
porfahello! lots of agt-get’s i try to install fail to install/compile becayse it complains about xulrunner-1,9,2 and edbrowse.. i’ve tried to install theese packages, yet the complains are the same (no prior experience on this systems..)00:00
xrealWhere can I find Ubuntu 14.04 server mini isos?00:00
* bubbasaures volunteers for an homeless org for the hand holding00:00
squintyxreal:  main ubuntu site   alternate downloads00:00
xrealsquinty: can find "unlabeled" ISOs only. Don't know if it's server or desktop00:01
xrealsquinty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:01
OerHeksThat is not the server, xreal.00:01
squintyxreal:  afaik, minimal is not the same as server release. check main site as stated before00:01
xrealOerHeks: that's why I asked :)00:02
OerHeksthere is no server mini, only mini or server.00:02
xrealsquinty: I think, there is no mini server :(00:02
xrealWhy do I need to download a 600 MB ISO for a server installation? That's overkill.00:02
squintyoh for petes sake00:02
xrealCan you install Ubuntu server using chroot?00:03
OerHeksNo, it is not overkill.00:03
b100swhat version of ubuntu should i get 64 or 32? and how can i decide?00:03
bubbasaures!mini | xreal, there is the net install, tiny and you have the choices you want00:03
ubottuxreal, there is the net install, tiny and you have the choices you want: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:03
OerHeksb100s, check your cpu. if it is 64 bit, you have a choise00:04
xrealbubbasaures: I know, but there's no server net install.00:04
bubbasauresxreal, Uh yes there is.00:04
squintyb100s: check your computer docs and/or if another os is installed see if 32 or 6400:04
b100s2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7500  @ 2.20GHz00:05
bubbasauresxreal, THe net is the base with a huge choice, you can install the server00:05
b100snow i'm using 32 lubuntu and it is so sloow00:05
xrealbubbasaures: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server => "alternative downloads..." leads to the normal download image :(00:05
Milena23 There is no such thing as Free Porn http://bitly.com/1nx3K4c00:05
xrealbubbasaures: oh, you get asked while installation? let me try00:05
Bashing-omb100s: Generally, install 64 bit with > 4 Gigs of ram on 64 bit capable systems .00:05
squintyb100s:  you probably need to check your video drivers or memory amount then.  see Additional Drivers in software and updates00:06
ki7mt_xreal, from the mini ISO, use Tasksel00:06
xrealki7mt_: oh, tasksel does it? okay, let me try00:06
xrealthanks for help00:06
squintyMilena23:  take it elsewhwere00:06
b100si have 4Gb RAM, is it ok?00:06
b100svideo drivers? waht about that?00:07
bubbasauresb100s, Check the memory use you may just be swapping00:07
b100sbubbasaures, what do you mean? how can i done that?00:08
squintyb100s:  look in main menu for Software and Updates > Additional drivers   or type in search  additional drivers00:08
bubbasauresb100s, htop probably I use a conky, swappiness is the key if it is00:08
squintyb100s:  htop will need to be installed.  you can just type  top  in a terminal too00:09
bubbasauresfor the record statistically starting with the easiest answer and moving up that ladder gives answers the most efficiently.00:10
b100si have htop, what should i get from that?00:10
b100sand i totally didnt get about drivers00:10
MoonlightningThis is odd. I used `efibootmgr` to set BootNext to 'Built-in EFI Shell' and the timeout to 10 seconds, but I didn't get an EFI shell on reboot00:11
MoonlightningTried changing the boot order to put the shell first, but it got changed again to something else at some point during the next reboot00:11
squintyb100s:  just take a breath and then follow the advice given to you00:12
El-Osmodivssquinty, I can't boot because I have a bad block on the HDD00:13
b100ssquidly, done ) i see out of htop and cant extract answer to question: should i install 64 or 32 ubuntu, can you help me?00:13
squintyb100s:  see my first answer to you...scroll back00:14
nicholashmm, have chromium browser installed and every web page I load, it says: aw snap! something went wrong while displaying this webpage. to continue, reload or go to a another page00:14
nicholasany help/ideas?00:14
squintyb100s:  sorry but i am not a fan of hand holding.  take some time to learn and understand.  :)00:14
b100s"check your computer docs and/or if another os is installed see if 32 or 64" - i got it, but as i told i have 32 lubuntu working sloow00:15
b100ssquidly, thx anyway00:15
bubbasauresb100s, 32bit or 64 is not the problem00:15
b100sbubbasaures, but how should i decide what is best for me?00:15
bubbasauresinstall what you want00:15
squintyb100s:  what part of "check your computer documentation" do you not understand?00:15
b100son my CPU, RAM and so on00:15
El-OsmodivsHello. When I try to access my encrypted HDD from the Terminal I get this message: Inserted auth tok with sig [5e6a449e9f5d1c5a] into the user session keyring fopen: No such file or directory Why cant I access my data?00:16
bubbasauresb100s, How do you decide what you eat for dinner?00:16
b100ssquidly, easly i replace at least half of my PC ) today i got new ssd for example and that why i want to change lubuntu to ubuntu00:16
squintyb100s:  did you replace the CPU?   if not read the computer docs. end of converstation00:17
b100sbubbasaures, wrong answer, sorry guys ) bye00:17
squintyb100s: if you did replace cpu...read it's documentation00:17
b100ssquidly, thx)00:17
bubbasauresah the real world00:18
El-OsmodivsCan someone kick out bubbasaures ? Hes just trolling00:19
El-Osmodivsor send him to off-topic00:19
squintyEl-Osmodivs:  not he not.  he is one of the regular around here. mind your manners00:19
nicholasyeah, he's on like 24/7!00:20
El-Osmodivssquinty, Well, tell him to behave00:20
squintyEl-Osmodivs:  no you behave. read the channel rules.00:20
ki7mt_El-Osmodivs, You may want to spend some time here before such judgments.00:21
ki7mt_s/before making/g00:21
El-OsmodivsNo because someone is here 24/7 means hes an expert?00:21
squintyEl-Osmodivs:  please drop it or leave.00:21
lccadminI have sound coming into my line in jack (I can see the VU meter moving) but can't hear it.  I usually use alsamixer to get things working, but thought tonight I'd try it the normal way.  What am I missing that causes no sound to come out the headphone jack?00:23
DarkBloodWolfI just relised what this channel is for00:23
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El-OsmodivsHello. When I try to access my encrypted HDD from the Terminal I get this message: Inserted auth tok with sig [5e6a449e9f5d1c5a] into the user session keyring fopen: No such file or directory Why cant I access my data?00:29
lccadminWell, had to resort to alsamixer again.  It burn me that I can't ever figure out how to unmute things in the stock mixer that comes with ubuntu.00:37
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satdavHi when did Ubuntu start doing android00:42
jnollettehey whats the ubuntu-servers irc?00:45
jnolletteha got it00:46
bubbasauressatdav, Can you clarify what you mean?00:49
satdavbubbasaures:  see https://i.imgur.com/UB2nxrc.png00:49
satdavUnder the kernel version00:50
bubbasauressatdav, That from a touch install?00:50
satdavbubbasaures: what do you mean00:51
bubbasaures!touch | satdav00:51
ubottusatdav: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:51
DARUDEim losing my mind with ubuntu inside vmware00:51
DARUDEeverytime I try to click or type it keeps moving my mouse outside the window00:51
DARUDEand I have to click back to get control again00:51
bubbasauressatdav, looks like ubuntu touch the only place android is involved.00:51
squintylccadmin:  fwiw, I just noticed something strange here on this box.   clicking on the speaker icon on the panel shows "mute"  ticked on but when loocking in the output volume section of the Sound settings in System Settings shows the "Mute" unticked.  just wondering if maybe that is causing a conflict at your end.  :)00:58
eein_has anyone setup a member server on samba 4 using ubuntu server?00:59
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echoeIs there a specific bug area for upstream bugs in launchpad? I have a thinkpad yoga 11e, and the touchscreen doesn't appear to be working or recognized by the newest version of ubuntu. I found a bug for it but it was reported in July and I don't think anything's been done with it since, but I want to make sure before opening a new one..01:21
jigsawfinchard, how are you01:23
finchardnot bad and yourself?01:23
jigsawi'm good01:24
finchardI've only been using Ubuntu Server01:24
finchardI love all the things you can use it for01:25
bubbasauresechoe, Are you not able to find your original bug?01:25
finchardIs there a channel for Ubuntu Server?01:25
bubbasaures#ubuntu-server  ;)01:26
finchardThank you01:26
checoimgdoes Ubuntu 32 bit support efi ?01:26
echoebubbasaures: it's here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/134880301:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1348803 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lenovo Yoga 11e Thinkpad - touchscreen not working" [Medium,Triaged]01:26
echoei didn't report it, but it's hard to see if this was pushed upstream as mentioned in the bug report01:27
ChimpoutAre you tired of niggers? Well go to www.chimpout.com or www.reddit.com/r/CoonTown to express your disgust for the nigger with other like minded individuals! Stop believing the lies from the jew media about how niggers, chimps & apes are oppressed victims of institutional racism! They are NOT the same as whites no matter how hard the jew media tries to get you to believe it! They are responsible for more crime, rapes, and theft!01:27
checoimgdoes Ubuntu 32 bit support efi ?01:28
bubbasauresechoe, Did you follow the instructions given? Seems you did not understand.01:29
echoebubbasaures: I didn't report it01:30
echoeit's another person's bug, and I am wondering if I should report the bug, as I have the device, and should just do a new thing, or if there's a way to check on the current status of that01:31
bubbasauresechoe, I would follow the instructions, another bug report is not part of the picture, if the same issue.01:31
echoelike, I got this laptop something like twenty days ago.01:31
bubbasauresechoe, I asked for your report and you gave me this why?01:32
echoe........... this is somebody else's bug report01:32
echoeand I was wondering how I could tell if this was actually pushed upstream01:32
cmp1hello everyone01:32
echoethat's the question I was asking.01:32
mojtabaHi, I restored my BIOS settings to factory settings, and now It just boot to windows. Do you know how should I fix my grub? (It is UEFI BIOS). my Ubuntu is 14.04 LTS01:32
echoeobviously the admins there told the person to push it upstream, but there's no ... record of it from what I can see. so I was wondering if I missed something.01:33
bubbasauresechoe, Ah, just a both of us not reading the messages here, not sure your route to follow.01:33
echoeUm ... okay, I still don't know the answer to my question. Perhaps it's unanswerable. I'll open up an upstream kernel bug when I can work on it a bit.01:34
bubbasauresmojtaba, Why the restore when you had a working set up we assume?01:39
RedheadedCupcakeanyone here good with windows?01:40
bubbasauresnot  a ubuntu issue RedheadedCupcake01:40
checoimgI have Windows but not good a t it01:40
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures - i  know, i'm trying to fix an old ladies computer, and i use ubuntu. I'm not good at windows either01:41
mojtababubbasaures:I enabled password for HDD and then when I was entering my Ubuntu password, it just was flashing and asking me to enter password again. So I thought it might be because of setting passwords for HDD in the BIOS. I tried to remove them, but it did not helped. So I tried to restore to factory settings.01:41
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Good for you in helping, but this is ubuntu support is all no matte the OS your using to fix windows.01:42
RedheadedCupcakedoes anyone know of a windows support chan?01:42
bubbasauresmojtaba, encrypted ubuntu?01:42
mojtababubbasaures: yes01:42
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, you have been on it for awilr01:43
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bubbasauresmojtaba, Not sure but be sure you give all the pertinent info here to start with, if you can.01:43
SaltyHashesWindows fix: Apt-get install Ubuntu01:44
mojtababubbasaures: My laptop is thinkpad T440S.01:44
mojtababubbasaures: What do you want to know?01:44
NikolaiToryzinRandom question, anyone know of a copy of Ubuntu with an efi32 bootloader?01:44
checoimgapt get upgrade maybe ?01:44
squinty!alis | RedheadedCupcake01:44
ubottuRedheadedCupcake: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:44
NikolaiToryzinToo lazy to spin one myself01:44
bubbasauresmojtaba, Nothing I have no idea, but had to prime you for important info was my point.01:45
johnb003hello, I'm using linux mint and I have a couple WD black 4TB drives. I initiated a copy from the GUI between them and it's been steadily getting slower and slower, the destination drive is only 5/8 full01:45
mojtabaAnybody know what should I do?01:45
bubbasaures!mint | johnb00301:45
ubottujohnb003: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:45
mojtabaI need to fix a UEFI grub. :(01:45
checoimgmojtaba is this 32 bit ?01:46
NikolaiToryzinmojtaba: think that's bad? I can't even boot ubuntu on one of my devices because it uses a 32 bit EFI bootloader01:46
NikolaiToryzinOn a 64 bit CPU01:46
mojtabacheayeon: 64bit01:46
checoimgsame case here01:46
NikolaiToryzinThat's not even horribly rare anymore01:47
NikolaiToryzinBut no distros support it ootb01:47
checoimgI have 32bit efi :/01:47
mojtabaThe laptop is brand new01:47
bubbasauresLets keep the channel to support not confirmation bias reporting01:47
NikolaiToryzinI'm actually considering OS X because iirc it used to use a 32 bit apple EFI bootloader01:47
NikolaiToryzinBut at this rate, I'd need to modify a Linux love CD and recompile grub for it01:48
bubbasaures!ot | NikolaiToryzin01:48
ubottuNikolaiToryzin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:48
NikolaiToryzinbubbasaures: It's still Ubuntu.01:48
NikolaiToryzinSlightly off topic, but I'd need to change ubuntu a tad so it boots01:48
bubbasauresNikolaiToryzin, if you argue and continue you will be asked this repeatedly till banned01:49
checoimgmojtaba I can't figure out something for you. Is a Copy/Paste action what you did ?01:49
mojtabachecoimg: ?01:49
checoimgI have had this problem and had to wait mojtaba01:50
mojtabachecoimg: wait?01:50
checoimgyep wait for it to end01:50
mojtabachecoimg: what do u mean?01:51
checoimgthe comand is already running. The only way to alter a command is when invoked with arguments01:51
checoimgmojtaba I understood you are copying in you HDD's01:51
checoimgand it is getting badly slow01:51
checoimgone thing you can try but AFAIK is dangerous01:53
checoimgchange the process priority maybe01:54
checoimgbut if it slow on the ide of the HDD then nothing is left to do01:54
checoimgwell I gotta go01:55
popschis there a way to have the networkmanager-openconnect plugin automatically connect? Right now it's still prompting me to log in although it stores the username and the password01:55
daftykinsmojtaba: i'm sure you just need to change the boot device to be the hard disk instead of the Windows boot manager, if you reset defaults.01:56
daftykinsGRUB couldn't have mystically disappeared from loading defaults.01:56
ahmadhow to join?01:57
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mojtabadaftykins: how should I do that?01:59
daftykinsenter the EFI and modify the 'Windows Boot Manager' entry to read the hard disk device instead.01:59
daftykinsor SSD, whichever it is01:59
mojtabadaftykins: I should do that with a live CD?02:00
mojtabadaftykins: I do not know how should I do that. :(02:00
daftykinsno you enter the EFI setup02:01
daftykinsmaybe it's a dedicated boot key, or a function key to enter...02:01
mojtabadaftykins: You mean BIOS settings? there is nothing to change it. I have looked at all the options02:01
daftykinsi somewhat doubt that02:02
daftykinsif it was working fine then you loaded defaults, breaking it... it has to be there02:02
mojtabadaftykins: I enabled password for HDD and then when I was entering my Ubuntu password, it just was flashing and asking me to enter password again. So I thought it might be because of setting passwords for HDD in the BIOS. I tried to remove them, but it did not helped. So I tried to restore to factory settings.02:04
mojtabadaftykins: It is encrypted Ubuntu02:04
daftykinshow come that wasn't part of your first message? :)02:04
GeekDudeCan someone point me the right way for help with mjpg-streamer? When using the -q option it forces me into YUV mode and puts me in 176x144 resolution. I can't seem to get any higher resolution than that when using -q02:25
=== ryan is now known as Guest40058
zacwallsSo I have been trying to get my optical drive to work for a while and yesterday when i was updating i had a disk in the drive. And it recolonized it. and now it wont work. What hapend?02:31
cryptodanzacwalls: time to consider a new drive02:36
zacwallsIt worked yesterday02:38
cryptodanzacwalls: by working do you mean reading disks or opening and closing?02:46
zacwallsreading and open + close02:47
cryptodanhow many optical disks have you tried?02:47
daftykinssit in the BIOS. if you can't eject, your drive is trashed02:47
zacwallsthe drive its self02:47
daftykins(that's on a cold boot)02:47
zacwallsA cold boot is when you hold down the power button?02:48
=== corey84-- is now known as Corey84
Ether_ManHi I could really do with some help on this. I recently upgraded my server to 14.04, and unfortunately, that broke both webaccess and webapp of zarafa which now has no installation candidate, and trying to install those packages manually, gives that they depend on php5-mapi, which also, has no installation candidate. But I'm not finding much information about how to get that installed manually either or any repo that does have it. Are ther02:53
Ether_Mane any quick fixes for this or?02:53
cryptodanEther_Man: you mean php5-imap?02:54
Ether_Mancryptodan, no, php5-mapi02:55
cryptodanEther_Man: https://forums.zarafa.com/showthread.php?6154-Solved-Upgrade-from-6-40-to-7-0-Webaccess-problems02:57
danishanishhey guys. how can i get a filepath from text?02:57
Ether_Mancryptodan, that package references phpapi-20090626, which again, has no install candidate :/02:59
cryptodanEther_Man: PHP5-MAPI is in the download from the site03:00
Ether_Mancryptodan, yes but phpapi-20090626 is not. It should have been installed when I installed apache or php from what I've read, but apparantly it does not03:01
cryptodanEther_Man: https://packages.debian.org/squeeze/phpapi-2009062603:01
zacwallsIt worked03:04
Ether_Mancryptodan, I've installed both libapache2-mod-php5 and php5-cgi, but it's still considered missing.03:05
bubbasaureszacwalls, helps if you state what and to whom told you to do it.03:05
Ether_ManBut squeeze isnt 14.04 is it?03:05
cryptodanthen install the package in the tarball download from the site when you login03:05
zacwallsOh thats right. You guys told me to see if i could open my optical drive in the bios. It worked. That means it isnt trashed03:06
Ether_Mancryptodan, which tarball?03:06
cryptodanthe Webapp03:06
cryptodanI just downloaded it and the php5-mapi file is there03:06
Ether_Mancryptodan, You're not actually reading what I'm writing do you?03:07
cryptodanYes i am and you are you understanding03:07
cryptodanthere is a debian file for php5-mapi03:07
cryptodando you want a screenshot?03:07
Ether_ManYes I am... You're telling me to do things that I've said gives error and you tell me to resolve the error to do the exact thing that gives the error...03:07
Ether_ManYes... Which relies on phpapi-2009062603:08
Ether_ManWhich is not available for 14.0403:08
Ether_ManOr atleast, not available in the default repos03:08
cryptodanI am not talking about the repos03:08
bubbasauresEther_Man, I would stop and go to #ubuntu-server03:08
cryptodanYou see where my mouse cursor is: http://i.imgur.com/6LSwBHa.png03:09
Ether_ManNeither am I... Read what I wrote... I need phpapi-20090626 to install the php5-mapi from the zarafa site03:09
Ether_Manbubbasaures, ah sorry. Did not see there's a server specific channel :)03:10
zacwallsSo I have been trying to get my optical drive to work for a while and yesterday when i was updating i had a disk in the drive. And it recolonized it. and now it wont work. What happend?03:10
bubbasauresEther_Man, Advising debian packages here is not really helping03:10
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zacwallsSo i tested the bios drive thing. And it worked. Witch means it is a software related problem. So i got nothing.03:15
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zacwallsdaftykins; i did it, and it worked03:21
daftykinsejected, but you have no idea if it reads?03:21
zacwallsWell...It did yesterday03:22
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daftykinsyeah i mean now, for the reading part :)03:22
zacwallsWhat can i do?03:22
daftykinstest a boot disc perhaps03:23
zacwallsI dont have one that isnt ubuntu so....No way to tell03:23
RedheadedCupcakeI need help burning and .iso file to dvd so I can fix a windows machine03:23
daftykinswell no you can still boot an ubuntu liveCD as a test to prove the drive03:23
zacwallsI will try03:24
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zacwalls1daftykin; It worked.03:29
daftykinsalright test the guest session with the disc, maybe it can read it03:30
arunwhy does chesse doesn't work to do video recording03:31
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest55077
Guest55077can sum1 help me, i want to add slide of ubuntu installation iso to start up03:32
Guest55077how can i do this03:32
Guest55077the spalsh screen03:32
zacwalls1It didnt work03:33
bubbasauresGuest55077, Please be more clear and always use real words here03:33
zacwalls1I mean03:33
zacwalls1daftykins; It didnt work03:33
Guest55077bubbasaures,  sorry, dont know how to explain, i.e on xubuntu there is a presentation slide that shows you how to operate OSwhile is installing...my question is how do i insert this at my OS startup screen as it boots up03:34
mojtabaHi, I need to fix the Grub (UEFI) and I have followed this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair, but after selecting to boot from usb disk, it does not boot up. Do you know what should I do? (thinkpad T440S, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, encrypted.)03:34
zacwalls1Did i spell it right?03:34
bubbasauresGuest55077, For?03:35
Guest55077kids read that instro while pc boots and its fot a lot of usefull info for newbies03:35
zacwalls1daftykins; Im not sure if i spelt your nick right03:35
Guest55077bubbasaures, kids read that instro while pc boots and its fot a lot of usefull info for newbies03:35
bubbasauresGuest55077, No idea, and I doubt anyone will remember it honestly.03:36
bubbasauresif you could even insert it03:36
ki7rwi tried to install google earth using the procdure for 64 bit ubuntu 14.04 at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth but still get an error message about ia386-lib dependencies03:36
Guest55077bubbasaures,  but is duableright, all the slide is and the install ISO of xubuntu03:36
bubbasauresGuest55077, No idea.03:37
Guest55077bubbasaures,  i mean when xubuntu is installing it runs this slide while the user awaits for systemto load03:37
Guest55077bubbasaures,  guess is just a matter of copying that part to the boot of OS03:38
Pinkamena_DI got a new laptop where, after resume from suspend, there is a freeze of about 10 seconds where I see the login screen but it is frozen. It seems like a small issue, but on my 10 year old thinkpad it had no such freeze and started immedietly.03:38
bubbasauresGuest55077, My prompting you to be clearer was my only point, does not show any knowledge and I said twice no idea, why are we talking?03:38
