
sidinow would be good00:02
sidigf has arrived though00:02
knomewell, ping me once you've done that00:07
sidiknome, i templated encryption, i'll let you fill the blanks with the *buntu specifics00:08
sidialso added a Dropbox mention in the backup, advising encryption prior to uploading00:08
knomethis document is very welcome00:10
knomei will add your name to the doc contributors list00:10
sidiknome, done.00:14
sidiknome, feel free to mention UCL Information Security ;p00:14
knomesidi, let's see00:15
knomewhat else do i owe you? :P00:15
sidinothing mate :p00:15
knomeyou come here and i'll buy you a beer or two00:16
sidihaha sure00:17
Unit193< darkxst> apw, what is the status of bug 1410480? this completely breaks installing via ubiquity on Ubuntu GNOME and probably most other flavours  ||  < ~pitti> yes, it's not flavor specific, happens for ubuntu as well07:08
ubottubug 1410480 in linux (Ubuntu) "overlayfs v1: renaming existing file uses chardev whiteout (should be symlink)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141048007:09
Unit193Heads up.07:09
ochosimm, good to know07:22
ochosibrainwash: your patch should be moved along shortly, then we can prep the SRU paperwork. seb128 said it's SRU-worthy08:11
slickymasterWorksidi, knome, thanks for https://docs.google.com/document/d/18sEImteNJVZ7T6o0RR7erJbCpS8dXwHDC0pRpu1K3aI/edit#heading=h.zafoylvno00b 10:18
slickymasterWorkit's a fabulous work10:18
sidislickymaster, erm you're welcome :p10:18
slickymasterWorknot sure also about the xkcd comic10:19
slickymasterWorkI don't think it would land particularly well in the all -docs layout10:20
slickymasterWorkbut other than than it's really a fabulous piece of work10:21
slickymasterWorks/than than/than that10:21
slickymasterWorklike knome, I also owe you a couple of beers, so if you ever come down south I'll be more than glad to do it ;)10:25
brainwashochosi: that's good news10:28
ochosinot totally unexpected, but still good :)10:29
ochosibtw, we shouldn't select a reviewer directly when filing a MR10:29
ochosicause then ubuntu-branches gets removed and nobody else sees it, i.e. it drops off the radar10:30
brainwashah ok10:30
ochosihad to figure that out when passing along the MR today10:30
ochosiso just for the future, to keep that in mind, always add reviewers after filing the MR on top of the default10:30
slickymasterWorkknome, are you working on a MP based on sidi's paper or do you want me to do it?10:47
sidislickymaster, south of US? too far for beer :P10:57
sidislickymaster, it's up to you two now to decide how to turn this into a Xub doc.10:58
slickymasterWorksidi, south like in Iberian peninsula ;)11:05
slickymasterWorkspecifically the western country in europe11:05
sidislickymaster, spanish or portuguese or catalan? ;P11:07
slickymasterWorkportuguese :)11:07
slickymasterWorkwe're western than them11:07
brainwashochosi: https://www.debian.org/security/2015/dsa-313111:27
brainwashso there will be another patch before the -screensaver one11:32
brainwashor both patches will be shipped at the same time11:33
knomeslickymasterWork, yep, i guess so ;)12:30
slickymasterWorklol knome, and that means ....12:30
knomethat i'll do it and ask for your help if needed :P12:31
knomethe thing is, there are still things that aren't ready12:31
slickymasterWorkok, I'm here to help you know12:31
knomefor example, do we have unattended upgrades enabled on a new install?12:31
knomeif not, how to turn them on?12:31
slickymasterWorkI'd say that in two out of three times people will face unattended upgrades, afeter a new install12:32
slickymasterWork* after12:33
knomewhy 2/3 ?12:33
slickymasterWorkunless they're installing in the immediate hour after the releases12:33
knomewell can somebody double-check that?12:33
slickymasterWorkI can perform a few tests on that, but  either Unit193 or bluesabre could cast some technical light on that issue12:34
knomei guess we only need to see if we have a file in apt.conf.d12:35
slickymasterWorkI'll boot a VM after lunch to see if I can check that12:36
brainwashbluesabre: thanks for the xubu default settings upload12:54
knomehas anybody used any of the password managers in the repository?12:55
