
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
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smosercmiN, and claudiupopa happy to have you all here.15:12
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smoserharlowja: around ?20:10
smoserwhy would/should i like to use testr20:10
smoserversus something else.20:10
harlowjai personally would say don't, lol20:10
harlowjai personally don't like it :-P20:10
harlowjait does running tests in parallel better20:11
smoserso lets say that you were suggesting something... what would you suggest ?20:11
harlowjabut its output imho suck20:11
smoserjust nose ?20:11
harlowjaya, i still think its adeqaute; although pytest is supposedly nice also (although i haven't used it)20:11
harlowjahttp://pytest.org/latest/ 20:12
harlowjai just don't like testr and its creation of weirdly formatted files that are hard to undersetand20:12
harlowjacrap like http://logs.openstack.org/10/148810/1/check/gate-taskflow-python27/8b0c041/subunit_log.txt.gz20:13
harlowjabut maybe thats really more subunits fault; but testr seems to use it so i'll blame testr, lol20:13
harlowjaso imho testr brings in alot of other projects (which sorta sux)20:14
harlowjatestttools, subunit, testr...20:14
harlowjai think nose though is sorta dying/not updated anymore20:16
harlowjanm, thats a lie, ha20:16
smoserharlowja: https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init21:50
smoserfyi. initial stub directory tree.21:50
smosernow to make something actually work . :)21:50
harlowjalooks good to me, ship it22:02
larsksIs that replacing the bzr repository at lp:cloud-init?22:02
harlowjai thinks so22:02
harlowjanow i guess is the question of how do we want this to operate? will this be a daemon that is connected into systemd events (and modules get triggered on events?)22:05
harlowjaor will it retain the CLI activation?22:05
harlowja(or both or other...)22:05
larsksYou mean, for a next-generation version of cloud-init?22:06
harlowja*since afaik thats what the above will become22:06
larsksHuh.  I would argue for not linking it too tightly to systemd, so that it is easy to support it in other environment (other linux distros/freebsd/solaris/etc).22:07
larsksUnless the goal is really to make it only-distributions-running-systemd sort of thing.22:07
harlowjai hope not, but it would seem like for linux responding to events (network plugged, reset the network information, new-metadata-arrived or something...) would be an approach22:08
harlowjaguess it depends on where we want to go here :-P22:08
larsksSure. So we can design cloud-init to make that easy through systemd units that run various command lines.22:09
larsksThings I want:22:09
larsks- cache metadata from the cloud provider, and then provide a query interface22:09
larsks- stop masking exceptions, which makes it really hard to debug things22:09
harlowjasure, seems reasonable22:10
harlowjalarsks add stuff to https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloud-init-next if u want22:12
larsksOoo, shiny.22:12
harlowja*if u haven't already22:12
larsksAre the stackforge suggestions yours?22:14
harlowjai don't think so, ha22:14
harlowjabut might be :-P22:14
larsksBecause that seems like a really good idea, too.22:14
harlowjanah, spelling is to good to be mine22:15
harlowjaso def not mine, lol22:15
harlowjabtw, metadata is already cached locally22:15
harlowjahttp://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/dir_layout.html 22:16
harlowjathe metadata should be pickled into 'datasource' there (which is the datasource object)22:16
harlowjamaybe not as visible as it could be though22:16
larsksYeah.  22:16
larsksAnd picke is awful python-specific.22:16
larsksProviding a cli for querying it might help, though.22:16
harlowjareminds me of https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/query-back-duo :-P22:17
harlowjafrom back in the day, ha22:17
harlowjaor https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/query-tool-is-back ha22:18
harlowjadidn't know there was 2 of those, lol22:18
larsksThe cirros cloud-init stuff does provide a query tool, which is nifty.22:18
harlowjacubswin 22:18
harlowjablame smoser for that password, lol22:19

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