
k1l<fnordism> it's friday the 23th - fnord!  << alteregoa aka cornholio aka fnordistus again00:30
k1lone of them looks like some weirdo but who tried to be nice at least. the other 2 are typical internet idiots. no wonder they have several  entries in the bantracker. sad to see they seem to pick on one person there00:45
valorieshe is a fragile person, and takes everything personally00:53
valoriereality is, we can't stop all of it as long as trolls hang out in freenode00:54
elkyoh dear what happened?03:39
rwwMikaela hit the "trolls exist on IRC and freenode staff aren't fixing it therefore freenode policies are lies" stage of her IRC life03:43
rwwThe usual subsequent steps are 1) ragequitting or 2) apathy03:43
valorieimo it is tough to learn to not take things personally03:49
elkyyeah, there's a reason i ignored the requests to op her03:49
valorieI run across adults who've not learned this skill far too often03:50
valorieshe's a good kid, and will toughen up I hope03:50
svetaI got this /msg: <hickuper> Why you insult me. You whore05:36
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genii@comment 65909 abvchat webite spamming20:47
ubottuComment added.20:47
daftykinsbeaton- <-- this guy is just going to lurk and kick off at any time22:39
k1lhe is already gonbe22:41
k1l@mark #ubuntu beaton another bongo troll22:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:42
k1ldaftykins: but we will have a look22:42
daftykinstrying to remember the nickname of the guy that seems to be behind this, hmm22:43
daftykinsi've seen that VPN hostmask from another user before too, might ask him what provides it22:43
daftykinsk1l: thanks!22:43
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