
fiatjafit's very strange. they all fail.00:00
k1lNForystek: this is not a chat channel. please ask a specific technical support question or use the #ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat00:00
NForystekI go read monodevelop.com right now to get it installed and there's no icon in the packages, it's a bunch of lines that ends with go follow next how to install it, with no lead to instructions00:00
Jordan_Ujb0nd38372: I'm pretty sure that all of the "safe" methods of increasing IO access are already in use by default.00:01
fiatjafI can ping, but not traceroute00:02
Jordan_Ujbernal0019: And in case there was any confusion, I never said that you can't use software RAID0 to increase your IO performance (though I will say that any RAID0 increases your chances of irrecoverable data loss in the event of hardware problems, so you'll have to decide if you consider it "safe").00:03
fiatjafok, here's a better description of my problem accessing archive.ubuntu.com: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9826836/ (just read this paste and you'll understand it all)00:08
fiatjafthank you for the help.00:08
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NateThughi i have windows 7 and i dual booted windows 7 and ubuntu linux. I chose ubuntu in the purple grub or grub 2 window i cant remember and it worked perfectly. I then chose windows 7 and it says windows failed to boot. I chose the recovery thing and it took me to gateway recovery management but then says i dont have enough space to restore my pc please help im desperate00:16
NateThugsorry that its long00:16
daftykins!bootrepair | NateThug00:18
ubottuNateThug: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.00:18
NateThugi tried using boot repair and i chose like recommened settings and still the same problem00:19
NateThugany help?00:20
NateThugfrom anybody?00:20
arcticNateThug there's one solution - remove win7 permanently :)00:21
peppe991film horror00:23
k1l!it | peppe99100:24
ubottupeppe991: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:24
fnordismit's friday the 23th - fnord!00:27
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blitzI have a question about curl and openssl in ubuntu 12.04 - is this the best place to ask? curl -1 -vvvv shows that curl sometimes uses SSLv3 instead of TLS, apparently at random00:42
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blitzcurl -1 with openssl version 0.9.8za on my mac never uses SSLv300:43
blitzbut version 1.0.1f seems to00:44
blitzon ubuntu00:44
Ryan__Will Ubuntu 14.10 support end in 9 months from now?00:45
Ryan__Or will end of support for it be years away?00:45
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes00:45
k1lRyan__: it ends 9 month after it was released00:45
daftykinsno, 9 months from October00:46
Ryan__Why is it only 9 months?00:46
daftykinsbecause it's not an LTS release.00:46
daftykinsget 14.04.1 to stay supported until 2019.00:46
Ryan__I see, should I use 14.04 then to avoid having to upgrade?00:46
Ryan__Okay, will do00:46
daftykinsthis is all detailed on the website, Ryan__00:46
Ryan__daftykins: I saw that on the site but wasn't sure if I was believing it correctly00:46
k1lRyan__: if you install 14.10 you will need to upgrade all 6 months  to until you are at 16.04.00:47
Ryan__every 6 months you mean?00:47
k1levery 6 months there is a new ubuntu version. they got 9 months support but after the 9 months are gone you already spoiled 3 months from the next release. so its only 6 months left, etc.... tl;dr: upgrade all 6 months when you dont stick to the LTS00:48
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Ryan__Ah I see, k ty00:49
daftykinsit's true that the correct english is 'upgrade every 6 months' though ;)00:52
* k1l will try to keep that in mind :)00:52
blitzhow do I upgrade openssl 1.0.1f to openssl 1.0.1g+ in ubuntu 12.04?00:55
blitzis my only option to build from source?00:55
shumanor wait.. ;)00:56
k1lblitz: why you want to do that?00:56
blitzwe're way past g, and this is causing things to fail so that's not an option00:56
blitzbecause there's apparently a bug in 1.0.1f that causes TLS renegotiation to failover to SSLv300:57
k1ldid you file a bug?00:57
blitzit's filed00:57
blitzI'm talking to openssl people now brb00:57
daftykins!info openssl precise00:58
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.21 (precise), package size 507 kB, installed size 898 kB00:58
daftykinshmm no letter in that output00:58
k1lblitz: i am talking about a ubuntu bug on launchpad.net against the openssl package in ubuntu. so if there is a known patch the maintainer could upgrade the package01:00
blitzk1l confirming with openssl people, I'll get back to you01:03
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kulelu88How do I install pip (Python) without using apt-get install?01:19
Stanley00kulelu88: you can use pip command too, but why?01:20
kulelu88Stanley00: I built python 2.7.9 onto my machine and I'd like to build pip too. I am worried that using the apt-get install version won't be compatible with 2.7.901:21
Stanley00kulelu88: what's your ubuntu version?01:21
kulelu8814.04 (Docker image)01:21
Stanley00!info python trusty01:22
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB01:22
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Stanley00kulelu88: okay, if you had built python, I think you should better build pip too... but are there many difference between 2.7.9 and 2.7.5?01:24
kulelu88Stanley00: The ubuntu image of Docker didn't come with Python, so I don't think I broke any system stuff01:24
mrecdoes anyone know how to enable php5 with apache on ubuntu? This nasty issue has been there for more than 10 years that the default installation does not work and things need to be reconfigured01:25
kulelu88!info php501:25
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.12+dfsg-2ubuntu4.1 (utopic), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB01:25
daftykinsa2enmod php ?01:26
mrecit's enabled01:27
Stanley00kulelu88: hmm... my point here is if you don't need anything special in python 2.7.9, install it from repos is always better.01:27
daftykinswhy did you ask how to enable it then? :)01:27
mrecI only need it for some small things01:27
mrecheh because it does not work as usual01:27
NegativeFlaresudo a2enmod php501:27
NegativeFlareI think o_o01:27
mrecit shows the php source in the browser :-)01:27
mrecthis is really lame that issue has been there for more than 10 years now01:27
kulelu88Stanley00: What about all the possible security issues between 2.7.6 and 2.7.9 ?01:28
Stanley00kulelu88: I think bugs will be backport to 2.7.5, that's why we have 2.7.5-ubuntu3 there ;)01:29
kulelu88Stanley00: Is that how it works? bugs are backported?01:29
Stanley00kulelu88: AFAIK, yes.01:29
kulelu88I never knew this :-/01:30
kulelu88It got me wondering how OSes stay safe if there are bugs but they work on the old versions01:30
S_P_Dwhere can i find the +mac version of ubuntu with unity 801:31
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Stanley00kulelu88: so, now you can happily install python 2.7.5 and stay safe until 2019? (as long as you keep up-to-date) :P01:33
l3x1hi all, do you use aws? i got stuck in registering!!! need your help?01:33
kulelu882019? Heh ? I think by then we will have 2.8.1 :D01:33
kulelu88l3x1: Stuck how?01:33
Stanley00S_P_D: maybe in daily live image of ubuntu?01:34
Stanley00kulelu88: I don't know, but 14.04 will be supported until 2019, so you can have all security update until then :301:35
l3x1but they block my acc and require me fax them billing information01:35
NegativeFlare!offtopic | l3x101:35
ubottul3x1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:35
kulelu88oh Stanley00 , i thought u were referring to end-of-life of python :D01:35
k1ll3x1: well, talk to the aws support then. we cant help you there.01:35
S_P_Dhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/ doesn't have the +mac version01:36
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S_P_Dand i'm positive that's the right directory http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/06/unity-8-daily-build-images-go-live01:37
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daftykinshas 8 even been released 0o01:38
Jordan_US_P_D: There is no need for a +mac image any more.01:38
daftykinsif not, it's off topic here01:38
daftykinsbecause only released software is on topic in here01:39
Jordan_US_P_D: A better work around for Apple's broken firmware was found that can be used for the primary images. (The work around for the +mac images was to remove UEFI support from the image).01:39
Stanley00S_P_D: for unity 8, I think you should ask in #ubuntu+1 maybe :301:39
S_P_Dhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacPro The regular 64-bit Ubuntu CDs have trouble booting on older Intel Macs, such as MacPro1,1, due to EFI incompatibilities. You must download a special +mac CD of Ubuntu to work-around this problem01:40
kulelu88Try an older ubuntu version maybe? S_P_D01:40
daftykinsold mac pro, as in PowerPC?01:41
S_P_Di guess i could just use the i386 dvd. Thanks anything! and no, it's intel. efi3201:41
kulelu88dont mac users consider OSX better? *dont flame me for asking*01:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:42
daftykinskulelu88: not on topic.01:42
kulelu88I guess not ...01:43
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OERIAShey haijohn02:36
The_TickIs there a way to make it so that the contents of / will not list when you ls -al / ?02:39
lathiatThe_Tick: You can remove the read permission from a directory (o-r) and it will stop a directory being listable, but can still be changed into.  There is a reasonable chance that will break things though, I wouldn't recommend it.  Also the contents of / are very predictable so you wouldn't really be doing much, someone can just guess all the common names and list them instead02:41
lathiatThe_Tick: (its important to keep the execute permission on a directory, as that is what lets someone change into it, even if they can't list it)02:42
lathiatThe_Tick: also no idea if the / node is spceial in any way here.. in any case, i would try it on a junk system/VM first :P02:42
The_Tickya I was trying to figure out what this user did02:42
lathiatwell in that case likely they did chmod o-r /02:42
The_TickFigured asking it that way would make it easier to reverse it02:42
lathiatls -lad /02:42
lathiatwill show you the perms02:42
The_Tickso chmod o+r / sounds good02:42
lathiatdrwxr-xr-x 35 root root 4096 Dec 29 07:49 /02:42
The_Tickah nice02:42
Pupuser402Has anyone had any problems loading ubuntu from USB on a laptop with nvidia and getting a split screen?02:43
The_Tickexplain split screen02:43
Pupuser402the image is split on different parts of the screen, pixelated, etc02:43
Pupuser402overlapping text02:44
The_Tickis there an hcl for ubuntu?02:44
The_Tickah there is02:44
Pupuser402hcl?  I'm new to this linux thing.....02:44
The_Tickthat's not a linux thing :)02:45
The_Tickit's a hardware compatibility list02:45
Pupuser402ya, i've seen that before02:45
The_TickI'm wondering if it's on that list02:45
Pupuser402HP Pavilion dv600002:45
Pupuser402I got puppy linux to work with no problem, have had horrible luck with ubunutu and debian02:46
The_Tick6000 or 6600?02:46
The_Ticktry reading that bad boy02:47
The_Ticklooks pretty nice02:47
The_TickI should probably try ubuntu at some point02:47
Pupuser402cool, thanks02:47
