
jeff__ok. thanks katsumeblisk00:01
cheesepufftylercan someone help me??00:04
ai6pgubuntu on AmazonEC2  - mysql connection not working00:05
ai6pgany good resources on debugging mysql ec2 connection?00:05
cheesepufftylernope im a noob00:05
k1l_cheesepufftyler: just ask your ubuntu question00:07
zacwallsIm trying to partition my ubuntu on my pc and not delete win 7. A dual-boot to be terminologically correct. I am at the partitioning table art of the install and I have no idea what to do.00:12
zacwallsDo i use fat or do i use ntfs?00:14
lachmWell you can decrease the size of your windows partition and then use the empty space as your root partition for windows00:14
lachmFor your Ubuntu partition?00:14
k1l_zacwalls: you cant install ubuntu on fat or ntfs.00:16
k1l_!dualboot | zacwalls00:16
ubottuzacwalls: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:16
lachmExt4 is the probably the best one to use00:17
k1l_yes, ext4 is the ubuntu standard.00:17
adam_I am still having issues with Steam, no one has been able to find a solution yet. I managed to find all the files and delete them and do a fresh install but still can't connect to login servers. I've checked firewalls and everything  I can think of. Anyone have any ideas on how to find the problem?00:17
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zacwallsand make the mount point /boot?00:18
dannymichelOk, so I have been comparing NTFS applications to write to my NTFS external on OS X, but have been hearing bad things about data loss and corrupt drives. I considered installing a Ubuntu virtual machine and sharing that drive on it to write it, but wouldn't that kind of be the same thing? Using OS X's drivers?00:18
k1l_zacwalls: you dont need a seperate /boot in most cases00:19
zacwallsIs 50mb good to partition?00:19
k1l_zacwalls: 50mb is way to small for everything00:19
amicrawler2012how do i tell what my cpu is00:20
amicrawler2012form the command line00:20
k1l_amicrawler2012: "lshw"00:20
gr33n7007hamicrawler2012, cat /proc/cpuinfo00:20
amicrawler2012im trying to see if my system will go hier then 1000:20
satdavIs open fire still packaged with apt-get00:21
k1l_!find openfire00:22
ubottuFile openfire found in openvas-plugins-dfsg00:23
k1l_satdav: so, no00:23
amicrawler2012will a AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+00:23
zacwallsI have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 and win 7 loader is formatted with ntfs. the win 7 loader is on /dev/sda1 and has used 25mb. There is a total of 104.9mb on sda1. What do i do from here?00:24
satdavk1l_: is that's a old package00:24
amicrawler2012can any body help me ?00:24
k1l_satdav: its not in the ubuntu repos. you will need a 3rd party package to install00:25
zacwallsOh and sda1 is also ntfs00:25
satdav!find openvpn00:26
ubottuFound: openvpn, gadmin-openvpn-client, gadmin-openvpn-client-dbg, gadmin-openvpn-server, gadmin-openvpn-server-dbg, network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-openvpn-gnome, openvpn-auth-ldap, openvpn-auth-radius, openvpn-auth-radius-dbg (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openvpn&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all00:26
k1l_zacwalls: resize the sda2 (the windows partition). then make new partitions for ubuntu, install ubuntu there, insatll grub. done00:27
zacwallsHow do in install grub.. NVM 1 step at a time right.00:27
zacwallsresize to 50mb?00:27
k1l_zacwalls: please see the page the bot linked to you some minutes ago00:28
k1l_zacwalls: no00:28
zacwallson win 7 loader00:28
k1l_zacwalls: dont touch that.00:28
zacwallsI did not understand the material.00:28
zacwallsOkay it is at 105mb00:28
k1l_zacwalls: stop.00:28
zacwallsas usual00:28
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!00:28
k1l_zacwalls: you gat a "small partition" sda1 labled "win7 loader" and a second sda2 with the actual windows system, right?00:29
zacwallssda1 is the loader00:29
squintysatdav:   do that in another channel  you can type the following   /msg ubottu !<subject>   that open another channel where you can type other searchs too without spamming this channel00:30
bbryanthey, so i'm having some trouble with my clock. I go to the settings and all of the options are greyed out with no way for me to sudo up, so to speak00:30
bbryantwhat's the name of the settings application for time and date00:30
zacwallsDo i do a new partition table00:30
bbryantso I can just run sudo from the terminal?00:30
amicrawler2012will a AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+00:31
amicrawler2012can any body help me ?00:31
k1l_zacwalls: so resize sda2 to make room for ubuntu. the boot-loader from ubuntu (grub) will recognize the windows-loader and will present a menue on start where you can choose between ubuntu and windows00:31
amicrawler2012im trying to see if my system will go hier then 1000:31
k1l_zacwalls: no00:31
k1l_zacwalls: i fear you are going to delete your datas00:31
squintyamicrawler2012:  your questions are not making any sense.  please included complete information on what you are trying to acheive00:31
zacwallsSo resize to what?00:31
amicrawler2012yes i have a  AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+00:32
amicrawler2012with 512 ram00:32
amicrawler2012and the os is 10.1000:32
k1l_amicrawler2012: 10.10 is outdated. dont install that anymore00:32
amicrawler2012i want to upgrade to ubunut 1200:32
squinty!eol | amicrawler201200:32
ubottuamicrawler2012: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:32
k1l_zacwalls: depends on how much GB the disk is00:33
amicrawler2012im not sure what i can up grade to on this computet00:33
k1l_amicrawler2012: you need to upgrade to 12.04.00:33
zacwallsabout 100:33
k1l_amicrawler2012: but since you waited way too long you need to upgrade to 11.04 then 11.10 then 12.04.00:33
squintyamicrawler2012:  that 512 meg ram is the lowest limit, afaik, for lubuntu00:33
k1l_zacwalls: 1 what?00:33
amicrawler2012for the cpu and ram  can i upgrade00:33
k1l_zacwalls: sorry, you are making no sense at all00:34
zacwallsYou said it depends on the gb on the disk00:34
squintyzacwalls:  might want to have a look at  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual   along with the other material that k1l suggest you read00:34
zacwallsI did not understand it00:35
k1l_zacwalls: stop trolling.00:35
zacwallsI am not00:35
zacwallsI am looking for help00:35
k1l_zacwalls: you were kicked last time you trolled in here. so stop it or leave. dont waste the volunteers time00:35
zacwallsI am not.00:35
squintyzacwalls:  then you might as well give up now.  linux is not an OS for people who can't be bothered to take the time to try and understand it.00:36
zacwallsI just want help00:36
amicrawler2012my computer is a compact AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+00:36
amicrawler2012i was just wondering if i can run any thing better then ubunut 10.0400:36
squintyamicrawler2012:  if you are looking for suggestions on hardware upgrades then you need to ask in a hardware channel00:36
amicrawler2012where is that00:37
k1l_amicrawler2012: you can even run a 14.04. but you need to use some lightweight desktopns00:37
amicrawler2012some thing like xfce00:37
squinty!alis | amicrawler201200:37
ubottuamicrawler2012: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:37
k1l_amicrawler2012: more like Lubuntu00:37
squintyamicrawler2012:  lubuntu for you machine as it is00:37
borisetoHello, why won't the global menu show at all if the application is executed with gksudo from shortcut?00:38
amicrawler2012lubuntu huh00:38
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squintyamicrawler2012:  even then 512 meg ram is pushing the limit imho.00:38
amicrawler2012im trying  im not a super nerd00:39
k1l_amicrawler2012: so please upgrade all the upgrade t at least 12.04. since your system now got serious security issues00:39
amicrawler2012what about video it has svga00:40
amicrawler2012is there a video issue on 1200:40
k1l_amicrawler2012: you have no choice.00:40
squintyamicrawler2012:  grab the lubuntu 12 and try it00:40
k1l_amicrawler2012: its not about "can i stay at 10.10?". its just about "how do you get to a supported ubuntu asap"00:41
squintyamicrawler2012:  see if you can install another 512 meg ram in that box too  ;-)00:42
amicrawler2012what is the mem comand00:44
amicrawler2012to see what i have on the computet00:44
gr33n7007hamicrawler2012, free -m00:45
Bashing-omamicrawler2012: I also advocate try'n Lubuntu ; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/. I ran 12.04 Lubuntu quite well on a single core AMD board (2 Gigs of ram though !).00:45
amicrawler2012939MB ram00:45
squintyamicrawler2012:  fwiw, ran lubuntu 14 with 1 gig and setup for xbmc for playing shows.  no speed demon but no problem playing videos either00:48
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squinty!ask | tom2200:50
ubottutom22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:50
=== matthew is now known as Guest50442
QbuoAnybody have ideas on how to maximize the performance of Intel HD 4400?00:51
tom223my wifi card driver has a bug00:51
daftykinsQbuo: don't play games and don't ask too much of it? :)00:52
k1l_Qbuo: i dont think there is something to maximize00:52
Qbuodaftykins: its here to play a couple source games till i can buy a r9 29000:52
daftykinsQbuo: AMD on Linux? interesting choice00:53
k1l_Qbuo: reduce the setttings in the games until it runs smooth00:53
daftykinsno don't try and mess around i'd say, just deal with it :)00:53
QbuoNot much of a choice, unless i wanted a 100$ graphics card and windows00:53
daftykinshow is picking AMD not a choice? :)00:53
QbuoAnybody ELSE have a useful opinion?00:53
QbuoMy use of ubuntu is not a choice00:53
Qbuoif it was, i would never be picking it00:54
daftykinsQbuo: no i mean AMD vs. nvidia00:55
daftykinsi'm not talking about the OS choice00:55
QbuoI'm not going to change the card that matches my price range to match the preference of my free operating system00:55
k1l_Qbuo: sorry, why so aggressive now? as an enduser there is nothing i could imagine how you could increase the performance of the cpu-buildin gpu. not if you start programming the video driver yourself.00:56
daftykinsQbuo: yeah i don't really get what's gotten you so hot headed for all of a sudden.00:56
QbuoI came here for a quick answer, the answer i don't want is "deal with it"00:56
squintylose the attitude00:57
squintydon't like the advice then leave... no one really cares00:57
k1l_Qbuo: see my answer. if you dont like the "there is nothing" answer should we lie to you to make you happy?00:57
QbuoMy main topic was how to improve the performance of Intel HD graphics 4400 in any small way possible.00:57
daftykinsQbuo: well, there aren't any options beyond turning settings down as k1l_ said... would you like us to wave a magic wand?00:58
Qbuok1l_:You don't need to lie, there can't possibly be no small tips for improvement00:58
QbuoDo you knwo f any settings that i can disable, or power options to adjust?00:58
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
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bekksQbuo: There are none of these settings.01:08
ggjreryhJust now my ubuntu 14.04 laptop wont connect to internet or router.suddenly... Router and internet works for my phone. Wtf?01:20
ziikutvDuring the installation procedure, I am prompted to check whether or not I would like to Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation; while I understand, vageuly, what they mean by encrypting, what are the consequences of me doing so? Do I take up more space?01:20
SchrodingersScatziikutv: shouldn't need more space.  Recovering from a failure might be harder, extra steps to decrypt maybe.01:21
ziikutvI also found this article http://askubuntu.com/questions/429590/what-are-the-advantages-disadvantages-of-the-new-encryption-feature-in-ubuntu-1301:21
ziikutvinteresting read; thanks.01:21
ggjreryhAny ideas?01:22
Bashing-omziikutv: Encryption is another level of compelexity .. and in times of trouble maybe not able to overcome . IF there is no need for it, do not go there. Just my thought .01:23
* squinty too01:23
squintyand if you do..... save and remember where your passwords are stored.  ;-)01:24
ziikutvI would appreciate some help01:24
bekksziikutv: Dont encrypt until you need to.01:24
TrailewHi, is that possible to install Intel drivers ( hd 4400 ) on ubuntu without desktop environment, I only see packages for gtk ect...01:24
ziikutvI resized my 500 gb harddrive and set aside 150 gb of space for ubuntu01:24
k1l_Trailew: the intel driver is in the kernel so it is already there on the server install01:25
bekksTrailew: I doesnt make any sense to install drivers for your GPU without a graphical environment.01:25
ziikutvI am on the step where I have to pick the "device" I think I have located which one is the correct particition.. but when I  double click on it, there are many options.. what do I pick (Ext4, ext3,ext2 ... EFi boot option, physical volume for encription)01:25
Trailewbekks: yes it does, if your use a media center without DE01:25
ziikutvand there is also another section asking "Device for boot loader installation"01:25
bekksTrailew: So your media center PC is command line only?01:26
Trailewbekks: pretty much yes. with an app on my phone or an xbox360 remote controller01:26
bekksTrailew: So you have a graphical application on it.01:26
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Trailewbekks: there is a x11 but no login ect...01:26
bekksTrailew: There is still a graphical environment on it.01:27
TrailewI mean I can install Nvidia drivers without DE ( with ncurse ) why it isn't possible to do that with intel01:27
Guest19750i am new on this kind of chat01:27
k1l_Trailew: did you read my answer?01:27
Trailewk1l_: yes but it's missing all the opengl stuff01:27
Trailewk1l_: I guess?01:28
k1l_Trailew: i dont get your issue right now01:28
ggjreryhAny ideas at all why networking suddenly died on my laptop?01:28
Trailewk1l_: My issue is I think I don't have what's necessary to use HW decoding with Kodi ( ex xbmc ) I need drivers for my hd 4400 on ubuntu 14.0401:29
bekksTrailew: Either you have Kodi or you have Ubuntu.01:29
k1l_Trailew: if you dont have stuff running who needs opengl, then its not installed. if you have stuff running that needs it: its installed.  if it non of this 2 versions its a depency error. or a faulty 3rd party setup01:29
Trailewbekks: I installed Kodi on top of Ubuntu server01:30
k1l_Trailew: so it installed: mesa-utils right?01:31
Bashing-omggjreryh: The card died ? The cat pulled the cord ? Port is bad ? .. what returns from -> sudo lshw -C network , lspci | grep Ethernet <-  ?01:31
Trailewk1l_: yes it does01:31
ggjreryhIts over wifi and says connected. Everything works fine for my phone01:32
k1l_Trailew: xbmc is like a desktop enviroment. just you dont use ith with a mouse and keyboard is not important01:32
k1l_Trailew: so what is the error?01:32
Bashing-omggjreryh: Sorry, WIFI skiils are not in my tool box .. others wil hav to advise.01:33
k1l_Trailew: iirc you worry too much about a issue that is not an issue :)01:33
Trailewk1l_: To be honnest the main problem is when I run Kodi all CPU are sitting at 100% I thought it was using some kind of software decoding therefore I needed intel drivers ect...01:33
k1l_Trailew: then see what is causing all that cpu usage01:34
ggjreryhIts kinda odd that happened suddenly....01:35
Trailewk1l_: I think that's one of the problem: GL_VENDOR = VMware, Inc.01:35
k1l_its runnin in  a vm?01:35
Trailewk1l_: allright i might have an idea01:36
bekksTrailew: Install the guest additions.01:36
Trailewk1l_: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=17516401:36
bekksYour physical hardware isnt even seen inside the vm.01:36
nimmersatthello mates. has anyone heard of the 'asus tranformer Book chi t300'? I might want that. Do you think it would work fine with Ubuntu, since it has a detachable touch display. Furthermore, I probably w…01:36
nimmersatt…ont be able to get it without Windows, will it be a problem selling the license?01:36
nimmersattthanks in advance :)01:37
Trailewbekks: I think I need to add some group to the kodi user to use the proper thing01:37
bekksTrailew: You need to install the VMware guest additions.01:37
k1l_Trailew: is it in a vm?01:37
Trailewbekks: I'm not using any virtualization, it's just not detecting the proper "driver"01:38
ziikutvbekks I am at this part, i dont know what to do: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Pj1wt.png01:38
squintynimmersatt:  might want to ask in #ubuntu-touch01:38
ziikutvunder /dev/sda I have three partitions, all ntfs, one is my windows instalation, the other is "TARGET"/"DESIRED" partition, do I just select that ?01:38
k1l_Trailew: what does "dmesg" tell you about the drivers used?01:39
ziikutvbekks What should I use it as01:39
nimmersattwell I'll ask again there :)01:39
Trailewk1l_: I'm restarting X one sec01:39
utopianYall is there an issue with this mirrors ipv6 transit. It is stopped like this an it appears to be about to time out: 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::14)] [Connecting to sec01:40
Trailewk1l_: It fixed the problem #@! thank you both of you :)01:41
Trailewbekks:  It fixed the problem #@! thank you both of you :)01:41
utopianVery annoying and insecure and yada yada /me angers and rages! =]01:44
EphraimBHow do I delete my Ubuntu partition?01:45
EphraimBin Windows 1001:45
utopianI've come to the conclusion that when using public tunnel brokers liek he.net you sohuld no allow ipv6 for updates01:46
utopianThe transit is banned at their ipx for some reason01:46
daftykinsEphraimB: run diskmgmt.msc, select them and delete01:46
utopianI can ping it from any of my ipv6 enabled vps with native transit01:46
utopianI don't know why places are filtering he.net these days01:46
utopianIt's stupid01:46
EphraimBDelete Volume option is greyed out01:46
utopianI imagine since they allow bgp peering that folks try to bgp poison01:47
daftykinsEphraimB: use an ubuntu live session then01:47
daftykinsutopian: you're getting a bit off topic with this discussion01:47
daftykinsEphraimB: boot into it then run gparted01:47
utopianAnyways what is the easy way to fource ipv4 in ubuntu on an update01:47
utopianexcelllleent answer this simple question then and i'll be on my way01:47
utopianthis is on topic01:47
daftykinsah, you wanna make a deal eh? ;)01:47
EphraimBHow do I do it on Windows?01:48
ziikutvSo I need to create a swap partition and a ext4 partition for ubuntu? am i right?01:48
daftykinsEphraimB: well you should just be able to highlight the partitions ubuntu installed to, then delete those. but if as you've said the option is not there... then it's live session and gparted time. i'm kinda getting the... going around in circles idea.01:48
daftykinsziikutv: what are you installing to? it tends to be auto these days01:49
amosAlguien sabe como puedo entrar a un disco externo01:49
k1l_!es | amos01:49
ubottuamos: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:49
ziikutvdaftykins I have one hard drive I made a 150 gb partition on it wanted ubuntu on that and dual boot it with my windows 701:49
daftykinsziikutv: then yeah, you can go the single partition route01:50
Bashing-omziikutv: I do not see ANY Windows partitions on that hard drive .. as it stands now .. install grub to 'sda' . Maybe best at this point to quit the installer and provide -from the liveDVD the results of terminal commands -> sudo fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l < - .01:50
ziikutvBashing-om thats not my screen thats a picture i saw on the internet01:50
Bashing-omziikutv: In that case .. shos the channel - in pastebin - what is current on the hard drive -> sudo fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l <- .01:52
ziikutvBashing-om I cannot do those terminal commands atm01:52
nimmersattthere is noone in ubuntu-touch :o01:52
ziikutvBashing-om https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7742727/IMG_20150118_205051.jpg this is mine01:52
Bashing-omziikutv: Look'n at yours .01:53
daftykinsnimmersatt: best advice, buy a device that's known good to work. don't buy something with the hope that maybe it'll run ubuntu01:53
ziikutvBashing-om the one I have selected there, I double clicked and readjusted it to 1600 and set that to the swap, then I am assuming it will keep the remaining as free space then Ill just make that into ext4, anything wrong here?01:53
Bashing-omziikutv: Assumming that you will keep Windows on the 1st hard drive 'sda' and ubuntu on the 2nd hard driv 'sdb'with "data' partitions. then yes you are looking good .. but make sure in this scene that grub gets installed to 'sdb' and when booting that the boot priority in bios is set to the 2nd hard drive.01:57
ziikutvBashing-om sdb is a usb drive, that is not suppose to be used for anything01:58
nimmersattthanks for advice, daftykins :)01:59
Bashing-omziikutv: on the 1st hard drive 'sda' there is no provision at this time for ubuntu .. ubuntu's default file system is " ext4 " .01:59
EphraimBI want to upgrade from ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 through ISO. How do I do this in a multi-boot?01:59
ziikutvBashing-om I just said, I am going to partition the 150 gb into two partitions, one called swap (16 gb) and the other will be ext4 where I will install ubuntu (ext4 of size 150 - 16 gb)02:00
backingupwhere are the nautilus view settings stored?02:03
Bashing-omziikutv: There is a process when dealing with Windows . defrag Windows twice, in Windows resize the OS partition to the size for ubuntu to install onto, then in Windows run 'check disk' twice ... THEN in ubuntu installer choose "something else" and create the partitions.02:03
ziikutvBashing-om why?02:04
ziikutvI resized from the OS using Partition manage 12402:04
ziikutvBut I did not defrag02:04
Bashing-omziikutv: So Windows has a partition table to boot up from .02:04
kokutHello, anyone knows a way to show all the devices connected to my routeR?02:05
newbooterSo I just did some reading on zeitgeist...02:05
ziikutvHow do I pick the mount point02:06
newbooterI see the intent, but what about the security aspect? Can anyone point me to a good online resource on the topic?02:06
EphraimBHow do I reinstall Ubuntu on a multi-boot?02:07
newbooterJust read this one: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/is-zeitgeist-spying-on-you02:07
Bashing-omziikutv: Trying to realize where you are in the install process .. best I recall the "mount point" is 'use as " .. and that is '/' .02:08
newbooterArticle points out a lot of the info that zeitgeist uses is already in app logs anyway...02:08
newbooterSo I wonder, in theory, could application x or y look at, for example, browser logs on a unix system? Or would it have to gain some extra permission first?02:08
ziikutvBashing-om so what I did is undo my steps and restart pc. Then I went to Try Ubuntu section..02:08
newbooterSo is the idea to only get apps from trusted repo's and trust that repo checks that apps don't do that kind of stuff?02:09
ziikutvI made all the parititons there (I still have not clicked the checkmark yet); then what I will do is go backto windows and do the defraging. Sound good?02:09
dannymichelOk, so I have been comparing NTFS applications to write to my NTFS external on OS X, but have been hearing bad things about data loss and corrupt drives. I considered installing a Ubuntu virtual machine and sharing that drive on it to write it, but wouldn't that kind of be the same thing? Using OS X's drivers?02:09
Bashing-omziikutv: IF you have made partitons for ubuntu .. I would not defrag now ... Windows now has enough to deal with .02:10
ziikutvBashing-om I simply made the ~150 gb partition, still have to format it as ext4 and subtract the 1600 mb as swap02:12
Bashing-omziikutv: ziikutv I see no provision at this time " https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7742727/IMG_20150118_205051.jpg "  for ubuntu .02:13
ziikutvBashing-om nope at that point it was just windows resized and ~150gb free space.02:14
amosalguien habla español02:15
ziikutvBashing-om here is where I am; I still have not selected "Apply all operations" yet which I will do once you think I have done the right steps. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jw1nes9ay7lgb7i/AABjT7a4YtWGkhZZAODULCH7a?dl=002:16
Bashing-omziikutv: Then as you have exited the installer, I would boot windows  and run check disk .. to insure Windows partition table is intact. Then boot to the ubuntu installer " something else" and in the installer make up the partitions. One may make up the ubuntu partitions in GPartd, and in the install process point the installer to these partitions.02:17
ziikutvBashing-om should I not click Apply All operations eyt?02:17
Bashing-omziikutv: IF you are satisfied with the changes you will make, sure apply the changes .02:18
RawSushiHi. Not sure if this is an ubuntu issue or a virtualbox issue...but I installed ubuntu in a virtualbox, and also installed guest additions...but for some reason 1920x1080 isn't an option for the resolutions.  How would I go about fixing this?02:18
Bashing-omziikutv: There is a 4 partition limit in MBR partitioning .. what one normally does is crate a 'extended' partition when dual booting with Windows .. and in this 'extended' partition make up the 'logical' partitions for ubuntu .. done like that ?02:20
ziikutvI am confused by what you just said02:20
ziikutvBashing-om on that picture i sent you, there is also a dropdown "Device for boot loader installation" should I pick sda (as in the 500 gb harddrive) or?02:22
Bashing-omziikutv: How can I un-confuse you // Due to addressing there can only be 4 primary partitions on a hard drive . The way to get around this limitation is creat an 'extended' partition as one of those 4 primary partitions.02:22
ziikutvI only have thre02:22
gustavo__is anyone here familiar with ddwrt and could help me with some trouble i'm having on an asus rt66u02:24
ziikutvBashing-om here is the new screen... https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/IMG_20150118_212513.jpg?_subject_uid=7742727&w=AAD5H69a7zKGmL-FyTARe5Araw3Aowi_lSRTHxrKjejAxQ02:26
rwwgustavo__: No, because this is Ubuntu support. Try ##dd-wrt02:26
rww(or ddwrt's other support options)02:26
Bashing-omziikutv: looking at your last provided sceen shot .. there are 3 partitions devoted to Windows . So that space for ubuntu to install onto - in this situation - is to make up that 4th partition 'extended' and in this 'extended' container make up 'logical' partitions .. ( we can have 128 logical partitions within this 'extended' partition) . Maybe best to provide a new screen shot of what you presently have from GParted .OK .. look'n at https://dl02:27
gustavo__rww: i'm in dd-wrt. no one know02:27
backingupwhere are the settings for nautilus's default view?02:27
rwwgustavo__: Okay. We still only do Ubuntu support here, sorry.02:27
ziikutvBashing-om sdb is not part of the computer, sda has four partitions that I can see.02:28
Bashing-omziikutv: I gt a 403 from that ...try again ?02:28
Loshkigustav___: Try in the dd-wrt channel02:28
NavidEvening, Im in an emergency situation here02:28
ziikutvBashing-om https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/IMG_20150118_212513.jpg?_subject_uid=7742727&w=AAD5H69a7zKGmL-FyTARe5Araw3Aowi_lSRTHxrKjejAxQ02:28
NavidI accidentally used mount --bind on a folder that had all my webserver files in /var/www02:29
NavidIs there anyway to undo this, I've just lost about 4 websites of information02:29
Bashing-om!paste | ziikutv As I am not signing into any site .02:30
ubottuziikutv As I am not signing into any site .: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:30
LoshkiNavid: mounting does't generally destroy files. There's a good chance it's all still there. Have you tried just unmounting the mount?02:30
ziikutvBashing-om http://imgur.com/0IelkoS02:31
NavidBasically what I did was mount --bind /home/user /var/www/user to so ftp would be directed to /var/www/user instead but mistake of mine.02:31
NavidYeah Im looking at both folders /var/wwww and /home/user nothing in either folders02:31
Bashing-omziikutv: look'n at your http://imgur.com/0IelkoS .02:32
ziikutvBashing-om so I have exactly four and I dont know how to make that extended at least from here, i know its possible in gparted.02:33
NavidAny idea Loshki02:33
LoshkiNavid: can you pastebin the output of 'df -h' and 'mount'02:33
Bashing-omziikutv: That looks good to me .. 4 primary partitions is doable .. and install grub to 'sda' .02:34
Bashing-omziikutv: However, installing like this leaves no way to expand in the future . ( say add a 'data' patrtion to share ).02:35
NavidLoshki: http://pastebin.com/hU7VRVJP02:35
LoshkiNavid: did you make any *permanent* changes to the mounts e.g. by editing /etc/fstab or /etc/rc.local?02:38
Navidi didnt touch those02:40
LoshkiNavid: Then my advice at this point is to reboot and pray. On reboot, everything should remount as it was originally. You might wanna take a second opinion before you do this...02:40
xFFFFHave a live distro on standby?02:40
NavidActually that's true, the reason I was mounting it because my folders were unmounted when I restarted server02:41
Ben64Navid: you should be able to unmount them now02:41
NavidWithout restarting?02:41
NavidIm hesitant about typing any commands I find in google again02:42
Ben64sudo umount /home/swiftkite02:42
LoshkiBen64: unless some fool process has files open on the mount, in which case it won't unmount...02:42
xFFFF...but it will tell you if it fails.02:43
xFFFFIf it unmounts successfully, it will just return.02:43
NavidIt returned02:43
Ben64i'm surprised it let you mount something to itself02:43
NavidAnd my files are not back02:43
Ben64did it return anything02:43
NavidSame as before, the files in /var/WWW/swiftkite are the same as /home/swiftkite, but before /var/www/swiftkite had lots of other files.02:44
Ben64sudo umount /var/www/swiftkite02:44
NavidDidn't change it02:45
Navidwhen I run 'mount'02:45
Navidthere is this line: /home/swiftkite on /var/www/swiftkite type none (rw,bind)02:45
NavidMaybe I need to unbind it too02:45
Ben64only that one?02:45
NavidWell there is more but related the /home/swiftkite and /var/ww02:46
NavidI could pastbin if needed02:46
Ben64so all 3 are still there?02:46
NavidNope just that line now02:46
xFFFFHi everyone I've got a dumb SSH question I'm sure a few gurus out there would be able to answer... I'm trying to SSH in to my Ubuntu server @ home which has a dynamically assigned external IP.02:46
Ben64then "sudo umount /home/swiftkite" again02:46
xFFFFI've had a brain fart and can't get the whole reverse tunnel thing going.02:46
NavidOH my goodness.02:47
NavidThank you Ben64, its back.02:47
ziikutvBashing-om so I installed and restarted, no boot selection screen.....02:47
ziikutvBashing-om booted right into ubuntu02:47
NavidAnd Loshki--save me a heart attack and weeks of work to put it back on here.02:47
Ben64Navid: instead of messing around with binding directories, maybe make your documentroot in the directory you want?02:47
NavidI wanted to do that but I have external users that would access via ftp and I want them to access only their folder in this case /var/www/swiftkite rather then having their own home directory02:48
Ben64what the difference if you're just binding that to another directory02:48
Bashing-omziikutv: Yuk, let's see what you got -> sudo fdisk -lu | pastebinit , sudo parted -l | pastebinit <- .02:49
NavidGood question, at the time of setting up apache, I thought it would be better organizing to have all web apps in /var/www like apache documents it02:49
brianmwatersis the preferred way to enable and disable services with upstart just to edit the /etc/init/whatever file? (i'm used to debian, w/ sysvinit and rc*.d)02:50
annaTherk_I'm having a difficult time installing dev environment on my Linux VM, does anyone have any good tutorials to suggest?02:50
Ben64Navid: for multiple sites on a single server, i find it easier to have web directories in each user's home directory02:50
Ben64!upstart | brianmwaters02:51
ubottubrianmwaters: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:51
brianmwatersi have seen the website! just asking about best practices.02:51
brianmwatersthanks tho02:51
Ben64website explains it all02:51
ziikutvFirst: www.pastebin.com/rVFH03Wt and Second: www.pastebin.com/LYmnDFpt02:52
NavidI'm going to take your advice and change it to the setting you mention Ben64, it will save a lot of hassle in the future02:52
Bashing-omziikutv: look'n .02:52
memekahi, at boot there are several services starting multiple times... any idea where to look for the issue?02:52
memeka * Starting save udev log and update rules                               [ OK ]  * Stopping save udev log and update rules                               [ OK ]  * Starting configure network device security                            [ OK ]02:53
memeka * Starting configure network device security                            [ OK ]  * Starting configure network device security                            [ OK ]  * Starting configure network device security                            [ OK ]02:53
brianmwatersBen64: found it in the cookbook, thanks02:53
Bashing-omziikutv: I see no fault .. so when you boot the system what happens if you hold the right shift key down when the bios screen clears ?02:55
