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dholbachgood morning07:52
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Cheese Lovers Day! :-D09:50
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mzanettipopey: rpadovani: http://notyetthere.org/data/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines_0.1.4_armhf.click10:47
justCarakasoohhh :D11:23
justCarakaswhat changed ?11:23
justCarakasanyway Im downloading it, mzanetti Im loving this game, I already finished everything with 3 stars in easy and am now working my way trough normal11:26
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mzanettijustCarakas: small tweaks all over... really just polishing, no major changes any more11:27
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mzanettijustCarakas: ah, too bad you finished it already, this package actually adds some treat when you collect all the stars11:28
mzanettijustCarakas: but you'll get it in medium eventually :D11:28
mzanettimivoligo: hey, added the images. I like them. my favorite is the medium one11:30
mzanettibecause of the broken enemies around. think it would look good to add them to the hard one too?11:31
mzanettimivoligo: also check out the small tweaks during gameplay (radius animation, transparent popup)11:31
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Justcarakasphonemzanetti version 0.1.4 wont start here11:47
mzanettiJustcarakasphone: just to make sure, did you refresh the apps scope after installing it?11:47
Justcarakasphonei did, i even rebooted11:48
Justcarakasphonei get the splash for 2 sec and than it closes11:48
mzanettiJustcarakasphone: anything intersting in ~/.cache/upstart/application-click-com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines_machines.log?11:48
JustcarakasphoneIll look11:49
JustcarakasphoneMzanetti error opening shm11:52
mzanettiignore that (if its from lttng11:52
mzanettiJustcarakasphone: ^11:52
qwebirc233537also a lot of invallid errors for qml scene11:54
qwebirc233537invallid optiin i meen11:54
mzanettithat's more interesting, can you paste it somewhere?11:54
mivoligomzanetti: hi, good to hear you like them :) I'll check the new stuff in a bit11:54
qwebirc233537Ill try to ssh in my phone after supper11:55
qwebirc233537cause on the phone i cant copy in the terminal app11:56
mzanettidoesn't the log viewer app support pasting?11:56
mzanettibut sure, after supper is fine11:56
mzanettiqwebirc233537: now I'm puzzled how this every worked, and why it works for some :D12:00
mzanettiwill fix12:00
qwebirc233537So what was in the changelog :)12:02
mzanettiqwebirc233537: uploaded fixed package12:03
mzanettistill at http://notyetthere.org/data/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines_0.1.4_armhf.click12:03
mivoligomzanetti: semitransparent popup for towers is nice12:04
mivoligomzanetti: I think now the inner shadow is not necessary there12:06
mzanettiinner shadow?12:07
qwebirc233537i cant download it, did the url stay the same ?12:07
mivoligomzanetti: it's UbuntuShape, right?12:07
mzanettimivoligo: yeah. ah, I see12:07
mzanettiok, can remove it I guess12:08
qwebirc233537now it is working12:08
mzanettimaybe it was still uploading.... should be good now12:08
mivoligomzanetti: clicking on the backgrounds of modal dialogs does not work :(12:10
mzanettimivoligo: seriously?12:10
mzanettiaw man :D12:10
mivoligo:D maybe it's just me12:10
qwebirc233537the game now boots12:11
justCarakasso what changed since version 0.1.2 mzanetti :)12:16
mzanettijustCarakas: some tweaks in the levels/towers/enemies. some fixes in the ui..12:17
mzanettimivoligo: should be fixed now12:17
mzanettimivoligo: I broke it during the last performance optimizations12:17
justCarakasI know :) I was qwebirc233537 :)12:17
mzanettijustCarakas: right that too ^12:17
mzanettiI figured that12:18
justCarakasstill looking for something decent to use as IRC on the phone12:18
mzanettiwhy are you asking again then? :D12:18
justCarakasmust have missed the changes :)12:18
mivoligomzanetti: does it have an effect on performance?12:18
justCarakassmall screen, lots of join and quit messages :)12:18
mzanettimivoligo: no... I just changed how the pages are loaded12:19
mivoligoah ok12:19
mzanettion that way I forgot to reconnect the backgroundclick stuff12:19
justCarakasyou only get the all stars treat once ? or for every dificulty level ?12:19
mzanettifor every difficulty level12:20
justCarakasok :) looking foreward to is :)12:20
justCarakasthe last level is nice12:20
justCarakasat first I tought meh, so easy, but than I saw the number of waves :D12:20
justCarakasI really love the laser towers12:20
mzanettijustCarakas: did you actually have to destroy existing towers to free up space for more powerful ones?12:20