brainwashbluesabre: do you feel like SRU'ing the updated keyboard shortcuts file to utopic and trusty? utopic only needs the 1 line fix, trusty needs http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/revision/482 on top of that12:59
brainwashit would be great if you could fix this for 14.04.2, so new users who download this release won't be affected by the bug13:00
elfyknome slickymasterWork - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9784842/ our /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades13:01
knomeso we have that enabled13:01
brainwashnot having it enabled would be kinda strange13:02
knomeelfy, are you still on a new installation?13:13
elfynewish knome 13:14
knomecan you check what the "updates" tab in software & upgrades say13:14
elfyI can - but ... 13:14
knomemostly interested in the three first dropdowns13:14
knomebut what? :D13:14
elfyI'll boot vm 13:14
elfythe updates tab might be all over the place here :D13:15
knomeprobably not though;)13:15
knomeand this is for the V docs anyway13:15
knomeso should be the situation in V13:15
elfybut - nvm - a clean install in that tab has all EXCEPT proposed enabled13:15
knomeso what about the dropdowns?13:15
knomewhat are the values?13:15
elfyoh - hang on 13:16
elfyhalf asleep13:16
knomeme too13:17
knomealways a good mood to write security documentation in!13:17
knomeok, i think i've mostly converted sidi's stuff to digestable text13:18
elfyany others while the vm's running?13:18
knomehmm, display immediately13:18
knomenot download and install automatically13:18
knomeochosi, bluesabre, Unit193: want to investigate that?13:18
knomeelfy, not at this time, thanks :)13:19
elfyok :)13:19
knomeor is that like so only because it's beta stage13:19
knomei'll run a trusty install or sth later today13:19
elfyhang on - I'll boot the trusty one 13:19
knomeoh, ok ;)13:19
sidiknome, let me know when it's online ;P13:20
elfyknome: display immediately in the one with pink highlights13:21
elfywhich I think was the last one ...13:21
knomesidi, probably takes time, it'll need to go to the branch first, then zyl needs to push it online13:21
knomeand we'll probably not do that until release13:21
knomesidi, do you need it for something?13:21
knomei mean i can push a copy of that somewhere if you want to show it around13:22
sidii dont need it now nope13:22
knomethen expect it around april13:23
sidiokay ;p13:23
knomei can also poke you when it's on the branch13:23
knomeso you can get it yourself!13:23
ochosielfy: xnox did a recent update to that part, but afaik he only dropped the extra repo13:24
ochosino idea what's supposed to be ticked exactly and what not13:24
ochosi(i presume the first two)13:24
knomeochosi, i was thinking that whether the unattended security updates should be on...13:24
knomenot which repositories are ticked13:24
elfyI saw talk on extras - but that's in Other Software - not Updates13:25
ochosiknome: right, misinterpreted that maybe in the backlog13:34
ochosididnt read too closely i guess13:34
ochosielfy: btw, what you could check in the next update to xubuntu-artwork that bluesabre pushed/s today is whether that bluetooth icon is monochrome again13:34
ochosiit's one of the things i fixed13:34
elfyochosi: well it is monochrome here after update and restarting panel and turning bluetooth on13:52
elfybut if it changes color during use - no way of checking that 13:52
ochosiit was only !monochrome in the "normal" state13:53
ochosiinactive and paired state worked13:53
elfygood lord - that's a long url13:54
knomein the shortish ;)13:55
knomewhat's that banana bumerang13:55
knomeor is it an orange slice13:55
elfyoh that - yea clementine 13:56
ochosielfy: yeah that's the inactive state13:56
elfyochosi: so - no way for me to check the other states 13:56
ochosiyou can't activate bluetooth?13:57
ochosiyou just need to click the item and then > "turn bluetooth on"13:57
ali1234ochosi: what does it mean if there's a bug report with "Theme parsing error: gtk.css:81" but gtk.css doesn't even have 81 lines?13:58
ochosiit shouldn't, but maybe it's continuing with the line-count in one of the included files13:59
ali1234i think this might just be user error14:01