TelendrithHi. I installed Ubuntu Server on a Dell PowerEdge 2950 but it won't boot into the OS, any ideas?02:49
compdocTelendrith, how many drives?02:50
crazyhorse18hey my /tmp directory keeps filling up02:50
Telendrithcompdoc: Just two, in a raid 1 setup02:51
The_Tickcrazyhorse18: with what?02:51
The_TickTelendrith: where does it stop booting?02:51
crazyhorse18i'm not sure i ran a diskanalyser on it.. and it says 4.1kb02:52
TelendrithAfter the F/W Initilization and remote access setup. Just stalls.02:52
crazyhorse18tmpfs                        1.0G  1.0G     0 100% /tmp  << but that is df -h02:52
The_Tickyou only have a 1 gb tmp?02:53
The_Tickthat seems tiny to me02:53
Stanley00crazyhorse18: what's result of "sudo du -sh /tmp/* | sort -h"02:53
Stanley00The_Tick: looks like he has 2G ram, and tmp mouted as tmpfs :302:53
crazyhorse18Stanley00, all 0's02:53
The_TickStanley00: ya I'd agree02:53
crazyhorse185 directorys, all 002:53
The_Tickcrazyhorse18: du -sh /tmp02:53
The_Tickguess he needs a sudo ont aht02:54
crazyhorse184.0k /tmp02:54
Stanley00crazyhorse18: hmm... looks like some file is deleted while still being used...02:54
neonixcoderIs there any way I can see what process is forking a lot?02:54
Stanley00crazyhorse18: can you reboot this machine?02:54
crazyhorse18now. i have written a program that sha1's every single file on the computer.. and its probably whats cuasing it02:54
crazyhorse18yeah i can reboot it, but i'd like to fix the problem02:54
The_Ticksudo du -x --all --max-depth=1 / | sort -n02:55
The_Tickpaste the output to a paste service, pastie is fine02:55
Stanley00crazyhorse18: reboot can fix it, and rewrite your prog too :P02:55
The_Tickunless there's a pastebot here02:55
crazyhorse18Stanley00, all it does is iterate through the files02:55
The_Tickpeople actually want to reboot linux?02:55
The_Tickcrazyhorse18:  The_Tick> sudo du -x --all --max-depth=1 / | sort -n02:55
Stanley00crazyhorse18: does it use any *temp* files, as in mktemp?02:56
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Stanley00The_Tick: well, you can file the file with lsof, and kill the process too, but reboot is simplier :P02:56
Stanley00*can find*02:56
compdocTelendrith, can you boot a live version of ubuntu?02:56
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The_TickI'm hoping to find out where its working directory is and then lsof | grep -i filename02:57
compdocTelendrith, Im thinking it must be the raid02:57
The_Tickif you want to take it from here Stanley00 feel free I don't use ubuntu :)02:57
crazyhorse18hmm yeah02:57
crazyhorse18maybe i can reboot02:57
The_Tickmaybe he's doing something specific for the distro02:57
The_Tickcrazyhorse18: the probelm will just resurface02:57
crazyhorse18i've only got 200k files left (it managed to do 21 million before it crashed)02:57
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Telendrithcompdoc: Yea, I'm going to try and re-initalize the raid. If that Dosn't work, just use one drive.02:58
ziikutvHello guys, I have a microcontroller which runs Ubuntu (They have the ubuntu iso or w/e and some other things I have to flash on the microcontroller) .. HOWEVER, it says that I can address the GPIO pins by simply deferencing "virtual file system" can someone explain how that is possible? (i.e: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/mode/)02:59
ziikutvI was told in anothre channel that it is done by the kernel.. so does that mean the functionality of that "address" is added in by the board developer inside the installation file/iso ?03:00
ziikutvIf you read literally first first paragrap hhere: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/programming-the-pcduino/accessing-gpio-pins03:00
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blackrainI have some questions regaqrding desktop environments03:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:13
jerome@could somebody tell me what is this app for?03:13
somsipjerome: ubuntu support03:14
blackrainsorry Im new, So regarding Window managers, do they change the setup of the desktop and how you interact with it?03:14
somsipblackrain: they have different WIMP interfaces - how the WIndows, Icons, Mouse and Pointers work03:14
blackrainhttp://i.imgur.com/VxjmGpE.png, This is the kind of display im after, I want to know if I can get as close to this as possible03:15
jeromesomslp thank u03:15
somsip*menus not mouse.03:15
blackrainI talked to the person who had this, and he is using DZEN, and Herbstluftwm03:15
blackrainwill those implement the graphical changes as well as the functional changes?03:15
blackrainIdeally I would only have that top status bar03:16
somsipblackrain: dzen will give you the tiled windows, and other packages may give you what else you want. It might be built into dzen. Maybe talk more to the same person03:16
somsipblackrain: no, sorry. I though dzen was a WM but it's not. The screenshot there could be one of a few, like xmonad, dwm or wmii.03:17
blackrainI am sure the tiling windowm anager is Herbstluftwm03:18
blackrainIm after the desktop environment more than the functionality at this stage03:18
somsipblackrain: it appears to be a WM. So what is your real question here?03:18
somsip!zh | jerome03:18
ubottujerome: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:18
blackrainDo you have any recommendations for removing the side taskbar, and getting a terminal run desktop as shown in the screen shot03:19
blackrainalso a side question, do tou recognize that music player in the screenshot as well? Thanks again for the help03:19
somsipblackrain: what side taskbar? You mean in unity? You've answered this question yourself when you said it was herbstluftwm03:19
yaoxihello everybody03:20
blackrainyes the unity taskbar, I havent ever installed a windowsmanager03:20
blackrainI wanted to know if window managers remove taskbars and change the desktop enronment that drastically03:20
kevivBesides /home, what else would be prudent to factor out to separate partitions (to ease backups, mitigate runaway filling up the root fs, etc)?03:21
somsipblackrain: unity is the default wm. If you install another wm, it will be different. Like screenshots of herbstluftwm show03:21
CHVNXblackrain: Unity is a window manager. If you use a different Windo manager, you will lose Unity. And its panel.03:21
Bashing-omkeviv: Server ?03:21
kevivBashing-om: desktop03:21
blackrainAh! i see! thank you so much, I didnt know that Unity was a wm, that solves everything03:22
somsipkeviv: it's a quesiton with a myriad of answers all of which are right, wrong, and start holy wars.03:22
kevivOh boy03:22
somsip!partitioning | keviv03:22
ubottukeviv: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:22
kevivOoh thanks03:22
Bashing-omkeviv: Generally with the desk top. I know of no good reasons other than a seperate /home .03:22
somsipkeviv: but it is really as thick as you want to slice it.03:23
dejancar"unable to find a medium containing a live file system" - help plos03:23
kevivsomsip: 404 not found :?03:23
dejancari think that i will eat my monitors03:23
somsipkeviv: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes (must be a dead factoid)03:23
kevivAh that's better03:23
kevivBashing-om: so not even /usr?03:24
kevivWait I thought swaps were supposed to match in size the amount of memory you have. They say 2 GB.03:25
somsipkeviv: old rule was 2xRAM which still applies for suspend and hibernate IIRC. But if you have tons of RAM which is more common nowadays, you might not been twice as much swap03:26
kevivsomsip: only 8 GB, but I can't really see myself even using that much ever, but 16 GB off the 1 TB hdd won't kill it03:27
Bashing-omkeviv: I do run a seperate /var on my -now- desktop install . even that is not needed - A seperate /home can be a good thing . // For a desktop a consolidated system makes better use of disk space, and where applications expect to find defaults .03:27
somsipkeviv: when I had 8GB I had 8GB swap and didnt use it from what I noticed. But now I have 16GB and not that less than 8GB is spare, so maybe it was used. I don't think it's hassle to create swap for the same reaosns as you just said, but some will argue it is unecessary with high amounts of RAM03:28
kevivEh, I'll just shrink it if I ever need the space03:29
kevivthanks somsip and Bashing-om03:30
kevivAnd ubottu even ;)03:30
Bashing-omkeviv: :-) , keep it simple and change as required .03:31
kevivI'm actually pretty glad I can keep this down to 5 partitions (also have win installed)03:33
Bashing-omkeviv: IF a greater number of partitons is a factor, consider GPT partitioning (128 primary partitions) . And as well the 4096 block size makes for a faster system if crunching numbers.03:35
kevivBashing-om: iirc it is gpt, because my OEM (HP) originally had 7 partitions (+2 unallocated partitions) :/03:37
Bashing-omkeviv: Maybe yes, maybe not so yes, as one of those primary partitions may be an 'extended' partition as a "container" for 'logical' partitions . to see -> sudo part -l .03:39
luka_I need some support about battery on my lenovo G500, just changed from windows to ubuntu03:39
kevivBashing-om: oh sorry I mean they were all primary, or at least that's what gparted showed me at the time03:39
luka_Can someone help me ? I need some support about battery on my lenovo G500, just changed from windows to ubuntu03:40
Bashing-omkeviv: Yepper, I agree, 7 primary partitions is a GPT disk .03:40
luka_Can someone help me ? I need some support about battery on my lenovo G500, just changed from windows to ubuntu03:41
somsip!patience | luka_03:41
ubottuluka_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:41
luka_alrighy ...03:41
luka_and I am waiting for what?03:42
kevivluka_: I'm no expert here, but irc support generally goes smoother if you just go ahead and ask your question and wait for somebody to respond, rather than ask to ask03:42
luka_ok, tnx :)03:43
balazshow do I check if a partition of mine is on SSD or normal disk ?03:43
somsipluka_: the thing is, you've got quite a specific issue, it's quiet time here (the West is mostly asleep), you haven't given a lot of details, and you're asking the same thing every couple of minutes.03:44
luka_My battery is charging up to 59% and won't go any higher, if I unplug the AC, battery lasts for an hour maybe. My laptop is lenovo g500 . I started using ubuntu yesterday, on windows I had lenovo energy managment and I set the battery to charge up to 60% ... is there a way to set the battery to charge to 100% without switching back to windows.03:45
somsipluka_: have a full read of this. It might apply but I'm not sure http://askubuntu.com/questions/34452/how-can-i-limit-battery-charging-to-80-capacity03:46
luka_I will try the solution provided there, thank you very much03:47
luka_did not go so well ... "could not insert 'tp_smapi': No such device03:49
luka_" -03:49
somsipluka_: no idea. I tried, but <shrugs>03:50
luka_is there a way to run windows from usb just temporarely so I can install and run lenovo energy managment?03:58
LesliechoIf i select the encryption option during install is it easy to switch that later and is it possible to recover data on another computer if i still know the password?03:59
TelendrithHrm, so I re-initialized my raid 1 - but it still won't get past boot :/04:00
i0d9i20can you still ubuntu on a chromebook?04:00
i0d9i20i mean, can you install ubuntu on a chromebook?04:01
