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pittiGood morning04:56
pittihey Unit193!04:56
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pittishadeslayer, Riddell: so what's the deal with kde-sc-dev-latest? all KDEish autopkgtests fail now as tests want to install that package, but it's not available06:56
pittie. g. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-ksystemlog/25/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console06:57
pittiand 24 others06:57
dholbachgood morning07:52
LocutusOfBorg1hi developerz!08:05
pittixnox: hmm, is upstart-monitor supposed to work? I'm running it to see the update-notifier events (:sys:block-device-changed), but I don't get any event08:23
pittiand apparently update-notifier's job also doesn't trigger08:23
pittixnox: oh wait, my fault -- running VM under systemd, sorry08:23
pittixnox: typical "find the solution after you ask", sorry08:23
pittixnox: hm, it doesn't work under upstart either; neither in default mode nor with -d system-socket09:07
pittiand the update-notifier job still isn't started09:07
pittiah, with sudo I do get the events09:13
pittiblock-device-changed KERNEL='sr0' ID_FS_TYPE='iso9660'09:13
pittithat's what update-notifier-cds.conf matches on, but it never actually fires09:13
pittipresumably because upstart-monitor as user also doesn't see those? is there some kind of ACL?09:14
pittijodh: ^ is the session upstart supposed  to see events like the above?09:14
alkisg_webpitti, hi, would you mind if I pinged you about your opinion in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/+bug/453605/comments/13 ?09:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 453605 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "Make default mount umasks configurable" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:15
jodhpitti: at the session level, they should be prefixed with ':sys:'.09:15
* alkisg_web proposed to just drop dmask=0077 there, not to make it configurable...09:15
pittijodh: right, that's how I understood it; but they never seem to actually arrive09:15
pittijodh: i. e. if I see them in "sudo upstart-monitor", but not in "upstart-monitor" or "upstart-monitor -d session-socket", it smells like there's something wrong?09:16
pittijodh: likewise, /usr/share/upstart/sessions/update-notifier-cds.conf never fires, i. e. it's not seeing these events either09:16
pittialkisg_web: at first sight this seems sensible; I need to look into this more closely, I'll keep the tab open09:17
alkisg_webpitti, thanks a lot09:17
jodhpitti: sounds like a problem with the upstart-event-bridge. I believe xnox made changes to a number of the bridges recently so he might want to check the behaviour.09:19
pittijodh: ack, I'll wait for him then09:20
pittijodh: thanks09:20
pittixnox: on that note:09:20
pittiMOUNTPOINT=$(udisks --show-info $DEVNAME | grep 'mount paths' | awk -F: {'print $2'} | sed -e 's/^ *//')09:21
pittihow much more shell/grepping commands can you put into one line... :-)09:21
jamespagemorning all09:22
pittihey jamespage09:22
jamespageany archive admins around with a spare hour? I have three new neutron-* source packages in the NEW queue for vivid which are refactorings of drivers from the main neutron codebase09:23
jamespageI'd like to get them into vivid so we can complete testing of the openstack kilo-1 milestone :-)09:23
pittijamespage: I'll have a look09:39
jamespagepitti, thankyou - much appreciated!09:39
pittimmmh, lintian clean09:40
pittijamespage: btw, please stop using http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5 as Format: field in d/copyright -- use http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/#format-field (it's an official standard now)09:42
pittijamespage: I mean, use what's written ther ( http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/), not literally the above :)09:43
jamespagepitti, erg - sorry - that's probably just a copy paste error - I'll fix that up on next upload (doing some work on enabling the test suites atm)09:43
pittijamespage: can you please also add Depends: ${python:Depends}?09:45
pittijamespage: reviewing neutron-fwaas ATM (might be similar in the other three)09:45
jamespagepitti, ack09:45
pittijamespage: ok, if you show me a commit with the missing dep (which is quite serious), I'll accept this09:47
pittirest looks good; moving to vpnaas09:48
pittijamespage: vpaas is similar; except that neutron-vpn-agent has ${python:Depends} which is almost surely a no-op there (and should be on python-neutron-vpnaas)09:50
jamespagepitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9793034/09:53
jamespagepitti, that was for fwaas09:53
pittijamespage: ack, thanks; accepted fwaas09:53
pittijamespage: ok, no other issues found in vpnaas, exact same two as above09:55
jamespagepitti, ok fixing in the same way09:55
pittijamespage: lbaas> same old, ok otherwise09:59
jamespagepitti, ack - I have the same fix ready to go for both of those10:00
