
mappsquite a few eps behind on the flash now00:08
mapps2 eps left of flash02:52
* zmoylan-pi puts on father ted03:25
mappsim thinkingof watching either life after beth or guardians of the galaxy next03:49
* zmoylan-pi wonders what superduper features we can expect from windows 1004:53
lemaphm win10]05:05
lemapwin8 sucks enough...some reason my cursor just gets stuck randomly...everythung else will be working fine05:05
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zmoylan-piit used to be odd numbers of windows were the good ones but 2 even numbers in a row will throw that off05:08
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:19
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttiyou know, it would be great if on Amazon Marketplace shops it would say in cat sized letters which country the goods are shipped from08:25
MyrttiBusiness Name: ULTRA TOP, Business Address: Leicester. Ships from: HONG DAMNIT KONG08:26
knightwisehey diddledan08:56
knightwisehow are you man08:56
* knightwise has been playing around with crouton on the chromebook 08:57
knightwisea vain effort to get audio working08:57
knightwisealthough ... mumble seems to behave no08:59
davmor2Morning all09:08
knightwisehey davmor209:08
davmor2popey: ubrick scope is fun09:10
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Hugging Day! :-D09:30
zmoylan-piduring flu season... what genius thought that one up? :-)09:32
knightwiseJamesTait: hugging day ?09:32
knightwiseWhy don't I work in a modeling agency or something09:32
JamesTaitProbably someone in the Southern hemisphere, zmoylan-pi. ;)09:33
zmoylan-pia face that looked like it was on fire and someone put it out with a shovel knightwise? :-P09:33
knightwisezmoylan-pi: you flatter me09:33
knightwisemaybe I have the body of a swimsuit model ?09:34
zmoylan-pimissed a word... steam shovel09:34
JamesTaitI'm home alone, knightwise. Apart from the cats. I could hug them.09:34
zmoylan-pihugging cats, isn't that an extreme sport?09:34
JamesTaitBut it could make tomorrow awkward: Answer Your Cat's Questions Day.09:34
diddledanknightwise, I've got the body of a swimsuit model. it is just hidden behind a bearish exteriour09:35
knightwisediddledan: grizly bear or pooh-bear09:36
diddledanknightwise, either?09:36
* DJones hands diddledan Borat's mankini09:38
* DJones hands the rest of the channel some eye bleach09:39
* knightwise runs away screaming09:39
* knightwise pokes eyes out with old rusty ISA-cards09:39
* zmoylan-pi passes around forks or chopsticks for channel to use to poke their eyes out hygenically09:40
* knightwise stops licking used toilet seats to say 'thank you'09:41
DJonesA couple fo years back, we were at a family news eve party & my wifes cousin turned up at the door (from the pub) dressed in one of those, I've never heard female aged relatives scream so much09:42
zmoylan-piwait till the year he forgets to wear it?09:42
* JamesTait shudders09:42
davmor2man JamesTait went with hug day so it sounds like people like him, I mean how does /me throws hugs at JamesTait sound the slightest bit scary :D  /me throws bears at JamesTait to hug him09:43
JamesTaitdavmor2, I was tempted by Squirrel Appreciation Day.09:44
mappsnadal gonna be out of the aus o already09:44
* zmoylan-pi continues plans to raise a squirrel army09:44
* davmor2 coats JamesTait and acorns and throws squirrels at him09:44
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* zmoylan-pi stuffs JamesTait in barrel and tops it off with angry squirrels before nailing on lid09:45
* DJones sets the Animal Liberation Front onto zmoylan-pi 09:46
* zmoylan-pi prepares a second barrel for alf. gets the rottweilers ready to top of barrel09:47
* JamesTait wonders who alf is.09:48
zmoylan-pianimal liberation front09:48
* JamesTait throws a shift key at zmoylan-pi. ;)09:50
DJonesThere's only one ALF09:50
* zmoylan-pi is shifty enough >_>09:50
czajkowskizmoylan-pi: hows the weather over there ?09:50
zmoylan-pisnow receding so no time for you to be travelling as no transport would be cancelled :-)09:51
czajkowskiI may have broken my curse of travelling to .ie I managed to get there this christmas with no delays!09:52
zmoylan-piit's a trap luring you into making bolder plans...09:52
diddledanI've seen people typing using the capslock key to get sentence case - i.e. the initial cap of a sentence09:53
diddledan*capslock, a, capslock, rest-of-sentence*09:53
JamesTaitdiddledan, my eldest son is one such person. :-/09:53
diddledanI wonder if they do ALF as *capslock, a, capslock, capslock, l, capslock, capslock, f, capslock*09:54
diddledanthat would mess with my head09:55
czajkowskizmoylan-pi: no more travel plans for the future for a while, bought a house so planning the big move09:55
* czajkowski firmly cements her roots in Surrey 09:56
* zmoylan-pi would love to see neighbours faces when they see chickens been brought in... :-P10:00
zmoylan-pimy uncle who kept pigeons AND chickens got a few looks when he moved10:02
czajkowskishall move them in under the cover of night :)10:05
zmoylan-piand let the dawn introduce them to a whole new experience :-D10:05
