
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
lazyPowero/ rick_h_16:04
mupBug #1413654: Bundle Export link broken in Juju-Gui 16+ <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1413654>16:08
rick_h_lazyPower: :( sorry, will get it looked at asap16:56
rick_h_Makyo: ^16:57
lazyPowerrick_h_:  no worries - its a byproduct of aggressive caching and something going on in the env16:57
lazyPowerwhen i completely dumped my browser cache (from day 1) and reloaded the problem resolved itself16:57
rick_h_lazyPower: ah ok, so not critical but still :( 16:57
lazyPowerto note, that GUI unit was upgraded from 16-17 so it might be part of that upgrade process16:57
rick_h_lazyPower: ty for the bug report16:57
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== abentley_ is now known as abentley

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