nhaines | So my greatest accomplishment so far as a LoCo leader is to get our logo updated: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/13x/exhibitors?page=6 | 06:22 |
darthrobot | Title: [Exhibitors | SCALE 13x] | 06:22 |
philipballew | nhaines, the bio seems outdated | 07:01 |
nhaines | philipballew: it's 100% accurate, so it goes on the queue. | 07:02 |
nhaines | That said, if anyone wants to take a crack at it, feel free to email me! | 07:04 |
philipballew | nhaines, How about "Ubuntu: You already know what it is and already have an opinion on it" | 07:05 |
nhaines | I'll probably go with something a little more descriptive. :) | 07:10 |
philipballew | nhaines, maybe "Ubuntu: We're like Debian, but for hipsters" | 07:55 |
philipballew | http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f2/f2a4810e4f57ba7674240f0863d5ffb12938556f37265163c7037d9227e7afca.jpg | 07:57 |
darthrobot | Content type: [image/jpeg] | 07:57 |
nhaines | Ubuntu *is* the third most popular desktop OS in the world. | 07:57 |
rww | second is Debian amirite | 13:47 |
nhaines | something something macintosh | 13:49 |
rww | but going to conferences taught me that 90% of Macs have Linux on them | 13:50 |
nhaines | It certainly doesn't hurt. | 13:50 |
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