
=== arosales_ is now known as arosales
marcoceppi_I just realized something14:36
marcoceppi_no matter where you install the gui, it knows where the bootstrap node is14:37
marcoceppi_how does it do that?14:37
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
marcoceppi_rick_h_: the Juju GUI doesn't use apache2 anymore?19:53
rick_h_marcoceppi_: no, it's just a python tornado server20:09
marcoceppi_rick_h_: also, no matter where you install the gui, it knows where the bootstrap node is. How does it do?20:10
rick_h_marcoceppi_: ah right, was looking for that for you earlier but got side tracked in a meeting 20:10
marcoceppi_np, I know you guys are sprinting20:11
rick_h_marcoceppi_: think this is it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/hooks/utils.py#L14320:15
marcoceppi_rick_h_: oh, sweet, it's an ENV variable20:15
marcoceppi_rick_h_: thanks!20:15
rick_h_marcoceppi_: np20:15

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