mzanettiyeah, the laser is my favorite too12:21
justCarakasnever had to do that :)12:21
mzanettimight happen on medium or hard :)12:21
justCarakasok :) well I finished till level 14 with 3 stars and I only used the first 2 towers and the laser so far12:21
justCarakashavent even bothered to buy the other ones :p12:22
justCarakasI did however notice, if I remember correclty that if you finish you have stars left12:22
justCarakaswould be nice if you could do something with that12:22
mivoligomzanetti: can you experiment with animation of modal dialog appearing? I mean can the dark background appear instantly without animation? Or can it slide from the bottom?12:23
mzanettimivoligo: it can, sure... but means breaking it again... I'll see if I have the motivation to do that...12:24
mivoligomzanetti: sure, no hurry :P12:24
justCarakasI think the game should be installed by default when its finished :D12:24
justCarakasits by far the most awesome game so far12:25
mzanettithanks :)12:25
mivoligomzanetti: I've just clicked on the snowman to upgrade it :D12:26
mzanettirofl, actually12:27
justCarakasdoes that work ? mivoligo ?12:28
justCarakasmzanetti: I really like the level designs btw :)12:28
justCarakasvery beautifull12:29
mivoligojustCarakas: yes, it shoots with carrots :12:29
justCarakasbtw, what happens if you finish it all ?12:29
justCarakasah, thats new :) when I passed by the snowman it did nothing12:29
mzanettijustCarakas: all design related kudos go to mivoligo12:29
justCarakaswel in that case mivoligo, keep up the good work :)12:29
mivoligojustCarakas: you have to click on a secret pixel in order to snowman work12:30
mzanettiactually I thought about such things12:30
dholbachbeuno, I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-portal/+bug/141277712:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1412777 in Developer registration portal "Can't submit app with '-' in its name" [Undecided,New]12:30
mzanettibut that would destroy levels again... so not touching it any more :D12:30
mivoligojustCarakas: seriously though, it would be nice easter egg12:30
beunodholbach, thanks. I think fgallina has it in his queue12:31
dholbachok cool12:31
om26ernerochiaro, Hi!12:32
om26ernerochiaro, do you know what caused the gallery-app regression ?12:32
justCarakasah :D12:33
justCarakasyou know I actually had tried it :D12:33
mivoligojustCarakas: :D :D12:33
justCarakasin the past :)12:33
justCarakasbefore this conversation :D12:33
mivoligojustCarakas: noticed other "easter eggs" in graphics?12:34
justCarakasno, but I played a lot of the levels in version 0.1.012:35
justCarakasdunno if they where already in there at that moment12:35
mivoligojustCarakas: I'll just say there are references to some operating systems ;)12:37
om26erartmello, Hi!12:37
artmelloom26er: hello12:37
om26erartmello, I was told we can skip the automated test for silo14. So can you please add test cases for all bug fixes to the TestPlan ?12:37
om26erI see there is a test for .gif fix.12:38
artmelloom26er: sure, wil ldo that12:38
justCarakasoh yeas :D I saw the evil droids :)12:39
nerochiaroom26er: yes, it was a fix in thumbnailer12:39
nerochiaroom26er: i just explained it on the bug. however the whole thing highlighted a problem in gallery itself, which should not use the thumbnailer in the first place for the pictures that fail12:40
nerochiaroom26er: so i fixed that in gallery12:40
nerochiaroom26er: artmello is reviewing the fix12:40
mivoligojustCarakas: there's couple more ;)12:40
om26ernerochiaro, hmm, ok. I am testing a gallery-app silo already. I guess your fix will go in a different silo.12:41
nerochiaroom26er: which silo are you testing ?12:41
justCarakashmm Ill try to look out for them mivoligo12:41
om26ernerochiaro, 1412:42
mivoligojustCarakas: one might be to small to notice on the phone, I'm not sure12:43
nerochiaroom26er: we are going to request bfiller to create a new silo today. there are two MR that artmello is reviewing that fix RTM bugs12:44
justCarakasmivoligo: the snakes with the screens ?12:45
mivoligojustCarakas: no, something in the background12:47
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om26erartmello, when you update the TestPlan please let me know, so that we can continue with the silo.13:14
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artmelloom26er: tets plan is updated13:41
AkivaAvrahambzoltan_, zbenjamin did you have a chance to review it?13:42
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popeyahayzen: thank you!14:47
ahayzenpopey, no problem :) can you add me and victor to the team?14:47
popeyoh yes!14:47
popeyahayzen: we should come up with some work items for the blueprint I think?14:47
ahayzenpopey, i assume we're just gonna create another series and run off that?14:47
