login as that user in the console and 'mv .Xauthority .Xauthority-old'. | 19:51 |
bubbasaures | quillford, in a tty sudo service lighdm start or stop | 19:52 |
jamie_ | quillford: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-nightly | 19:52 |
jamie_ | sudo apt-get update | 19:52 |
jamie_ | sudo apt-get install cinnamon | 19:52 |
jamie_ | I would sugest that then run startx cinnamon and it should open cinnmon properly | 19:52 |
jamie_ | sorry i dont know why that sent that as multiple | 19:52 |
bubbasaures | !ppa | jamie_ | 19:52 |
ubottu | jamie_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 19:52 |
quillford | minimec: I just get a screen with a wallpaper | 19:52 |
bubbasaures | jamie_ Are you suggesting a ppa as a fix here? | 19:52 |
jamie_ | no | 19:53 |
bubbasaures | jamie_, Why the ppa? | 19:53 |
jamie_ | as a tempt to be able to access a usable ui and then be able access everything you should need from there | 19:53 |
boriseto | undecim, I found a script that installs a lot of google fonts on ubuntu (made by the webupd8 guy), so will try it out and see if it helps. | 19:53 |
undecim | boriseto, I thought Google fonts downloaded themselves... | 19:54 |
quillford | I think it is working now | 19:54 |
jamie_ | bubbasaures: its to have access and fix from there and then go back to unity.... trust me I do not like cinnamon at all, just have it just in case | 19:54 |
bubbasaures | jamie_, There are several other supported desktop do not suggest one in a ppa, read the bots message please. | 19:54 |
boriseto | undecim, I thought so too. | 19:54 |
minimec | quillford: ?? Are you logged in as the same user on the console? You told me, that user 'quillford' is working with graphical and console login... | 19:54 |
jamie_ | quillford: did you try to see if it was you display manager | 19:55 |
quillford | no | 19:55 |
quillford | thanks all | 19:55 |
quillford | it is now working | 19:55 |
bubbasaures | quillford, How? | 19:55 |
quillford | bubbasaures: I was able to get to bleachbit via startx. clearing all the cache seemed to have worked after I uninstalled fglrx and the proprietary drivers | 19:57 |
minimec | quillford: Nice ;) Thing is, that it may also work with the amd fglrx... Now that we know that your user session was corrupted... ;) | 19:57 |
bubbasaures | quillford, Cool, you got my message on the correct commands? | 19:57 |
quillford | bubbasaures: which commands? | 19:57 |
bubbasaures | bubbasaures> quillford, in a tty sudo service lighdm start or stop | 19:58 |
quillford | one more question. one every computer I have used ubuntu on, I have gotten a system problem was detected at boot. how can I just hide this? | 19:58 |
bubbasaures | startx is not correct | 19:58 |
Mathis | hey | 19:58 |
quillford | bubbasaures: oh yeah. after I did that, I could login through the login dialog :) | 19:58 |
Mathis | I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a UEFI machine in secure mode on a harddisk | 19:59 |
Mathis | then I did a dd from the disk to a USB thumbdrive | 19:59 |
jamie_ | quillford you have to disable apport | 19:59 |
quillford | how so? | 19:59 |
Mathis | it does not boot. what do I have to do so it boots from the USB drive? | 19:59 |
jamie_ | in terminal sudo nano /etc/default/apport | 20:00 |
jamie_ | in there the will be a line that reads enabled=1 you need to change it to enabled=0 | 20:00 |
quillford | got it | 20:00 |
quillford | thanks | 20:00 |
undecim | Mathis, Why didn't you just install the thumb drive? | 20:00 |
minimec | @ops LISA_XAVIER is a spam bot contacting me private... | 20:00 |
undecim | Install to the thumb drive* | 20:00 |
jamie_ | minimec same..... | 20:01 |
Mathis | undecim: because the thumbdrive is extremely slow, also I will have to create many copies of it on other USB drives | 20:01 |
quillford | minimec: I'm getting that spam too | 20:02 |
robotdevil | if I want to change say a jpeg to another picture type say .tiff, what program do I use? | 20:02 |
robotdevil | I thought I used gimp | 20:02 |
jamie_ | that is what i use | 20:02 |
theadmin | robotdevil: You can use GIMP, sure, seems overkill though | 20:02 |
theadmin | The "convert" command does what you want | 20:02 |
jamie_ | i just cheat half the time.... some formats all you have to do is change the file extension | 20:03 |
robotdevil | right | 20:03 |
jamie_ | okay..... that spam bot is getting annoying | 20:03 |
robotdevil | its for someone on windows and I thought they could use gimp | 20:03 |
jamie_ | you can | 20:04 |
theadmin | robotdevil: Windows? Just give them FormatFactory. | 20:04 |
theadmin | Converts video, audio and image formats. | 20:04 |
jamie_ | you just use save as and the change the file extention to correct one that you wanted | 20:04 |
robotdevil | the logo website is very specific about the file type they will accept | 20:04 |
theadmin | Also extracts audio from video. | 20:04 |
undecim | Mathis, I think you're going about this all the wrong way, and that's part of the problem | 20:05 |
Mathis | undecim: how do you mean? | 20:05 |
undecim | Mathis, where will the other copies go? | 20:05 |
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Mathis | to other clients of the same computer model | 20:05 |
undecim | Mathis, then you definitely need to use OEM mode install | 20:06 |
MonkeyDust | robotdevil changing the file to .tiff does not change the color depth | 20:06 |
Mathis | and what does it do differently? | 20:06 |
undecim | Mathis, Well for one, the user can enter their own username and password when they first boot | 20:06 |
Mathis | heh | 20:06 |
Mathis | the clients will be running unattended | 20:06 |
abudhabi | Anyone skilled with grub here? | 20:06 |
robotdevil | ok ill check out format factory, but I am curious, I installed gimp on my buntu machine and copy and pasted the image and chose save as I got a limited slection of file types | 20:06 |
Mathis | no keyboard/mouse, just a screen | 20:06 |
undecim | Mathis, oh, well then just do an install the the thumb drive | 20:07 |
squinty | !ask | abudhabi | 20:07 |
ubottu | abudhabi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 20:07 |
Mathis | also the USB drives must be exchangable, if one fails | 20:07 |
abudhabi | I want grub to recognize Win7, but it can't seem to find it. Here's what boot-repair spat out: | 20:07 |
undecim | Mathis, sounds like you just want a LiveUSB, then? | 20:07 |