LesliechoIf i select the encryption option during install is it easy to switch that later and is it possible to recover data on another computer if i still know the password?04:03
i0d9i20Lesliecho, i think so04:04
LesliechoIs it just me or is this place much less active compared to before04:05
kevivBashing-om: oh I feel dumb now. I didn't realize that you meant sudo parted -l actually TELLS you what table your drive uses :D04:06
LesliechoIm so nervous to replace windows right now cuz if i mess up it doesnt seem like many ppl are here to bail me out heh04:07
i0d9i20Lesliecho, they won't be04:08
i0d9i20Lesliecho, you should probably stick with windows or maybe dual boot04:08
LesliechoThey were more active earlier in the day but i had to download the iso04:09
i0d9i20windows isn't that bad, just use free and open source apps on windows04:09
kevivLesliecho: in addition to what i0d9i20 said, once you use it enough, you'll grow more confident with it, to the point where you can really weigh your options04:10
kevivInstead of relying on one because it's familiar, they'll both be familiar eventually04:10
i0d9i20or start with the liveCD/USB for a while04:10
LesliechoThey said earlier because i just browse the web and watch movies that i should switch04:11
i0d9i20Lesliecho, why do you want to switch, because you can do what on any operating system heh04:11
i0d9i20but with linux you worry less about viruses and stuff04:12
Lesliechowell because windows is scary and not free04:12
kevivLesliecho: it's free for you isn't it?04:12
i0d9i20but if you have it on your computer you probably already paid for it04:12
keviv(Or don't need to ;)04:12
LesliechoYa i paid for this versionof windows but its still scary lol04:13
i0d9i20if i was confortable with ubuntu i would probably set up a dual boot, because microsoft office comes in handy, can you can install a lot of windows apps and games04:14
southworth_what about onedrive?04:15
southworth_that basically covers all your office needs doesn't it?04:15
lotuspsychjei0d9i20: you can use playonlinux and office online ubuntu apps04:15
LesliechoMy disk is only 80gb and windows is taking 65 i cant really dual04:15
kevivLesliecho: netbook?04:16
southworth_how old is that thing?04:16
LesliechoIts a solid state or something i donno04:16
lotuspsychjeLesliecho: install ubuntu 14.04 single on your ssd, you will be pleased04:16
i0d9i20lotuspsychje, yeah you can, i had microsoft office on both wine and virtualbox but liinux updates broke those programs for me thus i found it easier just to have windows on dual boot04:16
lotuspsychjei0d9i20: checkout the article on omgubuntu for office web apps for ubuntu04:17
LesliechoLotus should i do the encryption thing with the install or just do it later?04:17
LesliechoIm literally at the install screen lol im webchat on my phone04:18
lotuspsychjeLesliecho: if you want encrypted /home choose at your setup04:18
kevivLesliecho: needless to say (yet I'll still say it), whatever you do, make sure to make a full backup04:18
lotuspsychjeLesliecho: but as regular user i would not reccomend encryption04:18
kevivIf nothing else, at least backup C:\Users\<You>04:19
i0d9i20Lesliecho, there is a command line way to recover your encrypted ubuntu, but it takes a bit of a learning curve, the Grub tends to mess up on my at times04:19
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lotuspsychjeLesliecho: the safest way to keep data in my opinion is on usb and burried under the ground04:20
LesliechoOkay and does lvm option matter then?04:20
lotuspsychjeLesliecho: i would choose regular install04:20
* keviv really wishes gparted knew how to "move" 20 GiB of empty space04:21
i0d9i20lotuspsychje, interesting, but i'm not a fan of cloud competing i value my personal privacy more04:26
lotuspsychjei0d9i20: dont like cloud neither :p04:26
prabhur u thr04:33
hickuperlotuspsychje: safest way to keep data. Is tell no one then kill self04:50
holaaaaalguien me lee?04:56
holaaaaMe siento edio es04:56
holaaaaestupido habalndo solo xD04:57
holaaaame van a banear04:58
Ben64holaaaa: don't do that05:01
holaaaaonly i need somebody who teach my use this05:02
Ben64holaaaa: explain your issue05:02
holaaaai no speek inglish05:02
NoticeMeSenpaiif i have flash installed and it works with firefox but not chromium what did i do wrong?05:02
holaaaayo hablo español05:02
somsip!es | holaaaa05:02
ubottuholaaaa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:02
holaaaatanks for the help05:03
NoticeMeSenpaiflash please?05:07
somsip!info flashplugin-installer | NoticeMeSenpai05:08
ubottuNoticeMeSenpai: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 7 kB, installed size 137 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:08
NoticeMeSenpai^ its installed just not working with chromium for some reason05:08
lowryderhmm, is ubottu a bot that can detect Spanish and then message that user?05:08
lowryderI wonder what words it picks up on05:09
somsiplowryder: no, I'm a person who saw the user say they speak English and I triggered the bot with !es05:09
lowryderoh, somsip called it05:09
lowryderI was tremendously impressed for a moment. Now I'm only slightly impressed05:09
somsiplowryder: I try to be slightly less than impressive. It gives me a lower standard to live up to05:10
lowrydersomsip: words for us all to live by05:10
somsiplowryder: only kidding. I'm great really. Andway...OT05:10
NoticeMeSenpaidoes anybody know how I can get flash working in chromium?05:13
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: did you work through this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash05:14
hickuperNoticeMeSenpai: install flash for Firefox and it will work in chromium05:14
hickuperNoticeMeSenpai: or use chrome. It has its own flash and its newer version of flash.05:15
i0d9i20or just use firefox heh05:15
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: yes05:15
NoticeMeSenpaihickuper, i'd love to but it wasnt in the software centre05:15
hickuperNoticeMeSenpai: go to chrome web site and download the ubuntu deb x64 or x86 version you need.05:17
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: *if* you want to install Chrome, the PPA is useful05:17
svetadoesn't chromium have its own (sufficiently new) version of Flash?05:17
somsipsveta: pepperflash05:18
hickuperNoticeMeSenpai: just go to the website. No ppa is needed.05:18
svetaI don't see a need to install Google Chrome in this case -- move from "chromium" to "chrome" does not look justified.05:18
hickupersveta: chromium is open-source so it could not have flash. It uses the same older version flash firefox uses.05:19
NoticeMeSenpaii dont know this is my first time using ubuntu and i just wanna look at some twitch before i sleep :/05:19
svetaWe should not use closed source flash, if the opensource version works. Where Flash is needed, an attempt should be made to install the opensource version first.05:20
sveta"install flash for Firefox and it will work in chromium" looks like good advice to me.05:20
NoticeMeSenpaiso i should do the pepper instead?05:20
svetaWould try installing browser-plugin-gnash.05:20
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: you can use pepper in chromium, or install chrome, or install firefox and flashlplugin. All your choice. Or gnash, as sveta has just said05:21
hickuperNoticeMeSenpai: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html05:21
NoticeMeSenpaiso many choices05:21
Montaro what you really want to do is install internet explorer under wine :P05:21
svetaFlash from Adobe is closed source. Pepperflash is closed source also. Try GNash first.05:21
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: you will find this as you are new to ubuntu. You soon find out which way is your way05:21
svetaThere is indeed a lot of choice; I apologize, many people in this room and they do not have clear single preference.05:22
hickuperNoticeMeSenpai: they are confusing you. The easiest thing to do is go to that web page and install chrome. Your new and trust me it's easy.05:23
svetaWhat hickuper suggested is to install software outside of package manager. This is not supported here, surely?05:23
daftykins!find pepperflash05:23
ubottuFound: pepperflashplugin-nonfree05:23
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: I'd go with what hickuper said until you find your way. Chrome is fine in itself05:23
daftykins!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | NoticeMeSenpai install this05:23
ubottuNoticeMeSenpai install this: pepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.7ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 10 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:23
svetaCan we please stop asking him to try things different from gnash?05:23
somsipsveta: some ops say PPAs are not supported here, others say we support what users are prepared to give advice on.05:23
daftykinssveta: gnash is a poor suggestion05:24
somsipsveta: no, we give him alternatives and he follows up the advice he thinks is best05:24
hickupersveta: it will place a repository on software sources. Your recommending PPA and confusing issues for a new person.05:24
svetaI am not recommending  a ppa.05:24
somsipI recommended the PPA. In retrospect, not so helpful for a newbie05:25
hickupersveta: the chrome download will automatically install chrome repository on his sources. Not a hacked PPA.05:25
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: my last word on this as it's deteriorating. If you want to play flash and you're okay with chrome, here are instructions http://tecadmin.net/install-google-chrome-in-ubuntu/05:26
svetaI am not recommending  a ppa at all. I am recommending a /package/.05:26
hickupersomsip: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html05:27
hickuperMy last word somsip05:27
NoticeMeSenpaiokay thank you05:28
hickupersveta: you were talking over me so was somsip05:34
DJJeffeach time I unhook my hdmi monitor and plug it back in tty7 is black but I can still see login screen on tty1-605:39
DJJeffusing ctrl+alt+{1-6}05:39
DJJeffdoes my Xorg crash when I unplug my hdmi?05:40
somsipDJJeff: anything in your .xsession-errors? Though is X running if you're only using TTY?05:40
hickuperDJJeff: hdmi hot plug. Not sure it works.05:41
DJJeffI have rebooted since the problem so my logs might be empty05:41
somsipDJJeff: maybe best to reproduce and look for errors then05:41
DJJeffseems to be the only solution is to reboot and loose my session05:41
hickuperDJJeff: setup dual monitor so it's always active.05:42
NoticeMeSenpaiand im guessing if i want to play minecraft i want openjdk?05:42
somsipNoticeMeSenpai: you need a JDK. I found openjdk worked fine, though IIRC minecraft website suggested there may be issues05:42
hickuperDJJeff: mirror dual monitor.05:42
DJJeffI will save and close what I am working on join freenode on my laptop and look for this errors file05:45
somsipDJJeff: just a suggestion with you asking if it crashed Xorg. No idea if it will be the case05:46
DJJeffa funny I found yesterday is that if I stop network-manager and try to sudo it says "Unable to resolve host: {my hostname}"05:49
ameHi can anyone help me on this.I am trying to execute this command "mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN " but it is saying missing operand??05:49
somsipame: what is the output of 'echo $FOAM_RUN'05:49
DJJeffame: does $FOAM_RUN have anything in it?05:50
DJJefftry to echo it05:50
SchrodingersScatalso quote every expansion05:50