mojtabaHi, I need to fix the Grub (UEFI) and I have followed this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair, but after selecting to boot from usb disk, it does not boot up. Do you know what should I do? (thinkpad T440S, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, encrypted.)03:39
Pinkamena_DHow can I get logs about what goes on during resume to find where the lag comes from?03:39
Guest55077bubbasaures,  ok, easy there man, thanks for reply anyhow...i guess03:39
bubbasauresGuest55077, I was easy, you just have to like be awake.03:40
Guest55077bubbasaures,  what ???03:40
bazhang!manual | Guest55077 read this instead03:40
ubottuGuest55077 read this instead: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:40
daftykinszacwalls1: doesn't come up on the desktop / in nautilus, is it?03:41
bazhangprint out the free pdf Guest5507703:41
mojtabadaftykins: bubbasaures: Hi, I need to fix the Grub (UEFI) and I have followed this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair, but after selecting to boot from usbdisk, it does not boot up. Do you know what should I do? (thinkpadT440S, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, encrypted.)03:41
zacwalls1And it wont recognize in file manager03:41
daftykinsmojtaba: still disagree but have to go now, sorry.03:41
mojtabadaftykins: disagree on what?03:42
mojtabadaftykins: please give me a hint03:42
daftykinsi already did and you ignored it and went off on boot-repair, i'm going to bed, goodnight.03:43
zacwalls1Wat about me?03:43
mojtabadaftykins: please03:43
mojtabadaftykins: I did not understand what you said.03:43
mojtabadaftykins: Please help03:44
Guest55077thx all03:44
daftykinsmojtaba: no, your computer use does not come above me living my life. go research it.03:44
bubbasauresdon't let the bed bugs bite03:45
mojtababubbasaures: please help03:45
zacwallsdaftykins: Do you have a suggestion?03:45
daftykinszacwalls: nope, not much of a desktop user i'm afraid03:46
zacwallsWell what can i do no gui?03:46
zacwallsTry to man mount the disk?03:47
zacwallsWitch didnt work btw03:47
zacwallswhen i try to sudo lshw -c disk03:54
zacwallsi get03:54
mojtabaHi, I need to fix the Grub (UEFI) and I have followed this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair, but after selecting to boot from usbdisk, it does not boot up. Do you know what should I do? (thinkpadT440S, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, encrypted.)03:55
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zacwallsDoes that mean there is a disk being recognized or what?03:55
mojtabaAny help is appreciated.03:55
Guest46578Anyone know if here is a easy way to install Android X86 4.4.2 in Linux mint 17.1?03:56
Guest46578This chat suck mostly get the help if you google your question03:57
NoobsFlyVFRWell, you shouldn't have been here if you know better, Guest46578. :) .03:58
mkanyicyGuest46578: you should be patient and ask your question again later, maybe someone knowledgeable might assist03:59
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:59
NoobsFlyVFRGuest46578, you can run Android 4.4.x x86 using VirtualBox/VMWare under Linux Mint.03:59
Guest46578Go fuck yourself icy04:00
cowmoomoooh well04:01
NoobsFlyVFRThat was intense.04:01
NoobsFlyVFRAnd uncalled for.04:01
kailasHi guys, how do I list all the programs that gnome-open uses to open applications. Example I want to know what does gnome open use to open pdfs???04:07
RedheadedCupcakeHi I am having problems getting winusb to work. I followed this guide:04:08
RedheadedCupcake http://askubuntu.com/questions/289559/how-can-i-create-a-windows-bootable-usb-stick-with-ubuntu04:08
RedheadedCupcakefor 14.04 and I am getting this error http://pastebin.com/6hq5be2J04:08
doyi'm trying to switch from full gnome to just a simple windowmanager (i3, although i'm not sure it matters)04:09
kailasHi guys I am sorry, but I suspect the user sponges is spamming, he just sent me a url that looks rather suspicious. Just saying...04:09
RedheadedCupcakeI got one too04:09
doyi have it mostly working, but i'm running into a couple issues with the keyring (which i still do need to use)04:09
doyautounlock on login no longer works, and even when i unlock it manually, networkmanager can't find my vpn secrets04:10
doywhere should i be looking to figure this out?04:10
RedheadedCupcakeHi I am having problems getting winusb to work. I followed this guide:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/289559/how-can-i-create-a-windows-bootable-usb-stick-with-ubuntu  for 14.04 and I am getting this error http://pastebin.com/6hq5be2J04:15
hameddetchi am using unetbootin to install ubuntu 14.10 from usb stick but i can't found this version in the program . last ver is 13.0404:16
hameddetchi mean ubuntu ver04:16
``PeeRhi, is this the right channel if I have some question about ubuntu server ?04:17
bubbasaures``PeeR, Support questions here or #ubuntu-server04:17
hameddetchdid any one install ubuntu from usb stick ?   is it importan to choose version from unetbootin program ?04:18
bubbasaureshameddetch, Don't use netbootin to down load the iso04:19
bubbasaureshameddetch, The actual issue is what we deal with.04:19
arun_ why does chesse doesn't work to do video recording? it gets not-responding...04:20
hameddetchso how can i install ubuntu to my pc by usb stick ?04:20
hameddetchi am downloadin iso with torrent04:21
hameddetchi am asking about install iso in usb stick04:21
bubbasaureshameddetch, more details on the pc, what is there now is a good start.04:21
bubbasaureshameddetch, handfuls of apps to load the usb.04:22
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hameddetchummm is unetbootin contain problems ? ok. i will search for anothers04:23
bubbasaureshameddetch, Did not say anything had problems.04:23
bubbasaureshameddetch, If you want help here you have to actually communicate. ;)04:24
hameddetchHi how are you . I hope you are fine04:26
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LinuxGoldtried to google for adobe flash 11.4 for ubuntu, I got mixed answer -- do such package exist for apt-get?04:27
Guest74129I in where?04:27
bubbasauresLinuxGold, 11.2.202 is the latest04:28
LinuxGoldI need 11.404:29
bubbasauresLinuxGold, Chrome has the pepperflash04:29
hameddetchi am trying to install ubuntu from 5 days ago . could some one help me . i am trying to install it with usb stick . i am using unetbootin programm but i can't find my version in programm .04:29
arun_ why does chesse doesn't work to do video recording? it gets not-responding...04:30
zacwalls So I have been trying to get my optical drive to work for a while and yesterday when i was updating i had a disk in the drive. And it recolonized it. and now it wont work. What happend?04:30
bubbasaureshameddetch, Path=diskimage-search-computer icon-home-user-downloads04:31
bubbasauresLinuxGold, There is no 11.4 in ubuntu and or linux either04:32
LinuxGoldok. thanks.04:32
hameddetchcould you tell me what do you mean about Path=diskimage-search-computer icon-home-user-downloads ?04:33
RNevilleI just had an update from Ubuntu and now Chrome and Chromium have vanished from my Ubuntu Installation04:33
QbuoAnybody here really experienced that can help me fix a problem with steam not launching?04:33
QbuoI dunno much about ubuntu as i am very new04:34
bubbasauresRNeville, a partial upgrade?04:34
RNevilleI'm not sure bubbasaures04:34
RNevilleI'm a newbie to Linux04:34
bubbasauresRNeville, How did you upgrade apt will show you packages held this is a partial the gui will warn you.04:35
QbuoI need experienced help, so i dont have to wipe my whole hard drive and start again04:35
RNevilleI didn't use apt-get at the command line04:35
bubbasauresRNeville, Software updater?04:36
LinuxGoldQbuo: state your problem and we might try and help.04:36
RNevilleI think so bubbasaures04:36
bubbasauresRNeville, No warning on a partial update/upgrade?04:36
QbuoI'm trying to launch steam. It suddenly cut off after i restarted my computer. When i type "steam" in terminal, it says sucess, even though when i clikc on the icon, it glows blue and then stops.04:37
RNevilleCan I use something like a "find" command to search for Chrome and Chromium - I had them installed before the update04:37
bubbasauresRNeville, What desktop are you using?04:37
RNevilleUnity, I think?04:38
RNevilleDo I need to reboot , after software update runs?04:38
bubbasauresRNeville, the windows key brings up the 'dash' search top of the left bar button as well.04:38
RNevilleI've already tried that bubbasaures , and I can't find Chrome or Chromium04:38
RNevilleMaybe, I'm confused; I have run Clonezilla, recently - maybe I'm booting off the wrong disk04:39
bubbasauresRNeville, An update would not remove these, if all was well before and no partial was run.04:39
RNevilleHowever, I think I'm running off the correct HD04:40
RNevilleAnyway, I'll check things out - sorry to bother everyone04:40
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RNevillebubbasaures: would a partial remove already installed software?04:41
bubbasauresRNeville, http://askubuntu.com/questions/87415/how-can-i-find-out-if-a-specific-program-is-installed04:41
QbuoLinuxGold, i already looked it up and dint find much more than the suggestion it could have something to do with graphics04:41
bubbasauresRNeville, A partial update could do anything, you don;t ever do it.04:41
RNevillebubbasaures: when you say "partial" is this an interupted update - of some sort, or I'm I missing something04:42
arun_ why does chesse doesn't work to do video recording? it gets not-responding...04:43
bubbasauresRNeville, Partial update means missing packages, is all, many developers and some times not everything is popped to the repos at the same time, rare but happens.04:43
LinuxGoldqbuo: try #ubuntu-steam and ask from there.04:44
RNevillethx bubbasaures04:44
bubbasauresyes you could say a stopped update is partial, however not a true partial update, good to ask though RNeville04:44
celexiwhat is the best way to move all files from a hard drive to another04:45
LinuxGoldQubo: can you go to that channel and ask if they know your problem?04:45
celexiso that i don't have to reinstall04:45
LinuxGoldin #ubuntu-steam04:45
bubbasaurescelexi, What files?04:45
celexiall files including system files04:45
RNevilleIs there a command to get info. about my boot HD?04:46
celexiext4 partition04:46
bubbasaurescelexi, Are you just trying to move the whole thing to a new HD to boot and use it?04:46
RNevillee.g., lspci ?04:46
celexiyeah bubbasaures04:46
bubbasaurescelexi, clone it04:46
celexiwith what ?04:46
celexidd i think needs both hard drives to be identical04:47
bubbasaurescelexi, I use clonezilla but you would need an external that will hold it to load to the new HD, it is just data at the clone point.04:47
bubbasauresor a network somewhere to store the clone04:47
celexinice, thanks!04:48
bubbasauresclonezilla needs equal or larger partitions is all04:48
ganeshpHi all, I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bits on my home desktop.  When I run system updater it shows system has no updates. But if I run sudo apt-get upgrade, it shows around 8 upgrades available related to compiz.  Kindly advise. thanks05:08
lotuspsychjeganeshp: its safe to sudo apt-get upgrade, not sure why the updater doesnt show05:09
lotuspsychjeganeshp: did you try a sudo apt-get update yet?05:09
ganeshp@lotuspsychje - thank you so much. I shall run those upgrades right away05:09
domovoiit doesnt show for me either randomly , i just do the apt-get-upgrade , i mean if the updates are there ? why not05:09
lotuspsychjeyou can check if the updater icon is on your startup items05:10
ganeshp@lotuspsychje - yes I did sudo apt-get update before running upgrade option05:10
ganeshpone other issue I found was while installing wine, it is asking me to remove package nvidia-libopencl1-304.  I have installed NVidia proprietary drivers.  is it safe to allow this?05:12
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ganeshp@lotuspsychje - I checked for the update icon. It does not show up.05:12
lotuspsychjeganeshp: you mean in startup items?05:13
domovoiHow can I diagnose what error is happening at boot , I updated nvidia drivers to 346 , and now it is working , but between the login screen and the desktop loading there is like a 10 second pause with a black screen , then it finally loads the desktop.   (everything was working on nvidia-343 , and i am using ubuntu gnome 14.10)05:14
lotuspsychjedomovoi: did you have same issues on 14.04?05:15
domovoiall i updated was the video drivers from 343 to 34605:15
domovoii was on 14.10 the whole time05:15
ganeshp@lotuspsychje -  I ran startup applications to check this.  It does not show updater line item05:15
lotuspsychjedomovoi: did you updated those mnually?05:15
domovoiwith xorg-edgers ppa , like i have done in the past05:16
lotuspsychjeganeshp: ah wait, you need to type a line to see full list first05:16
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lotuspsychjedomovoi: its recomended to use drivers that ubuntu chooses05:16
lotuspsychjeganeshp: type this in terminal: sudo sed -i "s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop05:17
domovoii understand that , but i wanted newer graphics drivers ?   I was just curious if you knew how i could diagnose that black screen time after the login myself ?   cat log ? something05:17
lotuspsychjedomovoi: xorg log, syslog, dmesg can show you usefull stuff05:18
lotuspsychjedomovoi: there is also a lightdm log somewhere to see time loading from login to desktop05:18
ganeshp@lotuspsychje - thank you. Now I could see around 18 items in start up.05:20
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lotuspsychjeganeshp: does updater showed active?05:20
ganeshp@lotuspsychje - it is there now.05:20
ganeshp@lotuspsychje - would you be able to help me  also with the wine issue?05:21
lotuspsychjeganeshp: if wines asks to remove it, it will probable be safe05:21
ganeshp@lotuspsychje - ok thanks05:22
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-libopencl1-30405:22
ubottunvidia-libopencl1-304 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): NVIDIA OpenCL Driver and ICD Loader library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 304.125-0ubuntu0.1 (utopic), package size 11 kB, installed size 64 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:22
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest42245
Guest42245alguien de mexico05:27
BlasterHow can I find the command that launches the calculator in Ubuntu 14.10?05:31
BlasterI want to make a keyboard shortcut to the Calculator application.05:31
BlasterNevermind I learned that it's gnome-calculator.05:32
lotuspsychje!mx | Guest4224505:33
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lotuspsychje!es | guestzon05:34
ubottuguestzon: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:34
dev_hkin have problem in installing ubuntu along side windows05:39
lotuspsychjedev_hk: make your life easy, and install ubuntu single05:40
bubbasauresdev_hk, The channel need some details if you can to help, windows version as a start helps.05:41
jamie_hey... I am trying to set up a :n+1 but for some odd reason  it wont init x server05:42
daviduHi, I can log in with my password via tty1, but I am not able to login via tty7. Do you know what should I do?05:43
daviduIt just flashes and asks again for the password05:44
daviduI have recently fixed my boot loader.05:44
daviduMay be that is the reason05:44
bubbasauresnot even close05:44
bubbasauresdavidu, man tty05:46
davidububbasaures: I cannot login via gui, but I can login via cmd05:47
jamie_not sure what to tell ya.. im have problems with my tty805:47
bubbasauresdavidu, sounds like a graphic driver issue as a guess, no idea I run intel, but a little cause and effect go a long way, and one issue at a time.05:48
bubbasauresdavidu, Just the gui login is what I mean.05:49
lotuspsychje!tty | davidu05:49
ubottudavidu: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution05:49
davidububbasaures: it just asks for password, again and again05:49
bubbasauresdavidu, no idea I run intel05:50
jamie_yea... i am also haveing a problem with one of my tty05:50
bubbasauresdavidu, One issue, your switching back and forth05:50
davidububbasaures: ?05:50
bubbasauresdavidu, You have a tty issue and a gui login05:51
davidububbasaures: I can login to my system when pressing alt+ctrl+f1 to 6, but I can not login with same password through alt+ctrl+f7!05:52
daviduAny help05:52
bubbasauresdavidu, Yeah I know anyway carry on.05:52
jamie_Yea I am having a problem with my tty8 aka :n+105:54
bubbasauresjamie_, we know, you know the drill, details and patience.05:54
jamie_i was on a irc client taht was having a problem and wasnt sure if it had gotten through... so i switched irc clients05:55
bubbasauresjamie_, might help, if you see the massage and it is not a channel message back we see it. ;)05:55
jamie_bubbasaures: there was nothing but people coming and going and me randomly coming and going for some odd reason05:56
bubbasauresjamie_, I have that off, so never see that, just noticing comments not needed, not in the support norm. You really never want to consider another's problem similar unless you have confirmed this fully, we see people do this all the time.05:58
jamie_bubbasaures: okay sorry about that05:58
jamie_got disconnected again sorry if you replied anything06:04
daviddI can login via tty1 to 6, but not 7. Do you know how can I fix it?06:12
daviddIt just blinks and asks for password06:12
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FinetundraIs there a way to install KDE without it spilling over to unity and without getting all the kubuntu packages?06:17
gsennashould i have nvidia-331 package installed if i currently dont have a nvidia graphics card installed?06:20
Finetundragsenna, I don't think it'll be an issue06:20
cryptodandavidd: go to tty8 via ctrl+alt+f806:21
gsennabut why would i need that package? i have an intel integrated gpu06:21
bubbasauresFinetundra, Not really that oi the dual desktop thang is all06:22
gsennai find out i have it installed after apt-get failed to update because dkms failed to build the module06:22
daviddcryptodan:What should I do after that?06:23
Finetundrabubbasaures, you still have managed to leave me confused06:24
bubbasauresFinetundra, desktops will show the other desktops installed packages.06:25
bubbasauresnot much you can do06:25
cryptodandavidd: you should be able to login there06:25
bubbasauresgsenna, How do you know nvidia is installed?06:26
daviddcryptodan: nothing is there. nothing happens when I press alt+ctrl+f806:26
bubbasauresthe apt-get would be nice to see06:27
cryptodandavidd: then what did you do?06:27
daviddI am still in tty106:27
Finetundrabubbasaures, oh, thats not what I'm worried about. I'm talking about stuff like window themes. an example would be the web browser Midori looks one way in unity but it looks different in KDE. If you have kubuntu-desktop installed the KDE look gets carried over to unity'06:27
daviddcryptodan:tried to move to tty8. But nothing happes06:27
bubbasauresFinetundra, Ah, thanks.06:28
cryptodandavidd: ctl+alt+f* would change your tty06:28
gsennabubbasaures, 'dpkg -s nvidia-331-updates'06:29
daviddcryptodan:ctl+alt+f* did not change it. it just work from 1 to 706:29
Finetundrabubbasaures, so what I want to know is if there is a way to install KDE without that happening06:29
cryptodanthats what it is supposed to do ctrl+alt+f2 will give you tty2, ctrl+alt+f3 will give you tty3, and so on06:29
daviddcryptodan:Yes, but it just works until f7. not f806:30
mucusso i picked up a new windows 8.1 with bing (yes, that's actually part of the name) tablet today for 50 bucks.  it has a 64bit cpu, 1gb ram, 16gb internal.  i am thinking of nuking win, installing 14.04.06:30
cryptodandavidd: thats by design06:30
bubbasauresgsenna, updates, not an install06:30
mucusseems like a thing to do?06:31
bubbasauresgsenna, you have all kinds of updates you do not use06:31
mucusis there a way to "backup" this tablet before i go and muck with things?06:31
daviddcryptodan: it is not working then06:31
Seven_Six_Twohas anyone here heard of xorg memory leaks? I'm using mint, but I'm not sure whether it's likely to be upstream or not, so I thought I'd ask. I'm using Rebecca (based on trusty) and an ATI radeon HD06:32
cryptodandavidd: you broke your installation06:32
gsennabubbasaures, but 'apt-get upgrade' called dkms and it tried to build a kernel module apparently which failed with a known bug for that package. If i had an nvidia card it would be just that, a bug. As i dont have an nvidia card my question is why would i need an nvidia module?06:33
ki7mt_ Finetundra What your asking for is virtually impossible to guarantee as there are potentiality 100's of packages to consider. If you what 100% isolation, use a VM, dual-booth or a separate native install.06:33
bubbasauresSeven_Six_Two, You know the mint support here does not exist right?06:33
Seven_Six_Twobubbasaures, yes. I'm not looking for support. I'm looking for confirmation of a possibly common issue.06:33
daviddcryptodan: I have fixed my grub recently. this is the result link after fixing it. Could you please check it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/977267206:33
ozzloyi'm writing a ssh-agent handling script for cygwin.  i would like it to behave exactly like ubuntu does.  how does ubuntu do this?06:34
bubbasauresgsenna, You have the call for it if you wanted it installed, it's in the repos.06:34
bubbasauresSeven_Six_Two, not valid no common issues06:34
bubbasaureshere anyway06:34
ozzloyubuntu will wait until a key is requested, get the user to enter the passphrase, then keep that key unlocked for the session06:34
ki7mt_ozzloy, ssh handling script, Ubuntu?  you need to be far more specific, hoever, look at the open ssh source packages for how the code implemented.06:35
Finetundraki7mt_, I guess you have a point. In which case the question would be am I able to completly remove the KDE packages if need be?06:35
cryptodandavidd: I do not know why you needed to fix grub, but you broke your install as ctrl+alt+f1-6 should give you 6 tty's and the 7th and 8th should give you your gui06:35
gsennabubbasaures, i've never installed the package myself. Is it possible that the intel Graphics installer need an nvidia package?06:35
Seven_Six_Twobubbasaures, sorry, I don't recognize your nick. can you please clarify whether you are speaking from personal experience, or are you here a lot, and haven't heard anything? Thanks.06:36
daviddcryptodan: Do you know how should I fix it then?06:36
ozzloyki7mt_, ssh agent, not ssh.  and i specified the behavior i'm looking for06:36
cryptodandavidd: maybe a reinstall06:36
ki7mt_Finetundra, again, the same applies. There's plenty of how-too's floating around, but they may also impact unity.06:36
daviddcryptodan:Oh no. :(06:37
ozzloyki7mt_, when a key is requested, the user is prompted for the passphrase and the key is unlocked for the session06:37
bubbasauresgsenna, You really should not be using that, but I doubt intel would do this, I think you are just a bit confused is all, your conclusions are just guesses. ;)06:37
ozzloyki7mt_, how does ubuntu set _that_ up.  not ssh, not openssh06:37
ozzloyi'm guessing it's a really well configured ssh agent06:37
ki7mt_ozzloy, sorry, but that's not a script that  is doing that interaction, my answer still stands, look at the source code for it's implementation.06:38
bubbasauresgsenna, A pastebin of your apt-get update would help the channel help you. We are not keen on but "just the facts" Joe Friday06:38
ozzloyki7mt_, the source code for what?06:38
mucuswhat're the thoughts of installing 64bit 14.04 on 1gb ram?06:39
ozzloyki7mt_, openssh?06:39
eatyourguitarwhat is the latest java package for ubuntu?06:39
Seven_Six_Twomucus, it could work, but may require some sacrifices.06:40
eatyourguitarthe developer version might be better for my needs06:40
mucusSeven_Six_Two: define sacrifices.06:40
ki7mt_ozzloy, without doing this for you, I would start with the openssh-client and work from there.06:40
ozzloyki7mt_, again, this is ssh-agent06:40
ozzloyki7mt_, if you don't know the answer, please don't pretend to know06:41
ozzloyit's frustrating06:41
