
=== MayaG is now known as techmadi
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valoriehello, how can we help?06:40
Guest55744am unable to install java06:40
valorie!info java06:41
ubottuPackage java does not exist in utopic06:41
valorieah, I think you need the package `kubuntu-restricted-extras`06:42
valorieGuest55744: ^06:43
valorieif that doesn't do it, you'll need to describe what you need more precisely06:44
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rydhwanhello all08:11
rydhwankio-extras : Depends: kio-extras-data (= 4:5.1.95-0ubuntu1) but 4:5.1.2-0ubuntu1 is installed08:11
rydhwanhow downgrade ?08:12
valorierydhwan: I think that's been fixed08:25
valoriecan you just uninstall kio-extras for now?08:25
valoriehowever you usually install and uninstall08:26
valoriemuon or apt08:26
valoriewhatever you prefer08:26
valorieif not, sit tight until the fix gets to you08:26
rydhwanapt-get remove kio-extras08:28
rydhwanplasma-workspace : Depends: kio-extras but it is not going to be installed08:28
rydhwanUnmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:29
valorieI wouldn't do -f08:29
valorieI would just wait, if you can08:29
rydhwanok thanks08:30
valorieif you can't wait, rydhwan, it was discussed in the past couple of days in #kubuntu-devel which is logged08:31
valorieyou can find those logs on the web08:32
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.08:32
rydhwanhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/01/15/%23kubuntu-devel.html    i dont understand08:59
valorierydhwan: as I said, being worked on, but not fixed yet09:04
valoriewhen it is fixed, apt will properly install for you09:05
valoriewhat version of kubuntu are you runnin?09:05
valorierydhwan: that is alpha software09:08
valorieyou are helping us test, right?09:08
valorieso you should be in #kubuntu-devel anyway09:08
valorieand on the devel list09:08
valorieand filing bugs09:08
* valorie is not yet brave enough to upgrade09:08
rydhwanim cascador09:09
* valorie googles09:09
valoriehmmm, google seems to say that it is romanian for stunt09:11
valorieI'm guessing tester09:12
valoriethere is an increasingly active kubuntu romanian team, by the way09:12
andybrinegood morning10:06
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:09
valoriedid you see that?10:10
valorie« sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:10
valorieyou have to install it though10:10
JunkHunkyep reading10:10
JunkHunkwhat should I put there?10:11
JunkHunkI dont know where it got instaled10:12
JunkHunkand for this: sudo ppa-purge ppa:awn-testing/ppa it says it cant find the repo (I manually deleted from repositories list)10:15
lordievaderGood morning.10:15
JunkHunkmay the force be with you10:16
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BluesKajHiyas all11:20
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jubo2newb question14:08
jubo2how do I unzip a .zip file14:08
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jubo2I know about 'tar xvzf filename.tar.gz' but I dunno about these Windows originating .zip files14:08
grahamperrinHi, I have an old snow iMac, PowerMac2,2. 1 GB memory. Which old Linux distro is likely to run best on this old Mac? I know that Kubuntu will run but can't recall whether there were ...14:10
grahamperrinPowerPC distros for  Xubuntu or Lubuntu14:10
BluesKajjubo2, install unp ,. it can extract practically any type of compressed file14:16
lordievaderjubo2: unzip <file>14:16
lordievaderThat will extract it to pwd.14:17
jubo2yeah extracting to pwd would be a odd14:18
BluesKajgrahamperrin, does the mac have an intel cpu?14:20
BluesKajgrahamperrin, never mind, macs are uncharted territory for me14:24
grahamperrinNot Intel)14:25
grahamperrinMeantime I'm booted from Kubuntu 7.04 live CD installing 7.04 desktop14:26
BluesKaj7.04 is pretty old and no longer supported 7 is for the year and 04 is for the month it was released14:29
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grahamperrinBluesKaj: thanks. For what I have in mind I'm not concerned about the age or support, just wondering which distro is likely to be best suited14:44
grahamperrinnot necessarily best performing14:45
BluesKajgrahamperrin, ok, how's the install going? I saw that ubuntu 6.06 is able to run on power mac 2.214:47
grahamperrin90% complete14:47
grahamperrinI expect that it'll be not easy to control brightness14:48
BluesKajgrahamperrin, and the installer accepted your location, name and pw etc ?14:48
BluesKajubuntu has a brightness control , software driven in the power/battery settings14:49
grahamperrinBluesKaj: oh yeah, I have installed old Linux distros on Macs a few times in the past. But not recently.14:49
grahamperrinBluesKaj: thanks, I'll look out for that14:50
BluesKajok grahamperrin that's cool ..I looked for more recent releases that might mrun opn your machine , but not much info available14:50
BluesKaj'scuse the typos14:51
grahamperrinno power setting in the old live CD here, to be honest I didn't expect it in live mode14:52
BluesKajyeah, probly not on the live cd14:53
BluesKajhi thepapaz14:53
thepapaztürksen merhaba yaz14:54
BluesKaj!tr | thepapaz14:55
ubottuthepapaz: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:55
grahamperrinrestart time ...14:59
BluesKajturgay, do you have a kubuntu related question?15:00
BluesKajgrahamperrin, ok , good luck :)15:00
BluesKajbeing invaded by turks :)15:02
turgayBluesKaj:  i do not question15:12
turgayno stress, no panic  :)15:13
BluesKajturgay, no issues/problems with kubuntu then?15:13
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tashI haven't been on IRC for 20+ years, so can you help me with the etiquette here? :)18:23
monkeyjuicethis is kubuntu support do you have a problem. or do you want #kubuntu-offtopic18:24