ameno it is showing empty if i echo05:50
somsipame: yeah, mkdir will do that with no params05:50
ameDJJeff:what does this command says??05:51
somsipame: $FOAM_RUN should contain something like '/usr/local/package' so that mkdir can create those directories. It's empty, so mkdir complains05:51
amesomsip:What should i do now??05:52
somsipame: what are you trying to run or install?05:52
amehttp://www.openfoam.org/download/ubuntu.php At this installation am getting error05:52
somsipame: type ". /opt/openfoam231/etc/bashrc" then try the mkdir again05:53
amesomsip:where to type this in bashrc or terminal??05:54
somsipame: terminal. Did you do any of the steps under User Configuration on that page?05:54
amesomsip:no not yet05:54
svetaI do not see an mkdir step at that page. It adds a new source and installs a package from apt.05:54
somsipame: so you're running later commands before doing the setup properly. And my patience evaporates like mist on a hot day...05:54
amesomsip:still stuck in that step...But i got icFoam -help till successfully05:55
digiZensveta: it is near the bottom05:55
svetait is installed already? ah.05:55
somsipsveta: under Getting Started, after the User Configuration which he's not done from what he's said05:55
amesomsip:sorry i have configured till user configuration05:55
svetaopen a new terminal window and try there - it needs to set a new env variable apparently (and that's probably not yet set in terminal windows you opened before the install, dunno).05:56
svetaright. it has the user config step which has to be done before getting started.05:56
sveta> "Open a **new** terminal window (see Note 2)  ... ( If a user wishes to execute icoFoam in the same terminal window, they must first register the change to the .bashrc file by typing at the terminal prompt (note the dots):  source $HOME/.bashrc)"05:57
svetaame: --^05:57
digiZenhello ghosty05:58
ghostyhave a problem with any live version running wit nvidia05:58
ghostyon compaq presario05:58
amesveta:wat should i do now??I have configured till user configuration and getting the output for icoFoam -help  without any problem05:58
ghostyany reason as to why it doesnt load the login screen or just hangs during live installion ?05:59
svetaame: I would open a new terminal window and try the mkdir line there.05:59
svetaame: why do you say "till"? did you edit your bashrc or not? I don't understand you.05:59
amesveta:ya i edited the bashrc file but i am confused that i need to add a dot before that??06:00
ghostyis it common for linux and nvidia not to get aong ?06:00
ameyou want the bashrc file to be pasted anywhere??06:00
daftykinsghosty: not really no06:00
somsipghosty: does the laptiop use optimus?06:00
somsip!optimus | ghosty06:01
ubottughosty: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/06:01
ghostyive tired many differnt live cds even wubi but after it boots it just goes black sometimes with a blink underscore at the top06:01
daftykinsa presario isn't a laptop, i don't think06:01
somsipisn't it? my bad06:01
svetaame: add "source /opt/openfoam231/etc/bashrc" to the end of your ~/.bashrc file. yes, the file name contains a dot.06:01
daftykins!nomodeset | ghosty use this06:01
ubottughosty use this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:01
ghostyno its a compaq presario desktop with nivida cuda06:01
Jef91Is Qt the native tool kit for building apps on Ubuntu Mobile?06:02
ghostynomodeset how do i apply that to the live cd part of installition ?06:02
somsipghosty: stuff here - looks incomplete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cuda06:03
svetaJef91: consider asking #ubuntu-touch .06:03
daftykins"nvidia cuda" = not a card.06:03
Jef91thanks sveta tried #ubuntumobile and it was empty06:03
ghostynivida cuda is a platform built for amdx64 which is in my desktop computer06:03
amesveta:i have add the line in ~/.bashrc but when i am trying to open terminal i got a message on the top of the terminal line  "bash: /opt/openfoam231/etc/bashrc: No such file or directory"06:03
svetaame: good catch. what does « file /opt/openfoam* » say?06:04
amesveta:/opt/openfoam221: directory06:04
svetaame: run apt-get update and apt-get install openfoam. does it say that you have the latest package? (they mean to say that they're shipping version 231 now. (what Ubuntu version are you on?))06:06
ghostythat is a great page you sent me too on installing the drivers but i cannot even get into the installer to do that06:06
somsipghosty: I'm not sure how relevant it is, but it suggest that there is a special thing about cuda and ubuntu06:07
amesveta:i found the mistake i done...its because of the entry in bashrc as like in the website but i have installed a different version...Now i changed its working06:07
daftykinsghosty: you can set 'nomodeset' before booting.06:07
ghostyalright ill figure it out thank you all06:08
svetaame: yeah, you got it: these two versions have to match -- I am glad it's working now. (I suspect that version 221 is unmaintained by now.)06:08
svetaame: as we may see, 231 is the latest stable release.06:09
svetaame: if you're unable to obtain 231, use 221 -- they do not cite security breaches or it being EOL per se. (Learning the new version would help you avoid having to re-learn it and convert files later on.)06:11
amesveta:ok finally igot everything running except the last command parafoam....If i give parafoam it is saying error "FATAL ERROR: ParaView reader module libraries do not exist  Please build the reader module before continuing: cd $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV3Readers ./Allwclean ./Allwmake"06:12
svetaame: it suggests you to run the 3 commands ("cd $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV3Readers", then "./Allwclean", and then "./Allwmake") from what I can see.06:13
svetaame: is the "paraview" package installed? it'd probably work too; I'm not sure whether it is the same as the "paraview reader" they are looking for.06:13
cfhowlett_!test | id_06:14
ubottuid_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:14
TelendrithI just installed ubuntu server, and it won't boot or get to the boot loader. I think it's because my server dosn't support UEFI, how can I change it to BIOS?06:37
ObrienDaveyou might try #ubuntu-server06:38
cfhowlett_!server | Telendrith06:40
ubottuTelendrith: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server06:40
ameDo anybody have documentation of process,daemons,services with decription....If u have pls share it to me...i am in rush to submit that..06:50
NaranjaLocadoes anyone here know about vpn? I am having trouble seeing the point in l2tp/IPsec as opposed to just IPsec on its own06:51
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NaranjaLocalot of people here, not so much conversation06:53
ameDo anybody have documentation of process,daemons,services with decription....If u have pls share it to me...i am in rush to submit that..06:54
Ben64NaranjaLoca: conversation is for #ubuntu-offtopic ... this channel is for support06:54
Ben64ame: can you be more specific about what you want?06:54
NaranjaLocaBen64, well I was kinda looking for support too... just, no one was talking06:55
ameBen64:i want a documnet on what are the daemons,services,process on ubuntu with decription and from which location it is running06:55
cfhowlett_NaranjaLoca, you don't ask, you don't get.06:55
NaranjaLocaI asked06:55
NaranjaLocadoes anyone here know about vpn? I am having trouble seeing the point in l2tp/IPsec as opposed to just IPsec on its own06:56
Ben64ame: still not sure what you mean exactly, which services?06:56
ameBen64:Services  like cron,acpi and all with description06:57
Ben64ame: you should use the man pages06:57
cfhowlett_!vpn | NaranjaLoca06:57
ubottuNaranjaLoca: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN06:57
ameBen64:okay but the thing is i cannot man that now and prepare document...Definitely someone will have that kind of document so asking06:58
Ben64ame: you can find the man pages online06:58
NaranjaLocaubottu, thanks but the page says that IPsec is not covered so far06:59
ubottuNaranjaLoca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:59
NaranjaLocaubottu, oh, if only everyone was as honest as you in that regard07:00
ubottuNaranjaLoca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:00
NaranjaLocadoes anyone know of another channel, perhaps, where I can ask about IPsec vs l2tp/IPsec ... even google is turning up preciously little07:02
cfhowlett_NaranjaLoca, #vpn07:03
ameBen64:yeah i am searching but it is not like a document...07:04
soeegood morning07:06
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kubancHello, what do you prefer for Ubuntu virtual host, x32 or x64?07:56
kubancSorry, i wanted to ask, what do you prefer for guest on Virtualbox. ubuntu x32 or x6407:57
KVMtesterkubanc, perhaps x32 for guests with less than 4GB RAM and x64 for guests with more than 4GB.07:59
kubancKVMtester, so it would only depend of the size of RAM and nothing else?08:00
wingedekubanc: as KVMtester said that's my main decision, however PAE kernels can see upto 64GB, but a single process cannot consume more than the 4GB limit..08:00
KVMtesterkubanc, x64 as a guest should in theory be slightly faster but this is difficult to test in practice for normal apps.08:01
i0d9i20can you install ubuntu on a chromebook?08:02
wingedekubanc: unless cost is a factor - generally I go 64bit less hassle08:03
somsipi0d9i20: in theory, yes08:04
i0d9i20somsip, what do you mean in theory?08:05
somsipi0d9i20: yes you can, but it might not be possible or might not work fully for all hardware08:05
i0d9i20oh that suchs08:05
wingedei0d9i20: you might want to try a live cd - boot off it and see if you can see your chromebooks disk, network, video etc - then you'll know a bit more to make an informed decision to give it a go08:06
KVMtesteri0d9i20, This may also help you later on - Run Full Linux Apps Inside A Chrome OS Window http://www.techworm.net/2015/01/run-full-linux-apps-inside-chrome-os-window.html08:07
somsipi0d9i20: and as this needs more research, you will find loads of guides and information if you do search for 'ubuntu on chromebook'08:07
KVMtesteri0d9i20, also Chromebooks can now run Linux inside a window: http://lifehac.kr/FJlw3Bo08:08
i0d9i20i don't have a chromebook, but was going to buy one if i can install ubuntu on it08:09
somsipi0d9i20: then you can pick one that is very compatible08:10
somsipi0d9i20: something like this might help you https://github.com/eyecreate/ubuntu-chromebook-installer08:11
javnutdoes anyone use chromium? I copied my Default profile in .config08:12
javnutand tried chromium-browser --user-data-dir=/path/to/new/default08:12
javnutbut it doesn't have the same extensions or anything08:12
theadmini0d9i20: If you want to run a normal OS, don't buy a Chromebook.08:16
theadminBuy a Chromebook if all you want is Chrome.08:16
theadminYou're going to run into issues regardless, and these devices are not supported in this channel since they can't run actual Ubuntu.08:16
theadminThey can only run modified derivatives prepared for them, and those aren't supported.08:17
cfhowletti0d9i20, perhaps you can run virtual chrome on an ubuntu machine08:17
theadminWhat's the point of that? ChromeOS is literally just the Chrome browser08:18
theadminThere's no point in running it in a VM08:18
cfhowletttheadmin, wait, what?  so a "chromebook" is merely a fancied up browser + apps?08:19
theadmincfhowlett: Yes.08:19