Seven_Six_Twomucus, well, you might want to go with one of the lighter-weight ubuntus, or run lighter desktop/apps than stock ubuntu. you could install stock and modify so that it works well, or just use lubuntu or xubuntu06:41
ki7mt_ozzloy, If you would bother to look at the client, openssh-client, it is the authorizing "agent", but work it however you see fit.06:42
greg_has anyone successfully managed to make a usb startup disk for OSx? ive followed every how-to i can find, and cant get my macbook or imac to recognize the usb disk, or possibly even the usb ports, for that matter when i get into the boot menu.06:42
ozzloyki7mt_, do you know what ssh-agent is?06:42
ki7mt_Not Idea, never heard of it before. Good luck06:43
ozzloyki7mt_, it seems like you're under the impression that that's a term i made up.06:43
mucusSeven_Six_Two: mmm, could do ubu server and install xfce?06:43
Ben64ozzloy: openssh-client provides ssh-agent, and i don't see how what you want is related to ubuntu support at all06:43
ki7mt_I'm under no impression whatsoever.06:43
Seven_Six_Twomucus, with more memory, you could use firefox,amarok, and gimp at the same time. with 1gb you either don't multitask, or use abiword,audacious,and kpaint.06:43
Seven_Six_Twomucus, yes. You can install full desktop on server, but it would take more tweaking to get it running just like a desktop. The packages are all there.06:44
mucusalright so. . .06:44
mucuscall me nuts but. . .06:45
Ben64mucus: much easier to install the desktop version with  a lighter front end06:45
mucuspfff easy06:45
mucuswant light06:45
cryptodanwill give you xfce06:45
mucusubu server is lighter, yea?06:46
Ben64sure, but that doesn't matter if you're going to install a gui06:46
Seven_Six_Twomucus, server isn't lighter, it's set up for server use.06:46
daviddcryptodan:when I type startx via tty1, it says timeout locking .Xauthority06:47
Ben64don't use startx06:47
mucusokay. . .06:47
daviddBen64: Do you know how should I solve my problem? I can login via tty1 to 6, but not06:47
mucusso i'm a real dunce here and stuff. . .06:47
mucusbut what's the "core" ubuntu?06:48
Ben64davidd: i don't know the backstory06:48
daviddBen64: it just blink and ask for the password again and again06:48
Ben64mucus: not sure what you mean06:48
mucusfound it06:48
Ben64davidd: try logging in as guest06:48
ozzloyBen64, it's ubuntu related in that ubuntu has the behavior i want and other ssh setups, for example cygwin, do not06:48
Ben64mucus: probably not what you want06:48
Ben64ozzloy: but this channel is for ubuntu support06:49
mucusyeah. . . looking at this. . .06:49
daviddBen64: I can login via tty1 to 6, but not tty7. in tty7 it just blink and asks again for my password. Do you know what should I do?06:51
Ben64davidd: try logging in as guest06:51
ozzloyBen64, i'm looking to find out how ubuntu does this06:51
ozzloyso it seems like an appropriate place06:51
Ben64ozzloy: right, not on topic here06:51
ozzloyhow is that not on topic?  i'm asking how ubuntu does something.06:52
Ben64ozzloy: your problem is with cygwin, not with ubuntu, therefore not on topic in #ubuntu06:52
daviddBen64: I Don't have any other account06:52
Ben64davidd: there should be a guest account you could use, if not, you can create a new account to try by doing "sudo adduser blah" in one of the TTYs06:52
ozzloyki7mt_, i see that openssh-client provides ssh-agent, sorry about that.  thanks for pointing that out Ben6406:53
jamie_okay... sorry about earlier bubbasaures i figure out the problem with the connection06:55
daviddBen64:It loged in with the new user via tty7, but with my user it does not!06:56
gsennabubbasaures, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9773324/06:57
daviddBen64: Do you know what should I do then?06:58
Ben64davidd: ok, log in as your user in a console, and tell me the output of this.... "ls -l ~/.Xauthority"06:58
gsennabubbasaures, i915 is my driver but why nvidia-331-updates was also ACTIVE in that kernel if i dont have an nvidia card?06:58
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daviddBen64: 600 root:root06:59
Ben64davidd: theres your problem, you use sudo incorrectly and made your Xauthority owned by root07:00
Seven_Six_Twogsenna, it's laptop?  maybe it has both.07:00
gsennait is a desktop pc, and i build it myself07:00
EriC^^davidd: yup, you probably sudo startx, always use sudo service lightdm start07:00
gsennaim tellin you, i dont have an nvidia gpu07:01
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daviddBen64:is this the solution: chown user:user .Xauthority?07:01
Ben64davidd: yep07:01
daviddBen64: Should I chmod too?07:01
daviddBen64:I changed to my user. but still same problem. I can not login. :(07:02
Guest77464hello every body . i hope you are fine . i tried to install many many times but i fail . i finish installing and get a message that i need to restart my pc .  when i restart i find black window with small dash come and disappear07:03
EriC^^davidd: type ls -l ~/.Xauthority again07:04
Ben64davidd: how about "find ~/ -uid 0"07:04
Guest77464could any one help me about this black window .07:04
daviddEriC^^: it is -rw----------- user:user07:04
EriC^^davidd: ok, that's right07:05
daviddBen64:I am running find ~/ -uid 007:05
daviddBen64: some files in /home/user/.config/*07:06
Ben64solution: stop using sudo incorrectly07:06
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: this is an uefi machine?07:06
daviddBen64:I did not changed it. I fixed my grub, and after that this happened07:06
daviddBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9772672/07:07
Ben64dunno why you pasted that07:07
daviddBen64:I thought may be it would be a hint. :-P07:08
Ben64nope, the problem as i stated thrice, is incorrect sudo usage07:08
Ben64everything in your home folder should be owned by you07:08
daviddBen64: it is07:09
Ben64davidd> Ben64: some files in /home/user/.config/*07:09
lotuspsychje!uefi > Guest77464 try to disable fastboot + secureboot from bios07:10
ubottuGuest77464, please see my private message07:10
Guest77464ok. i will open bios and search for that07:11
daviddBen64:until now 5 files are found.07:12
lotuspsychje!ops | sponges query spam (see #ubuntu-ops)07:12
ubottusponges query spam (see #ubuntu-ops): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang07:12
lotuspsychjeelky: thank you07:13
nrdbI am trying to setup my cups to be access remotely.  if I use the url of "" I get a page but when I use a name "server.home:631" it says "Bad Request"  ... the IP of server.home is .... how do I fix this?07:14
SaltyHashesWell you're getting a response07:14
ozzloyit was me all along!  i was the one pretending to know things i didn't know.  sorry Ben64 and ki7mt_07:14
SaltyHashesThat's a good start07:14
daviddBen64: What is the next step?07:15
Ben64davidd: make all those files owned by you07:15
Ben64nrdb: unless you own the domain server.home .... i'd recommend against that, but you could put it into your hosts file for local resolution only07:15
Guest77464i found fast boot in my bios07:16
nrdbBen64, yes its my private dnsmasq setup07:16
Guest77464but i don't know what i must choose07:16
Ben64nrdb: i don't think you fully understand what i mean07:16
Guest77464i have minimal - thorough  - auto07:16
nrdbBen64, the 'dig' command returns the correct IP07:17
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: you want ubuntu only on your pc?07:17
Ben64nrdb: sounds like a bad setup07:18
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: try disable fastboot and secureboot ( switch to legacy)07:18
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: the ##hardware guys might be able to guide you howto disable properly for your mobo07:19
Guest77464ok in fast boot i will choose thorough . but i can't find secure boot07:19
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: see if you can find legacy/uefi boot07:20
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: and set to legacy boot only07:21
nrdbBen64, why?  Its been working for years07:21
Guest77464there is no legacy/uefi boot in my bios07:26
Guest77464how to manage this uefi07:27
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: if its an uefi machine, there should be07:30
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: check boot order/sequence07:30
Guest77464in boot sequence i fonud hd - usb - cd - diskette drive and some thing not orderd call onboard NIC07:32
Guest77464by the way i am working in 32bit07:39
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: check the ##hardware channel to disabled secureboot07:40
EriC^^Guest77464: try to boot with nomodeset07:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:40
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Guest77464Cannot send to channel: ##hardware  i found this message .07:43
lotuspsychjeGuest77464: wich brand of computer is this?07:45
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ganta_Hey guys, I'm having a login problem on Xubuntu. Can anyone help me out?08:19
cfhowlett!details | ganta_08:19
ubottuganta_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:19
ganta_no problem, give me a second guys. I was just checking to see if anyone was available first before I posted.08:21
cfhowlettganta_, don't do that.  just ask your questions08:21
ganta_Like a day ago, I installed metasploit and everything was working fine. Today, Firefox crashed on me and I ended up having to raise the elephants to reboot the pc. When I tried logging back in, I was stuck at an infinite login loop on the GUI. I could, however, login to TTY. I followed a guide I found online and managed to get it to boot (there was an error with my profiles file). So  after I restored the files to my home directory and08:25
ganta_and now I get stuck at the desktop wallpaper. I have control of the mouse pointer but nothing else loads. no bars, no icons, nothing.08:25
daviddBen64:Do you know how long it takes time? it is still searching, and I have changed all the ownership until now, but still I can not login!08:25
daviddBen64: something to note is that, my ubuntu is encrypted.08:26
ganta_Also, it may be worth it to note that if I log in to TTY, it also hangs after a successful login at the message about where I can find the full Xubuntu documentation. I can press Ctrl+C to break this and use it like normal, but if I don't and let it sit there for about a minute, it will kick me back out and I have to login again.08:30
raoany one help me ??08:31
daviddBen64: Are you there?08:31
cfhowlett!ask | rao08:31
ubotturao: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:31
raoi want to  install metaexploit in ubuntu server is it possible ??08:32
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daviddBen64:I changed everything except .gvfs, but still I can not log in. Do you know what should I do?08:33
raoand also arimtage08:33
Seven_Six_Tworao yes, but much easier to use backtrack.08:33
daviddBen64:I changed everything except .gvfs, but still I can not log in. Do you know what should I do?08:34
raoi kwn that but i want this stuff in ubuntu08:34
cfhowlettrao, http://www.darkoperator.com/installing-metasploit-in-ubunt/08:34
raoor armitage ??08:34
ganta_Here are the guides that I was following on how to fix the problem http://bit.ly/15dxGRZ http://bit.ly/1ugaPuQ08:35
cfhowlettrao, read the link08:36
raothx cfhowlett08:36
cfhowlettrao, happy2help!08:36
raocfhowlett em using unbuntu server i want to stop website in windows client . it is possible ??08:38
cfhowlettrao, ubuntu server = ubuntu08:38
raoubuntu server 12.0408:39
cfhowlettrao, learn the command line or install a gui08:39
raoany video tutorial ??08:39
cfhowlettrao, almost certainly.  you can find it08:40
raogive me link ??08:40
ganta_@cfhowlet the link you just gave is the exact one I followed and got me into this situation lol. I just followed that guide to install metasploit and everything ran fine until today.08:40
cfhowlettganta_, well that's not good ... :(   Someone suggested using Kali08:41
raoi hate  kali linux08:42
ganta_yea, but I really need help with this. Now I have to try and backup all my files from the command line since I can't login. I don't really feel like having to fresh install xubuntu. It's alread 2:43 AM08:43
Ben64well metasploit isn't in ubuntu, so if you need it, you gotta do something08:43
daviddBen64:I changed everything except .gvfs, but still I can not log in. Do you know what should I do?08:44
Ben64why except08:44
daviddBen64: I was thinking to change the home directory of the guest account to my current, and delete the current account and rename guest to the current account.08:45
daviddBen64:it says you do not have permission08:45
daviddBen64:my ubuntu is encrypted, does that make difference?08:45
Ben64davidd: perhaps08:45
daviddBen64:Does my idea about changing user's home work?08:46
daviddBen64:because I can login with the new user account08:46
Ben64davidd: sounds silly08:46
daviddBen64:there is no way :(08:46
Ben64you could rename .config to .config_bak to see if that allows you to login, and/or rename other stuff08:47
daviddok, let me do that.08:47
ganta_is davidd having the same problem as me?08:47
Ben64ganta_: ls -l ~/.Xauthority08:48
daviddBen64:still no08:49
daviddBen64:Do you have any suggestion?08:49
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ganta_@Ben64: -rw------- 1 ghost ghost 245 Jan 18 02:20 /home/ghost/.Xauthority08:50
Ben64ganta_: then nope, not same problem08:50
EriC^^ganta_: what's your problem?08:50
ganta_it war root root at first but I followed a guide online and changed it about an hour ago when I couldn't log on08:51
Ben64ganta_: stop using sudo improperly!08:51
daviddganta_:I fixed my grub and this happend. what did you do?08:52
daviddBen64:Do you have any other suggestion?08:52
Ben64davidd: don't use sudo unless necessary, don't use sudo for graphical applications, use gksu for graphical applications, really pay attention to what you do with sudo08:53
ganta_What did I do wrng there Ben64? @Eric^^ My computer crashed and when I rebooted, I was stuck in an infinite login loop. I followed these guides http://bit.ly/15dxGRZ http://bit.ly/1ugaPuQ http://bit.ly/1B4dm09 and now I get stuck at my wallpaper08:55
Ben64oh so you can log in08:55
ganta_the last link is the one that said I should change Xauthority to my username08:55
EriC^^ganta_: did you try using a different account?08:55
ganta_One second lemme try the Guest account again08:56
daviddBen64:EriC^^: do you have any suggestion?08:56
EriC^^davidd: what's your problem? are you able to login ?08:56
ganta_@Ben64 yes now I can login after following those guides but at first I was stuck in an infinite login loop08:57
ganta_@Eric yes the guest account boots just fine08:57
daviddEriC^^:I changed the ownership of everything in home to my username08:57
EriC^^davidd: sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | nc termbin.com 999908:57
daviddEriC^^:But I am not still able to log in08:57
EriC^^davidd: paste the link to that log08:57
EriC^^ganta_: ok, it's probably config files that's causing the problem08:59
EriC^^ganta_: you'll have to hunt them down to see which one it is, open a tty1, login, then try to mv ~/.config ~/.config.old08:59
EriC^^ganta_: then try logging in again08:59
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ganta_@Eric^^ I just issued that command and I'm still stuck at wallpaper with the mouse cursor09:02
daviddEriC^^: http://termbin.com/59z809:03
EriC^^ganta_: ok, login to the tty again, and try mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf.old09:03
EriC^^davidd: ok09:03
Guest29571i downloaded android-studio and android-sdk09:07
Guest29571but i can not run it09:07
ganta_@Eric^^: Nope, same thing. Still stuck at the wallpaper with full control of the mouse pointer09:08
Guest29571how can i install android-studio offline ?09:11
Ben64Guest29571: where did you get it from? only official ubuntu packages are supported here09:12
Guest29571from google09:13
daviddEriC^^: Ben64: Please help me too! :)09:13
Guest29571<Ben64> dowloaded from google09:14
alok_use PPA09:14
Ben64Guest29571: yep, only official packages are supported here, google has instructions how to install09:14
alok_I hv a remote ubuntu box running 14.04. Sometimes it hangs and restarts. Where can i find what has happened?09:16
ganta_@Eric^^: Anymore suggestions?09:16
instigatorHello. Is there a program available on ubuntu that allows you create a system image while you logged into your account?09:25
daviddEriC^^: did u have time to see that link?09:25
instigatorsimilar to windows backup09:25
EriC^^davidd: yes, i'm reading it09:25
jamie_hey I need some help, I have  been trying to set up a x server running on tty8 but i get to the point of $ startx -display :n+1 -- :n+1 vtN+1 & and then it returns X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting09:32
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zacwallsSo i try to boot up kali live and it go to ubuntu. What do i do? Just an advisory i have a pentium M processor so i can force pae if needed09:50
andybrinegood morning10:07
andybrineDoes anyone know how to move the home directory to another folder? I have reinstalled ubuntu and want it to point to my old home folder where all my files are10:08
cfhowlett!home | andybrine10:09
ubottuandybrine: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving10:09
andybrinethanks :)10:10
cfhowlettandybrine, happy2help!\10:10
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detlywasn't there once an #ubuntu-mentors channel for packaging related questions? or did I imagine it?10:16
progicianhi all. for a little more than a week now I have this problem10:22
progicianI can suspend and resume on my laptop10:22
progiciansince an update10:22
asmaanaprogician: this could help :)10:23
progicianthere's a bunch of crash report I get, which I always send10:23
progicianasmaana: very helpful10:23
asmaanai'm glad :D10:24
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang10:24
ikoniaBen64: what's up ?10:24
Ben64that link10:24
Ben64no good10:24
asmaanawhat link?10:24
ikoniathanks ben10:24
Sonderbladebecause if of a huge bug in chrome, i want to add --disable-hang-monitor as an argument to it's launcher10:26
Sonderbladei know i can do it manually, by editing /usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop but is there a gui tool to do it?10:26
SeveasSonderblade: a gui text editor :-)10:30
progicianI really need some help with that because I can't close the lid of my laptop since last thrusday or so without crashing linux10:34
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fedorafanprogician whenever did you check your logs hmm10:47
fedorafanI mean some more informations about the crashes will help tou get ideas of maybe not me but in the channel and wherever10:50
progicianfedorafan: the crash report says it's the apportcheckresume, and the description is: [Dell Inc. XPS 9530] suspend/resume failure [non-free: pax nvidia]10:52
progicianI looked at some logs, but couldn't get much further10:52
fedorafandont know that10:53
progicianfedorafan: what do I don't now?10:53
progicianfedorafan: I don't even know which logs shall I really look at this case10:54
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fedorafanbut it seems to be known issue10:55
fedorafan /var/log propably you need to install another nvidia driver but sorry I cant better help you progician10:59
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progicianfedorafan: yeah, I also have some trouble with the nvidia driver too, so I try to reinstall that one too11:00
fedorafanI mean apportcheresume about that, but I really dont know what problems are summarized there https://www.google.de/?gws_rd=ssl#q=apportcheckresume+error11:02
fedorafangood luck11:02
fedorafancross the fingers11:02
minimecprogician: Hi. Could you once start your laptop while pressing and holding the left <shift> key? In the menu you get, choose "Advanced options for Ubuntu" and choose an older kernel, like "3.13.0-43-generic" in case of an 14.04 installation. That 'pax' thing you get is a kernel thing.11:03
progicianminimec: I have a 14.10... so do you think I should give a try without the latest kernel update?11:06
minimecprogician: Just try to use an older kernel from the liist you get. Suspend was working before, and stopped working... Maybe it stopped working because of a new kernel update...11:07
TengokuNoIsanGood bacon to all!11:11
aeyesiHave someone tried to reskin anythin to the xp theme like ?11:13
HerbertWesthello guys! I need to improve my programming skills, so I wondering if you know some good project where I can contribute11:14
aeyesi(and i dont mean just a bit re-skin, without cursor, or fonts, i mean like transformation pack)11:14
OerHeksaeyesi, sure, enough to find on the internet11:15
* OerHeks just wonders who wants that blasfemy11:15
aeyesiOerHeks ik, theres like million of sources...11:16
aeyesibut pack it into one ... mmm...11:16
OerHeksaeyesi, like this ? http://www.noobslab.com/2014/01/windows-xp-theme-is-available-for.html11:16
aeyesiYup that is one of many, yet it uses Linux Mint, the icons does not match XP icons (more like XP or vista mix)11:18
OerHeksIt can be used on ubuntu and so on11:18
aeyesiI mean leak full re-skin with same fonts / cursors11:18
cfhowlett!contribute | HerbertWest,11:18
ubottuHerbertWest,: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu11:18
aeyesimaybie even boot screen :D11:19
HerbertWestall right! thks11:19
OerHeksaeyesi, if it was exactly the same, lawyers of microsoft will sue them :-D11:19
aeyesiI though that11:19
aeyesiBut If I would like to pack it by myself ?11:19
aeyesiI am not sure what window manager to use.... appears like best combination os LXDE, compiz with emerald11:20
OerHeksaeyesi, go ahead, have fun, we cannot help you break the law.11:20
BluesKajHiyas all11:20
TingelTangelTomundecim: Hello dude11:20
aeyesimeh they should be honored! That they someday made decent OS :D11:21
aeyesinot the shit compilations like these days hah11:21
cfhowlettaeyesi, language ...11:22
aeyesiah right sorry11:23
TingelTangelTom@undecim Hey11:40
TingelTangelTom@undecim can we Talk in the Private Dialog?11:41
* TengokuNoIsan reskins his arms to look like Millenium11:43
artisanIndiawhats the subsitue for mspaint on ubuntu ?11:48
cfhowlettartisanIndia, mypaint11:48
artisanIndiak ty11:48
cfhowlettartisanIndia, happy2help11:48
artisanIndiathats vodafone slogan in India11:49
OerHeks!find paint11:51
ubottuFound: gchempaint, gnome-paint, gpaint, kolourpaint4, mtpaint, mypaint, mypaint-data, mypaint-data-extras, navit-graphics-qt-qpainter, rgbpaint (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=paint&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all11:51
DalekSecSome people like pinta too.11:51
artisanIndiaI just wanted to draw one line on a image11:52
OerHeksPinta is awesome indeed, old school linux program11:52
jonascjHi all. I am on ubuntu 12.10, how can I get glibc 2.17?12:00
cfhowlettjonascj, 12.10 is dead and no longer supported.  upgrade12:01
OerHeks14.04 will have glibc 2.19 http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=glibc12:02
xchatterWhat could be the reason that in the terminal window the keyboard mapping is correct but in the KDE login window y and z are reversed. I am using a non American keyboard layout. The on the other hand when I lock the screen and enter my password then I have the correct key mapping. Only the KDE login window is messed up. Any idea?12:03
redrumgrub ubuntu 14.04 a shit12:03
jonascjcfhowlett: I know that - still my problem is getting a piece of software requiring glibc 2.17 running on 12.10. Upgrading is not an option right now.12:03
xchatterI am using Kubuntu 14.1012:03
jonascjSo I came here for a hint - not demanding support :)12:03
OerHeksjonascj, there is no 2.17 in the repos, so stick with 2.15 or upgrade and you will have 2.1912:05
zacwallswhat is the command to connect to someones system via ssh?12:05
jonascjOerHeks: it is just a library, isn't it? Could I obtain it somehow else?12:06
OerHeksjonascj, glibc was available for Raring (13.04) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/amd64/libc6/2.17-0ubuntu4 but that version is unsupported too.12:07
OerHeksjonascj, you might want to build it yourself, but dependencies can break your goal12:07
jonascjOerHeks: alright, thanks12:10
