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alan_gduflu: has one of us misread lp:1412492? AFAICS it is about real keyboard layout, not OSK. (I.e. switching ASERTY, QWERTY etc.)09:10
duflualan_g: I will update and ask for clarification09:12
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seb128alan_g, duflu, it is about real keyboard layout09:25
seb128e.g having keys on my laptop azerty keyboard do what they are supposed to do09:25
seb128atm when I press the "z" I get a "w", e.g the layout is qwerty09:26
seb128I commented on the bug09:26
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tsdgeos_racarr: your patch for qtubuntu doesn't compile11:14
* tsdgeos_ realizes racarr is probably sleeping11:14
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anpok_alf_: we were causing that error with wrapper.c .. it overwrites LD_LIBRARY_PATH12:37
alf_anpok_: ack12:37
anpok_so with the mp it gets more robust12:42
anpok_because of the absolute path... but we should also change wrapper.c12:42
anpok_or come up with a better solution12:42
* alan_g votes for a bet12:46
alan_gter solution12:46
* alan_g must learn to hit one key at a time12:47
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anpok_hm how about not having a wrapper at all.. but search in ../lib/server-{modules,platforms}/ and in the configured MIR_SERVER_PALTFORM_PATH?13:06
kdubi'd much rather search and test than have a wrapper13:08
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greybackalf_: hey, continuing from Friday - finding a gl config with pbuffer support - here is all the configs I'm getting with eglGetConfigs: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9794951/14:58
greybackall the EGL_SURFACE_TYPE are set to EGL_WINDOW_BIT (4)14:58
greybacktried adding eglGetErrors everywhere, but all imply success14:59
greybackso think maybe I should use something other than pbuffer. FBO probably15:00
greybackjust for context, I'm working on multimonitor support for Qt. On monitor removal, Qt wants to create a temporary offscreen surface so that it can clean up the gl resources associated with the removed monitor15:01
alf_greyback: I am not sure that makes much sense to me, but Qt knows best :)15:02
greybackwell I won't be changing Qt,  I just want to make it happy15:02
alf_greyback: +1 for FBO15:03
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racarrtsdgeos: IT is still depending on unlanded changesI will mark WIP15:52
tsdgeosracarr: i see, tx!15:55
greybackalf_: FBO works nicely, thanks16:10
attente_hi, i saw that https://code.launchpad.net/~albaguirre/mir/add-menu-api/+merge/244632 was merged, thanks for that. is there any plan for adding support to the demo shell for it? also, is there any plan for just having a generic subsurface api?16:11
anpok_we decided to avoid a generic api when it comes to handling surface types16:12
anpok_or rather the team decided that the shell should be able to consistencly decide and implement the surface behavior.. instead of letting the client pick a combination of available semantics16:15
attente_anpok_: ok, thanks16:23
anpok_o_O s/c/t16:24
anpok_so it means if something is missing or not the way clients or shells prefer it we need complaints16:25
racarrthere will be many kinds of child surfaces :)16:26
racarrthere will not be "sub surfaces"16:26
anpok_all kids are different16:26
racarrat any point in the near future I guess16:26
attente_sorry, right, that's what i meant16:26
racarrmaybe one day, specialized for video decoding orsome such16:26
attente_is anyone working on adding those menu surface semantics to the mir demo server?16:26
attente_i was trying to look through the codebase but couldn't figure things out16:27
racarrattente_: I guess AlbertA is going to add something to one of the example servers but its caught up in some16:28
racarrbig refactorings aha16:28
AlbertAattente_: oh right...i will attempt to add it to the demo server later in the week....16:32
AlbertAattente_: the big refactoring is regarding window management and roles....so after that we can have a place where to put those semantics in mir by default (but over-ridable)16:33
attente_AlbertA: ah, cool. thanks!16:39
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