
mdeslaurcould someone please kill this spammer, please: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~c649199fe15:50
cjwatsonmdeslaur: done16:11
mdeslaurcjwatson: thanks!16:13
tewardthere's no way to trick the ppa builders into building non-i386/non-amd64 packages is there?20:06
=== reed_ is now known as reed
dobeyteward: request enblement of the other architecutre you're interested in via launchpad answers20:14
tewarddobey: i thought that was restricted to arm?20:54
tewardrather than $allarchs20:54
dobeyteward: what arch do you want? arm isn't i386 or amd64 :)21:07
tewarddobey: good point.  PPC came to mind, but meh.  :P21:08
tewardppc being evil as hell itself, though... probably best for me to not bother anyone about it21:08
tewardseeing the build farm for PPAs doesn't have ppc21:08
tewardanyways, done, I'll let it sit in the queue :)21:09
tewarddobey: armhf has been enabled now, thanks.  are arm64 and armel requestable, or no?23:50
tewardwgrant: ^ if you're there (you processed the request)23:50
wgrantteward: armel is dead; if you want armel you're confused.23:50
wgrantI can do arm64, but qemu-user-arm64 isn't very reliable yet.23:50
tewardwgrant: was asking because there's one weirdo using armel >.<23:51
wgrantTell them they're confused :P23:51
wgrantqemu is slow, I'd prefer not to enable an extra expensive arch because a single person is using a dead arch :)23:51
tewardwgrant: that's on my list :P23:51
tewardwgrant: should be fine with armhf23:51
tewardooooo interesting... depwait in precise for this... o.o23:52
tewardwgrant: if arm64 becomes reliable in the future i might request it, but.23:52
wgrantteward: Given qemu-user-arm64's unreliability, and the unavailability of any affordable usable hardware atm, I'd suggest holding off on it unless you really feel you need it.23:52
tewardwgrant: read my mind23:52
tewardhate depwaits though23:52
tewardoh well that explains it, FTBFS in armhf in precise23:53

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