
newbooterHi holstein00:39
newbooterJust noticed Zeitgeist is enabled in autostart on lubuntu... anyone know why? AFAIK it is used by unity, so it doesn't apply to  lubuntu? Or does it have some use in lubuntu?00:50
newbooterI disabled it just now.00:50
Unit193It's used by many different applications.  Just because unity happens to use it doesn't mean it's part of Unity.  Feel free to disable it though, it shouldn't really restrict much functionality (I don't have it.)00:53
newbooterHm just reading up on zeitgeist. It logs a LOT of stuff. Websites you visit, chat, email... and makes it available to other apps.01:18
Unit193Things like synapse use it.01:18
Unit193But as I said, most things have no requirement.01:19
newbooterYeah I see the idea behind it in principle... relevancy engine. But that is potentially a lot personal info being logged and potentially shared with apps without me knowing about it until I happened to look to my autostart list... hm. Trying to look up what the security risk angle is... must be on quite a few systems if Ubuntu uses it.01:25
newbooterFound this article: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/is-zeitgeist-spying-on-you01:28
newbooterHm I wonder if this is enabled by default on a new lubuntu install? Or if it was enabled by software I installed later.01:36
dustis on by default imho01:36
dustand as u did read in the articel... a lot of idiotic programmers who dont care about security01:37
Unit193dust: zeitgeist/zeitgeist-core isn't installed by default, no matter what your opinion on the matter is.01:38
dustcool so with which crap does it get installed01:39
Unit193Check rdepends, and it does have a use.  If you dislike it so much, please just uninstall it rather than complaining, it's pretty simple.01:39
dustgedit... ah nice01:44
Unit193Ever looked at mousepad or scite?01:45
newbooterHm article points out that lot of the stuff is already in local logs anyway...01:50
newbooterNot that that is a good reason to not secure something like zeitgeist...01:51
newbooterSo in theory, could application x or y look at, for example, browser logs on a unix system? Or would it have to gain some extra permission first?01:53
newbooterOr is the idea to only get apps from trusted repo's and trust that repo checks that apps don't do that kind of stuff?01:58
dustforget that about trusted repos... they dont check anything02:22
dustthe apps run with ur permissions... that means to upload all into the internet and then delete all02:26
dustand stuff like selinux isnt installed and configured... as for a gui for it...02:29
ianorlinwell steam is in multiverse which means it is proprietary and not sure if the liscensing would allow them to fix it02:39
KamilionAnybody got any ideas why tail -f isn't following a log file in 14.04 or 14.10?06:00
KamilionI asked in #ubuntu but just got run around.06:01
holsteinnot implemeted properly? a bug? nothing happening in the log file? log file location is different...06:01
holsteinwhats the goal?06:01
KamilionI'm getting attacked via SSH right now. while debugging, I note that tail -f is not following. I turned password auth off. Dope in #ubuntu tells me to turn it back on 'for debugging'.06:02
holsteinif you are getting attacked, realistically, anything could be changed06:02
Kamilionstill no help with tail -f not updating.06:02
KamilionI was trying to keep an eye on /var/log/auth.log06:03
holsteincould be, an attack that targeted breaking that, so, you cant "keep an eye" on anything06:03
KamilionOkay, one second.06:03
KamilionI'll reboot the machine so it reloads from the .ISO06:03
holsteinKamilion: what iso?06:03
Kamilionand just to be safe, I'll leave it powered off for thirty seconds to let the ram and capacitors clear.06:04
Kamilionlubuntu 14.1006:04
holsteinand, you setup an ssh server on the live iso? and put it outside the firewall?06:05
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:05
holsteini dont keep those memorized..06:05
holsteinsure.. i understand you are saying you are using a live iso. how?06:06
holsteinyou are setting up the ssh server each time?06:06
Kamilionbooting from a USB stick? How else?06:06
holsteinKamilion: why?06:06
Kamilionand copying the host keys in place.06:06
Kamilionbecause I can.06:06
KamilionNow are you going to help me debug tail -f on release media or not?06:06
holsteinsure, but, you are also expecting more of a system06:06
Kamilioncause if not, I'm not going to bother06:06