popeydid we come up with a silly remix/reboot name?14:48
ahayzenpopey, yeah if you could do that...with the weeks in there as well like we had for music14:48
ahayzenpopey, yeah i've been trying to think of a weather related one14:48
popeyok, added you to the team14:49
ahayzenpopey, cool thanks14:50
ahayzenpopey, do we have a target date/timeline for this as well?14:56
popeywell of course, asap :)14:57
ahayzenpopey, hint i work best under pressure ;)14:57
* ahayzen hides14:57
popeyIs it done yet?14:57
ahayzenpopey, nearly14:57
AkivaAvrahambzoltan_, double ping15:21
dholbachdpm, we used to have https://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ - do you remember what it was about?15:28
dholbachdpm, where should it go now?15:28
dholbachdpm, just /apps?15:28
dholbachor just developer.u.c so both apps and scopes are introduced to new developers?15:29
dpmdholbach, I'd point it to https://developer.ubuntu.com/start - however, do we need it?15:30
dholbachdpm, somebody mentioned the broken link - it was added to community.u.c some time ago15:30
dpmdholbach, I'd rather remove it from community.u.c15:30
dpmthanks dholbach15:31
dholbachwe broke quite a number of links over time15:31
dpmyeah, I think we can do better this time, as we can control our redirects without IS intervention and have self-fixable internal links15:32
dpmstill, I think I'd throw away that particular URL15:32
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow again!16:58
justCarakas2gnight dholbach16:58
dholbachbye justCarakas2 :)16:59
ahayzenHey, is there anyway of conditionally hide/disable a tab?17:00
popeyahayzen: common/Walkthrough/Slide2.qml:            text: i18n.tr("Plug your phone into your Ubuntu computer and drag and drop files staight across.")17:39
popeystaight is a typo17:40
ahayzenand two ands17:40
ahayzenbut meh thats english being silly17:40
popeyI would "and drag & drop"17:40
popeyalso, the last slide is a bit squiffy too, it implies you can only download _purchased_ music17:40
ahayzeni'll patch it up...hmm i may do that as well17:41
ahayzenpopey, don't ask me we're just implementing what design gave us :P17:41
popeysure :)17:41
ahayzenpopey, can you check the new now playing page 'fits' on krillin nicely?17:41
ahayzenpopey, also...check out the new now playing page ... from the designs Sam made a while back17:42
popeyahayzen: I'm tempted to fork the music app and make an audio book reader just renaming all the screens :)18:04
ahayzenpopey, heh18:04
ahayzenpopey, as in the walkthrough screens?18:05
popeyno, the whole thing18:05
popeyi want an app to listen to audio books18:05
ahayzenlike others wanted todo for podcasts18:05
popeybut dont want the files getting all jumbled up with my music18:05
ahayzenah damn after waiting ages to upload to lp i forgot to update the .pot :/ argggg18:06
ahayzenpopey, and i have a typo ... spelling typo \o/ ...anyway https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/type-walkthrough/+merge/247057 ... not sure if victor will want to check as well18:09
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sturmflut-workIs there anybody besides pete-wood who I can query about the connectivity-api?18:14
DanChapmansturmflut-work: Wellark is probably a good person to talk to about it18:16
AkivaAvrahamAh shucks, missed the questions18:49
AkivaAvrahamzbenjamin, bzoltan_ did you get a chance to look at the plugin? (sorry for the multiple pings)18:50
AkivaAvrahamjustCarakas, o/18:50
rpadovaniSturmFlut, hey, I opened a couple of bugs I would like to see fixed in the flood game, but they are little things, I hope it's ok for you :-) The game itself works great, thanks for the port :-)18:50
justCarakashey AkivaAvraham18:51
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justCarakasah back to thinkpad ?18:51
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, what have you been working on lately?18:51
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, yah; the other is my reddit handle.18:51
justCarakasa web app, but not for ubuntu touch :) I work also for a small online radio and I'm making a tool for the playlists :)18:52
akiva-thinkpadoh neat18:52
justCarakasand I also have got some websites lined up18:52
justCarakasso it looks like kamisado won't launch soon :)18:52
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, can you make websites with pure html5?18:52
justCarakasyou can if you want :)18:53
* akiva-thinkpad is not a web developer.18:53
justCarakasbut usually we add css to style things :) and javascript to make things more dynamic :) and if you want to be able to easely manage the content we use an other language to generate the html5 :)18:54
justCarakasI use php for that :)18:54
