
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledanrandom user in #haxe thought that reinstalling their IDE would fix a compile issue with their code03:13
diddledandon't you love how windows users do that?!03:14
daftykinsturn it off and on again!03:14
diddledanstep one in diagnosis: reainstall all the things03:14
daftykinsnuke it from orbit03:14
diddledanit's nuts03:14
daftykinsweird one in #ubuntu earlier, some users getting their graphics device show up as vmware due to using that galium version or something (i don't have a clue what i'm talking about on that front)03:15
daftykinsso suddenly you start thinking they're using a VM and lying to you, but newp03:15
diddledanit reports a vmware card even when not virutal?!03:15
daftykinshang on might still have the link03:16
diddledanthat really is wonky03:16
diddledanoh. permissions. the user wasn't allowed to access the hardware03:17
diddledanthis is why x starts as root on most systems03:18
diddledandonno why he was running it under a user account manually03:18
diddledanoh, that haxe user just uttered: "I'm in the process of re installing again, even though I can see everything was installed to the right path."03:18
diddledandoing it _again_ because doing it once didn't work!03:19
daftykinsdiddledan: you must share this pearl of wisdom: "what is the definition of insanity? doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result!"03:19
diddledanflogging a dead donky03:19
diddledanI suppose probability might come into it - the law of averages suggests that if he does it enough times he'll end up with shakespear03:20
daftykinsbut there are no monkeys?03:23
diddledanoh, good point03:23
daftykinsunless.. dan! you're not being rude to users again are you? :)03:23
diddledanme? rude? nevar!03:25
daftykinshmm just fed the next Sopranos bluray into my xbox03:28
daftykinsi don't really trust slot loaders03:28
daftykinsi remember getting one and seeing the little manual say "no heart shaped discs"03:28
daftykinsi've never even seen one O_O03:28
mappmorning all05:04
daftykinsjust got into bed here05:05
daftykinsshift change!05:05
mappi gotta get some sleep soon05:06
mappflight at 205:06
daftykinsbed for me, laters \o05:07
mappcya mate05:16
mappnone of the other night owls upo?05:26
knightwisemorning everyone06:50
knightwisehey mapp , how are you today06:52
mappnotbad gotta get a few hrs s;ee[ on a bit06:52
mappfight at 2;30;]06:53
knightwiseYou on your phone ?06:56
mappnah netbook but watching tv..why because of my typos:P06:59
knightwiseyep :)07:00
knightwisegrr , been trying to get retropi working on my raspberry pie for days now07:01
knightwisesomehow it doesn't seem to recognise the controller in the game.07:01
knightwisedocumentation is poor , instructional video's are ancient.07:02
knightwisebeen puting a lot of time in it so far . Still no luck.07:03
knightwiseMonday ...07:15
=== opione is now known as knightwise
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:07
knightwisegood morning brobostigon09:08
brobostigongood morning knightwise09:08
christelmorning brobostigon, knightwise :)09:11
knightwisehey christel09:11
knightwisehow are you on this gloomy monday09:11
christelnot too bad! could have done with an extra hour in bed! yourself? :)09:11
knightwisesame :) working from home today , so I kept the PJ's on as long as possible09:12
knightwiseCurrently snuggle up with a book in the dark for about half an hour before I get ready for work :)09:12
brobostigonmorning christel :)09:12
knightwiseMe + coffee + Ebook + darkness = 30 minutes of bloss09:12
* brobostigon points out the window, and sees bright blue skies.09:12
* knightwise has snow 09:14
davmor2Morning all09:16
knightwisehey davmor209:17
brobostigonmorning davmor209:17
knightwisehmmm.. raspberry pi is misbehaving09:30
* knightwise is gonna kick it into the dmz and make it think about what its done09:31
MartijnVdSknightwise: "it"? a windows machine?09:37
knightwiseRaspbian running pi09:38
MartijnVdSwhat did it do wrong09:39
knightwiseretropi and my controller wont play nice09:39
