
blrwgrant: privacy icon would work... thomi pointed out the other day who had filed that bug :(03:55
blrdidn't notice at the time...03:56
thomimade me sad :(03:56
blrthere were some nice pieces on boingboing recently about him03:57
wgrantOh, indeed. I hadn't noticed that.04:00
thomiwell, now we're all sad, but not for long! it's beer time!04:02
blrthomi: weren't you just complaining you drank too much at LCA? :)04:02
thomioh, except I have to drive to the airport.04:03
thomiblr: yeah, but you can't quit these things too quickly04:03
thomigotta give your liver time to relax04:03
blrright, have to taper off.04:03
thomibesides, picking up tych0 in an hour, he's staying with us a few nights04:03
thomiblr: wanna join us tomorrow after hackathon out on the town?04:03
blrthomi: not sure I'm quite up for that yet, but I'll try to make it to the hackathon04:05
=== mthaddon` is now known as mthaddon
=== Guest67718 is now known as wgrant
=== wgrant is now known as Guest24387
=== Guest24387 is now known as wgrant_
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
thomiwgrant: I just noticed the lp team meeting on my calendar. Would you like me to attend?22:50
wgrantthomi: Might as well, if you have time.22:58
cjwatsonHi, this time I'm available just about on time23:00

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