cmdgyhi, We made a mirror for ubuntu, but how could we registe our server to ubuntu's official mirror list?12:25
OerHekscmdgy, all info is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors12:28
cmdgyOerHeks: Oh i've tried this several days ago, but recieved no feed back. I thought that's out of use12:35
zacwallsI am trying to connect to a windows pc via ssh and It just says: connection timed out. I have tried putty. It cant load the gui. I haven't used xserver-xephyr yet. Do i need to edit my /etc/ssh/ssh_config?12:41
OerHekscmdgy, is your mirror not accepted and placed in the list?12:42
Guest65987hi can anyone please help with samsung s 2 upgrade from 2.3.4 to the latest i losing my mind becuase no website i went to and all the links for update file for PDA doesnt work.... ufffggg12:42
OerHeksGuest65987, this is ubuntu support, find an Android channel12:43
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zacwallsSo anything on ssh? I have googled it.12:45
cmdgyOerHeks: I have no idea, just got no feed back at all.12:46
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freeroutehi, how can I find out when a package was last updated?12:50
GBGamesI am trying to look at how my NVidia settings are configured, but I can't find xorg.conf. Is there somewhere else the video settings are located now?12:51
k1lfreeroute: see the changelog, its linked on packages.ubuntu.com12:51
freeroutek1l: oh sorry I meant locally on my system.12:51
k1lGBGames: xorg.conf is not used anymore. see the nvidia-settings gui12:52
k1lfreeroute: you can look at the apt logs in /var/log/apt12:52
GBGamesk1l: I'm there, but it's not clear to me how to configure metamodes correctly so that fullscreen games don't take up both monitors at once.12:52
GBGamesSo I thought I would need to modify the configuration manually, and I can't find it.12:53
cmdgyOerHeks: I found my mirror page on launchpad.net, it menthond that This mirror of Ubuntu will not be verified because its status is 'Pending review'.12:55
freeroutek1l: not sure if I'm doing this correctly but is this command a valid one? grep -ri '*chromium*' /var/log/aptitude*12:56
freeroute(I'm using aptitude as my package manager wrapper)12:56
OerHekscmdgy, nothing we can do about it but wait i guess12:57
k1lfreeroute: i dont know about how and what logs aptitude produces. but i think there is only apt.log and history.log in that folder12:57
cmdgyGot, thanks12:57
freeroutek1l: I manually had to go through the zipped aptitude.1.gz aptitude.2.gz etc. with the 'less' command and found the package name (chromium), however when I grep it like that it doesn't find anything. I think can't really into grep.12:58
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huzhilllordeinglfdfes, hi13:07
llutzfreeroute: grep -ri 'chromium'    path/   , no wildcards13:07
lordeinglfdfeshow can i restore default settings in ubuntu terminal???13:07
nfrsmy SSD suddenly started malfunctioning, and I can't get to the X any longer. I still can get to the command prompt under my user. however, it fails to mount my home directory. it's using ecryptfs. I tried mounting it manually, but I keep getting errors (unwrapping passphrase and inserting <...> failed). my user's password doesn't work as LOGIN passphrase, and I have already tried all my other usual passwords. question: how did it use to mount my home direct13:10
nfrsory automatically until now? is the passphrase stored somewhere?13:10
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freeroutellutz: not even in the path like this? grep -ri 'chromium' /var/log/aptitude*13:11
freerouteAFAIK grep should search for multiple files like that13:12
llutzfreeroute: path with wildcards, not the grep search-pattern13:12
freeroutehmm strange, it still doesn't work13:13
patwotrikThe sound has started acting weird. The system sounds work, but not in a web browser and in Spotify. And when I use Youtube the video runs very fast. (without sound)13:13
llutzfreeroute: tried zgrep (for the .1.gz files)?13:13
freerouteoh it doesn't search for the .gz files by default? I might try that.13:13
freerouteyeah that worked, thanks llutz :)13:14
llutzfreeroute: grep cannot handle gz-files, use zgrep for those13:14
freeroutewill definitely do, ty :)13:14
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kumonitAnyone with prior hacking experience?13:25
Eagle_k1nGHello kumonit13:25
dobrishinovwhat ?13:25
A124Most people do not know what ahcking really means.13:26
kumonitYea ryt... Can u share your experience?13:26
A124I know some woodworkers that did hack some nice wood things.13:26
wafflejock!warez | kumonit13:26
ubottukumonit: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:26
bazhangkumonit, wrong network and channel13:27
Eagle_k1nGOh!! Most of the people think hacking is illegal !! lol13:27
kumonitEagle_k1nG I've pingged u on private chat..13:27
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patwotrikSorry for repeating myself. The sound has started acting weird. The system sounds work, but not in a web browser and in Spotify. And when I use Youtube the video runs very fast. (without sound)  I'm running Ubuntu 14.0413:35
jattpatwotrik: are you using pulseaudio?13:37
patwotrikjatt, I have installed Ubuntu and I have not enabled or disabled pulse13:38
patwotrikjatt, So I guess it's a yes13:38
k1lso you got all codecs?13:38
jattpatwotrik: can you try to disable and see if everything works fine without pulseaudio?13:38
k1l!codecs | patwotrik13:38
ubottupatwotrik: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:38
k1ldont mess with pulseaudio. first see if the codecs are right13:39
jattnot messing, disable it completely13:39
patwotrikjatt, I saw a page that recommended running pulseaudio -k which did not work, but it did after reboot. After another reboot it stopped working again.13:39
patwotrikjatt, Sorry for noob question, but how do i disable it completely?13:40
jattpatwotrik: create a /etc/init/pulseaudio.override file with the following contents:13:41
jattI mean the file should contain only one line containing manual13:41
jattthen reboot the machine13:41
k1lpatwotrik: did you take a look into the soundsettings if something is muted there?13:41
patwotrikah, ok13:41
patwotriki'll try that13:41
patwotrikif it doesn't work i'll be back13:41
jiomeloveHow to disable top panel in ubuntu 14.04 ?13:42
patwotrikkll, yes i did, but that would not explain the problem with fastforwarding on youtube13:42
coolalgum brasileiro ?13:42
cfhowlett!pt | CookieM13:42
ubottuCookieM: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:42
coolpreciso de ajuda meu linux está sendo invadido13:42
jattpatwotrik: also take a look at http://www.beastwithin.org/blogs/wolfheadofselfrepair/2013/07/pulseaudio-insidious-linux-malware13:42
BluesKajcool, ^13:43
jiomelovehello patwotrik13:43
jiomeloveHow to disable top panel in ubuntu 14.04 ?13:43
k1l!fud | jatt patwotrik13:43
ubottujatt patwotrik: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt13:43
k1ljiomelove: which desktop? you cant do that on unity13:43
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jiomelovei like unity desktop ,but i don't like top panel ,how to disable or hide top panel ?13:44
sl1rpyokay i upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10 with a clean install and now my graphics stutters in one of my games.  is there a way to revert back to the graphic packages from 14.04?13:45
k1ljiomelove: like i said: you cant do that on unity. you need to use another desktop for that.13:46
cfhowlettsl1rpy, reinstall 14.0413:46
andybrineAfternoon everyone13:46
andybrineJust setting up Ubuntu 14.10 and love it. Its really quick13:47
jiomelove<k1l>Oh~ thank u13:47
sl1rpycfhowlett, so there is no way to do that?13:47
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cfhowlettsl1rpy, packages are configured for specific releases.  to drop your graphics, you'll need the matching release.  sorry..13:47
andybrineI just installed the intel graphics drivers, is there anyway to check the drivers13:48
andybrinetest them, like using glxgears?13:48
cfhowlettandybrine, or download and play one of the blender free movies13:49
andybrinedownload and install blender and play a movie in there?13:49
cfhowlettandybrine, no just the movie.  big buck bunny or tears of steel put a nice test on your graphics.  so does Sita Sings The Blues13:50
andybrineOk excellent. Thanks13:51
andybrineIs there a good way to test your graphics in terminal cfhowlett?13:52
cfhowlettandybrine, glxgears13:53
andybrineOk, excellent. I will have to install it13:53
* A124 likes Nexuiz13:54
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instigatorHello. I cloned my hard drive using the dd command, to an img file, which I saved on my external hard drive. How would I restore this backup on a new pc?14:06
A124Clonezilla is better, but you would do the same, just of will be the new drive14:07
Fuchsinstigator: with dd as well, just use it as the input file (if=/path/to/image) and set the drive as the output file. Be careful and try to not overwrite the wrong disk / partition14:08
GBGames I found that I can select not just the monitors but also the X screen in nvidia-settings, but I can't seem to figure out how to add a MetaMode that basically says "Only use the first monitor for fullscreen games". Do I need to save an xorg.conf file and modify it manually, or is it possible to do so within nvidia-settings?14:10
kernixhey all14:10
Nimda1482Excuse me how can I save channels in irc?14:12
GBGamesNimda1482: Are you using XChat?14:12
Nimda1482No andchat on android14:12
GBGamesMaybe under server settings?14:14
lotuspsychjeNimda1482: there's a small #andchat, maybe you get lucky there14:15
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instigatorFuchs: I see. Would I need to install the ubuntu OS again, then use that command to restore the backup from the img file?14:16
Nimda1482No there is not any thing related in settings14:16
Nimda1482Thank you both I will check it.14:16
leafybasilI thought it would be possible to use apt-get to pull down source for a package so I could edit, compile, deb and install, is this accurate?14:16
Fuchsinstigator: not knowing what all was in that image: probably not, if there was a whole operating system there, you could just use dd from any live system to do that14:16
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loftygreetings, fellow ubuntu users. could someone tell me where those themes with "minimize, maximize and close" buttons are on the right side? i remember there were some themes where those sign were on the right side14:17
instigatorFuchs: so I would boot into live version of ubuntu then enter that command there?14:17
Fuchsinstigator: quite probably, yes14:17
instigatorFuchs: oh ok. Thanks14:17
loftyhow to install themes with "minimize, maximize and close" on the right side?14:20
kostkonlofty, not possible anymore in 14.04 and 14.1014:21
loftyoh, well... ok14:21
cowmoomoolofty : kubuntu :P14:22
jattlofty: of course it's possible, install xubuntu or kubuntu14:23
loftykubuntu have different commands than ubuntu, i can't manage14:23
clichatNimda1482.. I found it..14:26
torporhi - i have a situation with ubuntu 14.10 and vmware fusion .. the linux vm will not boot in 'normal' mode, but in 'recovery' mode i can get a functional system if i then 'resume' from the memory… has anyone else encountered the same problem, and if so .. maybe you have some clues for me?  I have a feeling its related to acpi or something, but the differences between recovery mode and normal mode are not something i can easily glean 14:27
torpors/from the memory/from the menu/14:28
chris_wotlofty try gnome-tweak-tool14:29
EriC^^torpor: recovery mode uses nomodeset14:30
chris_wottorpor does it give any errors?14:31
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EriC^^torpor: try to boot using nomodeset to see if that's what's booting it14:32
torpori see no erros.14:32
torporbut i'll try nomodeset.14:32
torporthat doesn't seem to work14:33
torporthe last message i get is init: ureadahead-touch main process (320) terminated with status 114:33
torpori added verbose nosplash as well14:34
EriC^^torpor: do you have extra filesystems in your fstab?14:35
torporEriC^^: no its a stock ubuntu 14.10 install, fresh14:35
torporhaven't done any tweaks to it yet14:35
EriC^^torpor: do you have any separate partitions?14:35
torporjust one fat image14:36
torporits a vmware machine14:36
torporjust one disk image14:36
clichatTorpor.. are you booting a live system, or an "installed" vm?14:37
EriC^^torpor: so you don't have a separate /boot or .. ?14:37
torporclichat: its a VM i created myself in vmware fusion, using ubuntu 14.10 install dvd14:38
torpormy linux boot line is like this:14:39
torporlinux /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-29-gneric root=<UID> ro nommdmonddf nomdmonisw quiet splash nomodset14:39
torpor<UID> is the disk uid, didn't type it out.14:39
sliddjurhello,. im looking for a ubuntu alternative. it needs to be really lightweight, and good looking. im supposed to run it at my TV, to watch plex/kodi on weak hardware. (celeron 1037u). i was running ubuntu, but its too sluggish. i ran Arnoldthebats builds for chromium OS, which was perfect, expect there is no Kodi and plex is really buggy14:40
Peneed help on this please.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B34cGiKeV_siM0Q4WnpGazNkR012RGdDWGRfdUZCT0ZScDZR/view?usp=sharing14:41
torporso, no joy14:41
torpormaybe i should go back to ubuntu 12.1014:42
Mathiswhat is /tmp good for if you already have /run being a tmpfs ?14:43
torpormathis: all the apps that expect it to be there.14:43
Mathistorpor: I got only the desktop and Firefox running in Ubuntu, do they expect /tmp ?14:44
torporlsof /tmp14:44
Mathisseems the desktop does not14:44
leafybasilCan anyone explain to me how I can configure DWM/Dmenu under ubuntu?  On Arch I'd configure and recompile, on Ubuntu this leaves me with a series of problems14:46
torporMathis: sudo lsof +D  /tmp14:46
Mathisah, okay...14:47
MathisXorg and gnome-sess14:47
Mathissince I am running a tmpfs on /tmp, its okay14:47
Mathisa tmpfs is a dynamic thing, it is not being reserved in memory when running, right?14:49
hhhhhhhhhi is there a way to install packages that arent 5 years out of date14:52
hubschraubaersliddjur: what about xubuntu then? it runs well even on ancient pentium m notebooks. and xfce4 provides a decent and clean look and feel.14:52
hhhhhhhhi'd quite like to use a version of protobuf-c i mean libprotobuf-c0-dev that isnt absolutely ancient14:52
aeyesiUm... someone any idea how to fix, or reset completly cursor in lubuntu/lxd14:56
aeyesi? <,< it got stretched  skipping every 2 lines, (bugged) somehow14:56
BluesKajhhhhhhhh, yes there is... install an OS that isn't 5 yrs out of date14:57
hhhhhhhhBluesKaj: doesn't ubuntu use the date for its versioning scheme14:58
hhhhhhhhlike 14.04 should have repos with software that is 8 months out of day14:58
aeyesii got 14.04 xD14:58
sliddjurhubschraubaer: perhaps. but is there a linux version with a more like "media player" launcher instead of a lightweight desktop launcher?15:02
fortheloveofjesuHello, can I somehow run glibc 2.17 on 12.04 inside chroot or other kind of trickery that wont render my system useless without doing dist-upgrade?15:02
UNIm95Hi 2 all. I have small problem: in my Firefox 35 pdf-viewer don't works.15:04
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UNIm95How can i enable it15:05
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aeyesisomeone knows how to reset mouse <,<15:08
aeyesiin lxde?15:09
leafybasilNew problem, I compiled dwm and now it would seem some kind of font color has been set to black across the board, I don't know why/how, can anyone tell me how to reset this?15:11
hhhhhhhhhow do you disable services from starting at boot15:14
hhhhhhhhand is it safe to disable upstart bridges if im not going to use them15:14
r88zsliddjur: have you looked at mythbuntu? it's lightweight and has a media center interface15:15
pi433how i can remove repository that i added by add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ?15:19
DJones!ppapurge | pi43315:20
ubottupi433: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:20
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fortheloveofjesu!glibc | fortheloveofjesu15:22
jarnosI did fresh install of 14.04.1 with encrypted home, and now swap is not working. Nothing about it in release notes.15:23
jhutchinsjarnos: How is swap not working?15:24
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jarnosjhutchins, free shows  Swap: 0 0 015:25
fortheloveofjesuswapon ?15:25
firebird1how to know the difference between 2 directory contents15:25
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fortheloveofjesudiff -r dir/ dir2/15:26
jhutchinsjarnos: Yes, try swapon -a, then look at your fstab and see if it's defined properly; use fdisk -l to make sure the partition is recognized.15:27
cat-hathow learn ubuntu?15:27
firebird1man is best friend15:29
fortheloveofjesustan@jewbuntu:~$ dog No command 'dog' found, did you mean:15:31
cat-hatwhat need for learning ubuntu?15:31
UNIm95cat-hat: Time, PC, backups15:32
jurjurI need a CD key to install linux please!!15:32
coihuecat-hat you need to be curious, try messing around (if you dont have any important files on your PC)15:32
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coihuejurjur No, you dont need a cd key... in any case,just a password15:33
jarnosfortheloveofjesu, swapon -s just shows column titles.15:33
coihuejurjur, where do you got that linux?15:34
jarnosjhutchins, let's see15:34
DJonescoihue: I suspect jurjur was a troll who asked the question and quit15:34
BluesKajyup, gotta expect trolls on the weekend15:35
jarnosjhutchins, there are two related bug reports Bug #953875 and Bug #95387515:36
ubottubug 953875 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Encrypted swap no longer mounted at bootup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95387515:36
coihueoh, like cat-hat15:36
jarnosjhutchins, oh the second one is Bug #131005815:36
ubottubug 1310058 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs-setup-swap hints after reboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131005815:36
nowfeelIs there anyone who knows how to enable opengl15:41
nowfeel$ lspci | grep VGA15:42
nowfeel01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK106 [GeForce GTX 660] (rev a1)15:42
nowfeel$ ./crawl15:42
nowfeelFailed to create window: No OpenGL support in video driver15:42
nowfeelBut i installed nvidia driver.15:42
sliddjurr88z: thanks. but i wouldnt exactly call that eye candy. its the fugliest shit seen 201415:43
fedorafanhmm arent there just offical driver support open gl nowfeel15:43
r88zyou could always change the theme15:44
jarnos_jhutchins, I have two swap related lines in /etc/fstab:15:44
jarnos_jhutchins,  /dev/mapper/mythbuntu--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       015:44
fedorafanhttp://www.nvidia.de/download/driverResults.aspx/81351/de nowfeel yeah15:45
fedorafanshould work so15:45
jarnos_jhutchins, /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 015:45
fortheloveofjesuif you're paranoid enough to encrypt your swap may as well run from ramdisk IMHO15:46
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jarnos_I wish this swap bug was taken seriously and noted in release notes.15:50
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orionHi. I have a box with two network cards on it (+1 built in to the motherboard). The mobo NIC and one of the PCI NICs are plugged in, and the green indicator lights are on.15:53
orionHowever, when I do `lshw -class network' I only get one card back.15:54
orionI am on Ubuntu Server 14.04.15:54
orionDoes anyone know what could be going wrong here?15:54
hubschraubaersliddjur: kodi IS the media player like shell, so why not just have it start up on login?15:56
skypcehello all16:02
skypcedo you know #sublime-text channel?16:02
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pip__if I want to create a symlink from folders in my /home to a data partition would the correct syntax be ln -s /stuff/in/home /folder/on/data/partition?16:03
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cat-hatлет ми спик фром май харт: есть кто русский?))))16:05
cfhowlett!ru | cat-hat16:05
ubottucat-hat: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:05
daviddEriC^^: Hi, did u find anything?16:06
daviddEriC^^: http://termbin.com/59z816:06
cat-hatwhere i can find channel for php dev?16:10
SchrodingersScat!alis | cat-hat16:10
ubottucat-hat: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:10
SchrodingersScatcat-hat: and looks like there is a #phpdev16:11
SchrodingersScatcat-hat: got that with /msg alis list *php*dev*16:12
fortheloveofjesuCan I somehow run glibc 2.17 on 12.04LTS inside chroot or other kind of trickery that wont render my system useless without doing dist-upgrade?16:12
SchrodingersScatmister_seis: received16:14
cfhowlett!test | mister_seis16:14
ubottumister_seis: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )16:14
cat-hathow fast learn emacs?16:17
cfhowlettcat-hat, get a book, build some projects16:17
ndcan i backup my ubuntu apps so i dont have to download them even if i delete?16:17
cat-hatwhat is book?16:17
cfhowlettnd?  unless you have cleaned them out, your .debs are in your archives16:18
cfhowlettcat-hat, search amazon16:18
ndcfhowlett i should copy and paste all debs ?16:18
blank_hi guys can you please help me how proper way to install and use usb modeswitch?16:19
cfhowlettnd, that would give you your apps16:19
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ndcfhowlett which folder contain the debs so i can copy them?16:20
blank_hi guys can you please help me how proper way to install and use usb modeswitch?16:21
cfhowlettnd, /var/cache/apt/archives16:23
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ndcfhowlett thanx16:24
cfhowlettnd happy2help!16:24
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nowfeelI tried to run sample OpenGL code, i compiled the sources from https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_CreateWindow16:30
nowfeel$ ./out16:30
nowfeelCould not create window: No OpenGL support in video driver16:30
nowfeelbut it fails.16:30
nowfeelMy graphic card is GeForce 660, and graphic card is the latest.16:31
nowfeelIs there anyone who knows the solution ?16:31
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BluesKaj_nowfeel:  which driver is installed?  lspci -knn | egrep -A 3 'VGA|3D'16:37
ddaviddHi, I have a superuser and a normal user, Do you know how can I exchange this two user with each other? (like exchange their home directory and all their privileges)16:41
Churchdepends on how you define being superuser16:42
ddaviddChurch: The one with ultimate priviledges.16:43
Churchroot ? that usually shouldn't be used directly16:43
ddaviddChurch: yes16:43
ddaviddChurch: I want to remove the other user later, so it would be the only user16:44
Churchimho it's better to get used to work under normal user and in rare ocasions one needs root priviledges - use sudo/gtksu and alikes16:45
ddaviddI add that user to the sudo group with sudo adduser user sudo16:45
ddaviddChurch: But when I use sudo, it say it is not in the sudoer file16:45
Churchwhich users belong to which groups is determined by: 1) user's primary group, one of entries in /etc/passwd 2) additional groups user belongs to, which is set in /etc/group16:46
Churchi guess you use some default ubuntu security model16:46
orbisvicisI just upgraded ubuntu to kernel 3.16 + grub, however I can no longer boot, after bios inits there is no grub menu, just blinking cursor16:46
orbisvicisI reinstalled grub via chroot (Fedora), but no difference16:47
orbisvicisI'm at a loss, I can no longer boot16:47
ddaviddChurch: My problem is I can not login with my first user via tty7 (but I can via tty1 to 6) I created another user and I can login with that through tty7. So now I want to exchange them with each other in a proper way16:47
firebird1whats difference between /usr/bin and bin both are identical16:48
Churchddavidd: then switch to whatever priviledged user you can (so that you can edit /etc/group), and add needed user to admin group there16:48