cfhowletttheadmin, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit..  pass.08:19
theadmincfhowlett: It runs on a Gentoo base. All Linux "installers" set up chroot environments of some sort08:19
theadminCan't even boot to another OS, that thing08:20
theadminSecure boot and all08:20
cfhowletttheadmin, wow.  limited capability but I suppose it fills a niche.08:20
cfhowletttheadmin, I think I'll just wait for the 2015 dell developer edition instead.08:20
theadmincfhowlett: Well, yeah probably. Chromebooks are... pointless, if you ask me, any regular computer can do what they can since anyone can run Chrome/Chromium08:24
aeon-ltdtheadmin: then chromebooks are not for you, but yeah i don't see chromebooks being more than a niche product08:25
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KVMtesterI know what you guys are saying and in the case of Chromebooks things are more restricted and controlled like the thin clients of the past. However, Chrome OS itself is more than just a browser after all CoreOS is based on Chrome OS.08:32
theadminKVMtester: Well, generally speaking, it's a browser, a few limited command-line utilities, NetworkManager and a few other things, but the whole user experience consists of interacting with the browser anyway.08:33
theadminIt doesn't have regular apps, you can't install Firefox or LibreOffice on ChromeOS or such08:33
theadminMaybe you can in some weird way, I dunno, but that's not easy08:34
theadminEither way that's kinda offtopic here.08:35
k69Hi, i was installing some packages with "sudo apt-get install [package names]" command, after downloading packages and setting up, unpacking and installing process, system rebooted by accident ,  now i cannot apt-get install it again, nor apt-get -f install neither dpkg --configure -a . they give me these errors : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9831615/08:35
KVMtesterIt's still an operating system under the covers. The UI is mostly a browser on Chromebooks...but a UI can be almost anything on other Chrome-like devices.08:35
KVMtesterFair enough, off topic it is.08:36
theadmink69: These "ceilometer" packages are giving you trouble, purge them08:36
k69theadmin, ty for the reply... i try that08:37
theadmink69: It tries to create a new database table but the table already exists and they apparently haven't heard of the "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS" SQL command :/08:37
k69theadmin, oh alright08:37
k69theadmin, um which one do i use? sudo apt-get purge [pakage] or dpkg --purge <pakage> ?08:40
KVMtesterAnyone familiar with UNetbootin here? I'm trying to understand the difference between using UNetbootin to build Live USB drives and using dd to burn ISOs to USB drives. Would be the compelling advantage of using UNetbootin?08:54
KVMtesterWhat would be the compelling advantage of using UNetbootin?08:54
Ben64you can have other files on the drive08:54
KVMtesterBen64, you mean the persistent area?08:55
Ben64you can also make it persistent on the flash drive08:55
Ben64you can still use it as a flash drive if you use unetbootin08:55
KVMtesterSo with UNetbootin, the flash  drive would still be read/write?08:56
KVMtesterBen64, thanks.08:56
dirgeable_hi, i cannot select any new version instead of long term in software manager09:01
KVMtesterAnyone used doclone? http://doclone.nongnu.org/09:03
k69hey guys, im really stuck with this installing package problem, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9832034/ , system rebooted by accident during setting packages up, and no matter what i do, wont be fixed, what should i do after i purge them, "apt-get install", apt-get -f install", "apt-get install --reinstall" none of them works and gives the same "Errors were encountered while processing: somePackages"09:12
nils__Hi, for some reason cryptsetup is not included in my initramfs anymore since upgrading to trusty09:15
edman747yes, my old dell desktop - p3, 512 mb ram, 20 gb hd. works. I love xubuntu.09:17
i0d9i20edman747, lubuntu might even be more lightweight09:20
i0d9i20or you can just try LXLE09:20
edman747I can try to install 14.04 but windows me is taking most of the 20gb drive.09:21
edman747google - bootable cd with a partition manager.09:22
edman747make the win me part smaller and make the xubuntu part larger!09:23
i0d9i20edman747, or you can try Slitaz09:24
edman747i0d9i20, Slitaz - never heard of it.09:26
edman747i0d9i20, that is very cool (good for older computers). I will try it. Thank You.09:30
i0d9i20edman747, LXLE is just Lubuntu http://lxle.net/09:32
gattonInteresting. Running Lubuntu on a Chromebook and it's pretty great. Might give LXLE a whirl.09:33
Darkwellhey there09:45
nilujeI want to bind a postgresql database on 0. Any idea how to find which port is used?09:46
ioriHey Darkwell09:46
arshiaI cannot install wine with software center and terminal. 3 MB remained and when i want to download it , it gives me a 404 error.09:49
arshiadoes anyone knows why ????!!!!09:49
DarkwellI got a bluetooth headset that suppoerts a2dp and it works fine to connect and play sound on this manually but as soon as you try to hook up automatically ubuntu tries to use hsp/hfp by default and it seems to give me some problems to hook the eadset up. Are there any way to set so the machine selects a2dp per default instead to avoid unnecessary probs ?09:51
Darkwelli use ubuntu 14.04 LTS09:51
sabotenderokay please forgive my ignorance, things are a bit different in ubuntu than on osx server, osx server had a separate terminal and console, which shows all the error logs grouped. if I want to look at error logs, what is the command? I seem to remember a 'tail' command09:51
Darkwellsabotender, you can hook it to any console you like...09:52
tomodachisabotender:  dmesg09:52
Darkwelldmesg or , as root less /var/log/messages09:52
sabotenderdmesg? okay! I will try it09:53
Darkwellor else if it doesnt show up there you try to peek into /var/log09:54
sabotenderthat didn't seem to work09:54
Darkwellsudo su09:54
sabotendermaybe I need to look at usage of dmesg09:54
sabotenderI'm ssh'ing into my server, I'm always su09:55
Darkwellor sudo dmesg09:55
Ben64don't ever use sudo su09:55
Ben64and sudo is not required for dmesg09:55
WeethusBen64: why not?09:55
Weethus(as in why to never use `sudo su`)09:55
Ben64it creates an incorrect environment09:55
Weethuswhat would you suggest as alternative? `su root`?09:56
Ben64no... "sudo -i"09:56
Darkwellsudo su works fine for me at least09:56
Ben64but there are almost no cases where you actually need a full root shell09:56
Ben64Darkwell: well thats nice, but please do not suggest it here09:56
sabotenderBen64: I usually just sudo the command that I am trying to use09:56
Darkwellok sorry then09:56
Ben64sabotender: that is the best method09:56
Darkwelli use a completely aother command stemming from solaris09:57
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Darkwellif you are looking for a specific output maybe : grep mypattern /var/log/* helps09:58
Darkwellwhere mypattern is the pattern you look for09:58
sabotenderokay, dmesg is not working for me, it keeps displaying everything that I don't need10:00
Darkwellare there a ubuntu correct way to set your own default way to hook up your headset on bluetooth ? the thing doesnt cook to mie with a2dp ,,´.. it tries telephony duplkex.. which borks my headset10:00
sabotenderi'll just nano into the error log :-P10:00
Darkwellaha : cat /var/log/messages | grep iwantthis10:01
Ben64sabotender: what exactly are you looking for10:01
sabotenderBen64: oh a bunch of php script errors10:01
Ben64sabotender: so you want ... apache? logs?10:01
sabotenderew, no apache. I use lightly, or whatever nickname they gave it :-P10:02
sabotender /var/log/lighttpd/error.log10:02
Ben64there you go10:02
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spoolhello everyone10:04
arshiaDoes anyone knows the answer for the following question ???? https://askubuntu.com/questions/576857/unable-to-download-wine-with-software-center-or-terminal10:06
Ben65arshia: is that your post10:07
arshiaBen65: yes10:07
tomodachiarshia: can you download and install other packages?10:07
arshiatomodachi: Yes.10:07
tomodachiarshia: include the exact error you get in the question10:08
jbouronarshia: did you try the apt-update as told on AskUbuntu ?10:08
tomodachifrom the terminal10:08
arshiajbouron: Yep, unsuccessfull.10:09
Ben65arshia: pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:09
k69Hi, mak i ask that when facing broken package and used purge option "sudo apt-get purge <broken-package>", then what to do next?10:09
ameHow to install java on chroot??10:09
tomodachiarshia: paste the output of apt-get update10:10
javnutI hate gnome-schedule, it doesn't run any of my tasks despite the fact that when I click "execute this task" it runs perfectly fine10:12
arshiatomodachi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9832683/10:12
lllshamanlllhi, there, does anybody know how to deal with menu blinking(redrawing) above fullscreen apps?10:12
k1l_arshia: are you behind a proxy or vpn or need to login the internet?10:13
arshiak1l_: no.10:13
tomodachiarshia: ive added your stuff to your askubuntu question10:13
tomodachiarshia: seems to me your network connectio is at fault here , do you have  some kind of limited internet connection on this box?10:14
arshiatomodachi: My connection is good. but now, it's low.10:15
arshiatomodachi, the second command is working.10:15
javnutand syslog gives no information about why it's not running10:15
arshiaI mean : apt-get dist-upgrade10:15
tomodachiarshia: can you ftp to ftp.sunet.se   see if it works10:17
Ben64arshia: the second one requires the first10:17
Ben64tomodachi: sketchy10:17
tomodachiBen64:  sketchy?10:18
Ben64"here, ftp to this random address" :|10:18
arshiatomodachi: What do you mean???10:18
arshiaBen64: I see some errors now.10:19
ameBen64:how to mount in fstab for chroot /proc??10:19
Ben64ame: why are you asking me10:19
tomodachiBen64: hardly, its the swedish university ftp server / debian mirror10:19
CatKillerHi there! Using deja-dup, is there any way to ignore *files*? deja dup always fails to backup some files as they are opened (.viminfo, cifsauth)10:19
tomodachiBen64: also im asking him to ftp into it, not Download or run something10:19
CatKillerThis in turn causes a bug where they backup and restore button stay greyed out as deja-dup thinks a backup is still runnin10:20
ameBen64:you have helped me in the morning..No one is replying..So asking you..10:20
Ben64ame: then have more patience :D10:20
tomodachiame: what is your qeustion? how to mount proc?10:21
arshiaBen64, I see errors in apt-get dist-upgrade , what can i do ???10:22
Ben64arshia: as i told you already, you need to complete "sudo apt-get update"10:22
arshiaBen64: apt-get update gives me 404 error.10:23
tomodachiarshia: you never replied to my question, try not skipping important steps in the process of fixing your problem10:23
tomodachias Ben64 said dist-upgrade is dependent on the first commands working so focus on those10:23
arshiatomodachi: I didn't got what you said.10:23
arshiaBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9832683/10:23
tomodachiim still suspecting your internet connection10:24
Ben64arshia: thats not 404, and is that really all it returns? thats no good10:24
tomodachiand you have done nothing to prove otherwise10:24
arshiaBen64: Let me try the command.10:24