knightwisedocumentation is crap09:39
MartijnVdSwhat's retropi?09:39
zmoylan-pibad documentation... open source... you don't day :-)09:40
MartijnVdSsome open source stuff has awesome docs09:40
zmoylan-pithose are people reading the code :-)09:40
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: have you *seen* the coreutils code? I prefer the man pages ;)09:43
knightwiseI'm trying to turn it into a retro gaming machine09:44
knightwiseRetropi = Raspberry pi + emulation station09:45
awilkinsAn emulator distro09:45
awilkinsDrop ROMs and disk images into it, pow, instant gaming09:45
awilkins(for given values of "instant" that involve making SDCard images and SSHing files)09:46
knightwiseand getting the friggin controllers working (my current issue)09:46
awilkinsAre we talking something like a std. XBox / PC controller?09:46
knightwisecorrect . I got me a PS3 usb controller just to make it standard09:47
Laneytoday is will-nest-installer-keep-his-third-appointment day09:47
Laneyplace your bets09:47
MartijnVdSoh that sounds cool09:47
MartijnVdSLaney: maybe he has some Yodel packages to deliver first09:47
MartijnVdS"But you installed my thermostat" "Yeah but you weren't in a state to accept packages"09:52
knightwise"in a state" as in "wearing pants when you opened the door ? "09:54
zmoylan-piwouldn't you need a kempston joystick for retro pi? :-)09:54
knightwiseit would be cool zmoylan-pi09:54
knightwiseI got me one of these too09:55
zmoylan-piand if you were nekkid when they arrived to deliver a package you were technically 'out' :-P09:55
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: what if you're closeted though.. then you're never "out"09:55
knightwiseout of the closet ?09:56
* knightwise is out of line09:58
MartijnVdSOut of space10:00
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Tin Can Day! :-D10:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
knightwisemorning peeps10:56
popeyhello again10:57
knightwisehey popey :)10:58
knightwisehappy monday to you10:58
zmoylan-pihappy... monday...?10:58
* zmoylan-pi looks askance at knightwise 10:58
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: he's Belgian. They don't know better :P10:58
knightwisezmoylan-pi: waves pink fluffy unicorn at zmoylan-pi10:58
* zmoylan-pi shoots unicorn with nerf and mounts head on wall10:59
* knightwise takes out garden hose to flood MartijnVdS 's country10:59
knightwiseFact : Some dutch cities are further below the waterline then the maximum diving depth of the first submarines :)11:00
MartijnVdSAnd that's why we built a system of interlocking walls, to keep back the water ;)11:01
MartijnVdSalso, we check them a lot11:01
zmoylan-pia wall that keeps water out also keeps water in11:02
zmoylan-pithey're funny that way :-)11:03
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: don't put water in then ;)11:03
awilkinsWhy use a garden hose when a few pounds of strategically placed dynamite will do?11:03
* zmoylan-pi shakes fist at clouds11:03
knightwiseDutch people are not like pot noodles11:04
knightwisedon't add water to make them tasty11:04
zmoylan-pimight make them testy11:05
* knightwise thinks we should get off MartijnVdS 's case :)11:05
knightwisezmoylan-pi: give me back my pink fluffy unicorn head !11:06
awilkinsknightwise, a quick check of Rule 34 proves you wrong as predicted11:06
* zmoylan-pi hands back knightwise's fluffy unicorn head on the nice wooden plaque11:06
knightwiseawilkins: thanx for that :)11:06
knightwisezmoylan-pi: at least now I don't have to feed it anymore11:07
zmoylan-piit must be hard to fund a store that stocks unicorn food11:08
knightwiseIts even harder to find the rainbow-pooper-scoopers11:08
zmoylan-pii'd have though unicorn poop sold on ebay for a bundle11:09
knightwisezmoylan-pi: my business plan .. right there !11:09
knightwisesoooo weird .. but pretty soothing to listen to http://youarelistening.to/numbers11:12
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davmor2JamesTait: Oh you'll never go to heaven, rpt, In a bake bean tin, rpt, cause a baked bean tin, rpt, got baked beans in, rtp :)11:34
