
nik90balloons: when you got time pls review https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/1-fix-trunk-tests/+merge/24707800:21
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ahoneybunwhen using Tabs how do I link another qml file into the current qml file?02:32
ahoneybunpopey, what was the command to install a click package from /tmp on the phone?02:54
mhall119aquarius: what do you use to compose your two videos together?03:26
ahoneybunmhall119, do you know the command on hand?03:30
mhall119ahoneybun: pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted ${file}03:30
ahoneybunlike saver mhall11903:30
mhall119always happy to help :)03:31
mhall119ahoneybun: did you get your Tabs question figured out?03:31
ahoneybunmhall119, btw I moved all my tabs to seperate qml files :)03:31
mhall119good, I think the Tabs component can optimize it that way03:31
mhall119I did the same for my Pagestack in uReadIt 203:31
ahoneybunyea Pagestacks03:32
ahoneybunI'm using Tabs as they are the best way for my app03:32
ahoneybunI just did not like having 1 file with like 200 or so lines of code03:32
ahoneybunit works great on the computer just want to try on a device03:33
ahoneybunok it works on device as well mhall11903:34
ahoneybuncheck this mhall119 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/ubuntu-beginner/trunk/files :)03:34
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dholbachgood morning08:01
sturmflut-workgood morning09:12
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Hugging Day! :-D09:30
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* mzanetti hugs JamesTait09:39
* JamesTait hugs mzanetti back. :)09:39
mzanettipopey: rpadovani: justCarakas: Thanks guys for your feedback. Happy to announce the game is released!09:40
mzanettino go hit that donate button :P09:40
mzanettinow go... even09:40
aquariusmhall119, kdenlive.09:41
popeymzanetti: yay09:51
justCarakasso we should get updates trough the store now ?09:54
justCarakasor do we need to install it trough the store for that ?09:54
justCarakasmzanetti: ^09:54
mzanettijustCarakas: I don't know tbh09:55
mzanettijustCarakas: you can try to check for updates if it's there09:55
justCarakasis there an update above 0.1.4 ?09:55
stephwilsonHey SDK guys! I know some of you are wondering about the new App Guidelines that will be going on the Design website. The first draft will be going live on Monday at the latest. It would be great to get your feedback on it! I'll post the link in here when it is up and running.09:56
justCarakasyes :D I get the update version 1.0.009:56
justCarakasI saw the all stars animation :) by just playing a easy level again :)10:02
mzanettijustCarakas: yeah, once you have all the stars you'll see it every time you complete a level10:04
mzanettijustCarakas: you're the first one to see that after actually playing for real :D10:05
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justCarakascool :D10:14
justCarakasis there also something if you complete all the levels mzanetti10:14
justCarakason all dificoulties10:15
mzanettijustCarakas: only ways to find out is to play it or read the code10:15
justCarakasworking on playing :)10:15
justCarakasdon't wanna spoil it by reading the code10:15
aquariusmzanetti, is there no tutorial for Machines vs Machines? I don't get what to do.10:40
popeystop robots getting from one side to the other by shooting them with turrets you deploy and upgrade10:41
aquariusmzanetti, (that is: I have played tower defence games before, but even given that I don't see which things I have to use as defences, nor how to add them. If I hadn't played a tower defence game before I guess I'd be even more baffled...)10:41
popeytap places then tap turrets10:41
mzanettiaquarius: no, there isn't a tutorial... we decided it's probably not worth the efforts10:42
mzanettiaquarius: but seriously... if you manage to solve riddling, you should manage to figure this :D10:42
* mzanetti can't get past level 3 or so on riddling :D10:42
aquariusAh. I was tapping on the path itself, which is not allowed, and doesn't do anything10:42
aquariusand so it seems like the whole game doesn't do anything. :)10:43
mzanettiaquarius: noted. will discuss with mivoligo what to do there10:44
justCarakasaquarius: you finished riddling ? that is impressive10:49
mzanettijustCarakas: he wrote it10:50
mzanettipopey: hey, are we aware of this? http://appstore.bhdouglass.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines10:50
mzanettithis is awesome ^^10:50
popeywe are :)10:50
justCarakasow :D10:50
mzanettiand no, I don't mean the game, but the store web ui10:51
popeyhe should add scope links... which I didnt know you could do10:51
justCarakasyea indeed :D10:51
davidcalleOMG, it even has "newest first" option, I didn't know this was possible in a store ;)10:52
popeymzanetti: can you file a github issue and provide him some info about the format of scope:/// links?10:53
mzanettipopey: ack10:54
mzanettidavidcalle: then you probably also don't know this RSS feed of all published apps: http://hogsmeade.lieberbiber.de/appstorediff.xml10:54
mzanettithanks to sturmflut-work ^10:54
davidcallemzanetti, I do and follow it religiously :)10:55
mzanettihaha, ok :)10:55
aquariusmzanetti, having a vaguely tutorial-ish overlay on the first level might not be a bad idea...https://screencloud.net/v/121O sort of thing (excuse bad graphics; you'll do better) which then changes to point at the different defences once you've chosen where they go. It means there's no point when you're thinking "I don't know what to do, now"11:02
