
MarseilleQ: does alsa_pcm show up in qjacktl if libasound2 ... or is it suppose to be gone?05:48
holsteinMarseille: i'll see outputs there labeled as such05:49
MarseilleI don't have an alsa_pcm showing, but guidessay it will appear with alsa-plugins installed. I have libasound2 only... on 14.0405:50
holsteinMarseille: the plugins should just show theselves05:50
holsteinnot a larger alsa bus type of thing05:50
holsteinyou should see physical connections to your audio device.. in and out05:50
holsteinthen, you'll see applications there.. plugins.. the ins and outs05:51
holsteinyou could, for example, plug a guitar into the audio device, you would see that in the audio devices inputs in jack, and open guitarix, or rakkarack, and see how to route the guitar into that, live, then, back out to your audio device05:51
holsteinit wont say 'guitar', or 'alsa rack effects'.. the plugins should just show up routable05:52
MarseilleFor some reason, I can't connect my mixer to Jackd. In patchage it's separated (and color-coded in green) from Jackd (blue). I try to connect and it won't do it.05:52
MarseilleI have an old Edirol UA-700.05:53
holsteinMarseille: if jack is running, then its running.. you dont connect things to jackd. you use it  to connect things together05:53
MarseilleI tried to connect it to ardour.05:53
holsteini would use the internal audio device til you are used to using jack05:54
holsteinand dont start with something large like ardour, either05:54
MarseilleThat's not the issue.05:54
MarseilleIt's never done this before.05:54
holsteini would use the internal audio device, and route something simple, like yoshimi, see that you have audio05:54
MarseilleI do.05:54
holsteini would use qjackctl to confirm the connections05:55
Marseillethe mixer shows as an alsa device... but in older version of ubuntustudio it used portaudio. Now it just connects and I can record the mic with Audacity and monitor (in general). But patchage shows that it's stuck on port audio.05:57
MarseilleBut pulse doesn't seem to let go.05:57
holsteinMarseille: you can still use portaudio if you want, but, its not by default05:58
holsteinMarseille: pulse is made to still be runing05:58
holsteinMarseille: if you want to disable the pulse dbus, you can05:58
MarseilleSo then if I kill pulse and restart jack, then I can use the mixer with ardour?05:58
holsteinMarseille: why kill pulse? its runing intentionally05:59
holsteinMarseille: its made to be running.. if you dont want the dbus disable it05:59
holsteinMarseille: you can disable it in the "misc" tab of "setup" in qjackctl05:59
holsteinyou'll see "jack dbus". you can untick that box, and restart jack05:59
MarseilleIs it normal for a mixer to *not* show up in the audio tab of connections?05:59
holsteinMarseille: please start more simply06:00
holsteinMarseille: please open qjackctl, and start jack, and see that it is running06:00
MarseilleIt's running.06:00
holsteinthen, open something simple like yoshimi, and check qjackctl and see that the audio tab has the audio device you are using and yoshimi showing06:00
holsteinmake the connetions, for the audio from yoshimi to go to the audio device you are using06:01
holsteinthen, go to yoshimi, and in the menu, open the virtual keyboard, andsee that the audio is routed and playing through the device via JACK06:01
holsteinif so, then, yes, any mixer you start that is "jack aware" will show in the menu there, and allow you to connect it in jack06:02
holstein"alsa plugins" may just be for alsa, and not jack, and may not show up here06:02
MarseilleIt's the same. The edirol shows up in the alsa tab.06:03
holsteinMarseille: the *audio* tab is what i stated06:03
MarseilleStill nothing.06:03
holsteinthats just the midi connection06:03
holsteinMarseille: the midi connection is *not* what im talking about06:03
Marseilleyep. that's the problem.06:03
MarseilleI want it to show in audio but it's not.06:03
holsteinMarseille: thats why i suggested to *please* unplug the edirol, and get jack running on the internal audio device, and get yoshimi playing audio06:04
holsteinMarseille: sure, that means, you are *not* configuring jack properly to use the edirol06:04
holsteinMarseille: the alsa label change, and you can need to define that for *each* reboot.. the labels can change06:04