justCarakasbut you can perfectly make static sites in html5 :)18:54
justCarakasif you make a webapp that is acutally a html5 site :)18:55
justCarakasanyway, you are most likely way much better at QML and C++ than me :)18:55
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, heh. We'll have to make an app together some time.19:20
justCarakasgood idea, but what kind of app akiva-thinkpad19:35
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, mmmmm what are your interests?19:36
akiva-thinkpadIf we have a same interest; we can make an app on that19:36
justCarakashmm, good question :D I like games :D19:37
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, strategy and or tactical games?19:38
akiva-thinkpadokay start naming off your favourite strategy games, I'll do the same19:38
akiva-thinkpadif we match, we'll make it19:38
akiva-thinkpadtransittycoon, world of tanks, Dominion Card Game, Axis and Allies19:38
justCarakasisnt axis and allies somehting like stratego ?19:39
akiva-thinkpadheard of both of those; risk is pretty good. Could do it. Axis and Allies is advanced risk19:39
justCarakasI ment risk btw :p19:39
akiva-thinkpadyah there is an open source version called triplea, but is java and bloated as all hell19:39
justCarakasjava ? I don't like coffee :D19:40
akiva-thinkpadive heard of stratego, never played it.19:40
akiva-thinkpaddescent the board game19:40
akiva-thinkpadlove that one19:40
akiva-thinkpadScrabble is decent.19:40
justCarakastrue :D19:40
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, settlers of cataan is nice, but boring after awhile.19:41
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justCarakasI think multi player games are still rather hard on the phone :)19:41
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, indeed, but board games are not too bad considering you can take your time19:41
justCarakasbut if you have to wait too long its also not nice19:42
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, true. We could make a mode for that.19:42
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, question is though; what game will we make. We could design our own.19:43
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, ever play dominion btw?19:43
justCarakasno, but I have heard of it19:43
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, got time now? We could play a game19:44
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, what else do you like btw?19:44
justCarakaswhat I also like is RoboRaly19:44
akiva-thinkpadinteresting; never heard of that19:44
akiva-thinkpadI wish to try it19:45
akiva-thinkpadoh neat19:46
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, can you actually play this game online?19:47
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, have you ever had a game you wanted to develop yourself?19:48
akiva-thinkpadOr a story that you wanted to write?19:48
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justCarakasI really liked zelda19:52
justCarakasand pokemon, but only because you could walk around in a world19:52
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, ohhh... interesting... that sounds like a lot of fun19:52
justCarakasso if I would make something I would like something like that19:52
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, ever tried pokemmo?19:53
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, zelda though.... I'd think I'd have fun doing something like that.19:53
popeyahayzen: not sure about that "connect to your ubuntu computer" thing either... you can connect it to any computer :)19:54
justCarakascool :D19:56
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, now the zelda that I can imagine doing, is not zelda64.19:56
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, the easiest one to do would be a rogue like.19:57
justCarakasmaybe we can make a zelda/pokemon like game about ubuntu going up agains the evil m$ and apple19:57
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, heh; funny enough, I had a game like that in mind too.19:57
akiva-thinkpada mmo, where you could choose to be MS, Apple, or Linux, and yah19:57
akiva-thinkpadthat would be tough though.19:58
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, So do you want to make something turn based, or active?20:01
justCarakasmaybe just MS and Apple as evil guys and chosing between 3 linux distros ?20:01
justCarakasI dunno20:01
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, did you like any rpg's or roguelikes?20:02
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, also when you played zelda; which one? A link to the past?20:02
justCarakasthe one with the train :D but also an older one, usualy in a rom emulator :), I prefere RPG20:04
