
jaybotHey guys, I have a question about permissions02:25
=== jaybot is now known as Jaybroni
ianorlinanything I can help with?02:31
JaybroniHi Ian, I think you helped me six months ago haha02:31
JaybroniMy question is about permissions02:33
JaybroniI have a personal ftp server setup and and it's all working but I want to clean up my permissions somewhat02:34
Jaybroniusing users and groups02:34
JaybroniI just wonder if you can link me to a good template for setting up users and groups for FTP02:35
Jaybronifor example:02:35
Jaybronihome/sharing          samba:guests            u+rwx       g+r_x02:36
Jaybronihome/sharing/uploads                      samba:guests       u+rwx         g+r_x          o+rwx02:37
Jaybroniguests group has:     sharing, samba02:37
Jaybroniand my ftp users login with sharing02:37
Jaybronithat's what i'm thinking of implementing, but I want it so future files and directories uploaded in the /uploads folder automaticaly are assigned to           samba:guests02:38
JaybroniI want both samba and sharing(ftp) users to read everything, and ftp users to write to uploads only02:41
Jaybronibut my system is a mess02:41
JaybroniDo you know of anybody who has setup both FTP and Samba to share the same media? How did they design the permissions?02:42
ianorlinAh I am not an expert on FTP or samba really02:45
Jaybroniok no worries, just writing it out here gave me some perspective02:45
Jaybronii'm going to reassign all the users to just two groups:  1) guests           2)  admins02:46
Jaybronithanks for your help today and last year :P my lubuntu server has been humming along for awhile now.02:47
drkokandyJaybroni: this might give you a good overview of how to get set up with a simple Samba server: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide03:27
drkokandyI don't have an FTP server setup on my home server, but I use SFTP, which is based on SSH, so it uses the user's permissions from Ubuntu03:29
holsteinwhich, should be, and should be able to be used instead of FTP03:30
drkokandyYou can dive deeper using a lot of these links: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126850/how-do-i-use-ubuntu-server-as-file-server/112167#11216703:30
drkokandyexactly :)03:30
holsteinmake users, give them access.. boom03:30
Unit193I'd not recommend you use ftp, quite unsecure.03:31
holsteinyou can connect to an ssh share from "normal"clients.. like, if a client had filezilla, and was used to using ftp.. its not a big difference sftp..03:31
holsteinfot hem03:31
holsteinfor them*03:31
JaybroniThanks for the advice guys, I'm using FTPS03:32
JaybroniSFTP is setup as well, but isn't FTPS faster?  I haven't done any tests but that's what i heard03:32
holsteinssh is the current running suggestion..03:33
holsteinare you having issue with speed?03:33
holsteinpersonally, i dont use samba like that either.. only locally when i do..03:34
JaybroniI just heard ssh file transfer is the slowest of the three options03:34
holsteini dont put samba outside my firewall03:34
Jaybroniyeah my lan machines are all assigned to one group, and that group is given full permission in samba03:35
holsteinJaybroni: you heard?03:35
Jaybronii googled*03:35
holsteinJaybroni: so, you are having issues with speed?03:35
holsteinJaybroni: have you tried it? if not, try it..03:35
Jaybronibecause ssh encrypts everything it takes a performance hit. Whereas FTPS encrypts only the authentication and is a good balance between SSH and plain old FTP03:35
holsteinsafe, fast, easy... you may not be able to use all these words in a sentence about your setup..03:36
JaybroniYeah I'm going to turn a test right now03:36
JaybroniFTPS vs SFTP vs FTP stay tuned :)03:36
Jaybronitransfer rate03:36
Unit193use rsync rather than scp.03:37
holsteinssh is the industry standard03:38
holsteinthere literally is no other contender.. to the point of concern about it being the only game in town03:38
Jaybroniok so the results are in:  using Filezilla as the client,         the winner was SFTP (ssh)  by .1MBps03:40
JaybroniSo I'm going to switch to SFTP since FTPS was a bit tricky to implement active/passive through nas, etc.03:41
holsteinim still not sure you are getting the testing right, since, i dont think you are using an ssh server03:41
holsteinbut, for the client end, which i assume needs to be filezilla, you can switch to ssh, and they can still connect in03:41
Jaybroninote: I didn't test plain old ftp because I need security03:42
JaybroniI have openssh03:42
holsteincool.. becuase, before, you had samba and ftp outside the firewall..03:42
Jaybronimy testing was all done over lan03:43
Jaybroniwhat? samba outside the firewall? what are you talking about03:43
Jaybronianyway thanks for the advice guys03:44
holsteinJaybroni: thats what you were talking about03:44
Jaybronilet's leave that a mystery03:44
holsteinJaybroni: its not by box, so, i have no skin in the game03:45
holsteini suggest that you not leave *anything* a mystery on a server machine like that outside the firewall..03:45
JaybroniI still need to improve the way my permissions are organized but I will check out the links you guys suggested for that. Thanks again03:45
Jaybroniwhat are you talking about, my server is behind a firewall03:45
holsteinif its inside your firewall, on your lan.. and you have normal user permissions, sudo, etc.. whats the issue?03:46
holsteinJaybroni: then, whats the issue?03:46
holsteinwhy are you "cleaning up permission" just for you?03:46
holsteinwhat have you broken? and why?03:46
JaybroniBecause SFTP (only, not Samba) will be connected to remotely from the WWW03:47
holsteinJaybroni: *that* is outide your firewall..03:47
holsteinJaybroni: that is what you may want to reconsider.. connecting to samba from www, or whatever you want to call it03:47