ochosipossible, what app throws it with what theme in what version of gtk3?14:01
ali1234all of them with orion in utopic, apparently14:02
ali1234an lots of other errors that don't seem to match up with anything in the css14:02
ali1234i think user might have an old version installed in their home directory14:02
ochosiyeah, that's quite possible14:02
ochosimany of the bugreports i got for gtk3 had wrong theme versions installed14:02
ochosii get that all the time14:02
ali1234going to install utopic in a vm to test14:03
ali1234thanks for the hints14:03
elfyochosi: clicking it - it changes to 'white' but I don't have any access to any bluetooth other than that14:03
ochosiali1234: either way, fixing this level of bug in utopic is likely not a priority14:03
ochosielfy: that's perfect, and all i wanted to hear. in your previous screenshot from the VM (if you remember) it was on a blue bg, and that should now be gone14:04
elfynope - not remembering that :)14:04
elfybut - glad your happy :)14:04
ochosilet me remind you then: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-190115-131753.php14:04
ochosisee how blue that is?14:05
elfyoh right - yea14:05
elfydidn't even look at that vm - was just seeing what knome wanted :D14:05
elfyand 'this' machine has bluetooth off 14:05
brainwashochosi: it seems like xfpm + light-locker triggers suspend out of nowhere (according to the latest comment in bug 1307545)14:10
ubottubug 1307545 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130754514:10
ochosii read that, but i'm pretty sure that signal isn't coming from light-locker14:11
ochosiit doesn't send suspend signals, it only listens to those14:12
ochosiand about the power manager i'm not sure either, might be something else14:12
brainwashochosi: so, xfpm -> light-locker > vt switch > logind takes control in vt8 > suspend is triggered > screen is locked twice in vt7 > blank screen bug?14:15
brainwashnot sure about the "screen is locked twice" part though14:16
brainwashochosi: I hope you understand this reaction chain :)14:19
brainwashthe solution seems to be to always late lock the screen14:21
brainwasheven when screen lock is triggered via light-locker-command14:22
ochosiwas that the thing that always worked?14:22
ochosinot sure that locking twice is really happening or really the source of the problem14:22
brainwashthat thing?14:23
ochosithe setting (late locking)14:23
brainwashI don't know, the dbus activation uses 2 steps, first lock the screen in vt7 and on resume switch to vt814:25
brainwashsimilar to late locking14:25
brainwashand it never caused trouble I think14:25
brainwashbut xflock4 -> light-locker-command will instantly switch to vt814:26
ochosiso yeah, we could try to patch xflock to send a dbus command :}14:27
ochosierr, dbus signal14:27
brainwashis there one? currently light-locker listens to the suspend and resume signal from logind14:28
ochosii was actually kidding14:29
ochosii guess xfpm would have to be more intelligent about light-locker14:29
brainwashyes, but light-locker is limited too, you cannot enable late locking on the fly14:30
brainwashlate locking aka "lock screen in vt7" > "suspend" > "resume" > "switch to vt8"14:31
brainwashwithout loignd14:32
brainwashmaybe ask cavalier about this14:32
brainwashalso, the elementary os team might encounter something similar14:33
knomesidi, slickymasterWork, ochosi, elfy ^14:38
elfylol - scared him away then 14:39
=== qwebirc511327 is now known as slickymasterWork
slickymasterWorkalready pushed knome?14:39
elfywhy firewall? 14:39
knomeelfy, read teh section :D14:40
elfyUse common sense when working in the web - should that no be on rather than in14:40
elfyor are we spiders from mars ? 14:40
knomeelfy, that's the removed chapter ;)14:40
knomegreen are additions14:40
elfyoh yea14:40
elfyI hate these things :|14:40
knomejust get the latest branch version then and run make14:41
knomeor see https://docs.google.com/document/d/18sEImteNJVZ7T6o0RR7erJbCpS8dXwHDC0pRpu1K3aI/edit?usp=sharing14:41
elfythat's betterer14:41
knomeelfy, you're a platypus14:41
elfypoisonous 14:42
knomeno, just anonymous, regarding google14:42
elfyoic 14:42
elfyso missing words? 14:43
elfyexactly !!!14:46