mzanettiaquarius: yeah... we thought about that already... will bring it up again11:04
mzanettithanks for your feedback11:04
aquariusmzanetti, also, no obvious way to turn off the music while playing?11:05
mzanettipopey: https://github.com/bhdouglass/ubuntu-appstore/issues/811:05
aquarius(am pretty impressed with the game, btw)11:06
mzanettiaquarius: yeah, you should not turn off the music. because it's awesome11:06
aquariusone of the things that people complained about with Riddling was playing it secretly in meetings and the sound giving them away :P11:06
aquariusmaybe add a music toggle button to the pause overlay?11:07
aquariusalso also, adding cheats. One of the most enjoyable things about a tower defence game is being able to give yourself £100000000 and then put super world-defeating weapons on the first level, for those that allow it :)11:09
mzanettiaquarius: for now you can edit the .desktop file and add "-d" to the EXEC line ;)11:10
* aquarius laughs!11:10
popeythanks mzanetti11:10
aquariusmzanetti, technical question. To rotate my screen, I have to turn rotation lock off (I *always* rotation lock my phone). How hard is it to still work in that environment, by basically rendering to a canvas which is 90° rotated?11:11
mzanettiaquarius: I could do that, wouldn't be hard. however, once the shell rotation branches land, it will break (not technically - but it'll confuse the s*** out of your mind as phone edge gestures don't line up with the fullscreen app's orientation)11:12
mzanettiI did that in dronefly btw11:13
aquariusI always find it really frustrating when things make me rotate, because I have to turn off rotation and then the rest of the phone annoys me :)11:13
mzanettijust locking to portrait and rotating content 90°11:13
aquariusalso, Ubuntu phone's aggressive screen locking means that I have to unlock the phone on its side ;)11:13
aquariusjustCarakas, I did finish Riddling. Because I'm a genius. ;)11:14
mzanettiaquarius: I fully agree... you might want to add that "landscape only app should override locked to portrait" stuff to here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/141312111:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1413121 in QtMir "MainView is missing an API to lock to landscape" [Medium,Confirmed]11:14
aquariuscomment added to bug :)11:15
aquariusstephwil_, I'd love to see the app guidelines, certainly!11:16
aquariusmzanetti, MvM is one of the first things I'd consider a full completed game on the phone. Nice work!11:17
mzanettiaquarius: thanks :)11:18
mzanettiaquarius: btw, logged your feedback here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/machines-vs-machines11:19
aquariusyeah, 3/3!11:29
aquariuson level 1 in easy mode.11:29
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justCarakasyou are way behind aquarius I'm already at level 24 in normal :D and I finished everything including all the easy levels with 3 stars :D12:13
justCarakasmzanetti: I added an important bug12:13
aquariusjustCarakas, I wrote Riddling, though, so I'm not sure it counts :P12:14
justCarakasif you like the game maybe you should also say it affects you aquarius https://bugs.launchpad.net/machines-vs-machines/+bug/141318012:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1413180 in Machines vs. Machines "It is too awesome" [Undecided,New]12:15
aquariusthat'd be a lot better placed as a review in the store than a bug :)12:16
justCarakasbut it is a bug, because it kills productivity :D12:16
mzanetti... ok... that's the first time I get such a bug report :D12:17
justCarakasI'll also place a review after work :D12:17
justCarakasand maybe 3 starts, because that is the maximum ingame :D12:17
mzanettibut I tend to agree with aquarius... why are there no reviews yet!12:17
stephwil_#aquarius - hopefully Monday you will see it :)12:18
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justCarakasthere you go mzanetti you got 2 reviews12:20
mzanettithat web ui seems to lag behind12:20
mzanettiah yeah :)12:21
aquariusmzanetti, also, music should stop playing as soon as I switch to a different app. But I think that's Ubuntu's fault, not yours.12:21
mzanettiaquarius: hmm... actually no...12:21
mzanettior maybe12:21
mivoligomzanetti: just commented on the sound bug12:22
mzanettiI can fix it in the app though12:22
justCarakaspopey: do you know how I get my phone to recognise the sim again once it says its offline ?12:22
mzanettimivoligo: saw that one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/machines-vs-machines/+bug/141318012:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1413180 in Machines vs. Machines "It is too awesome" [Undecided,New]12:22
justCarakasyou should change it to confirmed :D12:23
mzanettistill need to figure how to solve this one12:23
mzanettiseems tricky12:23
mivoligomzanetti: nice bug :D12:23
popeyjustCarakas: no.. sounds like a question for awe12:27
justCarakasill just restart for now12:29
justCarakaswhere should I report it ?12:29
popeyjustCarakas: against ofono probably12:31
nik90popey: ping12:37
dholbachmhall119, dpm: do you know the answer to this?12:43
dholbach<mitya57> dholbach: are non-minified versions of developer.u.c CSS files available somewhere?12:43
popeynik90: yo12:43
nik90popey: hey, I have 3 MPs for the clock app after which we can push a new update to the store.12:44
nik90popey: they just need to be reviewed and merged. All tests pass and that's a good sign12:44
popeyyeah, i just saw them come into my inbox. Will take a look this afternoon. Thanks!12:44
