
=== skorv is now known as kaonashi
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=== ian is now known as Guest72314
=== Guest72314 is now known as ian-weisser
=== Guest47523 is now known as maxb
kramsmadaHi all. I'm a new contributor and I was had a quick question. If I've filed a bug about an issue and created a branch with the fix, what's the best way to get it reviewed by someone?21:55
jtaylorkramsmada: kreate a merge request, there should be a link somewhere on the branch page22:12
jtaylorkramsmada: alternatively attach the debdiff to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors22:13
kramsmadajtaylor: Thanks!22:14
kramsmadajtaylor: So... this should get someone's attention eventually:  https://code.launchpad.net/~kramsmada/ubuntu/vivid/gnupg2/1407513-gpg-agent-set-ssh-env-vars/+merge/24553822:15

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