elfyhow did you guess :p14:46
elfyUse common sense when working in the web14:46
elfyoh bah14:47
elfyattackers can damage your reputation and websites nobody14:47
elfywhere between websites and nobody :)14:47
ali1234that whole sentence14:48
ali1234i had to read it about five times to even understand it14:48
slickymasterWorkok knome, I'll have a read to your rev later on at home14:49
ali1234i think in that section it's worth mentioning that the website owner might be able to see your password, not just attackers. and the website may even have been set up to steal passwords14:50
knomeyou can refer to the security expert sidi14:54
ali1234i added a comment on the doc14:55
knomeif you do changes in the doc, mark them with comments so i'll catch the changes14:55
elfyread it - makes sense to me15:08
sidiIs there a buggy bug in the doc?15:17
sidiblame it on knome.15:17
sidiali1234, we could talk about phishing indeed15:17
sidiit's good to know though that the odds are against us15:17
sidiessentially phishing is uncommon/unexpensive enough at a global scale15:17
sidithat even having users spend 2 minutes a year on avoiding phishing attacks is economically counter-productive15:18
ali1234i'm not talking bout phishing15:18
knomealso updated the translation template so people can get translating soonish15:29
slickymasterWorkgreat knome, thanks15:30
knomeslickymasterWork, we should start thinking the installer slideshow content and looks some day15:33
slickymasterWorkyes, you're right knome 15:34
slickymasterWorkdo you already have something in mind, regarding the artwork?15:34
slickymasterWorkor you want to do that after we finish the text part15:35
knomenothing apart that i want it updated, maybe in the direction of the website15:35
slickymasterWorkaesthetically?  15:36
knomeone aspect we might want to rethnk is the paths that we show in the slideshow15:36
knomeare they needed?15:36
knomeand should we try to point more to the documentation?15:36
knomei mean, more than in one place?15:36
knomesince we do have it up-to-date and relatively broad now15:37
slickymasterWorkwell, in terms of text/info on the slides we're not shipping any major new things, apart from a few changes in some apps15:37
knomesure, but maybe we want to flesh out the text anyway15:37
slickymasterWorkyeah, the paths could be something to be review15:37
knomeanyway, when we start working on that, i'd figure out what kind of content we want there first15:38
slickymasterWorkwon't to schedule a sprint for us?15:38
slickymasterWorkwhy hmpf?15:38
knomelet's schedule the scheduling for later15:38
knomebut something this month15:39
knomedo you have any preferences/days that simply won't work?15:39
slickymasterWorkpreferably at night15:39
slickymasterWorkafter 22:00 UTC everything works for during week days15:40
knomeweekday or weekend?15:40
slickymasterWorkon weekends it would be better the ones my kid isn't with me15:40
knomewhich are those?15:41
slickymasterWorkso I think it would be preferable week days after 22:00  15:41
knomei'll consult my wife today on her shifts15:41
knomeochosi, ping me when you're back16:12
ochosiknome: pon16:15
knomeoh :)16:15
knomewill PM you16:15
brainwashbluesabre: https://code.launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/xubuntu-default-settings/use-gsettings-for-ll ?17:07
brainwashbluesabre: ok or not ok?17:09
slickymasterknome, it doesn't have to be now, but tomorrow we could discuss your rev of the docs22:33
knomeslickymaster, i can do that in some time22:34
knomeso if you have comments, just pour them in22:34
slickymasterwell, I not to sure about the opening of the chapter22:34
knomeit's better than before22:35
knomethough that doesn't say much22:35
knomeit was basically listing the ToC before22:35
slickymasterwe're talking about a about a major subject, one that ought to be read carefully by our users, but at the same time we're almost telling them to at least read just a few subsection of it22:36
slickymasteron one hand we tell them "This is a brief guide on keeping your computer and personal information safe from security threats. "22:37
slickymasterbut on the other we go about " If you only have a short while, you should read at least the following subsections:22:37