nik90popey: I noticed a new bug with one-time alarms that I also reported and fixed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1413027 as part of these 3 MPs12:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1413027 in Ubuntu Clock App "One-time alarms cannot be re-enabled using the alarm switch after they have gone off once" [Medium,In progress]12:45
nik90cool thnx12:45
dpmdholbach, I don't know the answer, but I'm sure they are available somewhere. Ant or someone else from the web team should be able to say12:46
dholbachthanks, I'll ask12:47
DanChapmanzsombi: t1mp: hey, is there a way to get an ActionSelectionPopover to be in the center of the screen? It does it on the desktop by not setting an anchor but that's not the case on the phone12:53
zsombiDanChapman: you mean not setting any caller?12:58
DanChapmanzsombi: yeah sorry 'caller' :-)12:59
zsombiDanChapman: it should work same on the device as well... what window size do you have on desktop?12:59
DanChapmanzsombi: atm i have it set to 45width & 71 height, but that doesn't seem to make a difference changing that13:02
sturmflut-workmzanetti: I just ran the statistics on http://hogsmeade.lieberbiber.de/appstorediff.xml again. It was accessed from 45 different IP addresses today O_o13:02
zsombiDanChapman: the size of the window has some influence on positioning...13:02
zsombiDanChapman: however it should have none in this case13:03
zsombiDanChapman: do you have Vivid?13:03
mivoligomzanetti: I just noticed your original post on g+ is from 20th May. So it took us "only" 7 months :D13:04
DanChapmanzsombi: oh ok... i didn't know that. Yes i'm running Vivid atm although i noticed this happening on utopic13:04
mivoligomzanetti: 8 even ;)13:04
zsombiDanChapman: you are the second one reporting Popover misplacement on Vivid...13:05
nik90zsombi: I can confirm the issue faced by DanChapman ..13:05
nik90I remember mentioning it to you guys at the malta sprint13:05
zsombinik90: DanChapman: could you confirm this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/141319413:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1413194 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[regression] Cut/Copy/Paste options displayed off the top of the screen from the addressbar" [Undecided,New]13:06
zsombiI cannot13:06
zsombinik90: DanChapman: it's on Vivid13:06
sturmflut-workWellark: I have some questions about the connectivity-api13:06
zsombirelated to your issue, as it affects Popover positioning13:06
mzanettimivoligo: yeah :D took quite a while13:08
mzanettisturmflut-work: heh, nice13:08
DanChapmanzsombi: sure, give me a few minutes to get some charge back into my phone13:09
zsombiDanChapman: you only need to run teh browser and try to invoke the context menu of the browser URL13:10
zsombiDanChapman: long tap13:10
nik90zsombi: I am on RTM and cannot reproduce the bug yet. I suppose it is on vivid and rtm-proposed.13:12
DanChapmanzsombi, confirmed i'm seeing the same on Vivid13:22
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ahayzenpopey, could you double check this on your N7 https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/walkthrough-max-width/+merge/24714513:35
zsombiDanChapman: thx!!13:50
DanChapmanzsombi, yw :-)13:51
zsombiDanChapman: so seems there's something on Vivid device which disturbs the Popover positioning13:52
Wellarksturmflut-work: ok. how can I help you?14:13
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nik90rpadovani: ping14:31
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sturmflut-workWellark: As far as I see the connectivity-api will be the only supported way to get information about networking details from within a confined app, right?14:59
mzanettipopey: hey, there's a free spot in the "Our favorite games" section! *hint* *hint*15:00
nik90mzanetti: hmm strange...the game has 5 reviews all of which are 5 stars, and yet the overall game rating still shows 0.015:03
mzanettiyeah... I saw that too15:03
mzanettinot sure why15:03
justCarakasmaybe that is only calculated once a day ?15:03
mzanettinik90: looking here, the reviews haven't appeared yet either: http://appstore.bhdouglass.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines15:04
nik90justCarakas: could be...15:04
nik90mzanetti: yeah that I noticed this morning...15:04
popeyhaha mzanetti15:04
popeymzanetti: his website is only updated daily15:05
nik90mzanetti: just a minor thing, but it would help new people if the the store description is more descriptive with fancy phrases and more screenshots..sort of like selling your app to the audience15:05
mzanettinik90: yes15:06
mzanettibut it was 2am15:06
mzanettiwill add some more15:06
sturmflut-workJamesTait: Would it be possible to get aggregate numbers about the most searched terms in the app store? So we know what users are looking for and can react on it15:06
JamesTaitsturmflut-work, technically, anything is possible. :)  I don't think it'd be trivial, though, and I'm not sure we'd want to throw out a list of most-searched terms for app developers to "SEO" their app entries. ;)15:09
sturmflut-workJamesTait: Bargh, right. Didn't think about that.15:10
popeyalso, privacy :)15:11
sturmflut-workpopey: That's why I asked about aggregate numbers, just the top 10 or so15:12
sverzegnassiIf someone of you has some spare time, could you please take a look to some MPs for ubuntu-docviewer-app?15:15
sverzegnassihttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-docviewer-dev/ubuntu-docviewer-app/trunk/+activereviews    ^^15:16
nik90ahayzen: ping15:22
ahayzennik90, yo15:22
nik90ahayzen: hey, popey told me you will be meeting tomorrow to discuss about the weather app15:23
nik90ahayzen: I like to also join in the discussion15:23
ahayzenpopey, we're meeting tomorrow?15:23