Churchif you know that user's password, then you should be able to 'su' to them in console or terminal app16:48
Churchopen some terminal, type 'su thatusername'16:49
ddaviddChurch: Yes, I know all passwords.16:49
firebird1$ diff --brief -r  /usr/bin /bin/16:49
firebird1 i dont see any difference16:49
Churchyou can check your current user id with command 'id'16:49
gonyereon a friends ubuntu 14.04 system when you login to the user nothing comes up - just a blank bqckgorund screen, but if you login as guest everything works...16:50
Churchwhen you changed to that other user, that has sudo permissions, then type nano /etc/group and edit group admin with adding your user to it (if there are other users, then you can separate them with comma)16:50
Churchfirebird1: check ls -ld /usr/bin /bin if those aren't symlinks pointing to same dir16:51
ddaviddChurch: The user with more privileges revealed this with id: uid=1000(mojtaba) gid=1000(mojtaba) groups=1000(mojtaba),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)16:51
=== Maddy is now known as Guest16053
Churchddavidd: then when you changed to this user, type while being him 'sudo nano /etc/group'16:52
ddaviddChurch: but the new one just has uid=1001(test) gid=1001(test) groups=1001(test)16:52
Churchand then add this test user to groups which also mojtaba belongs to16:53
Churchddavidd: just remember, that for those group changes to take place you need to relogin16:54
momomoIf I have two disks with 3TB each. How can I partition one disk to the root and a folder, say momomo to the other disk but both / ... when I am partitioning now, I can't really say what disk should have what gigabyte.16:54
ddaviddChurch: So where ever I have mojtaba, I should add test?16:54
Churchddavidd: or at very least to admin group, so you can use sudo from test user16:54
momomo* but both under /16:55
ddaviddChurch: Is this the only thing that I should use?16:55
ddaviddChurch: What about the /etc/passwd? Should I edit that too?16:56
Churchddavidd: in passwd probably only primary user group is set, 'test' and 'mojtaba' for these users. not much need. most probably those are autocreated groups only those users belong to16:57
Churchmomomo: try to rephrase. a bit hard to understand what you want16:57
Churchmomomo: i somewhat guess that you want to add one 3tb diskspace to / filesystem, and another one mounted on /momomo as separate filesystem?16:58
Churchmomomo: you are doing initial install or trying to extend existing filesystems? have you used lvm?16:59
momomoChurch, no. I haven't used lvm .. I am trying to setup the partion on a server .. it has two disks .. i can specify what / should have, for isntance 2TB. But the other disk I would like to use for another ... but I am not sure I can specify what disk can get what. Currently the disk specification are DRIVE1: /dev/sda, DRIVE2: /dev/sdb17:03
locamsbhow come linux has bad mouse support? my mouse cursor jumps and sputters around and jumps from screen to screen17:03
ddaviddChurch: Stil same output for id (for test user)17:04
HamRadioAnybody know when Unity 7.2.4 will hit the repos?17:04
Churchddavidd: have you relogin after /etc/group edit?17:04
Churchmomomo: in general i would advise learning lvm, as it provides great flexibility and other features for disk space allocation, especially if it's for server.17:04
ddaviddI logged out from test user, and then re-logged in17:05
ddaviddChurch: Should I restart?17:05
momomoChurch, I was able to get a copy of the configuration file, one moment:17:05
Churchddavidd: what does 'grep admin /etc/group' says?17:05
Bananoquestion... I did some updates, got an error msg, rebooted and now my resolution is stuck to 640x480 and mouse stopped working17:06
Bananoany ideas on how to fix this? :)17:06
ddaviddChurch: admin:x:1003:17:07
Evil_Ericopenvpn is throwing a segfault i need help fixing it17:08
momomoChurch, here is the first:17:08
Churchddavidd: wierd. and if you change admin to adm in that grep command?17:08
ddaviddChurch: I have another user like admin.17:09
ddaviddI mean its name is admin17:09
ddaviddChurch: adm:x:4:syslog,mojtaba,test,zzz,admin17:10
Churchhmm, then maybe sudo looks on to adm group instead of admin17:10
Churchddavidd: su mojtaba    and then: sudo cat /etc/sudoers      from that output see which group is allowed to use sudo17:11
Churchmomomo: is it running server you wish to extend or it's initial install you can redo however you wish?17:12
jhutchinsChurch: The newgrp - command can be used to apply newly joined groups to a current session.17:12
momomoan initial install. yes, i can do it several times.17:13
ddaviddChurch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777449/17:14
momomoChurch, perhaps I need to PART /dev/sda/ ext3 3T ... and then mount /dev/sda/ to root somehow17:14
momomobut I can't see any options for mounting what17:14
Churchmomomo: then if it's for server usage, be it me, i'd put those two disks in software raid mirror for redundancy and use LVM on top of it for diskspace allocation :)17:14
hhhhhhhhhow do i see why my services are failing to start17:15
hhhhhhhhinitctl is helpfully only telling me that they did not start17:15
Churchmomomo: but if you don't need redundancy that much but need all the diskspace, then simplest would be: / on sda, and new extra filesystem /momomo on sdb17:16
momomobut I can't see any options for mounting what17:16
momomosorry, typo17:16
Seveashhhhhhhh: check the log for the specific service17:16
Churchmomomo: i beleave you first have to create partition/filesistem, before you can mount it17:16
jhutchinshhhhhhhh: What services?17:16
mmm1234Heeelp. Why Passwd can't change password, even after "mount.." ?17:17
Bananofixed my problem17:17
Churchmomomo: shouldn't installer provide disk partitioning / filesystem creation options?17:17
Seveasmmm1234: pastebin the commands you used and its output17:17
momomoChurch, i have two disks, one on /dev/sdaa and one on dev/sdab ... how can I say / on sda ... right now I can only say / ext3 2GB17:17
momomonot the disk17:17
Churchmomomo: but where / actually is now?17:17
ddaviddChurch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777449/17:17
lasdamhow do I change resolv.conf? it says I shouldn't edit it manually17:17
Churchmomomo: or you simply booted from some live cd or usb?17:18
bubbasauresmmm1234, YOU have to chroot in or get to a command line with it running to do a password change.17:18
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momomoI think it will just install fresh one .. like you have a cd17:18
Churchmomomo: then add test user also to 'sudo' group in /etc/group .. and relogin17:18
Seveaslasdam: set nameservers in the networkmanager applet or make your dhcp server give you the right ones.17:18
lasdamSeveas: so resolv.conf is overwritten because I use the networkmanager applet?17:19
hhhhhhhhjhutchins: trying to make a teamspeak initscrip17:19
jhutchinslasdam: resolv.conf is overwritten because the system is using dhcp.17:19
hhhhhhhhSeveas: it isn't making one17:19
jhutchinshhhhhhhh: Try starting the daemon directly.  Look in /usr/share/doc/teamspeak* for README files.17:20
utsavHey guys my fan makes a lot of noise.I am using ubuntu 14.04.Any solutions?17:20
hhhhhhhhjhutchins: i can start it directly and i can start it when i don't use chroot17:20
werMODStyleJust so this17:20
Seveaslasdam: sort of17:20
werMODStyleFuck her right in the pussy17:20
hhhhhhhhbut when i try to put it in a chroot it fails and gives me 0 indication wh17:20
adriano_cortou e aparou17:20
jhutchinshhhhhhhh: Many daemons install with the startup script use a config file in /etc/sysconfig to enable them.17:21
mmm1234See: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777486/17:21
werMODStyleYo i have a problem17:21
hhhhhhhhalso i didn't install it from repos because it isn't in the repos17:21
werMODStyleI dont know the SU password for Backbox17:21
ddaviddChurch: Did you see this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777449/17:21
jhutchinshhhhhhhh: No idea what your chroot environment is, but it's probably missing some required componentes in the chroot tree.17:21
werMODStyleHey can someone help me?17:21
SeveaswerMODStyle: no.17:21
lasdamSeveas: and how do I configure my dhcp server then? I checked webmin, and it says it couldn't find "dhcpd". all I want is to change my dns settings globally17:21
momomoChurch, the options for an lvm row .. either ext3, reiserfs or xfs .. swap I alreayd know .. but when should I choose ext3 for an lvm and reiserfs or xfs?17:21
werMODStyleWhen I type su in the terminal idk the password17:21
Seveashhhhhhhh: then I'm afraid it's not supported here, ask the teamspeak developers.17:22
momomoSee here: http://postimg.org/image/yy6g2kwgl/17:22
werMODStyleWhat should I do17:22
QbuoHi, anybody here up for helping some newbies like me?17:22
jhutchinslasdam: 1) webmin very bad.  2) you're running a dhcp client, not a server.17:22
Seveasmmm1234: and what made you think this is somehow mount related?17:22
hhhhhhhhSeveas: i'm not specifically asking why ts isnt working17:22
hhhhhhhhi'm asking why upstart doesn't give me a single bit of information on why it can't start it :)17:23
lasdamjhutchins: 1. why. 2. aha. what's the name of the client software?17:23
Seveashhhhhhhh: becaue it logs all that17:23
utsavJhutchins:I need some help!Please , Give me some resource which can help me fix it!17:23
hhhhhhhhSeveas: it isn't17:23
QbuoIm trying to run steam on 14.04, but it gives me the following two warnings: “You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run: libc.so.6” The common fixes don't work, and You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:17:23
hhhhhhhhi get "initctl: Job failed to start" and no /var/log/upstart/ts3.log17:23
mmm1234mount is the only related 'hint' I see from searching the latest post on net. Better ides? Or how can I find what is the reason behind the error?17:23
Qbuowhats the best way i can install the two missing files17:24
Churchmomomo: for lvm: disk itself: sda1 /boot 500M ext3, sda2 all the rest in one volume group. upon that volume group 2G lvswap for swap and 10G lvroot for /. all the rest lvm configuration can be easily done later on online without reboots17:24
jhutchinslasdam: Webmin will eventually break your system, and you may not be able to recover using the standard command line tools.17:24
ddaviddChurch: I cat /etc/sudoer17:24
Seveasmmm1234: pastebin the output of mount and let's see :)17:24
ubottudigitalmit_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:25
hhhhhhhhi'm actually having trouble getting anything to work in a chroot at all17:25
lasdamjhutchins: why will it? is it not compatible with Ubuntu?17:25
jhutchinslasdam: You configure static DNS in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf - see man dhclient.conf for details.17:25
hhhhhhhhroot@mayhem:/opt/ts# ls bin/17:25
hhhhhhhhroot@mayhem:/opt/ts# chroot .17:25
hhhhhhhhchroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory17:25
momomoChurch, ook. I will try to set up a config .. I will send you a proposal to look at to see if I should change something. Thanks for your help!17:25
diddledanhhhhhhhh: you're probably missing dependant shared libraries17:26
jhutchinslasdam: It does not use standard configuration files to store configuration, is badly written, and has a strong tendency to crash and ruin your system.17:26
cuddylierAnyone know what the process at the top of this 'iotop' output is? http://prntscr.com/5u1e8v17:26
Seveashhhhhhhh: 'running things in a chroot' and 'using chroot on dir' are two different things...17:26
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:26
ddaviddChurch: are you there?17:26
Seveascuddylier: a normal kernel thread17:26
Churchmomomo: such as lvextend -L +#G /dev/thatvolumegroup/lvroot /etc/and resize2fs /dev/thatvolumegroup/lvroot to grow this filesystem, or pvcreate /dev/sdb ; vgextend yourvolumegroup /dev/sdb ; lvcreate -n otherlogicalvolumename -L # G yourvolumegroup /dev/sdb ; mkfs.ext3 -m 0 /dev/yourvolumegroup/otherlogicalvolumename17:27
cuddylierSeveas: Do you know why it may be showing as using 37% I/O then?17:27
cuddylierOr is that just a consequence of something else using I/O?17:27
Seveascuddylier: it's the ext4 journaling thread, it'll do a lot of i/o if something else is17:27
cuddylierOnly other thing I can see is rsync there17:27
Seveasthat tends to do a lot of i/o :)17:28
mmm1234"mount" gives no error, run on sudo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777567/17:28
Churchddavidd: i already told you. your test user should be able to use sudo once you added test user in /etc/group file for admin and sudo groups.17:28
Seveasmmm1234: that's not the command I asked you to run17:28
lasdamjhutchins: I don't immediately spot results that confirms your claim even when I google "webmin bad". can you source me up?17:29
Seveaslasdam: try webmin horrible or webmin terrible. 'bad' doesn't even begin to describe it accurately :)17:29
lasdamSeveas: still nothing17:30
mmm1234Seveas: Please explain, which command needs to be run. By pastebin you mean this "paste.ubuntu.com"?17:31
zergutgod day17:31
zergutgood day17:31
Seveasmmm1234: just the command 'mount'.17:31
zerguthow to update DNS-cache in ubuntu?17:31
zergutor erase17:32
Churchmomomo: i also suggest to not allocate all the diskspace since beginning. as if you use lvm, you can always do that later on online without reboots, but reducing filesystem requires offline work. so better to add space on need to basis later17:32
Seveaszergut: pkill -HUP dnsmasq17:33
mmm1234"mount" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777626/17:33
lasdamSeveas and jhutchins: "webmin crash" yields a few results, but they're all about webmin itself crashing, not the system, and I'm pretty sure you can google any popular software + "crash" and get such results of the software crashing17:34
Seveasmmm1234: that says / is read-write already. Did you much about with the pam config perhaps?17:34
zergutSeveas: thank you17:35
mmm1234Seveas: I have not changed any config17:35
Qbuohelp, what have i don17:36
Qbuoqbuo@qbuo-MS-7866:~$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs17:37
QbuoReading package lists... Done17:37
QbuoBuilding dependency tree17:37
QbuoReading state information... Done17:37
QbuoPackage ia32-libs is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:37
zergutSeveas: pkill: killing pid 1191 failed17:38
Seveaszergut: might need a sudo17:38
zergutoh, thanks17:39
ddaviddChurch: I restart the computer and now it is working. Could you please tell me how should I change the home directories? Should I consider anything else before that?17:39
QbuoI need help, i cant access the ubuntu software center because i accidentally removed "dpkg: libc-bin: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you requested:17:39
Qbuo cups depends on libc-bin (>= 2.13).17:39
Qbuowhat do i do to get it back to normal!17:40
Seveasmmm1234: check /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/syslog for hints then. That error is a generic error from pam saying 'something failed'17:40
horrowhello everybody I would like to ask is there a way to run photoshop CS6 in xubuntu 14.04 x32 without any errors? I mean i cant use my brush tools17:40
SeveasQbuo: if you've *really* deleted libc-bin, you system may be utterly hosed. In a termina, try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:40
Qbuoi dunno what i did exactly man17:40
Seveashorrow: wine is your best shot. If it fails: use windows.17:40
SeveasQbuo: try that command I gave you. Its output should be an indication of how hosed everything is.17:41
Churchddavidd: home directories for users are set within /etc/passwd file. but you shouldn't just change it for test user to point to /home/mojave .. as apart from directory where contents are, permissions also matter17:41
Qbuoi ran this command "sudo apt-get install libc-bin:i386"17:41
horrowSeveas i used to use windows but when I tested my entire hardware for bugs i found that the windows cause the problem so i really dont want to use it17:41
QbuoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:17:42
Qbuo cups : Depends: libc-bin (>= 2.13)17:42
QbuoE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).17:42
SeveasQbuo: is that when doing apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?17:42
Seveasmight not be too hosed then. Do as it suggests: sudo apt-get -f install17:42
Churchddavidd: i'd rather suggest to coppy what's needed from old home to new one, and change permissions recursively for copied stuff to new user. and only when you see that there is nothing needed in old place, delete it17:42
Qbuoit also says this "ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.17:43
QbuoYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:17:43
Qbuopkg: warning: 'ldconfig' not found in PATH or not executable17:44
Qbuodpkg: error: 1 expected program not found in PATH or not executable17:44
QbuoNote: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin17:44
QbuoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)17:44
mmm1234Seveas: does not look like error?:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777704/17:44
Qbuo0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.17:44
QbuoNeed to get 0 B/1,169 kB of archives.17:44
QbuoAfter this operation, 3,528 kB of additional disk space will be used.17:44
QbuoDo you want to continue? [Y/n] y17:44
QbuoCan't exec "locale": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Encoding.pm line 16.17:44
QbuoUse of uninitialized value $Debconf::Encoding::charmap in scalar chomp at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Encoding.pm line 17.17:44
gonyereso i just reinstalled 14.04 and when i go to login as any user (except guest) the login screen just flashes17:45
SeveasQbuo: don't f*ing paste in here17:45
Seveasuse a pastebin17:45
EriC^^Qbuo: use paste.ubuntu.com17:45
ddaviddChurch: Thanks17:45
gonyerei've tried resetting permissions for the /home17:45
EriC^^gonyere: you mean it comes back to the login screen?17:46
Layd_23hi you come please wswswsbukolayscsosm Sign in please17:46
gonyerealso tried moving the .Xauthority17:46
SeveasQbuo: ok, that error is somewhat expected. Try dpkg --configure -a17:46
EriC^^Layd_23: sure, let me qwytbiyrinewyrcw first17:46
Qbuoit says it requires superuser priveleges or something17:47
SeveasEriC^^: don't forget to xmbnxmxxvcmbxcn17:47
Qbuowhat do i do there17:47
SeveasQbuo: sudo dpkg --configure -a17:47
EriC^^Seveas: ;)17:47
EriC^^Layd_23: nothing, im jk17:48
=== martijn is now known as Guest92151
Qbuoreturned this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777724/17:48
SeveasQbuo: intriguing. output of dpkg -l libc-bin please17:48
SeveasQbuo: ok, somehting is making very little sense here. sudo apt-get install libc-bin17:50
theadminQbuo: echo $PATH, please17:51
SeveasQbuo: hmm. Double hmm. Looks like we need to prod some guts. output of ls /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin* please17:52
=== Layd_23 is now known as www`bukolay`com
SeveasQbuo: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.19-0ubuntu6.5_amd64.deb17:53
mcgreteHello:  I am seeking to resolve an apparent grub issue.  I have 3 HDD, one of which is removable (sdc).  Originally, I used 12.04LTS primarily (installed on sdb) with sda having Windows OS, and sdc having Ubuntu14.04LTS.  Grub had no problem booting to any and each of them.  Desired to move 14.04LTS HDD to sda, Windows HDD to sdb and 12.04LTS to sdc.  14.04LTS and Windows load fine; 12.04LTS does not.  Grub mods failed; works if retu17:53
theadminWait a minute, Qbuo. Are you using sudo to run apt-get, or are you logged in as root?17:54
Qbuoidk what either of those are17:54
theadminQbuo: If you use sudo, then try "sudo -i" and then echo $PATH again, I think your /etc/environment may be messed up17:54
theadminOr some similar file17:54
Seveastheadmin: no it's not. He wiped libc-bin, which needs itself to be installed to install properly17:54
bubbasauresmcgrete, Do you have any mirrored installs now, the exact same?17:54
SeveasQbuo: time for some open heart surgery17:55
theadminSeveas: Oh...17:55
SeveasQbuo: sudo dpkg-deb -x /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.19-0ubuntu6.5_amd64.deb /17:55
pippocara dalla17:55
SeveasQbuo: then sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.19-0ubuntu6.5_amd64.deb17:55
mcgreteMirror?  I used Clonezilla to make backup images...17:55
Qbuowait a sec, im running this as root17:55
=== gyre007_ is now known as gyre007
bubbasauresmcgrete, Just a simple question, did you clone to another and still have the original as part of the mix17:56
* www`bukolay`com hi17:56
etronikHi all, how do I install gwibber onto ubuntu 11.10 ?  I've added the PPA from https://launchpad.net/~gwibber-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa but when I apt-get update that ppa shows errors, TIA for your help17:56
mcgretebubbasaures: no17:56
Seveasetronik: 11.10 is long out of support.17:56
theadminetronik: 11.10 is not supported17:56
bubbasauresmcgrete, Cool this a msdos setup, no uefi or gpt?17:56
mcgretei noticed, TT is gpt while others are msdos17:56
theadminetronik: You can't use APT on unsupported Ubuntu versions. Please upgrade.17:56
Qbuothis is a little farther back17:57
bubbasauresmcgrete, TT is ?17:57
etronik11.10 ? 14.10 I meant probably.. sorry17:57
SeveasQbuo: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.19-0ubuntu6.5_amd64.deb17:57
k1letronik: "lsb_release -d" will tell you the exact version number17:57
Seveas!info gwibber utopic17:57
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.0bzr13.04.05-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 45 kB17:57
bubbasauresmcgrete, THe whole HD would be gpt/17:57
theadminetronik: Output of "lsb_release -sc" please17:57
Seveasetronik: gwibber is now called friends-app and doesn't require a PPA17:58
etronikok, I'm sorry, I'm on Description:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS17:58
mcgretebubbasaures:  correct; I keep a different drive for each OS17:58
theadminGood yes17:58
theadmin!info gwibber 14.0417:58
ubottu'14.04' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed17:58
kostkon!info friends-app17:58
theadminOh come on.17:58
ubottufriends-app (source: friends-app): Aggregator for all your social network accounts. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.0+14.10.20140506.1-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 70 kB, installed size 394 kB17:58
etronikSeveas, I don't like friends.. can't I get plain gwibber ? 3.0.* I guess ?17:58
kostkonetronik, sudo apt-get install friends-app17:58
=== www`bukolay`com is now known as `www`bukolay`com
etronikfriends keeps crashing periodically17:59
bubbasauresmcgrete, in the better help than me here, lets see whats is up there, pastebin sudo parted -l17:59
SeveasQbuo: woo \o/ that installed. Try sudo apt-get -f install now to see if there's anything left to clean up.17:59
bubbasauresin the end*17:59
k1letronik: "sudo apt-get install gwibber"17:59
Seveask1l: that'll just get you friends-app :-)17:59
k1letronik: that will actually install friends-app17:59
Qbuolooks done except for that last one not upgraded18:00
SeveasQbuo: all done. The not upgraded is just a sudo apt-get upgrade away.18:00
mcgretebubbasaures:  how to paste properly here in thread?18:00
Qbuoso that should fix my problem with the software center?18:01
bubbasaures!pastebin | mcgrete18:01
ubottumcgrete: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:01
SeveasQbuo: by the way, I've never seen this failure mode before. Thanks for popping in and showing it :)18:01
mcgrete!pastebin | mcgrete18:01
SeveasQbuo: yes, all should be happy again.18:01
ubottumcgrete, please see my private message18:01
Qbuowell uhh18:01
Qbuodo i need to restart for it to work?18:01
bubbasauresmcgrete, Use the link from the bot.18:01
etronikso besides friends (since it seems I can't get gwibber) what other twitter client is most popular ?18:02
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QbuoWell i just went out of the frying pan18:02
Seveasetronik: I use znc inside irssi so twitter becomes just another irc channel :-)18:02
Qbuonow to deal with the fire18:02
Qbuowhat should i run to test that btw?18:03
Qbuomake sure its fixed18:03
theadminQbuo: Well you could "sudo apt-get install" something18:03
