
_stink_i heard12:22
=== JonEdney_v2 is now known as JonEdney
cmaloneyGood morning13:57
smoserjcastro: here now.14:20
jcastroI forgot what I was going to ask14:20
smoserfair enough.14:22
cmaloneyThis is why email is better. :)14:43
greg-gcmaloney: which is also why I have the contentlessping.pl extension/plugin/whatever they call them/ installed in irssi15:57
_stink_ping greg-g16:01
greg-g_stink_: name first16:01
greg-gbug report!16:01
* _stink_ shakes fist at regex16:01
_stink_greg-g: ping16:01
greg-g_stink_: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.16:01
greg-gthe funny part is that in my view, my response comes before your ping16:02
greg-git looks like this to me:16:02
greg-g11:01 <    greg-g> _stink_: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please  provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.16:02
greg-g11:01 <   _stink_> greg-g: ping16:02
_stink_ah weird - Irssi::settings_add_str() in the script must run before anything incoming gets written16:03
jrwrensmoser: congrats on the kid. I just found out.16:56
smoserjrwren: thanks.16:57
cmaloneySheesh! What is with people popping out kids without telling anyone17:02
cmaloneysmoser: Congratulations!17:03
brouschcmaloney: You're next17:03
jrwrencmaloney: privacy i would guess.17:04
cmaloneybrousch: We're getting Kid-in-a-can17:04
cmaloneyLeave the kid in a can for 18 years, remove when mature and then send out into the world.17:04
brouschAdopting from China?17:04
cmaloneyNah, I mean it'll be a well-adjusted kid17:05
cmaloneynone of that whole messy maturity stuff17:05
cmaloneyAsk JoDee about it sometime17:05
cmaloneyit's her idea.17:05
smoserhey, yeah, thanks.17:08
smoserthats one of the reasons i wasn't there at mug this last time.17:08
smoserjrwren: when did you start at canonical ?17:08
jrwrensmoser: July 3rd.17:18
jrwrensmoser: when did you get bonus for my hiring? :)17:18
smosercool. and you're still here, right :)17:18
smoseri dont think i got it yet. isnt it pathetic that i dont knwo..17:18
smoserbut for some reason i think that happens at 6 months of hired17:18
smoserdont knwo for sure though17:18
jrwrensmoser: yes, I'm in London at a sprint right now.17:46
aisraelI think it's at three months. jcastro, did you get your bonus for me?18:04
jcastroI DID.18:04
_stink_oh no, we have to admit to spawning now?18:13
_stink_well in that case, we are expecting #3 in July.18:13
cmaloney_stink_: Congratulations!18:14
cmaloneySee? That wasn't so hard? ;)18:15
_stink_i got past my fear.18:15
brousch_stink_: I saw that on FB at least18:16
_stink_yeah that's the best way to give out info18:16
_stink_have my wife tag in me a facebook post18:16
_stink_hah, the question marks carry the message there18:21
* cmaloney is listening to Trauma - Renewal Through Collapse18:22
cmaloneyThis band should be much bigger than they are.18:22
cmaloneyI swear Poland is like my Mecca for Death Metal18:23
cmaloneyDaylight even21:49

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