slickymasterI don't no, it seems a bit of a paradox to me22:37
slickymasternot sure if I made myself clear to you k22:38
slickymasterknome: 22:38
knomehow else would you highlight the most important parts of the chapter?22:39
slickymasterthat's the thing, I wouldn't, we start it by saying that it's a breif guide22:39
slickymasterI don't think you should make it briefer by inviting people to short circuit its read22:41
knomewell tbh22:41
slickymastereven because its a really important subject22:41
knomeit's not very brief...22:41
knomei would have hard time reading that if i didn't know most of it already22:42
slickymasterno it isn't, but I'm ok with its extension22:42
knomeso maybe we shouldn't tell it's brief ;)22:42
slickymasterthat would be a solution22:42
slickymasterI can drop that setence22:42
slickymasteras I found a typo in the chapter I can do both things22:43
knomemaybe we should just face it and say it's written by a security student and that "if you had seen the original version, *then* you'd consider this brief"22:43
slickymasteris there a original version?22:43
knomenot any more22:43
knomeit was a rant by sidi22:43
knomei made it digestible22:44
slickymasterwhy not just drop the adjective 'brief' from that initial sentence?22:44
knomethat works for me22:44
slickymasterok, I'll do it then and push it22:46
sidislickymaster, remember this: users are EXTREMELY unmotivated by security22:46
sidiso, never ever waste their time22:46
slickymasterlol, the other way around knome, it's me you have to thank you 22:46
sidithat's why silly advice like "firewalls" must die22:46
sidiit pollutes their "compliance budget"22:46
sidiit's better, if they cant be bothered to go through the whole thing, to point them out to the absolute critical points22:47
knomethough that's true for every subjet22:47
* knome punches the C key22:48
slickymasterI can see that point sidi, that's just one more argument for me to force them to read it, and to avoid in any possible their lack of attention on such a big issue22:48
sidiit's like building up habits, you dont become a gym master in 24 hours if you were a couch potato. And since you barely see the positive externalities of security even after so many months/years, it's hard to motivate yourself into learning more security22:48
sidislickymaster, they'll tell you to **** *** if you *force* them :p that'd be a terrible UX move22:48
knomesidi, tut tut22:48
sidiknome, sorry i dont mean to say that myself22:49
sidii mean that the reaction will be extreme22:49
ochosithe knome train is rolling in..?22:49
knomechoo choo22:49
sidiand, you dont suspect how people behave about technology that gets in the way when you're not watching22:49
knomeochosi, reversed the max-width ;)22:49
slickymasterthe intention here isn't to force sidi, it's just not to help them being so casual about it all22:49
slickymasternor eight, nor eighty22:50
ali1234it's funny how people turn into computer geniuses when they want to read reddit at work22:50
sidislickymaster, i'm not casual about security. it's just very important to accept that we can achieve very little by asking users to invest in security22:50
ali1234but can't figure out how to restart a print job22:50
sidithey shouldnt have to22:50
sidiali1234, exactly 22:50
knomejust as funny as when everybody is an advanced user when a tutorial says "advanced users only:"22:50
knomemaybe we should word it in a way that the important parts are the ones they should START with22:51
sidiyou can only except a few minutes a day from a person to do all sorts of security-related tasks. whenever they need to login on a service, decide whether to open an email/file/app, register on a service, share files with others... they make tons of security decisions and they lose motivation quickly22:51
knomeslickymaster, ^ see, this is near the original version rant :)22:52
sidieven when you dont follow advice, you dont necessarily get into trouble, and when you do follow it you can still have issues, and you see none of the attacks being blocked22:52
knomeslickymaster, ^ and that22:52
ali1234yet they can follow any arbitrary amount of instruction 100% perfectly when they think they are going to get a free iphone22:52