Seveastry the software center, that's what you had problems with you said18:04
Qbuoill install like minesweeper or something18:04
theadminFuns funs18:04
SeveasQbuo: install supertuxracer :-)18:04
RedheadedCupcakecan someone help me with winusb?18:04
Qbuowhich one?18:05
Qbuosupertuxcart, supertux, or supertux 2?18:05
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, not in support but what is the issue?18:05
mcgretebubbasaures:  tired pasting... http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777833/18:05
SeveasQbuo: supertuxkart18:05
Qbuoseems to be installing just fine, if a little slowly18:06
mcgretepastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777833/18:06
Qbuoit cant be that big a file can it?18:06
bubbasauresmcgrete, You are msdos everywhere, So what happens now when you boot with grub if you see it etc?18:07
QbuoMy whole problem was caused by trying another users answer to another problem18:07
Qbuoi feel like this has been my whole experience on ubuntu18:07
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, This the actual winusb from MS or the forked to linux version?18:08
SeveasQbuo: don't run random commands people on the internet give you without understanding what they do :)18:08
Qbuoyea, good point18:08
Qbuothis place is by far the most helpful of anything on th internet18:09
hr9999Hello everyone. I am having a couple problems. I use Xubuntu 14.10. Sometimes, when I try to suspend, the computer simply behaves as if I had locked the screen; upon logging back in (sometimes after forcefully rebooting as it doesn't always work from the command line and the gui buttons become useless) I am greeted by <http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777838/>. The problem with this is that it is not reproducible besides using my18:09
hr9999computer for sufficiently long and suspending it enough times.18:09
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures I don't know. In the about section of WinUSB it's version 1.0.11 but I am on an Ubuntu laptop18:09
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, the forked winusb is not in the repos for any supported ubuntu is all, so need to know your path to this.18:10
hr9999Secondly, all my TTYs are unusable; they report errors concerning forcewake (which was supposedly fixed awhile ago) and sdc: <http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777837/>18:10
QbuoSeveas: any chance you know how to fix missing libcurl files?18:10
mcgretebubbasaures:  I get a grub screen, showing various lines, each an option to boot according to how grub is setup.  Works fine.  If I physcially add 14.04LTS drive in sdc, and I boot from that drive instead of (not sure, sda/sdb), then works fine.  Issue is when I swap drive locations physically so that 14.04LTS is not the removable drive, I can boot from 14.04LTS drive OK, even boot Windows from grub menu when booting from 14.04LTS dr18:10
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures can you tell me how I'd find that out?18:11
SeveasQbuo: depends on what's missing. What's the error you get?18:12
Qbuoill send you a pastebin in a sec18:12
mcgretebubbasaures:  I can't boot to 12.04LTS from 14.04LTS drive, even after verifying grub has proper UUID and hd#,#18:12
bubbasauresmcgrete, I can't follow that, again the added sdc is an external right?18:13
bubbasauresmcgrete, sdc is all ntfs is that a wubi install?18:13
QbuoWhen trying to install steam, i first get the warning message "“You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run: libc.so.6” i ignored it and clicked ok, then during launch it says "You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:libGL.so.1" I clicked ok again and whadda ya know, steam gives me a fatal err18:14
mcgretebubbasaures:  I have a bay added to the box, uses SATA connection and power from motherboard, not a USB drive or through a card.  The swapable disk is then noticed as sdc by system.18:14
Qbuocouldnt send pastebin18:14
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, I'm asking you what you have done to get to this point, only you know tha is all. ;)18:14
=== nikolandj is now known as Federer
SeveasQbuo: sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libgl1:i38618:15
roolmexHi ! I can't have access to the content of my DVDs (data, not movie)18:15
bubbasaures!bootinfo | mcgrete this would be nice to see in a pastebin18:15
ubottumcgrete this would be nice to see in a pastebin: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.18:15
SeveasQbuo: where you went wrong the first time was trying to install the 32bit version of libc-bin. In general it's ok to install 32 bit versions of libraries, but installing 32-bit applications needs to be done with great care.18:15
RedheadedCupcakeThe long story is I'm trying to use an .iso to make a bootable windows 7 64 bit recovery USB.18:15
mcgretebubbasaures:  oops.  I have an external HDD drive connected now at the moment, and it is being picked up as sdc; sorry.  Ignore that!  I typically don't have that drive connected.  There is nothing in the swapable bay now...18:16
Qbuoso should i remove steam?18:16
Qbuoand re-install?18:16
SeveasQbuo: no, steam can stay. I meant 'from the repos'18:16
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures: I followed this guide to get it http://askubuntu.com/questions/289559/how-can-i-create-a-windows-bootable-usb-stick-with-ubuntu18:16
Qbuobut steam will run now?18:16
=== Federer is now known as nikolandj
SeveasQbuo: try it. It may complain about a few more things18:16
Qbuoaccording to the info i gave you at least18:16
mcgretebubbasaures:  14.04LTS is partitioned, each being ext2 format.  Drive is 2TB, hence if I recall the gpt18:17
phunyguyyikes ext218:17
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, easier way, usb with a ntfs and a boot flag, extract the iso to it, mount the iso with, disc image mounter with a right click.18:17
mcgretebubbasaures: I can't show details, as drive is in box but disconnected so that I could boot with 12.04LTS drive attached to that SATA cable18:17
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures: Can you help me make that happen?18:18
QbuoSeveas: I type "steam" in console and it says: "Error - Cannot run as root user"18:18
bubbasauresmcgrete, you gave the parted -l you can run the bootinfo tool18:18
SeveasQbuo: try as yourself :)18:18
QbuoHow do i switch back?18:18
Seveastype exit or hit ctrl and d18:18
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, I just did with a clear description, what are you not understanding?18:18
mcgretebubbasaures:  I don't follow.  bootinfo tool?18:18
bubbasaures!bootinfo | mcgrete18:19
ubottumcgrete: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.18:19
mmm1234Why syslog says "CRON[14306]: (root) MAIL (mailed 1 byte of output; but got status 0x00ff, #012)", white there is not mail in use, and that time no computer use (time of event)?18:19
RedheadedCupcakewould I use Gparted to make a ntfs usb?18:19
QbuoSeveas: Thank you so much man! brought me to the launcher!!! :D I can always count on the users here to fix everything i break haha.18:20
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Yeah, that is afine than right click the made ntfs-flags and click boot.18:20
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures: I am not too good with this stuff, I looked in the Ubuntu Software Center for gparted and I can't find it. Is there a different program I can use?18:21
bubbasauresmcgrete, Since you showed you know UUID's info, that script may be all you need if you can interpretet it, but paste the output here if not.18:21
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Needs to be installed18:22
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, sudo apt-get install gparted18:22
hr9999Why might error messages prevent the use of a tty?18:22
QbuoLater everyone! I know for a fact I will see you soon xD18:22
RedheadedCupcakeok, thanks18:23
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, I commend you for this volunteer work with this woman, but you have to have a limit, 2nd day here for you. I do volunteer work, but go home at night. ;)18:23
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures, I only worked on it 4 hours yesterday.18:24
ChristWAnyoone here w/ lots of knowledge on Accessibility-related stuff in Ubuntu (14.10)? I have a dual user system, and whenever I switch to the user that is using desktop magnification, I have two mouse cursosrs.18:24
ChristW(I have other questions about Accessibility as well, but let’s start with the easy one (I guess..))18:24
Kwryhello, can anybody here help me today?18:24
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, fir me that would be worth 400$ is all.18:24
mcgretebubbasaures:  without 14.04LTS mounted, bootinfo --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9777994/18:24
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures, but I kinda like doing this stuff and it bit off more than I could chew because she's got some sort of malware on there and it's seriously messed up.18:25
adam__ya des francais18:25
anon2898Ouep adam18:25
adam__je viens d'installer le tchat ;)18:25
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures I got gparted installed18:25
Kwry hello, can anybody here help me today?18:26
anon2898Oh okay bienvenue alors18:26
adam__tu as qquoi comme config18:26
adam__moi g un pc tres nul18:27
Kwry hello, can anybody here help me today?18:27
anon2898Un pc portable pas récent mais avec 4go de ram et qui me fait tourner linux c'est le plus important18:28
DJonesKwry: You'll need to ask your Ubuntu support question in the channel before people will know if they can help18:28
roolmexHi ! My data-DVDs are not recognized....18:28
hr9999Ah, so it looks like sdc was complaining about a flash drive not having a cache. Flash drive out, error messages gone--but I still have an error message about forcewake, and my ttys are still unusable.18:28
xangua!fr | anon289818:28
ubottuanon2898: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:28
adam__omoi aussi un acer 6 go de ran processeur 1.3ghz dualcore18:28
adam__pc qui tourne mieux avec linux que window$18:28
Seveas!fr | adam__18:29
ubottuadam__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:29
anon2898Sorry people I just answer to a french people18:29
anon2898Usually I speak english18:29
Kwryok i have a problem with my printer, it seems to be missing something called libcupsys2:i38618:29
Seveasanon2898: the best way to answer a french person is slapping them with a baguette and then the !fr trigger :)18:29
xangua!find libcupsys218:30
SeveasKwry: how do you know it's missing that?18:30
bubbasauresmcgrete, sda and sdb are the only HD that have grub in the mbr, I can't really follow this to be honest and eduacte you on w=how this is done. You have no gpt anywhere, ca you see how this keep being mentioned when I confirmed already not there is a brick wall.18:30
ubottuPackage/file libcupsys2 does not exist in utopic18:30
anon2898Haha I don't slap people with baguette, I eat it ;)18:30
Kwryi read the instalation guide in the suppot page for ubuntu and follow all the steps18:31
SeveasKwry: what are you installing? You shouldn't need to install anything for a printer18:31
Kwryits a canon ip1700 its an old model18:32
mcgretebubbasaures:  sorry if I failed to explain.  At the moment, the 3rd HDD is NOT installed (I had to swap SATA cables with it and the HDD with 12.04LTS, the OS I am using now to communicate with you).  I can shutdown, move 14.04LTS to sdc, reboot, and log back into this session and send bootinfo then...  Will take a bit, but I will come back.  Thanks.18:32
SeveasKwry: just use the ubuntu printer settings to add it. You shouldn't need to install anything18:32
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, pop the usb in, open gparted, make sure you are looking at the usb, there is a drop down top right. Unmount it, and make a ntfs partition. I'm assuming there is nothing on the usb you need.18:33
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures the usb isn't showing up in gparted18:33
mcgretebubbasuares:  note: I know that the drive with 14.04LTS is gpt, all formated with ext2 (various partitions).   Similar to 12.04LTS HDD partitions...18:33
bubbasauresmcgrete, nah I'm done.18:33
Kwryi do that at first, but when i try print the testpage it wont work18:33
RedheadedCupcakenvm foudn it18:33
roolmexHi ! I can't read what is in data DVD's.... When I put a DVD in the DVDrom, nothing happens....18:35
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures it's now an ntfs filesystem18:35
Kwryin the status it just reads stoped18:35
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, once the ntfs is made, right click it than flags and click boot.18:35
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, make surfe you run gparted it has a check mark to hit.18:35
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures got it18:36
Kwrywhen im in the final step of the setup i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere18:39
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bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, So all you have to do is close gparted, pull the usb and plug it in so mounted, open it. Than right click the windows iso and open with disc image mounter and extract it to the usb. Should be bootable for install now.18:40
jamie_hey I went to get on yesterday and get some help and was having some problems with my internet, sorry about that bubbasaures.... but i got most of my problems fixed... but now i am having when i get the second x server running the first one is still up but when i got to switch to the first one the second one crashes18:41
bubbasauresjamie_, no need to include me, but nice to see your farther forward. ;)18:41
Kwrywhen im in the final step of the setup for my printer i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere.18:42
jamie_well i found out the main problem was that the X server was set to allow console only so had to change it to anybody18:43
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures i clicked open with disc image mounter and nothing is happening...18:43
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Where is this iso from?18:43
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures: http://www.howtogeek.com/186775/how-to-download-windows-7-8-and-8.1-installation-media-legally/18:43
Kwrywhen im in the final step of the setup i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere, any help?18:44
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, You do know that, that iso is a regular install do you have a activation key for it?18:44
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures I have an activation key for it18:45
X123lol that name18:45
* X123 grins @ RedheadedCupcake18:45
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures the one that's on the bottom of the laptop will work right? I'm just reinstalling - she doesn't have the recovery disks18:45
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, No18:45
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures why not?18:46
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, This is W8 right?18:46
RedheadedCupcakeno, home pro 718:46
RedheadedCupcakehome premium 718:46
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, OEM installs don't just put the key on the bottom.18:47
Kwrywhen im in the final step of the setup for my printer i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere, any help?18:47
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, I would call MS on this they will take care of you.18:47
RedheadedCupcakewell there is a microsoft sticker on the bottom and it says windows 7 home premium and has a product key.18:47
* OerHeks wonders: Why do we give support with windows keys?18:48
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Yes every computer has this, call MS and make sure you are not making a bigger mess a wiped OS activated and anew install with no key.18:48
mcgretebubbasaures:  bootinfo --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9778139/18:48
RedheadedCupcakenah. i'll just tell her to take it to the shop.18:49
bubbasauresOerHeks, Just in helping realized there was an issue.18:49
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Cool, we are done than/18:49
jamie_also i need to set my tty7 to be display :0 not :118:49
jamie_lol stupid emoji18:49
RedheadedCupcakeThank you for all of the help.18:49
bubbasauresno prob18:50
Kwrywhen im in the final step of the setup for my printer i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere, any help?18:50
bubbasauresmcgrete, I can't really continue to help, others however may.18:51
mcgreteOK, thanks.18:52
mcgreteAnyone, issue with grub after swapping physical locations of hdd to boot multiple OS from multiple HDD.  bootinfo output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/9778139/18:53
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Kwrymcgrete, it seems that you have 2 instances of grub in the hdds, you only need one.18:54
mcgreteKwry:  OK, so remove one for sdc (12.04LTS OS on that drive), and leave one for sda (14.04LTS on that HDD).  How to remove grub for sdc?18:56
Kwryim not entirely sure but i think you need to mount the drive and purge grub, then you have to update the grub that you already have18:57
Kwrymcgrete, try the reinstall part in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing18:59
goparhas anyone used TimeShift?19:00
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RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures I am wanting to put mint on here as a dual boot. I already have the .iso file, can you walk me through it so that I can install it and also when my computer comes on, allow me to pick which distro I want to use.19:02
=== luckybunny is now known as lbaway
Kwry when im in the final step of the setup for the pixma ip1700 printer i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere, any help?19:04
=== lbaway is now known as luckybunny
mcgreteKwry:  Thanks, I will look into that further.  Relevant:  I can boot into Windows, or even 10.04LTS in addition to 14.04LTS, but I CAN NOT boot into 12.04LTS.  I feared that I damaged / corrupted a file.  But, when I swapped back physically the drives to their original locations, I could then boot to 12.04LTS.  If that changes your recommendation, please comment.  Otherwise, I will backup info and give reinstall a try.  Thanks.19:05
OerHeksmcgrete, open terminal: sudo update-grub #should do the trick i think19:06
Kwrymcgrete, i dont think it will be an issue, try it anyways19:08
mcgreteKwry:  do you think a boot-repair might be tried first, or reinstall grub2?19:08
bubbasauresmcgrete, I would follow OerHeks19:08
npaHow can i fing Driver for Linux ?19:08
npaHow can i fing Driver for Linux ?19:08
npaHow can i fing Driver for Linux ?19:08
Kwrymcgrete,  try to repair first, then reinstall19:08
bubbasauresnpa, Context? one post please.19:09
Kwrynpa, what driver?19:09
mcgreteOerHeks:  I will try again, but tried that already in the past.19:09
npaHow can I find Hardware Drivers for Linux ?19:09
Kwrynpa, lel,,, drivers for what??19:09
npaI have an Acer NetBook19:09
bubbasauresnpa, What hardware and why are you asking?19:09
npaI have an Acer NetBook19:10
npaAcer Laptop19:10
bubbasauresnpa, Are you thinking you have to have drivers, or you have a problem?19:10
Kwrynpa,  and what isnt working in the laptop?19:10
npaAMD ATI VGA and Broadcom Wifi Drivers19:10
bubbasaures!broadcom | npa19:11
ubottunpa: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:11
rbrsIs it just me, or launchpad ppa's are under heavy load right now? I'm getting no more than 30kb/s on 1gbit internet19:11
bubbasauresrbrs, ppa's are not supported here.19:11
npaI tested all distributions and finally I find Linux Mint Better than the others19:12
bubbasauresnpa, THis mint?19:12
npaMint is more useful that Ubuntu19:13
bubbasaures!mint | npa19:13
ubottunpa: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:13
Kwry when im in the final step of the setup for the pixma ip1700 printer i got a message that says that im missing the package «/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij» and i cant seems to find that package anywhere, any help?19:13
bubbasauresnpa, Take it elsewhere or an offtopic channel.19:13
npathank u friend19:13
npabye friends19:13
bubbasauresKwry, Set up is?19:14
Kwrythis guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/CanonPixmaIP170019:14
bubbasauresKwry, This at the chown?19:16
bubbasauresor config19:16
Kwrybubbasaures, yeah, the issue here is that the file is missing19:17
catcher2I'm looking for a reliable laptop to run ubuntu for software development.  I'd like the ability to plug in 2 external monitors, keyboard, and mouse.  Any recommendations?19:18
bubbasauresKwry, The chown does not fix it seems, not exactly the mentioned issue that's missing. I assume you tried the regular printer app?19:18
Kwrybubbasaures,  yeah, it gets me the generic type without printing anything19:19
bubbasauresKwry, Not sure here really, sorry about that.19:19
bubbasaurescatcher2, not really anything we can answer in a support vein or any other really, that is your research. Ubuntu is stable as the user.19:21
Kwrybubbasaures, ok, thanks19:21
OerHekscatcher2, 2 external monitors on a laptop, never seen one with 2 external monitor ports.19:21
catcher2bubbasaures, I understand, I'm just out of the hardware loop and I imagine some people here have been in it recently.19:21
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:21
Kwrycatcher2, if ptu need 2 monitors look for dual video card laptops19:22
bubbasaurescatcher2, Your only worry really is just drivers for spanking new stuff, if any are there yet if needed. '_19:22
catcher2noted :)  With 1 external monitor port, can the laptop screen act as a 2nd monitor simultaneously?19:23
thedebzideas on what software to installed on my laptop linux server that is currently not being put to good use19:23
jamie_crap, just made a big oops19:23
catcher2Or is it one or the other?19:23
OerHekscatcher2, sure, most laptops can switch between and run both19:24
Kwrycatcher2, you can have it that way, even extended19:24
catcher2Would that be handled by Unity or the graphics card drivers? (or both)?19:24
jamie_I went to enter a command in a tty and entered it into the wrong one.... so now when i hit ctrl alt f1 nothing happens... I had to hard reboot19:25
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Kwryjamie_,  try ctrl + alt + f7 the next time19:26
jamie_that is what im in19:26
jamie_and I did19:26
Steve_Jobshello. I've ran out of disk when doing a on update and then a dist-upgrade.. now I can't upgrade after freeing space19:27
Steve_Jobsthe /tmp seems to be full19:27
jamie_the screen had gone white and there was nothing i could do... i just tapped the power and i know it went though the shutdown process due to amount of time and no errors give one start up19:27
bubbasauresSteve_Jobs, you should not have it that full period19:27
Steve_JobsI get: cp: failed to extend ‘/tmp/mkinitramfs...19:27
Kwryohh... thats weird19:27
Steve_Jobsbubbasaures: ?19:28
Steve_Jobsanyway.. can anyone help me fix the corrupt sources? (I'm thinking that's what it is)19:28
bubbasauresSteve_Jobs, Good info on overfilling HD's all over the web, find the real info not opinions19:29
jamie_i accidently enterd startx :2 -- :2 vt8 & into tty819:29
bubbasauresnot the exact question, but would venture it's the cause to your effect19:29
jamie_so now i cant acceess any of the tty at all19:30
hr9999Hello. I am using Xubuntu 14.10 with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti. My TTYs are unusable due to the error message `timed out waiting for forcewake old ack to clear'. Bumblebee has never been installed, and nvidia-prime has always been installed. (I recently re-installed Xubuntu.)19:31
=== mixed__ is now known as mixed
dariusc93I need some help. I have a Acer Aspire E5-551G and when I install Ubuntu 14.10, the mouse would work but the right click would not. I have read that it may be kernel related (which is why im sadly not on 14.04) but I tried 3.16, 3.17, and 3.18 and right click doesnt work. I dont want to emulate right click either.19:32