ziikutvwhen i restrted i did not see bios screen02:55
ziikutvi did not see anything02:55
ziikutvit just flashed on and off (my screen truns off when display is black) then it jsut went to ubuntu desktop, no ubuntu logo nothing.02:56
Bashing-omziikutv: Auto login set ? YOU are presently booting into the ubuntu install, yes ?02:58
ziikutvYeah i chekced auto login02:58
ziikutvand yes in ubuntu now.02:58
Bashing-omziikutv: Presently I do not know .. have never messed about with auto login .. but let's make sure ubuntu recogizes Windows. Terminal command -> sudo update-grub <- is Windows seen in the output ?03:00
ziikutvBashing-om by the way I had windows 8 before and i reinstalled on the harddrive windows 7, I used to see the screen which let me pick between windows 7 and windows 8 (when I picked windowed 8 nothing happend because it was no longer there)03:02
ziikutvBashing-om the reason I tell you this now ( i thought this was irrelevant ) is because of this... www.pastebin.com/Ag5B6nJn is the result when I type the command you requested.03:03
Bashing-omziikutv: Again, I am getting into unknown waters with Windows 8, as Windows 8 requires GPT partitioning and UEFI booting. It may take someone smarter than I to make sure there is no residual data for the GPT partition table . You are now installed as MBR vice GPT .03:05
Bashing-omziikutv: Nope, looks good as far as what ubuntu's bootloader sees and knows about ... we just ned to find a way to get the grub menu to display in an 'autologin' situation, I bet !03:07
backingupwhere are nautilus's default view files stored?03:07
xFFFFHi everyone I've got a dumb SSH question I'm sure a few gurus out there would be able to answer... I'm trying to SSH in to my Ubuntu server @ home which has a dynamically assigned external IP.03:10
Ben64xFFFF: use a dynamic dns service03:11
xFFFFThat's what I am doing at the moment. I would like to avoid using it all together.03:11
xFFFFAlso, I have multiple registered domains... If I have to I'd prefer to use one of them as a private DDNS03:12
Ben64xFFFF: then do that?03:12
NikolaiToryzinWhat you do is sign up with a service to do that and cname one of your domains to the domain they give you03:12
NikolaiToryzinThat might work03:12
Bashing-omziikutv: Windows8 has UEFI as the firmware .. and there is no standard on how UEFI is implemented. All I can suggest at this time is to play around with the boot options -> CCSM ? and see what you can come up for the boot menu .03:13
xFFFFIt's the reverse tunneling that I can't figure out. My googlefu has failed me.03:13
xFFFFAt the moment I can connect to home using a DDNS service provider.03:14
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: use a cname03:14
mr392I was wondering if anyone could kindly direct me to some place where I could troubleshoot audio problems with my Dell laptop's build in audio card? Thank you. (Extensive google searching has not helped me)03:14
xFFFFHow do I update the cname record when the external IP changes?03:14
Ben64xFFFF: you don't need tunnel if you know your ip03:14
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: You don't, just make one with a tiny ttl03:14
ziikutvBashing-om OKay thanks for the help :)03:14
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: A cname maps 1 domain to another03:15
Ben64don't need cname, google domains supports dynamic dns03:15
NikolaiToryzinSo looking up your cname makes it look up the ddns hostname03:15
NikolaiToryzinOr maybe he doesn't want to change DNS service03:15
ziikutvBashing-om I gotta goto bed now unfortunately :(03:15
NikolaiToryzinYou know03:15
NikolaiToryzinLike a sane person.03:15
Ben64ok then, dns.he.net supports dynamic dns03:15
NikolaiToryzinWhy would he ever change his DNS service.03:16
Ben64to get dynamic dns, duh03:16
Bashing-omziikutv: K; good night .. sleep well and in your dreams come to terms with UEFI .03:16
ziikutvBashing-om however, upon restart now I have a choice of picking several thing.. I pick windows 8 loader, then it takes me back to the old screen where I have to pick between windows 7 and winodws 8... so its not a major problem.03:16
NikolaiToryzinBut I have him a solution that works perfectly.03:16
Ben64which involves signing up to a different service03:16
NikolaiToryzinHe already uses a ddns service03:16
NikolaiToryzinSo that's wrong.03:16
NikolaiToryzinMy solution takes 2 seconds and is always updated.03:17
NikolaiToryzinYours requires signing up with a service and moving his domains.03:17
Ben64doesn't require moving domains03:18
daftykinsnow now, settle this like adults! here are your pistols.03:20
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: ping03:22
xFFFFStill here.03:22
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: So basically what a cname does is tell a DNS recursive resolver that it should actually look up another domain. So if you set a cname from home.xf.com to xf.ddns.com looking up home.xf.com would always return the IP for xf.ddns.com03:24
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: I run the DNS authoria03:25
rd_no network after resume from acpi suspend (s3)03:25
NikolaiToryzinAuthoritarian servers for my company so if you need help at all just ask :)03:25
rd_question mark on network manager03:26
xFFFFI'm not sure I understand where you are coming from NikolaiToryzin...03:26
xFFFFHow would I create a cname record that points to a server with a dynamically assigned IP?03:27
Ben64xFFFF: he really wants you to use cname instead of a better dns service that includes dynamic dns03:27
NikolaiToryzinBen64: stop shitposting03:27
daftykinsi'm with Ben64 on this one, you need to do the job properly.03:28
Ben64xFFFF: you would make a new record, called whatever you want, and point it to blahblah.dyndns.com or whatever03:28
Ben64NikolaiToryzin: i get that you're angry, but that language is not allowed here03:28
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: The cname basically says to query the ddns domain.03:28
xFFFFOhhh. you're saying to continue to use the DDNS provider.03:28
xFFFFI've got ya. That's not what I'm after (hence the confusion)03:28
xFFFFI don't want to use an external DDNS provider03:29
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daftykinsxFFFF: what do you think will keep your IP up to date, then?03:30
xFFFFI should be able to acheive this with reverse SSH no?03:30
Ben64xFFFF: that would require you to keep a connection open 24/7 from home->wherever03:30
rebsmy vlc is hung, i know the pid but how do i kill it?03:30
xFFFF...If it drops out, I can cron it.03:31
Ben64xFFFF: not a great way to do that03:31
daftykinsrebs: kill $PID03:31
daftykinsor kill -9 $PID if it refuses03:31
backinguprebs: yeah, or you can go to system monitor03:31
rebs-9 helped!03:32
rebstime to read the man page, thx03:32
xFFFFI've got a new plan...03:32
xFFFFUbuntu server checks external IP and updates external host as it changes.03:32
Ben64so... dynamic dns03:33
daftykinsvia some kind of... dynamic DNS client03:33
xFFFFCreate a new user on the host with a bash script what essentially just SSH's straight in to the Ubuntu server on connection.03:33
xFFFFI have no good reason not to use a DDNS provider. I just don't want to.03:34
NikolaiToryzinRun your own?03:35
xFFFFNikolaiToryzin: That's what I'm going to do.03:35
NikolaiToryzinCan't imagine writing a little DNS server to do that would be too hard03:35
Ben64in the time this conversation has been going on, i got dynamic dns set up on domains.google.com03:35
daftykinsit tends to end badly when users are stubborn about making tasks more awkward than they have to be03:35
Ben64ddclient + fill in the blanks = done03:36
xFFFFxFFFF = stubborn03:36
Ben64well have fun with that03:36
NikolaiToryzinxFFFF: I love your attitude03:37
NikolaiToryzinReminds me of me :)03:37
basichashDo i need to manually install intel graphic drivers or are they included by default in ubuntu?03:37
xFFFFNikolaiToryzin: II find that it is a great way to learn things.03:39
xFFFFI think I've got it.03:39
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off
Ben64why learn something that serves no purpose?03:39
xFFFFOn the host I have a simple page like what'smyIP.03:39
xFFFFIt's not the goal. It's the journey.03:39
daftykinsall i can say is i hope i don't encounter you two in real life :P03:39
daftykinsyou probably have a rube goldberg breakfast machine03:40
xFFFFOn the Ubuntu server I check the IP periodically. On an IP change I update the host.03:40
* daftykins gets back on topic03:40
Ben64daftykins: doc brown already did that03:40
Ben64xFFFF: yes, thats what ddclient does03:40
xFFFFI have a login script that will SSH straight in to the Ubtunu server when I connect to the host as 'user X'03:40
Ben64that part still makes less than none sense03:41
xFFFFThe script on the host will read a file 'current.IP' and use it when 'user X' loggs in.03:42
xFFFFI'm sure there is a way to do this with SSH exclusively.03:42
Ben64still doesn't make sense, but have fun03:43
xFFFFI will. Thanks for the help (even if you think I'm crazy)03:44
daftykinsin fact my connection just dropped *visits ISP update page*03:45
daftykinser, s/ISP/domain registrar/03:45
=== gerald is now known as Guest21793
jamie_hey i am having a problem with sdl03:58
jamie_it keeps returning   unable to initialize sdl: no available video device03:58
MoonlightningIs `sudo stop lightdm` graceful? If not, how do I quit it gracefully?04:09
reisioMoonlightning: yes04:09
reisioalthough if you're also running a DE, more graceful still would be to exit that gracefully beforehand, too04:10
Moonlightning…I thought that /was/ the desktop environment. 6_904:10
reisioMoonlightning: de = desktop environment, dm = display manager (aka login manager)04:16
reisiomore symmetrical :)04:17
basichashanyone know why I can't install gstreamer? here are the logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9781954/04:21
reisiocan't imagine why you'd want to04:21
LoshkiMoonlightning: strictly speaking, the *dm programs are Desktop Managers, and their main job is to post a greeting, authenticate you, and hand you off to an entirely different layer of software. In principle, you can freely mix any DM with any DE. In practice, this occasionally works.04:21
basichashi need it for some music apps04:22
bubbasauresbasichash, the restricted-extras for the de you have are what is installed most of the time, what release is this?04:23
basichashbubbasaures: 14.04 LTS04:24
bubbasauresmost/some depends on the user I suppose04:24
wfioThis is kind of a dumb question and I have searched all the old haunts but I cannot find any substantive affirmation that it is possible to do a stand-alone installation of Ubuntu on a Chromebook. Can someone provide some clarity?04:24
bubbasauresbasichash, Do you have any held or broken packages on a apt-get update/dist-upgrade?04:24
wfioI don't want a side by side, I want a straight up only Ubuntu installation.04:25
reisiowfio: on some chromebooks yes04:25
basichashbubbasaures: yeah, actually. How can I log them?04:25
reisiowfio: which have ye?04:25
wfioI was considering the ASUS CM30004:25
bubbasauresbasichash, pastebin.com04:25
wfioor: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KOUIZBC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=104:25
bubbasauresbasichash, show all the work04:25
dmcgintyAnyone know why I can't launch Deepin Software Center in Ubuntu 14.10?04:26
basichashbubbasaures: as in how can i pipe the output of apt-get update04:26
lotuspsychjewfio: i had 2 users here recently saying they install ubuntu on chromebook out of the box, the other was gonna try it with crouton04:26
bubbasaures!pastebinit | basichash04:26
ubottubasichash: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com04:26
basichashbubbasaures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9781981/04:27
basichashbubbasaures: to print out errors its 2&>1 somefile.txt, no?04:27
lotuspsychjewfio: there is also a chrome addon, that can run ubuntu inside the addon04:27
wfioI've got a huge 17" HP that's loaded out but it weighs almost 10lbs and I want something ultra light, but still fast enough to run Ubuntu and R but carry around04:27
wfioI dont want anything Google on my device :)04:28
wfio<puts on tin hat>04:28
bubbasauresbasichash, Not sure I understand04:28
lotuspsychjewfio: you already have the chromebook, or gonna buy it specially for ubuntu?04:29
wfiobuy it04:29
Moonlightningbooted to a liveusb with the desktop installer on it04:29
lotuspsychjewfio: i would not do that04:29
wfioI'm trying to keep the next acquisition below $50004:29
bubbasauresbasichash, Lot of extra repos and ppa, probably some not needed, if any at all.04:29
basichashbubbasaures: e.g. apt-get update >> file.txt pipes stdout to file.txt, but what about about stderr?04:29
MoonlightningI have a luks volume unlocked, and I can't seem to close it.04:29
basichashbubbasaures: which should i remove?04:29
lotuspsychjewfio: i would go for a regular notebook/netbook and place a samsung ssd inside04:29
MoonlightningEven just after booting, if I open and then immediately try to close it, I get these /device or resource busy/ errora04:29
Moonlightningerrors *04:30
wfiothe Acer Chromebook has a 32GB SSD04:30
bubbasauresbasichash, beyond me, on stderr. Remove hard to tell, what about the dist-upgrade and what it shows.04:30
lotuspsychjewfio: i would not go the chromebook mate04:30
wfioOkie dokie04:30
lotuspsychjewfio: other brands will run it more smoothly04:30
Shazbot27looking for resources for setting up wifi and network printing on my LXLE install any help appreciated04:31
wfioIt is surprisingly sluggish on my HP (2.8GHZ quad i7 w/ 16GB) -- Really it's Firefox that bogs out all the time04:31
bubbasauresbasichash, Just so you know, if not a ubuntu repo or package from a ppa...etc it is not supported here.04:31
wfioSo there is probably no way that the Chromebook could do it04:31
lotuspsychjewfio: tweak your system, put ssd inside install preload04:32
bubbasauressorry bad wording, basichash we supprt waht is in the release no extras04:32
basichashbubbasaures: tomahawk is a ppa04:32
lotuspsychje!info preload | wfio04:32
ubottuwfio: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (utopic), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB04:32
wfioI want to get a lighter laptop -- like 3lbs or less04:32
wfioLooks like I'm stuck in the 1.5k range04:32
manpitssure a chromebook can do it.  ive a acer chromebook right now04:33
bubbasaures!ppa | basichash so we are on the same page04:33
ubottubasichash so we are on the same page: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:33
lotuspsychjewfio: there is a website with supported hardware for ubuntu04:33
basichashbubbasaures: its also an issue i have when trying to play music on rhythmbox04:33
lotuspsychjewfio: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/04:33
basichashbubbasaures: so how do i solve it?04:33
bubbasauresbasichash, You are not really paying attention and answering what is asked for, can't really help, if I can at all without starting there.04:34
lotuspsychjewfio: i you want a light tablet with ubuntu-touc join #ubuntu-touch04:34
lotuspsychjemanpits: wich version of ubuntu you run on it?04:39
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BTJusticeInstead of using m/d/Y, I want to change the system wide date format to YYYY-mm-dd How can I do that?04:41
basichashbubbasaures: there's no dist-update command04:41
basichashi don't really understand what it is you want me to do04:43
bubbasauresbasichash, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:43
basichashah ok04:43
bubbasauresbasichash, You said you had held and broken packages, the update/dist-upgrade will show us what is up.04:43
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basichashbubbasaures: what exactly does dist-upgrade do?04:44
basichashnever come acroos it before04:44
basichashbubbasaures: here's the output of dist-upgrade anyway: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9782071/04:45
bubbasauresbasichash, In the update you have errors and a lot of not supported repos as well, kinda a mess. dist-upgrade allows kernels and security updates04:45
basichashbubbasaures: oh ok04:45
bubbasauresbasichash, Try sudo apt-get autoremove than sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras04:47
justgreghey all, I'm having a recurring problem with the software updater giving me this message: The upgrade needs a total of 60.8 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 11.3 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. every few months.04:48
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | justgreg04:48
ubottujustgreg: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (utopic), package size 249 kB, installed size 1930 kB04:48
bubbasauresjustgreg, Looks like you have a full boot partition, clean some kernels out04:49
justgregokay, how do I do that, and can I automate that?04:49
lotuspsychjejustgreg: some scan options better do manual04:49
justgreglotuspsychje, I don't know what that means.04:50
lotuspsychjejustgreg: install bleachbit, it will show you whats recomended to remove and what not04:50
basichashbubbasaures: awesome, dependencies are all met now04:51
basichashbubbasaures: thanks04:51
bubbasauresbasichash, You are still erring in the update though, so.........04:51
basichashbubbasaures: how can I tell?04:51
bubbasauresbasichash, says so right in it. ;)04:51
basichashbubbasaures: for apt-get update you mean?04:52
dmcgintycan anyone help with deepin software center04:52
bubbasauresbasichash, Yeah04:52
basichashbubbasaures: should i just remove the sources then?04:53
basichashe.g. remove the package04:53
basichashnot a huge linux head, so i can be a bit ignorant about some of this stuff04:53
MarkusDBXLooking for a really nice rss reader04:54
justgreglotuspsychje, I have bleachbit installed, now what?04:54
justgreg*and running04:54
bubbasauresbasichash, Depends, you have to remember repos will add packages, these packages can conflict so just removing may leave troubles ahead. I would say your are new, back off on any ppa's or repos not ubuntu without researching and knowing where the support is for them.04:55
bubbasauresbasichash, linux is different than windows say; that there repos are not added, in linux they can be.04:56
basichashbubbasaures: yeah still don't have a deep understanding of linux. i am having some trouble when running the intel graphics installer, specifically this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9782168/04:57
bubbasauresbasichash, Another not needed app, are you getting the general picture?04:58
basichashbubbasaures: i downloaded it earlier, but you say i don't need it?04:58
bubbasauresbasichash, Not supported here really, however you will find people who will, but may be clueless, you gotta separate the wheat from the chaff.  No you don;t need it, all you need is in the repos most of the time, especially intel.04:59
basichashbubbasaures: alright, good to know05:00
bubbasauresbasichash, If your into it, linux is a nice way to break and fix and reinstall and learn a lot. ;)05:01
reisiointel graphics installer?05:02
basichashbubbasaures: yeah that's why im using it05:02
basichashreisio: yeah05:02
reisiofor what?05:03
basichashreisio: i thought i needed it05:03
basichashapparently not though05:04
reisioI'm not aware of any 'intel installer' anyone would need :)05:05
gansteedwhy my computer goes black screen when i open chrome app store? is there any resolution?05:05
reisiouse a less poorly authored application05:06
reisioand/or graphics driver05:06
basichashreisio: the one mentioned in this article: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/intel-graphics-installer-linux-updated-1-0-605:06
gansteedis it because out of memory?05:06
reisiobasichash: that's probably for bleeding edge things05:07
bubbasauresbasichash, I would stick with the official wiki's.05:07
bubbasauresfor now at least05:07
basichashyeah will do05:08
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DatzHi, my samba password keeps getting reset every day. How can I stop this, and why is it happening?05:30
nicomachushi guys! I'm trying to update a PC from 12.04 to 14.04.1, but I get an error saying "Unable to get exclusive lock"05:34
Ben64nicomachus: you need to have anything using apt closed, like ubuntu software center, or synaptic, or things like that05:37
nicomachusSoftware center was running, but I didn't think it was updating anything at the time. I think it got messed up installing the updates somehow.05:39
nicomachusI bought a computer at a thrift store for $20 today, to use mainly as a netflix machine attached to a TV, but it's been giving me some trouble all day.05:40
K4xulWell it is only $20, haha05:41
nicomachusexactly why I bought it. Haha05:41
nicomachusmoving to a new apartment in a month. We'll have free internet, so I'm just not going to get a cable package.05:41
K4xulThat's cool05:42
nicomachusI figured a $20 thrift store computer with 1.5 Ghz and 75 Gb of memory could work for Netflix, Popcorn Time, and Spotify.05:43
nicomachusAnd then our laptops aren't tied up by being connected to the TV.05:43
cryptodanisnt 12.04 still LTS?05:44
gsennau$s 20 for a computer?05:44
nicomachusUS $20.05:44
cfhowlettcryptodan, of course.  one LTS always LTS05:45
cryptodannicomachus: I would just leave the machine on 12.04 till LTS runs out05:45
reisioor you could pay $25 for a brand new single-board computer that does all that better05:45
nicomachusI finally just burned a disk with 14.04.1. But it's not booting from the disk05:45
nicomachusLubuntu live disk wouldn't boot either.05:46
gsennareisio, what computer are you talking about?05:46
reisiothere are dozens of them05:46
gsennanot where i live.05:47
reisioeven there05:48
reisioalthough shipping might be a factor, but a small one :)05:48
reisiorealistically, almost anyone working any awful day job should have enough monthly mad money to get even a $150 computer every month05:49
reisionevermind once a few years05:49
reisiolet me rephrase that05:49
reisios/part time day job/05:49
reisiocomputers are real cheap now05:49
gsennait's all so pricey here. A raspberry pi here is 127 dollars, and because my country cant manage its international reserves well we cant import stuff freely.05:49
reisiowhich country?05:49
KamilionJust curious -- does anyone else have problems with 'tail' not following a file being written to in 14.04 or 14.10? I've tried both -f and -F and I seem to have to ^C it and run it for it to pick up any changes?05:51
reisioKamilion: try less instead05:51
nicomachusis it possible to boot an .iso without using a usb or cd?05:51
cfhowlettnicomachus, it is05:51
owen1how to find what's running on port 3000?05:51
cfhowlett!install | nicomachus05:51
ubottunicomachus: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:51
cryptodanKamilion: is the file a log file?05:52
owen1i see it on netstat -tlnp05:52
Kamilioncryptodan: yeah, auth.log05:52
reisiogsenna: y'know what else you could do05:52
reisiogo outside :)05:52
cryptodanowen1: try http://localhost:300005:52
nicomachusJust restarted Ubuntu, still in 12.04. Some updates were interrupted and only partially installed...05:52
owen1cryptodan: good idea. i see nothing05:53
gsennareisio, you mean bring something from abroad?05:53
basichashHow can i remove the title window bar from all windows in 14.04?05:53
cryptodanKamilion: mine updates fine can you paste here your command line?05:53
Kamilioncryptodan: tail -f /var/log/auth.log05:53
Kamilioncryptodan: or tail -F /var/log/auth.log05:54
reisiogsenna: no I mean go outside and live like primates were meant to :)05:54
cryptodanKamilion: not sure whats happening, but you can try to ssh yourself and type in a wrong password05:54
reisiohappy & in the sun05:54
Kamilioncryptodan: nope, no can do, password auth is off05:54
Kamilioni can successfully connect though!05:54
cryptodanKamilion: turn it on for debugging05:55
nicomachusI can't get back to the update manager now, all menu icons are gone from the menu bar05:55
nicomachusnvm, was able to get to it through dash05:55
bubbasauresnicomachus, Try in the terminal sudo apt-get -f install05:56
Kamilionalright, password auth is now enabled and I'm now getting attacked again.05:56
bubbasauresfinish the install05:56
bubbasaureserr update05:56
nicomachuswhat does -f install do?05:56
gsennareisio, oh yeah sure, i know i am not going to die because i cant have an electronic device. I am against consumerism actually. But i dont like the way my country handles some things.05:56
Kamiliondo I still have to unsuccessfully connect to myself when someone else is doing the work for me?05:56
cryptodanKamilion: there you go tail was working fine, but your log was not active.05:56
bubbasauresnicomachus, This is a command for restarting a stopped install, one anyway05:56
bubbasauresor update05:57
Kamilioncryptodan: huh? tail's still not updating.05:57
Kamilioncryptodan: I *noticed* it when I was turning password auth *ON*.05:57
cryptodanKamilion: then what do you mean by this [19/05:56:22/Jan/2015] <Kamilion> alright, password auth is now enabled and I'm now getting attacked again.05:57
bubbasauresnicomachus, Your were trying to upgrade, you would state that if that was your interrupted right?05:58
MACscrhmm, will ubuntu randomly assign ipv6 addresses when there is no dhcp server assigning them?05:58
Kamilioncryptodan: I *JUST* turned password auth OFF because I was getting attacked by
cryptodanKamilion: and how do you know if tail -f authlog was not working?05:58
KamilionBecause I'm sitting here WATCHING IT NOT WORK?05:58
cryptodanYou are not making any sense at all Kamilion05:59
zacwallsUbuntu is freezing alot lately. Like within the last 15 min alone, about 3 times. I have just cleaned all my fans. So it has to be ubuntu. I thought it could be outdated drivers for the GPU but have been to afraid to install because my hardware may be outdated. And i really dont want to take that chance. I really need a suggestion here. :(05:59
Kamilionand every time I ^C and 'tail -f /var/log/auth.log' there are new lines.05:59
nicomachusYes, bubbasaurus05:59
nicomachusYes bubbasaures05:59
bubbasauresnicomachus, Coo, thanks.05:59
cryptodanKamilion: I am also getting probed by them05:59
bubbasaureszacwalls, Are you swapping maybe?05:59
antimatroidso I'm trying to disable/enable dropbox depending on which wireless network I'm connected to. How can I get a shell script to start dropbox when it's being run from /etc/network/if-up.d? if I use "/etc/bin/dropbox start" then it works when I run the script myself but not when nm_dispatcher runs it ("killall dropbox" works in both cases for closing dropbox)05:59
cryptodanif root is not allowed log in rights then dont worry06:00
zacwallsHow can i check?06:00
bubbasaureszacwalls, Turn off the swap and see if you still have this issue, back on if you need to hibernate.06:00
Kamilioncryptodan: Thanks, I'll seek help elsewhere.06:01
zacwallsIs there a command or is it something you do manually?06:01
nicomachusinstalling 153 updates now. think i should try upgrading to 14.04.1 after that?06:01
bubbasaureszacwalls, Off sudo swapoff -a  On sudo swapon -a06:01
cryptodanso if you have password auth disabled you wont get any password authentication failures in authlog06:01
nicomachusAny chance this computer won't run it?06:01
zacwallsOkay ill try that06:02
nicomachusMotherboard is an Asus Socket 77506:02
bubbasaureszacwalls, If that is the issue, check out swappiness.06:02
bubbasauresnicomachus, Anything can happen, always be prepared.06:04
zacwallsIt mainly occurs in firefox, But my cpu is actually pxe and on the install i had to force pae. Is that potentially a problem?06:05
jeffrey_flooking for something like ccboot.com (iscsi diskless boot).  I want something with a GUI06:05
cfhowlett!install | jeffrey_f see the last option06:08
ubottujeffrey_f see the last option: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:08
jeffrey_fthanks cfhowlett06:11
bubbasauresjustgreg, You all fixed?06:11
cfhowlettjeffrey_f, happy2help!06:11
reisiogsenna: well, people should just make computers locally :)06:11
justgregbubbasaures, I think so. I just ran a script that deleted kernels and headers that didn't match the current one. I could run the updater after the fact.06:13
justgregthe software lotuswhatever recommended didn't appear to do a thing about old kernels06:14
bubbasauresjustgreg, Good, extra stuff in all but hard to tell exactly what06:14
gsennareisio, you still have to bring the main components from china. imagine that it is summer here and there were problems trying to import tampons.06:15
justgregwhy isn't there a built-in, automated solution, bubbasaures ?06:15
reisioyou don't though :)06:15
bubbasauresjustgreg, bleachbit is alright, just does not remove kernels if that what the issue.06:15
reisiosilicon is everywhere06:15
cfhowlettgsenna, it's official: #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thank you.06:15
nicomachuswell I was able to restart with no problems after the update, which is where it went wrong last time. So looking good so far.06:15
nicomachusTime to try upgrading to 14.04.1..06:16
bubbasauresjustgreg, Autoremove I think does remove, I do it automatically from the command line is all06:16
cryptodannicomachus: why are you wanting to go to 14.04 when 12.04 will work fine for Netflix?06:16
cfhowlett!test | vlc-check,06:16
ubottuvlc-check,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:16
gsennacfhowlett, right, sorry.06:16
justgregDo enough people need every kernel that's ever been on their computer that this needs to be manual? That seems stupid.06:17
NikolaiToryzinDoesn't apt-get autoremove old kernels regardless?06:17
reisiojustgreg: do enough people have no ability to remove old porn videos that space is such an issue? :)06:17
cfhowlettNikolaiToryzin, by design it does not06:17
nicomachuscryptodan: would just rather be up to date. There's no reason it SHOULDN'T run on this PC. 14.04 only requires 1.0 Ghz and I've got more than that.06:18
NikolaiToryzincfhowlett: Gotcha.06:18
cryptodannicomachus: well 12.04 repos are still maintained till 2017 I believe06:18
justgregreisio, a 75-character regex expression is not a button in my browser preferences.06:18
cfhowlettNikolaiToryzin, allow me to rephrase ... if the command is run, yes.  BUT, how many "normal" users run that command?  ever?06:18
nicomachusFor support I usually go to a local irc channel and talk to some guys I know, and they all run 14.04 so it makes things easier.06:18
cryptodanso if 12.04 works then dont break it06:18
nicomachuswhat reason is there not to do it?06:18
NikolaiToryzincfhowlett: oh! That makes more sense.06:18
reisiojustgreg: you can say that again06:19
reisio(but why would you)06:19
vlc-checkhow to check stream if working programming ?06:19
cfhowlettNikolaiToryzin, the dev's are discussing whether to enable auto kernel deletion.06:19
zacwallsbubbasaures; Wow, That was the worst it ever was. I  had to ctrl+alt+f1 to reboot......06:20
vlc-checki use rtmpdump,but it can only check rtmp.06:20
zacwallsbubbasaures; Do we have anymore options?06:21
vlc-checkanyone can make it ?06:21
vlc-checkcheck stream if working programming06:21
cfhowlettNikolaiToryzin, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Devs-Are-Talking-Whether-to-Let-Software-Update-Delete-Old-Kernels-470284.shtml06:22
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bubbasaureszacwalls, Can't say that was just to see if it was an issue.06:25
zacwallsSo Im guessing it is...06:26
nicomachuswell shit. I installed hardware updates that were available and it broke the whole thing.06:27
nicomachusIt installed the updates just fine, but then I restarted and it gets stuck on the "Ubuntu" load screen (before login)06:28
basichashI can't install ubuntu-gnome-desktop, because i have brokens packages, but when I filter packages for broken in synaptic, there's nothing there06:28
nicomachusExcept the Ubuntu logo is showing twice and the display is all messed up.06:28
cfhowlettnicomachus, graphics... do nomodeset06:29
nicomachusHow do I even get to a terminal from here?06:29
cfhowlett!nomodeset | nicomachus06:29
ubottunicomachus: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:29
basichashspecifically this is what i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9782637/06:29
bubbasauresbasichash, Please always the command the whole shebang06:30
nicomachusscrew it, let's see if this Mint install will work.06:31
basichashbubbasaures: ah right. that was output of "apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop"06:31
bubbasauresbasichash, What is it you want?06:31
zacwallsbubbasaures; I think it was firefox06:31
basichashbubbasaures: to install ubuntu-gnome-desktop06:31
zacwallsDownloading chromium......06:32
bubbasauresbasichash, which is to you the gnome 3 desktop?06:32
basichashbubbasaures: isn't it?06:32
bubbasauresbasichash, not with that command06:32
basichashbubbasaures: ubuntu-gnome3-desktop then?06:33
kryptonradonwhere can I download trusty packages? I need some 386 libs that I can't install with apt06:33
bubbasauresbasichash, You have link to what it is so we can be sure?06:33
cfhowlettkryptonradon, why can't apt get the packages?06:33
kryptonradonapt says they can't be installed due to conflicts06:34
kryptonradonso I'm going to put the libs in their own directory06:34