czajkowskithey're mostly ok tbh, there are the odd mornings when they're super noisy when they lay but not so much in the winter time10:05
czajkowskiwe only have 6 :)10:05
zmoylan-pigreat burgalar alarm, at least for my uncle10:06
czajkowskiBash nmakes more noise10:08
Laneyczajkowski: congrats!10:08
czajkowskiLaney: thanks :)10:08
Laneyare you renting now?10:08
czajkowskibeen a busy few months10:08
Laneyfun fun10:09
czajkowskibut we've just bought in Godalming10:09
Laneywe just bought too10:09
czajkowskiso hoping to move in March10:09
czajkowskifingers crossed10:09
czajkowskiand at some point plan a wedding :)10:09
Laneyneed to get a man in to do $jobs, but I keep putting it off10:09
Laneyoh yeah that old thing :P10:09
czajkowskiLaney: aye we have a good few jobs to do, but thankfully Jons stepdad is a builder who does house renovations10:10
Laneyconvenient or what!10:11
czajkowskidoes anyone use evolution and has calendar working nicely set up for exchange mail ?10:11
czajkowskiLaney: that was another reason to picking the house, we knew if we got it we could get stuff done10:11
zmoylan-piirish person with english builders... seems wrong somehow :-)10:11
czajkowskifor starters the entire house needs painting inside, an do that in a week once we hire one of his crew fo rht eweek10:11
czajkowskiand then do the place up bit by bit10:11
LaneyI need to figure out the green deal shenanigans to get the last single glazed windows replaced10:12
Laneywhich includes the one in this office10:12
* Laney shivers10:12
czajkowskiyes all the windows need double glazing10:13
czajkowskicannot wait to set up my office there10:13
Laneylook into this green deal home improvement fund10:13
czajkowskiliving on pinterest to get some ideas10:13
czajkowskiand houzz10:13
czajkowskiLaney: link?10:13
Laneyyou can get 1.5K ish grant for energy efficiency stuff10:13
Laneyand you can use the EPC which you already have when buying the house instead of paying for a new assessment10:15
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
knightwisesilly question , what if i would like to build a simple text menu in the command line to launch command line apps10:29
knightwiselike press 1 to launch irssi , 2 to launch wordgrinder etc.10:29
knightwiseare there any simple ways to do that ?10:29
czajkowskiLaney: nice10:30
Laneyneed to get off my bum and find out who to call10:31
diploknightwise, can do it with python etc building on ncurses10:35
diploI started playing with something myself for work a while ago10:35
popeyknightwise: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/code-project-build-ncurses-ui-python10:36
* knightwise is taking a lok10:36
diploheh was just about to link to that  :)10:36
knightwiselooks like something I can start with10:37
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Laneysnow's really coming down here11:29
popeynone here11:30
MooDoohello all11:32
knightwiseBelgium has sunny skies11:32
knightwisehey MooDoo11:32
Laneyeasing off already11:33
MooDoolook like but constant here11:33
MooDoolight not like11:33
MooDoooooo quite heavy now11:35
Laneylooks like MooDoo has a 5 minute snow lag on me ;-)11:37
* awilkins draws up the blind to do a snowcheck11:38
awilkinsSnow status zero11:39
bashrcstatus: snowing11:39
bashrclunchtime could be amusing11:40
awilkinsKickstarter hits $1.6M in less than 24 hours...11:41
awilkinsFor a card game.11:41
awilkinsThe power of a solid following on the web.11:41
awilkinsAt least they aren't going all "Star Citizen" and offering SUPER POWERED KITTEN CARDS for $2,500 apiece.11:42
knightwisegetting a little tired of this cyber-begging11:43
popeycyber begging?11:43
bashrckickstarter is ok, but it's not something which could form a sustainable business model11:45
bashrcstatus: not snowing11:46
knightwisetrue. But all the patreon campains , this and that campains. I understand its a business model11:46
popeytrending towards 24M USD http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/elanlee/exploding-kittens/11:46
popeyknightwise: the other option being?11:47
bashrcI think patreon is a more sustainable thing, because it's like an ongoing subscription11:47
bashrcrather than just a one-off event11:47
popeyI mean, If you make video or other content and want to get paid (i.e. it be the sole source of income) what's your option?11:47
popeyAdverts? No good unless you have millions of followers like Yogscast or MKBHD11:47
popeypatreon is neat in that you can pick and choose what content you want to pay for and how much.11:48
knightwisepopey: don't know really ..11:48
awilkinsPatreon is OK for ongoing content (like journalism) but how do you get something like Star Citizen or Elite funded like that?11:48
popeyyou and I have the luxury of having a job which pays, and the content creation is a sideline.11:49
awilkins"Hey guys, we wrote 1,000 lines of C++ today! *thrills*"11:49
popeythats what kickstarter is for11:49
popeysee also that librem laptop11:49
MooDoopatreon works well, I sponsor and pay per video for a max amount11:49
knightwisepopey: i agree with you on that11:49
popeythey're going to hit their target11:49
popeywhich is awesome for them.11:49
awilkinsOoh, is that a really nice shiny metal unibody construction?11:50