popeywell, we usually have a weather meeting on thursday :)15:23
popeybut nik90 isn't available at that time15:23
nik90would you be free sometime before 17:00 UTC (just for tomorrow)?15:23
ahayzennik90, sweet any help would be appreciated15:23
popeythought we could get together sometime and just work out the details15:23
popey12 UTC?15:24
ahayzenyeah we need to work out where/how to start15:24
ahayzenpopey, we should probably check with victor as well15:24
popeywill need to be later if he's to be there15:24
popeyI have a lot of meetings tomorrow, but don't _need_ to be there if you're okay with that?15:25
popeyif I can I'd like to be15:25
nik90popey: how late? I should be home late in the evening15:25
ahayzen...i'll see when victor is about...15:25
popeynik90: I'll work around you.15:26
nik90I have a diiner plan with friends around 18:00 - 20:00 UTC...anything before or after, I am good15:26
popey17:00 UTC is fine by me if that's better for ahayzen and victor?15:26
ahayzenpopey, just waiting for a response from victor....15:26
sturmflut-workpopey, JamesTait: There should be some channel between users and developers I think. Public search term statistics, a wishlist/voting system integrated into the store, something like that. So the users can easily "vent their anger" at the right place and get some kind of feedback. Otherwise they will go straight to a social network and post negative comments.15:26
ahayzenpopey, will the weather app developer(s) be there as well?15:27
popeythats you :)15:27
ahayzeni mean the current store app devs...15:28
popeyyeah, I can ask15:28
popeyhangout or irc?15:28
ahayzenerm possibly IRC we'll see15:28
nik90fine with either15:28
ahayzenpopey, i'll get back to you once i hear from victor15:28
popeyroger roger15:28
nik90sverzegnassi: I will take a look at your empty state MP15:29
nik90and the rest as well, considering how small they are15:30
sverzegnassinik90: Thanks a lot!15:30
seb128Elleo, hey, is it known that in podbird the podcast lengths are wrong?15:35
Elleoseb128: nope, are they wrong for all feeds for you or just a specific one?15:35
seb128Elleo, I tried a bunch only but they have all the same issue15:36
seb128Elleo, e.g The Linux Action Show is one I tried15:36
Elleoseb128: how wrong are they? all the ones I'm subscribed to seem right15:36
Elleoseb128: okay, will subscribe to that and see what I get15:36
seb128Elleo, trying "Mark Shuttlework Interview" it states 1:3315:37
seb128but that one is like at least half an hour15:37
Elleoseb128: that's 1 hour 33 minutes15:37
Elleoseb128: should maybe make it clearer that it's not showing seconds15:37
seb128moving the slider doesn't do anything15:37
Elleoseb128: that should work, although it can be a bit hard to grasp the slider15:38
Elleoseb128: is it actually moving?15:38
seb128Elleo, it's moving15:38
seb128the sound just keeps playing like I didn't move it15:38
seb128and the text doesn't match the position15:38
Elleoseb128: interesting, haven't seen that before15:39
Elleoseb128: seems to work for me on the shuttleworth one15:39
seb128Elleo, hum, in fact it's working now15:39
seb128I wonder if I just got confused earlier by the time being hours:minutes or something15:40
seb128Elleo, sorry for the pings15:40
Elleomaybe, but I'll keep an eye on that and see if it ever happens for me15:40
seb128Elleo, thanks for replying, oh and great app btw ;-)15:40
Elleoseb128: thanks :)15:40
aquarius_heh, winner, you can directly live screencast with the nc trick from the phone, too.15:45
nik90sverzegnassi: hey, I am having trouble building docviewer..I get the build error https://imgur.com/uCj05ko15:46
Elleoaquarius_: nice15:47
sverzegnassinik90: have you installed libpoppler-qt5-dev:armhf in you kit environment?15:49
nik90sverzegnassi: sry for the ping, I just read the README and figured that out15:49
nik90my bad sry15:50
sverzegnassino problem :)15:50
* aquarius_ writes quick blog post :)15:51
davmor2ahayzen: is there a way to add an album to a playlist or is it just the playing track only?15:52
ahayzendavmor2, go to the album... press and hold on of the tracks.... select all in the header... add to playlist15:53
davmor2ahayzen: thanks15:53
nik90sverzegnassi: did you understand what the following error means, Starting /home/krnekhelesh/Documents/Ubuntu-Projects/MP-Reviews/builddir/build-add-empty-state-UbuntuSDK_for_armhf_GCC_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-Default/src/app/ubuntu-docviewer-app...15:56
nik90/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3: No such file or directory15:56
nik90/home/krnekhelesh/Documents/Ubuntu-Projects/MP-Reviews/builddir/build-add-empty-state-UbuntuSDK_for_armhf_GCC_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-Default/src/app/ubuntu-docviewer-app exited with code 25515:56
nik90I just updated my 14.10 armhf chroot15:56
sverzegnassinik90: there are multiple targets: "docviewer" and "ubuntu-docviewer-app"15:58
karniHi folks. Who takes care of Ubuntu.Connectivity.NetworkingStatus ? I wonder if it shouldn't be reporting SIM in but no data plan as disconnected (currently shows as connected)15:58
sverzegnassiif one doesn't work, the other works.15:59
nik90sverzegnassi: ah yes, the other one works..16:00
nik90karni: that would Wellark if I am not mistaken16:00
karninik90: tnx16:00
karniWellark: probably a question to you above ↑.16:01
popeyElleo: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2015-01-21-160219.png :)16:05
Elleopopey: heh16:05
Elleopopey: well, it's sort of bottle shaped...16:05
Elleopopey: I'm hoping to become a pioneer of artificial stupidity16:06