knomewait, free iphones, where?22:52
sidiyeah, high perceived benefit ali1234 22:52
sidisecurity = low perceived benefit, high perceived cost22:52
slickymasterI'm not trying to imply that all sidi, I know you're not casual about it, what I'm saying is that we shouldn't let the users be lazy about it just because they're used to and we shouldn't chnage those habits22:53
knomeslickymaster, what about my latest proposal for wording? ;)22:53
sidislickymaster, let's make a parallel22:53
slickymasteryou'ver pushed another rev knome ?22:53
knomeslickymaster, no, i said that in the channel, but you probably missed it from the discussion22:54
knomeslickymaster, --> maybe we should word it in a way that the important parts are the ones they should START with22:54
slickymasterI did :P22:54
knomethat would fix our issue22:54
sidisay, your parents are obese and are starting to show signs of heart disease. you want to convince them to change their diet and exercise. they personally have a fatalist attitude and think nothing they can do will pay off. how do you go about it?22:54
knomesidi, wow, are we going deep :P22:54
sidi(economics of security for end users: http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1301853/1/compliance_budgetfinal.pdf // http://www.is.uni-muenster.de/security/publications/BG2011_Security_Cost_of_Cheap_User_Interaction_NSPW.pdf)22:55
knomesidi, we're trying to fix the wording on the documentation, not save anybody's life22:55
ali1234i guess nobody is immune to this, people just have different priorities22:55
sidi(everyday security practice http://users.ece.cmu.edu/~adrian/630-f05/readings/dourish-grinter-delgado-joseph.pdf)22:55
slickymasterI woulf fight that fatalism sidi 22:55
sidislickymaster, how?22:55
sidithat's the £100000 question22:55
sidiif you know how, i'll tip my boss into hiring you22:55
knomebut no £1000000 ? :(22:56
sidinah, that one is "how to get people to encrypt their emails?"#22:56
slickymastermind me, we, as in Portugal', are famous for suffering from fatalism since the 18th century22:56
ali1234ihpones only cost about $600 right?22:56
slickymastermake them, one way or the other, face the serious implications that that fatalism will, for sure, bring to their health22:57
sidifatalism is an outcome of people making efforts and not observing any difference. it's the whole expectations that people have that are broken22:57
sidithey think they "should/deserve to" be safe if they make efforts22:57
sidibut risk prevention never works that way. accidents still happen22:57
sidiyou can only look at risk situations by looking at global statistics22:57
slickymasterbut they have to make some sort of an effort sidi 22:57
sidiyet people will select whatever rare event occurs to them  and inflate it because bias of availability.22:58
sidislickymaster, yes but if you ask them more than they are willing to, they will quickly ignore you entirely22:58
sidithat's why we must prioritise security advice towards the most critical issues22:58
sidiwhen they are habituated to not run random scripts from forums, it'll already be a massive victory22:58
sidiand the practice, which is rife in linux communities, must be globally fought back. only when it's gone you can move on to the next topic22:59
slickymasterI agree with you entirely on that sidi, please don't missunderstand what I'm saying22:59
ochosinight all22:59
sidinight ochosi 22:59
slickymasternight ochosi 22:59
knomenighty ochosiy22:59
ochosithanks knomey (and all others)23:00
slickymasterwhat I'm saying is that people, like you pointed out, tend to be lazy and to always take the easier and shortest route, even more if they're invited to do it at the very begining23:01
sidislickymaster, actually [UX evaluation needed, but] I expect people will  read the first two/three paragraphs, then scroll through that doc and read the section titles only23:01
ali1234that's what i did23:02
sidithere should be some research into how people read newspaper texts, it's fairly consistent23:02
slickymasteryes, I knome 23:02
sidiso you can use pictures, excerpts written in massive fonts, etc. to catch users' attention throughout the doc and disturb that scrolling down habit23:02