basichashbubbasaures: http://askubuntu.com/questions/462250/hide-title-bar-in-gnome-3-1206:34
kryptonradonThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:34
kryptonradon fglrx:i386 : Depends: dkms:i386 but it is not installable06:34
basichashbubbasaures: although i think i might need 3.10, as its easier with that version06:34
cfhowlettkryptonradon, apt-cache show will display the packages, but forcing the install is likely to cause pain06:34
kryptonradonthere's an example06:34
kryptonradonI'm not going to force install them I'm going to extract the libs and put them in their own dir06:35
kryptonradonso I need to download the packages without apt06:35
cfhowlettkryptonradon, display the package with apt-cache show, wget the .deb and good luck with that06:36
bubbasauresbasichash, I think you want the fallback, I have to go for awhile so others may have this for you.06:36
basichashbubbasaures: ok06:36
bubbasauresnightly 15 min work lol06:37
ns5How can I download src deb from this page and rebuild it?  https://launchpad.net/~mosquitto-dev/+archive/ubuntu/mosquitto-ppa/+packages06:37
Kamilioncryptodan: Found the problem -- overlayfs does not impliment inotify correctly on the livecd. There is an undocumented workaround ---disable-inotify that makes it work.06:37
cfhowlett!source | ns506:43
ubottuns5: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html06:43
filantropoHi. I know there is a program in or for ubuntu to get and watch the size of the content of folders of the file system to find out disk usage. Which prog is this?06:43
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Anarchicfilantropo, kdirstat06:48
EiriksHDDhi #ubuntu, got a question: I have just installed a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and when I logged in for the first time, unity don't start, I have nothing but the mouse on my screen, what do I do?07:06
filantropoAnarchic, yes, that is. Thank you.07:08
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cfhowlettEiriksHDD, logout and login the guest account to test07:14
adsfdsaShould I use 14.04 LTS or 14.10?07:18
Ben64up to you, but 14.04 is supported for 52 more months, and 14.10 is supported for 6 more07:19
foo357Hello, I have a computer running ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I've been having some issues trying to do a package update as of lately.07:23
foo357When I try to do an update I immediately get a 503 error on the first package it tries to fetch, and then the update process stops.07:24
foo357I am not sure what could be the cause of this. but when I try to download a package manually by copy-pasting a link into the web-browser I get an error about ICAP.07:26
foo357This computer accesses the internet through a http proxy, and it could be that the proxy isn't configured to handle ICAP.07:27
typewriterjimam i the only one here?07:28
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:28
Rorytypewriterjim: you haven't asked a question yet, also07:28
typewriterjimi have a question to ask07:29
foo357I've tried with a few mirrors... so my first question is if anyone knows about the use of ICAP on repository mirrors? Is it something that has been introduced relatively recently?07:29
slacko10622I have the ubuntu server DVD 14.04.   There's no desktop.  Can I install the desktop from the DVD as I don't have internet connection on that pc.07:29
typewriterjimHello I need help.07:30
typewriterjimPlease made room for my question.07:30
Roryslacko10622: I don't think the desktop packages come on the server DVD07:30
typewriterjimPlease make room for my question.07:30
Rorytypewriterjim: ask your question, preferably all on one line.07:30
typewriterjimI need someone to check and see if my server is working.07:31
typewriterjimWill anyone here attempt that?07:31
Rorytypewriterjim: what do you need?07:31
typewriterjimJust for you to visit the address.07:31
Rory...what address?07:32
typewriterjimThis one:
jnhghyI need to copy data from a ssd that is crashing after a few minutes after copy starts; I placed it in an usb adapter so I can unplug it and plug it back in, what software is there that can copy files from a source that gets unavailable from time to time? I know teracopy can do it, what alternatives are there in ubuntu?07:32
typewriterjimWhat does it say?07:32
Rorythat IP isn't globally routable typewriterjim07:32
typewriterjimhttp:// <-- What does it say?07:32
typewriterjimYes, it is.07:32
typewriterjimIt is globally routable.07:32
RoryOK well07:32
typewriterjimJust tell me what happens when you click.07:33
Rorygood luck with your thing07:33
RoryObviously nothing happens07:33
typewriterjimYou sure?07:33
typewriterjimWait a few seconds.07:33
Rory100% sure07:33
typewriterjimI don't know...07:33
typewriterjimDid you really visit?07:33
RoryThis is laughable07:33
RoryNo, actually I didn't07:33
typewriterjimPlease try and visit.07:33
typewriterjimHow will you know?07:33
RoryI just have this weird suspicion07:34
cfhowlettfoo357, ask your question07:34
typewriterjimhttp:// <- Take a chance.07:34
cfhowletttypewriterjim, that is only a LOCALLY available url07:34
typewriterjimDid you view it?07:34
Rorytypewriterjim: 10/8 is a class A private address block.07:34
Rorytypewriterjim: Any IP that starts with 10. is specific to your network07:35
slacko10622typewritergim, we need your public ip address, google: "what is my ip".07:35
foo357cfhowlett: I've been having some issues trying to do a package update as of lately (Ubuntu 14.04). When I try to do an update I immediately get a 503 error on the first package it tries to fetch, and then the update process stops. I am not sure what could be the cause of this. but when I try to download a package manually by copy-pasting a link into the web-browser I get an error about ICAP.07:35
typewriterjimOk... give me a few minutes and I will come back again.07:35
foo357cfhowlett: I've tried with a few mirrors... so my first question is if anyone knows about the use of ICAP on repository mirrors? Is it something that has been introduced relatively recently?07:35
typewriterjimI will be back.07:35
cfhowlettslacker_nl, pretty sure the server edition has no desktop cuz ... server = no gui07:35
cfhowlettfoo357, what does lsb_release -a tell you07:36
bigtimefoo357: in terminal do sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade.07:41
foo357cfhowlett: http://pastebin.com/csYcJgi3 I don't see anything extraordinary07:41
bigtimefoo357: in terminal do sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.07:42
foo357bigtime: yes, that's what I've been trying. This is the result: http://pastebin.com/Ze3h9g5407:43
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bigtimefoo357: Did you run sudo apt-get update first07:44
foo357bigtime: yes.07:45
wombatmanwhat is everyone else using to access irc?07:46
cfhowlettwombatman, no polls please.07:46
bigtimefoo357: Did you try apt-get dist-upgrade07:48
wombatmansorry is there somewhere a question like this can be asked? I just noticed many of the popular clients haven't been updated in a while.07:48
foo357cfhowlett, bigtime. I get this error when trying to download a package through firefox: http://i.imgur.com/8ti9MvI.png ... here's a run of 'apt-get upgrade' http://pastebin.com/Ze3h9g5407:48
cfhowlettwombatman, #ubuntu-offtopic07:48
bigtimefoo357: restart07:49
bigtimefoo357: after restarting do update again. Then sudo apt-get DIST-UPGRADE.07:50
foo357cfhowlett: where can I get more information on how the repositories work? I would suppose that this error is because of the web-proxy I'm using to connect to the internet, but I would like to learn more about how these mirrors are configured.07:52
cfhowlett!mirrors | foo35707:53
ubottufoo357: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Utopic, and help keeping the servers' load low!07:53
foo357cfhowlett: thanks.07:53
cfhowlettfoo357, happy2help!07:54
bigtimefoo357: it appears just the KDE repository is failing.07:54
cfhowlettfoo357, try changing your mirror ... they are not all created equal07:54
bigtimefoo357: do you know how to change a repository.07:55
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Paul_Qhi I am trying to make a ntfs fs on my seagate external but mkfs.ntfs is saying it refuses to make a fs ...that /dev/sdb1 is not a special block device07:57
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foo357bigtime: hm, strangely enough, I tested if I could upgrade just firefox - and it worked. Funny how this error only seems to affect some kde packages.07:58
bubbasauresPaul_Q, This still the windows iso saga withe seagate?07:59
cfhowlettfoo357, well if the KDE packagers aren't on top of things, that could happen ...07:59
bubbasauresPaul_Q, I just use gparted myself.07:59
Paul_Q   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:59
Paul_Q/dev/sdb1             256   732566527  2930265088    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT07:59
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Paul_Qsudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdb1->  /dev/sdb1 is not a block device. Refusing to make a filesystem here!08:00
bigtimefoo357: do you know how to edit repositories.08:01
bigtimefoo357: change them to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/08:02
foo357bigtime: I have tested with a few different repositories, and I got the same error regardless.08:02
NoOovaHello all!08:04
NoOovaWhat it is mean?08:04
NoOova-/+ buffers/cache:        173        32308:04
NoOovait is line in 'free -m' output08:04
BlackVenomhey folks08:05
BlackVenomrunnind 14.04.1 server x64 here and just installed lftp08:05
cfhowlettno0ova   man free         will tell you08:06
slacko10622I need to download packages for ubuntu 14.04 using a non-ubuntu PC.  What's the easiest way to  do this?08:06
BlackVenomnow when I try to connect and try to run the ls command i get the eror Fatal error: gnutls_handshake: A TLS fatal alert has been received08:06
BlackVenomI believe this means I need a version of lftp that was compiled with openssl08:07
Ben64slacko10622: easiest way is to connect the ubuntu computer to the internet for a couple minutes08:07
cfhowlettslacko10622, don't know about best but ... techspalace.blogspot.com/2009/04/offline-update-ubuntu.html  jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2010/06/howto-installing-ubuntu-packages.html08:07
BlackVenomis there such a version in the ubuntu repo?08:07
slacko10622Ben64, it refuses to connect to my 3G internet (wireless driver won't compile).   I need to use my other linux/windows PC to download them.08:08
slacko10622There needs to be a web portal to download packages for a base installation.  (hint hint)08:09
bigtimefoo357: something that needs updating depends on KDE packages. Firefox doesn't depend on any KDE packages. Its definitely a repository error.08:09
slacko10622cfhowlett:  Will synaptic work, I don't have X server.. That's what i'm trying to download (and a desktop envirnment) for my ubuntu server offline PC.08:11
Ben64slacko10622: why not install the desktop version then?08:11
foo357bigtime: Yes, I think that my particular internet connection has an issue with how (some) repos work.08:11
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slacko10622Ben64,  well the PC is a stratus ftServer (a real server) that's why I want ubuntu server.08:12
bubbasauresfoo357, You have to be really careful updating/upgrading with errors in the update, as well as partial upgrades.08:12
bubbasauresfixing both first is the issue before any upgrade08:13
Ben64slacko10622: if you're going to install a desktop environment, then whats the point of having server08:13
slacko10622Ben64 I use the server offline as a desktop PC for now, but i want the full server installation for future use.08:14
BlasterWhat's the most painless way to setup a simple VPN on Ubuntu?08:14
BlasterA PPTP one.08:14
Ben64slacko10622: the difference between server and desktop is the desktop environment, therefore, install desktop. you'll have a lot easier of a time that way, your internet might work ootb08:15
bigtimefoo357: /etc/apt/sources.list what's in that file08:15
slacko10622Ben64, yeah i might be forced to use a desktop ubuntu if i can't find an easy way to download packages on a non-ubuntu PC.    Offline installation is ubuntu's weakness as it relies too much on cloud based package management.08:16
Ben64slacko10622: internet access is ubiquitous now, its really not necessary, nor is it easy to manage dependencies offline, its not a requested feature and not needed at all08:17
foo357slacko10622: I've done some of that stuff, have you heard of keryx? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/keryx-offline-package-installation-made-easy-in-ubuntu08:18
slacko10622cloud based installation is not suitable for limited 3g data plans.08:18
slacko10622I need to use a windows or puppy linux PC to download all the required packages..how hard is that?08:18
Ben64slacko10622: its not cloud based installation, you boot the cd, and install08:19
foo357bigtime: http://pastebin.com/Sa9C8Td0 ... right now I've set the repo mirror http://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/linux/ubuntu/ubuntu/08:20
slacko10622No, Ubuntu is essentially a cloud operating system by default. (therein is the weakness).   I should be able to use a windows PC (using public internet access) to download all the ubuntu packages because my home 3g plan is too limited/expensive to download.08:20
Ben64slacko10622: incorrect. not cloud operating system at all.08:21
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
amecan anyone guide me how to install ubuntu on mobile...model name:Moto E08:24
Ben64!touch | ame if possible, this channel should know08:24
ubottuame if possible, this channel should know: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:24
FlugzHi everyone! After upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04, Network Manager starts with the message “Disconnected – You are now offline” every boot. If I untick the “Enable networking” entry from the task bar and tick it again everything seems perfectly fine.08:25
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Flugza minor quirk which is slightly annoying08:25
bigtimefoo357: the mirrors are wrong08:26
bigtimefoo357: their is a GUI to edit mirrors.08:27
tc01680i an a new08:27
BlackVenomBonjour folks08:27
BlackVenomI’m running Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 64 bit and I’ve just installed lftp. My issues is that I get the error “Fatal error: gnutls_handshake: A TLS fatal alert has been received”. From google, I believe this means I need a version of lftp that was compiled with openssl but this is where I have hit a wall. Can anyone help?08:27
bubbasauresFlugz, This on the desktop of the original install?08:28
foo357thank you bigtime for your extraordinary enthusiastically support, I think I know what the problem is now and I'll be able to solve it :)08:28
bigtimefoo357: all the FTP mirrors should only end with ONE ubuntu not /ubuntu/ubuntu/08:29
slacko10622BlackVenom:   In worst case scenario, I compile my own version from source code.  That way i make sure everything is enabled/working properly.08:30
slacko10622During the ./configure process you enable everything you need for compiling.08:30
Flugzbubbasaures: I'm not exactly sure what you mean08:30
BlackVenomNever done any compiling from source slacko1062208:31
bubbasauresFlugz, Have you added and desktops, like lubuntu unity xubuntu kubuntu the gnome shell or fallback, and what was the desktop when you installed 12.04.08:32
slacko10622BlackVenom...it's fairly easy once you install the build environment.  Source code has instructions in the readme and install files that explain what to do.08:32
Flugzbubbasaures: no, only the original install with unity08:32
BlackVenomI'll dive in and have a look08:32
BlackVenomCheers slacko1062208:32
BlackVenomslacko10622, is there a difference between the .tar.gz or .tar.bz208:33
bubbasauresFlugz, Thanks, in the past with the network manager the main install had some control, IE if you were having this problem in a second desktop, you would just go to unity and set it.08:33
slacko10622BlackVenom...No.  makes no difference.08:34
BlackVenomslacko10622, cool thanks08:34
Ben64!checkinstall | BlackVenom use this too08:35
ubottuBlackVenom use this too: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!08:35
BlackVenomCheers Ben6408:36
Ben64BlackVenom: should be pretty straightforward, you'll want to uninstall your current lftp, you might need to get a bunch of ssl dev packages and other stuff, make sure the ./configure finds everything you need before you compile08:38
slacko10622./configure --help    (shows the various options to enable/disable) when you compile.08:38
BlackVenomJust reading the README now slacko10622 & Ben6408:39
BlackVenomBen64, so I run make as normal, then run sudo checkinstall instead of sudo make install?08:47
puff10please...  how can i talk on  ubuntu studio italy  channel ?!??08:54
bigtimepuff10: is it in freenode08:57
bcvery1!it | puff1008:57
ubottupuff10: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:57
puff10sorry... il mio sistema crasha di continuo...09:00
puff10puoi ripetere il server italiano ...per favore09:01
bcvery1puff10, /join #ubuntu-it09:01
7GHAAMHXOI have a non-googleable problem with my spotify, any hints? - spotify: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN6QMutex12lockInternalEv09:03
7GHAAMHXOThis is Ubuntu 14.1009:03
shaaradcan anyone help me with writing a PAM module?09:03
ikonia7GHAAMHXO: looks like an incompatible QT version09:04
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amecan anyone tell me how to write a shell script for applying ACL permission for folders??09:05
gooikonia: indeed. But how to fix it? :)09:05
Rory7GHAAMHXO try installing the package spotify-client-gnome-support09:06
gooRory: I did, no cigar.09:06
ikoniagoo: the oobvious answer is to use a compatiable QT version, however that will not be easy as the version is locked to your ubuntu version09:06
ikoniagoo: logging a bug to spotify maybe worth while to make them aware of the problem09:07
gooikonia: Good idea, I'll log the bug. Thanks. I'll just have to play music on the iPad for now I guess.09:07
RoryIt's weird because the instructions they give work fine for me and always have09:08
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krambiorixhow can i change file permissions and NOT folder permissions?09:37
Ben64chmod, same as folder09:37
jpds_krambiorix: find -type f . | xargs chmod ....09:39
kone012mit' äijä09:40
kone011mitä kuuluu09:40
kone012mitä mias09:40
Ben64kone011: kone012: please go play in another channel09:40
puff10join ubuntu-it09:41
krambiorixjpds_, thanks!09:41
DJoneskone011: kone012: Please be aware this channel is for Ubuntu support only09:41
Ben64kone011: kone012: tämä kanava on ubuntu tukea vain, siirry uuden kanavan luot chattailuun09:41
kone012mitää roooppeee09:41
jpds_krambiorix: Something along those lines.09:42
DJonesBen64: Well done there09:42
kone019sfb f09:42
Ben64I really don't know why this happens so often here, people join from the same ip and start talking to each other as if they are different people09:43
DJonesI suspect its a school09:43
blueworkHi here.09:43
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blueworkThat was short.09:44
cfhowlett!indonesia | dedi09:46
ubottudedi: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:46
shaaradI am trying to make a simple PAM module that asks for password and authenticates. However, it is giving me Module is Unknown error when it calls crypt()09:48
shaaradany ideas why?09:48
jpds_shaarad: Have you tried looking at the pam_unix.so code?09:49
shaaradhttps://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-pam.html#pam-appl-prog I am mimicking the PAM module from here09:50
shaaradjpds_, yes, I tried to search its source on Internet and it is almost the same09:50
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gbellinozAfter a do_release_upgrade I still have only old kernels.  Why?09:57
brx_can i set a terminal as the desktop wallpaper?09:58
brx_i want to be able to just ctrl+super+d (minimize all windows), and see the terminal09:59
enzoMatrixxbrx_: yes you can set removing frames of terminal like xterm09:59
momomohey, I am trying to install Postgres on a minimal ubuntu but it cannot be found. What repository should I add ?10:00
brx_enzoMatrixx, and can i make it 'static' on the desktop? so that ctrl+super+d doesnt minimize it< but still minimizes every other window10:00
enzoMatrixxbrx_: yes you have right10:01
Ben64momomo: looks like its in the Ubuntu Universe10:01
momomohmm, ok. thanks!10:02
ArtooDetoogbellinoz: does apt-get dist-upgrade suggest to install a new kernel?10:03
gbellinozNo, actually.10:04
gbellinozThis is a dist upgrade to 14.04.01 and the only kernel installed is 3.2.0-67.10:05
gbellinozPretty stock system - I've never pinned the kernel to a particular rev or anything.10:05
EriC^^gbellinoz: you mean it wasn't 14.04 and you dist-upgraded to it?10:06
thrillERboysorry I got disconnected so i'll repeat10:06
thrillERboyHow do  i create a directory that belongs to a group and all the future files and directories inside it should also belong to that group?10:06
EriC^^gbellinoz: you can't do that on ubuntu10:06
gbellinozOh, sorry, misunderstood.  Did a do_release_upgrade.10:06
EriC^^gbellinoz: oh ok10:07
cristian_cHow can I access to my home in recovery mode?10:07
cristian_c(root shell)10:07
cristian_cAny ideas?10:07
EriC^^gbellinoz: type uname -r10:07
Ben64cristian_c: cd /home10:07
gbellinozBizarre, hey?10:07
EriC^^gbellinoz: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image10:08
Ben64gbellinoz: lsb_release -d10:08
EriC^^paste it in paste.ubuntu.com10:08
enzoMatrixxbrx_: remove all frames and set always on back10:08
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gbellinozlsb_release -d shows Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS10:09
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cristian_cI've tried also to remount with -o remount,rw10:10
cristian_cbut no results10:10
cristian_cHas anyone ideas?10:10
Ben64gbellinoz: apt-cache policy linux-image-3.2.0-67-generic linux-image-3.2.0-67-generic-pae10:10
Ben64cristian_c: you have to give more information, and stop using enter as punctuation10:10
ikoniacristian_c: why are you rebmounting ?10:11
ikoniacristian_c: whaht is the actual "problem"10:11
mulga_is there any reason to think that when i ran > passwd username , and then exited cli not even entering my actual passwd that it could somehow corrupt my actual passwd. i'm sure that wouldnt be possible. but i can't figure out why i can't logon again now?10:11
mulga_im certain im entering correct pwd too10:11
cristian_cikonia, I cannot access to the directory, it seems empty10:12
NindustriesHi, so yesterday i was watching a movie in the default movie player and the movie would occasionally lock up. Searching in the movie would fix it, but this happened quite regularely. Suggestions?10:12
NindustriesLocal movie on SSD btw.10:12
ikoniacristian_c: how are you trying to access it ?10:12
cristian_cikonia, ls, cd commands10:12
Ben64gbellinoz: ok those aren't from a repository, dunno where you got them10:12
EriC^^gbellinoz: what does apt-cache search linux-image-3 say?10:12
gbellinozShows newer kernels, up to linux-image-3.16.0-2910:13
EriC^^gbellinoz: cat /etc/apt/sources.list10:14
EriC^^gbellinoz: and cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*10:14
gbellinoz@EriC^^: All trusty sources.10:14
gbellinoz.d/* is longer... what should I look for?10:14
EriC^^type apt-cache policy linux-image...3.16 one10:14
EriC^^so we know where it came from10:15
EriC^^that's a utopic kernel i think10:15
cristian_cikonia, what commands can I try to find the reason?10:15
ikoniacristian_c: what is the EXACT command you are using to enter the home directory10:15
cristian_cikonia, for example: cd /home/cristian or cd /home, or ls /home, or ls /home/cristian10:16
gbellinoz@EriC^^: Output from apt-cache policy for my kernels is above.  Is your linux-image...3.16 supposed to be a regex?10:16
EriC^^gbellinoz: no i mean take one of the packages from apt-cache search and apt-cache policy the package10:16
gbellinozsources.list.d just has google stuff.10:17
EriC^^( a 3.16 one )10:17
Ben64it looks like there are still PAE kernels in 14.04, could try one of those, but since theres some unknown kernel running, i'd be hesitant to suggest that in the case it renders the computer unbootable10:17
Ben64!info linux-image-generic-pae trusty10:18
ubottulinux-image-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Transitional package. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB10:18
gbellinozAn 'unknown' kernel?  Nothing custom on this system.  Would've been a ... hmm... 13.10 system before I do_release_upgraded it?  Maybe earlier.10:19
Ben64unknown being that apt doesn't know where its from10:19
Ben643.2.0-67-generic-pae actually appears to be from precise10:20
gbellinozMaybe not since the sources were all updated as part of the do_release_upgrade?10:20
EriC^^gbellinoz: i guess this is a pae thing?10:20
Ben64that would upgrade kernels though10:20
EriC^^i have trusty-updates and trusty-security but i dont have a 3.16 kernel10:20
Ben64EriC^^: you on 32 bit?10:21
EriC^^Ben64: no 64bit10:21
xtpeepsNindustries: caliche did not mount?10:21
Ben64EriC^^: oh weird, i'm not on 3.16 either, thought i was10:21
Ben64EriC^^: guess they're adding utopic stuff already for HWE10:22
gbellinozOnly 4GB of memory so would I be OK upgrading the kernel?  And what's the safest/smartest way to do that?  This system is as good as in the middle of the Sahara desert in a trailer (my dad's office :) )10:22
EriC^^Ben64: yeah i guess so10:22
=== hotpotman is now known as basichash
gbellinozIf I brick it I'm going to have to yell instructions over the phone.10:22
gbellinozSo why aren't kernel updates shown by apt/aptitude?10:23
Ben64gbellinoz: i'd install linux-image-generic-pae, but make sure you can get into grub and boot the previous one if it doesn't work10:23
Ben64gbellinoz: they are10:23
gbellinozIt's not recommending upgrades...10:23
gbellinozBut I see linux-image-generic-pae is at  Is that a good bet?10:24
Ben64yep, because of the unknown kernel stuff i mentioned previously10:24
Ben64gbellinoz: best option i see10:24
gbellinozSo if the policy says XXX that means apt/aptitude won't recommend a kernel update?10:25
basichash_can you guys help me burn the mini.iso to my SD card holder / usb?10:25
gbellinozI'm a bit dazed, so I forgot what apt-cache policy showed you that tipped you off.10:25
basichash_I tried with unetbootin but it didn't seem to work10:25
Ben64gbellinoz: more what it didn't show, where it got the package from10:25
gbellinozLet me compare the result from the two linux images so I learn something here...10:26
gbellinozAh, so the Version table that doesn't have any http: lines means that the kernel came from who-knows-where, so the system plays it safe (both do_release_upgrade and aptitude) and doesn't try to upgrade it.  Ever.10:27
ikoniacristian_c: is /home on a seperate partition or not10:27
Ben64gbellinoz: its a bit more complicated than that, but sure :)10:28
cristian_cikonia, yes, I'm almost sure it's separated10:28
gbellinozBen64: Where'd you learn up on all this so I can understand a bit better?  I've not had this happen before.  Like I said, completely vanilla system, so something got confused somewhere... maybe too big a release_upgrade jump.10:29
Ben64gbellinoz: messed around with stuff for many years10:29
Nindustriesxtpeeps: I'm sorry ,was AFK. caliche?10:29
Ben64gbellinoz: nah  you did 12.04 -> 14.04, a perfect jump, LTS to LTS10:29
gbellinozI've done a lot of poking/messing around too, just not come across this.  Life short :)  Thanks tonnes for the help.  I'm going to update the kernel and see how we go.  Hoping there's not a lot of over-the-phone debugging in my future.10:30
Ben64gbellinoz: your situation is a bit weird, might have had some weird kernel stuff going on in 12.04 and it carried over to now. what you'd want is a kernel metapackage, such as "linux-image-generic-pae" so that when a new version comes out, it points to the new one and gets upgraded10:31
basichash_can someone help me?10:31
basichash_that'd be great10:32
gbellinozGot it.  So anything worrisome about the fact that aptitude shows 3.13.0-44 as the latest generic package, but the apt search showed
basichash_i'm not even sure i'm still connected to irc tbh10:32
basichash_if you guys can see my messages can you let me know?10:32
ablest1980we do10:32
basichash_ok thanks10:32
Ben64gbellinoz: = 3.13.0-44 don't worry10:33
basichash_basically i'm trying to make a bootable usb, but i don't think i'm doing it right10:33
basichash_does anyone know the proper procedure here?10:33
basichash_doing this on debian btw10:33
mulga_basichash_: are you using unetbootin or simmilar?10:33
gbellinozOh my.  I must be tired.  I thought those were two different numbers.  What I meant to say is the apt-cache search showed linux-image-3.16.0-2910:34
basichash_mulga_: i tried with unetbootin in, but it didn't seem to work, so i thought maybe a dd command would be more effective10:34
mulga_and you want to make a bootable/live usb of Deb?10:34
basichash_mulga_: of ubuntu10:34
basichash_but i'm on a debian based system10:34
Ben64gbellinoz: should be fine10:34
Ben64basichash_: the mini iso?10:34
basichash_Ben64: yep10:35
mulga_hmm, i've never had a prob with unetbootin for deb/ ubuntu. do you have the iso on a local disk?10:35
basichash_mulga_: yeah10:35
gbellinozBen64: But why an older one showing in aptitude?10:35
basichash_i'm using tails OS, and also my usb is a SD card usb adapter10:35
tomodachibasichash_: i have had problems with unetbootin , but only when building an usb image for my macs .10:35
tomodachiusually use dd then10:35
basichash_tomodachi: do you know the dd command? i've forgotten it10:35
xtpeepsNindustries: I just thought whether it's because your SSD didn't mount~10:36
mulga_did unetbootin give error, or did the media fail to boot?10:36
mulga_basichash_:  ^10:36
tomodachibasichash_: dd if=/dev/yoursourceDevice of=/dev/yourdestUSBdevice bs=102410:37
basichash_mulga_: media failed to boot, don't recall seeing any errors from unetbootin10:37
basichash_tomodachi: thanks, do i need to do any configuration before/after?10:37
tomodachibasichash_: nope10:37
basichash_not set boot flag?10:37
tomodachijust pick the right source / destination device so you dont break your harddrive10:37
tomodachibasichash_: no , it reads of everything with dd10:38
Ben65basichash_: that will destroy everything on your usb btw10:38
basichash_tomodachi: er sourceDevice is the path of the .iso on my local drive right?10:38
tomodachibasichash_: yup10:39
basichash_e.g. dd if=/home/user/mini.iso of=/dev/sdc?10:39
Ben64use dd to write the image directly to the usb, losing all data on the usb in the process10:39
tomodachiand destination is the usb device10:39
tomodachiif you pick the wrong one , you will overwrite your hardrive with a copy of the iso10:39
basichash_tomodachi: should it be sdc or sdc1?10:39
tomodachibasichash_: sdc10:40
basichash_ok, i'll give it a shot10:40
inerkicki installed lxde in ubuntu 14.04, which had mate already. But during login i can't see it10:40
inerkickwhy is that10:40
tomodachisdc1 will dissapear (since the partitiontable will be overwritten)10:40
slacko10622i don't think dd will work to transfer iso images to usb.   (I tried it before).   You'll need something like usbcreator or usbcreator-gtk in debian10:40
basichash_tomodachi, slacko10622: really?10:41
Ben64slacko10622: dd does work10:41
slacko10622good luck then10:41
OerHeksslacko10622, it does work10:41
Ben64ubuntu images work for sure, doesn't work for all isos10:41
tomodachislacko10622:  basichash_ it works10:41
inerkickDesktop manager is inactive too it says10:41
slacko10622ok, maybe i had a problematic iso..10:41
basichash_alright, thanks for the help guys. let's hope this works10:42
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inerkickany help how to get lxde , xfce desktop environment in ubuntu 14.0410:44
mulga_gl basichash_10:44
ablest1980basic come back and let us know10:44
skilzHey guys I have a HFS+ drive which is mounted and I have read access, I need to write to it also. I found this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus but it says I need to plug it into a Mac first to disable journaling, I do not have access to a Mac, is there any way around this?10:46
zambai'm trying to run the eggdrop binary that is included in the apt repo.. but when running it i get the following error: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/eggdrop terminated10:47
tomodachiskilz: you can have access to the mac , for exampel boot a installation of osx and go into recovery10:47
tomodachiand disable it there10:47
skilzI don't own a Mac10:49
Ben64then copy everything off, and format that as a reasonable filesystem10:49
skilzI don't the space to copy stuff off, it's a 3TB drive10:50
Ben64then you're stuck10:51
skilzI need to buy a bigger drive and copy everything over10:51
MrCoderSolr only serves results for the default website? Just been working on a module that puts OOS products to the bottom of the page and noticed that only 1 of the 10+ websites in the install is using Solr?!11:06
MrCoderlol, wrong channel :)11:06
MrCoderIgnore that11:06
MrCoderUbuntu rocks :)11:07