aquarius_popey, who would I need to convince that the phone OS should include streaming your screen? :)16:06
popeyspecifically _my_ screen?16:06
aquarius_ha! yes. livephone.popey.com. Everyone can see what you're doing. :)16:07
t1mpaquarius_: just implement it ;)16:07
aquarius_No. airplay, essentially. (It should be miracast, obvs.)16:07
aquarius_but like airplay in that it finds things.16:08
karniaquarius_: hi buddy! long time no see :)16:08
* beuno gets a flashback16:08
karnihi beuno :D16:08
aquarius_t1mp, I can't implement it -- it would require 1. adding something to a status menu, which isn't an exposed api, 2. zeroconf, which I'm confined away from, 3. access to /var/run/mir_socket, which I'm confined away from, 4. not being suspended, which I'm confined away from, 5. enough knowledge to have the phone's hardware do the mp4 encoding, which I don't have :)16:09
aquarius_t1mp, I'm happy to *spec* it ;)16:10
davmor2ahayzen: modifying a playlist while it is playing doesn't update the playlist till you stop it and restart it,  for example throw a list together start it play move some of the tracks about and it will continue to play them in the original order16:10
ahayzendavmor2, are you modifying the playlist order or the queue order?16:10
ahayzendavmor2, once you have told a playlist to play it is only then playing a copy or snapshot of what it was then16:11
aquarius_heya karni!16:11
karnio/ :)16:11
ahayzendavmor2, updating the playlist after you have started playing it won't then change the order or play (unless you restart it) ... or unless the reorder is broken :P16:11
Elleoaquarius_: just make sure to bring up how convenient it'd be for convergence to not have to rely on HDMI<->MHL16:12
davmor2ahayzen: yeah okay I was checking more if it should I figured it wouldn't but thought I'd test it thanks for confirming :)16:12
Elleoaquarius_: I'm sure someone's ears will prick up then ;)16:12
ahayzendavmor2, yeah no problem16:12
davmor2ahayzen: not sure if other players allow it either to be honest :)16:12
ahayzennot that i'm aware of16:12
aquarius_Elleo, that's a nice argument. I like that.16:12
ahayzendavmor2, which music app version are you looking at?16:13
Elleoaquarius_: yeah, bluetooth keyboard + mouse + miracast display would be super sweet, no cables, just everything magically connecting to everything else16:13
aquarius_Elleo, the big annoying thing about miracast is that it has to be wifi direct (point-to-point), which suuuucks. I want airplay, which can just broadcast to a zeroconf-advertised destination on the network that you're on :)16:14
davmor2ahayzen: latest store version I think let me double check16:14
t1mpaquarius_: ehm, yeah. I guess everybody whould have those issues ;)16:14
t1mpaquarius_: but I wouldn't mind being able to stream from my phone either16:15
ahayzendavmor2, ah cool :) there are a few bugs in that we have fixes already landed for ... eg pulling the SD card out :) but they'll be in the next version16:15
Elleoaquarius_: yeah, doesn't have to be just miracast, as long as I can stick some dongle in a display and it magically works I'm sold16:15
Elleoaquarius_: plus it'd allow for convergence type stuff to be played with on devices that don't support MHL (which I think is quite a lot still)16:16
aquarius_t1mp, it'd be cool, wouldn't it? I mean, you can stream from your phone right now -- http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2015/01/21/live-screencasting-from-ubuntu-phone/ -- but I want it available to actual people and not just hardcore techies ;) Which means it's pretty simple -- you (a) detect servers that do it with zeroconf, and (b) add a button to the OS which turns it on and off, and (c) you encode to mp4 on16:17
aquarius_the phone. (a) needs stuff confinement disallows, (b) needs some way of building a complete phone image and running it yourself which is a major league pain for an app dev, and (c) requires hardware skillz that I don't have. :)16:17
aquarius_t1mp, hence suggesting that it would be a useful thing for someone who already does all that stuff to do -- which means the core phone development team. :)16:18
AkivaAvrahamQUESTION: Global Jam = Online Summit?16:24
Wellarksturmflut-work: that is correct. if you need detailed information, please file a feature request bug against connectivity-api project in launchpad16:25
davmor2ahayzen: I'm running long term usage tests on a secondary phone, so setup a playlist for work play it through a bluetooth speaker and see which battery gives out first cause that's what you do at work right :)16:26
Wellarkkarni: if the phone does not have internet connectivity then indeed the NetworkingStatus should give you "disconnected"16:27
ahayzendavmor2, hah cool :) note bluetooth playing music uses less CPU usage than the internal speaker, magic :)16:27
sturmflut-workWellark: Okay, will do. My use case is https://sturmflut.github.io/linux/wireless/2015/01/19/designing-a-wifi-analyzer-app-for-ubuntu-touch/ , so I would need as much information as possible about wireless networks in range, updated at fast as possible16:27
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karniWellark: k, will file a bug16:27
Wellarksturmflut-work: ok. cool16:30
Wellarksturmflut-work: please include that link to the bug report as well16:30
Wellarkkarni: thanks!16:30
AkivaAvrahamzbenjamin, bzoltan_ Get a chance to look at the autopilot plugin?16:30
bzoltan_AkivaAvraham: To be honest, no... we both were covered with critical fixes :(16:31
Wellarkkarni: when you see it happening, could you also attach the output of "$ nmcli d" to the bug report?16:31
AkivaAvrahambzoltan_, so no time? No problem16:31