ametomodachi:i am here using LTSP environment.I need to install java in chroot which means chroot /opt/ltsp/amd64.But if i want to run the java in chroot i need to mount /proc using this command " mount -o bind /proc /opt/ltsp/amd64/proc"10:25
arshiaBen64: Is this the same ????http://paste.ubuntu.com/9832862/10:26
tomodachiame: isnt it mount -t proc none ?10:26
tomodachi-o bind would be used for your /dev I believe10:26
ametomadachi:its making me to mount it daily.I want to make it as permanent mount...10:26
arshiatomodachi: Can you explain more about ftp ????10:26
ametomodachi:sorry i dont understand10:26
ametomadachi:Then what is this command used for?10:27
Ben64arshia: thats not the same, very bad10:27
tomodachiarshia: run the command :    ftp ftp.sunet.se10:27
tomodachipress enter twice10:28
arshiaBen64: What do you mean of Very Bad ???????10:28
ametomodachi:if i give that command then java working for client or else not working10:28
arshiaof ----> from10:28
Ben64tomodachi: sketchy and such a weird test, ftp takes no bandwidth, its meaningless10:28
tomodachiarshia: press enter twice , type passw   press enter again , then type ls and press enter10:28
tomodachiif you have any output of a filesystem type quit  ,enter to quit10:28
arshiatomodachi: When ?????10:28
arshiatomodachi: what should i enter in the : Name (ftp.sunet.se:arshia):10:29
tomodachiBen64: be constructive and stop trolling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUNET10:29
tomodachiarshia: just type enter10:29
tomodachipress enter10:29
tomodachino password or anything required10:29
tomodachii just want to see if ftp works trhough your internet connection or not10:30
Ben64tomodachi: don't throw around "trolling" so easily. it is absolutely worthless as a test10:30
tomodachiBen64: only if it works10:30
arshiatomodachi: It's not responding after line : 200 PORT command successful.10:30
tomodachiarshia: did you type passive10:31
omarHi all10:31
tomodachithen ls10:31
tomodachiif that works then your internet seems fine after all...10:31
Ben64ftp has worked fine on dialup, still a worthless test10:31
arshiatomodachi: I typed my password in the Password:10:31
arshiatomodachi: Was it wrong ???10:32
tomodachiarshia: i told you just to press enter there10:32
tomodachiit even said in the login text no password required10:32
omarI have recently installed 14.10, and I have a problem that when I close the lid, the system suspends and comes back up again immediately. How can I fix that?10:32
arshiatomodachi: Ok , i'll try again.10:32
tomodachiarshia: no its fine , anything works10:32
tomodachiit works anyway so its not your connection10:33
arshiatomodachi: What do you mean ????10:33
tomodachibut if i was you i would change my local password10:33
tomodachisince you just sent your password in cleartext over the internet.10:33
arshiatomodachi: Same result after enter.10:34
Ben64tomodachi: maybe figure out an easier test next time...10:34
tomodachiBen64: yup :)10:34
Ben64like... "wget http://www.wswdsupport.com/testdownloadfiles/5MB.zip"10:34
tomodachiBen64: yes but that is http10:34
Ben64indeed it is10:34
Darkwellfound that on http://askubuntu.com/questions/516509/a2dp-bluetooth-problem-on-14-04 the pactl method worked flawlessly to set the headset to work... but the bluetooth UI to toggle on/off the headset still borks things up..10:35
tomodachiactually wget can handle ftp i think , that would be better for next time10:35
arshiatomodachi: I started again with what you said , but same result.10:35
Ben64tomodachi: why does it need to be ftp???10:35
rrrwhich channel is freenode help channel?10:35
tomodachiBen64: my theory was that he was behind something limiting access to internet somewhat (allowing some sites etc ) http generaly works but that kind of stuff always stops ftp10:35
Ben64tomodachi: again, why does that matter at all10:36
tomodachiwell if the firewall / dns / between him and the internet was limiting access that would explain his problem woudlnt it?10:36
arshiatomodachi: Why it stocks???10:36
Ben64but the repositories aren't ftp, so its still pointless10:36
tomodachiarshia: i dont know, my theory was not right10:37
arshiatomodachi: An Error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9832987/10:37
TheBigDealGot this error when i was trying to distro-upgrade : W:Failed to fetch, 404 not found.10:38
Ben64TheBigDeal: pastebin the output of both "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"10:39
tomodachiarshia: it doesnet matter Ben64 is right, apt doesnt use ftp for its mirrors so the test is useless anyway10:39
arshiatomodachi: Did you see the error i sent you ???10:39
TheBigDealBen64, dist-upgrade -d10:39
TheBigDealBen64, moments10:39
tomodachiother sources seem to indicate that its an issue of isp whatever doing redirects10:40
tomodachiand indicator of that being the problem would be the learsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)  you are getting10:40
Ben64TheBigDeal: what are you trying to accomplish10:40
arshiatomodachi: What can i do now ????10:40
k1l_TheBigDeal: no, not -d. just "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"10:41
TheBigDealBen64, dist-upgrade -d10:41
Ben64TheBigDeal: there is no "dist-upgrade -d"10:41
Ben64TheBigDeal: what are you trying to accomplish - as in, what is your goal10:41
TheBigDealI'm on 14.10, and i want to to upgrade to 15.04 alpha 210:41
k1l_TheBigDeal: that will mal your packages to the latest version of your ubuntu release. if you wan to go to the next ubuntu release do "sudo do-release-upgrade"10:41
Ben64ah ha10:41
TheBigDealBen64, do you still want the output?10:42
Ben6415.04 support in #ubuntu+1 until release, and the correct command is what k1l_ said, then the "-d"10:42
TheBigDealBen64, ?, i did that10:43
Ben64notice - "do-release-upgrade" is not the same as "dist-upgrade"10:43
TheBigDealoh sorry i used do-release-upgrade10:44
tomodachiarshia: what ubuntu release are you on?10:44
TheBigDeali was just kind of confused10:44
arshiatomodachi: 14.0410:47
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k69hi, please help me with this problem ( http://askubuntu.com/questions/576874/broken-package-install-purge-configure-reinstall-apt-get-f-wont-work ) cant re-install broken package installation10:47
sabotenderwhat is 'snmp'?10:48
sabotenderand, is it required?10:48
TheBigDealBen64, there's an issue, i guess.10:48
brothersomek69 indeed a disaster to remove it - I had the same problem and removed the dependencies which are broken10:49
tomodachiarshia: have you tried changing your DNS to something else? like googles dns
jattk69: dpkg --purge all packages that complain10:50
jattk69: dpkg --purge remove10:51
javnutI need to troubleshoot my crontab, I've tried printing out syslog (nothing there really), I've tried running the cronjobs under root and yes the jobs run fine when I execute them from terminal or through gnome-schedule10:51
tomodachijavnut: is the the file   cron is supposed to run executable?10:52
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jattjavnut: execute the script every second and change it to write to a file in /tmp confirm the file is created10:52
jattjavnut: create a cron that executes every second I mean10:53
javnutjatt: the script is run through gnome-terminal -e '/script; bash;'10:53
javnutif it was running, the gnome-terminal would pop up10:53
jattjavnut: how does you crontab look like (pastebin)10:53
javnutthe script also opens up a gui10:53
jatto  i see10:54
javnut* * * * * gnome-terminal -e "bash -c '/home/precise/Desktop/test2.3.sh; bash;'" # JOB_ID_110:54
javnut0,30 * * * * gnome-terminal -e "bash -c '/home/precise/Desktop/test2.3.sh'" # JOB_ID_210:54
javnutthat's the results of my crontab -l10:54
jattwhy do you need a UI if it's a bash script10:54
jattwhy not run the script directly10:54
jattI mean the test*sh script10:54
tomodachijavnut: well that might be your issue if there is no env set, the script cannot start the gui terminal10:54
tomodachiand not run10:54
javnutjatt: because I need to see the output10:55
jattjavnut: redirect to a file10:55
k69jatt, ty for the replies, did them10:55
k69jatt, but didnt work10:55
javnutjatt: I also tried just a pure /home/precise/Desktop/test2.3.sh that also doesn't work10:55
javnutthe first line of test2.3.sh opens up genymotion (which would be quite noticeable if it ran)10:56
brothersomek69, it was something else, I had to remove them from a file --- I try to remember what I did10:56
jattIs genymotion a gui?10:56
Ben64javnut: again, you're not going to have a good time starting gui stuff without a proper environment10:56
k69brothersome, ty for the reply, u mean /var/something/cache thing?10:57
k69brothersome, the archives?10:57
javnutBen64: ok, I'll try a simple script which just outputs stuff to a /tmp file and see if it's cron and not env10:57
jattjavnut: the odds the culprit is cron are very low10:57
javnutBen64: yup, it's the env variable apparently. non-gui scripts run fine11:01
k69brothersome, /var/cache/apt/archives ?11:01
brothersomeYes, but there are also commands to do that11:02
javnutso what do I do to get cron to be able to open GUIS?11:03
jattset DISPLAY in your script11:05
javnutjatt: DISPLAY=:1.0 && /path/to/script??11:07
jatt:0.0 or :1.0 the one it works11:08
brothersomek69, What does this do? dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xxxxxxxxxxxx11:10
k69brothersome, put package names instead of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ?11:11
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brothersomek69, also some in: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/problem-removing-package-500321/11:15
k69brothersome, it tole me to use "apt-get -f install" after that and after that, it gave the same error11:15
GAM002how much MB will be needed to upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04?11:15
GAM002anyone here know?11:16
GAM002how much MB will be needed to upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04?11:16
SECZerohold 2.5 gb RAM is that enough?11:16
GAM002i have 4 gb ram but limited bandwidth so need to know how much MB will the upgrade be11:17
jbouronSECZero: Ok for terminal only, maybe not enough for a GUI (depends how many programs you are running)11:17
k69brothersome, thanks for the link, is it safe to remove scripts from /var/lib/dpkg/info/BrokenPackages as he did?11:18
mittGAM002 ram is not related to your data traffic, upgrade will not take more than 1gb probably, you can start upgrade programme, it will show you11:18
brothersomek69, apt-get with the flag --ignore-depends can also help - It took also some time for me to figure that out11:19
GAM002MItt it is not showing and 1 GB will take a long time for me to download(slow internet) do you know how much MB in Exact?11:20
GAM002the upgrade just shows downloading part 211:20
tommy_the_dragonhi all, I have a dual boot system. I closed the lid while booted in windows. I opened it and windows stalled at welcome screen, so i did a hard reboot and accidentally left ubuntu to boot. Ubuntu complained about not being able to mount windows system drive. I did another reboot and booted to windows, windows boots fine. Could this be something to do with windows Hibernation?11:21
k69brothersome, would u plz write the wole command "apt-get --ignore-depends ..."11:21
tommy_the_dragonIs Ubuntu being clever and not touching windows whilst it is hibernating? I remember hearing something about hiberfil.sys and booting into another operating system whilst windows is hibernating being a no-no.11:22