gbellinozWow, same planet, different worlds.11:07
hpHTxOcFpZuvNHguI need help with my blog11:08
gbellinozInstall Ubuntu.11:09
hpHTxOcFpZuvNHguI am Ubunter ;)11:09
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
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inerkickHi. I got ubuntu 14.04, I have installed Xfce and lxde, but the desktop manager not shows it. Why is this happening11:21
BlasterHow do you connect to a VPN using Ubuntu 14.10?  I don't see settings or have a menubar icon like depicted here: http://youtu.be/beU9xssNBls11:21
kj_how to know whether 5280 port is being used in my system ?11:22
Blaster17:14 marker is what I meant ^11:22
kj_how to check which ports are in use through terminal in ubuntu 12.0411:22
Ben64kj_: netstat11:23
sabotendergreetings, I am trying to install php5 with all the options switched on. I seem to recall that 'apt-get install php5' may not be enough11:25
Blastersabotender: php5-common maybe?11:26
cfhowlettsabotender, apt-cache search php5* will list packages11:26
sabotenderhmm let me try, danke11:27
cfhowlettsabotender, bitte11:27
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
BlasterHow do you connect to a VPN from Ubuntu 14.10?11:28
MalsasaBlaster: just use OpenVPN instead.11:28
jpdsBlaster: Depends which VPN tech you're using.11:28
BlasterPPTP tunnel.11:29
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jpdsBlaster: Well, there's a network-manager-pptp-gnome package.11:29
Malsasajpds: OOT: what channel for me to report my Vivid testing? Thank you.11:30
Blasterjpds: network-manager-pptp-gnome is already the newest version.11:30
basichashGuys I'm trying to install Ubuntu over network, but none of the mirrors are working. Probably something to do with my network, how do I fix this?11:30
k1l_Malsasa: #ubuntu+1  but bugs need to be reported on launchpad.net11:30
Malsasabasichash: what Ubuntu version is yours?11:30
Blasterjpds: How do you run it?  I don't see anything under system settings.11:30
jpdsBlaster: Well, you should be able to set up the VPN with the NM options there.11:30
kj_Ben64_ I started one application on port 4567 but I don't see that port through netstat11:30
Malsasak1l_: oh, a new channel for me. Thank you.11:30
jpdsbasichash: Fix your network?11:30
k1l_Blaster: run it with the network manager. the thing you set up your wifi with11:31
basichashMalsasa trusty11:31
basichashJoss it's a uni network11:31
cfhowlett!vivid | Malsasa,11:31
ubottuMalsasa,: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142511:31
jpdsbasichash: Well, you have to talk to your network admins about how things should be setup.11:31
BlasterI'm using a wired connection, I don't have the little wifi icon on the top bar.  And when I click Network Settings underneath System Config, it says “The system network services are not compatible with this version.”11:31
kj_Ben64_: I started one application on port 4567 but I don't see that port through netstat11:31
k1l_Blaster: what ubuntu is that exactly?11:32
basichashCan I use a proxy to bypass it?11:32
BlasterUbuntu 14.1011:32
k1l_Blaster: which desktop?11:32
jpdsbasichash: Talk. To. Your. Network. Admins.11:32
basichashjpds: that's not an option11:33
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
k1l_Blaster: so is this openvpn or a cisco vpn?11:33
Malsasacfhowlett: thank you.11:33
jpdsbasichash: If they've done their homework, they'd block all attempts at doing things like using outside proxies.11:33
sabotenderwhere can I find what php-common contains?11:33
cfhowlettMalsasa, happy2help!11:33
k1l_sabotender: packages.ubuntu.com11:33
Malsasacfhowlett: happy to be helped!11:33
EriC^^sabotender: apt-cache show php-common11:33
Blasterk1l_ All I'm trying to do is initiate a client connection to a PPTP VPN server from Ubuntu 14.10 and I don't see any VPN client options even with the network-manager-pptp-gnome package installed.11:33
cfhowlettsabotender, apt-cache show packagenamehere11:34
OerHeksbasichash, only your sysadmin can help11:34
BlasterHow do you run the “network manager”?11:35
basichashOetHeks: can I not proxy past it?11:35
deathpipbasichash: jpds is right now and forever about everything11:35
jpdsbasichash: Dude, your admins are going to be blocking things like that11:36
akishi all. could someone advise me if it is possible to undelete/restore a deleted file from an encrypted directory using a restoration program ie testdisk/photorec or does encryption prohibits the restoration of deleted file or maybe encryption deletes permanently the file?11:36
sabotenderaww, but it is not telling me anything, lol11:36
sabotenderit just gives me general information about it :-P11:36
cfhowlettakis, testdisk/photorec are the tools to try11:36
k1l_Blaster: it is the network icon thingy. i dont know where gnome hides it. on every other desktop its wifi symbol or a network symbol (2 crts) in the system tray area11:36
BlasterMy machine doesn't have it...11:37
cristian_cikonia, I don't know if you've found how to solve, but searching I've found a command that makes the trick11:37
EriC^^Blaster: try sudo service network-manager restart if you want to restart it11:37
OerHeksakis on an Encrypted directory ? no, gone is gone11:37
BlasterThe program 'NetworkManager' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing...11:37
BlasterHmm, I guess I didn't have it.11:37
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k1l_Blaster: what? what setup is this? networkmanager is standard on all ubuntu flavours11:38
BlasterThis is just a standard installation of Ubuntu Desktop 14.10.11:38
cristian_cikonia, I've typed: mount --all, and the home cantent appears. By this way, it works11:38
basichashjpds: it's a network shared by dozens of unis, so I've got no idea where or who the admins are11:38
k1l_Blaster: no. a standard ubuntu desktop includes networkmanager11:38
BlasterTrust me this is...11:38
basichashIs it the mirrors they're blocking?11:39
BlasterNow look what it says when I run NetworkManager, http://pastebin.com/KpvquQ5a11:39
antimatroidis there an easy way to get a script run as root to open dropbox?11:39
JustSighDudesHi guys. I'm getting this error: http://serverfault.com/questions/575639/kernel-uhhuh-nmi-received-for-unknown-reason-31-on-cpu-3 Everything online points to it being a hardware error. I switched the computer off for a few days and now I'm trying to troubleshoot but I can't seem to reproduce the error, while before it would happen automatically every 10-20 minutes. Any ideas?11:39
akiscfhowlett: i tried photorec already but although recovers files from the non encrypted disk it doesn't recover anything from my encrypted dir.11:39
jpdsbasichash: Likely that they have some internal proxy you have to pass HTTP traffic through.11:39
k1l_ok, it could have ruined file permissions when you run everything with sudo11:40
Blasterk1l, me?11:40
OerHeksbasichash, this channel is not about howto bypass your uni network.11:40
BlasterHow do I unruin them? :)11:40
cfhowlettakis I can't advise further - someone with more experience can.  perhaps photorec channel knows more??11:40
akisOerHeks: is it absolutely 100% sure that in an encrypted /home if something is rm deledet is permantly and for ever gone?11:41
k1l_Blaster: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient how to run it11:41
Blasterk1l_ I was thinking it might be this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/129021711:41
OerHeksakis yes, i hope so, if not, encrypted is useless11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1290217 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "The overwriting error message was: Key file does not have group 'connectivity'" [High,Confirmed]11:41
Blasterk1l_ This document was written for Ubuntu 6.10...11:42
EarloHow do I make a bash script run on startup?11:42
microchasmEarlo: put it in rc.local11:43
k1l_Blaster: either your setup or the gnome desktop is too far away from the ubuntu standard. seems i cant help you there. read this document and see what the standard way would look like and see if that works for you11:43
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Earlomicrochasm, I put path to that file in there, It should be the actual script instead?11:43
microchasmEarlo: path.11:44
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Blasterk1l_ this is a standard install of 14.10 desktop, nothing more.11:44
microchasmEarlo: you should also be able to do this in your desktop environment11:44
microchasmEarlo: then it'll run when you log in11:44
akisOerHeks: i thought that encryption just protected the encrypted dir as far as it is not accessible with the password for the user. but i didn't know that any file's deletion is permanent and not recoverable.11:44
cfhowlettakis, I'd suspect that's a safety feature.11:44
microchasmEarlo: rc.local commands are executed as root. so it depends on what you want11:45
k1l_Blaster: this is what it looks like on a standard ubuntu https://www.ipvanish.com/visualguides/OpenVPN/Ubuntu/OpenVPN-Ubuntu-11.jpg11:45
Blasterk1l_ that icon is missing from my system tray.11:45
BlasterI don't have openvpn installed either though.11:45
BlasterI installed it then removed it.11:45
k1l_Blaster: so please read the document and dont stop at the beginning or just skip to the lines where the commands are listed. please read it!11:46
Earlomicrochasm, OK, thanks for the help. : )11:46
BlasterMaybe some package got removed that was important for network-manager to function?11:46
EriC^^akis: this is worth a read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194728911:46
k1l_Blaster: so far to the "i got a standard install" thingy :/11:46
Blasterk1l_ what do you mean?11:46
Blasterk1l_ this is the step that lost me, “Install Network Manager Applet through the Add/Remove in the Ubuntu menu.”...11:46
akiscfhowlett: you mean that permanent deletion on an encrypted dir is a standard feature included to safety philosophy of encryption? where can i read about this feature for sure?11:47
BlasterSuch a menu is not visible in 14.10.11:47
BlasterI did apt-get install network-manager though.11:47
k1l_Blaster: that depends on the desktop you run. gnome-shell is very very very strict on not running the stuff the way other desktops do it11:48
akisEriC^^: i read that before i logged here but i am not sure i understood the procedure.11:48
k1l_Blaster: install network-manager-gnome11:48
EriC^^akis: recovering deleted files is hard usually, more so on ext than ntfs, it's not impossible though, depends on your expertise/time/money11:49
BlasterAlready installed.11:49
k1l_Blaster: ok, then i cant help you there. i dont have gnome-shell11:49
sabotenderI am having trouble installing the proper packages. I am trying to use lighttpd, however, I need php5 with pear, so I do: apt-get install php-pear. It wants to install php5-common, which wants to install apache. Is having apache and lighttpd both installed okay?11:49
EriC^^akis: i've no idea about the issue at hand, what i can say is that first and foremost you should image the hard disk, as every write is a potential loss of data11:49
EriC^^akis: i'm not entirely sure, but it appears that he used testdisk on the image file of the hdd, and extracted a bunch of encrypted files, i guess the next step would be to decrypt them all and see which one is your file11:51
microchasmsabotender: install php5-fpm or php-fpm first11:53
sabotendermicrochasm: too late, I've already installed php-pear11:54
sabotenderdo I have to start over?11:55
microchasmsabotender: no. just don't run apache11:56
microchasmsabotender: how are you using php anyway? fcgi? fpm?11:56
sabotenderi don't know what the difference is11:57
microchasmsabotender: nvm then. carry on. i'm sure you'll figure it out.11:57
sabotenderwhy bring it up if you can't be bothered to explain yourself? Nvm indeed11:58
sabotendersee, i already feel that I've messed up, I may have to start again12:00
OdysseyOfNoisesHello, everyone. For the last couple of days, I have this problem I cannot find a solution to. All the icons in the dash except Search and Firefox are missing (while still present and accessible) and some of the icons such as wireless, settings etc. disappeared from top right.12:00
OdysseyOfNoisesHow can I bring them back?12:00
sabotenderin other news, I need to install...what is it called? remote desktop?12:02
alumnsorry  i have one problem with my playstation four12:02
sabotenderI can't do all of this in a terminal window. I need a GUI12:03
OerHeksalumn, doet it run ubuntu?12:05
akisEriC^^: the last one is that i can understand too. to decrypt a restore file do i need the passphrase the system gave me at start up?12:06
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
alumnsorry i need help with my PS412:08
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
EriC^^akis: yes i think you will need the passphrase for sure to decrypt it12:08
k1l_alumn: this is the ubuntu support channel. for ps4 support ask alis if there is a channel for it12:09
OerHeksalumn, wrong channel then12:09
k1l_!alis | alumn12:09
ubottualumn: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:09
alumnits a software problem ubottu12:09
=== tom is now known as Guest54514
sabotenderhow do I enable ubuntu's remote desktop feature via cl?12:09
sabotenderthe vac feature..I am reading that it is included by default12:10
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akisEriC^^: so i conclusion, restoration is maybe possible, but the file is not restored in its original state ie *.doc, *.zip etc but as an encrypted file and to decrypt it the user need the passphrase. I am right?12:16
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minimecsabotender: Here's a howto for VNC + Ubuntu... https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-14.0412:18
minimecsabotender: I would prefer 'ssh'. I would install 'openssh-server' and login from the remote machine with something like 'ssh minimec@ -X'. '-X' means that you can work with 'GUI-software' via ssh.12:18
BluesKajHi folks12:22
sabotenderminimec: I like the first comment to that 'tutorial'.12:23
EriC^^akis: i dont know, read about how encryption of disks/dirs works12:23
sabotenderoh yeah, he shared my sentiments exactly12:23
cfhowlettakis, I believe that is an accurate assessment12:24
minimecsabotender: Yeah... The 'ssh' solution is easier... ;)12:24
alumni put my dick inside my ps412:25
akisok. thanks both of you. i will try to find any relevant documentation12:25
sabotenderwhat do you mean? the closest I found was method 2 here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/304017/how-to-set-up-remote-desktop-sharing-through-ssh12:25
clappingclapperI am attempting to go against my master!12:26
clappingclapperI will download ubuntu, nothing shall stop me12:26
Ben64sabotender: x forwarding is not the same thing as vnc and is not a replacement or similar really at all. method 2 listed there is a secure way of using vnc12:26
clappingclapperthese sysadmins are pathetic.12:26
cfhowlettclappingclapper, stop it12:26
alumnyou dont have a master clappingclapper12:27
clappingclapperalumn: you're right, i dont.12:27
cfhowlettclappingclapper, if you need support, ask the question.  otherwise #ubuntu-offtopic for such discussions12:27
sabotenderBen64: hmm my terminology is incorrect sometimes. I really need to use vnc not remote desktop.12:28
minimecsabotender: You install 'openssh-server' on the host, and at least 'openssh-client' on the remote computer. Then you use 'ssh user@host -X' in a terminal to login from the remote computer to the host. That's all... Afterwards you can start like 'gedit' from that 'host-terminal'...12:28
Ben64sabotender: vnc is remote desktop12:28
Ben64minimec: that is not the same thing at all12:28
alumnand you arent going to have any one clapping clapper12:28
sabotenderthen I'm confused. why are they not the same, though the are?12:29
cfhowlett!behelpful | alumn please12:29
ubottualumn please: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.12:29
minimecBen64: I know, but he needs a simple way to have a GUI for the host....12:29
Ben64minimec: thats not what he asked for, he wants remote desktop12:29
jose__HOLA A TODOS12:29
alumnsabotender shut up i trying  to talk clapping clapper12:29
alumnholaaaa josee12:30
sabotenderminimec: I need the GUI12:30
Ben64alumn: then go talk in #ubuntu-offtopic and leave this channel for actual support12:30
alumnal fin un español12:30
* sabotender eyes alumn 12:30
Ben64sabotender: so use method #2, run a vnc server - vino, or one of the many others in the repository, and connect via ssh tunnel12:30
alumnben64 im not interesting in your opinion12:31
minimecBen64: "13:30    sabotender : minimec: I need the GUI" That's why O am talking about alternatives... ;)12:31
cfhowlett!guidelines | alumn, it's not opinion, it's the guidelines and yes, they apply to you, too.12:31
ubottualumn, it's not opinion, it's the guidelines and yes, they apply to you, too.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:31
Ben64minimec: and x forwarding is not the same as remote desktop, stop suggesting it12:31
Ben64not to mention it's MUCH slower than vnc12:32
sabotenderxopendisplay(":0") failed.12:33
sabotenderno protocol specified12:33
minimecBen64: Don't see your problem. I gave him a link for a VNC install for 14.04 and suggested an alternative solution via ssh....12:33
Ben64minimec: an alternative that is horribly slow, even on 100mbit, and doesn't provide a "remote desktop", which is what was originally asked for12:34
PCatineanHey guys, how does one install lamp on a ubuntu server without graphical interface?12:35
PCatineanOr does taskel work there as well?12:35
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.12:35
k1lPCatinean: you can install the packages on your own. see the docs you just linked yourself12:35
sabotenderhow can i check to make sure that an xserver is running?12:37
k1lsabotender: see if lightdm is started12:38
drg24I'm having an issue in Ubuntu 14.10 where whenever I resize a window the animation lags honorificly12:39
sabotenderokay, how do I do that?12:39
Ben64sabotender: sudo service lightdm status12:39
minimecsabotender: 'pidof lightdm' in a terminal12:40
sabotenderlighted start/running, process 213112:40
sabotenderlightdm* sorry, spell corrector getting in the way12:41
sabotenderI tried that link by the way, and it cannot find the display12:42
Ben64sabotender: you should set up remote desktop using vino on the computer12:43
sabotenderBen64: all the examples I've seen require the use of a monitor connected to the server, which is not possible12:44
sabotenderI would need to do this 100% via ssh session at command line12:44
Ben64sabotender: why is it not possible? and if lightdm is running you must have installed the desktop version?12:45
sabotenderI am sure I can install whatever I want via apt-get, however, configuring and accessing what I need to get it set up would need to be done at the command line, which I am not sure how to do12:46
sabotenderit seems that in order to get it set up, you need the GUI, but I am trying to set it up to get access to the GUI12:47
Ben64sabotender: that answered zero of my two questions12:47
sabotenderits quite the paradox12:47
sabotenderI am not trying to be difficult. The simple answer is that I do not know how to do any of this via the command line12:48
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Ben64sabotender: you should re-read my two questions, because you're nowhere near what I asked12:48
sabotenderI am sorry, but I do not understand the questions. I don't even know what lightdm is, I also do not know the difference between a 'desktop' version and the like12:49
Ben64sabotender: 1. why can't you hook up a monitor? You must have had a monitor to install. 2. You installed the desktop version of Ubuntu, using a monitor. Why do that if you were going to throw it away and make it a "server"? 3. Why do you need a GUI for a server?12:51
sabotenderI did not. I flashed linux to a microSD using a windows tool. The connector requires a microHDMI cable which I do not own. I do not know how to set up the network so that it will use a static IP, it is so much easier to work with that using the GUI instead of fooling around with configuration files where I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and basically bungling around until I happen to get it right12:53
k1lsabotender: ok, so what are you trying to do there at all? what is the endgoal?12:53
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
k1lsabotender: so this is a raspberry pi?12:54
sabotenderk1l: this is supposed to be a headless server with lighttpd, php5-with pear, openssl, postgresql, and a few others12:54
sabotenderk1l: eww, I've boycotted raspberry pi's.12:54
sabotenderI'd rather slit my wrists.12:54
k1lsabotender: so what device is this?12:54
sabotenderOdroid XU3-lite12:55
sabotenderrunning Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS12:55
k1lsabotender: backgroundinformation: some times there are heavily changed images to be used on the ARM devices so the general ubuntu way doesnt work like it works on a regular desktop device.12:56
k1lso where is the issue now?12:57
sabotenderyeah I reckoned as much, however, I don't think that this version is molested too much. The only big difference is that special modes are provided for the integrated mali video12:57
k1lsabotender: and your server stuff is meant to be manged by "server ways" which means edit text-files or parameters on the commands itself.12:58
ElysiumNetis there a way to not make the grub-pc prompt come up when executing an install script?12:58
=== Shiftos_ is now known as Shiftos
sabotenderk1l: maybe. but this is the desktop version of linux, I think...I will just buy the hdmi cable from amazon.com so I can have my much needed GUI13:00
k1lsabotender: you can set the network in the /etc/network/interfaces to static one. then you can use ssh to do all the stuff13:01
k1lusr_1741: no, this is the totally wrong irc netowrk for such illegal stuff.13:01
sabotenderI can only do *some* things via command line. I am by no means a professional, and I doubt I ever would be.13:01
usr_1741just a joke mate13:01
usr_1741tried if here is a "bad word protection"13:01
cfhowlett!behelpful | usr_1741,13:01
ubottuusr_1741,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.13:01
sabotenderk1l: I tried that, the file is completely commented out save for a single line13:02
k1lsabotender: that is not rocketscience. every one started as beginner. just start with something and be willing to read some and learn somthing.13:02
sabotenderapparently from the documentation which was sent to me: https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration it is not supposed to be commented out13:03
sabotenderso if that file is commented out, how am I able to connect remotely via SSH?13:03
k1lsabotender: if you got a desktop running there the network interfaces is not used. but if you put the stuff into that file its used13:04
k1lsabotender: just mount the microsd and change the file on there. then put it into the device and when booting the interfaces is used13:04
* k1l is away now for some time13:05
sabotenderk1l: I have no problems using nano (my preferred editor)13:05
sabotenderoh, gone away :-P13:05
sabotenderthe only thing that is not commented out is "source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d"13:07
polpotterWhat happens if you try to dd a usb when it has two partitions?13:08
wonderworldpolpotter: depends on the target of your dd13:08
gavimobiledoes the latest live version of ubuntu have wifi support?13:08
wonderworldpolpotter: if you dd to the device, it will overwrite the partition table13:09
wonderworldif you dd to a partition, it will fill up the partition with your source data13:10
Rorypolpotter: You can still dd to it, you will overwrite the partition table13:10
Rorypolpotter: I'll clarify: if you were to dd to /dev/sdc you would overwrite that drive's partition table. if you were to dd to /dev/sdc1 you would be writing data to the partition, and the partition table would remain intact13:10
Rorypolpotter: If you're unsure, you should share any command you're about to run here first13:11
zambahi! i have some colleagues sitting in a remote area with very limited network connectivity (we're talking around 500-600 kbps).. i want to create VoD solution for them that transcodes on the fly.. what can you suggest for this?13:11
Roryzamba: ...youtube?13:11
zambaRory: eh.. from local media13:11
zambai was thinking about the plex media server?13:11
polpotterwonderworld, Rory: hmm i dd'd my usb with the ubuntu 14.04 .iso, the usage is Filesystem, the Partition Type is Empty, Partition Flags is bootable, the Type is ISO 9660, is that all right?13:12
Roryzamba: Something like Mediatomb13:12
zambaRory: does that work over WAN?13:12
cfhowlettpolpotter, partition type = empty?  not msdos/fat32??13:12
Rorypolpotter: you dd directly to the device?13:12
wonderworldpolpotter: what are you trying to do? what is your goal?13:12
Roryzamba: Yes I don't see why it wouldn't as long as you opened up your firewall to allow connections from the Internet?13:12
polpottercfhowlett: no, i'd formatted to ext4 initially then dd13:12
polpotterRory: yeah13:13
zambaRory: i just read upnp13:13
polpotterwonderworld: I'm trying to put ubuntu 14.04 on a usb13:13
cfhowlettpolpotter, boot usb is fat32/msdos not ext413:13
polpotterok thanks13:13
Rorypolpotter: Take a look at info here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu13:13
wonderworldpolpotter: most easy way would be to use usbcreator-gtk13:14
polpotteri thought dd changed all that info anyway13:14
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wonderworldotherwise (if you usb drive has no importantn data)  -> dd if=/home/user/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sd[your usb drive]13:14
cfhowlettpolpotter, dd will copy the files reliably but does nothing to the target media13:14
Rorydd takes data from one file/device and writes it blindly to another13:14
wonderworlddd doesn't copy files13:15
wonderworldit copies blocks13:15
sabotenderwell, I tried the headless method, without a GUI but it seems that I need it13:15
* cfhowlett thinks it sounds so much more intelligent when Rory explains it ...13:15
polpotterso i need to change the flag to bootable after dd is finished?13:15
Rorysabotender: dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc will work13:15
Rorysabotender: oh sorry wrong person13:15
* sabotender chuckles politely13:16
tomodachipolpotter: no you dont13:16
tomodachipolpotter: what you are doing is taking an already bootable "image" of something and putting it onto a new device13:16
tomodachisince its an exact copy it already containts the filesystem files AND the bootable flag13:17
sabotenderi'm going to put this server away, and start it back up when my micro HDMI cable arrives in the post.13:17
polpottertomodachi: right so this is what i've done. I formatted the usb (with partitioning set as Master Boot Record), removed all partitions and then created a new FAT partition, then set the flag to bootable. now i'm running dd. should that work?13:18
Rorypolpotter: It doesn't matter what you did with partitions and things, because you're about to dd the ubuntu image over the top of it all13:19
polpotterRory: ok, cheers13:19
tomodachiyes but you did a couple of pointless steps13:20
tomodachiah someone else answered already13:21
=== FBI is now known as Desu
kevindfHello, I use ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my hard drive but switch this drive between 2 pcs, 1 at work and 1 at home, at work everything is working fine but when i come home it doesnt want to detect my network adapter built in ,my motherboard13:28
kevindfhow is this possible?13:28
EriC^^kevindf: lspci doesn't show it?13:29
kevindfit says Ethernet Controller intel Coporation Ethernet COnnection I217-V13:30
kevindfbut Network manager detects no lan network at all, i even tried adding it manual but the mac address is not listed either13:30
kevindffrom the  nic13:30
EriC^^kevindf: ok, what does ifconfig -a say?13:30
kevindflo, vboxnet0, vboxnet1, wlan1 (the wlan is from my seperate wireless adapter plugged in right now )13:31
kevindfEric^^: Would this be a driver problem?13:35
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EriC^^kevindf: yeah maybe13:37
Rorykevindf: Has it ever worked?13:38
EriC^^kevindf: you could check the bios to see if it's activated, but i think it wouldn't have showed up in lspci13:38
kevindflike about 1 month ago13:38
EriC^^kevindf: maybe try a different kernel13:38
JoelThe network icon has gone missing in my top bar, so I can't connect to my vpn for example, thoughts on getting it back?13:38
kevindfwill give kernel 44 a shot13:39
adrian_1908Is anyone here familiar with using ccache? I'm trying to create a symlink so that gcc and g++ point to ccache, but it appears the links aren't visible or get overwritten by the original binary locations.13:39
wonderworldJoel: try to run NetworkManager13:39
EriC^^Joel: type restart indicator<press tab couple times>13:40
EriC^^Joel: if there's anything like indicator-network, restart or start that one13:40
JoelEriC^^, nothing ending in network13:40
arunangshuafter installing zorin headphone jack is not working in windows please help13:41
JoelEriC^^, odd, indicator-network is an apt-get issue, wonder what might have removed it?13:41
EriC^^Joel: sudo service network-manager restart should get it back, but your connection will drop13:41
cfhowlettarunangshu, no support for zorin here.  this is ubuntu13:41
Roryarunangshu: It's almost certainly nothing to do with whatever you installed. Check the audio device in Windows is enabled and the volume is turned up.13:42
EriC^^!find indicator-network13:42
ubottuFound: indicator-network, indicator-network-autopilot, indicator-network-prompt13:42
EriC^^Joel: nah, i dont have it installed either13:42
basichashHow do I install gnome 3.14 for 14.04?13:43
A124Q: Java.. which one and how should I get it?13:43
EriC^^basichash: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop13:43
JoelEriC^^, ok, thanks for the input!13:46
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basichash_How do I install gnome 3.14 on 14.04?13:46
EriC^^Joel: no problem!13:47
basichash_if anyone knows how to install gnome 3.14 on 14.04, that'd be great13:48
A124Java: Is there a way to say that I do not want to display anything?13:48
vlt_Hello. How can I record a browser session to video (or a sequence of still images)? Is there a browser addon or does anyone know a program?13:48
EriC^^vlt_: you can use recordmydesktop13:49
cfhowlettvlt_, browswer recorder?  not that I know of.   but ... recordmydesktop13:49
EriC^^basichash_: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop13:49
kevindfwhats the latest kernel atm for ubuntu 12.0413:50
kevindf74 or 75?13:50
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic precise13:50
basichash_EriC^^: thanks. also is it recommend to always accept the ubuntu updates?13:50
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB13:50
basichash_EriC^^: even from 14.04 to 14.10?13:50
playmatei am new here13:50
cfhowlett!ask | playmate13:51
ubottuplaymate: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:51
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OerHeksbasichash_, nope, the gnome ppa has only 3.14 for Utopic 14.10 https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome313:51
JoelEriC^^, that also didn't fix it :\13:51
vlt_EriC^^, cfhowlett: Thanks!13:51
EriC^^basichash_: no, that's entirely up to you, 14.04 will be supported til 2019 whereas 14.10 is only supported for 9 months13:51
cfhowlettvlt_, happy2help13:51
playmategot to go thanx anyways13:51
OerHeksbasichash_, but carefull, ppa's are not supported here and can break your system13:52
basichash_EriC^^, OerHeks: maybe a better way to phrase the question is is it better to stay with 14.04 or keep upgrading (for security, etc). Keep in mind this is not a server or anything13:53
cfhowlettbasichash_, 14.04 is LTS.  14.10 is not.  choose wisely.13:53
Ben6414.04 receives updates for 5 years13:53
OerHeksbasichash_, ?13:53
EriC^^Joel: i think i got it, it's called nm-applet13:54
OerHeksbasichash_, you were asking about gnome 3.14, what do you really want?13:54
JoelEriC^^, yeah, I tried dbus-launch nm-applet13:54
JoelEriC^^, still nothing appeared though13:55
bedpanboyMy Software Center keeps freezing.13:55
bedpanboyCan somebody help?13:55
bedpanboyIt locks up almost every other time I try to install something.13:55
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BluesKajJoel, what about, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart13:58
EriC^^Joel: it's not a fix, but nm-connection-editor brings up a connection window13:58
EriC^^Joel: did you try nm-applet alone?14:00
JoelEriC^^, thanks, yeah, nm-applet alone starts, but displays nothing, this is so odd.14:00
EriC^^bedpanboy: try to launch it from the terminal, and see if it displays any errors14:00
EriC^^bedpanboy: type software-center-gtk314:01
bedpanboyEriC^^, well, it's hard for me to reproduce errors. Once I kill it - which I've done now - it tends to work.14:02
bedpanboyBut I'll try it for next time I guess.14:02
OerHeksbedpanboy, did you add some ppa's? that can slow down easily14:02
bedpanboyOerHeks, yes I added my first PPA today, but this problem has been persistent ever since I first installed Ubuntu about a week ago.14:02
