
=== duke_ is now known as bigduke
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ankankitacan anyone help me with something... i'm using windows... i can't make kubuntu plasma 5 bootable in usb...02:19
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:34
valoriepfff, ask and leave02:35
lamogoHowdy. New to the Kubuntu and KDE community, like what I see so far! I have a question, in what way does the KDE desktop intergrate with Facebook? I had tried GNOME3 a few days ago and liked how it intergrated with FB, not sure if KDE/Plasma has something similar.04:46
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valorieit's a website05:15
lamogoWell that chat client isn't and FB has an API that many other desktop environments use.05:30
=== kevin is now known as Guest32403
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funkyjivehow can I disable dead keys?   whenever I press " I have to press a space before I get the quotes.  and if I press another key I get an accented leader.  I like to get back to standard US keyboard setup.  I don´t know how I got here.06:29
funkyjiveok found it.  whew.06:31
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soeegood morning07:06
=== Yukitteru is now known as Dhs92
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
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lordievaderGood morning.09:28
jimjimi t's six p.m in where i live haha09:32
Graf_Westerholtjimjim :)09:32
Graf_WesterholtIt is 1033 UTC+1 here.09:33
jimjimyou are in eourpe ?09:33
Graf_Westerholtjimjim, right.09:34
jimjim what?09:34
Graf_Westerholtjimjim, correct, I am in Europe.09:35
jimjim not that plooltion hum?09:38
Graf_Westerholtpollution? :D09:39
jimjimi'm not drunk09:39
Graf_WesterholtI hear that a lot from drunken guys. :P09:39
jimjimGraf_Westerholt: i'm really not drunk! :D09:40
Graf_WesterholtCan you proof it? ;)09:40
jimjimmy teacher is teaching me how to use irc09:40
Graf_WesterholtHow old are you, jimjim?09:40
lordievaderjimjim, Graf_Westerholt: Can this conversation move to #kubuntu-offtopic?09:41
lordievaderThank you.09:41
=== DeadS0ul is now known as spawn57
Mehrad_hi! i have a problem and this is that i cant "log in"! i entered my Password in login page, than there is just a white page! what i must do?11:20
Mehrad_GPU: AMD Readeon 300011:21
Mehrad_RAM: 4GB11:21
soeeMehrad_: what Kubuntu version ?11:23
Mehrad_soee it's 14.0411:26
Gotoleiis it possible to run the 14.10 tech preview in virtualbox?11:30
Gotoleibecause if so I'm apparently doing something horribly wrong http://i.imgur.com/ATqgVrH.png11:30
soeeMehrad_: strange i never heard os fuch problem before11:30
soeeGotolei: disable 3d or acceleration, i cant remember how its called in VB11:31
Gotoleimk, testing11:31
Mehrad_so can I Re install Kubuntu without any change in my setting?11:32
Gotoleiit's doing the same thing11:32
soeeGotolei: related http://www.maketecheasier.com/installing-ubuntu-14-10-in-virtualbox/ ?11:33
soeeMehrad_: change in settings ?11:34
Gotoleigot it to work, nested paging was the issue11:34
soeeGotolei: also what 14.10 tech preview?11:35
soeenewset is 15.04 Alpha 211:35
Gotoleihttp://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu the one with plasma 511:35
soeeGotolei: i suggest trying Vivid alpha 211:35
Gotoleii just want to play around with plasma 5 a bit, see what it's developed into11:36
Mehrad_soee_: my mean is repairing kubuntu.11:36
soeeMehrad_: hard to say if we don't know what the issue is, if you want to reinstall system all your settings will stay f you have separate home partition11:37
Mehrad_soee : thank you anyway! i will try it.11:38
Gotoleiok now it seems to be running, and i get a cursor that moves11:43
Gotoleibut it's just a black screen11:43
Gotoleidoes the liveboot take a while to startup or something?11:44
soeeGotolei: 14.10 or 15.04 ?11:44
Gotoleiunless you honestly think a daily build is going to work better than a download from the official site.. :P11:45