Steve_Jobsbubbasaures: I have.. there is too much info19:32
jamie_ps a responds http://paste.ubuntu.com/9778455/ I dont see a problem19:32
Steve_JobsI'm not sure where to start19:32
hr9999I searched for the error message on StartPage, but all that came up started with `[drm:__gen6_gt_force_wake_mt_get]'; my error message has `gen7' in it.19:33
hr9999There were absolutely no results concerning anything with `gen7' in it. All the `gen6' results reported that it was caused by a supposedly now fixed bug.19:33
hr9999Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.19:34
jamie_hr9999: it could be a regression from gen6 to gen719:34
jamie_any ideas on how to get back into tty at all19:36
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hr9999jamie_: I can switch into the TTYs; the problem is logging in (or actually getting any text to appear on the screen when I type.)19:37
zeeshanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:38
zeeshan  openssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu3) but 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu7 is to be installed19:38
jamie_hr9999: try typing your username hit enter type your password hit enter then type reboot and hit enter19:38
zeeshananyone know why i am getting that error19:38
hr9999jamie_: will do19:38
OerHekszeeshan, did you update before doing some install ?19:38
zeeshani did apt-get update yes19:38
jamie_hr9999: if it does restart then you know its just not displaying19:38
OerHekszeeshan, oke, do you use any PPA's?19:39
OerHekszeeshan, a PPA is a personal package archive, or repository that you might have added yourself?19:40
zeeshanyes i did19:40
zeeshanhttp://linuxcnc.org/ lucid base 2.619:41
hr9999jamie_: Okay, so it's just not echoing the text. The computer rebooted.19:41
jamie_hr9999: do you still have tty719:43
hr9999jamie_: TTY7? You mean the desktop? The desktop works fine.19:43
hr9999jamie_: except for the occasional time when it won't suspend and I have to reboot it from a terminal emulator19:44
OerHekszeeshan, that might be the issue, are you still on Lucid?? the desktop is EOL.19:44
jamie_okay go into a terminal and enter  sudo services tty1 restart19:44
zeeshanOerHeks, yes19:44
zeeshanthats what linuxcnc uses :)19:44
jamie_it should restart the tty1 and hopfully restore it19:44
keithclarkI'm trying to burn a usb stick drive with unetbootin but it gives me 'you must first mount the usb drive' error window.  I'm pretty sure it is mounted as I can access it with my file manager, ideas?19:44
hr9999jamie_: err, services isn't a command19:44
hr9999jamie_: nvmd, it was service19:45
OerHekszeeshan, i see, then i don'tknow what to do, as the support ended19:45
jamie_hr9999: was about to say whoops drop the s19:45
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.19:45
hr9999jamie_: it stopped and restarted, but it's still obstructed by the error message19:46
jamie_hr9999: i can only think of one other thing, but no guarentte it will work19:46
OerHekszeeshan, maybe you can start all over with 14.04 and use this https://github.com/jepler/linuxcnc-mirror and build it yourself ?19:47
zeeshanthat would be more involved19:47
zeeshani rather not install openssh then lol19:48
jamie_hr9999: one sec let me look something up19:48
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resinthi, what should I backup when reinstallung ubuntu, in addition of documents, pictures...?19:48
OerHekszeeshan, and according to this wiki, there is a newer recent version somewhere http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Released_2.6.X19:48
hr9999resint: just back up /home/*19:48
hr9999resint: but exclude ~/.local/Trash19:48
docmurMy ubuntu VM has an IP from the router.  The VM can ping the router and other hosts on the network BUT can't ping outside the router.  I disabled the firewall but that didn't help. I'm out of ideas on what to try19:48
resintare there anyhing hidden?19:48
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bubbasaureskeithclark, Mounted by just plugging it in?19:49
keithclarkbubbasaures, yes19:49
resinthr9999: that does that do?19:49
bubbasaureskeithclark, what is the ISO?19:49
zeeshannm fixed it19:50
zeeshanhad to remove openssh-client first19:50
zeeshanthen reinstall both openssh-server and client.19:50
bubbasaureskeithclark, Not sure never seen that, it is pretty straight forward if the usb is a fat32, handfuls of usb loaders, you might check others for same error.19:50
hr9999resint: /home/* will back up the documents, pictures, music, videos, settings, etc. of all the users on your computer. However, it will also back up everything the recycle bin, so either exclude everyone's .local/Trash (unless you really want to back up trash) or just empty it.19:51
keithclarkbubbasaures, I shall try another19:51
resinthr9999: OK, thanks. Ubuntu 14.10 or 14.04.1 LTS?19:52
hr9999resint: your choice--14.10 is more up-to-date, but it will only be supported until this april when 15.04 comes out; 14.04 will be supported until 16.04. (april of 2016)19:53
bekksresint: 14.0419:53
bekks14.04 will be supported until 2019.19:53
bekks14.10 will be supported for 9 months.19:53
hr9999oh, didn't know that19:53
hr9999my bad, listen to bekks19:54
keithclarkbubbasaures, it seems to be writing to another stick.  Maybe a bad stick?19:54
rd_ok so somehow I have a functional system with no vesa drivers, which I assume is why I see nothing till the lightdm screen. This is a fresh install. It is a newer card. (geforce gt 720) I would like to install the official recent nvidia driver (not in the repos) But I cannot use any tty terminals since there is no frame buffer?19:55
jamie_hr9999: okay..... i am not sure if this may help, does any one else have any ideas first19:55
rd_how may I get my tty back?19:55
Evil_Ericrd_ i think one of the f keys will bring you to that19:56
Evil_Ericnot sure so dont be mad if that dont work19:56
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bubbasaureskeithclark, could be, I would if nothing on it make a new table and fat and check if it works, could just be corrupted.19:56
hr9999jamie_: it's not super critical to get the tty's working--I'm just going to file a bug report later. What is your idea?19:57
rd_Card: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 720] bus-ID: 01:00.019:57
rd_ Display Server: X.Org 1.16.0 drivers: vesa FAILED: fbdev,nouveau19:57
keithclarkbubbasaures, I tried to format it via gparted and it still did not work19:57
jamie_hr9999: the only thing i can think of is moving .cofigold to .config19:57
hr9999jamie_: there is no .configold or .cofigold19:57
Piter-De-Vrieshey how do I register my nick/19:58
bubbasaureskeithclark, I'm not really up on how to check in this area is all.19:58
hr9999alright, well thanks anyways19:58
jamie_yea there is, you do it via terminal19:58
hr9999Piter-De-Vries: do /msg NickServ HELP19:58
bubbasaures!register | Piter-De-Vries19:58
ubottuPiter-De-Vries: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:58
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hr9999jamie_: I'm in the terminal now19:58
hr9999jamie_: there's .config, but no .configold19:59
jamie_oaky cd ~ mv .config .cofigold19:59
hr9999err... I'll try it20:00
rwest202Hey, I'm dual booting windows and ubuntu, but when I try windows I get an error "premature end of file /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi", ran boot-repair a few times and it's not working20:00
StackedChipsI'm trying to optimize 14.10 for gaming, does any one have suggestions on things to check that could be helpful improving performance?20:00
jamie_no guarantees that it will work though20:00
jamie_stacked chips: you have nvidia20:01
StackedChipsyeah, latest drivers proprietary already installed20:01
jamie_okay, set up the x server to what you want it to be20:02
=== Piter-De-Vries is now known as piter-de-vries
piter-de-vriesokay sweet thnx20:02
piter-de-vriesits been awhile20:02
StackedChipsjamie_: not really sure what you mean? I installed the gnome desktop manager20:03
bubbasauresrwest202, You save the bootinfo summary the last one run?20:03
jamie_and for optimization there really isn’t much other than that, i game a lot on mine and i just use steam, a lot of open source games and i am in the process of compiling desura20:04
hr9999jamie_: nope, didn't work20:04
rwest202http://paste.ubuntu.com/9686019/ I believe this is it20:04
jamie_hr9999: sorry, im out if ideas20:05
hr9999It's fine--I'll just report the underlying bug20:05
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jamie_StackedChips: if you go to the launcher and search X server there should be a program20:05
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oplaHey! Does anyone know an equivalent to "Archive Folders" from windows? I have an application that splits its text files in a folder and they are not compressed, so to improve size and decrease risks between transfer due to character limitations, folder nesting - I search for an equivalent. To my knowledge, mounting a file and then applying some compressing filesystem inside, still does not support a flexible size.20:05
bubbasauresrwest202, Windows is hibernated, refused to mount20:07
rwest202bubbasaures: this is the one I just ran http://paste.ubuntu.com/9778725/20:07
rwest202I may have fixed the hibernate problem already20:08
Shogoot_So i got this usb stick up and running in persistent mode. Im quite new to linux so bare with me. :)    When start up the persistent i automaticaly get logged in as live user, i made a user and made him administrator, but i cant figure out how to make the distro to autologing this new user and not the default live session one. Anyone that can help me figure it out?20:08
jamie_StackedChips: did you find the program20:09
StackedChipsjamie_: thanks that should allow me to tweak specifics on my hardware for better results20:09
oplafusecompress looks like it, but I am looking for a gui or cli tool.20:10
jamie_StackedChips: no problem, i am a gamer on linux and i know its not a easy gaming field20:10
StackedChipsdo you have any suggestions for audio issue fixes? I believe i have alsa, pulse drivers installed but get a wierd echo (double sound layers) after a few hours sometimes running online mmorpg games20:11
piter-de-vriesI want to play magic, on the program called cockatrice on Ubuntu 14.04 but it seems too buggy20:11
piter-de-vriesand I don't know how to compile code20:11
minimecShogoot_: sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf --> "autologin-user="20:11
Shogoot_minimec, ill try that, thx20:12
bubbasauresrwest202, Very messy you have efi and grub in the mbr and had widows hibernating at one point while running ubuntu, all can be issues, not something I can spend the time on is all. Others may have fixes they know.20:12
adunosinehi ,i have problem with ubuntu 12.04 lts everything works perfectly but the mouse doesn't work for me (i use pc)but when i enter to the guest session it work for user session in not work !!!? any one have idea20:21
jamie_can some one help me regain access to my tty1-720:21
jamie_sorry tty 1-620:22
piter-de-vriesCould someone suggest a #channel or server that talks about like society, or politics or drugs and alcohol20:22
piter-de-vriesor something stimulating?20:23
piter-de-vriesJust curious20:23
SchrodingersScat!alis | piter-de-vries20:23
bubbasauresadunosine, "mouse doesn't work for me" means?20:23
ubottupiter-de-vries: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:23
piter-de-vriesthanks ubottu you my bestest bottest frand20:23
IAmNotARobotI'm having an issue with the LD_PRELOAD variable20:24
adunosinebubbasaures: mouse don't work20:24
bubbasaures!details | IAmNotARobot all in one post20:24
ubottuIAmNotARobot all in one post: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:24
IAmNotARobotI was using 12.04 with libtrash installed. Now upgraded to 14.04 and it can't find the /usr/lib/libtrash/libtrash.so.2.420:24
adunosinebubbasaures: ok20:25
bennypr0fanehello, what is the default tool for mounting a webdav share in kubuntu 14.04?20:25
IAmNotARobotNow every command in the terminal is prefixed with : ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libtrash/libtrash.so.2.4' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.20:25
adunosinewhen i turn on my pc , i get two login session adunosine and guest20:26
IAmNotARobotIs there any way to find what is setting the LD_PRELOAD var?20:26
jamie_I cant access my tty at all other than the desktop... ctrl alt f1-6 d6sent work20:26
adunosinebubbasaures: when i turn on my pc , i get two login session adunosine and guest20:26
bubbasauresadunosine, The channel needs to know at the least what you mean by your mouse does not work.20:27
adunosinebubbasaures: mouse pointer don't move and don't click20:27
bubbasauresadunosine, Has it ever?20:28
adunosinebubbasaures: it works for guest session but when i login as adunosine don't work20:28
bubbasauresadunosine, Has the mouse ever worked in your account?20:29
jamie_im tempted to do a mv .config .configold20:29
adunosinebubbasaures: no20:29
jamie_but i dont know how that will affect my setup20:29
bubbasauresadunosine, You may just ned to find the mouse on off key prompts on my acre it is fn-f6 I believe.20:30
bubbasauressorry acer20:30
adunosinei tried this i have button for mouse able and disable but nothing new20:30
BrokeBoyHey, for some reason I can no longer boot from disk, I'm using a live cd at the moment, how do I start debugging the situation?20:31
jamie_I dont use default dm and have multiple de and dont know what it will do to that setup20:31
adunosinebubbasaures: i tried this i have button for mouse able and disable but nothing new20:31
bubbasauresadunosine, How do you know this is correct, please elaborate more I am not keen on phishing your brain. ;)20:31
EriC^^BrokeBoy: when you boot what happens?20:32
BrokeBoyEric^^ when I add the no splash option it does not progress past mounting SWAP20:32
rwest202bubbasaures: thanks for at least looking into it, wiping the drive and freshly installing windows should leave me with no problems correct?20:33
adunosinebubbasaures: when i login as guest with no password mouse work's perfectly but in my account it doesn't work the mouse is on20:33
bubbasauresrwest202, All I can say as anything done correctly will work.20:34
bubbasauresadunosine, I'm not sure, so I think we should let others try. ;)20:35
rwest202haha very true, thanks for the help20:35
adunosinebubbasaures: ok thank you at all .20:35
EriC^^adunosine: enter your account and type gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchpad touchpad-enabled true20:36
Laputahi, anyone knows in /etc/shadow, what's the different of using `x` and `!` in the passwd field ?20:39
apb1963The following packages have been kept back:20:40
apb1963  kde-runtime kde-runtime-data khelpcenter4 plasma-scriptengine-javascript20:40
apb1963ubuntu 14.0420:41
bubbasauresEriC^^, I have the feeling that the user is using translate here.20:41
Seveasapb1963: mucking about with ppa's? :)20:41
apb1963Seveas: for the most part, no20:42
Seveasapb1963: that's the same as saying yes20:42
apb1963Seveas: I've been careful to only use those that were critical to my needs20:42
BrokeBoyso I don't see anything in /var/log on the disk to suggest there's something wrong20:42
Seveasapb1963: please pastebin the output of apt-cache policy kde-runtime20:43
apb1963apt-cache policy kde-runtime20:43
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Seveasand there we go, a ppa20:44
Seveastry sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. If it breaks, talk to the guys behind that ppa.20:44
Seveasyou're in unsupported territory :)20:44
apb1963same results20:45
apb1963I didn't specifically install that ppa... where did it come from?20:45
Seveasyes you did. PPA's don't add themselves.20:45
apb1963Installed: 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.220:46
apb1963how is that a ppa?20:46
Seveasyou enabled the kubuntu-ppa ppa, otherwise it wouldn't show up. And that's what it's trying to install.20:47
Guest35944im new to linux was wondering if anyone could help with an issue or direct me somewhere i can find help...been 2 days cant figure it out:(20:47
SeveasGuest35944: what's the issue?20:48
apb1963Seveas: you're right:  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu trusty main20:48
bekksGuest35944: Just ask :)20:48
apb1963Seveas: So, any reason I can't just turn it off?20:48
Seveasapb1963: you probably already installed other things from it. Maybe look at ppa-purge :)20:49
Guest35944i just added gnome and kde as options to a base xubuntu i updated a display driver and now the screen gets colred lines and crashes20:49
apb1963Seveas: how can I find what I installed from it?20:49
Seveasapb1963: apt-cache policy on all the packages and see which come from that repo20:49
bekksGuest35944: How did you "add" that, and how did you "updated a display driver" - and which one?20:49
apb1963Seveas: that seems a bit brute force... dpkg -l will give me a list of packages yes?20:51
Guest35944apt-get kubuntu and apt-get gnpme added the different session manager forgot name gnm maybe20:51
Seveasapb1963: but not which repo they came from20:52
bubbasauresGuest35944, Neither of those would run20:52
Guest35944a window poped up and told me there was a propietry driver i could add and i did20:52
RedheadedCupcakebubbasaures can you help me again? this time it's with my laptop20:52
apb1963Seveas: right but it sounds like I need to build a list, then run apt-cache policy on it, no?20:53
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bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, Not sure state the issue to the channel, if I can I will comment.20:53
Seveasapb1963: dpkg --get-selections | sed -ne 's/\t\+install//p' | xargs apt-cache policy20:53
RedheadedCupcakeI am trying to boot with my dvd drive and don't know how to get to whatever gives me the choice.20:53
apb1963Seveas: nice.  Thank you!20:54
RedheadedCupcakethe only thing that came up was press esc for boot options and it's the HP screen and it says boot from hard drive, remote upgrade bay, and boot from network20:54
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, THe bios can be set what to read first, there is a per-session boot, mine is f11 I think at powering on tapping immediately. Your bis flash may tell you both accesses.20:55
bubbasauresbios flash*20:55
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bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, If this is a uefi that is important info.20:56
natusiI want to copy the result of all possibilities of $ in a text file. My try (doesn't work): echo $* > dollar.txt20:56
RedheadedCupcakeso how do we figure out what takes me to the bios?20:56
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, The manual should have all this info.20:57
k1lRedheadedCupcake: the manual from that pc/laptop/mainboard20:57
edgyHi, my trusty LTS has kernel 3.13.0-44 now and it didn't update to kernel 3.16 why? I need to do it manually?20:57
RedheadedCupcakei don't have it. it's an hp probook20:57
Seveasnatusi: 'all possibilities of $' makes no sense whatsoever. What are you trying to achieve?20:57
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SchrodingersScatRedheadedCupcake: also trial and error can work20:57
k1ledgy: there is no 3.16 for trusty so far, iirc20:57
bubbasauresedgy, Try sudo apt-get update than sudp apt-get dist-upgrade20:58
bubbasauresfir the latest kernles20:58
Seveas!info linux-generic trusty20:58
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB20:58
xanguaedgy: that would be until the second point release https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:58
Seveastrusty is on 3.13 and will stay there20:58
natusiSeveas: Do echo $ and type tab, it will ask you if you want to print them all... Ok, now I want to copy the result in a txt file20:58
Bashing-omedgy: The latest krnel for 14.04 standard is "3.13.0-44-generic" .20:59
ikonianatusi: thats not $20:59
ikoniathats just tab complete all commands20:59
k1ledgy: you got the linux-lts-utopic packages installed?20:59
edgyk1l, bubbasaures, xangua, Bashing-om: # apt-cache show linux-image-3.16.0-29-generic20:59
edgyPackage: linux-image-3.16.0-29-generic20:59
bubbasauresRedheadedCupcake, manuals are on the web, I would get it.20:59
natusiikonia: ok but my problem still unsolved20:59
Seveasnatusi: ok. that is sompletely different from $*, which expands to the arguments of the current shell20:59
edgyk1l: no20:59
ikonianatusi: your problem doesn't exist20:59
k1ledgy: afaik that is a backports kernel for cloud based setups only.21:00
Seveasnatusi: you want 'set > vars.txt'21:00
k1ledgy: the next 3.16 backport will come with 14.04.2 pointrelease21:00
k1ledgy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=linux-lts-utopic&searchon=names21:00
edgyk1l: but it's already in my repo as verified by apt-cache!21:01
edgyk1l: yes, I am using tghe cloud image21:01
natusiSeveas: doesn't print what I want21:02
natusiikonia: it is for me because I can't get what I want21:02
Seveasnatusi: it's as close as you're gonna get21:02
edgyk1l: I now tested another installation which is not a cloud image and still there is linux-image-3.16.0-29-generic in the repo but dist-upgrade won't install it, I now installed it manually and it works, so my question is why not with dist-upgrade?!21:04
k1ledgy: because its not based on the linux-image meta package21:04
edgyk1l: what does this mean please?21:04
EriC^^natusi: set | grep ^[A-Z].*=21:04
xanguaedgy: did you already read the enablement stack website I pasted you?21:04
edgyxangua: no, let me read it...21:05
EriC^^natusi: it wont grab any that start with numbers though, you can modify it if you want21:05
SeveasEriC^^: that'll miss variable names starting with underscoreds :)21:05
k1ledgy: again: in february 14.04.2 will be released and then there will be a 3.16 LTS backports kernel.21:05
k1ledgy: the kernel you just run is just a kernel needed for some cloud images and is not part of the general linux-image backports tree21:06
SchrodingersScatI didn't think variables could start with numbers21:06
k1ledgy: could be a early preview package.21:07
SeveasSchrodingersScat: they can't21:08
jeff__how would i go about creating a live (usb drive based) version of ubuntu (using a desktop other than cinnamon, mate, kde, xfce, etc.)?21:09
edgyk1l: you mentioned that it's not part of linux-image meta package, but when I check this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all   it's already provides linux-image21:10
edgyxangua: I checked the link but here I didn't install utopic in trusty21:10
edgyxangua: it's already in trusty21:10
xanguaedgy: please read all again and as k1l mentioned wait until second point release21:11
EriC^^Seveas: ah, right that too :)21:11
k1ledgy: i think its a pre-release testing image for the 14.04.2 release21:11
inst123Hi, is if better to install Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit or 32bit?21:11
inst123does 64 did require different software?21:12
k1ledgy: if you want it: install it manually like you already did on that other machine. when 14.04.2 is released and it doesnt work with the enablement stack come back or better file a bug21:12
edgyk1l: when you said it's pre-release does this mean if I enabled the pre-release repo somehow it would be updated?21:13
k1linst123: if your hardware is 64 bit (which most times is in this days) you want to go with 64 bit21:13
inst123thanks. When 14.04.02 lts is out? Should I wait for it or does the 14.04.1 update to it automatically?21:13
k1linst123: it will upgrade to that automatically21:14
inst123OK! thanks.21:14
edgyk1l: ok, thanks a lot for all the hints, seems i am still confusd but I will leave it till Feb.21:14
pltWhat file here http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/utopic-updates/main/installer-armhf/current/images/generic/netboot/ do I use for the netinstall?21:15
EriC^^plt: what took you to that page?21:17
pltGoogle search21:17
zaionhey guys, im from brazil. and i have some time in that i can help ubuntu translation or help in others area, how i can do this?21:18
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:19
