
dholbachgood morning07:52
dpmgood morning everyone08:00
dholbachhi dpm08:01
dpmmorning dholbach08:02
dpmdholbach, ah, forgot to ask yesterday, how did the birthday party go?08:03
dholbachit was good fun - we kicked out the last folks at half past four and it looked like none of the neighbours really noticed much, so I probably shouldn't have turned the music down as much as I did :-P08:04
elfymorning czajkowski - welcome back to the sensible timezone :p08:32
czajkowskiI'm back and smothered and bronchitis with a non working boiler09:06
silverlionczajkowski, hey there good to have you back ;)09:14
dholbachczajkowski, bah - poor you... I hope you're better soon again09:14
silverliondholbach, morning09:14
dholbachhi silverlion09:14
czajkowskidholbach: joys of working from home you still work :)09:24
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb09:46
silverlionwb dholbach10:09
dholbachit was hard to get lost on the way :)10:09
silverlionhow did you manage to do that? aren't you supposed to know your way to the office?10:10
silverlionor aren't you working from home (canonical stuff)?10:10
mhall119nah, dholbach is a hippy who likes things like "human interaction"14:47
dholbachnot really...14:49
mhall119jose: can you re-post http://mhall119.com/2015/01/ubuntu-loco-team-global-jam-packs/ to the Fridge?15:16
pleia2mhall119: on it16:55
mhall119thanks pleia216:57
pleia2so, I asked last week but I think it was too late in the day, we had a guy who wanted to come out to our Ubuntu Hour to ask about OIL (and how to convince his manager to become part of it), who can I point him to?16:58
pleia2works for a Big Company16:58
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow again!16:59
dholbachpleia2, kirkland? jcastro?16:59
dholbachhugs - see you!17:00
jcastropleia2, send him to me directly and I can ensure he gets the right response17:00
pleia2jcastro: great, thank you :)17:00
jcastroOIL @ Ubuntu Hour? Man, that's awesome17:00
jcastrousually I end up fixing people's broadcom wireless everywhere I go. :-/17:00
pleia2sadly he didn't actually come, I think he was disappointed that no Canonical contacts would be there17:02
jcastrois he in the area?17:08
jcastrooh, nm, scale is in LA isn't it17:08
pleia2yeah, far away :)17:10
jcastropopey, ping17:13
popeyjcastro: pong17:13
jcastropopey, so over the weekend I played with bcache17:13
jcastro125% recommended17:14
jcastroso I had one 240GB SSD17:14
jcastroso did17:15
jcastro20GB /, 220ish for cache, backed by a 1TB spinning disk17:15
jcastrothen mounted the 220GB/1TB as one "1TB" drive for /home17:15
popeyI destroyed my btrfs volume at the weekend17:16
popeylost all my backups and other stuff17:16
jcastrowtf happened?17:16
popeywas getting corrupted by the array i believe17:16
popeydodgy external array box thing17:17
jcastrough man, sorry, condolences17:17
popeynow decommissioned and replaced with a different one17:17
popeyyeah :(17:17
popeyhowever, I now have 2x 4 way volumes instead17:17
jcastrothat being said I am doing an rsync->jbod array in another desktop just in case17:17
popeywhich makes a bit more sense17:17
popeyone array for backups of my servers, laptop, desktop and (lol) my phone :)17:17
popeythe other array for data I can easily re-download / replace17:18
jcastrooh and you'd dig this17:18
popeyit's quite fun doing an rsnapshot backup of my phone over ssh17:18
jcastroI manage updates on the machine with Landscape17:18
popeyme too :)17:18
jcastroso like, game console managed with landscape = lol17:18
jcastrodoes syncthing work on the phone?17:18
popeyyeah, i wanna build a steam box17:18
popeyyes and no17:18
jcastroit is a fun hobby17:18
popeyhe has an armhf build but it doesn't run in the background17:18
jcastroI just got a projector, I am finishing my basement so I'm going to move the box down there ftw.17:19
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
pleia2marcoceppi_: see you at fosdem \o/ (I'm speaking later in the day in the config mgmt track)18:19
marcoceppi_pleia2: I would love to be there, but I'm not able to because of conflicting travel - lazyPower is going to be there though to cover the talks instead!18:20
pleia2aw :(18:21
pleia2but I don't think I've met him yet, I shall go bug him18:21
popey\o/ FOSDEM18:24
* popey is also going18:24
pleia2yay :) czajkowski will be there too18:24
popeyyeah, I'm sat next to her on the Eurostar :D18:25
pleia2hi czajkowski!18:26
popey(on the way to fosdem, not right now) :)18:26
pleia2got that, eventually18:26
pleia2I'm taking a lousy american carrier airplane, had hoped to upgrade with miles for the redeye but apparently that's impossible18:26
pleia2(on paper it's possible, but no seats ever available)18:27
marcoceppi_oh man, all these awesome people going :( hopefully next year!18:29
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=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