undecim | Mathis, nothing needs to be saved? | 20:07 |
Mathis | more like a kiosk mode | 20:07 |
robotdevil | .xcf and bzip | 20:07 |
eatyourguitar | why so many emacs packages in package manager? | 20:08 |
Mathis | there will be images stored on the drive when diving to the slideshow website | 20:08 |
jemendja | morning | 20:08 |
eatyourguitar | what is the main one? | 20:08 |
undecim | Mathis, If you use the startup disk creator to make a USB, you can give it persistent storage | 20:08 |
minimec | eatyourguitar: 'sudo apt-get install emacs' will install emacs24 and some others... | 20:08 |
minimec | eatyourguitar: Some other files... ;) | 20:09 |
keithclark | I have burned an usb iso image but now when I try to boot from it it gives me a 'filesystem unknown' error. Ideas? | 20:09 |
robotdevil | oh i have to select export as ... | 20:09 |
Mathis | undecim: thanks for the tip :) | 20:09 |
undecim | keithclark, did you verify the ISO? | 20:10 |
robotdevil | thanks peeps :) | 20:10 |
keithclark | undecim, yes | 20:10 |
undecim | keithclark, Did you verify the burn? | 20:10 |
eatyourguitar | is it ok to use apt get and the ubuntu software manager? | 20:10 |
undecim | eatyourguitar, yes | 20:10 |
keithclark | undecim, no, this program does not have this option | 20:10 |
=== HyogaLovesShun is now known as AfterTheRain | ||
lawr | !op | AfterTheRain | 20:11 |
ubottu | AfterTheRain: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 20:11 |
undecim | keithclark, there should still be a "verify disc image" option or similar in the boot menu | 20:11 |
Mathis | undecim: I found the solution | 20:11 |
keithclark | undecim, nope, just a grup screen | 20:11 |
Mathis | undecim: interested to hear? | 20:11 |
keithclark | *grub | 20:11 |
undecim | Mathis, yes | 20:11 |
undecim | keithclark, Oh, I missed the "usb" part | 20:12 |
Mathis | undecim: maybe you know it or not, for EFI to boot your disk, you have to create a vfat partition containing the bootloader | 20:12 |
keithclark | undecim, is it maybe a drive naming error? It calls for hd0,0 | 20:12 |
undecim | keithclark, how did you prepare the USB? | 20:12 |
Mathis | if you install Ubuntu on a UEFI machine, it registers its bootloader into the NVRAM | 20:12 |
keithclark | undecim, gparted | 20:13 |
undecim | keithclark, Any reason you didn't use Unetbootin or the Startup Disk Creator? | 20:13 |
Mathis | since I am using another machine, where it is not registered, it has nothing to boot from and falls back to /BOOT/bootx64.efi | 20:13 |
keithclark | undecim, they did not work. I had to resort to the command line 'dd' command | 20:13 |
Mathis | I simply created that folder and copied over the grubx64.efi to /boot/bootx64.efi | 20:14 |
Mathis | now it boots even on a non-registered machine | 20:14 |
undecim | keithclark, They didn't work? What happened? | 20:14 |
keithclark | undecim, then the successfully booted arch program took over and did its thing | 20:14 |
keithclark | undecim, is hd(0,0) the usb stick? | 20:15 |
undecim | keithclark, maybe | 20:15 |
* phunyguy looks up | 20:15 | |
phunyguy | lawr: whatsup? | 20:15 |
boriseto | undecim, the script downloaded over a million fonts (all but Tahoma :) ) so I installed it manually and the site is rendered as it should now. Thank you very much. | 20:16 |
undecim | boriseto, Any time | 20:16 |
keithclark | undecim, any other ideas? | 20:16 |
undecim | keithclark, Get Unetbootin working | 20:17 |
keithclark | undecim, so complicated for such a simple thing. | 20:18 |
undecim | keithclark, Booting on modern computers is hardly "simple" these days | 20:19 |
twocarlo | Ypi | 20:20 |
twocarlo | Ypu | 20:20 |
twocarlo | Ypu | 20:20 |
undecim | twocarlo, more coffee, less of whatever you've been having. | 20:20 |
bubbasaures | twocarlo, Can we help you? | 20:20 |
twocarlo | You can try multisystem | 20:22 |
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=== xubuntu is now known as Guest10909 | ||
bubbasaures | twocarlo, Preface with nicks | 20:23 |
twocarlo | Yumi also works | 20:25 |
DJones | twocarlo: Are you speakingto anybody specific, or are you a bot posting random text | 20:26 |
keithclark | undecim, hmm, I seem to be stuck here | 20:28 |
Voline | 1 | 20:28 |
twocarlo | I'm Irc ing on my droid php | 20:28 |
twocarlo | Php | 20:29 |
twocarlo | Phone | 20:29 |
=== AfterTheRain is now known as LoveForAll | ||
twocarlo | Bit hard to type | 20:30 |
* Dat needs a smtp proxy | 20:30 | |
bubbasaures | keithclark, I have had ISO's that summed correctly not work. | 20:32 |
twocarlo | Brb | 20:35 |
abudhabi | Where do I find refind.conf? | 20:36 |
jhutchins | keithclark: 0,0 is probably the HD. | 20:36 |
abudhabi | I want to configure rEFInd but I can't bloody find where the configuration file is stored. | 20:36 |
keithclark | jhutchins, how do I find the usb stick? | 20:37 |
jhutchins | keithclark: What point are you at now? | 20:37 |
jhutchins | keithclark: From what? | 20:37 |
keithclark | I boot up and I get: Error 25 Disk read error | 20:38 |
undecim | That's not fun | 20:38 |
jhutchins | keithclark: Is that booting from your hard drive or from an installer? | 20:38 |
keithclark | jhutchins, but I get a grub screen so it must recognize the drive, no? | 20:38 |
keithclark | jhutchins, from the usb drive | 20:39 |
PCWorker | Hello yall, I have started writing reviews using the software center in ubunntu 14.04LTS and want to know what the "Summary" box is used for? I just want to make sure that I put all the necessary information on the form. | 20:40 |
jhutchins | keithclark: What dd command did you use to create it/ | 20:40 |
jhutchins | ? | 20:40 |
keithclark | jhutchins, 'Filesystem type unkown...' | 20:40 |
keithclark | jhutchins, dd | 20:40 |
jhutchins | keithclark: It's probably easier to recreate the image than to fix it. | 20:40 |
keithclark | jhutchins, no, internal program. I did a dd to install the original program then it installed itself. | 20:41 |
squinty | abudhabi: you can try whereis <filename> or locate <filename> (you may need to run sudo updatedb first) if the file you are looking for is on your system then either of those commands should find it | 20:41 |
abudhabi | squinty: Thanks. Found it. | 20:42 |
jhutchins | keithclark: So did you use the USB to install to the USB? | 20:42 |
keithclark | yes | 20:42 |