tashNo , def #Kubuntu help - I'm trying to figure out transitions and effects in KDENLive, and need a reco for a resource. Can you help?18:25
BluesKaj_tash, reasonable conduct18:25
monkeyjuicehey BluesKaj_18:25
tashThanks BluesKaj_ :)18:25
BluesKaj_hey monkeyjuice18:26
monkeyjuicemy upgrade to 14.10 the nvidia drivers are messed up its acting like there are two installs and locking up how do purge and reinstall ., will that help?18:30
BluesKaj_monkeyjuice, does grub show 2 ubuntus, for example I have 15.04 as Ubuntu and 14.10 as Ubuntu 14.1018:35
monkeyjuiceno just one , but driver manager shows two sets of the same drivers18:36
monkeyjuiceim running nouveau or it locks up18:37
BluesKaj_shows 2 nvidia-331 drivers here, one recommended and the other is nvidia-331-updates as well as the 304 drivers as optional\18:41
monkeyjuiceya cant run them it will lock screen after a few minutes have to reboot and set to noubeau . and drivers manager seems to be messed up18:42
BluesKaj_monkeyjuice, that's in the system settings>driver manager18:42
monkeyjuicewas thinking of removing the nvidea drivers18:43
monkeyjuiceand see18:43
BluesKaj_hmm, I presume you've updated and upgraded and dist-upgraded since the install18:44
monkeyjuiceoh ya18:44
monkeyjuiceor im going to do fresh install and start over.18:44
BluesKaj_monkeyjuice, do you have a / and /home partition ?18:46
monkeyjuiceno but im backed up18:46
monkeyjuiceunless my external hd like yours  dies ;(18:47
BluesKaj_recommend you set them up with gparted then install to / and set a mountpoint for /home18:47
monkeyjuiceon a fresh install?18:48
BluesKaj_yeah, i managed to rescuemostly everything from 2 different computers and copied then over to a new external18:49
BluesKaj_monkeyjuice, yes fresh18:49
monkeyjuiceok  hmmm upgrade did work on my laptop ;(18:49
monkeyjuicebut its been acting funny on the video drivers18:50
BluesKaj_so it's the laptop with nvidia18:51
monkeyjuiceok reload in the morning over coffee it is ;)18:52
BluesKaj_I had to eventually reinstall to / on 14.10 after upgrading from 14.04, there were alot of problems18:54
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|||hey guys, i installed 14.10 via dist-upgrade and now booting with "splash" is broken.. with "nosplash" i get the intended result, but "splash" gives me the graphical screen with the cryptsetup passphrase prompt I expect, but typing leads to characters being echoed to the screen instead of supplying the passphrase .. typing it out and pressing enter does nothing. pressing insert to switch to non-graphical mode does nothing.. splash is broken. anyone else run into20:14
||| this?20:14
bennypr0fanehello, what is the default tool for mounting a webdav share in kubuntu 14.04?20:22
andy123bennypr0fane: davfs2 I guess ?20:49
andy123put it in fstab, if the webdav location does not change20:55
apb1963somehow - and I don't remember doing it - kubuntu backports ppa got added to my system.  If I do a ppa purge, am I going to hose my system?  I can't afford to hose my system.20:59
soeeppa purge will compare packages from ppa you want to purge with current archive, and just install old versions, not the one from backports21:01
apb1963The following packages have been kept back:21:03
apb1963  kde-runtime-data khelpcenter4 plasma-scriptengine-javascript21:03
apb1963I'm trying to clean this up... I don't know how that ppa ended up on my system.21:03
apb1963or if it's something I might want to keep?21:03
soeewhat version are you running ?21:03
soeeanyway backports hsould be pretty safe to use21:04
apb1963backports I'm told by #ubuntu are unsupported21:05
apb1963actually it's in the sources.list file itself... "unsupported"21:05
soeecan you pastebin teh output of dist-upgrade ?21:05
apb1963soee: any thoughts?21:10
soeeapb1963: add this option when doing dist-upgrade: -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=true21:11
soeeand pastebin again21:11
apb1963soee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9779201/21:14
soeeapb1963: and this is only with backports enabled ?21:17
apb1963I haven't tried it without backports enabled... it's a dir in /etc/apt soee21:18
soeeapb1963: try to purge bckports21:19
soeeshouldn't harm your system21:20
apb1963soee: this one?  sudo ppa-purge ppa:repository-name/subdirectory21:21
soeesudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports21:22
apb1963sudo: ppa-purge: command not found21:24
apb1963E: Unable to locate package ppa-purge21:24
lordievader!info ppa-purge21:24
lordievader!info ppapurge21:24
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr57 (utopic), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB21:24
ubottuPackage ppapurge does not exist in utopic21:24
lordievaderapb1963: What version of Kubuntu do you run?21:25
apb1963lordievader: I think i'm just running kde-desktop21:26
apb1963ubuntu 14.0421:27
apb1963or rather plasma-desktop21:29
apb1963soee: so enable universe and ppa-purge ?21:30
lordievader!info ppa-purge trusty21:38
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr57 (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB21:38
lordievaderapb1963: Yes.21:39
|||hey guys, i installed 14.10 via dist-upgrade and now booting with "splash" is broken.. with "nosplash" i get the intended result, but "splash" gives me the graphical screen with the cryptsetup passphrase prompt I expect, but typing leads to characters being echoed to the screen instead of supplying the passphrase .. typing it out and pressing enter does nothing. pressing insert to switch to non-graphical mode does nothing.. splash is broken. anyone else run into23:57
||| this?23:57

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