
ahoneybundoes anyone know if the newletter has a rss feed?00:51
joseahoneybun: news cateogy on fridge00:59
ahoneybunmhall119, I was thinking of making a newsletter app01:06
mhall119ahoneybun: is there a scope for it?01:52
ahoneybunI could not find one in the store01:52
ahoneybunor even a app01:52
ahoneybunI'm not having much luck with scopes01:53
ahoneybunthe trouble is finding a easy api to use for newbies01:55
=== Guest42111 is now known as ahoneybun
pleia2nice work everyone, moved summaries over to the wiki19:55
pleia2imnichol: welcome to the team :)19:55
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue40019:58
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/MonthYear <--- zot20:01
pleia2thank you :)20:02
pleia2there, fixed20:04
imnicholpleia2, thanks for the help, everyone made me feel welcome21:35

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