bzoltan_AkivaAvraham:  we had a brief talk about it... one thing we agreed that overloadin the menus might not be the best idea. I mean it can stay there for the sake of HUD ... but what would be great if it were fully integrated to the QtC's native build-run config16:33
AkivaAvrahamI would have to know what you mean by the native build-run config. Does that mean you want it in the "Project" tab?16:35
WellarkSturmFlut|AFK: your list of requirements are not that different from what let's say our location-service would need for wifi positioning so there is hope that you will get your scanner up and running at some point16:39
WellarkSturmFlut|AFK: and technically we could add a confined interface for forcing active scanning as well16:40
Wellarkalthough that's quite limited usecase feature16:40
WellarkSturmFlut|AFK karni : if there are any additional features you need or want to see on the connectivity-api (regarding BT, NFC, networking, whatnot) feel free to file bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/connectivity-api/+filebug16:51
Wellarkthose bugs will help a great deal when designing the next iteration ubuntu APIs and knowing what people want to use and see will help on the prioritizing and such16:52
davmor2ahayzen: well that answers that one then bt speaker died first \o/16:53
ahayzendavmor2, so your phone lasted longer than the speaker? lol16:53
davmor2yeap and the speaker died the music jumped to loud speaker on the phone and paused not sure if it should of done that but hey it played after I unpaused it again :)16:54
karniWellark: ack, thanks :)16:54
karniWellark: btw, it says /ril_1     gsm               connected16:54
ahayzendavmor2, yeah it should have paused :)16:55
karnibut there's no data plan, so effectively no connectivity16:55
* karni files a bug, we'll see what can be done16:55
ahayzendavmor2, if you unplug headphones it will pause as well...basically if you change the output source it'll pause16:55
ahayzendavmor2, otherwise you walk into a lecture unplug your headphones and everyone hears ABBA blasting out of your internal speaker ;)16:56
Wellarkkarni: good. so this tells us already that NM reports the gsm as connected16:56
Wellarkand hence connectivity-api reports that we are connected16:56
Wellarkthe bug is probably in our NM code then16:56
Wellarkso I know where to assing it16:56
davmor2ahayzen: and what is wrong with that?16:56
ahayzendavmor2, nothing ;) hehe16:57
davmor2ahayzen: right answer :D16:57
karniWellark: https://bugs.launchpad.net/connectivity-api/+bug/141330216:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1413302 in connectivity-api "GSM connected, but no data plan - should report disconnected" [Undecided,New]16:57
benoitcis docker a special snappy package? seems like we can't push a package that have an apparmor-profile hook17:05
benoitcor at leastr it erros wiby saiing it's dissalowed with bin-path17:06
rpadovanimzanetti, congrats dude! and congrats to mivoligo too :-)17:08
rpadovaninik90, pong17:08
nik90rpadovani: Can you do a code review of the 2 MPs at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/+activereviews .. they have already been tested on rtm phone and approved17:09
nik90just need another set of eyes before I merge them17:09
rpadovaninik90, on it17:09
nik90rpadovani: thnx mate17:09
rpadovaninik90, I love the nr 2!17:10
nik90rpadovani: why, you always hit that bug before?17:10
rpadovanirpadovani, when I want to do a nap in the afternoon, I don't do it everyday, so I just want to enable the "15:00" alarm only in days I do it17:11
rpadovaniI want to create an alarm and enable it only when I need17:11
nik90rpadovani: ah yes..that's a valid use case..glad to see the fix helping you :)17:12
nik90rpadovani: let me know if there are any other alarm use cases where they don't work as expected..these small things only appear when you use it everyday or in remote use casese17:13
mzanettirpadovani: thanks :)17:13
rpadovaninik90, of course, next one I want to see fixed is the snooze one, I'm too tempted to push that button in the morning :P17:14
nik90rpadovani: oh yeah I saw that bug...so you dont' want to see the snooze option in the dialogs is it?17:14
rpadovaninik90, that is, right17:14
rpadovaninik90, don't you use semicolumn at the end of each line of a javascript function?17:15
nik90rpadovani: tbh I haven't decided on a code convention for that..I normally dont add a semicolon17:15
benoitcin fact do we have to  build a snappy package in a ubuntu-core vm ?17:15
rpadovaninik90, okay17:15
rpadovaninik90, questions on the second branch: I activated an alarm at 21:00 yesterday. Now it's 18:00. I enable the 21:00 alarm. If I understand the code right, it is enabled for tomorrow at 21:00, but I expect that is enabled for today at 21:0017:18
nik90rpadovani: no the 21:00 alarm should be enabled for today17:18
nik90that code executes only when the alarm time < current time17:19
nik90so 21:00 > 18:00 .. so it won't modify the alarm time17:19
rpadovaninik90, sorry, maybe I'm just to tired to do reviews but... it says (alarmData.date < new Date()), so if the alarm date is 20 Jan at 21:00 and now it's 21 Jan 18:00 shouldn't enter the if?17:20
nik90hmm you are right17:21
rpadovanipopey, I think you can remove the scope contest link from the topic :P17:21
nik90rpadovani: I think I need to add a second condition for the use case you mentioned..I need to think about it17:22
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-app-devel to: http://developer.ubuntu.com | App development on Ubuntu: how to do it & how to make it better | Make scopes! (and apps) | --allow-untrusted
