
thomiso... I guess that filing a bug on launchpad at this time is somewhat risky :D00:50
* thomi files https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/141260700:52
mupBug #1412607: loggerhead does not wrap long lines or allow you to scroll <loggerhead> <ui> <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412607>00:52
blr_thomi: the parent div just needs the css prop 'overflow: scroll'01:15
thomiblr_: cool01:15
blr_looks like the .diffinfo class has overflow: hidden set explicitly for some reason01:16
blr_I don't see a good reason for that.01:16
blr_could make sense in the context of another view though01:17
wgrantIt's probably for the expand animation on revision pages.01:18
wgranteg on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk-rich/revision/47401:18
blr_wrapping the lines would be better at any rate, horizontal scroll bars are not great.01:21
lifelessjust make the font smaller02:26

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