mhall119marcoceppi_: you're going to Scale though right?20:41
marcoceppi_mhall119: yup, jcastro, jose and I will be there amoung others20:41
mhall119marcoceppi_: me too :)20:41
pleia2that's the one I'm missing this year, sad sad20:44
czajkowskiI may be going to SCALE !20:48
czajkowskiI am going to OSCON though20:48
jcastropleia2, oh no!20:54
pleia2jcastro: I'm not actually that sad, I'm giving a keynote at a university in Oman that week20:58
pleia2missing scale is unfortunate, but Oman :D20:58
elfywarmish ...20:58
pleia2elfy: thank goodness for winter, won't die20:58
jcastropleia2, yeah but I was bringing my wife this year20:59
jcastroand my brother20:59
pleia2jcastro: aw20:59
jcastroand we were going to like, sit in the audience and heckle bacon20:59
jcastroand like throw things at aq20:59
=== belkinsa_ is now known as belkinsa
elfyhi belkinsa :)21:22
mhall119jcastro: oh, sign me up for heckling21:26
joseczajkowski: at scale too?!21:45
czajkowskialthough I may have a clashing other event to be at but in theory I am21:45
mhall119czajkowski: \o/21:50
knomemhall119, for the planet.ubuntu.com code: .entry-content img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }21:54
mhall119knome: thanks for the reminder, someone was supposed to make a Launchpad project for that code21:55
mhall119I'll check in with them in the morning21:55
knomecan do MP's for *lots* of things if somebody promises to review them21:56
mhall119knome: anthony dillon I think is your guy for that21:56
knomemhall119, he had one of my age-old (think: years) bugs assigned to him for a long time, then lately removed himself from the assignee field21:57
knomeso, i'm not trusting on that one21:57
mhall119knome: be patient, those guys get bounced around a lot21:57
knomepatient? i waited for several years for a one-liner CSS21:57
knomethat's always the same answer...21:57
mhall119what project was that?21:58
knomeprobably the wiki21:58
mhall119oh, I don't know if they handle the wiki anymore21:58
knomeapparently not.21:58
knomebut this isn't an encouraging path21:59
mhall119knome: anyway, they've agreed that there needs to be a project on LP where people can submit MPs, we had a meeting on Friday about that21:59
pleia2mhall119: thanks, I appreciate that it's being discussed21:59
knomei appreciate that too, but i don't believe anything until that's set up and relatively speedy response/push-to-production times are proven22:00
mhall119knome: push to production is going to have to go through IS, same as sites like summit and ltp22:01
knomemhall119, i understand that and am doing that with other community sites, for which the process is working relatively well currently22:01
knomethat hasn't been the bottleneck with this one22:01
knomewell, it might have been that some years ago... but currently, i don't think that's it.22:02
mhall119knome: we will get this one running in a better way22:02
* knome has waited since 200822:02
mhall119then what's one more week?22:02
knomethat's a great attitude, ten points to it ;)22:03
knomeno, i understand22:03
knomebut i won't believe the process is working until it is22:03
mhall119fair enough22:04
knomesomething i've learned in 6 years and many, many promises22:04
knomeconsider if a one-liner fix was available was available for a package in the repository22:04
* mhall119 has too many unfinished work items and bug assignments to criticize anybody else 22:04
knomeit wouldn't take several years to land that even if there were bottlenecks and people changing22:04
knomewell who doesn't, especially in the community side...22:05
knomemhall119, so anyway, if you're looking at it...22:06
knomemhall119, please make sure there are branches for planet.ubuntu.com, wiki.ubuntu.com and even pad.ubuntu.com available22:06
mhall119knome: I've only looked into planet so far22:06
knomethe pad chat is broken; if there are enough messages to fill the chat vertically, the last line will not be completely visible22:06
mhall119cjohnston might have something for pad.ubuntu.com22:06
knomeit's a one-liner fix as well22:06
cjohnstonIIRC etherpad is either a package or from github22:09
knomei wonder why other etherpad instances i've used do not have the same bug though :)22:10
knomemust be some black magic going on in *.ubuntu.com22:10
cjohnstonthe version it's using maybe?22:10
cjohnstonI don't know22:10
cjohnstonetherpad vs etherpad-lite?22:11
mhall119it's probably a fairly old version22:11
knomeyeah, don't get me started on old versions22:11
mhall119knome: write a charm and mojo spec for it, and you'll be able to keep it up to date easily :)22:12
knomei can't do that.22:12
knomebut i can write CSS, and i have done so22:12
knomei'd just hope there was a way to input my fixes to the community sites so i could stop using personal customizations22:12

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