rpadovaninik90, yes, if the alarm is passed but alarm.getHour() < today.getHour() you enable the alarm for tomorrow, otherwise for today17:23
nik90that's it :D17:23
rpadovanireviews are important :D17:23
rpadovaninik90, ping me when you've done :-)17:23
nik90rpadovani: will do17:24
sverzegnassinik90: sorry for the late reply. I've answered in the MP17:45
nik90sverzegnassi: no worries, I was working on a clock app bug meanwhile17:45
nik90rpadovani: how does this logic look -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9807875/17:50
rpadovaninik90, nope, second condition doesn't work. It's 18:53, an alarm set to 17:55 should rings tomorrow17:56
rpadovaninik90, this works, but I don't like too nested if http://paste.ubuntu.com/9807949/17:57
nik90rpadovani: thnx..I tried different alarm times to see if it covers all the use cases. Your solution does the trick18:04
nik90I pushed it18:04
=== SturmFlut|AFK is now known as SturmFlut
rpadovaninik90, actually, I think this is a better implementation, if you comment the first if: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9808021/18:05
nik90sverzegnassi: for the emptystate MP, may be you can ask ahayzen or vthompson to review the arguments part of the code.18:05
rpadovaninik90, but it's up to you, let me know which one do you prefer :-)18:05
ahayzennik90, arguments?18:05
nik90ahayzen: command line arguments sent to an app18:06
nik90rpadovani: the 2nd one seems simpler, let me test it against different use cases18:06
ahayzennik90, we still use those?18:06
* ahayzen thought it was all urlhandler these days18:06
ahayzenoh no we have code for that in music18:07
nik90ahayzen: well in the MP, it uses https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.Arguments/18:07
ahayzennik90, yeah we've got some legacy stuff for that.... i'm just not sure if anything actually uses it anymore though lol18:07
ahayzennik90, anyways whats the mp?18:08
rpadovaninik90, delete lines 13-14 in my last paste18:08
nik90ahayzen: https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/add-empty-state/+merge/24674418:08
nik90rpadovani: sure np18:08
ahayzennik90, that bit of code in music that is linked was written in sept 2013! blimey18:10
nik90oh my18:10
nik90ancient legacy code18:10
SturmFlutWellark: Nice to hear! I think I can file a detailed bug report for wireless scanning by tomorrow18:10
ahayzenthe only time i can think it *may* be used is when the app isn't running and it is called by urihandler...but i still thought it goes into the urihandler not the args... we've just left the code incase something somehow uses it lol18:11
rpadovaninik90, I have another idea (I love these types of challenge :D). Has alarmData.date the function valueOf()?18:11
nik90rpadovani: well it should have it (if you are referring to http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_valueof_date.asp)18:12
nik90its a javascript date object18:12
nik90rpadovani: I think it is the same as http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_gettime.asp ?18:13
SturmFlutWellark: And I didn't know that connectivity-api will be responsible for other wireless links too. An NFC Tag Reader/Writer and BT/Mobile scanners were already on my list, so I think I can provide some input on these areas as well18:13
rpadovaninik90, yap, that one, thanks18:13
nik90rpadovani: but here's the kicker -> (date1 < date2) is the same as (date1.getTime() < date2.getTime()) when it comes to comparing them18:14
nik90its just that older browsers didnt support (date1 < date2) ... but we dont have that issue18:14
rpadovaninik90, but I don't want to compare the dates.. just a sec :)18:14
nik90sure :)18:14
rpadovaninik90, I don't know if it's more performant, but it is soooo elegant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9808126/18:16
sverzegnassinik90: ahayzen: thank you!18:16
ahayzennik90, i think the args bit looks ok, but i'm more interested where it is being used? and i still need to test it :) ... the desktop maybe?18:17
sverzegnassiahayzen: we use arguments for autopilot tests and on the desktop18:17
nik90rpadovani: I think I would put var twentyfourHours = 86400000 and in the comment explain it as 24*60*60*1000 to avoid the compute time18:17
ahayzensverzegnassi, ah ... do you have urihandler support as well?18:17
ahayzenas well as content-hub :)18:18
rpadovaninik90, yes, it's a good idea :-) Do you like it?18:18
nik90ahayzen: he has content-hub support for sure18:18
nik90rpadovani: yeah I like this18:18
sverzegnassibut no urihandler at the moment18:18
ahayzennik90, but you could have like .... document:///path/to/document18:18
ahayzenah but confinement could be fun18:19
nik90ahayzen: definitely url-handler would come in handy...18:19
nik90sverzegnassi: if I open file-manager and click on a pdf, does document-viewer list it as a content importer?18:19
nik90the reverse use-case essentially18:19
sverzegnassinik90: yes, it does18:19
nik90sverzegnassi: awesome18:19
ahayzendoc viewer can only read files from its dir and not ~ or ~/Documents right?18:20
sverzegnassiahayzen: documents are copied in HOME/.cache and then opened from there. we're waiting for the security team in order to know if we can open documents from where they live18:20
ahayzensverzegnassi, yeah, so until you can open them from where they are the urihandler probably isn't much use18:21
nik90rpadovani: I modified it slightly to http://paste.ubuntu.com/9808210/18:22
nik90rpadovani: figured we can avoid calculating tomorrow if possible18:22
rpadovaninik90, actually, we can't, because if we don't set alarm to tomorrow alarmData.date.getTime() - currentTime.getTime() will be always < 018:23