El-Osmodivs | Hello :) I found an old HDD and tried to recover whatever I had there, the thing is it was encrypted, well, I Yahoo some solutions and finally could mount the HDD in a /tmp folder, the thing is is just a bunch of folders full of encrypted stuuf that cant be read: How can I read my stuff? | 20:42 |
jhutchins | keithclark: Well, there's your problem then. | 20:42 |
jhutchins | keithclark: Why not just run the live image as it comes? | 20:42 |
kostkon | PCWorker, how many boxes are there | 20:42 |
keithclark | jhutchins, because it is not complete | 20:43 |
jhutchins | keithclark: Well, it is, but I take it you want additional software... | 20:43 |
keithclark | jhutchins, | 20:43 |
jhutchins | !live | 20:43 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. | 20:43 |
PCWorker | kostkon: Review box and summary box | 20:43 |
jhutchins | keithclark: There's a site called that has a lot of good info on creating custom live systems. | 20:44 |
kostkon | PCWorker, then the summary is the title | 20:44 |
keithclark | jhutchins, maybe try what I did? | 20:44 |
jhutchins | keithclark: It'll tell you how to do a persistent live system, and by storing the system on squashfs it's _much_ faster than a normal install to a USB drive. | 20:44 |
jhutchins | keithclark: A standard install to a USB flash drive is pretty unusably slow. | 20:45 |
jhutchins | PCWorker: The summary should be a one-sentance description of the review. | 20:45 |
PCWorker | Cool, Thanks | 20:46 |
jhutchins | keithclark: What does that have to do with Ubuntu? | 20:46 |
jhutchins | keithclark: You can not install on the same device that the installer is on. | 20:47 |
minimec | jhutchins: I cannot confirm that! I have a full Ubuntu/Fedora dual boot USB3 stick. Loving it ... ;) I would install 'zram-config' after installation and change /etc/fstab to crate the /tmp file in RAM too. | 20:47 |
erikk | Hello. Several months back, while trying to install Ubuntu on my new laptop with some UEFI / bios complications, my Windows partition got erased or messed up. I've used TestDisk to find this: | 20:47 |
erikk | How do I go about trying to salvage any of this? | 20:48 |
keithclark | jhutchins, seems it did. If it is on a different partion it should not be an issue | 20:48 |
erikk | I'm not too experienced with it. Do I try to make a partition out of these kind of addresses? | 20:48 |
jhutchins | keithclark: Yes, but the installer image does not have multiple partitions. This is why you are getting an error. | 20:48 |
bubbasaures | erikk, That is a ##windows issue really. | 20:49 |
erikk | bubbasaures: Thanks. I wasn't quite sure where to ask. | 20:49 |
erikk | bubbasaures: But even then I don't think they would be the ones to ask | 20:49 |
cpyarger | A framework for bash scripting -- | 20:50 |
erikk | Where should I go then? | 20:50 |
bubbasaures | erikk, It is just recovery and you can just do a refresh or reset on windows, just have ubuntu imaged and or backed up. | 20:50 |
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squinty | erikk: | 20:50 |
Guest64909 | Will Ubuntu with unity run well on a Core 2 Duo? | 20:50 |
=== Yoann is now known as Yoyoooo | ||
Yoyoooo | Hi there. | 20:51 |
minimec | Guest64909: yes with 2GB RAM. CPU is more than enough | 20:51 |
jhutchins | keithclark: I dunno, you could try the standard grub recovery methods, boot to the grub cli and do "find /boot/grub/stage1" - if it exists it would probably be hd0,1 (though I still think hd0 would be your hard drive). | 20:51 |
bubbasaures | Guest64909, does here, naming the exact hardware is the key. | 20:51 |
jhutchins | !fixgrub | 20:51 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 20:51 |
weeirc8089 | hello I try to install truecrypt 6.3a and I get 'dependency is not satisfiable - fuse-utils' what's my course of action? (I have mint 17 e.g. ubuntu 14.04 the setup file is a monolithic file where do I get this 'fuse-utils' package / compile it myself so truecrypt would install | 20:51 |
bubbasaures | weeirc8089, 3rd party not supported. | 20:52 |
Guest64909 | It's a Dell D830. Machine has 4 gigs of ram, 60 gig SSD. Quadro 140M. | 20:52 |
jhutchins | weeirc8089: mint != ubuntu for precicely this kind of problem. | 20:52 |
jhutchins | !mint | 20:52 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 20:52 |
keithclark | jhutchins, right, why would I want to boot from my hd? I want to boot from my newly created usb stick | 20:52 |
bubbasaures | Guest64909, Should run great, try the live. | 20:52 |
Guest64909 | Thanks, wasn't sure if I should grab l/xubuntu, but I'll give the full version a shot. Thanks! | 20:53 |
=== macobo_ is now known as macobo | ||
jhutchins | keithclark: Have a look at that second URL, it might get you somewhere. I think you're wasting your time though. You'd be better off using something like debootstrap. | 20:55 |
jhutchins | keithclark: I think you're just about as likely to get it to boot from that USB as you are getting it to boot from a rubber chicken. | 20:55 |
Yoyoooo | Is there anything officially supported hardware for Ubuntu, excluding the dell XPS 13 ? | 20:55 |
jhutchins | Yoyoooo: | 20:57 |
Yoyoooo | jhutchins: Thanks. | 20:57 |
keithclark | jhutchins yeah, I gave up. I hope someone can make this project work as it sounds worthy. | 21:05 |
El-Osmodivs | Hello :) I found an old HDD and tried to recover whatever I had there, the thing is it was encrypted, well, I Yahoo some solutions and finally could mount the HDD in a /tmp folder, the thing is is just a bunch of folders full of encrypted stuuf that cant be read: How can I read my stuff? | 21:07 |
=== WickedGame is now known as WickedGame`` | ||
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, ubuntu related how? | 21:09 |
=== zzz_Ridley is now known as Ridley5 | ||
locamsb | how do i mount an ext4 filesystem in my fstab so that all users can read/write to it and it is auto mounted at boot? i can't figure out the options | 21:09 |
squinty | El-Osmodivs: look around your abode for where you stored the password ;-) | 21:10 |
locamsb | UUID="5cf891fe-c451-4f1e-b281-12f3ca355eb3" /mnt/storage ext4 rw,user,exec,noatime 0 2 | 21:10 |
locamsb | only rooot can write to this, how do i fix? | 21:10 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: you could change the permissions of the files | 21:11 |
locamsb | how do i just make it so all users can write to the drive? | 21:11 |
