
gaconsaltкому можно задать вопрос?14:35
cfhowlett_!ru | gaconsalt14:36
ubottugaconsalt: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:36
gaconsaltAfter two months of Rabten in Ubuntu Studio, started strongly inhibit loading the desktop. I think the reason for regular updating of the system. How can I solve this problem?14:40
gaconsaltAfter two months of Rabten in Ubuntu Studio, started strongly inhibit loading the desktop. I think the reason for regular updating of the system. How can I solve this problem? A similar situation Bila and vindous potmou sure that dannіe brakes due to upgrades ... how to bring the system back to normal now14:55
cfhowlett_gaconsalt, no google translate.14:55
cfhowlett_google translate NO14:56
cfhowlett_#ubuntu-ru     = you14:56
gaconsaltпод моим ником сидел племянник и наговорил чего то там - заблокировали...14:57
gaconsaltтеперь на убунту-ру нет возможности зарегистрироваться14:57
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