jbouronSECZero: As I said it depends on your usage, atm I have firefox and weechat along with some pdf open and my RAM usage is about 700-800 MB. But if you want to run GIMP, blender or something more demanding in ressources, it will be tough11:22
mittGAM002, depends on how many packages you've got11:23
tommy_the_dragonjbourbon: I have an I7 with 16gb of ram and blender makes it roar :p11:23
GAM002i got none11:23
brothersomek69, I saw the command: dpkg --ignore-depends=fglrx --purge fglrx11:23
GAM002i have a update of 450MB pakages11:24
jbourontommy_the_dragon: Yeah but SECZero have 2.5 so ....11:24
brothersomek69, replace fglrx with your program11:24
tommy_the_dragonIt's the only program I've managed to heat the room with11:24
GAM002currently running fresh ubuintu 12.0411:24
jbourontommy_the_dragon: -> watercooling .P11:24
mittGAM002, upgrade will take much more memory since all packages you have are outdated11:25
makarahi. I'm trying to rsync a folder called SCOA to a server "ger" which will serve them using webdav. "rsync -Prtvai SCOA ger:/srv/www/dav/"11:26
GAM002mitt thank you11:26
makarabut I get "rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/srv/www/dav/SCOA" failed: Permission denied (13)"11:26
mittGAM002 you can download an image from ubuntu site and it will upgrade you system, it's much smoother I think, I did it once11:27
tommy_the_dragonA decent GPU would help11:27
makaraI've added my username makara to the www-data group, which is owner of the dav folder11:27
tommy_the_dragonI just have some onboard rubbish11:27
makarawhy is rsync denied the ability to create that folder?11:27
tommy_the_dragonso it does cook pretty slow too11:27
jbourontommy_the_dragon: i7 but onboard GPU O.o11:28
AnonyEBKOnly Free Working Booter/Stresser 2015 Here : http://youtu.be/tXppwFStFis11:28
mittjbouron: it's very cool, I've got i5 with such, no driver problems, fast as puma11:29
k69brothersome, nop :(11:29
brothersomek69, An example of editing the file: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/116296-error-removing-courier-imap.html11:31
jbouronmitt: Sure it's cool when you don't need a decent GPU, but use Blender with it ...11:31
tommy_the_dragonjbouron: It's a work computer, but I just didn't realise I would be using blender when I got it.11:32
tommy_the_dragonyeah, it's definately not a good build for blender lol11:32
tommy_the_dragonA pile of graphics cards is definately on my wishlist11:33
mittjbouron: for me, Blender works very fast here, I played even Crisis 3 on medium graphics when I had *cough* Windows11:33
makarai've also tried with "rsync -Prtvai -e ssh --chmod=Du=rwx,Dg=rx,Do=rx,Fu=rw,Fg=r,Fo=r SCOA ger:/srv/www/dav/" as here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9177135/rsync-deploy-and-file-directories-permissions11:34
jbouronmitt: So it's more powerful than I expected. Speaking of video Games does Wine offers good performances for gaming ?11:35
n13zjbouron: why use wine when you have Steam?11:36
mittjbouron: I don't have Wine and I actually don't play proprietary Windows games now, but I remember things like PES2014 was flying, and Dota 2 of course was fast11:36
mittn13z: why use wine when you can dual-boot?11:37
tommy_the_dragonmitt: It's rendering where you are going to want a nice GPU or 50.11:37
jbouronmitt: I have Dual Boot but Windows takes half of my storage :(11:37
n13zBecause I don't use Windows or Mac11:38
makaraok, looks like a simple permissions issue. I still don't understand it though. Please have a look: http://pastie.org/985414811:38
mittn13z: I understand you11:39
n13zmitt: You understand me more than my wife...11:39
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mittn13z: lol, she probably never used Linux or Ubuntu in particular11:40
n13zNah, just kidding.11:40
n13zShe's user of Mac and loves to play with me thanks to Steamplay.11:40
n13zie Trine and Trine 211:41
mittn13z: gosh, what can be better than a wife plays games with you!11:41
n13zmitt: A wife that heals you on arena duels XD11:41
mittn13z: challenge accepted11:42
n13zmitt: In fact, you can play games with your wife, you only need to invest time investigating.11:42
tommy_the_dragonmakara: you listed the contents of the directory you are in, but you are interested in the permissions of the directory itself so cd .. then ls -al11:43
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makaratommy_the_dragon: the permissions of the directory are shown in the first line. That is the "."11:45
makarai started a new shell, so its not that11:46
tommy_the_dragonsorry, of course it is.11:47
makarait's maddening. makara belongs to www-data, www-data is the owner of the directory, yet makara can't create a file11:48
BluesKajHowdy folks11:50
mittBluesKaj: how's yours mate11:51
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fiatjafI can ping and can browse *.archive.ubuntu addresses (I tried, br, us, fr, uk and naked), but I cannot download anything from them with apt or aptitude, and I cannot traceroute to them.11:51
fiatjafsomeone help, please11:51
fiatjafhere's a transcript of a traceroute: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9826836/11:52
johelishHey! I'm trying to install the package "zip" but I get the following error: "Some archives couldn't be fetched. Try running "apt-get update" or with "--fix-missing.". I've tried both but I still can't. What should I do?11:52
fiatjafjohelish: paste the output of these commands, http://paste.ubuntu.com11:52
BluesKajfine here mitt, and you?11:53
kaplanCan anyone help [Arab] set up Ubuntu on her computer?11:53
cfhowlettkaplan, there is an arab language channel if that's preferable.  also: sabily.org11:54
mittBluesKaj: thanks, good; fiatjaf is there a packet loss when you ping?11:54
kaplancfhowlett, she isn't muslim, just needs some handholding11:54
ArshiaAghaeiSorru , i went for coffee.11:55
bbbbbkaplan: i'll help11:55
ArshiaAghaeiSorru --> Sorry11:55
fiatjafmitt: no11:55
ArshiaAghaeiCan anyone tell me about the problem (404 error for wine) ???11:56
fiatjaf(at least not in the first 20 packages to uk. and br.)11:56
kaplanbbbbb and [Arab] please continue11:56
bbbbb[Arab]: what's the problem?11:56
mittfiatjaf: so the problem is you can't fetch repositories and download a package?11:56
fiatjafmitt: yes11:56
mittfiatjaf: you use default repos?11:57
fiatjafmitt: yes11:57
fiatjafmitt: they are the ones failing11:57
johelishfiatjaf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9833809/11:57
bbbbb[Arab]: would you like to pm? i'm lebanese11:58
javnutwhat's an alternative to cronjobs which can open GUIs?11:58
fiatjafjohelish: you are having the same problem I am.11:58
johelishfiatjaf: alright11:58
bbbbbjavnut: you can cron a DISPLAY=:0 <gui program>11:58
BluesKajfiatjaf, which ubuntu release?11:58
javnutbbbbb: tried that11:58
javnutnot working11:58
bbbbbjavnut: try it with gnome-terminal so it keeps running11:59
javnutbbbbb: tried that too11:59
javnutI've tried env DISPLAY:= 0, combinations with DISPLAY:=0 && /script/path12:00
bbbbbjavnut: try DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'gui program; bash'"12:00
javnutbbbbb: yup, already tried12:00
javnutit USED to work12:00
javnuteven without display being set12:01
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fiatjafBluesKaj: 12.04, but also not working from a 14.10 I have here12:01
javnutbut after I reinstalled, it's not happening12:01
ubonehow is ubuntu able to list all of the partitions on a pc in the file manager?12:01
fiatjafmitt, BluesKaj: but the traceroute behavior is strange. (see my paste) from another computer in a near city I can traceroute normally to *.archive.ubuntu.com12:01
BluesKajfiatjaf, I see you're running thru a vps server, maybe they're blocking/filtering12:02
fiatjafjohelish: can you run 'traceroute us.archive.ubuntu.com' and paste the results?12:03
bbbbbjavnut: DISPLAY=:0 <gui program> should work12:03
fiatjafBluesKaj: I am not12:03
ArshiaAghaeiDoes anyone knows my problem ????????12:03
bbbbbjavnut: check /var/log/syslog12:03
fiatjafBluesKaj: this VPS is just running my IRC client, and from it I can traceroute and download packages normally12:03
javnutI had the colon in the wrong place12:04
javnutI hate myself12:04
fiatjafBluesKaj: my home computers are the ones having the problem, and johelish is having the same problem, it seems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9833809/12:05
mittfiatjaf: maybe try set DNS as, turn off firewall and openssh12:06
bbbbbjavnut: happens to us all ;)12:06
octoidbbbbb, you'd first want to call su (so the gui app isn't run as root), and would need something along the lines of 'env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority /path/to/application'12:06
johelishfiatjaf: can't install anything12:07
fiatjafmitt: already trying switching DNSs, and I'm currently using
fiatjafand I'm not running openssh or firewall12:09
fiatjafas I said, this is my home computer, it is behind a home router12:09
fiatjafdid you see my paste?12:09
octoidbbbbb, e.g. /usr/bin/su myuser -c "/usr/bin/env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/myuser/.Xauthority /path/to/application"12:10
johelishfiatjaf: maybe everyone is having the same problem right now?12:10
octoidpaths are not ubuntu specific ^12:10
fiatjafjohelish: do you have traceroute6 installed?12:10
mittfiatjaf: you from it now, you have internet there? or some sites not loading? And what router you have?12:10
johelishfiatjaf: No, if I did I could've runned the traceroute12:10
fiatjafmitt: everything loading fine. including the browser/http versions of *.archive.ubuntu.com12:11
fiatjafno, johelish, from another computer I have (in another network) it is running fine. also running fine from my VPS.12:12
fiatjafmitt, BluesKaj: I also tried tracerouting to this list http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt of brazilian archive.ubuntu.com mirrors.12:13
fiatjafnone of them worked.12:13
octoidoh.. oops, javnut ^12:14
mittfiatjaf: what is the output when you try to install the package?12:14
k69Hey guys, would u mind helping me with this problem? http://askubuntu.com/questions/576874/broken-package-install-purge-configure-reinstall-apt-get-f-wont-work12:14
BluesKajfiatjaf, odd my ca.archive.ubuntu.com repos are shown as situated in the UK , wonder what's going on ,altho they are working ok12:15
johelishfiatjaf: It looks like a dns error?12:17
BluesKajfiatjaf, the br archive traceroute shows correctly herem the last IP is
mittk69, have tried from software center?12:18
k69mitt, umm no, but i need to get them from cloud repositories, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9834087/12:20
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fiatjaf100% [Connecting to ca.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8c01::19)]12:21
fiatjaftakes forever: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9834093/12:21
mittk69, seems like you missing python libraries, do you have packages related to python-2.7 installed?12:22
k69yeah alot12:23
k69mitt, ^ and more, but it get installed succesfully12:23
mittk69, maybe compile what you need from the source?12:23
k69mitt, how can i do that?12:24
mittk69, it will show you what is missing12:24
johelishfiatjaf: can you wget google.com?12:24
johelishfiatjaf: Looks like you have a dns error?12:24
mittk69, download the sources from their website and compile12:24