EriC^^ | 776 will let all users read and write | 21:12 |
locamsb | do i add that to fstab? | 21:12 |
EriC^^ | no you have to change the permissions for the files | 21:12 |
EriC^^ | chmod -R 776 /mountpoint | 21:12 |
locamsb | what? | 21:12 |
basichash | does gnome-maps work for anyone? | 21:13 |
locamsb | why? | 21:13 |
basichash | does nothing when i attempt to open it | 21:13 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: that will change the permissions of all the files in the filesystem you're mounting | 21:13 |
jhutchins | basichash: Basic troublshooting step for GUI programs: Launch it from a console, see if it displays errors. | 21:13 |
locamsb | will that hold up if i reboot though? | 21:13 |
El-Osmodivs | bubbasaures, I am on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits | 21:14 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: i dont think you can mount ext4 with certain permissions like ntfs | 21:14 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: yeah | 21:14 |
Nathan2055 | I'm loading KDE and lirc is asking what remote control configuration to use. What do I pick? | 21:14 |
jhutchins | EriC^^: Of course you can. | 21:14 |
locamsb | is this the correct solution or just an easy solution? | 21:14 |
EriC^^ | jhutchins: you can mount an ext4 with say 777 on all files? | 21:15 |
jhutchins | EriC^^: You can't override the permissions on the files in the filesystem. I think I misunderstood you. | 21:15 |
locamsb | i have a folder showing up as d????????? ? ? ? ? ? when i ls -l on it. i can't delete it. how can i remove this? | 21:17 |
Seryth | What do you mean when you ls -l you can't delete it, locamsb? | 21:18 |
locamsb | when i do ls -l it shows whacky permissiosn and info | 21:19 |
locamsb | and when i try to rm -rf it it says it is a folder can't delete | 21:19 |
Seryth | locamsb, where did this folder come from? | 21:19 |
locamsb | i created it in /mnt | 21:20 |
locamsb | now i can't get rid of it, sudo rm -rf /mnt/folder | 21:20 |
Seryth | What is the error message when you try, locamsb? | 21:20 |
basichash | jhutchins: good idea. this is what i get: ** (gnome-maps:24034): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-6AOWn5u1AJ: Connection refused | 21:20 |
locamsb | rm: cannot remove `dell': Is a directory | 21:20 |
basichash | whatever that means | 21:20 |
locamsb | lol | 21:20 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: are you sure you're using -r ? | 21:23 |
locamsb | uh yes bro | 21:23 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: do you only want the users to create new files? or modify whichever files are already there? | 21:24 |
locamsb | im trying to delete what seems to be a corrupted folder | 21:24 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: yeah i meant about what you were asking earlier | 21:24 |
locamsb | i googled that EriC^^ and i found that 'There are no uid options for ext[234]. If you want to change the permissions of the files, you have to use chown/chmod.' | 21:24 |
basichash | jhutchins: any ideas? | 21:25 |
locamsb | so looks like chmod was the solution | 21:25 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: yeah, but if you only want them to create new files and modify their own ones, you can just chmod the mountpoint's dir and leave the rest of the files in tact | 21:25 |
basichash | jhutchins: I am using Pantheon from elementaryos btw, not sure if that should have any effect | 21:26 |
locamsb | this is just a spare harddrive i installed in my comptuer | 21:26 |
locamsb | i wanted to achieve this. have the drive mounted at boot. be able to read/write from it from my account and not have to use root. | 21:26 |
EriC^^ | locamsb: ok, well, use chmod 777 instead of 776, cause without x they can't cd to sub dirs | 21:26 |
locamsb | i believe i have accomplished this by doing chmod 770 and chown root:locasmb | 21:26 |
locamsb | i read that doing chmod 777 is a bad idea so i did chmod 770 | 21:27 |
locamsb | lol | 21:27 |
locamsb | " recursive 777 chmod is definitlely a very bad idea – Kiwy Mar 25 '14 at 10:33 " | 21:28 |
EriC^^ | it depends on what you're doing | 21:28 |
EriC^^ | anyways glad you got it fixed | 21:28 |
locamsb | thx m8 eraggo | 21:29 |
locamsb | EriC^^: | 21:29 |
basichash | anyone? | 21:30 |
locamsb | basichash what's happening? | 21:30 |
basichash | locamsb: the app just isn't loading, and gives the error ^ | 21:31 |
basichash | ** (gnome-maps:24034): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-6AOWn5u1AJ: Connection refused | 21:31 |
basichash | ^ | 21:31 |
locamsb | what app basichash? | 21:32 |
basichash | also i'm not using stock ubuntu (i'm not exactly sure how it all works, but i'm using the Pantheon skin(? or whatever it is) from elementaryos | 21:32 |
basichash | locamsb: gnome-maps | 21:32 |
MonkeyDust | basichash what's the oucome of cat /etc/issue | 21:33 |
MonkeyDust | outcome* | 21:33 |
bubbasaures | basichash, Is this elemantaryOS? | 21:34 |
Authenticme | F*uck Comodo SSL! absolutley impossible to install! (aa) | 21:34 |
bubbasaures | !language | Authenticme | 21:34 |
ubottu | Authenticme: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 21:34 |
basichash | bubbasaures: ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 21:34 |
Authenticme | grr | 21:34 |
Authenticme | Hows every body ? | 21:35 |
basichash | MonkeyDust: ^ | 21:35 |
bubbasaures | I think your lying but that is just me | 21:35 |
gopar | anybody use global/gtags for programming? how do you like it? | 21:37 |
avid_fan | basichash: Looks like Gnome-Maps also has a support channel, irc:// | 21:37 |
DJones | basichash: Can you post the full details of cat /etc/issue for the avoidance of doubt | 21:37 |
MonkeyDust | basichash paste the outcome of cat /etc/os-release|grep N= | 21:37 |
basichash | Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | basichash: lsb_release -d | base64 | 21:38 |
basichash | EriC^^: RGVzY3JpcHRpb246CVVidW50dSAxNC4wNC4xIExUUwo=\ | 21:38 |
basichash | EriC^^: RGVzY3JpcHRpb246CVVidW50dSAxNC4wNC4xIExUUwo= | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | ok | 21:38 |
basichash | MonkeyDust: VERSION="14.04.1 LTS, Trusty Tahr" | 21:39 |
basichash | but just to reiterate, i'm using Pantheon (still not exactly sure what this is) | 21:39 |
basichash | window manager for elementaryOS or something | 21:40 |