slickymasterali1234 :P23:02
sidivivid colors attract the eye too23:02
sidislickymaster, if they want the short route, make the short route more appealing so they want to stop on the side. dont say "Nope,  I disagree, go for the detour instead it's better for you"23:03
sidiunfortunately the customer is always right ;-)23:03
slickymasterok, sidi, in your opinion dropping the adjective 'brief', from "This is a brief guide on keeping your computer and personal information safe from security threats." will in any way change the way they're goping to read the chapter?23:04
slickymasterali1234, would that have changed the way you read it?23:04
ali1234it's hard to say, i mean i already know all this stuff23:05
sidislickymaster, it might. i dont take a side without A/B testing on that one23:05
slickymasterwhat would be different ali1234?23:05
slickymasterin what different way you think you've read it?23:06
sidislickymaster, it depends on whether people consider it brief or not in the first place, and on whether they trust you or not23:06
slickymasterthat's exactly it sidi 23:06
sidiif they dont trust you, they might be inclined to disagree that it's brief23:06
ali1234well speaking of newspapers23:06
ali1234if i see a picture in an article i'll try to scan through the article to know more about the picure23:06
sidiif they trust you, they might think that even though it's long there's a lot more to it (which reinforces the feeling that security is only for experts, etc.)23:06
sidii mean, this thing is damn too long23:06
sidithe content is here, but the structure is painful for users, methinks23:07
ali1234i read the business section in the telegraph23:07
ali1234if there's ever news about a clothing company, or a movie company or something, they'll *always* use a picture with a pretty lady in it23:08
ali1234and it works on me... every time23:08
slickymasterputting the trust aspect aside (lets assume they trust the docs) do you think that just by having the brief adjective in that setence will catch more interest in the reading itself?23:08
slickymasterif yes, don't you think that the follwoing setence puts that already gained interest to loss when they're invited to go through a sort of a digest?23:09
slickymaster* sentence23:10
slickymastersidi: 23:10
sidislickymaster, sorry had to afk23:13
sidiwas looking for painkillers Q.Q23:14
sidislickymaster, i dont think the phrasing of that sentence is ideal23:14
sidibut the intro should, in a way or another, deliver the take-home message23:14
sidibecause in this kind of documents people wont read through the conclusion23:14
slickymasterI agree on that23:15
* slickymaster scratches head23:16
sidisorry guys got urgent work to do23:16
sidiand im so tired23:16
sidii can help later, but not now23:16
sidistill gotta do the damn UX survey too :-(23:16
slickymasterthanks for all the work you've done so far sidi 23:16
Unit193knome: keepassx.23:18
knometell slickymaster 23:18
sidislickymaster, its funny putting down the content doesnt feel like work for me ;P23:18
sidithe shape, however, is :p23:18
slickymasterI already use it Unit193 23:19
Unit193You asked. :P23:21
Unit193slickymaster: There's also the mono keepass2, or if you pull the package from Debian there's the keepassx that supports the newer database format, but the UI isn't as good as the current keepassx.23:22
knomeUnit193, oh you replied for that question23:23
knomei thought you told me it's keepassx, not keepass23:23
slickymasterthe docs mention keepass, not keepassx23:24
knomeyes, but the package name at least for trusty is keepass23:24
slickymasterI'm actually vety satiefied with keepassx23:24
slickymaster* very23:24
knomei like manual encfs stuff.23:24
Unit193!info keepass23:25
knomewell, semi-automated23:25
Unit193!info keepassx23:25
Unit193!info keepass223:25
ubottuPackage keepass does not exist in utopic23:25
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 1098 kB, installed size 3081 kB23:25
ubottukeepass2 (source: keepass2): Password manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27+dfsg-1 (utopic), package size 768 kB, installed size 2381 kB23:25