bedpanboySo it's highly unlikely that the PPA is the issue.14:03
OerHeksbedpanboy, oke14:03
bedpanboyEric^^: Ok I ran it and it's giving me boatloads of errors.14:03
bedpanboyPage after page.14:03
squidlyIs there a way to "upgrade" from a Debian install to an ubuntu LTS install?14:04
EriC^^squidly: no, you can backup your home directory, and a list of the installed software, and fresh install ubuntu14:04
cfhowlettsquidly.  download the ubuntu .iso and do a clean insatll14:04
squidlyI didnt think so. Thanks.14:04
BluesKajsquidly,do you have separate / and /home partitions?14:05
squidlyBluesKaj: on my funtoo install yes. It's just so broken I cant get a ISO burning util installed right now.14:06
EriC^^bedpanboy: ok, if it freezes, check the terminal for any clues14:06
bedpanboyEriC^^, yeah I don't think it's gonna freeze again today, so I guess I'll have to run it from terminal next time14:06
bedpanboybut yeah it does give me tons of errors right away14:06
bedpanboysoftwarecenter.fixme - WARNING - logs to the root logger: '('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/proxies.py', 410, '_introspect_error_handler')'14:06
bedpanboyStuff like that14:06
OerHeksoh those are not always errors, just messages.14:07
EriC^^bedpanboy: i get a couple errors too14:07
bedpanboyAh I see.14:07
bedpanboyWell alright then, I'll launch it from terminal from now on and see what happens.14:07
bedpanboyThanks a lot. :D14:07
OerHekshave fun!14:08
EriC^^bedpanboy: no problem :D14:08
BluesKajsquidly, have you tried wodim, it should be installed by default14:09
bedpanboyAnyone know if there's a chan for Wine? #wine doesn't seem to work.14:10
bedpanboyOh, #winehq. D'oh14:10
bedpanboyYa sorry14:10
cfhowlett!wine | bedpanboy,14:10
ubottubedpanboy,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:10
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ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:14
squidlyBluesKaj: Funtoo not debian or Ubuntu. :(14:14
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squidlyIt's not installed.14:14
red-heya, does anyone know how I can make clicking the IM menu -> Thunderbird change focus to the workspace Thunderbird is in? If I click from Unity bar it will change the workspace, but if I click from the top right corner of the top bar, it wont14:14
BluesKajfuntoo, ? is that some kind of gentoo flavour, squidly ? afraid that's not supported here14:16
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ptmanhi! I was wondering where I can get fresher netboot.tar.gz than http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/14:28
jpdsptman: s/precise/precise-updates/14:28
ptmanseems to be dated for 12.04 release, not 12.04.5 or whatever the current is14:28
ptmanjpds, of course, stupid me14:29
bauscan anyone help me to write a simple script? i named this script screen.sh and gave it executable by doing "chmod +x screen.sh" but it's not working14:29
ptmanjpds, is trusty-netboot with trusty-hwe?14:29
cfhowlett!bash | baus14:30
ubottubaus: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:30
bauswhen i do ./screen.sh, there are no screen sessions started14:30
jpdsptman: Yep.14:30
cfhowlettbaus, sorry - #bash = the channel14:30
ptmanjpds, thank you again14:30
grasmannhey i'm new and have a question. my sound on linux dosen't go14:30
jpdsbaus: Don't think you can start a screen session from a shell script.14:30
grasmanncan somebody help me14:31
cfhowlett!sound | grasmann14:31
ubottugrasmann: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:31
kumonitHey... Any hackers?14:32
cfhowlettkumonit, not in this channel.14:32
johncarperwhat can i do if my ubuntu kernel is gone from grub? i tried installing new and removed files in /boot but i think i removed too many14:34
johncarpernow i cannot fidn ubuntu anymore in grub14:34
cfhowlettjohncarper, dang!  try to boot into terminal.  if you can, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will grab the kernel14:35
johncarperhow can i boot in terminal? :) only got grub rescue and windows os14:36
johncarperwell not grub rescue but the regular grub without ubuntu14:36
cfhowlettjohncarper, actually scratch that.  get you ubuntu usb/dvd and reinstall grub = on the theory that you HAVE a kernel installed but your grub is confused.14:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:37
johncarperok will try that thank you14:37
basichashHow can I change my gnome-shell? (14.04, gnome=13.04)14:38
wonkoi'm got an annoying upstart issue. I altered an upstart script and it's almost like it's using the old copy. This isn't the stop/start vs reload thing. The upstart job is complaining about something that had been removed.14:39
wonkoI did 'initctl reload-configuration' but that made no difference14:41
basichashHow can I change my gnome-shell? (14.04, gnome=13.04)14:42
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basichashthere's a little triangle in gnome-tweak next to the Shell option14:45
basichashwhat does that mean?14:45
workerbeetwoHi. how to set terminator as default terminal ? ubuntu 14 unity14:46
cfhowlettworkerbeetwo, sudo apt-get alternatives -- configure-editor    IIRC14:47
basichashHow can I change my gnome-shell? (14.04, gnome=13.04)14:47
basichashfor the shell theme option in gnome tweak, there's a little triangle and i can't select any options14:48
antimatroidhttp://pastebin.com/FM6L0ZtL does anyone know how I could get that script when run by root (automatically in /etc/network/if-up.d when connecting to a network) to actually use notify-send to notify me that dropbox has been started/stopped (or any other way for the script to pop something up so I know it ran)?14:48
cfhowlettworkerbeetwo, sudo update-alternatives --config editor14:49
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c0m0Hello, i'm using ubuntu 14 but i don't see the command aptitude, it was removed?14:50
workerbeetwocfhowlett: unfortuenately =>> update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for terminator14:50
cfhowlettworkerbeetwo, so I see14:51
bauswhat's the correct syntax for a cron job to start a screen session at startup? is it14:51
baus@reboot screen -dmS weechat weechat >> /dev/null 2>&114:51
cfhowlettworkerbeetwo, I think this is it   http://www.electrictoolbox.com/changing-default-text-editor-linux/14:54
Roryc0m0: aptitude isn't installed by default (and never was, afaik) but you can still install it with "apt-get install aptitude"14:54
c0m0Rory: thanks, but can you tell me why ins't installed by default?14:55
Roryc0m0: Many things aren't installed by default. Ubuntu comes with apt-get instead.14:55
Roryc0m0: for example, Ubuntu comes with Firefox (and not Chrome or Konqueror)14:56
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JayDrakeGood morning all. I'm working on setting up an SFTP server and have run into a wall when trying to set up the chroot environment.14:58
JayDrakeI created a new user, and was able to connect with no troubles. I added a Match Group sftp with ChrootDirectory %h and when I assign the user to that group, the user can no longer connect. :/14:59
nukeu666i have ubuntu 12.10 and can' seem to get firefox upgraded beyond 29...help15:00
cfhowlettnukeu666, nope.  12.10 is end of life and not supported.  upgrade15:01
c0m0JayDrake: because the user home needs to be owner by root15:03
nukeu666cfhowlett, i know its eol but any way to get only firefox upgraded? i downloaded he latest bin their site but that also shows up at 2915:03
c0m0try to ChrootDirectory /home because home directory is owner by root15:03
cfhowlettnukeu666, nope.15:03
cfhowlettnukeu666, drop to 12.04 or jump to 14.04 both are supported and are LTS15:04
nuke1989how do you kill that mysqld which keeps respawning again and again15:05
terratomaim using Network Manager, I can't connect to a WPA2 network after a suspend.  I tried removing and reloading the module for my wireless card ( iwlwifi )15:07
JayDrakeThank you c0m0, that seems to have worked at least well enough that I should be able to adjust a little to get it exactly right. :)15:07
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theadminnuke1989: Just "service mysql stop" or such.15:07
nuke1989theadmin, lol in fact i tried it before but it didnt work. For some reason worked this time...hmmm. thanks though!15:09
cfhowlettworkerbeetwo, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16808231/how-do-i-set-default-terminal-to-terminator15:10
genericumpackage management in ubuntu is problematic. there should be meta packets and aside from that dpkg's that don't pull everything in as dependency15:11
genericumi've tried "removing" packets by /etc/apt/preferences but still if i remove packets (that i specifically dislike) apt complains about missing deps15:13
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Guest66861hello, can anyone help me with lubuntu here?15:14
terratomaGuest66861: probably .  but there is also #lubuntu15:15
Guest66861no one on there.15:15
RoryGuest66861: Ask your question (preferably all on one line) with as much detail as you think would be useful to help us fix it15:15
IndustrialWhat is the name of the application that gets launched from the tray icon for configuring volumes & sound in Ubuntu?15:15
RoryIndustrial: "gnome-control-center sound-nua"15:16
Guest66861I'm trying to get an  OSX-type spotlight search on my lubuntu. I've installed Cairo-Dock and now, when I click the launch program button, I can search and find software. If I click on the launch program button on the taskbar, I still have to go to the correct section.15:16
IndustrialRory: I seem not to have gnome-control-center15:17
RoryHmm Industrial what ubuntu version is this? Running that command works on my vanilla 12.0415:18
RoryIt might be different in later versions. Industrial you can open it and run "ps aux | grep sound" and see if there's anything likely-looking. That's how I found the command I gave you15:18
IndustrialRory: 14.1015:18
genericumin other words it should be easier to choose your own packets in the repo even if you have a small drive :)15:19
IndustrialRory: I'm currently not in the Unity desktop, so I need the name of the program to start it, because I'ts currently not started.15:19
IndustrialI'm trying to get my sound working under the Xmonad window manager15:19
RoryIndustrial: well unity runs the indicator-sound-service applet which you probably don't have running in xmonad at all15:19
IronicBadgerso. what is the point of snappy core then chaps?15:20
IndustrialRory: correct :)15:20
RoryIndustrial: You're probably better off installing and using "pavucontrol"15:20
alieas_macHi y'all.  I used dd and vhdtool to move a 11.04 to a Hyper-V VM.  It boots with Legacy network adapter, and gets DHCP but can't communicate with anything.  (can ping it's own address but that's it).   I've looked at everything, all the gateways and routes are right, etc, etc.  and it works fine in Recovery.   Any recommendations on troubleshooting this?15:20
genericumbtw if i kick something out of the repo after i do apt-get update all is gone isn't it ?15:20
amcsiHi, I'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu alongside Max OSX. Does the fact that I installed Ubuntu onto15:20
amcsi... a new logical partition...15:21
amcsi...cause any problems?15:21
IndustrialRory: ok15:21
fedorafanhavent /etc/inetd.conf but tftp is installed so what is wrong15:21
cfhowlett!mac | amcsi, ease up on the <enter> button.15:21
fedorafanisnt the file related to tftp hmm15:21
genericumamcsi: why not install a boot-loader on thumbdrive ?15:21
cfhowlett!mac | amcsi15:21
ubottuamcsi: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:21
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jollygoodAre there any other boot analyzing services for upstart other than pybootchartgui or something close to that?15:23
mfooHello, when apt-get update returns a GPG error "The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG <sig>", what does this actually mean?15:23
nickandermfoo: on 12.04?15:23
mfoonickander, yes, but the key is for a private repository - although other than the key being different it's configured identically to another set of VMs we run (puppet handled it)15:23
mfooand the other set doesn't have this problem15:24
nickanderinteresting, i have the same thing come up on a fresh 12.04 install pretty consistently but on -server and with nothing but an apt-get update/upgrade15:24
mfoothis is a 12.04 server and it appears consistently with apt-get update. The repo it's complaining about is my own though, and I don't see anything wrong with the key15:25
MonkeyDustmfoo  are you using any PPA?15:26
Fohlenhey guys. I pressed some key (don't remember it exactly) and now my file-roller looks totally screwed up and only shows filesizes instead of names: http://i.imgur.com/HnWjH0m.png15:26
Fohlenanyone got an idea how to reset this?15:26
Fohlenthere is no gui-options in the program though15:27
mfooMonkeyDust, no,  a custom debian repository with custom packages15:27
MonkeyDustmfoo  this is ubuntu support, not debian15:27
MonkeyDustmfoo  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue15:28
mfooMonkeyDust, ok, then it's a custom ubuntu repository with custom ubuntu packages.15:28
mfoo12.04.5 LTS, I assumed the repo format was identical15:28
MonkeyDustmfoo  i guess you're mixing ubuntu and repo's15:29
MonkeyDustmfoo  i guess you're mixing ubuntu and debian repo's15:29
MonkeyDustmfoo  if ubuntu were the same as debian, it would be called debian15:29
mfooI was describing the repository format.15:30
fedorafanwhere are all my sources for apt-get15:30
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, that15:30
workerbeetwocfhowlett: thanks so far. but it did nto seem to work. '. ~/.bash_profile'  was perhaps meant to be '. ~/.bashrc' which was adjusted by me.15:30
mfooMonkeyDust, this has been working fine for months on an identical setup (we have two mirrored infrastructures). I inquired as to the meaning of the BADSIG error message so I can investigate further15:30
cfhowlettworkerbeetwo, sorry, I had to give up on it.  ask again15:30
jollygoodFohlen: If you hit a random key that did this try checking here: https://help.gnome.org/users/file-roller/3.14/keyboard-shortcuts.html.en15:30
EriC^^fedorafan: /etc/apt/sources.list & /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*15:30
fedorafanEriC^^ thank you15:30
workerbeetwocfhowlett: sure.15:31
EriC^^fedorafan: no problem15:31
jollygoodFohlen: F9?15:31
Fohlennope :(15:31
workerbeetwoI wanted to terminator to be the default terminal . so that perhaps nautilus opens it instead of the usual terminal (which hasnt as nice a screen splitting builtin)15:32
Fohlenjollygood: any idea where the config files are stored?15:32
Fohlenmaybe just delete them & start over15:32
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santimsHI. I am running Ubuntu 14 with the latest VMware installed. I am running Ubuntu Server 14 as the guest. I am trying to copy/paste text from my host to a file I am editing in nano on my guest but I cannot paste. I have copy/paste info checked in VMWare. Google did not provide any solutions. Thanks in advance15:34
jollygoodFohlen: That might be a good idea.15:34
wafflejockFohlen, you could just purge and install file-roller15:34
Fohlenwafflejock: that sounds like a good idea15:34
wafflejockFohlen, sudo apt-get purge file-roller, then sudo apt-get install file-roller15:34
fedorafandeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu karmic main restricted universe multiverse got this line but dont get all packages available hmm15:34
OerHeksfedorafan, karmic is eol15:35
Fohlenit's still the same15:35
Fohlenwtf did I do15:35
fedorafanI know but got a reason using it15:35
IronicBadgeri'm running ubu mate edition. how do i get the cinnamon launcher?15:35
jollygoodFohlen: http://askubuntu.com/questions/384538/recover-archive-managers-lost-columns15:35
OerHeksfedorafan, good luck then15:35
genericumfohlen: fi'k file-roller _)15:36
IronicBadgerbasically looking for a launcher with search on MATE15:36
fedorafanahh but I cant how to say manage to get into the dir with the packages just to the isos hmm15:36
Fohlenwow, that was fuck** stupid, thanks =)15:36
Fohlensimply an error by design o.o15:36
OerHeks!language | Fohlen please15:36
ubottuFohlen please: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:36
brigadaHello There, I am on ubuntu 14.04, using IRC client , it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting all the time. how can I fix it?15:36
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wafflejockbrigada, have you tried a couple of IRC clients to see if it's a problem with the client or something at the network interface or hardware level?15:37
tokamhow to get GLSL 1.1 running on ubuntu?15:38
OerHeksbrigada, are you working wireless?15:38
jollygoodDoes anyone know much about upstart?15:38
tokamerror: GLSL 3.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES15:38
genericumfohlen: xarchiver install'ed15:38
CatKillerjollygood: Just ask the question15:38
EriC^^!upstart jollygood has a good guide15:38
ubottuEriC^^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:38
EriC^^!upstart | jollygood has a good guide15:38
ubottujollygood has a good guide: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:38
fedorafangot it15:39
MonkeyDustwhat's glsl?15:40
fedorafannot rleaeses need to go into the ubuntu one ahh its fine15:40
tokamThis seems like the right question for my problem...15:40
jollygoodHow can I analyze upstart's boot without using bootchart?15:40
tokamBut I have 1.2 running concerning to the glxinfo15:41
fedorafanam confused shouldtn there be a list of packages15:41
jollygoodAs the upstart wiki just points to bootcharting, this I don't want to do.15:41
OerHeksjollygood, why not?15:41
jollygoodOerHeks: I don't like it15:42
bedpanboyits me bedpan boy15:42
bedpanboyaka the bedpan rapper15:43
fedorafanother queston someone here using old-releases as repo hmm15:43
cfhowlettbedpanboy, stay on topic please.15:43
genericumMonkeyDust: gl shader language15:43
fedorafandont know if there shoulld be a folder with the packages available15:43
fedorafanmaybe I could also search in another way for but now I would like to know that15:43
OerHeksfedorafan, old-releases are just for upgrading when normal upgrade is not possible, do not expect support with issues.15:44
fedorafansorry dont understand15:44
cfhowlettfedorafan, in fact, as they are end of life, they are NOT supported.15:44
fedorafanI dont ask for help with the distro just with navigating there15:44
santimsHI. I am running Ubuntu 14 with the latest VMware installed. I am running Ubuntu Server 14 as the guest. I am trying to copy/paste text from my host to a file I am editing in nano on my guest but I cannot paste. I have copy/paste info checked in VMWare. Google did not provide any solutions. Thanks in advance15:45
fedorafanI would like to install tpcd and apt-get install tcpd dont know it15:45
tomodachisantims: thats really a vmware issue15:45
maliboyhow to secure a usb drive since we don't have truecrypt anymore ?15:45
fedorafanso I want to look if its there well surely not but would like to take a look lol15:45
OerHeksfedorafan, you you do ask for support, stop it please.15:45
tomodachimaliboy: check out lukscrypt15:45
fedorafanok you dont know it15:46
fedorafanits fine15:46
maliboytomodachi, does ubuntu ship with it ?15:46
cfhowlettfedorafan, as I told you; downgrade to 12.04 or upgrade to 14.04 fo rsupport15:46
fedorafandid you understand what I would like to do15:46
fedorafanmy english is very badly15:46
fedorafantry to increase15:46
cfhowlettfedorafan, we do not support 12.1015:47
fedorafandont like bothering15:47
fedorafanthx being patiened15:47
fedorafanother question15:48
santimstomodachi: i didnt know which end this was on but i figured someone here might have run across this issue. I'll hit up some vmware channels. thanks!15:48
fedorafanapt-get I can just search for package right15:48
brigadawafflejock: yes tried on mozilla and thunderbird, same problem on both15:48
fedorafanlol you are right take a look into the manpages :)15:48
brigadaOerHeks: yes wireless15:48
tomodachimaliboy: yes15:48
fedorafanwhere could I just ask for old release15:49
OerHeksbrigada, sounds like dropping wireless, not much we can do about that, try to point the antenna in a better position15:49
OerHeksfedorafan, again: old-releases are just for upgrading when normal upgrade is not possible15:50
fedorafanits fine15:50
tokamCan you please help me to fix that OpenGL error?15:50
fedorafanbut is there just a room to ask for OerHeks15:50
hillaryHappy new year people15:50
fedorafanstop it here15:50
hillaryToday i will ask a general question. Hope i will not offend anybody. A student asked me today between redhat and lpic which one is worth pursuing?15:51
SchrodingersScat!ot | hillary15:51
hillaryWill appreciate your answers15:51
ubottuhillary: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:51
MonkeyDusthillary  wrong channel15:52
cfhowletthillary, better ask off-topic15:52
hillaryam sorry guys15:52
DJoneshillary: Thats probably a better question to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, or maybe even better in ##linux15:52
hillaryam guided15:52
brigadaOerHeks: thanks, but can it be antenna position?15:52
maliboytomodachi, cannot find the gui15:53
tomodachimaliboy: i never said there was any (you might have to install it i dont know , i just use the command line)15:54
tomodachimaliboy:  try asking someone else or googling it, you are not the first to ask it surely15:54
maliboytomodachi, ok thanks15:55
OerHeksbrigida sure, and networks around you15:58
fwaokda_i have an application that i installed through the software center and also from a tar package... it's installed twice. is there a way to remove both from my system altogether?16:01
fwaokda_so i can then reinstall from scratch?16:01
fedorafanhmm how just to search for packages in the sources16:01
fedorafanapt-get seems not to have that possibility right16:02
tomodachifwaokda_: yes but how and where the source package installed depends on your make script16:02
fwaokda_fedorafan, you might be looking for sudo apt-cache search <package name>16:02
tomodachifwaokda_:  if it does not have an uninstall feature you have to clean it manually16:02
fwaokda_tomodachi, thanks16:03
fedorafanme stupid I already got installed it always the same problems in reading16:03
fedorafanbut I dont got the inetd.conf file in /etc hmm16:04
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fedorafangot it16:06
inerkickHi. I have Ubuntu 14.04 mate. And installed Xcfe and lxde environment, but it isn't showing up while booting to choose16:09
MonkeyDustinerkick  logout, switch, login16:11
genericuminerkick: i was asked which one to use when installing ..16:11
genericuminerkick: there may be a runlevel script somewhere .. but i don't know where16:11
MonkeyDustinerkick  you don't choose it during boot16:11
inerkickit doesn't show in option MonkeyDust genericum16:12
fedorafanlogin window it should also appear right16:12
fedorafanreboot and then16:12
cfhowlettinerkick, click on the gear icon16:12
inerkickno it not show16:12
inerkickthere is no gear symbol actually16:12
inerkickjust username and password16:12
inerkicki installed gnome desktop manager too16:13
fedorafanbut as MonkeyDust  just says try to logout and see if you got the option otherwise maybe the installation failed or you need more packages to install but never installed other environments on ubuntu16:13
inerkickbut that not show as well16:13
genericuminerkick: write a wrong username if you don't see the gear :/16:13
salrathor11Hey guys, can anyone help me? I installed linux on my old mac (Macbook5,2) and the trackpad is quite unresponsive.16:13
inerkickno genericum not shows16:13
fedorafaninerkick it should just appear at loginwindow16:13
cfhowlettinerkick, there should be a gear in the upper right corner16:13
fedorafanI guess16:13
inerkickno fedorafan cfhowlett i have seen it16:14
fedorafandid you tru to reinstall it16:14
genericuminerkick: gdm can be used for other sessions .. i do it myself16:14
fwaokda_can i remove workbench by removing the two folders it mentions in the about workbench section of the application? Configuration Directory: /home/david/.mysql/workbench; Data Directory: /usr/local/share/mysql-workbench  ???16:14
cfhowlettinerkick, login and tell us what lsb_release -a in a terminal says16:15
genericumbecause my kdm makes problems ..16:15
salrathor11Can anyone help me with this fix; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/41651616:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416516 in Xserver Xorg Input Synaptics "Touchpad isn't sensitive enough on MacBook 5,2" [Medium,Incomplete]16:15
salrathor11how do i install the fix?16:15
inerkickit used to say "No LSB modules are available"16:16
fedorafanisnt there just a command to start different en environments from console16:16
arunangshuhow to update chromium flash player please help16:16
fedorafanstop the current and then but no sure hmm16:16
cfhowlettinerkick, cat /etc/issue16:16
fedorafanso you could just check if you got it installed16:17
fedorafani suck sorry not that good in ubuntustuff16:17
inerkickUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l cfhowlett16:17
cfhowlettinerkick, your login screen should look similar http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Ubuntu14-12.jpg16:18
genericumfedorafan: perhaps ubuntu sucks :)16:18
fedorafanlol no its a fine sytstem16:18
genericumfedorafan: too many distros :( no modularity well it's better than reactos at the moment16:19
fedorafanahhh I am the gui lover16:19
fedorafanalways on kde16:19
fedorafannever understood how to like that gnome16:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:20
satisevenI love ubuntu IRC16:20
fedorafanlol true16:20
samthewildoneGuys I've been having a problem with the ubuntu servers.16:20
fedorafanback helping16:20
samthewildoneSince last week I noticed that downloading and installing updates are taking forever.16:20
cfhowlett!english | fedorafan, stop that.16:20
ubottufedorafan, stop that.: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:20
fedorafanI just noticed last time some guy had issues with his hdd16:20
arunangshuhow to update chromium flash player please help16:21
MonkeyDustfedorafan  mind your language16:21
samthewildoneThis is my 2nd reinstallation with Ubuntu. It took me literally 25 minutes to install.16:21
fedorafanConsole lol16:21
fedorafanis my english really that bad16:21
genericumfedorafan: i wonder who program's that stuff they must be mad of qt compile-times :)16:21
cfhowlettfedorafan, stop the profanity16:21
fwaokda_where are shortcuts that show up in ubuntu search stored at?16:21
cfhowlett!english | fedorafan16:21
ubottufedorafan: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:21
fedorafanand what points dont me got16:22
fedorafancalm, polite ...16:22
cfhowlettsamthewildone, try localizing your source repos16:22
fedorafanno answer16:23
samthewildonecfhowlett: please walk me through this.16:23
fedorafanwasnt polite, calm or just understandable16:23
satiseven<fedorafan> how you can play programs if you British is bad?16:23
samthewildonecfhowlett: this has become a HUGE problem for me.16:23
cfhowlett!repos | samthewildone,16:23
ubottusamthewildone,: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.16:23
fedorafansatiseven ahhh ok it is just bad16:23
marcmarchi there, I have a question. http://askubuntu.com/questions/575429/external-monitor-is-detected-10-of-the-time16:23
genericummy kde stuff doesnt really work it says can't connect to x server most of the time .. any ideas ?16:23
fedorafanI see I really need to increase my english16:23
fedorafanit annoys you16:24
sheeris it important for security to update ubuntu often?16:24
cfhowlett!ot | fedorafan,16:24
ubottufedorafan,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:24
genericumsheer: linux is insecure !!!16:24
fedorafannow got it16:24
cfhowlettsheer, yes same as any OS16:24
MonkeyDustgenericum  please16:24
cfhowlett!fud | genericum,16:24
ubottugenericum,: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt16:24
satiseven<fedorafan> where are you from?maybe I can help you to solve your problem16:24
genericumonce i had a box with ipv4 nat ..16:24
sheercfhowlett, linux is asking me for updates more often than other OSs16:25
satiseven<fedorafan> :(16:25
fedorafansat you are just welcome but I would like to understand what the problem just i16:25
fedorafannot your language ahhh no worry16:25
genericumand there was a greeter with my hostname installed16:25
genericumand one day i looged in16:25
MonkeyDustsheer  you can change that in the settings16:25
cfhowlettsheer, because it's better maintained.  your choice to ignore or do the updates16:25
genericumfunny thing was it was not correctly spelled :(16:25
MonkeyDustsheer  system settings > software & updates > updates16:26
genericumbut this particular machine had a drop rule for everything targeting the machine :)16:26
fedorafanhow to react in a proper way without knowing the problem16:27
drvojehow to use this..???16:27
fedorafanlet the bot just answer many points hmm nosense16:27
fedorafanbut its fine16:27
genericumon the contrary .. windows is much more of a bugtrap :)16:27
MonkeyDustgenericum  that's off-topic here16:27
fedorafansure stopping now16:28
satiseven<fedorafan> your British is not bad,if you want to speak faster you can use http://translate.google.com16:28
fedorafansatiseven oh you are very polite thanks16:28
fedorafanahhh no I just know need to better it up lol but its very nice16:29
genericummy kde stuff doesnt really work it says can't connect to x server most of the time .. any ideas ?16:31
samthewildonecfhowlett: Hey man, thank you very much for your help.16:31
genericumi wonder where this x-server is :)16:31
BluesKaj_kde stuff?16:31
cfhowlettsamthewildone, happy2help16:32
samthewildonecfhowlett: I really appreciated it ! Been using ubuntu for about 5+ years and never knew about changing sources.16:32
genericumespecially when i'm using root16:32
cfhowlettsamthewildone, only took me about 4 years to figure it :)16:32
samthewildonecfhowlett: cheers16:32
genericumgoes like cannot connect to display 0:016:33
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genericumsorry not using root but sudo :)16:34
genericumwill try again to give you the exact message .. brb16:35
verodebcan the variable net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts block ping on localhost?16:36
tokamcan I manually edit the X11 config to enable OpenGL 3,3?16:36
tokamGLSL 3.3016:36
tokammaybe I do have to add this code somewhere?16:36
MonkeyDusttokam  if you're skilled enough to know what that piece of code is/does, you should know where to put it16:38
tokamit was c++ code.16:38
tokamdoes not belong to xorg.conf16:38
tokammy software needs glsl 3.30 but only 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 are supported :(16:39
tokami compiled with qmake && make16:39
tokamterminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::Exception'16:39
tokam  what():  /home/tokam/Desktop/mve-master/apps/umve/shaders/surface_330.vert: 0:1(10): error: GLSL 3.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES16:39
pancakes9hi, i deleted my /etc/passwd so I want to copy over my /etc/passwd- but it says "sudo: unknown uid 1000: who are you?" when I run sudo cp /etc/passwd- /etc/passwd16:40
cfhowlettpancakes9, you deleted your password so you can no longer use sudo with that password?  i AM shocked!16:41
genericumwell didn't work because kde-runtime is missing now .. can sb explain why i need libsmb to use kde ?16:41
cfhowlett!password | pancakes916:41
ubottupancakes9: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:41
genericumbtw who the hell changed my desktop backgound ?16:42
MonkeyDustgenericum  mind the language16:42
genericumMonkeyDust: which god :=  was what i ment16:43
genericumthe dog operating system :)16:45
puttiHi! I got the following error when booting with 14.04: http://pastebin.com/a1EUXKew . That causes the system hang ~1min before the booting process continues. Could somebody help me to get the error fixed? I added also some pc details in the paste!16:45
genericumwell didn't work because kde-runtime is missing now .. can sb explain why i need libsmb to use kde ?16:45
Roni787noob question: i don't know what i press but now in the terminal i can see only this sign in front ">". How can i exit this state?16:45
cfhowlettRondom, ctrl x16:46
genericumand one more issue some windows they have no background on my machine ..16:47
tomodachianyone have any luck with disabling the NVidia card on a retina macbook?16:48
bubbasauresputti, Not sure on chromebooks but how many usb are plugged in and how many gigs each?16:49
genericumtomodachi: don't ask silly quistions ! mac users code ? LOL16:50
puttiputti, I have now plugged only usb mouse/keyboard in. What do you mean by gigabytes? ps. found this thred but it didn't help much: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225093216:50
puttibubbasaures, ^ :D16:50
bubbasauresputti, Just trying to see if the hang is due to large HD's is all.16:51
puttibubbasaures, you mean the hard drive? It is 16gb.16:51
bubbasauresputti, No external HD's, you answered thank you that is my only question or possible help, not sure otherwise.16:53
puttibubbasaures, no there is not.16:53