MonkeyDust | basichash why do you use it, if you don't know what it is? | 21:41 |
RedheadedCupcake | Can i get help with my Bluetooth, when I turn it on it turns off immediately it wont stay on | 21:41 |
basichash | MonkeyDust: lol good questoin. the desktop-environment | 21:43 |
MonkeyDust | basichash and now it's getting you into trouble? | 21:43 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: I've not used bluetooth yet, but is there anything in the syslog or dmesg about the device? | 21:44 |
RedheadedCupcake | avid_fan tell me the magic code put into terminal and I will tell you what it says | 21:44 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: Oh,sure. Let's try 'tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog | nc 9999' | 21:45 |
Ben64 | wow, never heard of termbin, that is fantastic | 21:46 |
RedheadedCupcake | avid_fan what's that termbin deal? | 21:46 |
avid_fan | Ben64: Yeah, just found out about it the other day. | 21:47 |
RedheadedCupcake | avid_fan nvm that is awesome | 21:47 |
RedheadedCupcake | | 21:47 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: And next 'demsg | tail -n 100 | nc 9999' | 21:47 |
=== lvh_ is now known as lvh | ||
RedheadedCupcake | it says use netcat no command 'dmesg' found | 21:48 |
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avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: Doh, sorry, I can't type. | 21:49 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: 'dmesg | tail -n 100 | nc 9999' | 21:50 |
basichash | MonkeyDust: i don't know if it's related to Pantheon | 21:50 |
guest_ | does anyone know if youtube-dl still works? | 21:51 |
RedheadedCupcake | avid_fan | 21:51 |
PenguinAnon | guest_ still works great. | 21:51 |
MonkeyDust | guest_ it does | 21:51 |
PenguinAnon | The version in the 14.04 repos is outdated, though. | 21:51 |
guest_ | so how do i update it? | 21:51 |
PenguinAnon | I can't speak to 14.10 | 21:51 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: Don't know if you found this, , but it looks like someone had problem with bluetooth and the HP Probook 4430s. | 21:51 |
PenguinAnon | guest_ Let me grab you the PPA. | 21:52 |
guest_ | thanks | 21:52 |
Ben64 | don't need a ppa for it, just use the update command that it comes with | 21:52 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: I can't speak to its success. It's merely the first thing I've found. | 21:52 |
RedheadedCupcake | my wifi works fine | 21:52 |
abudhabi | How do I install ubuntu in BIOS mode? | 21:53 |
PenguinAnon | Ben64: That's not correct. | 21:53 |
Ben64 | PenguinAnon: it is | 21:53 |
PenguinAnon | If you installed youtube-dl with a package manager, it instructs you to use that to update. | 21:54 |
PenguinAnon | when you use -U | 21:54 |
EriC^^ | abudhabi: select bios/legacy mode in the bios options, and when you boot the usb make sure uefi usb isn't selected | 21:54 |
guest_ | yeah I just found that out | 21:54 |
PenguinAnon | guest_ Here we are | 21:54 |
PenguinAnon | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 | 21:54 |
PenguinAnon | That'll give you the most recent version. | 21:55 |
abudhabi | EriC^^: How do I make sure the UEFI USB isn't selected? | 21:55 |
RedheadedCupcake | avid_fan it's not a big deal I just wanted to bluetooth some pictures from my cell phone to my lap top. | 21:55 |
RedheadedCupcake | I just emailed them to myself, it's not worth the hassle | 21:55 |
EriC^^ | abudhabi: if you get a screen that shows what to boot, select usb ( without uefi ) | 21:55 |
bubbasaures | PenguinAnon, We don't support ppa's here hence we ask no links except if that is all there is. | 21:56 |
bubbasaures | last possible fix in other words | 21:56 |
EriC^^ | abudhabi: make sure it doesn't say uefi next to it | 21:57 |
PenguinAnon | bubbasaures: Sorry about that. I was unaware =) | 21:57 |
avid_fan | RedheadedCupcake: Understood. Looks like the bluetooth device might be USB anb it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. But there's no smoking gun. | 21:57 |
PenguinAnon | guest_ In that case, just grab the most recent tarball from the Git repo. | 21:57 |
bubbasaures | PenguinAnon, Anything install not in the releases repo set is not supported either, are you getting the picture? | 21:58 |
eatyourguitar | I need help understanding how directory names work | 21:58 |
eatyourguitar | ls ~/.lein/plugins | 21:58 |
eatyourguitar | does not work | 21:58 |
guest_ | well, I already added the PPA | 21:58 |
eatyourguitar | I have installed a bin to /usr/bin/lein | 21:58 |
eatyourguitar | but I don | 21:58 |
eatyourguitar | I don't know if . has special meaning | 21:59 |
aa40bc | Any way to get dell to let you get the new xps13 without windoze? In their chat they say no | 21:59 |
bubbasaures | !topic | aa40bc | 21:59 |
avid_fan | aa40bc: Doubt it. | 21:59 |
ubottu | aa40bc: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 21:59 |
eatyourguitar | sudo find "lein" only has one hit | 21:59 |
eatyourguitar | nothing with .lein | 21:59 |
eatyourguitar | I am doing the find from $/ | 22:00 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: the tilde '~' typically redirects to your home directory. | 22:01 |
eatyourguitar | I mean /$ | 22:01 |
guest_ | PenguinAnon, still doesn't work. I get a 403 error | 22:01 |
eatyourguitar | yes there are some differences with the default install dir they use and how my older version of lein was installed | 22:01 |
eatyourguitar | find showed it in /usr/bin | 22:02 |
eatyourguitar | not ~/bin | 22:02 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: And I could see an app needing or even creating a folder '.lein' in your home directory, but to execute a binary app you copied/moved to /usr/bin, you'd just type 'lein'. | 22:02 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: The path '/usr/bin' should be the search path of your shell. | 22:02 |
eatyourguitar | thats what I thought | 22:02 |
eatyourguitar | but find .lein does not work | 22:03 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: I'd guess, because it doesn't exist. | 22:03 |
bubbasaures | guest_, You were thrown off by an outdated comment, use the version in the ubuntu repos and do a ppa-purge | 22:03 |
eatyourguitar | I used mv to move the old one to a temp folder lein1 | 22:03 |