akiva-thinkpadthe one with the train?!?20:05
justCarakasspirit tracks20:05
* akiva-thinkpad thinks...20:05
akiva-thinkpaddo you mean final fantasy 6?20:05
akiva-thinkpadspirit tracks... waht?20:06
akiva-thinkpadnever played this zelda20:06
akiva-thinkpador even heard of it!20:06
akiva-thinkpadwhat is this rubbish; trains and zelda ?!20:06
akiva-thinkpadwhat's next; Zelda an Guns and Lazers?20:06
SturmFlutrpadovani: Ciao! Thanks for your bug reports, I'll probably fix most of them during the remaining week.20:08
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justCarakasakiva-thinkpad: what I liked the most about both zelda and pokemon was that you could alk around free, and play the game the way I liked it20:11
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, okay so that is the first requirement.20:11
akiva-thinkpadLets create a google doc20:11
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oX0tHrNL1i-e9sEKYPKeDoLE2o7NUQ5OpKOmL7Q9nF4/edit#gid=020:15
ahayzenpopey, i know i thought that as well...20:53
rpadovanikalikiana, hello :-) Any update on bug #1320885?21:04
ubot5bug 1320885 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "TextField ignore all text placement rules" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132088521:04
kalikianarpadovani: it's an odd bug… on the desktop it just works for me, but you said for you it doesn't… so where is the real problem…21:10
kalikianarpadovani: just to be sure, do you still see the problem on the desktop?21:11
rpadovanikalikiana, actually, on vivid updated I'm not able to reproduce it21:12
rpadovanibut still present on rtm21:12
rpadovanikalikiana, sorry, I didn't verify for some time, if in vivid is fixed for me it's ok21:12
kalikianahmmm I could double-check with an rtm uitk on vivid21:12
kalikianagimme a minute21:13
kalikianarpadovani: well, one thing is clear, it's not the uitk21:14
kalikianaI just ran the rtm and vivid uitk's on the same vivid system, and both work21:15
justCarakasmivoligo: is that a pinguin in that iglo window ?21:16
rpadovanion a nexus 4 with rtm #12 it is still present...21:16
kalikianait might be a bug in qt21:18
kalikianaunfortunately that's the opposite of easy to test on the same system21:19
mivoligojustCarakas: bingo! :D21:19
rpadovaniI see... thanks kalikiana, at least on vivid is fixed :-)21:20
mivoligojustCarakas: one more to go ;)21:20
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nik90kalikiana: hey, can we chalk the issue up to qt and close the bug?21:48
mivoligomzanetti: so we're almost there :)21:52
mzanettimivoligo: yes!21:53
mzanettitrying to solve the last few levels atm21:53
mzanettimivoligo: this is where we're at: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/01/20/plasma-desktopVk2448.png21:53
mzanettihave 3 stars at all the others21:54
mivoligomzanetti: all the towers unlocked?21:54
nik90mzanetti, mivoligo: I tried out v0.2.1 few days back ... and it looks amazing! The last time I checked it out was several months ago and since then it has come a long way. Looking forward to seeing it (and even buying) in the stores!21:56
mivoligomzanetti: as I don't have a phone to try, I wonder if the sliders on sound settings page are not to close to each other21:56
mivoligonik90: thanks :)21:56
mzanettimivoligo: no, it's ok21:57
mzanettithanks nik9021:57
kalikiananik90: well my impression would be, it's been fixed in vivid21:58
mivoligomzanetti: ok, good :)21:58
kalikiananik90: I could mark it Invalid on the bug21:58
nik90kalikiana: I meant we know its not the UITK which solves it, but some other component in the vivid images..so I suppose it can be marked invalid.21:59
mivoligomzanetti: just noticed the size of the picture you linked to :D21:59
mivoligowhat screen is that?22:01
mzanettiMacBook Pro22:01
mivoligorunning Linux I hope :P22:02
mivoligomzanetti: how's the game working on the phone now? Is it fullscreen?22:10
mzanettimivoligo: while you're wiating...22:12
mzanettias it's currently not supported to lock an app to landscape I've added this when in portrait: http://i.imgur.com/R9nHBIr.png22:13
mzanetticare to paint a nice picture that shows the pone with some rotate arrow or something?22:13
mzanettionce the platform supports locking landscape this would simply not appear any more22:14
mivoligomzanetti: seriously it is not supported? :/22:15
mzanettino, not yet. will come with the shellRotation branches22:15
mzanettiwhich will hopefully land soon22:15
mivoligothe game must look silly in portrait mode :D22:16
mzanettiyeah... it does :D22:16
mivoligomzanetti: ok, I'll do something tomorrow probably but maybe we can use Ubuntu default icon for that?22:17
mivoligoI think I've seen it on some screenshots22:18
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