ahayzensverzegnassi, what do i need to install for #include <poppler/qt5/poppler-qt5.h> to work? or has something bad happened lol18:23
nik90ahayzen: libpoppler-qt5-dev:armhf18:24
rpadovaninik90, I don't know, maybe it's more performant the if/else18:24
nik90ahayzen: qchroot18:24
nik90rpadovani: I think assignment operators are faster than if/else18:24
ahayzennik90, i was just trying to run it on the desktop...18:24
nik90ahayzen: oh18:24
ahayzenso minus the :armhf18:24
nik90ahayzen: try without the armhf18:24
sverzegnassiahayzen: then libpoppler-qt5-dev18:24
nik90yup :)18:25
ahayzenyup that works thanks :)18:25
ahayzenwell it worked and opened the pdf i put in the args \o/18:25
rpadovaninik90, wait wait wait, you give me another idea :D18:26
nik90no worries I am still testing it before pushign18:27
ahayzensverzegnassi, approved it for you :)18:29
nik90rpadovani: (Math.abs(alarmData.date.getTime() - currentTime.getTime()) > twentyfourHours) .. this way we don't need to add +1 day to it everytime?18:30
sverzegnassiahayzen: Thank you! Now I'll top-approve18:30
ahayzenyey \o/18:30
nik90sverzegnassi: I guess all 3 MPs of yours approved and merged :)18:30
rpadovaninik90, mhh, sorry, I don't understand the logic, what does that mean?18:32
sverzegnassinik90: yup, they are! Now all I need is a coffee, before start working on the critical part of the app. :D18:32
nik90rpadovani: you said earlier, that we cannot use http://paste.ubuntu.com/9808210/ because alarmData.date.getTime() - currentTime.getTime() will be always < 018:32
nik90rpadovani: so i figured why not use math absolute function to remove the sign and use only the absolute value?18:32
sverzegnassiAnyway, a question to all: is it better the bottom edge, or would it be better to have a button near the settings one (to open the built-in browser)? https://imgur.com/IvMXX2j18:33
nik90if that value > twentyfourhours, then set alarm to next day, if not set it today18:33
rpadovaninik90, I see, but this doesn't solve our problem, if the alarm ringed five minutes ago the diff < 24h, but I want to use that alarm tomorrow18:34
nik90rpadovani: hmm true :/18:35
nik90sverzegnassi: I would actually suggest the radial bottom edge where you can add both buttons (settings and built-in browser) :) ... ofc I am partial to this method :P18:41
nik90sverzegnassi: http://ubuntu-component-store.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_components/radialbottomedge.html18:42
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sverzegnassinik90: it probably will look even better with the radial bottom edge. Gonna give a try!18:44
nik90rpadovani: I pushed http://paste.ubuntu.com/9808126/..I am going to go make dinner..if you come with a better logic leave me a ping..tbh I think the current one looks good.18:45
nik90sverzegnassi: :D18:45
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rpadovaninik90, nope, maybe I found another way, but it's too much complicated and I think it's overkill (remap the diff of milliseconds to 0-24 and calculate the sum between currentHour and the diff, if >24 set to tomorrow, otherwise to today)19:05
rpadovaninik90, toppapproved, thanks!19:05
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mivoligorpadovani: thanks :)19:49
rpadovaninik90, sorry, during dinner I had another idea: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-clock-app/improveCheckTimeOldAlarms/+merge/24721320:07
nik90rpadovani: sure, I am currently bumping the clock app version to 3.3 after which I will test your MP and merge.20:09
nik90rpadovani: can you top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/bump-version-3.3/+merge/247214, its a harmless version bump..once it gets merged to trunk, we can get your branch merged in as well20:16
rpadovaninik90, done20:17
* nik90 is reviewing the MP now20:18
nik90rpadovani: I think that if (alarmData.date.getTime() < currentTime.getTime()) should be if (alarmData.date.getTime() <= currentTime.getTime()) since if the current time is 20:00 and the one time alarm is 20:00, then it should schedule it for tomorrow and not today.20:20
nik90"=" sign20:21
rpadovaninik90, yap, you're right, I fix when I merge from the trunk :-)20:21
nik90cool :)20:22
rpadovaninik90, but I bet you to activate the alarm on the same millisecond you activate it first :P20:22
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nik90popey: http://pad.ubuntu.com/kY99vztlmS (just waiting on rev 190 to hit trunk by rpadovani and then I can build a click package if you need one for testing)20:45
popeynik90: nice one!20:50
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rpadovaninik90, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-clock-app/improveCheckTimeOldAlarms/+merge/24721321:16
rpadovaninik90, sorry, but saving the file my editor deletes all space at EOL21:16
nik90rpadovani: that21:17
nik90that's not an issue21:17
nik90rpadovani: top approved. thnx for the fix21:19
rpadovaninik90, thanks to you for all the awesome work, as usual :-) Ping me when you need reviews ;-)21:19
nik90rpadovani: will do :D. Enjoy your evening21:20
popeynik90: 17:00 UTC okay for you tomorrow to talk about weather?22:03
nik90popey: yup that's fine22:03
* popey calendars it22:03
* popey apologises for turning "calendar" into a verb22:03
ahayzenpopey, so in this meeting about weather, we are going to look out the window and describe/discuss whether it is raining right? hehe22:05
popeythat could take hours22:06
* nik90 wears the magneto hat to prevent people from reading his thoughts22:07

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