Laneyfancy that, he did turn up11:35
JamesTaitdavmor2, oh you'll never go to heaven in a baked bean tin, cos a baked bean tin's got baked beans in....11:36
* JamesTait hums along to himself11:36
davmor2oh.... I ain't gonna cry, I ain't gonna cry my lord, I ain't gonna cry my lord11:37
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
mappbuh bye12:16
mappgotta go to the airport now12:17
mappassuming i can get a taxi:D12:17
zmoylan-piare they in season? :-)12:17
mappit's hard to get one here sometimes12:19
mappcalled one at the border on friday..told 5mins..never turns up!12:19
zmoylan-piah, you called interdimensional taxis. always on a different plane12:26
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=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)13:56
daubersis it?13:59
bashrcmorning bigcalm14:01
bigcalmIt's close enough14:01
daubersI suppose monday is the morning of the week ahead14:04
popeyhey, cpu people14:08
popeyi know what socket my mobo has, is there a way to see what the "best" cpu I can put in it is?14:08
MartijnVdSpopey: wikipedia has lists of CPUs by socket14:08
MartijnVdSpopey: or if you're up for some parsing Dutch, tweakers.net/pricewatch -> go to the CPU ("processoren") category, then select the socket in the sidebar14:09
MartijnVdSthat + Intel's ARK14:09
popeyit has a sandybridge i7 2600 in it14:10
popeyaccording to wikipedia I could go to ivy bridge14:10
MartijnVdSpopey: check the mainboard manual as well, some never get the newer bios required for newer CPU support14:11
popeyah, true14:11
MartijnVdSi7-3770k is a good one.. I have its successor (4770k) and it's *FAST*14:12
bigcalmi7-4500U - don't suppose there's any point in trying to change a laptop's CPU?14:18
davmor2popey: mobo instruction book?14:29
popeyno idea where that is!14:30
davmor2popey: pdf is on the mobo manufactures site14:30
zmoylan-piget it online quicker14:30
popeyyeah. dunno if it will mentioned CPUs made after the mobo tho :)14:30
zmoylan-pijust make sure you know what revision your bios is.  just in case14:30
davmor2popey: it has to tell you what it supports or you can put in the wrong chip :)14:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
davmor2popey: quick look at my board in google threw up this site http://www.cpu-upgrade.com/14:34
ali1234that's a BGA package, it's almost certainly soldered14:34
ali1234i7-4500U that is14:35
cocoa117does anyone know what is the UK keyboard map for preseeding during a PXE setup?15:17
cocoa117the line "d-i keyboard-configuration/layoutcode string uk" seems don't work15:18
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davmor2cocoa117: try EN_GB maybe?16:07
cocoa117davmor2, tried that, i thought that is locale settings16:08
bigcalmMorning intrbiz16:20
intrbizbigcalm: morning16:24
intrbizbigcalm: how goes the office? managed to find somewhere to park?16:24
bigcalmintrbiz: it's cold here. We've even had snow (not a lot though)16:24
bigcalmYeah, parked at Abbey Foregate and walked in. It's fairly cheap at £2.70 for the day16:25
intrbizbigcalm: snow today?16:25
intrbizbigcalm: not had any snow here today, a little yesterday which didn't stick16:25
bigcalmintrbiz: considering parting up by the cinema for free, but I don't know if they enforce a time restriction16:25
bigcalmYeah, didn't stick here as well, darn cold though16:25
intrbizbigcalm: i've parked before at cinema / asda for a day without hassel, not sure if I'd do it regularly16:26
bigcalmI'm going to be knackered this evening16:28
bigcalmDriving straight to badminton from here. Wont be eating before. Think anybody will be up for eating afterwards?16:28
intrbizbigcalm: i would be, depends who else shows16:29
bigcalmintrbiz: good lad :)16:33
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinsoy vey18:58
diddledanallo daftykins19:09
* diddledan watching the video that bashrc posted a while ago19:10
diddledanabout ipmi19:10
popeythe mjg59 one?19:11
popeywas fun. not finished it yet19:11