metehi everyone. I have installed windows first on ssd (120gb) then ubuntu to hdd. Now I cannot see windows on grub.16:53
bubbasauresmete, run sudo update-grub16:53
genericumactually i have a friend who does code on a mac who shot my sandforce ssd. linux kernel should fork into more branches 5 gigs is tooo much16:54
daftykinsgenericum: this isn't a channel for general chat, please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic16:55
puttibubbasaures, I answered thank you? O.o16:55
genericumdaftykins: i said 5 gigs is too much for the linux kernel ? what is ubuntu running on ?16:57
daftykinsgenericum: support questions only.16:57
metebubbasaures: I did this but know I cant see any grub at all16:57
metebubbasaures: It starts directly on ubuntu16:58
bubbasauresmete, Did you see the windows install in the terminal with the update? if it's there you will see grub now.16:58
genericumok then tell me how to shrink it  !!!16:58
bubbasauresubuntu only bypasses grub, shift will show it16:59
bubbasauresor esc I believe if uefi16:59
MonkeyDustgenericum  backup, then resize your partitions in a live session16:59
metebubbasaures: I cant see anything related with windows in there16:59
bubbasauresmete, can you paste bin all the info including the command sudo parted -l17:00
MonkeyDustmete  try hitting ESC during boot17:00
genericummonkeydust: no the kernel directory :)17:00
genericummonkeydust: not the partition17:00
mete2bubbasaures:  mete@machina:~$ sudo parted -l Model: ATA HGST HTS721010A9 (scsi) Disk /dev/sda: 1000GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B Partition Table: msdos  Number  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags  1      1048kB  4000MB  3999MB  extended  5      1049kB  4000MB  3999MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)  3      4000MB  54,0GB  50,0GB  primary   ext4            boot  2      989GB   1000GB  10,7GB  primary   ntf17:01
cfhowlett!paste | mete, PASTE please17:01
ubottumete, PASTE please: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:01
puttiDoes anyone else know a solution for this: the following error appears when booting with 14.04: http://pastebin.com/a1EUXKew . That causes the system hang ~1min before the booting process continues. There is also some pc details in the paste!17:02
puttibubbasaures, btw, thank you for trying to help :)17:02
mete2cfhowlett: I'm sorry17:03
cfhowlettmete2, not to worry..17:03
genericumputti: what happended the 2 seconds before ?17:04
genericumputti: and how did you get these data ?17:04
genericumputti: if your machine is not working ?17:04
MonkeyDustgenericum  what's the output of   df -h|grep ^/dev|pastebinit17:05
puttigenericum, the machine works, that error just delays the boot for 1 min. And one sec so i'll paste the earlier dmesg logs17:05
mete2bubbasaures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9786743/17:05
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puttigenericum, http://pastebin.com/6Ypd8eCW .17:08
ZoanthusRI am trying to mirror packages.vmware.com using apt-mirror because its so damn slow, in doing so I am getting a 404 with apt-get update on binary-i386 (theydont exist on the source either).17:08
ZoanthusRmy other option is do just download the packages to the server and add them to my existing repo17:09
ZoanthusRbut then i lose the benefit of it being a mirror17:09
genericumperhaps now you know why i dont't wanna have smblibs'n stuff that i dont't need17:10
daftykinsputti: what kind of system is this?17:10
MonkeyDustgenericum  yes, so your partition is 97% full17:10
puttidaftykins, Toshiba chromebook B30-10217:10
daftykinsputti: alright so it's not even technically meant to run reliably on there. what's the name of the ubuntu you put on it?17:11
mete2Grub is not showing windows. ubuntu is on hdd windows is on ssd. Can you help please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9786743/17:11
puttidaftykins, 14.04, and I am using latest mainline kernel (3.19)17:11
daftykinsputti: alright, so not only is it an unsupported device but you're using an unsupported kernel with LTS :) sorry but can't help you there.17:12
puttidaftykins, the same problem was with the out of the box kernel.17:12
genericumMonkeyDust: 97% fully packed by stranger's code :)17:12
cfhowlettmete, grub is normally at /dev/sda.  yours is at /dev/sd3 for some reason17:12
daftykinsonly suggestion, remove all USB devices, removery battery (if possible) and mains power and fresh boot after.17:12
mete2cfhowlett: what do you suggest? I just installed on hdd. I always did this like that17:13
puttidaftykins, okay, thanks :)17:13
MonkeyDustgenericum  define "stranger's code"17:14
cfhowlettI"m guessing before you installed ubuntu, you had windows booting from the 125 gb drive?  ssd?17:14
genericummonkeyDust: not that i've written 577 megs of code yet :)17:14
MonkeyDustgenericum  use this to get an idea of what's taking the most space    du -h -d 117:15
mete2I first installed windows 8.1 on ssd17:15
mete2Then installed ubuntu on hdd17:15
cfhowlettmete, on the 128 GB?17:15
mete2cfhowlett: yes on 128gb ssd there is windows. I got machine as freedos17:16
dunpealHi. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.1. When I type "ffmpeg" at the CLI, I don't get a recommended package to install. Why?17:17
cfhowlettmete2, reinstall grub2 to the ssd17:17
cfhowlettdunpeal, ffmpeg is deprecated until 15.04   use avconv17:17
dunpealcfhowlett: how closely compatible is avconv with ffmpeg?17:18
MonkeyDustgenericum  in this line, change 500M to whatever size you want    find / -size +500M -exec ls -lh {} \; 2>/dev/null17:18
cfhowlettdunpeal, it's actually a fork of ffmpeg.  same command protocols but "avconv" instead of ffmpeg17:18
cfhowlettdunpeal, and the package is libav-tools17:18
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dunpealcfhowlett: thanks, last question: if avconv is better, how come 15.04 is switching back to ffmpeg?17:19
cfhowlettdunpeal, the fork happened due to personality/politics at ffmpeg HQ.  Now that they've kissed and made up, ffmpeg will be back.17:20
xanthinehi i'm running xubuntu and i was wondering how i can set applications to run at boot?17:20
genericumwell actually /usr/src/linux is only bout one gig :)17:20
genericumbut with the default ubuntu .config it was 517:20
cfhowlettxanthine, settings > session & startup > application autostart17:20
dunpealcfhowlett: I see, thanks!17:21
bubbasauresxanthine, For regular apps there is a startup applications, what is it you want running?17:21
mete2cfhowlett: like grub install /dev/sdb17:21
cfhowlettmete2, note: I've never installed to a multi HDD system like your but ... yeah17:22
MonkeyDustgenericum  keep it in the channel please, unrequested PM is impolite17:22
mete2cfhowlett: there is just windows on ssd. is it a right way?17:22
cfhowlettmete2, was the 1 TB drive part of your system when you bought it?17:23
mete21TB + 120 SSD17:24
xanthinei'd like hexchat and steam to run at startup17:24
cfhowlettmete, OK then/ /dev/sdb was your original bootloader location.  put grub2 there17:24
xanthinewhat folder do i navigate to to find the executable17:24
cfhowlettxanthine, /usr/bin17:25
MonkeyDustxanthine  also look in /usr/share/applications/17:26
metecfhowlett: do we need to remove any other thing? I did what you said. but I cannot see win8 just ubuntu seems17:27
xanthineok, i found hexchat in usr/bin17:27
cfhowlettmete, as I said, no experience with your configuration.  also: uefi does play a part.  ask again in channel, someone will know17:27
bubbasaures!bootinfo | mete run this script and pastebin it17:28
ubottumete run this script and pastebin it: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.17:28
meteMonkeyDust: Thanks. I can see the list with ESC but no windows at all17:28
xanthinealso something unrelated, dropbox is refusing to run17:28
bubbasauresxanthine, how did you install dropbox, it has it's own way?17:29
xanthinelike it set itself to sync at startup but now it isn't running and when i click the icon nothing happens and nothing appears to happen in task manager17:29
adam__Official Ubuntu Support Channel francais17:30
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:30
MonkeyDustbubbasaures  was faster17:30
bubbasauresjust enough caffeine17:30
bubbasauresAll in the US Happy MLK and any that care sorry off topic, but hugely an important history17:31
marcmarchi there, I have a question. http://askubuntu.com/questions/575429/external-monitor-is-detected-10-of-the-time . Can someone have a look?17:34
mete2bubbasaures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9786968/ bootinfo is here17:34
bubbasauresmete2, thanks17:35
bubbasauresmete2, YOu are missing /boot/BCD in windows is all is what I see, you have the install media?17:36
kitomazahello , help me how to stram video clip in ustream.tv  with linux ubuntu ?17:36
ikoniadon't you need a specific client to stream to ustream ?17:37
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jamie_hey for some odd reason it saying unable to open mtp device17:37
cfhowlett!details | jamie_,17:37
ubottujamie_,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:37
mete2bubbasaures: I have an iso. I can load it to usb. Today I installed both of them17:37
bubbasauresmete2, cool I will give you the info in a paste to fix it, hold on.17:38
mete2bubbasaures: thank you so much17:38
jamie_okay i went to open the files on my phone to transfer stuff and when i clicked on it in the file system it says unable to open mtp device17:38
cfhowlettjamie_, airdroid17:39
jamie_cfhowlett: yes17:39
cfhowlettjamie_, no need for mtp. use airdroid17:40
bubbasauresmete2, So read carefully, and there is a forum link with it, you want windows boot loader in that HD, not grub, just grub in the HD mbr with ubuntu. http://pastebin.com/mpZQURms17:40
jamie_cfhowlett: dont get what you mean, I have been using the file sysetm and clicking on android like always17:40
cfhowlettjamie_, a i r droid17:41
jamie_cfhowlett: oh17:41
mfooCould somebody explain what the creation of /var/lib/apt/lists/partial does to apt? I've seen the same commands in many answers to apt BADSIG related questions with no explanation of why. Example: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1877/what-is-the-easiest-way-to-resolve-apt-get-badsig-gpg-errors17:41
bubbasauresmete2, in a best scenario either HD booted first should boot the OS on it, grub will see both however.17:41
jamie_and also my audio output is saying dummy output in the sound settings17:41
wytrzeszczhey i have problem witch Canon MG6350 Printer driver from aur don't work and i try install rpm from producent site and i too don't work17:41
mete2bubbasaures: Ok I will try whenever loader will ready. thanks17:42
bubbasauresmete2, THe one command if you want grub still is my point, you want it on the ubuntu HD, but not the windows, or at least I assume you do.17:43
mete2bubbasaures: I didnt understand exactly what you mean17:44
OerHeksmfoo,  looks like the lists are corrupted, this answer can fix that http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-packages-list-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error17:45
mete2bubbasaures: I just want to ability to use both OS. But they are on different HDD's. Windows will run on SSD. Ubuntu will run on HDD.17:46
bubbasauresmete2, This line in my paste "BootRec.exe /fixmbr (#updates MBR master boot record...do not run if you still want grub)" will install the windows bootloader on the windows HD. THis will allow you to just boot windows, it that HD is read first. Personally I this that is best practice.17:46
bubbasauresin that HD*17:46
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bubbasauresmete2, sorry for the bad wording, Just explaining this in several scenarios so you do understand is hard for me.17:48
luvenfuwhat's the channel of shellscript?17:48
sekouola wapa17:48
Fuchsluvenfu: #bash  is probably not bad17:48
mete2bubbasaures: Thanks. I wont run the first command then. I want grub17:48
Fuchsluvenfu: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.17:48
luvenfuFuchs, thanks17:49
Fuchsyou're welcome17:49
the8thbit|workI installed a recent update, and now my .Xmodmap file that is supposed to swap left control and caps lock, instead gives the following errors: http://pastebin.com/zUkBnSme17:49
bubbasauresmete2, Err you have grub on the HD ubuntu is in, once windows is fixed you will be set, I'm just pointing out that the no grub comment is not exactly correct in the commands, it will not remove the grub on the ubuntu HD just the windows HD and that is okay.17:50
sekoupor la tarde17:50
the8thbit|workThis is the actual script: http://pastebin.com/PHcGwPUJ17:50
mete2bubbasaures: ah okay then17:50
bubbasauresmete2, Cool, sorry for any confusion, my bad. ;)17:51
yeplahello i m starting steam today and a warning message appear speaking about rendering so i m looking the driver and it was switch to the free one now impossible to switch again on proprietary fglrx driver why ?17:52
yeplai was on the proprietary17:53
yepladont understand what heppen17:53
yepladont understand what happen17:53
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metebubbasaures: my pc is win8. I got a console screen. chkdsk /r not working. because "it is write protected" it says.17:54
mfooOerHeks, so the creation of /var/lib/apt/lists/partial does nothing and is just something that's been floating around the internet?17:54
the8thbit|workoh nevermind lol17:54
the8thbit|workI forget that you source your xmodmap script with xmodmap, not directly into bash17:54
metebubbasaures: also the next command did not work. first one worked succesfully17:55
Evil_Erichey guys i am getting a SSD tomorrow is there any special things i need to do while installing ubuntu on the ssd or just install as normal?17:55
bubbasauresmete, Ah, one thing I missed is that the bootflag should be on the sdb1 partition, this can be done in gparted with a right click and click flags17:55
daftykinsEvil_Eric: fine as-is17:56
the8thbit|workEvil_Eric: Make coffee before you start the installation, not during. It'll go to fast on an SSD to give you time to make it during the installation.17:57
daftykinshehe ^+117:57
bubbasauresmete, No biggie you can just reboot to ubuntu set that flag and go back and run all commands17:57
Evil_Ericthanks daftykins17:57
Evil_Ericand the the8thbit|work17:57
bubbasauresmete, I don't know any commands to do from the windows terminal if there are any for the boot flag/active partition17:58
bubbasauresmete, I have to take off for about a 1/2 hr is all but will be here after.17:58
metebubbasaures: it is too late :) it says missing operating system. I cannot reach any of them17:59
jhutchinsmete: This is really not the right channel for restoring windows boot.  You might try ##windows.17:59
bubbasauresmete, nothings to late, your sdb1 is not active is all17:59
metejhutchins: problem is dual boot18:00
bubbasauresmete, jhutchins is right, I only gave this info hoping it would be all you need.18:00
bubbasauresthis is a windows repair18:00
bubbasauresI'm on windows however mete so be back in 1/2 hour18:01
metebubbasaures: ok thanks18:01
jhutchinsmete: Does grub not boot windows?18:02
metejhutchins: no unfortunately. I got a freedos machine. Installed windows on ssd (128gb) Then installed ubuntu on HDD(1TB). grub did not see windows18:03
jhutchinsmete: That's a known bug with the current kernel unfortunately.  #windows is still the place to go for help restoring it.18:04
yeplaplz someone can help me with the fglrx driver why i cannot apply to it18:04
yeplai switch back on the free18:04
yeplastart to be borring with this !18:05
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metejhutchins: thanks18:06
xanthinehmm apparently dropbox is just buggy in 14.0418:06
metejhutchins: what is the right order of installing them? Is there a manual or sth.?18:07
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backboxany one hire,,,??18:08
daftykinsbackbox: this is an ubuntu support channel, ask a support question if you have one18:09
diamondswhy is software center saying I need to "buy" this? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/brightness-controller/18:16
diamondsit's free18:16
diamondsI don't want an ubuntu one account18:16
SchrodingersScat!info brightness-controller18:17
ubottuPackage brightness-controller does not exist in utopic18:17
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daftykinsdiamonds: it's not official so if you want it, you'll need an account to download it from the store18:19
meteIs there anyone who knows how to install dual OS one on SSD one on HDD?18:19
diamondsjesus christ that account creation is a pita18:20
diamondsto verify email, have to click, enter u/p on website, then click "yes I want to verify my email address"18:20
diamondsgee willickers18:20
diamondsmeta same as you'd do otherwise....18:21
diamondsstick live cd in, pick drive, format/partition, install18:22
daftykinsmete: did you fix windows 8 booting yet? i get the feeling you mixed EFI with legacy.18:22
metedaftykins: I couldnt fix it. But I can uninstall all of them. I need the right way to install them.18:22
daftykinsmete: alright well nuke everything and install 8.1 to the SSD, fully update it then come back18:24
metedaftykins: Can you tell the whole process? I dont want to do the same things if it will happen again. :) I did what you said. then?18:24
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daftykinsmete: you reinstalled 8.1 already... i don't really believe you since that's a bit quick.18:25
sveinseWhat does plymouth do during boot. Does it do anything else than providing splash and user feedback?18:25
daftykinsmete: and no there's too much to check to be sure you're doing it right18:26
metedaftykins: No I didnt yet. Assume I did this. What is the next step? I want to know the whole process. If there is a tutorial it is also welcome18:26
daftykinsmete: sorry, not happening.18:26
daftykins!uefi | mete follow here and make sure that if you are installing windows 8 as EFI, you boot and install ubuntu in EFI mode too18:27
ubottumete follow here and make sure that if you are installing windows 8 as EFI, you boot and install ubuntu in EFI mode too: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:27
metedaftykins: I can reach ubuntu know. Is there a way to fix the problems without uninstalling everything. thanks for help anyway18:30
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ceed^Why have they removed the option to move windows controls to the right on Ubuntu 14.10?18:32
chandhello every one18:32
chandi am install ubuntu 14.04 but its freeze18:33
daftykinsmete: you need to make up your mind which approach you want to take. you have been told that the problem needs to be fixed by resolving Windows first, which is not a question for in here. you said you were going to reinstall18:34
chandwhat should i do or check for running ubuntu 14.04 in my system?18:35
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metedaftykins: I came here with a working ubuntu. Then followed the suggestions and all of the OS's are broken. I understand you but I'm trying to fix this mess. I just find a way to reach ubuntu. And asking if there is a way to fix problems using ubuntu.18:35
daftykinsmete: i don't understand you. "reach ubuntu" ?18:36
daftykinschand: what kind of computer is this?18:36
metedaftykins: nevermind18:36
metedaftykins: thanks anyway.18:36
chandi dont know about configuration but 12.04 working fine18:37
daftykinschand: desktop/laptop ? old/new?18:37
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chandbut good configuration18:38
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puttiHey! I just asked a moment ago fix for this "bug": usb 1-4: language id specifier not provided by device, defaulting to English. People didn't seem to know what the problem was, so now I am wondering if it's just possible to ignore this error while booting?18:39
chandat starting time for one or two second 14.04 working fine after that stuck18:39
daftykinschand: what graphics hardware is in there?18:40
chanddaftykins, i can login in command if you have any query to know about configuration i will give you but help me to run ubuntu 14.0418:41
chandhow to check graphics through command18:41
daftykinschand: a pastebin (post to paste.ubuntu.com) of lspci would be nice18:41
Fuchschand: lspci | grep -i vga     should do the trick.18:41
catalasecan anyone help me setup a socks proxy server on ubuntu? i want to remote into my server at home from my work location18:42
xanthinegetting the weirdest visual bugs in firefox right now, occasionally the desktop will suddenly appear and as i move the mouse elements of the firefox window will come back into view18:42
catalasei want to redirect all of my traffic through my server at home from my work location if that is more specific18:43
wonderworldcatalase: sshuttle can do it18:43
nickanderor just plain ssh18:44
nickandercatalase: ^18:44
daftykinscatalase: that'll stop a lot of things functioning at work, plus you're breaking rules of your workplace by potentially attempting to avoid content filters and so on.18:45
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nickanderyeah you can get fired for bypassing filters most places18:45
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metebubbasaures: can you write from here?18:46
catalasedaftykins, i own my work location. so those rules do NOT apply18:46
aeiou__I can ping a machine and ssh into it. But when I open a port with netcat, i can't connect to that port18:46
aeiou__How can that be?18:46
catalasewonderworld, that does not detail how to setup the proxy server on the ubuntu machine18:46
catalasei need a SOCKS5 proxy server on ubuntu18:47
catalasei will connect with a windows machine18:47
daftykinscatalase: i see. you can achieve this with just SSH running on the box at home and if it's Windows, use PuTTY on the other end.18:47
catalasedaftykins, will this allow me to use socks5?18:47
daftykinscatalase: establish a connection with a tunnel configured, then set say firefox to connect using the proxy tunnel you setup. simple.18:47
daftykinswhy are you so set on SOCKS version 5? :)18:48
catalasedaftykins, because bitorrent sync requires either HTTP, SOCKS5, or SOCKS418:48
metebubbasaures: will we go on?18:48
daftykinsok so web browsing traffic suddenly turned into BT Sync, hmm18:49
dan324Does anyone know what the "git step" is in this http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Awesome-3-Ubuntu-git18:49
daftykinscatalase: if you 'own this location' why don't you just get it unblocked? i sense we're getting mixed stories here.18:49
bubbasauresmete, You have a boot flag on that partition so all I know are the commands I gave beyond that not sure.18:49
catalasedaftykins, i can tunnel ALL traffic through if that makes it easier18:49
daftykinsno you're thinking of a VPN there.18:49
metebubbasaures: thanks18:49
catalasedaftykins, that's probably what i'm looking to setup then18:50
bubbasauresmete, sorry for the argument with that user in windows, they are a top IT person but rather biased is all.18:50
chandFuchs, can you ask query regarding this there is number of line18:50
bubbasauresyou can trust their help mete18:50
metebubbasaures: no problem18:50
Fuchschand: beg your pardon?18:50
daftykinschand: we said paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com18:50
daftykins!info pastebinit precise18:51
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu2.1 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB18:51
chandthere is not INTERNET connection on that machine so i cant paste in paste.ubuntu.com18:51
catalasei find it rather funny that you doubt that i own my work location and then marginalize my question18:51
daftykinschand: well run lspci, find the graphics device and state the name? :)18:51
daftykinscatalase: often those that start to take a personal issue with trying to understand the situation a little better, are up to no good. why can't you just get it unblocked? :)18:52
nickandercatalase: it's failrly easy if you have ssh enabled to your server, if you're on a windows machine you set up a dynamic port tunnel using Putty on the windows machine through the SSH connection and then in for example Firefox you just set your browser to connect to the configured port as a socks proxy18:52
daftykins^ exactly as i've said, or in this case BT Sync since you actually meant that18:53
chanddaftykins, NVIDIA CORPORATION C61[GeForce 7025 / nforce 630a](rev a2)18:55
metebubbasaures: They are helping anyway :)18:55
evo7I am having a problem with beef-xss .. only I can access the demo pages .. not even people in my local network can open it .. What am I doing wrong18:55
daftykins!nomodeset | chand ok try booting 14.04.1 with this...18:55
ubottuchand ok try booting 14.04.1 with this...: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:55
bubbasauresmete, Cool, it just gets so tiring to be bounced to channels by others and having bias in both, both camps have the fanboi bias they just don't realize it, or don't care.18:56
metebubbasaures: All in all I have not any OS booting on startup now.18:57
evo7<ask> HELO Im having a issue with beef-xss18:57
chandubottu, i tried ubuntu14.04.1 too but same problem18:57
ubottuchand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
metebubbasaures: to open ubuntu I need to press f11 and choose toshiba hdd18:57
bubbasauresmete, I have a suspicion this is a user error issue now, all looked good and ubuntu was booting.18:57
daftykinschand: you're supposed to follow the link and learn about booting with _nomodeset_18:57
metebubbasaures: I just did what you have said :)18:58
chanddaftykins, let me try18:58
bubbasauresmete, Ah, yeah you have a msdos setup on a uefi computer, n ot sure what you have done in the bios to acomidate this.18:58
metebubbasaures: I didnt open bios18:59
EriC^^mete: msdos on uefi?18:59
evo7!ask I have problem with beef-xss .. the problem is that only I can access the demo pages .. not even people in my local network can establish a connection18:59
ubottuevo7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
daftykinsbubbasaures: i tried to suggest a mismatch between EFI and legacy installs of either OS, but said user is unwilling to follow advice - seems to be after the classic magic wand wave18:59
bubbasauresmete, Well, at some point you should have is all,18:59
* EriC^^ is intrigued18:59
EriC^^mete: you dont happen to have a link to sudo parted -l do you?18:59
bubbasauresEriC^^, we have an oder bootscript if you like19:00
bubbasauresolder* lol19:00
EriC^^bubbasaures: cool, sure19:00
meteEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9787549/19:00
Jordan_Umete: What is the output (if any) of "sudo os-prober"?19:01
bubbasauresEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9786743/   sdb would have the windows boot now from commands19:01
meteEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9786968/ bootinfo19:01
bubbasaureshold on19:01
bubbasaurescool thats iut19:01
bubbasauresdaftykins, Heh, next. ;)19:02
metebubbasaures: I bought that laptop with a freedos today19:02
bubbasauresmete, Cool, in the end you will get all working, just follow help and ask questions if you have an issue. ;)19:02
daftykinshmm nope looks like they're both installed legacy19:03
mete2Jordan_U: /dev/sdc1:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain19:04
Jordan_Umete2: Great. Please run "sudo update-grub", then pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grub.cfg .19:04
Jordan_Umete2: Though it is a little odd that it things it's "Windows Recovery Environment", rather than "Windows 7" or similar.19:05
Rapturersyslog question. I have setup a test client and remote server with rsyslog. Ihe remote server is able to receive the messages. I am wonder how to make it so it receives them into its own directory (example: /var/log/client-hostname/) and not /var/log/syslog19:05
bubbasauresJordan_U, I noticed a missing boot bcd in the bootscript in windows at the start is all and not active, is now, anyway carry on.19:05
mete2Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9787724/19:06
Jordan_Umete2: OK. You should get a grub menu at boot now, and it should have an option for "Windows Recovery Environment (loader) (on /dev/sdc1)". If that boots you into a Windows recovery environment, then that probably means that you accidentally deleted your Windows System Partition accidentally at some point.19:09
Jordan_Umete2: If that boots you into your normal Windows install, then please file a bug report against os-prober for misidentifying it :)19:09
mete2Jordan_U: I can see the files of Windows on my Ubuntu. Everyting is in place.19:10
bubbasauresthere is no sdc19:10
daftykinsi have a theory - perhaps mete installed Windows to the SSD, but the recovery and boot partition got put on the HDD. on booting ubuntu, the HDD was totally nuked (weird that the HDD only contains logical drives within an extended partition) and left a non-bootable Windows19:11
Jordan_Umete2: Since Windows 7 all Windows installations by default require *two* partitions to boot. The large "C:" partition, and a small "System" partition that holds just files needed by Windows' bootloader. If you deleted the System partition, then you can't boot Windows.19:11
bubbasauresW8 will put stuff on all drives, I would wager it was on the sda and deleted with the ubuntu install19:12
meteJordan_U: I cant see grub. It says windows error "Missing Operating System" is it related with boot order?19:12
Jordan_Umete: You just rebooted and instead of seeing grub at boot all you saw was "Missing Operating System"?19:13
meteJordan_U: yes19:13
samthewildoneI'm trying to do a screen recording and using simplescreenrecorder. The video comes out perfect but, the audio is terrible !19:14
daftykinsmete has been selecting the HDD manually to boot Ubuntu afaiui19:14
samthewildonewhat is the best audio format for bluetooth headset ?19:14
meteJordan_U: I need to press f11 and choose TOSHIBA THNS...19:14
meteJordan_U: This one is ssd actually and opens Ubuntu19:15
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meteJordan_U: HDD is on before this SSD. So HDD opens windows and it gave this error19:15
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Jordan_Umete: OK, so what happens if you chose the Ubuntu HD as your boot device, now that you've run "sudo update-grub" ?19:17
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meteJordan_U: What I did is that I selected manually SSD. Then press esc to see grub menu. And I saw windows recovery. It goes to the usb loader (I wrote Windows 8.1 ISO to flash disk)19:17
catalasedaftykins, wonderworld, can the dynamic port ssh tunnel also be used to redirect ALL web traffic19:18
catalasein the same manner as a VPN?19:18
daftykinscatalase: no, VPN is an interface level... a SOCKS proxy over SSH is just that, web traffic.19:18
lionrougehi !19:18
Jordan_Umete: Ahh, that all makes sense then. You (or someone/something) definitely deleted your Windows System partition, as there is no Windows System Partition on sda.19:19
Jordan_Umete: ##windows might be able to help you re-create it without doing a full re-install of Windows.19:19
lionrougetell me please why latest caffeine for ubuntu 14.04 still not fixed?19:19
catalaseis there any easy way to setup vpn server on ubuntu machine?19:19
daftykinscatalase: easy and VPN don't go together. plenty of guides online i'm sure. maybe if you explained more what you're trying to achieve...19:20
meteJordan_U: The files can be seen on ubuntu. Windows is seems ok but I think it cant find boot record or something like that19:20
daftykinscatalase: also if you haven't even tried SSH SOCKS yet you really should, it'll take seconds19:20
Jordan_Umete: No, you are missing an entire partition that Windows needs to boot. Windows is not OK.19:20
catalasedaftykins, just completed that. works great in firefox. not so much in btsync. daftykins, trying to sync my work files with my home files19:20
Jordan_Umete: Your Windows installation is broken, completely unbootable, due to the fact that it has no System partition. (Again, the System partition is a small partition, *not* "C:")19:21
KrotanHiya, hoping to get a recommendation for some software. I use autohotkey on a windows machine and my friend uses Ubuntu. I'm wondering if there's either a way to run AHK in Ubuntu so they can use my pre-existing scripts, or a decent alternative for Ubuntu systems.19:22
meteJordan_U: I got your point. What do you suggest?19:22
daftykinscatalase: not so much? i would think there were two states :D19:22
Krotanmostly just for simple keyboard macros executed via hotkey19:22
daftykinsKrotan: which do what?19:22
Krotanautomates keystrokes/mouseclicks via hotkey19:23
catalasedaftykins, it is not working in btsync lol19:23
Krotanat the most basic level19:23
Jordan_Umete: Either re-install Windows, or ask in ##windows if there is a way to just restore your System Partition.19:23
daftykinscatalase: so why doesn't BTSync function natively at the workplace?19:23
meteJordan_U: Ok I'm asking them19:24
catalasewon't find the peers without using relay/tracker servers. since my workplace documents contain confidential patient information, that is unacceptable19:24
daftykinscatalase: yeah, for such data you shouldn't even be using BTSync :(19:25
daftykinsit's ok for pics of your cat, but that's just not cool.19:25