eatyourguitar | and wget to install to /usr/bin/ | 22:03 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: Directories and files that start with a period '.' don't show in a standard 'ls' output. | 22:04 |
bubbasaures | !ppa-purge | guest_ | 22:04 |
ubottu | guest_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 22:04 |
hans_ | hi guys | 22:04 |
guest_ | bubbasaures, I have no clue what that means | 22:04 |
hans_ | i have install compiz on my ubuntu-mate and now i lost some keybindings | 22:04 |
bubbasaures | guest_, Try to explain what you do not understand. | 22:04 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: What is the output when you type 'lein' in the terminal? | 22:04 |
eatyourguitar | ok now it works sudo find -name ".lein" | 22:05 |
eatyourguitar | gives me ./home/bob/.lein | 22:05 |
eatyourguitar | I don't know what I was doing wrong with find | 22:05 |
EriC^^ | eatyourguitar: find needs the "" | 22:06 |
Tabatha23 | Free Porn for Life!. Click Here! | 22:06 |
bubbasaures | wait for the ban' | 22:06 |
guest_ | bubbasaures, I can't make sense of what you said. | 22:06 |
EriC^^ | eatyourguitar: ah nevermind | 22:06 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: You can also use '-iname' it will ignore letter case. | 22:07 |
eatyourguitar | good tip ty | 22:07 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: Are you all set then? | 22:07 |
bubbasaures | guest_, Here we only support what is in the ubuntu repositories for your exact release I.E. say 14.04, ppa's are not supported, you can remove it with ppa-purge and then just install the repos version. | 22:08 |
eatyourguitar | wow I just noticed I can do find "*lein*" | 22:08 |
bubbasaures | guest_, Latest is not a valid rhetoric if it is not in the ubuntu repos as far as support. | 22:09 |
eatyourguitar | how do I grep the output for "plugins" | 22:09 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: Yeah. lol. You can limit your search too with '-type f' for just files or '-type d' for just directories. There's tons of options. | 22:10 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: What "plugins"? | 22:10 |
eatyourguitar | its a folder that has some .jar files for lein | 22:10 |
bubbasaures | eatyourguitar, So tell me how you get that truss bar down. | 22:11 |
eatyourguitar | I just upgraded I am checking versions and stuff | 22:11 |
eatyourguitar | truss rob | 22:11 |
eatyourguitar | and it stays in the guitar | 22:11 |
eatyourguitar | down is ambiguous | 22:11 |
eatyourguitar | you mean adjusted | 22:11 |
bubbasaures | eatyourguitar, your nick | 22:12 |
eatyourguitar | *truss rod | 22:12 |
guest_ | bubbasaures, ok so you want me to install that program, ppa-purge, and get rid of the ppa I just grabbed. right? | 22:12 |
eatyourguitar | dislexia | 22:12 |
eatyourguitar | whats wrong with your guitar | 22:12 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: Ewww, java. Don't know that one. I would think if you can start it from the command-line you might see the output from the plugins too. | 22:12 |
eatyourguitar | I don't want to run them directly | 22:13 |
bubbasaures | guest_, YOu can do what you want, I was just helping you be aware of if you even have support with it or if it was even valid help. | 22:13 |
eatyourguitar | they get called by the app | 22:13 |
eatyourguitar | just need to find them so I can fix broken scripts | 22:13 |
avid_fan | eatyourguitar: Gotcha. Beyond my experience with java. | 22:13 |
eatyourguitar | this is all pretty new but I did read the tutorials | 22:13 |
eatyourguitar | I don't even need to do any java | 22:14 |
eatyourguitar | just need to install and maybe compile stuff | 22:14 |
eatyourguitar | I am coding in clojure | 22:14 |
eatyourguitar | but there are extensions for making music and graphics | 22:14 |
eatyourguitar | lein installs most of it automatically | 22:15 |
bubbasaures | guest_, You just did the first thing told to do, and it was not correct, and based on a "it is not the latest" in the repo, you gotta watch what you do and whom you listen to. | 22:15 |
eatyourguitar | but I need to install this custom emacs config to call all the scripts that link these 5 apps | 22:15 |
bubbasaures | no damage though | 22:16 |
guest_ | bubbasaures, look, I removed it ok. now how do I get youtube-dl to work? | 22:16 |
eatyourguitar | been at it all day | 22:16 |
bubbasaures | guest_, So you have the Ubuntu repos version installed now and it is not working? | 22:18 |
guest_ | bubbasaures, yes. everytime I try to use it I get a 403 error | 22:19 |
eatyourguitar | I figured out why it was broke | 22:20 |
eatyourguitar | I had to run lein for it to build the plugins folder | 22:20 |
acy | selam | 22:21 |
acy | türk var mı | 22:22 |
bubbasaures | guest_, I have never used it, my guess is the url is incorrect. | 22:22 |
acy | help pls | 22:22 |
Caleb-- | hi | 22:23 |
acy | hi | 22:23 |
acy | caleb | 22:23 |
Caleb-- | i'm running ubuntu 14.10 and i'd like to update my kernel to 3.18.3 | 22:23 |
acy | nice | 22:23 |
acy | caleb help me | 22:23 |
acy | pls | 22:23 |
bubbasaures | guest_, try man youtube-dl | 22:23 |
Caleb-- | is it as simple as downloading debs from here ? | 22:23 |
Caleb-- | and simply running sudo dpkg -i *.deb? | 22:23 |
acy | and download | 22:24 |
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acy | guys ım new setup backbox | 22:24 |
acy | but not write kod why?? | 22:24 |
bubbasaures | acy, This is ubuntu only support read the channel topic. | 22:24 |
jflt | hello, I would like to erase ubuntu and reinstall windows from a boot CD but I can't choose my CD in the boot menu | 22:24 |
acy | thanks | 22:25 |
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom | ||
bubbasaures | jflt, YOU do not erase you install over and this is your channel ##windows | 22:25 |
El-Osmodivs | Hello. I am trying to access my encrpted HDD but when I try to login via the Terminal I get this: Inserted auth tok with sig [5e6a449e9f5d1c5a] into the user session keyring | 22:25 |
El-Osmodivs | fopen: No such file or directory | 22:25 |
jflt | thanks bubbasaures | 22:25 |
bubbasaures | jflt, NO problem should be fairly easy. | 22:26 |
El-Osmodivs | Whats going on here, Why cant I access my files? | 22:26 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, You encrypted it so no one could see it, what makes you think you will? | 22:26 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, Would you have encrypted were it just easily busted? | 22:27 |