JaybroniYes. I have port forwarding setup for FTP but not Samba03:47
Jaybroniyou said samba and all this junk about it being outside my firewall03:48
holsteinright.. and, thats bad03:48
holsteinJaybroni: thats what forwarding a port does, friend03:48
holsteinputs the machine accessible.. bypassing the firewall..03:48
Unit193holstein: He's only talking about (s)ftp(s) outside of the firewall, not samba as far as I can tell..03:48
Jaybroniwhat is the problem03:48
Jaybroniyes Unit19303:48
holsteinJaybroni: ftp public like that03:48
holsteinusing ssh there would be preferable, and, you can still connect with filezilla..03:49
Jaybroniit requires a username and password, and connects via FTPS or SFTP. Plain old FTP is disabled03:49
holsteinJaybroni: as i said before,i wouldnt leave that a mystery.. only you know if its secure or not.. if its me, i use ssh there.. not ftp03:50
JaybroniThe only remote access is through FTP with Explicit TLS or SSH03:50
holsteinno form of ftp..03:50
Jaybronithere's a difference between plain FTP and FTP with Explicit TLS03:50
JaybroniI don't use plain ftp03:50
holsteinJaybroni: i wouldnt know, i dont use ftp. i use ssh03:51
holsteinJaybroni: im not interested in having *any* ftp outside my firewall03:51
JaybroniIf you think FTP with TLS is insecure you have some googling to do03:52
holsteinJaybroni: *i* dont.. i dont use ftp03:52
Unit193I'm pretty sure we're not getting anywhere here.03:52
Unit193Perhaps we should move on?03:53
Jaybronii can tell03:53
JaybroniI've been traying actually, hence my 'leaving it a mystery' comment03:53
Jaybronimy mistake though was leaving out the S after FTP a few times, out of laziness :P03:54
Jaybronianyway thanks for the tips guys03:54
JaybroniI'll be switching to SFTP for several reasons03:55
JaybroniSFTP aka SSH FTP03:55
mucusi have a 64bit 1gb ram 16gb storage tablet.  how's installing 64bit lubu on that?06:52
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TadurinWhen I create a usb boot stick using the standard procedure it refuses to boot. Is that a known problem?09:59
TadurinThe message is Missing parameter in configuration file. Keyword: path\n gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R image10:04
TadurinIn case anybody cares. ;)10:04
ochosiTadurin: yeah, that is a known issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/132580110:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1325801 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Utopic) "failed to boot from USB disk with error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R Image boot:" [Critical,Triaged]10:44
ochosiTadurin: just type "live" and hit enter and it will boot10:44
Unit193Tap tab twice to see options too, but ^10:46
TadurinUnit193:  yeah, I had already found that10:57
Tadurinhow do I turn off the touchpad on my laptop in lubuntu? Is there no GUI tool for that?15:12
TadurinI think there was an xset command...15:12
tewardTadurin: there might be a function key for it built in - did you try that?15:13
Tadurinno, like what?15:13
tewardTadurin: most laptops have a key combo to press that could disable the touchpad on the laptop - it varies by manufacturer and model15:13
wxlmine doesn't work15:14
wxli'm sure you can do this with synaptics15:14
wxlthis is a welcome change from fightning tox15:14
wxlsynclient TouchpadOff=115:15
tewardwxl: i think it depends on the laptop - i've had luck with dell acer hp and asus laptops, so...15:15
TadurinI find it very irritating that it doesn't matter which keyboard layout I chose on the login screen.15:15
TadurinIt always uses the same one. :p15:16
wxlxinput disable "$(xinput list --name-only | grep Touchpad)"15:16
wxlxinput set-prop "$(xinput list --name-only | grep Touchpad)" "Device Enabled" 015:16
wxlTadurin: sounds like a lightdm bug15:17
wxli wonder if setxkbmap -layout "jp" (or whatver you want) won't fix your layout issue15:20
wxloh better15:20
wxlyou can set what you want in /etc/default/keyboard15:20
Tadurinwxl: yeah, but if different users want different layouts you're still screwed15:44
wxlyou can add multiple keyboard layouts tad15:44
Tadurinwxl: how do I select them, then?15:45
wxlthat's beyond my level of understanding XD15:45
wxlsorry i've only got one language and one keyboard layout to worry about :(15:46
Tadurinthanks anyway! :)15:54
testdrTadurin: about selected keyboard layout - you may have corrupted your setup - normaly it works.16:05
testdrTadurin: and last - the user settings may always override what you select at login-screen - because user-settings are the last in the row and should rule16:06
testdrTadurin: if you need diffent keyboard-layouts for a user - add those layouts and let the user switch them as wanted during his work and maybe even special for different windows16:07
Tadurinin what row?16:07
Tadurini'm confused16:07
testdrTadurin: the row how configs are activated -- and why are you confused?16:08
Tadurinokay so on the login screen I have a keyboard layout selector in the top right16:08
Tadurinwhich does nothing apparently16:08
testdrTadurin:  this works if the user has not setup special layouts16:09
Tadurinand where would the user do that?16:09
testdrTadurin: as far as i know the default is to use the global system keyboard layout in the preferences ...16:09
testdrTadurin: have you ever tried the kb-layout setup with the little icon in the menu-panel?16:11
Tadurinon the login screen?16:11
testdrTadurin: no - after login in the user-panel16:11
Tadurinyou mean the input method settings? I have those open, yes.16:12
testdrTadurin: thats boreing for me -sorry - you should check the docs about it16:13
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