popeythe one about OneRNG was also interesting19:12
daftykins"i can't believe it's not VNC" :D19:21
popeywhat's the canonical way to make disks sleep on linux?19:35
diddledanpower button19:35
popeyI have 2x4 disk arrays in my server, and often they're idle for extended periods19:35
diddledanhdparm can set a timeout I believe19:36
popeyah thats it19:36
diddledanI'm awesome!19:36
popeyhdparm -B /dev/sda19:37
popey APM_level      = not supported19:37
daftykinsi keep mine spinning 'cause my old man always told me spinning down and up induced wear 0o19:38
daftykinsbut then i have enterprise level disks / WD Reds now19:38
SuperEngineerThis is actually very beautiful & very wise. A little gem of wisdom for download &/or wisdom.  Beautiful words re being old vs being young19:40
daftykinsargh it's not window wrapped19:40
SuperEngineeryeah, sorry about that -download & read as text19:40
daftykinsseems to prompt for login doing that19:41
SuperEngineeroh boogah! will correct it now19:41
popeyright, all set to spin down after 5 mins. lets see how that works out19:42
daftykins'tis nice that :)19:42
popeywheee, building stuff on my phone19:43
daftykinsthat'll be a hot potato :)19:46
SuperEngineertry that19:46
popeyits surprisingly not :S19:46
popeyoh, balls, only building in one core19:47
popeythat was foolish19:47
* popey considers killing it and adding a -j419:47
popeyhah! that's mnore like it19:48
SuperEngineerpopey, permission to go very off topic for a mo, please...19:49
SuperEngineerdid you get FreeDOS running as a live USB?19:49
popeyused it to update firmware on my hard drives :)19:49
popeyzero effort19:49
popeyused that19:50
* SuperEngineer is overcome with jealousy19:50
popeywhat didnt work for you?19:50
SuperEngineer..and is now checking out that link. Thanks19:50
daftykinsi've also used win98 boot files to make a bootable flash drive for DOS tools19:50
SuperEngineerI used Unetbootin.. it kept failing [on 3 machines] saying it wasn't there... even it was telling me it wasn't there19:51
popeyyou could fit a lot of old dos games on a 32gb usb stick19:51
popeyoh no dont use that19:52
popeyjust dd it19:52
popeydd if=foo of=/dev/sdX19:52
SuperEngineeryeah... I definitely got the idea that it was not suitable for Unetbootin!19:52
popeycould even fit windows 3.1 and loads of silly windows stuff on a stick19:52
* popey ponders19:52
popeycould be fun19:52
popeycould be fun to _install_ dos and windows on a laptop actually19:53
popeynot done that for a while.19:53
SuperEngineer"FreeDOS prebuilt bootable USB flash drive image"... now why does that seem a more sensible option... lol19:53
davmor2popey: dos and windows 95 or 3.1119:54
SuperEngineerwill give it a go - again, thank you19:54
popeydual boot!19:54
popeywindows 95 would get owned in seconds19:54
popeyalthough with no wifi driver, might be okay :D19:54
* popey is tempted19:54
davmor2popey: hahaha19:54
davmor2can't connect to the internet still powned19:55
* SuperEngineer installed an old out of support XFCE [Werewolf] derivative on old netbook yesterday. No wifi needed for intended purpose, so safe, so fast :)19:56
MartijnVdSI was kind of rich for an hour there19:56
MartijnVdSpopey: borrowed some money, buying a garage in my appartment building. Money's in escrow now.20:01
MartijnVdSapartment? Dutch uses 2 p's there. We're weird.20:02
SuperEngineerpopey, SuperEngineer now has bootable FreeDOS US.  Thank you.20:18
popeyfill it with stuff!20:18
MartijnVdSDOS stuff?20:18
SuperEngineerwill do!20:18
MartijnVdSWordPerfect 5.1?20:18
MartijnVdSNorton Commander?20:18
SuperEngineeryeasssss - norton Commander!20:18
* SuperEngineer into timewarp of real Peter Norton, forgets symantec [ooooo - so pleasant!]20:19
zmoylan-pilaplink3 for serial cable transfers20:20
SuperEngineerconsidering Sidekick now20:20
zmoylan-pipkzip 2.04g20:20
MartijnVdSooh yeah20:20
zmoylan-pii probably have a copy here if i look :-)20:21
zmoylan-pidbase iii+20:21
zmoylan-pilotus 12320:21
MartijnVdSooh yes20:21
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: nah the full suite - quickbasic 4.520:22