El-Osmodivs | bubbasaures, It is an old 2.5" Laptop HDD, I can't boot from it, so I am trying to access via the Terminal in my Ubuntu 14.04 64bits. I just can give up my old data | 22:28 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, Read the questions. | 22:28 |
bubbasaures | you're missing the password | 22:29 |
El-Osmodivs | bubbasaures, It is encrypeted but is mine because I have the login password. I remembered the password, but the terminal gives me this: Inserted auth tok with sig [5e6a449e9f5d1c5a] into the user session keyring fopen: No such file or directory So the login password is correct | 22:30 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, So, we are back to my questions | 22:30 |
Prezident | Hey guys, im installed ubuntu today and during the "test ubuntu" my graphic drivers worked, now it aint, built in on motherboard. So when i did apt-get upgrade after install then i get all very ugly and big and low resolution. | 22:31 |
Prezident | How can i solve this? | 22:31 |
El-Osmodivs | bubbasaures, You are saying there is no way to recover my data? | 22:31 |
Prezident | shit! | 22:31 |
Prezident | i pressed on "monitors" and then it worked | 22:31 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, I don't live in a world of dichotomies, that is your impression. | 22:31 |
squinty | El-Osmodivs: why can't you boot from it? | 22:32 |
squinty | Prezident: family channel... please read channel rules. :) | 22:32 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, I would say the likely hood is about the same as you being the next president of the US. ;) | 22:32 |
Prezident | What did i do wrong squinty ? | 22:33 |
bubbasaures | swearing | 22:33 |
squinty | Prezident: read the channel rules. no swearing | 22:33 |
bubbasaures | not the local pub here ;) | 22:33 |
Prezident | Ohh sh** wasnt for swearing it was like WOW! | 22:33 |
Prezident | Sorry for that. | 22:33 |
El-Osmodivs | squinty, It is a 2.5" laptop hdd, I am using an adapter via USB to try to access | 22:33 |
El-Osmodivs | squinty, For some reason my Mobo wont recognize the adaptor in the BIOS | 22:34 |
squinty | El-Osmodivs: pull your current hd and install the other one temporally | 22:34 |
avid_fan | El-Osmodivs: So you can access the drive via USB, just not boot from it? | 22:36 |
El-Osmodivs | avid_fan, Yes | 22:36 |
bubbasaures | El-Osmodivs, Your on a live ubuntu right? | 22:37 |
avid_fan | El-Osmodivs: Okay. Are you trying to then mount the encrypted volume/partition on the external drive? | 22:37 |
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dadexix86 | hi everybody. which service does manage the screen on/off in Ubuntu's power management? (I need it for a script) and in which file can I find the screen on/off actual status? I tried to look in the folder /proc/acpi but couldn't find any hint | 22:40 |
joshua__ | quit | 22:41 |
robotdevil | is the driver jockey thing broken in 14.10? | 22:44 |
ki7mt_ | dadexix86, trying studying the package ... gnome-screensaver .. it is not as easy as it sounds to control the screen and the various functions. | 22:45 |
bubbasaures | robotdevil, additional drivers no | 22:45 |
bubbasaures | robotdevil, The real issue might work better. | 22:45 |
robotdevil | hmmm have an nvidia card, newish in there and doesnt list any drivers | 22:45 |
robotdevil | geforce gt 720 | 22:46 |
bubbasaures | robotdevil, Hows it running, does it look good? | 22:46 |
robotdevil | I know what your getting at | 22:46 |
bubbasaures | robotdevil, really and it is? | 22:46 |
CarlFK | NM, edit connection, Wifi... does "cloned mac address" let me change the mac that the AP sees? | 22:46 |
robotdevil | I would like to use nouveau but seem to be experiencing problems | 22:47 |
dadexix86 | ki7mt_ thanks for the hint, it's a lot better that where I am now. I will soon look into it. | 22:47 |
robotdevil | when I hook more than one display to the card nothing detects it | 22:47 |
robotdevil | box cannot even restart until one is unhooked | 22:48 |
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robotdevil | was trying to use vga and hdmi and nothing | 22:48 |
bubbasaures | robotdevil, For the record all this will not get you help, answering questions with no additional info is the path grasshopper | 22:49 |
robotdevil | I have to restart the machine with whichever one I want to see in for it to be detected | 22:49 |
robotdevil | bubbasaures: what would you like? | 22:50 |
robotdevil | how may I check to see if nouveau is being used and its not some vesa thing | 22:53 |
robotdevil | seems weird that it is not detecting both screens | 22:53 |
squinty | robotdevil: personally I like using inxi install from repo's and then in terminal type inxi -Gx | 22:54 |
Lama_ | Hello, can anyone help me with using a Logitech G600 mouse and a Logitech G13 Gamepad on Ubuntu 14.04.1? Would like to be able to modify the keybindings and LED colors.. Ability to have things on the LCD panel and change profiles would be awesome too.. | 22:55 |
squinty | robotdevil: fwiw | 22:55 |
squinty | robotdevil: suggests the 346 driver. might want to hunt around there though to see if the 331 (which is available via repo's ) supports your unit | 22:57 |
srt | Yo Ubuntu | 22:58 |
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robotdevil | so inxi says vesa driver failed fddev,nouveau | 23:12 |
miguel | g | 23:12 |
robotdevil | also says direct rending working and using gallium | 23:15 |
robotdevil | so I wonder whats up with only being able to use one screen at a time | 23:15 |
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anomaly6 | :) | 23:32 |
robotdevil | squinty: wonder why the additonal drivers doesnt see the card | 23:33 |
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remuxa | !sound | 23:38 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 23:38 |
Moonlightning | I did a clean install of Ubuntu onto a fresh encrypted LVM (nothing else on the HDD). Didn't get any errors from the installer, but the system's firmware doesn't seem to recognize it as bootable, though I can use GRUB on the liveusb to boot it. `sudo grub-install /dev/sda` and `sudo update-grub` didn't help. Any ideas? | 23:41 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, can you pastebin sudo parted -l | 23:47 |