knomeslickymaster, mind changing that?23:25
slickymasteropes, I'll do it23:25
knomeKeePassX being the right casing?23:25
slickymasterreplace it by what? 23:26
knomewe say KeePass23:26
knomereplace with KeePassX23:26
Unit193knome: If you use that one, yes.23:26
slickymasterok, that one it will be23:26
knomeUnit193, probably23:26
knomei don't know about password managers, and if you say it's better....23:26
slickymasterI'm still facing that first sentence23:26
slickymasterI'm quite happy with keepassx23:27
knomedidn't you just say that? :D23:27
AgAudoes keepassx work with keefox and such to work with thunderbird and firefox?23:27
Unit193keepass2 may have plugins that work with it, but it is mono.23:27
slickymasterI'm tired knome 23:28
knomeslickymaster, awwh23:28
knomeUnit193, i was asking earlier because i needed to make another pick for the tip-box23:28
knomepick pasaffe because i know the maintainer by name, and it had a relatively recent release (nov 2014)23:29
Unit193AgAu: Ah cool, so plugins do generally work with keepass2?  Bah..23:29
knomewhy are these citruses so hard to peel!!!!23:29
AgAuim using keepass 2.28 with mono and keefox23:30
knomebtw, that should be my next random quote23:30
AgAuso all my passwords get auto filled in thunderbird and ff23:30
pleia2knome: want to take a look at the proposed text for our stickers+qa post? pad.ubuntu.com/QAIncentive23:30
knomebut i can23:30
pleia2thanks :P23:30
pleia2top of the pad, elfy and I worked on it a bit the other day23:31
slickymasterpleia2, defence or defense?23:31
slickymasterUnit193 ^^23:31
pleia2slickymaster: defense23:31
knomeManual testing of the development version of the Xubuntu development cycle.23:31
slickymasterthought so, also23:31
slickymasterthanks pleia2 23:31
knomepleia2, is the start supposed to be like that?23:31
pleia2knome: you're welcome to fix what's icky :)23:31
pleia2probably need to say *during the* development cycle23:32
knomeyou are mussing a verb23:32
* pleia2 fixed23:32
knomemissing too...23:32
pleia2hmm, I could have sworn that made sense at some point23:32
bluesabregood evening folks23:41
bluesabrebrainwash: nice, good one23:41
bluesabreI'll merge that in :)23:41
knomepleia2, is it any better now?23:43
pleia2knome: yes, thank you :) I'll prep this on the wordpress later and maybe we publish tomorrow23:44
knomei think we should also move the thanks section somewhere23:45
knomeit's kind of lost there23:45
knomeespecially the mention of future competitions is kind of hidden23:45
pleia2concluding with thanks is a kind of natural thing23:45
pleia2maybe move the future thing up 23:45
knomeshould the unixstickers mention go down to thanks?23:46
knomemuch better23:47
pleia2woo editing at the same time23:48
knomeif you are fine with this, i can dump it to WP23:49
knomeok, doing that now23:49
pleia2probably wait to publish until tomorrow though (holiday in the US today, lost of people missing from the intertubes)23:50
slickymasterknome: what do you think of: "Keeping your computer and personal information safe from security threats is one of the most important aspects of today's computing. This guide aims to help you achieving it, paying a particular attention following subsections:"23:51
pleia2knome: thank you for your help :)23:51
slickymaster+ to the before ".... following subsection:"23:52
knomepleia2, np23:52
slickymastercorrected: "Keeping your computer and personal information safe from security threats is one of the most important aspects of today's computing. This guide aims to help you achieving it, paying a particular attention to the following subsections:"23:52
knomeslickymaster, put that in a pad or sth and i'll poke it next23:52
slickymasterknome -> 23:54
knomepleia2, http://xubuntu.org/?p=2921&preview=true23:57
* knome releases post edit lock23:58
pleia2knome: ooh, we shold put a picture of the bundle in too23:58
slickymasterwfm knome 23:59
pleia2grabbing the one that is on the bundles page is fine I think23:59
pleia2I could take a picture of them myself, but probably not as pro :)23:59
knomepleia2, or you can take a photo of them and you!23:59
knomewho cares about pro!23:59

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