knightwiseit IS a cool cardgame11:50
awilkinsMaybe kickstarters should have an upper limit11:51
awilkinsLike "The thing we are going to do will cost $10,000 to develop. Upper limit will be $40,000, because how much can you really polish a shiny diamond?"11:52
* awilkins is now snow-positive11:52
awilkinsOOh, 4k display on that Purism laptop11:53
awilkins£1,500 for a laptop that high end... but I bet the VAT in customs applies11:56
awilkins£1800 is pretty good11:57
awilkinsThat's with 16GB of RAM and the stupid-HD screen11:57
knightwisea 4K on a laotop ?11:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
awilkinsOk, it's an 8k12:08
awilkinsIf the k means "thousand thousand pixels"12:08
bashrcok, they've added a uk keyboard option, so I think I'll try to get a librem laptop12:27
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bashrcmy troubles with starting my existing laptop (from cold) are ongoing12:27
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)16:08
bigcalmHi intrbiz16:17
intrbizbigcalm: hello16:18
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* bigcalm heads off towards the LUG18:09
awilkins_Why can't rsync have a "this is clearly going much more slowly than it would take to transfer the rest of the file in boring old normal mode"18:45
awilkins_fallback mode18:45
awilkins_Watching it thrash CPU on the source box and transfer data at 8kB/s18:46
awilkins_On a 100Mb/s network segment18:46
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest53371
=== Laney is now known as Guest54456
x86bitI need some help setting up my proftpd server, I cant seem to access it from out side my network21:16
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
x86bit I need some help setting up my proftpd server, I cant seem to access it from out side my network21:33
ChunkzZanyone here have virgin media as their ISP?22:41
HemlockIm on sky but I know a little about virgin22:43
ChunkzZI need a new wireless router. I'm using a dlink 615 with my superhub (from virgin) but it keeps disconnecting etc on different devices so need a new wireless router. can you recommend any?22:44
ChunkzZI was looking at this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/29115152905322:45
ChunkzZwill that work with virgin? or do i need something like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Netgear-WNDR3800-N600-Premium-WiFi-Wireless-N-Gigabit-Cable-Broadband-Router-/311213508015?pt=UK_Computing_Wireless_Routers&hash=item4875c545af22:47
popeyis your superhub in modem only mode?22:47
popey(if not, you should consider it)22:47
ChunkzZyeah it's in modem mode22:48
popeyI use a netgear wndr370022:48
popeybeen rock solid.22:48
popeyI put dd-wrt on mine22:48
ChunkzZyou with virgin?22:48
HemlockLucky you guys can swap out your routers22:49
HemlockSky only let you use their shitty boxes22:49
popeyyeah, so i hear22:50
ChunkzZso I can use this? Netgear WNDR3800 N600 Premium WiFi Wireless-N Gigabit Cable Broadband Router22:50
popeymy vm actually went down an hour ago22:50
popeyonly for a few mins22:50
popeywhich is quite rare here22:50
ChunkzZthe d/c's is driving my family mad22:50
popeywhat exactly happens?22:50
ChunkzZon ipads and android it just disconnects22:50
popeywhat, the wifi?22:51
popeyhow many neighbours also have wifi?22:51
ChunkzZa lot lol22:51
popeythere's a nice android app called wifi analyzer22:51
popeywhich lets you see what your neighbours have22:51
popeyand see what channel they're on22:51
popeyI moved my ones to another channel away from theirs22:51
shaunoI like to 'encourage' devices to use 5ghz where they can too22:52
shauno(there seems to be a whole lot less contention there)22:52
ChunkzZmy dlink 615 only supports 2.422:52
popeythe 3800 is the newer version of my 370022:53
popeyshould be fine22:53
popeydual band too, so does 2.4 and 522:53
shaunowell, it depends how many of your devices do 5 too, else it's a pretty useless suggestion.  but where usable, it's worth trying.  (and where not usable, easily ignored :)22:53
popeyi fiddled the firmware on mine to use channels above what the neighbours use :)22:55
popeythanks to MartijnVdS22:55
shaunoI guess he ain't kidding23:00
ali1234anyone ever used these lithium ion AA batteries in a project?23:03
ali1234you should be able to run a raspberry pi a+ for about 8 hours on two "AA" batteries with them23:06
ChunkzZpopey, just checked wifi analyzer and I was running on the same channel as my next door neighbours. changed it to 3 which no one else is running and it seems fine. could that of been causing it?23:10
popeyit doesnt help23:10
ChunkzZsaying that, I shall go ahead and buy the router one up from yours :) still, that'll do nicely with 2.4 and 5 :)23:10
popeyproblem is the channels overlap23:10
popeyas you see in the display in wifi analyzer23:10
popeyyeah, its a nice router23:10
ChunkzZI'll defo order it tomorrow. thanks! also, my dad is saying it's not disconnecting now.23:13
ChunkzZhis ipad would just randomly disconnect lol23:13
ChunkzZdamn neighbours23:13
popeyGlad we could help!23:21
ChunkzZ:) you did, I'm grateful. now it's bed time................................................23:23

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