newbie|3 | How do I kill a process? I need to use my su priviledges to do so. And I know its name and PID | 23:47 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, Is this a uefi gpt setup? | 23:47 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: yes | 23:47 |
Moonlightning | inbound pastelink | 23:47 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, Grub would not go to the mbr | 23:47 |
bubbasaures | no sda | 23:48 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: | 23:48 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, The paste was just to confirm what you just answered | 23:48 |
Moonlightning | Ah, okay. Well, how do I install it to the MBR? | 23:49 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, You have a msdos legacy setup partiton table and all | 23:49 |
Moonlightning | I do? | 23:49 |
newbie|3 | How do I kill a process?. | 23:49 |
bubbasaures | you would have to have one | 23:49 |
Moonlightning | newbie|3: you need to either be logged in as the owner of the process, or be root (or have a special kernel privilege). Find the PID and `kill $pid`. | 23:50 |
Moonlightning | newbie|3: see `man kill` and `man pkill` | 23:50 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, I did not say you have a msdos but that that is needed for the mbr boot | 23:50 |
newbie|3 | Moonlightning: Thx | 23:50 |
Moonlightning | I wonder… | 23:51 |
Moonlightning | !kill | newbie|3 | 23:51 |
ubottu | newbie|3: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: | 23:51 |
Lisa_Xavier | Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! IS DA BEST! All bow down to Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! rulez da land! | 23:51 |
Lisa_Xavier | Everybody look at Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! and tell him how great he is! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! RULES! Nobody has the power, might and wisdom of the Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!. | 23:51 |
Moonlightning | Nope, not helpful. | 23:51 |
Lisa_Xavier | No one is better than the Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! is the way to go! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! RULES! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! AINT OUTDONE BY NO ONE! | 23:51 |
Lisa_Xavier | Can I get a hell yeah for Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!? Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! is just simply awesome and completely amazing! | 23:51 |
Moonlightning | Mods! | 23:51 |
Lisa_Xavier | The crowd chants: LLLLiiiissssaaaa XXXXaaaavvvviiiieeeerrrr TTTThhhheeee CCCCrrrroooossssssss DDDDrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg QQQQuuuueeeeeeeennnn!!!!!! LLLLiiiissssaaaa XXXXaaaavvvviiiieeeerrrr TTTThhhheeee CCCCrrrroooossssssss DDDDrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg QQQQuuuueeeeeeeennnn!!!!!! LLLLiiiissssaaaa XXXXaaaavvvviiiieeeerrrr TTTThhhheeee CCCCrrrroooossssssss DDDDrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg QQQQuuuueeeeeeeennnn!!!!!!! | 23:51 |
Lisa_Xavier | Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! IS DA BEST! All bow down to Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! rulez da land! | 23:51 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: Okay. How do I set that up? | 23:51 |
newbie|3 | Moonlightning: So a simple "sudo kill $PID" is all I need to do? | 23:52 |
newbie|3 | thx | 23:52 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, You would have to wipe the HD by making a new table say in gparted, than make sure you are in legacy and all the associated uefi turned off in the bios and just install. | 23:52 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: …why's it have to be msdos, again? >.> | 23:53 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, msdos is mbr gpt uefi is not it is that simple | 23:53 |
Lisa_Xavier | Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! IS DA BEST! All bow down to Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! rulez da land! | 23:53 |
Lisa_Xavier | Everybody look at Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! and tell him how great he is! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! RULES! Nobody has the power, might and wisdom of the Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!. | 23:54 |
Lisa_Xavier | No one is better than the Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! is the way to go! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! RULES! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! AINT OUTDONE BY NO ONE! | 23:54 |
Lisa_Xavier | Can I get a hell yeah for Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!? Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! is just simply awesome and completely amazing! | 23:54 |
Lisa_Xavier | The crowd chants: LLLLiiiissssaaaa XXXXaaaavvvviiiieeeerrrr TTTThhhheeee CCCCrrrroooossssssss DDDDrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg QQQQuuuueeeeeeeennnn!!!!!! LLLLiiiissssaaaa XXXXaaaavvvviiiieeeerrrr TTTThhhheeee CCCCrrrroooossssssss DDDDrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg QQQQuuuueeeeeeeennnn!!!!!! LLLLiiiissssaaaa XXXXaaaavvvviiiieeeerrrr TTTThhhheeee CCCCrrrroooossssssss DDDDrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg QQQQuuuueeeeeeeennnn!!!!!!! | 23:54 |
Lisa_Xavier | Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! IS DA BEST! All bow down to Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen!! Lisa Xavier The Cross Dressing Queen! rulez da land! | 23:54 |
=== digitalmit is now known as digitalmit_ | ||
Moonlightning | Sorry, what? | 23:54 |
DarkBloodWolf | That you Drone`, she was also spamming me in PM | 23:54 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, I can't be more clear honestly, do the research. ;) | 23:55 |
Moonlightning | DarkBloodWolf: pretty sure Drone wasn't the one to X-Line them :P | 23:55 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, If you let people hold your hand you will not learn, doing the work yourself stays in long term memory | 23:57 |
Moonlightning | bubbasaures: Fair enough. I'm all for hands-off teaching. | 23:58 |
bubbasaures | Moonlightning, I figured you were, this channel just has some whom do this and it is well no helping really. ;) | 23:59 |
bubbasaures | not* | 23:59 |
* Moonlightning nodnods. | 23:59 |
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