holsteinKamilion: im *already* helping you, friend06:07
KamilionI've been through these goose chases here before ._.06:07
Kamilionokay, fine, y'know what06:07
holsteinKamilion: i have no intention of chasing anything.. its just a volunteer channel, friend06:07
holsteinKamilion: this is not tech support06:07
Kamilionnow I'm trying to follow /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:07
holsteini think you'll get the "best" help when you install the OS, and try the main channel06:07
holsteinKamilion: you are running older software..06:08
holsteinand its live..im not saying thats why you are not getting tail to work, but, thats why i wouldnt use ssh server like that06:08
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142506:08
holsteinKamilion: no need to caps at me06:08
KamilionI don't care about the fuckin ssh server. I care that TAIL IS NOT WORKING. If this is the first you've heard of it, I'll go ask elsewhere.06:08
holsteinKamilion: im not suggesting you run 15.04, or unsupported code.. just that, you dont have updates applied, and i would want them06:09
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:09
KamilionI do have updates applied.06:09
holsteinKamilion: not in the live iso..06:09
holsteinit'll be a snapshot.06:09
KamilionI ran apt-get update. I have plenty of ram.06:09
holsteincool.. i would, and suggest that you install06:10
Kamilionand TORAM=yes is on.06:10
KamilionThere's no media in the machine to install on.06:10
Kamilionhence why it's running on a livecd right now06:10
Kamilionand why openssh is installed on it so I can make the freaking IPMI work.06:10
holsteinKamilion: cool.. good luck..06:10
Kamilionwithout having to walk over to the stupid thing every time06:10
holsteinim not interested in volunteering anymore, and i need to go to sleep. you can try a general linux channel.. cheers!06:11
KamilionI'll just use watch -n 1 cat filename then.06:15
holsteinsounds great!06:15
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:15
holsteinif you want to file about tail..06:16
Kamilionno point06:16
Kamilionevery bug I've ever filed with ubuntu has been ignored06:16
KamilionI have to go upstream to debian to get any traction06:16
holsteinagain, *great*!.. good night, then06:16
holsteinKamilion: debian is *upstream*06:16
Kamilionno shit debian is upstream.06:16
wxlholstein: if you want to go, go, man, go. :)06:16
holsteinyou can file there, if you like06:16
holsteinKamilion: please do watch the language.. thanks06:17
KamilionI'd ask you to do the same. False courtesy is no courtesy at all. In fact, it's merely fueling further rage.06:17
KamilionAnd on that note, I'm off.06:18
holsteinKamilion: sure.. try and keep in mind, again, we are just volunteers. that may help you with your rage coming into the channel06:18
KamilionYeah, I know.06:18
Kamilionsomeone in #debian pointed me in the right direction, it appears to be a limitation in overlayfs.06:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882147 in coreutils (Ubuntu) "overlayfs does not implement inotify interfaces correctly" [Undecided,In progress]06:33
Kamilionand fixed with the undocumented commandline option ---disable-inotify06:36
Kamiliontail ---disable-inotify -f /var/log/auth.log06:36
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mikelubuntu help here?15:14
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Guest66861nick /mike15:14
slimanii need help17:56
slimaniant one ehere17:57
Chelsea_JurgensHi, can anyone suggest a backup system for lubuntu using as a home computer18:39
Mr_Cometbackup system?18:43
Mr_Cometim sorry, but what do you mean by that18:43
Chelsea_Jurgensin case of emergency and i lose data, what is the best way to recover from that? backup your files18:45
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Mr_Cometgood question.19:04
Mr_Cometi never have all my data in 1 partition.19:04
Mr_Cometc drive for os19:04
Mr_Cometd drive for data19:04
Mr_Cometat least thats how i do my backup19:05
Mr_Cometand i also have a usb harddisk19:05
Chelsea_Jurgensahh ok, is there a program you use?19:08
testdrChelsea_Jurgens: maybe "fsarchiver" to store whole partitions for a later restore (and there are more - depends what data needs to be backuped -- i prefer old rsync, because i only backup special user-data)19:12
Chelsea_Jurgensis there a way to backup the whole system, like in windows?19:14
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