Gotoleiwent through login, the splash screen did its thing and faded out11:46
Gotoleiand now it just sits11:46
soeefor me it is :) im using 15.04 on PC and laptop :)11:46
soeeGotolei: try11:46
soeeALT + F211:46
soeekrunner shows up ?11:46
Gotolei1.2gb is like a 1hr download for me, but guess i'll give it a shot11:47
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
BluesKajHowdy folks11:50
Gotoleifwiw clicking makes the cursor movement lag for a good ten-something seconds :p11:53
Gotoleibut yeah it's going nowhere11:53
soeewell im not to familiar with VB :) my testing env is my laptop :)11:54
Gotoleionly 19m remaining on the download, surprisingly11:55
soeeyou see how maginc Kubuntu is ? :-)11:55
Gotoleihttp://i.imgur.com/HI4Uo5U.png very magic, such wonder11:56
Gotoleiwait am i supposed to be downloading the daily build or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/vivid/alpha-2/12:01
soeeGotolei: its probably 99% the same12:02
Gotoleiok the daily build doesn't even get to the login screen apparently12:17
soeeGotolei: this must be some issue with your VB configuration i hink12:18
Gotoleii haven't changed anything since installing it, only custom thing is nested paging disabled12:18
Gotoleiheck i've had this laptop for less than a month12:19
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
Gotoleivervet alpha 2 almost done downloading..12:40
Gotoleithis one seems to be stuck on the splash screen12:43
Gotoleibluh, guess it just doesn't work in vb12:44
Gotoleiw/e i'll just try it as a live boot sometime tomorrow or something12:47
Gotoleithanks for the help, anyways12:47
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ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:12
=== rodolfojcj_ is now known as rodolfojcj
baizonhi guys, i have a problem with firefox + youtube + html5 :(16:29
baizonthe video stutters the whole time, only in fullscreen its working fine16:29
baizonany ideas how to fix that?16:30
maliboyhow to add a volume mixer in the panel ?17:21
maliboymine is missing17:21
=== giovanni is now known as Guest48490
decastGreetings everyone, sorry to bother with a noob question: is it ok to have files (in /var/log) with timestamps (by ls -l) prior to the install date? Thank you.18:20
SonikkuAmericadecast: Probably better for ##Linux , but they're just debug log files, shouldn't be any harm18:24
geniidecast: So long as they are not from the future it won't cause any problems18:28
decastThanks for the tip SonikkuAmerica and genii.  It looks kind of strange to me, to have installed the system on December and some logfile getting a timestam from Jully. Could it be related to dates the time the Kubuntu ISO image was created?18:30
geniiNo, that wouldn't matter18:31
SonikkuAmericagenii: (Lol, from the future)18:33
geniiSonikkuAmerica: It happens.18:33
genii( usually due to timezone reset)18:34
* SonikkuAmerica gets a lot of "Superblock last mount time is in the future." messages18:34
decastok, that one from the future was a cute one indeed, thank you gents.18:36
lucidguyOMG I can't freaking print PDFs in black&white or grayscale...  Always comes out in color18:53
lucidguyI've got a Xerox 6655.. installed the printer via their PPD.. and tried using their very own PrinterManager app.  Still colour.18:54
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arch-kubuvivid  kglobalaccel stops plasma-workspace update20:38
arch-kubuUnpacking plasma-workspace (4:5.1.95-0ubuntu2) over (4:5.1.2+git20150113.0114+15.04-0ubuntu0) ...20:43
arch-kubudpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-workspace_4%3a5.1.95-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb (--unpack):20:43
arch-kubu trying to overwrite '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kglobalaccel.service', which is also in package libkf5globalaccel-data 5.6.0+git20150112.0047+15.04-0ubuntu020:43
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BischoopHi all22:20
BischoopHi bprompt22:22
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