holsteinMarseille: thats why i suggest, first, get jack running.. actually playing audio06:04
Marseilleso before i turn on the mixer fire up jack, the application and then plug it in?06:05
holsteinMarseille: no06:05
holsteinMarseille: before you do anything, unplug all other audio devices.. open qjackctl, and get jack running on the internal audio device,a nd open yoshimi, andmake the audio connections in the connect tab in qjackctl, then go to the menu of yoshimi, and use the virtualkeyboard to create sound.. see that you get sound06:07
holsteinthen, move on to explaining what mixer you are trying to use where06:07
Marseilleok i'm at the point where i just opened yoshimi...06:07
holsteingreat!.. just keep going til you hear audio. through jack. otherwise, jack is not working06:08
MarseilleIn the audio tab I have a choice to connect yoshimi to pulseaudio jack source or system. which is the right one to choose?06:09
holsteinMarseille: pulse is the pulse audio dbus that i explained how to disable06:10
holsteinMarseille: thats for the pulse audio dbus. *not* your audio device06:10
Marseilleok so leave it alone.06:11
Marseillebtw thank-you so much for helping me:D06:11
holsteinMarseille: it literally doesnt hurt to hook things up and see what is what06:11
holsteinthe labels can be wrong, or just bad06:11
holsteinits just alsa guessing at a name..06:11
MarseilleI've read for 4 days, and a lot of it is muddled but I left dbus checked after I read about it at pulseaudio.06:11
holsteinMarseille: if you want it, use it.. if you dont, don06:12
holsteinits just for routing pulse audio sources.. such as, if you wanted skype to work with jack06:13
holsteinif you dont need it, disable it06:13
MarseilleI like it so I can still surf.06:13
holsteinMarseille: i dont, so i disable it06:13
holsteini dont want my audio production machine online at all06:13
holsteinbut, if you do, enjoy it..06:13
holsteinif you feel its causing an issue, test with it off06:13
MarseilleEverything was working great all week long until I plugged in the mixer06:15
MarseilleI just upgraded to 14.0406:15
holsteinMarseille: what mixer?06:16
MarseilleI have an Edirol UA70006:16
holsteinMarseille: something broke? then, you upgraded?06:16
MarseilleNo just hated 12.0406:16
holsteinMarseille: 14.04 is "More of the same".. just newer06:16
MarseilleI've ran ubuntustudio since Fiesty Fawn. But I never got pulseaudio down.06:16
holsteinbut please, just unplug the "Mixer" and get jack working06:16
holsteinthen, move to plugging the mixer in and configuring it to use jack06:17
MarseilleThe last few distros had a lot of sound distortion. It's gone now.06:17
MarseilleSo there has been a massive improvement with 14.04. But now I have to relearn the mixer settings ... I'm dusting it off.06:17
holsteinMarseille: what mixer?06:18
holsteinMarseille: when you say "i have to relearn the mixer settings". you mean, you have to learn to configure jack to use the edirol?06:18
Marseilleall over again.06:18
Marseillethat's why I'm here.06:18
holsteinwhat i suggest is, disble the internal audio interface, then, jack will *only* see the usb device,a nd it will be default06:18
holsteinotherwise, the labels, as i said, can change06:19
MarseilleI unplugged the edirol earlier. It's still not plugged in.06:20
holsteinsure, im talking about in the long run06:20
holsteinif you only have the one audio device, then it will be the default06:20
MarseilleI have a midi keyboard too.06:20
MarseilleIt lost the connection.06:20
holsteinMarseille: sure, and *dont* add that to the mix here yet06:20
holsteinMarseille: no need to06:21
MarseilleLOL ok.06:21
Marseilleit takes a degree to master this:D06:21
holsteinMarseille: you have not reported getting audio working *ever* from jack yet06:21
Marseillenot since I unplugged the edirol.06:21
holsteinMarseille: you didnt have it with the edirol06:21
MarseilleI did.06:21
holsteinMarseille: so, thats *never*.. the edirol was not working with 14.0406:21
Marseillethe sound was just not outputting to jackd.06:22
holsteinMarseille: as i said, JACK has never worked on your system06:22
holsteinMarseille: it snot a big deal, its just something to note, since you are tring to get jack working06:22
MarseilleI had it down yesterday.06:23
holsteinMarseille: and, as i said, the labels change06:23
Marseillesome of them disappeared.06:23
