
knomehello, there is obviously something wrong with find-a-task12:43
knome"visual experience" is under "coding and development" but not "design"12:43
knomeis the ubuntu-specific installation source code available somewhere (eg. launchpad) so people can send merge requests (with fixes and flavor additions) ?12:44
knomealso, the topic for this channel seems very outdated, it links to community tasks for saucy12:45
knomejono, jussi, jcastro + IRCC + freenoder staff have access to that... maybe that list should be updated12:49
knomeright... i found the github branch12:52
=== ian is now known as Guest72314
=== Guest72314 is now known as ian-weisser
ian-weisserknome: You are welcome to suggest multiple roles under 'design' for Find-a-Task13:46
knomeian-weisser, hey13:46
knomei'll gladly do a merge request if you tell me which branch you would like it to have it13:46
ian-weisserSince we started with only one, it could not have it's own submenu without looking silly.13:47
ian-weisserNot branches. Content is hosted on Wordpress. See http://cheesehead-techblog.blogspot.com/2015/01/introducing-ubuntu-find-task.html13:48
knomewhen do you plan to have a branch that can take merge/pull requests?13:49
ian-weisserWe really just need the four items for each role: Role Name, Short Description, Desired path within Find-a-Task, and Landing URL13:49
ian-weisserFind-a-taskwas converted *from* a branch by mhall119.13:50
knomeok... so which branch is it?13:50
knomeok, so if i create a merge request for that branch, the changes will be eventually pushed to production?13:51
ian-weisserProduction is not based on branch.13:52
ian-weisserProduction is hosed on a SQL database with a Wordpress frontend.13:52
ian-weisserUbuntu community website admins can change the data13:52
ian-weisserwithout puching a branch.13:52
ian-weisserGah.  Fumbly fingers.13:53
ian-weisserSo community website admins make all changes in content, in wordpress directly, without using branches. A branch exists for the Wordpress theme, but not the content.13:54
knomeright, not the ideal solution, but okay...13:54
ian-weisserWhen I wrote it, I wanted it to be a branch just like you envision, the way the rest of Ubuntu does it. But this better from the website admin's point of view - apparently no tickets to push a branch to production.13:56
knomefor whoever is updating find-a-task: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9775884/14:08
knomeelfy, ochosi ^14:08
elfywfm - thanks knome14:24
mhall119knome: updated, thanks!20:57
knomeno problem, thank you20:59
knomewill get back with more items later i guess21:00

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