zmoylan-pioooh, then qbx 7.120:22
MartijnVdS"Last stable release: 4.5 - 1988 - 27 years ago"20:22
MartijnVdSthanks wikipedia. Now I feel old20:23
zmoylan-pithey moved to qbx quick basic extended after that20:23
SuperEngineer...that was also my last stable "release" - proud to say I've never been stable since!  :D20:23
* MartijnVdS stables SuperEngineer 20:24
SuperEngineernever thought typing "dir c:" & "dir a:" could make a person so happy20:36
zmoylan-pi's a dos web browser iirc20:37
diddledanwindows95/dos : cd progra~120:37
diddledanas in arachnid, spider, web20:38
zmoylan-pithink so, i used it in 90s to get 286 on the web20:39
zmoylan-pilet me look...20:39
zmoylan-pistill going... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachne_(web_browser)20:40
SuperEngineer...hmmm just tried typing dir staights:   :)20:43
zmoylan-pitook 15 minutes to render slashdot page, not bad on 14,400 modem and 286 with 640k ram20:44
diddledanzmoylan-pi: try again in a vm :-D20:46
diddledanzmoylan-pi: on an octocore 16GB RAMS uberbeast20:46
zmoylan-pinah this was a proper 286 with b&w vga card. so even if you plugged in colour monitor you got b&w image :-)20:47
diddledanaye, load the same page on a monster and measure the difference :-p20:47
SuperEngineerWhere do I file a FreeDOS bug: need to file a report "FreeDOS has just caused me to book next weekend for digging out my old DOS disks"  ;)20:52
popey\o/ disk spindown working20:59
popeytook 30s to ls a directory \o/20:59
SuperEngineertime to go eat - thanks for the help folks [he says sneaking FreeDOS USB into pocket] ;)21:12
zmoylan-pifreedos on usb... just to annoy the nsa and their automatic tools :-)21:14
shaunobah.  you know it's too cold to type when bash complains it can't find 'fimd' or 'greg'21:25
diddledanI hate greg21:25
diddledanhe's an evil SOB21:25
shaunoI have no heating and it's been quite chilly lately.  of course, my response has been to stick an arduino in the kitchen to keep track of how cold :)21:28
loptaI just got into a conversation with one of the young chaps at work. Had to explain to him all about the Domesday Project.21:32
zmoylan-piwhy do you have no heating?22:42
diddledanheating ftw22:51
daftykinsgot down to between 4 and 6 deg C here, house dips to ~12 and becomes pretty nasty22:52
daftykinslast night i took the wireless thermostat up to the bedroom so i could fire it up before getting out XD22:53
daftykinsi can't use a program because i'm too inconsistent22:53
diddledanI should put some socks on - naked feet causes heatloss22:54
daftykinsugh, another monday game night ruined due to Microsoft22:54
daftykinsthey can't keep their damned online services up for 5 minutes22:54
diddledanwhat did they do this time?22:54
diddledantheir online services aren't22:55
daftykinsbasically i can play games but my friends list doesn't work, so i can't actually play them with my two pals22:55
shaunozmoylan-pi: because oil heating is normal here, and oil heating means that lazy people don't know they're running out until they run out22:57
daftykinsgood times22:57
shaunoit was 5.2 degrees when I woke up.  5.2 *indoors*22:59
daftykinsforeigheit or centius? :>23:00
shaunolol.  degrees Censible, not degrees Freedom23:00
daftykinsgood lawd23:00
daftykinsi thought my place had no insulation23:00
shaunowell, it's better than last winter.  I got my kitchen window fixed so it closes :)23:01
diddledansmall steps23:01
daftykinsyou gotta go to work to warm up23:01
shaunoI just shut myself in the living room with the fireplace23:02
shaunothe rest of the house is a barren wasteland23:02
zmoylan-picurrent external temp 1c here23:27
zmoylan-piabout 14c internally, usually have a clock with temp on it but it's grown legs at some point23:27
* zmoylan-pi imagines shauno with a barrel with open fire in it in his room for some reason :-)23:36
diddledanI'm not sure an underpass counts as "his room"23:40
zmoylan-pias long as he has proper fingerless gloves and bobble hat he'll be grand23:50

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