
ypwonghappyaron, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1365466 #14 是哪出錯?03:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1365466 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity does not apply language system wide" [Medium,Triaged]03:59
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happyaronypwong: that's expected for current set up of Ubuntu image05:06
ypwonghappyaron, 能翻譯嗎?05:06
ypwonghappyaron, nm?05:09
ypwonghappyaron, it's fcitx05:09
ypwonghappyaron, comment #1405:09
happyaronypwong: that's also because started before ubiquity starts the session05:10
ypwonghappyaron, but some are translated and just "pinyin" is not?05:10
happyaronypwong: I guess you meant ibus?05:11
happyaronibus engines are standalone process05:11
ypwonghappyaron, yes, ibus05:11
happyaronprocesses started before ubiquity triggers the locale change can start in correct language05:12
happyaronibus framework itself is started before ubiquity, but engines are loaded later, so g-s-d has changed the locale as per ubiquity's request.05:13
ypwonghappyaron, so the pinyin engine is not aware of the locale change?05:17
happyaronI think it could be loaded too early05:18
happyaronguess at login time05:18
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ypwonghappyaron, need your help to upload ubuntu-kylin-default-settings to vivid: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntukylin-members/ubuntukylin-default-settings/trunk09:59
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ypwonghappyaron, pls also help to upload the fix in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+bug/1370353 to trusty10:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1370353 in unity-china-music-scope (Ubuntu Trusty) "when I turn off online search option, it still display search results in Dash. " [Medium,Confirmed]10:55
ypwonghappyaron, one more thing :) if you have time can you sponsor my package? https://mentors.debian.net/package/libcangjie14:15
ypwongjust an upstream point update14:15
ypwongnothing special14:15
happyaronypwong: please target experimental14:37
happyaronypwong: anything that's not approved to jessie should not land in unstable at this time14:38
ypwonghappyaron, yup, have forgotten that14:41
ypwonghappyaron, will ubuntu auto import experimental packages?14:47
happyaronypwong: no, need request sync14:58
ypwonghappyaron, ok14:58
ypwonghappyaron, experimental now15:07

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