Seveaszaion: join the brazilian local community,21:19
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:19
Seveaszaion: http://ubuntu-br.org/21:19
pltI need just the 32 bit net  install21:19
k1lzaion: on launchpad.net you can look for translations in packages. but you should see the translation team to get to know where the most help is neede21:20
bubbasaures!mini | plt will be here if available21:20
ubottuplt will be here if available: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:20
EriC^^plt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet21:20
tbankHey dumbies21:21
tbankWhat the hell is up yo21:21
k1l!guidelines | tbank please read them and act according to them in here, thanks21:22
ubottutbank please read them and act according to them in here, thanks: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:22
pltThis bought be back to the same page that I posted earler https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet21:22
zaiontks k1l21:22
EriC^^plt: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/21:22
Funlinux is nice21:22
Funwindows keeps fcking os21:23
Funthat finish guy foresaw things I say21:23
xangua! Language | Fun21:23
ubottuFun: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:23
k1lFun: please dont swear in here and keep this channel clear for technical support, thanks21:23
* bubbasaures waits for the ban21:23
Funfck that21:24
Seveask1l: it's official now. You're no Fun :-)21:26
natusiEriC^^: I fixed my problem with exec 3>test.txt; BASH_XTRACEFD=3; set -x21:39
natusiSeveas: tx I fixed my problem with exec 3>test.txt; BASH_XTRACEFD=3; set -x21:39
colonelqubitIs it just me, or is empathy on 14.04 pretty buggy?21:43
Seveascolonelqubit: I never found it not buggy :-)21:43
ActionParsnipcolonelqubit: lots of other clients exist. I'm a big fan of Pidgin :-)21:45
colonelqubitIIRC, I first started using it because it had better video support, or something21:46
colonelqubitmaybe audio support?  Anyhow, there was a reason21:46
colonelqubitUnfortunate that such basic stuff has been buggy21:47
ActionParsnipcolonelqubit: not something I use but Pidgin may do it. Worth a try (it's free to try)21:47
colonelqubitoh yes, I've used Pidgin on multiple platforms in the past21:47
pltWill the mini.iso boot and install the os over the internet?21:48
colonelqubitActionParsnip, Seveas: Ever tried the PPA for empathy?21:48
colonelqubit(assuming one exists)21:48
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:49
ActionParsnipplt: yes. With no connection it will just install  a boot loader, kernel and a handful of tools21:49
ActionParsnipcolonelqubit: not used Empathy in ages21:49
ActionParsnipcolonelqubit: I believe Empathy is tied closely to the Gnome version you have so a newer version will need to upgrade your whole Gnome  DE21:50
colonelqubitoh, goody21:51
colonelqubitIIRC, I tried to use Gnome3, and then stuff in Unity seemed to break in interesting ways21:51
colonelqubitbut that might have been related to my graphics drivers21:51
* colonelqubit can't seem to have nice things21:51
ActionParsnipcolonelqubit: Unity uses the Gnome DE. Unity is a shell so doesn't replace Gnome21:52
colonelqubitActionParsnip: well, one of the side effects was HUGE black borders around my windows21:53
colonelqubitswitching to VirtTerminal 1 and back seemed to quiet it down until I suspended again21:53
lemmy1900hi, i need some help to acsses windows network from ubuntu21:53
ActionParsniplemmy1900: what do you want to access?21:53
lemmy1900shared foldes on windows 721:54
ActionParsniplemmy1900: if you run: amber ,can you see the shares?21:54
ActionParsnipSorry autocorrect21:54
ActionParsniplemmy1900: I assume you have actually shared a folder in Windows and have configured your firewall to allow file sharing via SMB.21:56
colonelqubitActionParsnip: thanks for the advice -- come say hi in #libreoffice-qa sometime22:00
ActionParsnipcolonelqubit: no worries dude :-)22:00
robotdevilis there no more alternate discs?22:02
robotdeviljust desktop?22:02
Higgenbottomsis there a repository for unity themes?22:03
bazhangthe mini iso robotdevil22:04
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:04
robotdevilbazhang: would that easily help me to not install the nouveau driver?22:04
bazhangHiggenbottoms, apt-cache search unity  to check22:04
ActionParsniprobotdevil: there is the  mini iso. You could use that. I can only see alternate images for Precise22:04
bazhangHiggenbottoms, otherwise check gnome-look website22:05
robotdevilI have a newer nvidia card gt 720 and it looks like the nouveau framebuffer does not work for it. leaving me without tty terminals to install the latest official driver22:06
Higgenbottomsok thanks22:06
robotdevileg. ./Nxxxxxx.run22:06
ActionParsniprobotdevil: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current22:07
robotdevildoesnt support quite yet22:07
ActionParsniprobotdevil: you can press CTRL + ALT + T to get a terminal22:07
robotdevilyeah they dont work22:07
robotdevilActionParsnip: I even tried setting different vga=xxx options in grub22:08
robotdevilI have tty7 and thats it22:08
ActionParsniprobotdevil: drop to root recovery mode. Or press CTRL + ALT + F1 and stop lights then run the command. You will need to rerun it each time you update the kernel22:08
ActionParsnipStop lightdm22:08
robotdevilI tried that but I am in /root22:09
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robotdeviland cannot nav back to /home/me/Downloads22:09
ActionParsniprobotdevil: then run: cd /home/me/Downloads22:09
robotdevilcannot find it22:10
robotdevileven with ls22:10
ActionParsniprobotdevil: just as you would in Windows. ..22:10
ActionParsniprobotdevil: use TAB to autocomplete folder names22:10
robotdevilthe /home dir is empty22:11
robotdevilno users22:11
i0d9i20does ubuntu have a safe mode?22:11
ActionParsniprobotdevil: did you set a separate partition for /home22:11
robotdevilbtrfs as well22:11
ActionParsniprobotdevil: then run: sudo mount -a22:11
ActionParsniprobotdevil: you didn't see any users because the partition wasn't mounted.....22:12
ActionParsnipi0d9i20: safe mode in what sense?22:12
robotdevilActionParsnip: ok thanks Ill try22:12
robotdevilActionParsnip: would I have to purge gallium as well22:12
ActionParsniprobotdevil: not sure22:13
i0d9i20like how windows has a safe mode when trouble shooting22:13
ActionParsnipi0d9i20: hold SHIFT at boot and there will be extra options to boot with.22:13
edilsonAlguem no chat?22:15
ActionParsnipedilson: do you have a support question?22:16
edilsonpermissions on ficheiros22:16
SalHey guys22:16
robotdevilit was weird I purged nouveau and issued update initramfs and everything still works like nothing happened to nouveau22:16
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edilsonmodo octal?22:16
Guest30352I'm new to linux and i'm struggling to install a wifi patch22:16
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ActionParsniprobotdevil: sudo lshw -C display  ,will tell you the driver in use22:17
edilsontry Network-Manager22:17
FBISalrathor1: what card?22:17
FBIor rather, chip22:17
robotdevilI was using inxi Gl22:17
tomreynhi Salrathor1, what are you trying to achieve with this "wifi patch"?22:17
Salrathor1I downloaded bcmwl22:17
ActionParsnipedilson: what is ficheiros?22:17
Salrathor1I installed ubuntu on my old macbook22:18
Salrathor1the wifi doesn't work so I'm trying to install the patch22:18
edilsonchmod ??? files22:18
Salrathor1I downloaded the file bcmw1........tar.gz22:18
tomreynSalrathor1: do you know the exact product title of the macbook? it should say on the bottom in find print22:18
ActionParsnipedilson: are they stored on an NTFS partition?22:19
Salrathor1it's osx 10.5.822:19
tomreynSalrathor1: do you have wired internet access on it, yet? if not, you'll save time by doing that22:19
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: tried the additional drivers application?22:19
k1ledilson: can you state your actualy support issue in a clear language? we even have different channels for other native languages besides english, so if you tell us your native language we could name another channel22:19
tomreynSalrathor1: i was referring to the hardware there22:19
Salrathor1Yes I have wired internet22:19
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: did you get fully updated on the wired connection?22:20
Salrathor1Ok, basically I just installed ubuntu on my old macbook. The wifi doesn't work so I'm trying to install the correct patch. I've downloaded the correct file, but I don't know how to execute it.22:20
tomreynSalrathor1: try what ActionParsnip suggests. you should not try downloading drivers or patches form some websites unless its a (very) last resort22:20
Salrathor1Action, how do I check?22:21
Salrathor1It ran some updates when I connected I think.22:21
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:21
jenia_hello. I installed a virtual box. I took it from https://www.modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools. It gives me some error I can't understand did anyone encouter this before?22:21
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: reboot then try stuff22:22
jenia_<vbox:Machine> element in OVF contains a medium attachment for the disk image 0940d99c-c380-48c8-9527-b0c9c4fa20d7 but the OVF describes no such image.22:22
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: basic OS install 101; install then update online22:22
ActionParsnipjenia_: what OS is the host and what OS is the guest?22:23
Salrathor1Thanks Action22:23
starter_hi,do you know solve this warning in .c multithread?22:24
starter_warning: passing argument 3 of ‘pthread_create’ makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default] In file included from su.c:4:0:22:24
ActionParsnipstarter_: I'd ask in #c22:24
jenia_ActionParsnip, the host is ubuntu. the guest is Window 722:24
ActionParsnipjenia_: did you install Virtualbox using software centre?22:25
jenia_ActionParsnip, yes22:25
tomreyncheesepufftyler: hi there22:26
starter_ActionParsnip: my code in c :(22:26
cheesepufftylerkind of a newbie here22:26
ActionParsnipjenia_: there is #vbox who may be able to advise22:26
jenia_okay. thanks a lot22:26
ActionParsnipstarter_: yes that is a C coding channel.22:26
tomreynjenia_: make sure you downloaded all the needed files, and extracted them properly22:26
k-stzi just compiled a program, and it is running fine. I'd like to now put it in $PATH so it can be executed by name only.. but I'd like to be apt-get removeable.. any hints?22:27
tomreynjenia_: the error message basically says that it can't find some file22:27
ActionParsnipk-stz: did you have a  makefile for the compilation?22:27
SchrodingersScat!info checkinstall | k-stz22:28
ubottuk-stz: checkinstall (source: checkinstall): installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-4ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 114 kB, installed size 501 kB22:28
k-stzActionParsnip: it was provided22:28
ActionParsnipk-stz: then use checkinstall and you can build a deb22:29
tomreynjenia_: actually that message *may* be no more than a warning (and there could be another issue which actually prevents you from running it)22:29
k-stzI'll try that thanks22:29
Salrathor1Action I just ran the updates but there still seems to be a problem.22:30
ActionParsnipjenia_: check your config of the VM.  You probably have an ISO set to mount at boot that doesn't exist22:30
Salrathor1When I'm booting it tells me there's an error.22:30
rd_ActionParsnip: so using the root in reovery mode didnt work22:30
rd_ActionParsnip: I could find the nvidia file but could not launch it22:30
ActionParsniprd_: did you mark it executable ?22:31
rd_tired sh ./ sudo ./22:31
ActionParsniprd_: if you are root, sudo does nothing at all.22:31
rd_when I used sh it said it could not creat files in /tmp22:32
ActionParsniprd_: you may need to remount / as writable22:32
maestrojedAnyone connect to Ubuntu 14's remote desktop "server" with a client on OSX. Each one I try I get messages that it doesn't support the encryption method being use by the server (Ubuntu)22:32
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: what are you connecting to do? There may be a sleeker solution22:33
rd_ActionParsnip: no idea how to get my ttys back in normal boot? If I set the kernel option to nomodeset I have them but the resoution is 640 by 480 and text does not autowrap22:34
ActionParsniprd_: I've seen users having to add entries for /tmp in /etc/fstab as well22:34
maestrojedActionParsnip I just installed ubuntu. I don't have a mouse. I have my  macbook pro. I enabled Remote Desktop Sharing on the Ubuntu machine. Now with my OSX laptop I want to VNC/access the ubuntu machine.22:35
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: yes but what will you do on the Ubuntu system once you connect?22:35
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: what is the purpose of the connection at all?22:35
Salrathor1Is there anything else I can try to update my network drivers?22:36
rd_somehow I need to just get  a 2d driver with framebuffer22:36
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: what wifi chip do you have? sudo lshw -C network  Will tell you22:37
maestrojedActionParsnip The point of the connection is to just let me get around the UI today while I don't have a mouse. What will I do? Lots of things. First thing I will get open ssh running so I don't need to use the desktop all the time. But then I will be installing software. Configuring a bunch of HDs etc.22:37
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: you could use synergy instead. When you move the mouse of the screen it will appear on the Ubuntu system. Super handy22:38
rd_ActionParsnip: it werid cause jockey says absolutely nothing22:38
maestrojedActionParsnip This is not the permanent solution. I just want the built in remove desktop share to work from an OSX client because its a pain to install stuff without a mouse.22:38
Salrathor1Action: BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n wireless LAN controller22:38
maestrojedOMG. No. Its so temporary and to do just a few little things. Nevermind I will suffer though keyboard shortcuts and install some other VNC server since I apparently can't use Ubuntu's built in one22:39
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: I gave a solution : synergy22:39
maestrojedI know synergy. I am not looking for anything like that. Just wanted a quick VNC connection22:39
tomreynSalrathor1: what'S the output of this: sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name22:39
ActionParsnip!Broadcom | Salrathor122:39
ubottuSalrathor1: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:39
maestrojedI have always used ubuntu's remote share. Just never on 14. Worked on 12.22:39
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: 14 what?22:40
Salrathor1Tomreyn: Macbook 5,222:40
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: that's not  "Ubuntu 14" it's Ubuntu 14.04. There is also Ubuntu 14.1022:40
maestrojedMy Ubuntu12.04 box, I can access its remote desktop share server using VNC View, Chicken of the VNC and any other vnc client22:40
Salrathor1Action: This is what I was referring to when I downloaded the file and tried to install it.22:41
maestrojedActionParsnip oh? Sorry, Didn't realize that changed things. So what does that mean? How does that effect this? Thanks for the help!22:41
Salrathor1I don't know how to install the file though and that's why I decided to check here.22:41
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: I always ask because often there are sleeker solutions  (torrent clients have Web UIs for example)22:41
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: it's just clearer which version of the OS you are using.22:42
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: lots of users automatically think they need the full desktop to achieve their means22:43
Salrathor1Action: I've downloaded a driver- how do I install it ?22:43
Salrathor1the file name is bcmwl_6.30.223.248+bdcom.orig.tar.gz22:43
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: you don't need to download anything manually. You didn't read the link Ubottu gave you....22:44
Salrathor1hmm, let me check it again.22:44
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source22:45
ActionParsnipUnder the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the STA drivers can be activated for use.22:45
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: reboot to test.22:45
maestrojedi know. This is just temporary. I understand when to use desktop and when not too. I can install other programs, Thats fine and what I will do. Seems like asking why vnc clients can't connect to the remote desktop server built into Ubuntu does seem like a reasonable question, on its own. imo.22:45
ColossusWhat is the best cloud service you guys found for Ubuntu?22:46
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: I believe it needs enabling first on the desktop. It's not enabled by default22:46
ActionParsnipColossus: owncloud22:47
maestrojedYes, I have done that.22:47
maestrojedI get encryption errors when trying to connect. I guess it uses a newer encryption protocol then most of the clients have.22:47
ColossusActionParsnip: thank you22:47
maestrojedSo, my original question was if anyone does connect to Ubuntu 14.04's  Remote Desktop software and if so, what client do you use? Cause I am looking for one that supports this encryption protocol. The three I have installed on my OSX machine all give this encryption error22:49
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: let me search online.  See if it's a known issue22:50
=== alpha is now known as rogue
Salrathor1it worked!22:50
maestrojedI saw a thread, the answer was to use "Chicken of the VNC". But that give me the same error so it might be an issue specific to me :)22:51
Salrathor1Thanks a lot Action.22:51
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/128125022:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1281250 in vino (Ubuntu Trusty) "VNC accessible from non-linux machines only with encryption disabled" [High,Triaged]22:51
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: no worries22:51
Salrathor1Are there any good resources you'd recommend for learning more about linux? I signed up to a free online course on edx.org by the linux foundation, but do you have anything else?22:51
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: are you ok with using  Windows?22:52
maestrojedActionParsnip Thx! reading through it.22:52
johnb003Hi I have written a python service that listens for tcp packets and spawns a process for a program I want to run in X. When I run my service directly from a terminal window in X, it works fine, but I tried making it into a service using /etc/init/<servicename>.conf, and when I try to spawn the process this way it doesn't run properly22:52
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: how did you learn how to use it?22:52
Salrathor1I used windows since I was about 8 years old and throughout school etc.22:53
Salrathor1breaking it and reformatting on many occasions.22:53
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: why not learn the same way you learned how to use Windows?22:53
Salrathor1incidental learning is always a good way to learn but sometimes tutorials and structured learning can help you find things you wouldn't otherwise find.22:54
ActionParsnipSalrathor1: lots of guides and stuff online dude.22:54
Salrathor1Yea that's what I was asking for, any good ones for newbies :)22:55
Salrathor1Thanks for your help :)22:55
bazhang!manual | Salrathor122:55
ubottuSalrathor1: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:55
bazhang!rute | Salrathor1 and this22:55
ubottuSalrathor1 and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:55
Salrathor1Excellent, thanks.22:55
wastreljohnb003: likely you have to tell it which X display to use22:55
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johnb003wastrel: in the service somehow?22:57
Salrathor1Ok guys thanks again.22:57
Salrathor1Take care,22:57
johnb003wastrel: how can I spawn a process in X from a service?22:57
swiftygood evening all22:57
hoenirbest irc for ethical/black cracking?22:58
jenia_hello. cna somene please tell me, how do I move the screen towards the top a little in ubuntu? its not quit on center22:58
bubbasaures!topic | hoenir22:58
ubottuhoenir: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:58
Salrathor1sorry one more question, my touchpad is quite unresponsive on linux. I have to push harder to make it work- any suggestions?22:59
wastreljohnb003: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1027894/detect-if-x11-is-available-python22:59
wastrelgl i'm not a developer :)22:59
jenia_does anyone know how to move the screen up a few pixels? its not centered vertically and I can't move it up anymore using the physical screen23:04
trismoops sorry23:04
bubbasauresjenia_, This a monitor?23:05
jenia_bubbasaures, yes. its a monitor. its off by maybe 20px or something. but its annoying23:06
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bubbasauresjenia_, I'm not sure what the physical screen is, but was just going to suggest the monitor controls23:07
bubbasauresonboard the monitor23:07
jenia_bubbasaures, its doesnt allow me to move it up anymore23:07
rwwphysical screen ==  monitor, so that won't work23:07
bubbasauresjenia_, Thanks.23:08
jenia_you welcome. for what though?23:08
bubbasauresjenia_, confirming what that meant.23:08
jenia_oh. you welcome. thanks for trying to help. if you remember an app that can move the screen up-down let me know please ;)23:09
swiftydoes ubuntu support NVIDIA Optimus yet?23:10
bubbasauresrww, So why the interjection?23:10
rwwbecause you were having trouble with the word "physical screen"23:11
bubbasauresrww, Ah, thanks.23:11
Bashing-omswifty: see: -> apt-cache show nvidia-prime <- .23:12
k1lswifty: yes. install the nvidia driver and nvidia prime from the ubuntu repo23:12
swiftyok thanks alot :)23:12
bubbasauresrww, If you notice I try to get confirmations in helping, had to be onbaord or off just checking yah know, had no problem.23:13
tomreynswifty: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Optimus#GNU.2FLinux_support23:14
tomreynSalrathor1: about the touchpad, check "mounse & touchpad" options on preferences23:18
Salrathor1No Tom that doesn't seem to help.23:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416516 in Xserver Xorg Input Synaptics "Touchpad isn't sensitive enough on MacBook 5,2" [Medium,Incomplete]23:25
Salrathor1What do I do with this?23:27
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jeff__how would i go about creating a live (usb drive based) version of ubuntu (using a desktop other than cinnamon, mate, kde, xfce, etc.)?23:28
bekksjeff__: you just download the lubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu lice cd.23:30
katsumebliskjeff__: I'm not exactly sure, but I'd look into remastersys23:30
katsumebliskbekks: he wants to make one that's not with one of the offered DEs23:31
bekkskatsumeblisk: Ah, ok.23:31
Salrathor1Can anyone give me any tips on implementing this fix? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/41651623:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416516 in Xserver Xorg Input Synaptics "Touchpad isn't sensitive enough on MacBook 5,2" [Medium,Incomplete]23:32
jcimshi folks, any suggestions for recording audio from desktop applications in 14.04?23:33
jcimsi can't find a source for audacity, it just wants to use the microphone23:34
jcimslol, nevermind, apt-get install pavucontrol.  man this shit is frustrating23:36
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Salrathor1How do I find out how to apt-get a package like this? xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package in Ubuntu23:38
Salrathor1hmm it says that the package is already installed.23:41
sdfsdfplease say me correct name of puppet-flash-plugin23:42
sdfsdfokey, i found. pepper23:44
jeff__katsumeblisk: is remastersys available in the repositories?23:49
jeff__bekks: yea but i want to use IceWM.23:49
katsumebliskjeff__: not sure. I'd google it. I have never used it23:52

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