
dholbachgood morning08:06
dholbachdpm, do you think the US guys could do UGJ hangout as well?14:15
dholbachdpm, just asking because I got a mail from somebody in the US who said it was a bit early in the day :)14:15
dpmdholbach, that was the idea, that we do a time that works for asia and then the US guys can do one that works for EU and the Americas14:16
belkinsadholbach, it's way too early for USA.   It's like at 5 AM EST or 3 AM PST.14:16
dholbachbelkinsa, ^14:16
dholbachrock on14:16
dpmdholbach, nhaines and jose said they could do that one14:16
belkinsadpm, but you are makes sense since we can't get Asia at times for hangouts.14:17
dholbachdpm, mhall119, popey, jose, nhaines: ugj vivid ping: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-global-jam-vivid15:10
joseugj vivid pong15:10
dholbachyeah... just wanted to say: have a look at the pad again and see if anything needs updating there :)15:11
josedholbach: on my side of things, I'd need the contents of community.ubuntu.com to x-link on the LTP15:18
popeydpm: we have a task to send mails to european teams, have you sent any yet?15:31
popeyI have a dump of the list of teams and can send them all if you want.15:31
dpmpopey, I've not sent them yet. Shall I take the first column on http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ (Europe) and you take the second?15:33
dholbachjose, can you file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website about it with the contents? happy to take care of it for you15:33
popeydpm: ok, 15:33
josedholbach: will do. have to draft it first15:33
popeydpm: some of these teams have the mailing list as the contact address15:46
popeyexpecting my mail to get stuck in queues15:47
popey\o/ mails sent16:07
popeywell, half the europe ones :)16:07
=== Gordon is now known as Guest14915
hilfehallo ist jemand online?21:38
hilfebräuchte hilfe mit ubuntu. bin absoluter anfänger und hab halt gar keinen plan mit linux ubuntu21:39
ubot5In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:40
JanC-3°C hier21:46
JanCsorry, wrong channel  :)21:46
wxlhey folks, how does one fill out the community donation request form in order to get a global jam pack?21:56
toddcJanC I just did it fill out the form but where it asks for the amount enter global jam pack and inslude a link to your event23:51

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