pittijamespage: ack, source-NEWed10:01
jamespagepitti, is there a nice way to pull the source package from the NEW queue?10:01
jamespagedget whinges alot10:01
pittijamespage: not that I'm aware of, I just usually grab all three files10:01
pittijamespage: yeah, each component has a different librarian ID :/10:01
jamespagepitti, thanks for the review - very much appreciated - I owe you one (or three)10:01
pittijamespage: no worries :)10:01
jamespagepitti, did the strongswan systemd compat get fixed?10:02
pittijamespage: let me know when you uploaded the fixes, then I'll binNEW them10:02
* jamespage looks10:02
pittijamespage: trying to remember if I uploaded that, hang on10:02
pittiit's an utterly messy package, but I thought I did10:02
pittijamespage: yes, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strongswan/5.1.2-0ubuntu510:02
pittiI'm now "touched it last", but I'm really not going to merge it10:02
pittinobody has bothered to merge it in ages :(10:03
pittiand I don't nearly know enough about this to test a merge properly10:03
jamespagepitti, urgh - I hate that10:04
jamespagejpds has been its custodian in ubuntu - maybe he might like todo that merge :-)10:04
jamespagepitti, ok - all three of those updates uploaded and built10:08
pittijamespage: ah, now that's a presentable Depends: now :)10:13
pittijamespage: all done10:14
jamespagepitti, thanks!10:15
jpdsjamespage: The whole package has a revamp coming up, and there's nothing to "merge" from Debian.10:15
pittiwell, we have an enormous diff which looks quite noisy; essentially, we maintain it ourselves10:16
pittii. e. we have to do things like the systemd migration or other packaging updates ourselves10:16
pittiand we are behind on the upstream version too10:16
jpdspitti: Hence the revamp.10:16
pittiI don't mind much, I just don't want to be held accountable for doing the next merge :)10:16
pitti(as TIL)10:16
jpdspitti: I talked to the Debian guys and they weren't interested in enabling half of the things strongSwan offers.10:16
pittijpds: if nobody expects us to merge, that's fine then :)10:17
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* xnox loves ppc64el "wrong value for kill (job_pid, SIGKILL), expected -1 got -1"11:22
xnoxhits retry button11:22
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pittixnox: hm, I was  about to test your new upstart silo, but I don't see it any more?11:29
pittixnox: oh, I figure that was https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/1.13.2-0ubuntu6 and it's in already; nice!11:30
xnoxpitti: didrocks tested it and we landed it. uploaded ubuntu7 now with correct session udev bridge job.11:30
* pitti hugs xnox and diddledan11:30
pitti... and didrocks too11:30
pittino cookies for me for laziness and tab completion damage11:31
xnoxpitti: however we want to implement globbing as well, such that one can wantedby android-container@foo.bar=val*.target (where "*" is actually systemd-escape'ed value \x3d or some such)11:31
xnoxpitti: and then the bridge will iterate through all jobs, and store globs, and upon glob match of event it will start: android-container@foo.bar=val*.target AND android-container@foo.bar=valfull_value_that_was_there.target11:32
pittixnox: so is https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/upstart/no-classes/+merge/245948 "merged" now?11:32
xnoxpitti: yes.11:32
xnoxpitti: well superseeded by systemd-local-bridge branch and merged into different target - lp:ubuntu/upstart11:33
pittioh, it's not merged into trunk, but the ubuntu package11:33
xnoxpitti: jodh didn't want systemd silliness in lp:upstart11:33
pitti*nod*, fair enough11:33
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shadeslayerpitti: errr .. hmm13:44
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ricotzxnox, hi, i guess ubuntu-dev-tools is missing a dependency on python-ubuntutools14:16
xnoxricotz: possibly14:16
ricotzmeaning it broke here since python-ubuntutools isnt installed ;)14:17
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tewarddobey: thanks for responding to http://askubuntu.com/questions/575775/is-it-possible-to-retire-packages-that-dont-stand-up-to-modern-usability-standa - i had initially popped into -release to have that answered, and they stated also that packages don't get removed unless it's legally compelled as such...14:38
dobeypackages only get removed from stable releases if legally compelled to do so. they can be removed from the in-developement archive for lesser reasons, but one guy saying "this is hard to use" is not a good reason14:40
dobeyespecially for stuff that's just synced from debian and is in universe14:40
tewarddobey: indeed.14:41
cjwatsonRight, I said "for old releases" in #-release.14:41
tewarddobey: i saw a special-case, bitcoin, once - think it was a "too volatile to be updated" and such14:41
tewardbut that was special-case14:41