nickandersounds like a hippa violation waiting to happen19:25
KrotanI'm thinking maybe a virtual machine would be my only option for running the actual windows autohotkey program, but an alternative catered to ubuntu/linux distros would be nice if available.19:25
catalasehave not yet used it to sync that information19:25
daftykinsgood stuff, but it's the wrong tech for sure19:25
catalasei am using a test directory19:25
meteJordan_U: thanks for your help19:26
catalasedaftykins, then what is the proper tech19:26
Jordan_Umete: You're welcome. Good luck, and note that ##windows is a much smaller channel, so you may have to wait a while for a response.19:26
daftykinswell you should have it encrypted to begin with - and syncing online? i don't even think that's appropriate given that kind of data.19:26
catalasedaftykins, the data is encypted19:27
catalasedaftykins, btsync allows for direct peer to peer communication. one can disable the use of tracker/relay servers to facilitate that connection19:27
daftykinsyes i know how BTSync works and it's really not to be trusted19:28
catalasethen i think setting up a vpn is in order19:29
daftykinswhy can't you just keep an encrypted storage volume up to date before you leave home?19:29
keevitajahi, is there a list of ubuntu supported wifi printers?19:30
catalasedaftykins, because the nature of my work requires that i have access to all patient documents at all times19:30
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bubbasauresmete, The commands I gave you should have fixed the issue Jordan_U has pointed out as the issue, I would just due a reinstall.19:30
daftykinscatalase: how does keeping a volume up to date and taking it between work and home not achieving that?19:30
catalaseand since other staff are updating those documents at all hours, it is important to have the latest document revision19:30
daftykinsdo you not have an IT department?19:31
catalasedaftykins, no19:31
catalasein order to cut costs, i am IT19:31
daftykinsthose poor sons of...19:31
daftykinswell, i've gotta head off now anyway but i wholly disagree with this action given the nature of the data.19:31
daftykinsit's people like you taking risks with these hodge-podge setups that causes all the drama in the news19:32
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catalasei think you grossly misunderstand the situation19:32
nickanderpassing judgement on irc is a favorite hobby of some people19:33
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bubbasauresdaftykins, only thing I notice is servers are street cred to some so many get going haphazardly.19:33
X123nickander I noticed that everywhere not just IRC :)19:33
Sayuri-ueanyone here?19:33
nickandernobody at all19:34
X123just us chickens19:34
nickandertotal ghosttown19:34
DJonesSayuri-ue: ok, but do you have an ubuntu support question?19:34
X123that better not contain illegal info or we will all get arrested!19:34
daftykinsnickander: i'd be horrified if you think it's legit, but you did bring up HIPAA so...19:35
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X123did you guys see this19:35
X123someone pastes a link, you click it, you get in trouble19:35
X123now that's some BS :)19:35
nickanderdaftykins: i used to work in healthcare, someone going through an ssh tunnel to get to facebook on a work network doesn't touch on it19:36
Jordan_UX123: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, please don't post offtopic links/messages here.19:36
priyankhello i am totally new to this want to contribute to this world of open source ; how to satrt19:37
daftykinsnickander: we're not talking about facebook? that still has security risks too19:37
daftykins!contribute | priyank19:37
ubottupriyank: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu19:37
EriC^^!info how-can-i-help | priyank19:37
ubottupriyank: how-can-i-help (source: how-can-i-help): show opportunities for contributing to Debian. In component universe, is optional. Version 7 (utopic), package size 7 kB, installed size 61 kB19:37
EriC^^priyank: install that package19:38
Jordan_UEriC^^: Thanks, that's an interesting package :)19:38
daftykinsand it says debian 0o19:39
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ki7mtThat's one of the easiest routes into Ubuntu, via Debian packaging.19:39
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MoPacHello. I'm looking for some dual boot help (Ubuntu 14.10 primary, Win8.1 secondary). I can't seem to get the thing to stop booting into Windows bootloader rather than grub. Tried boot-repair etc on linux side, bcdedit and EasyBCD on Win side. boot-repair summary at http://paste.ubuntu.com/9787840/19:48
MoPacAs you can see in there, I even set the grub efi file as path for Win bootloader, but no dice19:49
Jordan_UMoPac: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr".19:49
MoPacJordan_U: okay, I'll have to reboot back in -- probably 90-120 secs19:52
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tataWhy I cant copy video files from mobile phone samsung S 5230, to the my hard disk, use Ubuntu 10.419:54
Jordan_Utata: What happens when you try to do so?19:54
tataThis is what I get : Error getting file: -6: Not Supported19:55
MoPacJordan_U : here is paste. http://pastebin.com/5TqWpq6z I know wrong entry is listed first in order, but attempted changes never seem to stick...19:55
Jordan_Utata: How are you trying to copy the files? Does it work with smaller files?19:56
tataJordan: every size, its same19:56
OerHeks!info gammu19:57
ubottugammu (source: gammu): mobile phone management utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.33.0-3 (utopic), package size 212 kB, installed size 554 kB19:57
OerHekstry gammu, simular to pcstudio19:58
MoPacJordan_U: re-trying efibootmgr -o [desired order] and rebooting19:59
Jordan_Utata: Upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04, which has newer software and therefore likely better support for MTP, might help.20:00
Jordan_Utata: You could test that hypothesis before upgrading by trying a file transfer while booted into an Ubuntu 14.04 LiveDVD/USB.20:01
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OerHeksJordan_U +1 tata also "Set the phone to connect as a Mass Storage Device and it should be visible in a file manager"20:01
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MoPacJordan_U : yeah, no dice. It's like it's getting "repaird" or something when I restart20:02
ogzyat ubuntu 14.04 server what should i do to take effect of interfaces file changes, /etc/init.d/networking does not have an effect20:03
Jordan_Uogzy: sudo service networking restart20:03
tataOerHeks: yes it is set to the mass storage and pictures do well, but video nothing.20:03
Jordan_Utata: How are you trying to transfer the files?20:04
Jordan_Utata: Note that there is an important difference between connecting as "USB Mass Storage" (USBMS) and connecting as a "Media Device" (MTP).20:05
Jordan_Utata: Which way you connect is configured on your phone, and some phones only allow MTP (usually because they don't have a separate SD card, and thus can't unmount the storage within android to make it safely avaialble via USBMS).20:06
undecimCan I make a guest SSH account?20:06
Jordan_Utata: From Nautilus (the GUI file manager that comes with Ubuntu by default)?20:06
OerHekstata, transfer them from internal storage to a sdcard, may be then you are able to see/copy20:06
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undecimOr alternatively, can I make a "virtual" SSH user that just launches a script?20:07
tataok, but I dont have SD card, only use internal mamory of mobile phone20:08
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Jordan_Utata: Then you can't use USBMS as a form of file transfer, which means you are stuck with MTD, which means that upgrading to 14.04 may help.20:08
Jordan_Utata: How are you copying pictures?20:09
tatacopy-paste, only, simple20:09
tataI tryid with Xubuntu 14.04 but it is same problem20:10
MonkeyDusttata  from where to where?20:10
tatafrom mobile phone memory to my hard disk20:11
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Jordan_Utata: Earlier I asked if copying smaller files worked, and you said that every sized file had the same problem. Now you're saying that pictures work but video doesn't. Those seem like contradictory statements.20:11
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tataevery pictures work but every video small or big not work20:12
=== ed is now known as Guest14361
blibCan anyone help me with this message from dmesg: usb 1-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 4 using dwc_otg \n usb 1-1.4: can't set config #1, error -3220:25
chris112is it save to use btrfs raid1 in utopic?20:30
ubottuBtrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs20:31
OerHekschris112, not sure, but the factoid says no20:31
natusanyone knows how to launch an extesion in app mode from command prompt ?20:32
natus*in chrome20:33
MonkeyDustnatus  you mean chrome OS?20:34
chris112is there a reason there is no stable kernel 3.18 here for utopic? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?20:34
natusMonkeyDust: No I want to launch an APK extension google-chrome via command line in order to create a launcher20:35
bubbasaureschris112, ppa's are not supported here20:35
natus*sorry for my english20:35
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chris112is any one of u running btrfs?20:36
OerHeksnatus, no idea why, wait for vivid i guess20:36
bubbasaureschris112, there are stack updates in releases, so you might look there.20:36
MonkeyDustnatus  apk is android, i read here20:36
MonkeyDustnatus  are you in ubuntu right now?20:36
natusMonkeyDust: Yes .. for info I did it once (I forgot) in xubuntu20:37
delta9how do I print a pdf file? everytime I click print it does nothing20:37
bubbasauresdelta9, Does it show your printer when you hit it>20:37
natusI tried google-chrome --app=com.snapchat.android or oldohccelcbofkfajibmmbghbbjfpngp or chrome-extension://oldohccelcbofkfajibmmbghbbjfpngp but don't work20:37
bubbasauresdelta9, Have you run a test print?20:37
delta9bubbasaures, ?20:38
MonkeyDustnatus  i think your question is not for this channel20:38
bubbasauresdelta9, printers app.20:38
chris112bubbasaures, i was only aware to stack updates for lts releases. are there also some to test recent kernels with current stable release?20:38
delta9bubbasaures, I don't know what you mean20:38
bubbasaureschris112, Test on releases no, at least not supported.20:38
natusMonkeyDust: Why ? I'm talking about the CLI and launchers...20:38
bubbasauresdelta9, In the printer app is a test.20:39
bubbasauresdelta9, Also an on/off switch20:39
delta9bubbasaures, the printer has been on20:40
bubbasauresdelta9, The on/off in the app is the computer controlling not the printer itself.20:41
MonkeyDustnatus  the google-chrome part makes it not for this channel, i guess20:41
delta9bubbasaures, when i clicked the printer icon in the bar across the top it showed me a list of jobs including the attempts i've made but all read as pending20:41
OerHeksnatus couldn't find howto start a plugin/extention in this chromium list http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/  not sure it can be done20:42
bubbasauresdelta9, Yes i happens, I would just remove the printer this will remove them set up the printer again there, hit the test print to be sure it's working. What is the printer make and model?20:42
evernubi accidentally bought the 3rd edition copy of unix and system admins handbook published sep 3 2000. how outdated is this? should i toss it in the trash?20:43
OerHeksevernub, no, trash it in the waste-paper-bin20:43
bubbasauresdelta9, Have you found the printer app?20:43
evernub:( OerHeks20:44
natusOerHeks: OHHH thank you my fried you helped me so much with your link it works now20:44
delta9bubbasaures, how do i do that? and the printer is an hp color laser jet 2320nf MFP20:44
Jordan_Uevernub: Good for nostalgia, probably not terribly helpful for managing a modern GNU/Linux system.20:44
OerHeksnatus what option is it?20:44
MonkeyDustevernub  or sell it to a second hand book shop20:44
delta9bubbasaures, i don't know what you men by printer app20:44
evernubi had a pdf of edition 4 though20:44
bubbasauresdelta9, by searching for it it is a application like firefox......etc20:44
Jordan_U!manual | evernub20:45
ubottuevernub: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:45
delta9bubbasaures, i found it20:45
natusOerHeks: I did not know the --app-id option wonderful it's --app-id=EXTENSION_ID for me --app-id=oldohccelcbofkfajibmmbghbbjfpngp thank you20:45
OerHeksnatus, great,i learned something too, have fun !20:45
evernubJordan_U: thanks20:45
Jordan_Uevernub: You're welcome.20:46
bubbasauresdelta9, Excellent that is where you should of setup the printer to start with, follow the info I gave you. HP also has a nice application that is usable.20:46
evernubi'm more into learning big boy stuff now. puppet, kvm, etc Jordan_U20:46
delta9bubbasaures, so i just click the delete option on the printer?20:47
bubbasauresdelta9, there is a plus and minus right?20:47
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delta9bubbasaures, http://imgur.com/oSoqUSD20:49
bubbasauresdelta9, Another on this channel turned me on to this tool, even better it has nice tools. So delete that yes, and download the HP tool and use it. http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install_wizard/index.html20:50
bubbasauresdelta9, There are multiple desktops people use, yours is the fallback, be sure to always mention that and your release.20:51
delta9bubbasaures, i use regular unity just with the launcher hidden20:52
bubbasauresdelta9, Than not sure what you showed me, but the HP tool does all of this.20:53
oizoerWhat program should I use to burn ubuntu .iso I downloaded?20:55
Jordan_U!burn | oizoer20:55
ubottuoizoer: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:55
bubbasauresdelta9, I'm not up on printers other than when plugged in straight, if that printer is in a network, that may be the issue as well, in the end you start with a test print to be sure it's running.20:56
Jordan_Uoizoer: You're welcome.20:57
oizoerI am trying ubuntu because I have an old Sony VAIO laptop I want to use for JUST viewing netflix. Since XP won't work, I am hoping this does the trick20:57
oizoerI hope ubuntu has the drivers for the video card on this thing so I can output to a tv20:58
delta9bubbasaures, i keep getting 400 bad request when i try to download that tool20:59
CodmadnessproDoes anyone know any other torrenting client other than deluge that i can excute as a console and will allow me to use a webui?21:00
oizoerso my windows 7 doesn't have a "burn disc image" option21:00
wonderworld Codmadnesspro: rtorrent21:00
oizoerwhich of these is the easiest free software? CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line)21:01
Codmadnessprowonderworld, where is the webui?21:01
Nytramoizoer try this freebie www.imgburn.com21:01
Nytramthat's for windows btw21:02
wonderworldCodmadnesspro: there are different ones available. rutorrent for example21:02
NytramAnd k3b is pretty good21:02
CodmadnessproE: Unable to locate package rutorrent21:02
delta9bubbasaures, also i am unable to run the tool as the instructions dictate21:02
OerHeksCodmadnesspro, rtorrent, not rutorrent21:04
bubbasauresdelta9, Not sure what you mean.21:04
delta9bubbasaures, nevermind, i have resolved the issue21:04
OerHeksCodmadnesspro, transmission is accessable try webgui too21:04
wonderworldCodmadnesspro: https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent21:04
bubbasauresdelta9, Great, good job.21:04
undecimCan I make a guest SSH account, or alternatively, create a virtual SSH user that just runs a shell script?21:06
wonderworldundecim: yes. set that users shell to your script instead of /bin/bash in /etc/passwd21:07
undecimwonderworld, I feel silly now21:07
wonderworldnah, you are smarter now :)21:08
undecimYeah, lol21:08
undecimwhat sshd_config directives do I need to make sure the user can ONLY use the shell?21:09
wonderworldundecim: what do you want the user to be able to do?21:11
snottypans<undecim> rekcuf rehtom diputs a uoy dellac dlrowrednow21:11
snottypans<undecim> .elohssA21:11
undecimwonderworld, write to stdin/strerr, read stdout21:12
snottypansRead it backwards. I don't have to put up your insults undecim21:12
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undecimAnyone what wants the whole convo between me and snottypans, lmk. They're his words not mine21:13
undecim!ot | snottypans21:13
ubottusnottypans: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:13
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wonderworldhe even /msg'ed me. strange guy21:13
undecimYeah... it must suck having nothing better to do21:14
wonderworldwhatever... so you want a user to be able to login but not to run any commands?21:14
undecimwonderworld, No, I want them to type into the script, and to read what it outputs21:15
Guest33455Hi, I have a (virtual) server that was migrated to another hardware node and no services are started, do you have any recommendation to find what causes the problem? I've manually connected to my server over VNC to enable networking and ssh but otherwise no services are running excepting the default ones21:15
undecimwonderworld, i.e. I want the script to be the only possible thing that can be done with SSH for that user. No sftp, not X forwarding, nothing.21:15
snottypanswonderworld: You mouse.21:16
OerHekssnottypans, stop it.21:17
wonderworldundecim: ok, set your script in /etc/passwd for that user and configure sshd with the "Match User" directive for that user21:17
kotuHello! Does anyone have an idea how to set $DISPLAY variable on remote server to run a command which requires X11 to work properly (ebook-convert actually) on remote server? I have a lot of text as .epub files and I'd like to convert them to plain text - the only CLI tool I found is ebook-convert. Unfortunatelly it requires X11 to work. I am at home right now and I connected to server via ssh to run that command (ebook-convert) on many epub files21:17
kotu and I got message "cannot connect to X server". If I run ssh with -X parameter it runs OK, but it goes really slow (connects to my local X server) and I cannot run it on server inside screen or tmux to keep it running without permanent connection (because of X11 dependency). Is it possible to force application to use X server on... server :-) (when running remotely)? I tried to set `export DISPLAY="localhost:0.0"` on server but it does not work.21:17
kotu.. Thx for any suggestions.21:17
wonderworldafter Match User myuser, you can set sshd_options that only affect that user21:17
undecimkotu, You want to display the remote content on the client?21:18
kotuI need only the result of that command (txt file)21:18
ppetrakiGuest33455, might want to ask on #ubuntu-server21:18
undecimkotu, You can use "w" to find the DISPLAY you need to use21:18
Guest33455ppetraki: thanks, will do21:19
undecimkotu, So why does a CLI tool require X11?21:19
undecimkotu, There's also VNC21:19
kotuundecim, I really don't know why it uses X11, I am not a programmer of that tool ;]21:20
chris112what video chat application do you recommend i could install at my parents machine?21:20
kotubtw. what you mean "w"?21:20
undecimkotu, a command  that's 1 character long21:20
undecimkotu, It shows logins, including DISPLAY variables for the logins21:21
undecimkotu, But if you're on a headless server, you will need VNC21:21
kotuX11 work properly on server21:22
undecimkotu, If you set up a VNC server and launch an xterm, you can start the command in tmux, close the VNC connection, then come back over SSH and attach to tmux21:22
kotuand I can run that command being at work21:22
undecimkotu, So you have an X session open currently?21:23
evernubgrepping my syslinux returns a error with syslog and bash21:23
kotubut when I try to do that remotely, it behaves as I wrote21:23
kotucurrently I run ssh without X passing21:23
kotu"w" command shows one line with my login21:24
undecimkotu, I would just set up VNC if I were you: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-14.0421:24
Ben64if you already have X running, then all you'd need would be to "DISPLAY=:0 ebook-convert blah"21:24
undecimkotu, You can either re-connect to the VNC section when you need to come back to it, or you can use tmux and have to option to re-connect to the command via SSH21:24
undecims/VNC section/VNC server/21:24
Codmadnessproum how do you start transmission?21:25
undecimwonderworld, How to block SFTP?21:26
kotuBen64, I've set `export DISPLAY=:0`21:26
Ben64kotu: note - that only works if you do indeed have X running21:27
kotuand still the same message: cannot connect to X server :021:27
Codmadnesspro(transmission-gtk:3383): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:21:28
kotuok, maybe I'll try with VNC21:28
Ben64Codmadnesspro: you do need a display to run it21:29
CodmadnessproSo how do I run it in terminal so I can then open the webui for it?21:29
undecimCodmadnesspro, transmission-cli21:29
wonderworldundecim: you could try to set Subsystem sftp to /bin/false21:29
undecimCodmadnesspro, There's also transmission-daemon21:29
wonderworldbut you need to try if it works. otherwise you could chroot the user into a directory with nothing in it21:30
Codmadnessproundecim, daemon returned nothing? Is that normal?21:30
undecimCodmadnesspro, Since it's a daemon, I would imagine so. do "ps aux | grep transmission"21:30
CodmadnessproYeh it's running, so how to stop it? xD21:31
undecimCodmadnesspro, heck if I know21:31
undecimCodmadnesspro, Kill should do it21:31
Codmadnesspromeh oh well might as well xD21:31
undecimor e.g. killall transmission-daemon21:31
Codmadnessprolong as it's safe....21:31
undecimOr might be something like "transmission-daemon stop"21:31
undecimSee "man transmission-daemon"21:32
retroisprestowhat's /sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sda1 do21:32
Ben64retroispresto: man blkid21:33
undecimretroispresto, "man blkid" explains what each option does. -o is the format, and -p makes it skip the system cache (and also includes more info)21:34
Nimbus_Hello All, I have an external hard drive that was formatted on a mac so it does not read correctly for windows based users. I am trying to copy files off it however running into a permission error. Is it possible to chown the external hard drive?21:36
undecimNimbus_, Can you show the relevant line from the output of "mount"?21:36
undecimsomething like "mount -o remount,uid=yourusername /mountpoint/or/device" might do what you need21:41
Nimbus_/dev/sdb2 folder I want to change owner ship is21:41
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as meow
jrghm. in hindsight i should have just put unity/ubuntu on my laptop instead of kubuntu21:41
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undecimNimbus_, You can't change ownership like that. I was curious what options it was mounted with21:41
jrgthe unity interface actually is a bit cleaner21:41
Nimbus_ dev/sdb2 folder I need access to /LaCie/Drop safe videos IphoneVideography/Ip21:41
jrgwonder if there is a quick way to change it21:41
Ben64Nimbus_: read what undecim wants again21:42
michaelaguiarSo I restarted my AFP server, and now I am having problems mounting my RAID drives21:42
michaelaguiarI had to skip mounting to get it to even boot up.  Can someone assist me in getting these mounted?21:42
undecimNimbus_, Try "sudo mount -o remount,uid=$USER /dev/sdb2" and see if that fixes it21:42
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michaelaguiarI tried to create a raid array with mdadm, but it tells me each device I try to add to it us in use or busy21:42
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jrghm. doesn't seem like it's a one and done. i should just go ahead and re-install with a thumb drive i guess21:42
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: are you using md-raid?21:43
Ben64jrg: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:43
michaelaguiarwonderworld: is that mdadm?21:43
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok. lets try21:43
aslaenHello.. I just started using MaaS and I can't figure out how to set a DHCP reservation for a node based on MAC address..  I need to have a specific IP for each node so the NAT works.21:43
michaelaguiarwonderworld: yep!  I also check /dev/md0 and it just says not active21:43
aslaenCan anyone tell me how to set up DHCP reservation?21:44
jrgBen64: that's it?21:44
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jrgBen64: what will become of the kde side?21:44
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Ben64jrg: will remain21:44
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: try "cat /proc/mdstat" to see the current state of your raid21:44
jrgdo i choose at kdm? or does unity replace kdm ?21:44
Ben64jrg: you can choose between the two at the login screen21:44
wonderworldwhich raid-level is it?21:44
jrgoh ok. hm. doesn't seem like it is worth the waste of space tho tbh ;) i'd rather just re-install21:45
jrgi'm working off a 128GB ssd21:45
Nimbus_nimbus@nimbus-U56E:~$ sudo mount -o remount,uid=nibus /dev/sdb221:45
Nimbus_nimbus@nimbus-U56E:~$ /dev/sdb221:45
Nimbus_bash: /dev/sdb2: Permission denied21:45
jrgin the laptop21:45
michaelaguiarwonderworld: is there a way to check the level?  I’m not the one who set this up initially21:45
michaelaguiarwonderworld: should I paste the results in here, or in gist?21:45
wonderworld cat /proc/mdstat will tell you21:45
jrgBen64: is there a way to outright replace it?21:45
Ben64Nimbus_: so back to the original request... what is the relevant line from "mount"21:45
undecimNimbus_, /dev/sdb2 is not the directory, it's just the device node21:45
michaelaguiarwonderworld: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/834424230101d5ff96e821:46
Ben64jrg: yes, but not very easy21:46
undecimNimbus_, Try to access the files from the mount point (look in /media)21:46
michaelaguiarwonderworld: that array looks correct too, sdc1 sdf1 etc etc21:46
Nimbus_media/nimbus/LaCie/Drop safe videos IphoneVideography21:46
notworkswonderworld: You stupid prick21:46
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: wow, quiet an amount of discs ;)21:47
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Yea, 24 of them.  A large array for stuff in the office21:47
michaelaguiarwonderworld: I just need to mount these bad boys!21:47
guntbertnotworks: be nice please21:47
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: i have not much experience with more than 2 disks in raid but we can try21:48
Nimbus_undecim did you get the mount point??21:48
Nimbus_ /media only has lacie21:48
Nimbus_name of the drive21:48
undecimNimbus_, What's inside that?21:48
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Cool, lets give it a shot21:48
jrgBen64: ah ok. thanks. i'll just re-install21:48
jrgshouldn't take that long. just have to dd an iso to a thumb drive heh21:48
Nimbus_mov files21:48
michaelaguiarwonderworld: it seems the array is already built, just need to mount I think21:48
undecimNimbus_, That's what's on the drive?21:49
wonderworldi guess it's not started (md0: inactive)21:49
wonderworldplease pastebin /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf21:49
Nimbus_yeah, it's essentially a storage drive of small videos the problem is it came from an iphone 6 so this particular directory will not allow a copy of the files. Will format once I can get these files copied21:49
Nimbus_thought chown would do the trick21:49
michaelaguiarwonderworld: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/810b53f3d81eefba3df321:50
michaelaguiarwonderworld: I believe all configurations should be fine.  This was all working last week21:50
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: what caused the stop of the array? was the machine rebooted or did a disk fail?21:51
Ben64Nimbus_: dude. type "mount".... find the relevant line. paste it here.21:51
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Not sure, it wasn’t working this mornming, so I rebooted the machine21:51
michaelaguiarwonderworld: then it tells me continue waiting for mount, skip, or manually mount, so I skipped just to get into the system21:51
Nimbus_ dev/sdb2 on /media/nimbus/LaCie type hfsplus (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=nibus,uid=1000,uhelper=udisks2)21:52
undecimNimbus_, Have you tried copying since you did the remount command?21:52
undecimNimbus_, The purpose of the command was to allow copying from that directory21:53
Nimbus_this what you need? Sorry Ben, new to this part of Linux and I see that I set the uid to the incorrect user, typo21:53
michaelaguiarwonderworld: any idea?21:53
undecimNimbus_, You could also just copy them using root21:54
Ben64Nimbus_: yep that's what was requested of you 17 minutes ago21:54
Nimbus_well there you go, I have learned something new Ben and appreciate your assistance.21:54
arcskyif i want to remote desktop to my ubuntu machine from windows. what solutions do i have ?21:55
arcskyvnc best?21:55
undecimNimbus_, Try "sudo cp -r /media/numbus/LaCie /home/nimbus/Desktop; chown -R nimbus:nimbus /home/nimbus/Desktop"21:55
Ben64arcsky: yep21:55
undecimarcsky, Yeah, VNC is the way to go there21:55
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok. i am unsure if the array is started or not. how do you try to mount it and what happens exactly?21:56
ActionParsniparcsky: what is the reason for the remote access?21:56
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michaelaguiarwonderworld: thats what I need to find out, how to mount it :)21:56
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wonderworldmichaelaguiar: did you try to mount it?21:57
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michaelaguiarwonderworld: doing mount /dev/md0 ?21:57
arcskyActionParsnip: just in general21:58
wonderworldhmm. cat /etc/fstat please21:58
arcskyvnc better than xrdp ?21:58
michaelaguiarwonderworld: would my fstab file be helpful?21:58
ActionParsniparcsky: if you look at the reason of the access, you may find a sleeker solution21:58
michaelaguiarwonderworld: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/9443e1e0977ebe521bab21:59
michaelaguiarwonderworld: you will see here the /dev/mapper/RAIDVG-RAID10FS2 /RAIDVOLUME — This is what I need to get rocking21:59
wonderworldyeah. what happens if you do "mount /dev/mapper/RAIDVG-RAID10FS2 /RAIDVOLUME" ?22:00
michaelaguiarwonderworld: mount: special device /dev/mapper/RAIDVG-RAID10FS2 does not exist22:00
ActionParsniparcsky: Synergy for a network based km.  Moving the mouse from one screen off the side will make it appear on the other systems screen22:00
Nimbus_no luck22:00
Nimbus_p: cannot stat ‘/media/nimbus/lacie’: No such file or directory22:01
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok, try "/dev/md0 /RAIDVOLUME"22:01
ActionParsniparcsky: many applications like torrent clients have web interfaces22:01
arcskyi want to control the mouse22:02
ActionParsniparcsky: but to achieve what?22:02
undecimNimbus_, Capitalization is important22:02
voip_hello guys22:02
arcskyActionParsnip: i want to change music from my laptop to my htpc22:02
michaelaguiarwonderworld: mount: you must specify the filesystem type22:02
michaelaguiarwonderworld: err, was I supposed to do “mount” before that command?22:03
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok. your raid is not running.22:03
voip_how to cd /root/ if logged as user ? withod sudo command ?22:03
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: yes, sorry "mount /dev/md0 /RAIDVOLUME"22:04
ActionParsniparcsky: VLC has a web UI. Or you can use X forwarding and run GUI apps on the server using  SSH. GUI will show on the client but sound will come out of the remote  system22:04
michaelaguiarwonderworld: ok that’s what I did, which returned the error above22:04
undecimvoip_, You have to log in as root. You can open a root shell with "sudo -i". BE CAREFUL22:04
undecimvoip_, and godspeed, sir22:04
arcskyActionParsnip: soundcloud web22:04
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok. you could stry to stop and restart the whole array22:04
michaelaguiarwonderworld: what is the command?  Sorry, I’m new to mounting22:05
aarobcAnyone know how to get powerline working in uxterm? gnome-terminal is freezing randomly for me22:05
undecimvoip_, Now my question for you is why do you need to cd to /root?22:05
undecimvoip_, That's not a normal thing to do unless you're root22:05
voip_undecim, i know int works with22:05
voip_sudo -i22:05
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: stop array: mdadm --stop /dev/md022:05
voip_i need witout sudo22:05
Nimbus_undecim, indeed it is22:05
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: after that check status again "cat /proc/mdstat"22:05
undecimvoip_, Why?22:05
ActionParsniparcsky: could run a web browser over x forwarding. ... There may be an application that can connect to soundcloud22:05
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]22:06
michaelaguiarunused devices: <none>22:06
michaelaguiarmount again?22:06
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok you stopped it successfully22:06
Nimbus_undecim should this take a bit of time since it's about 44 gigs22:06
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: now restart it: "mdadm --assemble --scan"22:06