holsteinif it were 'all down' yesterday, then, the labels changed for alsa, that can break the config you were using06:23
holsteinMarseille: no. there is no" them".. just the one device06:23
MarseilleI think I have to go into the patchbay and reconnect.06:23
holsteinMarseille: i really dont think so06:24
Marseillethe default is kinda messed up now.06:24
holstein,Marseille sure, so boot the live iso, and see that the defaults work06:24
Marseillethe midi keyboard no longer shows in midi settings.06:24
holsteinMarseille: please dont reference or plugin the midi keyboard til you have audio working06:24
holsteinMarseille: there is no need to06:24
Marseillethere's no audio.06:24
holsteinMarseille: you *dont* have jack working06:25
Marseilleso now what?06:25
holsteinMarseille: correct!.. so, why are you fiddling with a midi keyboard?06:25
holsteinMarseille: if yo udont have audio, you wont get any midi audio06:25
MarseilleI'm not. I'm trying to get yoshimi to give some sound.06:25
Marseillelike you said.06:25
holsteinaudio is a prerequisite to midi06:25
holsteinMarseille: sure, and like i said, use the virutal keyboard from the menu.. not your midi keyboard06:25
holsteindont throw another variable in06:26
Marseilleok working.06:26
Marseillesound is there.06:26
holsteinso, now, what i would do, is.. reboot my machine, and disable my internal audio device, so i *only* have the edirol to choose06:26
holsteinthen, i would do the same, only this time, with the  edirol..06:26
holsteini would get yoshimi making audio through jack through the edirol06:27
Marseilleso plug in the edirol?06:27
holstein*then*, move to testing the midi keyboard through yoshimi through jack through the edirol06:27
holsteinMarseille: what i said was, disable the internal audio device in the bios06:27
holstein*then* use the edirol06:27
holsteinMarseille: you do what you like, but, the labels jump06:27
Marseillei've never disabled the internal device before.06:28
Marseillehow do i do that?06:28
holsteinMarseille: i do is, as i said, in the bios06:28
Marseilleoh lord.06:28
holsteini literally dont care if you do, its just makes it simpler06:28
holsteinand i have a feeling, your issue is, as i said, the labels changing06:28
holsteinyou look in jack for the mixer, and its gone, becuase, the labels jumped, and you are looking at the internal audio device, that im suggesting you disable, instead of the edirol06:29
holsteini only mention it because its a common issue, and i see it happen all the time06:31
Marseilleok so if i do that and let's say i surf... then i have to keep the mixer on?06:31
Marseilleassuming i don't reenable the sound in bios?06:31
holsteinMarseille: if you are asking me, if you dont have an audio device, if you'll have audio.. no.. if you have no audio device, you will have no audio06:32
holsteinso, if you want to use the internal audio device, keep it on06:32
holsteinjust know that, what is likely happening is, as i said, the labels change06:32
holsteinyou powered up the machine, and just started jack, and it was using the internal device rather than the edirol. you didnt see what you were expecting from the edirol06:33
Marseillethe why did it show up under alsa?06:33
Marseillebut not audio?06:34
holsteinMarseille: it'll show up there when jack is not running, as i said06:34
holsteinthats just midi connections06:34
holsteinMarseille: alsa is running when jack isnt06:34
Marseillethat's exactly what it was showing... midi.06:34
Marseilleok so let me try what you suggest. You've spent so much time with me, and I'm very grateful;)06:35
holsteinMarseille: sure... thats what we are here for06:35
MarseilleIt's always fun to speak with audio folks.06:35
holsteinMarseille: im about to crash, though. use #opensourcemusicians if its dead in here06:36
holsteinthats a nice community, regardless..06:36
Marseillefabulous! it's so hard to get a hold of someone in forum. I finally gave up and came here.06:36
MarseilleThank-you Holstein!06:36
MarseilleI'm logging out now. Rest easy!06:37
Guest32821I need help08:36
aldoI have being unabled to update ubuntu studio since mid december ¿anybody has the same problem?20:57
aldothe error I get is: "Imposible to obtain http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release"20:59

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