cjwatsonteward: Please could you edit your misquoting comment that says "they don't remove any packages, unless compelled to for legal reasons"?14:41
dobeyteward: i think that was updated to be an empty package14:41
tewardcjwatson: i would have to delete the comment entirely - you would have to restate.14:42
cjwatsonI'm not going to get involved, but I want you not to be misquoting me.14:42
tewardcjwatson: granted i have 2% power on my laptop14:42
dobeywhich is certainly doable if it makes sense to do14:42
tewardso it's deleted14:42
cjwatson(I mean I'm not going to get involved on askubuntu)14:42
tewardcjwatson: i know what you meant, it's deleted, problem solved, lets move on.14:42
tewardback in a bit, gotta find a power outlet14:42
teward... and coffee14:42
tewardso, the DMB made a suggestion when I got my PPU rights for nginx that there be an Ubuntu specific index.html for the nginx package, which would be installed based on $DEB_VENDOR - my question is, would such a test be automatic or need to be scripted into the install file(s)?14:59
teward(part of the always-learning-the-system experience is asking questions when one is unsure, hopefully you don't mind the question)14:59
rbasakteward: good question :)15:00
rbasakteward: AFAIK, it needs to be scripted in debian/rules15:00
rbasakThough maybe someone will come along and tell me about a debhelper feature that is better than that :)15:01
rbasakApache has a similar need, and the Debian maintainer did offer to do something similar. I was happy to maintain it as a delta though.15:01
rbasak(so I don't have that for Apache currently)15:01
tewardrbasak: the issue with nginx is that they ship a Debian-specific index.html15:01
tewardpointing back to BTS and Debian bug reporting methods15:02
rbasakYeah, same with Apache.15:02
tewardrather than ours - hence the DMB recommendation15:02
teward(the latest merge, just went and hacked away at the shipped index.hml)15:02
rbasakteward: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/128869015:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1288690 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "default page is debian branded" [High,Fix released]15:02
tewardooo i should probably check trusty and utopic for this bug... if it exists, make it for nginx15:03
tewardrbasak: darn it, you're adding to my bugs lists!  >.<15:03
teward(just kidding)15:03
tewardrbasak: thank goodness only vivid is affected by this15:07
tewardand the PPAs, but i'm lazy with updating those considering i spent almost a month hammering out code issues >.<15:08
rbasakScottK: can I have an opinion from you on bug 1412830 please? sa-update or SRU?15:37
ubottubug 1412830 in spamassassin (Ubuntu) "[AHBL] spamassassin is returning false positives by default" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141283015:37
ScottKrbasak: sa-update is disabled by default, so I think an SRU is appropriate.15:38
rbasakScottK: OK, thanks. I'll arrange it.15:38
ScottK(Note: the Debian SA maintainer is considering changing that default for a future release)15:39
shadeslayermvo: any news wrt the synaptic SRU?15:42
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pittislangasek, stgraber, kees: TB meeting in 9 mins; mdeslaur and infinity sent their apologies; I'm still in a hangout, but I'll watch with half an eye16:52
* slangasek nods16:52
slangasekwho's the chair today?16:52
Riddellpitti: kde-sc-dev-latest back in the archive now16:55
pittiRiddell: ah, was it removed? that explains why they suddenly started failng without there being an upload for it16:56
Riddellpitti: yes sorry, I removed meta-kde but I've put it back now with only kde-sc-dev-latest16:57
Riddell(which we don't use but we need it to stop a muckle diff from debian)16:57
pittiRiddell: ack, thanks! I'll wait  until it's published and then retry all the tests16:58
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | upload.ubuntu.com maintenance 1800-1805 UTC | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatson(hopefully will be more like seconds, but just in case anything goes wrong)17:15
tewardrepots of my question just in case someone knows another method other than scripting in debian/rules... teward> so, the DMB made a suggestion when I got my PPU rights for nginx that there be an Ubuntu specific index.html for the nginx package, which would be installed based on $DEB_VENDOR - my question is, would such a test be automatic or need to be scripted into the install file(s)?  (I admit I don't know everything, but I wish to learn17:52
tewardbest practices)17:52
tewardgrah, evil irc truncation!  *shakes fist*17:52
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=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
mvoshadeslayer: I have uploaded it, its wating in the utopic-proposed queue18:25
shadeslayermvo: thx :)18:25
mvothank you for preparing the diff!18:25
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