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jcastrorick_h_, was going to demo the new pages14:06
jcastrobut like14:06
jcastro"add to demo" seems busted there?14:07
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rick_h_jcastro: :( 16:05
rick_h_jcastro: the naming of the bundle causes problems for the new stuff to find it in the gui16:09
jcastroI was able to demo around it, just wanted to point it out16:09
rick_h_hatch: https://pastebin.canonical.com/123888/16:09
rick_h_jcastro: yea, if it was pushed to a different branch name it would work16:10
rick_h_jcastro: hatch can help point to what it would need to be and maybe correct me since we recently started using the new api if we can update this all together actually16:10
hatchok looking16:10
hatchI'm pretty sure that's because it's trying to find the 'old' url16:11
rick_h_hatch: right, and it can't16:12
rick_h_hatch: so what branch path would it find and can we update to use the new urls?16:12
rick_h_jcastro: when is said demo?16:12
hatchyeah I think that we still need that old url to be able to deploy using the deployer no?16:12
hatchunless using old yaml16:12
jcastrothis morning on ubuntu-on-air16:13
jcastroI already showed it16:13
rick_h_hatch: ah right, we've not updated the deployer yet16:13
rick_h_jcastro: oh, ok. Sorry then16:13
jcastrobut in an odd bit of unusualness I checked before the broadcast16:13
jcastroso I was able to just not do it without embarrassing us16:13
hatchgood work :)16:13
rick_h_jcastro: right, yes, it's not 'busted' just a function of the transition from api v3 to api v4 16:13
rick_h_jcastro: and we're not done updating all the things yet16:14
hatchyeah - so looks like we can't fix it quite yet16:14
jcastroyeah I get that16:14
jcastroI would still call that busted though. :p16:14
rick_h_when you hover it tells you why you can't do it :)16:14
rick_h_busted with a nice 'sorry' message :P16:14
hatchindeed it does  :)16:14
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=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
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