undecimNimbus_, It will take time, yes.22:06
momomoIs it just me or is Ubuntu 14.04 freezing once in a while now? I have to CTRL + SHIFT + FX and back to get things moving again. This now happens about 4-5 times a day. It's annoying. Is it just me?22:06
michaelaguiarwonderworld: mdadm: /dev/md/0 assembled from 20 drives - not enough to start the array.22:07
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok, thats your problem22:07
undecimNimbus_, You can estimate the completion time, with a bit of math22:07
voip_undecim, because we using some app for login and we can't implement sudo command. We need to access some programs availible only from root22:07
compdocmomomo, could be hardware, but Ive also heard a recent update screwed some stuff up. how long has this been going on?22:07
michaelaguiarwonderworld: so 4 of the drives aren’t working?22:07
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: i don't have enough experience with arrays made of so many disks so i'll have to google stuff too.22:08
undecimNimbus_, voip_ how will you run them if you are not root?22:08
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: some drives seem to be missing22:08
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: either because they have been removed, failed oder got physically disconnected22:08
voip_undecim, we can run / stop whan logging from terminal as root, also programm start after server rebooting22:09
Nimbus_I can run root22:09
Nimbus_Undecim is seems like it is changing permissions so I believe I just have to wait for it to finish22:09
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Is there a way to add one at a time until it fails on the broken one?22:10
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: try "fdisk -l" to list all drives the system sees. and please repost "cat /proc/mdstat" again22:10
arcsky ActionParsnip: you right22:10
undecimvoip_, I still don't quite understand. You can make the /root directory open to all users with "chmod a+rx"22:10
undecimvoip_, With this, any user logged into the system can do "cd /root" and "ls /root"22:11
michaelaguiarwonderworld: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/14e38a62738d35d5de1122:11
undecimvoip_, Better would be to make a group22:11
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: mdadm --assemble --scan should automatically add all available devices. we need to find out why the 4 are missing22:11
michaelaguiarwonderworld: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/ffe3e1fa01566bb6841822:12
undecimvoip_, Then only certain users are allowed to cd to root.22:12
michaelaguiarwonderworld: there is my fdisk22:12
Nimbus_Thank you undecim it's working now just taking awhile I will be patient and once again thanks for helping out and being patient22:13
TalidanHey guys, i have ubuntu running on a server but my file-system seems to set itself as read-only.  tried a bunch of things but can't get it back to rw22:13
sabotenderokay! it is a new day and I am willing to give the remote access configuration another try22:14
undecimTalidan, paste dmesg22:15
undecim!paste | Talidan22:15
ubottuTalidan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:15
Nimbus_undecim chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/nimbus/Desktop/LaCie/DJI Christmas 2014 Vids/PC230316.MOV’: Operation not permitted22:15
sabotenderI need to change the network settings to use a specific static IP so port forwarding will work properly...22:15
k1lsabotender: change the /etc/network/interfaces22:16
sabotenderI was getting to that.22:16
daftykinsjust set a static IP through network manager.22:16
michaelaguiarwonderworld: when I do mdadm —examine /dev/sdx1, I get “mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdx1.”22:16
michaelaguiarbut the others I tried returned results.  Could this be an issue?22:17
sabotenderdaftykins: its a headless server. trying to configure VNC was a lost cause. I won't be seeing a GUI any time soon22:17
undecimNimbus_, I made a mistake in the second half of the command. To fix it do "sudo chown -R nimbus:nimbus /home/nimbus/Desktop"22:17
k1ldaftykins: that is a arm device and he got no monitor output (missing cable) and needs to set it on the mounted mincrosd22:17
undecimNimbus_, File transfers are done, just still owned by root22:17
voip_undecim, for example22:17
voip_i have wowzamanager user, and wowzamanager group22:17
voip_I need access to from wowzamanager user to /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf witout "sudo"22:17
voip_wowzamanager has membership of root group22:17
voip_but still cann acces to /root/  and  /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf22:17
daftykinsk1l: ah my apologies, just glanced in :>22:18
k1lsabotender: forget about vnc. focus on getting the network running and then use ssh. that is what headles servers are made for22:18
Talidanundecim: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9789173/22:18
sabotenderk1l: how do I determine which network interface is being used? I have to be careful because if i mess up, I will have to reflash the entire system22:18
k1ldaftykins: no biggie. he was here some hours ago.22:18
daftykinssabotender: righty-o, my fault for glancing in late. ignore me22:18
michaelaguiarwonderworld: but I donly get that out of 2 of them.22:18
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: yes might be. fdisk -l listed all 24 disks. these are the disks the kernel itself sees. so all disks are available to linux. cat /proc/mdstat lists the disks available to the array. there are only 22 used. check which 2 are missing22:19
momomocompdoc, for about a week or two22:19
k1lsabotender: in most cases its eth0 for the ethernet lan22:19
undecimvoip_, By default, /root is open to the root user, but not the root group. Do 'chmod g+rwx /root' to give the root group access22:19
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michaelaguiarwonderworld: ok so prob x and y are the 2 missing22:19
sabotenderk1l: the stuff that is commented out have 'wlan0'22:19
k1lsabotender: i dont know what you are using there to connect. is it a wifi? is it a lan cable?22:20
sabotender#auto wlan0, #iface wlan0 inet dhcp22:20
undecimvoip_, You can do the same with any system files in /usr, if the group of the file is set to "root"22:20
sabotenderits a lan cable22:20
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voip_undecim, thank you22:20
k1lsabotender: so dont worry about the wlan entries22:20
sabotenderyou see, I thought it would be eth0 too, but I think it is important to find out to be certain, but I will believe you if eth0 is what is being used22:21
undecimvoip_, "chmod g+r" is read, +w is write, and +x is execute. You need +x on a directory to cd22:21
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok. somebody here had a similar problem: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/recovering-mdadm-superblocks-713234/ maybe this can help. be VERY careful with the --create switch. it can destroy all your data. don't just copy and paste it.22:21
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: they say in that thread that they were able to add the disks with their uuid. does --examine on the disks still return the uuid?22:22
michaelaguiaryep, the device and array uuid22:23
sabotenderokay, ifconfig -a shows that eth0 is the proper interface22:23
k1lsabotender: the stuff you put into the network interfaces should look like this: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/421128/22:24
k1lchange the ip numbers as needed22:24
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: OK. i don't want to give any further reccomendations, because i am not experienced with RAID10 and you can lose data here. but the two missing disks are your problem.22:25
sabotendersweet, I will try it out, give me a moment22:25
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Can I safely remove them from the array, and try to mount again?22:25
undecimI've seen more data lost to RAID than I've seen lost to disk failures...22:26
undecimmichaelaguiar, What exactly is going on with the raid?22:26
Talidanthe drive is sda22:26
michaelaguiarundecim: I have an array of 24 drives.  Worked fine last week, today it didn’t work.  So now I’m just trying to get this raid mounted22:26
undecimmichaelaguiar, Is there any particular reason you have a 24-drive raid? And also, what kind of configuration?22:27
michaelaguiarundecim: Not sure, didn’t set it up.22:27
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: try a reboot first. after the reboot check "dmesg" and "cat /var/log/syslog" for clues on whats going on22:28
undecimIs this using any RAID controllers, or just Linux software?22:28
oizoerwhat software do I used to put ubuntu image to a usb drive?22:28
undecimNot always a good idea to just reboot22:28
Talidanseems like sda3 is causing a problem22:28
undecimUnless you've done it once already22:28
michaelaguiarIve rebooted already, had to skip mounting because it would just stay on the mounting screen22:28
wonderworldundecim: he did. that caused the problem22:29
undecimmichaelaguiar, So what system are you working with now? A live Cd?22:29
jbrunHey guy, I'm trying to compile Veejay on Ubuntu 10.04 (old, i know), and i get on error 1 leaving directory '/.../veejay-server/libyuv' any idea what I could do to solve this?22:33
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: do you understand the difference between assebling an array and mounting it into the filesystem? because thats essential for your task. i think you are mixing up the two terms.22:33
jbrunI'm a bit a noobie on these things but I'm so close to getting it... Please!22:34
sabotenderwhy can I not edit 'resolv.conf' by hand? it says that my changes would be overwritten?22:34
sabotenderhow can I set my nameservers to something more permanent?22:34
daftykinsyou can by removing the package resolvconf22:34
wonderworldsabotender: NetworkManager overwrites resolv.conf if it's used. you can set nameservers in the GUI for your connections22:35
daftykinsthough in my experience, remove the package, set the content then it disappears on reboot. you have to set it after reboot for it to stay there22:35
sabotenderwonderworld: this is a headless server. I have no GUI22:35
sabotenderdaftykins: so I have to uninstall the network manager?22:35
michaelaguiarwonderworld: yea, assembling puts the array together, then you mount it22:35
wonderworldok. i guess this warning is about NetworkManager overwriting it. if you have no GUI it should work22:36
k1lsabotender: stop. you said there is a desktop installed22:36
daftykinssabotender: didn't refer to NM at any point22:36
zippo^Hello, I have a question. I am on Mac OS X now. I want install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on another laptop (Asus). How do I doing Ubuntu (setup) on USB Stick via Mac OS X?22:36
sabotenderk1l: this is true. this is the desktop version of ubuntu and not the server version22:36
k1lsabotender: so you have a desktop, you just dont have a monitor attached to it to use the monitor. that is not running a server which doesnt start x11 at all22:36
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: did you reboot the machine?22:37
michaelaguiarwonderworld: a couple times already today22:37
daftykinszippo^: you can 'dd' the ISO onto the correct device, no idea how macs handle device naming though. look up a guide.22:37
zippo^what is 'dd'?22:37
jbrunHey guy, I'm trying to compile Veejay on Ubuntu 10.04 (old, i know), and i get on error 1 leaving directory '/.../veejay-server/libyuv' any idea what I could do to solve this?22:37
bubbasauresjbrun, You have support till april 2015 on the server, just info.22:37
sabotenderk1l: right...so what do you recommend that I do?22:38
daftykinszippo^: a command line program for image writing.22:38
trismjbrun: you would need to pastebin the actual error22:38
Ben64jbrun: sounds like you're compiling it, get support from the developer. manually compiled stuff isn't supported here22:38
zippo^i don't know how, daftykins ?22:38
michaelaguiarwonderworld: here are a few lines from my syslog22:38
k1lsabotender: what are you trying to do now? did you set the static ip in network interfaces?22:39
daftykinszippo^: what did i say?22:39
zippo^yes, but how do i with dd22:39
zippo^i have no idea22:39
sabotenderk1l: yes I did. I want to change the name servers to google's22:39
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daftykinszippo^: so the part where i said look up a guide?22:39
bubbasauresjbrun, with a nick Sorry? means nothing. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases22:39
k1lsabotender: its time to read the documentations :) https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution22:41
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: sdp1: Raid device exceeded read_error threshold. this sounds bad. your h/w seems to be failing. you really should get a tech guy if there is important data on the raid.22:41
undecimWell with 24 disks, it won't take long to see one fail22:42
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: did you set up e-mail alerts with mdadm for failing disks?22:42
michaelaguiarwonderworld: no I didnt22:42
michaelaguiarundecim: is there an easy way to add one to the array, mount it, add another, etc until I find the fail?22:43
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: maybe disks were failing one after another without you noticing it.22:43
undecimmichaelaguiar, your data might be gone22:43
undecimmichaelaguiar, It might be a situation where you need to recover a physical disk to get it back22:43
michaelaguiarWell what if the data I need is on just one disk?22:43
sabotenderk1l: where do you think I was reading?22:43
michaelaguiarwould I lose it if any of the raid fails?22:44
undecimmichaelaguiar, It depends on the configuration of the data22:44
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: mdadm already assembled all the disks it could use. 22 of the 24. the link i gave you explained how to add devices with missing superblock but available UUID.22:44
undecimconfiguration of the raid*22:44
undecimmichaelaguiar, Your main goal is to get your data?22:44
michaelaguiarwonderworld: the ones that say missing superblock don’t provide the uuid22:44
michaelaguiarundecim: Yea, I only really need a small amount of data that is on one of these drives22:45
michaelaguiarwonderworld: How can I just remove the two from the list and mount this bad boy22:45
undecimmichaelaguiar, let me load a VM with raid to I have a similar system to test e.g. small scripts on22:46
sabotenderI was reading https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration22:46
undecimmichaelaguiar, If they are all in the same raid, that might not be possible. It depends on the configuration of the raid and which drives failed22:46
michaelaguiarundecim: oh ok22:46
undecimmichaelaguiar, So I can't say anything for sure until I learn more22:46
Talidanfixed it22:47
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undecimmichaelaguiar, Can you paste your logs? dmesg, syslog, etc22:47
k1lsabotender: if its ubuntu i would stick to the official ubuntu guides.22:47
MronoI'm running Ubuntu 14.10 on an MSI GS70 and i'm unable to set the performance governor using cpufreq cli.  When I set it with /etc/default/cpufrequtils22:47
MronoIt sets to performance then goes back to powersave22:47
undecimmichaelaguiar, also, /proc/mdstat22:48
MronoI read that when using the intel_pstate driver it's better to use the performance governor22:48
undecimmichaelaguiar, 'lshw' couldn't hurt22:48
michaelaguiarundecim: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/4cba750e517e25b5c7d922:49
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: what does smartctl -H /dev/sdx say?22:49
michaelaguiarwonderworld: smartctl is not installed22:49
michaelaguiarundecim: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/a7682ded35203b90e60422:50
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok. that would have shown you if the disks are ok. are you allowed to install stuff?22:50
michaelaguiarwonderworld: yes, I have full access, let me install22:51
wonderworldmichaelaguiar:  "apt-get install smartmontools"22:51
michaelaguiarwonderworld: says test result passed22:52
michaelaguiarwonderworld: found a fail22:53
eatyourguitarI have AMD E-300 1.1Ghz 2GB ram. I'm currently on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS kernel 3.13.0-44-generic (x86_64). I am looking for a distro that runs better with 2GB ram22:53
michaelaguiarwonderworld: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/949e8b3696599e40af2f22:54
eatyourguitarsomething for youtube, firefox, vlc22:54
daftykinseatyourguitar: run xubuntu or lubuntu22:54
michaelaguiarwonderworld: found the 2nd,22:54
eatyourguitardo you think xmbc would run better?22:54
eatyourguitarI never tried xmbc22:55
eatyourguitarI was planning to try xubuntu anyway22:55
bubbasaurestry both and than you will know22:56
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Ok so 2 failed drives total, and I know which ones.  Now if I can just remove them from the array and get this mounted22:56
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: it were not x and y?22:56
eatyourguitarI remember 4 years ago I tried ubuntu netbook edition it was super fast on old hardware22:56
michaelaguiarwonderworld: nope.  it was q and j22:56
michaelaguiarwonderworld: x and y were the ones with the missing superblock or something.  So maybe thats the 4 that are the reason its not starting22:56
bubbasauresanymore support issues?22:56
eatyourguitarthe only problem was the launcher was huge on a 10in netbook22:56
daftykinsnetbooks are only good for scrapping now22:57
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eatyourguitaryou can use a netbook to code py all day22:58
eatyourguitarno internet needed22:58
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eatyourguitaror just write a book22:58
bubbasauresabout half the world has no net or hardware, there is a use22:58
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: try "mdadm --examine --brief --scan " should give us more info on the array22:58
michaelaguiarwonderworld: ARRAY /dev/md/0 metadata=1.2 UUID=6d89d5f4:3e5a2ab7:c2bd2acb:7d6bf108 name=tatooine:022:58
eatyourguitarin the 80's computers were doing payroll22:59
eatyourguitarand other accounting tasks22:59
eatyourguitarit saved a lot of man hours22:59
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: mdadm found j and p and added them to the array. the hardware is failing but mdadm was still able to add them. they will fail soon, you need to replace them but it wasn't the cause your array didnt start22:59
undecimmichaelaguiar, Do you have /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf?22:59
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: it's the missing x and y22:59
eatyourguitarimagine what a free computer could do for a fishing village22:59
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: they somehow lost their superblocks23:00
michaelaguiarundecim: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/7bc78054ffae4475323f23:00
eatyourguitarok I googled LUNITY its a 16 year old girl23:01
eatyourguitaroh was it Lubuntu23:01
k1l!lubuntu | eatyourguitar23:02
ubottueatyourguitar: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.23:02
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: "mdadm --detail /dev/md0" please.23:02
michaelaguiarwonderworld: mdadm: md device /dev/md0 does not appear to be active.23:02
michaelaguiarwonderworld: remember?  Can’t activate it23:02
eatyourguitarso LXDE I'm guessing is a KDE fork?23:03
Jordan_Ueatyourguitar: No, not even close.23:03
michaelaguiarI can’t seem to get array info either, to remove the 2 drives via mdadm —manage /dev/md0 —remove /dev/sdy123:03
eatyourguitaris LXDE only available on Lubuntu?23:03
daviddHi, I could not log in via tty7 (but I could log in via tty1 through 6). So I installed a fresh ubuntu 14.04 LTS and then transferred my home directory to the current one. But after that now I can not log in via tty7 again. There is a .xsession-errors file in my home directory which contains this:23:04
Jordan_Ueatyourguitar: No. The only difference between different flavors of Ubuntu is the software installed by default. They all use the same repositories, and thus anything that can be installed on one can also be installed on another.23:04
eatyourguitarso I can try LXDE right now with apt-get?23:05
eatyourguitarhow do I kill the unity desktop?23:05
undecimmichaelaguiar, I think "mdadm -s" will make it appear in /proc/mdstat23:05
daviddIt is /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 23: .: Can't open /usr/bin/byobu-launch23:05
eatyourguitarthen something23:05
undecim(I'm a little rusty on raid though, and still loading a VM with one...)23:06
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, desktops are chosen at login23:06
daviddPlease help. It takes about a day to transfer my home directory.23:06
eatyourguitarbut its an automatic script23:06
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: ok, you could try http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/recovering-mdadm-superblocks-713234/ . but no guarantees. never use --create, this will destroy all of your data.23:06
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, log out than in23:06
eatyourguitarfrom the C-M-F1 term?23:06
eatyourguitarand does it kill xchat?23:07
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wonderworldmichaelaguiar: gotta go. good luck. and don't forget to take care of p and j. hardware is broken on these devices. x and y lost their superblock somehow but hw seems to be ok.23:07
daviddHi, I could not log in via tty7 (but I could log in via tty1 through 6). So I installed a fresh ubuntu 14.04 LTS and then transferred my home directory to the current one. But after that now I can not log in via tty7 again. There is a .xsession-errors file in my home directory which contains this: /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 23: .: Can't open /usr/b23:07
bubbasauresthanks for the warning23:08
pancakes9Hi, I am launching an Ubuntu instance on AWS with the following cloud-init user data script (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/user-data.html#user-data-cloud-init) but it doesn't seem to be applying, what am I doing wrong?23:12
sabotenderjust as i thought, I am having DNS resolution problems23:12
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daviddHi, I could not log in via tty7 (but I could log in via tty1 through 6). So I installed a fresh ubuntu 14.04 LTS and then transferred my home directory to the current one. But after that now I can not log in via tty7 again. There is a .xsession-errors file in my home directory which contains this: /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 23: .: Can't open /usr/b23:14
sabotenderI think I fixed it, we shall see :-D23:16
basichashHow do I extract a .xz file on ubuntu?23:17
michaelaguiarundecim: hey you still there?23:18
undecimmichaelaguiar, yeah23:18
michaelaguiarundecim: so I was able to run mdadm —assemble —scan and it says /dev/md/0 has been started with 22 drives23:19
undecimmichaelaguiar, Cool23:19
michaelaguiarundecim: How can I get these mounted so I can get to the data?23:19
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: cool, how did you do it?23:19
undecimmichaelaguiar, paste /proc/mdstat and "blkid"23:19
eatyourguitarok I'm back23:19
kimphillbasichash, xz -d <filename>23:19
sabotenderk1l: GENIUS! Cheers mate. That fixed it right up23:19
michaelaguiarwonderworld: Not sure exactly, ran a bunch of commands.  Brain is fried at the moment23:20
* porfa later23:20
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: just "mount"23:20
eatyourguitarlogged out and in of my user via unity23:20
wonderworld "mount" tries to mount everything in /etc/fstab23:20
eatyourguitardid not get to choose a desktop environment23:20
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, dropdown gear at the login23:20
michaelaguiarundecim: here is mdstat: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/c55c36142d367058df7323:21
eatyourguitartried C-M-F1 exit [user] [pass]23:21
michaelaguiarundecim: and the other: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/50bfaac2e73dca6a7f9f23:21
eatyourguitarjust gives me my wallpaper23:21
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, startx is wrong23:21
eatyourguitarok brb23:21
undecimmichaelaguiar, You should be able to mount /dev/md023:22
michaelaguiarundecim: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/5459aee32c4ec49dcb7f23:22
michaelaguiarundecim: I typed that command above, and get this error23:22
undecimmichaelaguiar, Okay, this RAID is also an LVM23:23
undecimthat seems somewhat redundant23:23
undecimUnless RAID is doing something I don't understand the LVM can't do23:23
michaelaguiarundecim: not sure why23:23
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eatyourguitarafter I logout that gear in unity has a menu to shutdown or suspend23:24
eatyourguitarthat is all23:24
michaelaguiarundecim: is that a big problem?  What can I do to get this mounted?23:24
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, wrong gear23:24
undecimmichaelaguiar, vgscan23:24
Lugalhow can I compile a file.c with include gtk/gtk.h ? I get error gtk: no such file or directory23:24
michaelaguiarundecim: https://gist.github.com/michaelaguiar/1d0c8262b44843aef60623:25
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, turn off the auto login and reboot so you actually see the login and know what it is.23:25
mr392Lugal: Code::Blocks IDE?23:25
undecimmichaelaguiar, It should find the vg, then you can do: vgchange -ay name_of_volume_here23:25
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undecimmichaelaguiar, vgchange -ay RAIDVG23:25
michaelaguiarundecim: ok, says 1 logical volume is group is active23:26
michaelaguiartry to mount again?23:26
michaelaguiarsame error.  Should I do the vgchange to the other group to?23:26
Lugali was trying with terminal. will it be easier with code blocks?23:26
michaelaguiarundecim: tried, same error23:27
undecimmichaelaguiar, you mount the lvm, not md023:27
undecimmichaelaguiar, /dev/RAIDVG/somethinginhere, I think23:27
undecimmichaelaguiar, or it's in /dev/mapper/23:27
michaelaguiarundecim: YOU ARE THE MAN!  I’m back in business!23:28
michaelaguiarwonderworld: You too, man.  Thanks for the help!23:28
undecimmichaelaguiar, You might want to figure out your drive configuration. It's important to know23:28
michaelaguiarundecim: for sure.  Need to make sure this doesn’t happen again23:29
undecimmichaelaguiar, With raid 10, some drives are copies of each other. If all the copies of a drive goes out, the whole thing fails23:29
michaelaguiarundecim: Ah good to know23:29
michaelaguiarMan, that was complicated.  Thanks again for the help guys, I’m outta here!23:30
eatyourguitarok so I tried logout I tried reboot, I disabled autologon23:30
undecimmichaelaguiar, I'm actually not sure how to see which drives are copies....23:30
wonderworldmichaelaguiar: remeber the 2 failing drives23:30
eatyourguitarstill no other options for the gear in the top right23:30
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, what extra desktop did you install lxde?23:30
eatyourguitarno I did not23:30
michaelaguiarundecim: I’m recommended we move all of our files to Dropbox for business.  There is no need to manage something like this for what we need23:30
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, what than?23:30
eatyourguitarI thought you said this would work23:31
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, really so you expected them to magically appear?23:31
eatyourguitarI thought you were telling me I had default packages I could use in Ubuntu23:31
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, never said anything resembling that23:32
undecimmichaelaguiar, If you keep the raid config, consider using some of those drives as hot spares if you can spare the space23:32
eatyourguitarI can ap-get lxde23:32
i0d9i20eatyourguitar, just get lubuntu23:33
bubbasaureseatyourguitar, one bit of advice, forget the funky found commands on the net, read the ubnutu wiki's only and be clear.23:33
QbuoI have a sound issue, can anyone help me out?23:33
eatyourguitarbubbasaures> eatyourguitar, desktops are chosen at login23:34
eatyourguitarthen you told me to logout etc..23:34
Codmadnessprosudo: add-apt-repository: command not found what's wrong?23:34
eatyourguitardid tell me to apt-get23:35
Codmadnessproit says its a ubuntu command on my tutorial23:35
eatyourguitardid not rather23:35
undecimwonderworld, Both are supposed to exist?23:35
Codmadnessprobash: apt-add-repository: command not found23:35
undecimCodmadnesspro, what version?23:35
CodmadnessproWait, it's not ubuntu, it's a raspberry pie23:36
Codmadnessprorunning wheezy23:36
CodmadnessproI get confused with my vps and pi lol23:36
undecimwhat you're trying to doesn't sound like it will work on the pi23:36
Codmadnessprowheezy and ubuntu are basically the same23:36
CodmadnessproI think wheezy is debian actuallly23:37
Jordan_Uwonderworld: It's add-apt-repository23:37
wonderworldCodmadnesspro: PPAs are not available in Debian23:37
Codmadnessprouhm so what would I use instead?23:37
Jordan_Uwonderworld: Interesting, it looks like it may be both :)23:37
wonderworldi only knew mine :)23:37
littlewhat O.o23:37
QbuoEvery time my internet goes out, things f*ck themselves up. Last time it was steam, now I cant hear out of my headphones??23:37
QbuoAny idea why this is23:38
undecimit's BOTH add-apt-repository AND apt-add-repository, but apt-add is just a link to add-apt23:38
undecimSo technically add-apt-repository is the real command23:38
wonderworldCodmadnesspro: you could manualy try to get the package from the ppa. maybe it works on Debian.23:38
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wonderworldotherwise you would have to compile the thing for yourself23:39
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undecimIf the PPA doesn't have arm packages it will be no good23:39
undecimCodmadnesspro, what software are you installing?23:39
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xpro256hi, when i log in to ubuntu my keyboard layout changes itself, can someone help me?23:41
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QbuoMy sound just went out after the internet restarted, here is my alsa: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4af9719549980a13aa8174fea95ce151b322b4c023:43
littlehow many boys theres in here ?23:43
k1lQbuo: audio and internet dont mix together. there must be some other reason. see "dmesg"23:45
k1llittle: this channel is support only. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting23:45
Qbuowhat do you mean see "dmesg"23:45
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.23:46
Qbuowant me to send a pastebin after running it?23:47
k1lthat could people in here help see if there is a cause for your issue23:47
eatyourguitarok so I'm running LXDE on ubuntu now23:49
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eatyourguitarthere is a 600ms delay when clicking browser tabs in firefox23:49
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eatyourguitarit was cached differently in unity23:49
Guest80985ayuda con ubuntu porfavor23:49
eatyourguitarit was instant until I used all my ram23:50
Guest33251hey guys my friend is having some weird trouble in ubuntu. the right click a folder and select the rename option and try to type something, however whatever they type does not appear at all even though the folder name is highlighted.23:50
Guest33251any ideas?23:50
k1lGuest80985: espaniol or portuguese?23:50
eatyourguitarI like not having a massive launcher though23:50
Guest80985jajaja hablan español?23:51
k1lQbuo: did you reboot after that sound issue?23:51
QbuoK1l: I can barely hear it on the highest setting if i listen loud enough.23:51
k1l!es | Guest8098523:51
ubottuGuest80985: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:51
k1lQbuo: dmesg gets erased after every reboot.23:51
Qbuowell th sound problem appeared after the reboot23:51
k1lQbuo: see in system sound settings if there is some switch on low volume23:52
Qbuok1l: no, I just checked23:52
eatyourguitarI am getting 2FPS in youtube23:52
eatyourguitardoes the desktop environment install a different version of flash/firefox?23:53
k1lQbuo: see "alsamixer" if there is the lines not at full power23:53
eatyourguitarswitching from unity to lxde23:53
k1lQbuo: or even muted "MM under the line"23:53
Qbuok1l: how do i tell if the lines are at full power?23:54
k1lQbuo: if its red. white is middle, green is low. MM is muted. use the arrowkeys23:55
Qbuoeach of the "PDIFs" have a "00" above them23:56
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QbuoS/PDIF is red. S/PDIF 1 and S/PDIF 2 are white.23:56
k1lQbuo: 00 is fine, but see at the bar/press arrow up/down23:57
k1lQbuo: and what about master, pcm?23:57
QbuoOpps, all red23:57
Qbuoi need a screencapture23:57
Qbuo*all white23:57
meteWindows 8 hangs after selecting it on grub screen anyone have an idea?23:58
Qbuok1l: This is what I see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9789793/23:58
k1lQbuo: only those 3?23:59

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