k69mitt, oh ok thanks12:25
mittk69, hope you know how to compile12:25
k69mitt, nop :D ill search ?:D12:25
mittfor python it's like "python setup.py install", for many others "./configure && make && make install"12:26
ikoniado not compile python libraries12:26
ikoniado not blindly do that at all !12:27
ikoniathat is very dangerous and bad advice12:27
mittyes, of course, don't compile libraries and use latest versions of software12:27
ikoniacorrect - that is very very bad advice12:27
maliboyguys my gedit closes by itself without any warning very often, I tried to get the logs by starting it from terminal which are at : http://0bin.net/paste/ec7Kvz3kNdsAAGKS#lj14Wyja1Cg404UDWsJq+94JtGCHz+DH9uhCEwsMDqr12:28
mittikonia, he has libs, what's wrong with compiling python apps?12:28
ikoniabecause blindly compiling things can cause problems on the system12:28
ikoniatelling people to blindly make && make install is the worst advice possible12:28
octoidjavnut, dug out an old *unfinished* sh script - check verify_xuser() and xmsg() - bear in mind this was for OpenBSD (but the X stuff will be the same), http://paste.ubuntu.com/9834140/12:29
arunhi guys. which script updates /etc/apt/sources.list after installation completes?12:29
ikoniaarun: ubiquity generates it depending on the static entries and your location12:30
MrokiiHello. Has anybody in here successfully installed KDE 5.2 on Ubuntu 14.10? I used the "next"-ppa and it seems that only V5.1.1 is getting installed (at least according to Synaptic).12:30
javnutoctoid: I need to take a break, I've been at this for 5 hours (3 today)12:30
BluesKajMrokii, look in system settings>about12:31
octoidjavnut, np :) basically you need Xauthority!12:31
mittKDE 5 is added to repos??12:31
fiatjafjohelish: yeah12:31
ikoniait is in a PPA12:31
fiatjafjohelish: I can't wget google.com12:31
fiatjafjohelish: this is odd12:32
arunikonia: can't we just remove that ?12:32
ikoniaarun: remove what ?12:32
MrokiiBluesKaj: I'll take a look, thanks.12:32
fiatjafjohelish: I don't understand anything12:32
arunikonia: I mean make ubiquity not generate it12:32
johelishfiatjaf: dns error12:32
ikoniaarun: why would you not want that ?12:32
fiatjafjohelish: but I can access google.com in my browser12:32
johelishfiatjaf: what does /etc/resolv.conf say?12:32
BluesKajnot kde 5 , plasma 5 and kf512:32
hateballmitt: Plasma5 will be in (default and only) 15.0412:33
johelishfiatjaf: and /etc/network/interfaces ?12:33
arunikonia: cause, it updated other stuffs, I m working on live cds..12:33
ikoniaarun: it updates other stuffs ?? what12:33
ikoniaarun: ubuiquity is used at install time12:33
ikoniaarun: what is the actual problem, you're not making any sense12:33
fiatjafnameserver nameserver
genkgoI have question on build a package using debuild (Cyrus Sasl). I created a patch to Makefile.in. Imported it with quilt. This patch gets applied during start of debuild. However, it gets overwritten somewhere, and then causes trouble (undefined reference to `crypt')12:34
fiatjafauto lo iface lo inet loopback12:34
genkgowhat am i doing wrong?12:34
ikoniafiatjaf: os this a desktop or a server ?12:34
arunikonia: the thing is that, to make you clear.. I am customizing ubuntu's iso ; I want ubiquity not to generate /etc/apt/sources.list and use the one I created before...12:35
mitthow much ram the fifth plasma eats?12:35
ikoniaarun: that is not ubuquity12:35
ikoniaarun: on a live media they are just a falt file on the squashfs file system12:35
fiatjafikonia: a desktop12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1390068 in gedit (Ubuntu) "Gedit crashes when editing a file" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:37
maliboydoes anyone know how to fix it ?12:37
ikoniafiatjaf: then you should not be messing with the interfaces file or resolv.conf - as network manager will control that and dnsmasq is your resolver12:37
arunikonia: are u sure its not ubiquity that generates a new sources.list after installation complete?12:38
ikoniaarun: you just said it was not an installation it was live media !12:38
BluesKajmaliboy, ask in #linuxmint12:39
ikoniaarun: you first asked for an install - what generates it, I told you it was unbiquity, you then said it was live media, I told you it's static, you now say it's an install again ?12:39
maliboyBlueShark, it is happening in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS12:39
maliboyBluesKaj, ^12:39
maliboyI just pointed out the error to you12:39
arunikonia: no no, I mean I am customizing the iso.... I want ubiquity not to generate sources.list, how to do that?12:40
ikoniaarun: I'm clear what you are doing, you keep swapping between an install and live media,12:40
arunikonia: yeah12:41
ikoniasorry, I'm not clear what you are doing12:41
arunI don't want sources.list overwritted by ubquity12:41
ikoniaso I'm going to step out of the discussion12:41
BluesKajmaliboy, my mistake...sorry i don't use gedit12:41
arunikonia: did u get it bro ?12:41
fiatjafikonia: I am not12:42
maliboyBluesKaj, ok but that is not the reply to it12:43
ikoniafiatjaf maybe I'm miss-reading then, as it looks like you're checking the interfaces file and resolv.conf12:44
ikoniaarun: I'm stepping away from this12:44
BluesKajmaliboy,` my reply to you is I don't know how to help with your yssue12:45
BluesKajerr issue12:45
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maliboyBluesKaj, not uncommon12:47
BluesKajmaliboy, because I run kde desktop, very little experience with gedit12:48
fiatjafikonia: just because I was asked to, but I'm not changing them or planning to, and I haven't edited them recently12:48
maliboyBluesKaj, if I install KDE can I completely remove gnome ?12:49
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maliboyBluesKaj, is KDE stable ?12:49
fiatjafjohelish: did you manage to solve the problem somehow?12:49
fiatjafjohelish: I'm thinking about using a proxy12:49
BluesKajmaliboy, yes it is , especially on 14.1012:49
fiatjafbut it is a stupid solution.12:49
johelishfiatjaf: tried rebooting the system?12:50
johelishnothing wrong with ur config12:50
maliboyBluesKaj, ok, thanks a lot12:50
fiatjafjohelish: yes, I tried12:52
fiatjafjohelish: did you manage to install packages?12:52
BluesKajmaliboy, http://askubuntu.com/questions/50892/installing-kde-alongside-gnome12:53
ikoniafiatjaf: the settings in there look wrong though, eg: your resolv.conf should not contain a dns server, it should contain and be using dnsmasq12:53
maliboyBluesKaj, I would do a net install12:54
uber_hulkHi all. How do I solve this issue https://bpaste.net/show/0e5176b2c22713:06
luka__When I had windows I used lenovo energy managment and set the battery to charge up to 60% only as it recommended it to me. Yesterday I switched to Ubuntu and now I have this problem. It would be great if I could fix this without installing windows again.13:06
OerHeksuber_hulk, did you run sudo ap-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade before installing?13:06
uber_hulkOerHeks: yes I did update but not upgrade I guess13:07
OerHeksmight do the trick13:07
luka__Can someone help me with my problem maybe? http://askubuntu.com/questions/576775/lenovo-g500-on-ubuntu-battery-wont-charge-over-5913:07
uber_hulkOerHeks: okay diong again13:08
lesshastecan mediatomb server video to a TV that needs a DLNA server?  I find the docs very unclear about this13:09
BluesKajluka__, I have a lenovo laptop, I don't recall seeing running the battery at only 60% , I've had kubuntu on the laptop for ober a yr without any problems13:09
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BluesKajwow, bad internet or expects instant gratification13:11
uber_hulkOerHeks: didn't work for me13:13
uber_hulkOerHeks: any otther work around?13:14
noobuntuIs there a way I can permanently delete the XFCE Power Manager? I hate having two battery symbols in my taskbar13:14
noobuntuOn Xubuntu13:15
uber_hulkDrone`: you there?13:17
uber_hulkcan you please have a look at https://bpaste.net/show/0e5176b2c22713:17
uber_hulkhow do I solve this issue?13:17
uber_hulkThere is nothing much on google on how to solve it13:17
FleetflameBluesKaj: heh, I was just about to chime in too when I saw he'd quit13:18
MrokiiBluesKaj: Hello again. I've had some problems with the system but now checked the KDE-version as you suggested. The "about"-Window says "KDE Plasma Version 5.1.1", instead of "5.2". Not sure what I could do, as the on the web it's said that the "next" ppa has the 5.2 version. :-/13:19
DalekSecnoobuntu: You can remove the xfpm panel plugin, or  apt-get purge indicator-power13:20
TallTim772Hey I am a newbie about loading Wine on Ubuntu any1 help....?13:28
LachezarHey all. I bought a Bluetooth Stereo Headphones with a mic (Philips SHB5500). I managed to get output via pulseaudio to work (needed to install a module), but it only works if the headset is conencted as A2DP. Connecting as a headset I get no audio out, and no audio in (the headphones have a mic). The headphones work out-of-the-box with my Android phone. What am I missing?13:28
trijntjeTallTim772: what do you want to do with wine? Its not a program you run by itself, you use it to run other programs13:28
SchrodingersScat!wine | TallTim77213:29
ubottuTallTim772: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:29
SchrodingersScatTallTim772: but otherwise we need a little more to go on, what are you trying to do, what isn't working, what have you tried, etc.13:29
TallTim772Just wanted to play a few windows games and some1 told me that I needed Wine in order to play13:33
SchrodingersScatTallTim772: those links should be a good start then.13:34
cfhowlettTallTim772, try this: open a terminal: sudo apt-get install wine13:34
danny__rsync doesnt seem to have an option to only overwrite if the source file is larger. is there an option like that for anything like 'cp' or something?13:35
TallTim772cfhowlett....I got this....Reading state information... Done13:37
TallTim772wine is already the newest version.13:37
TallTim7720 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.13:37
TallTim772 13:37
LachezarTallTim772: you have WINE installed then.13:37
LachezarTallTim772: in the same window type: wine /path/to/whatever.exe13:38
TallTim772Yeah my dad is trying to help me but he says he only did BitchX way back in the old days13:38
TallTim772Ah ok ok i see thanks for the help13:40
SchrodingersScatTallTim772: it's also normally a good idea to check out the winehq database, it will often have specific instructions per software.13:40
danny__rsync doesnt seem to have an option to only overwrite if the source file is larger. is there an option like that for anything like 'cp' or something?13:41
tigger_englandHi, my Putty has suddenly failed to login using ssh keys, but can login using ssh keys via terminal, any ideas?13:48
przemek1aHow to check what are the permissions on the / tmp directory and explain13:48
przemek1awhy the sticky bit is set?13:48
zertyuihi there13:49
zertyuii try to mount nfs filesystem13:50
Lachezarprzemek1a: ls -ld /tmp13:50
zertyuithis is the message i got :13:50
OerHeksprzemek1a, answered here > http://askubuntu.com/questions/432699/what-is-the-sticky-bit-t-permission-and-why-does-tmp-have-it13:51
przemek1aHow to archive and compress with bzip2 compression entire directory13:53
OerHeksprzemek1a, use the -r recursive option13:54
EchoNighthow do i dim the brightness in latest ubuntu? the brightness slider in brightness&lock doesn't show.13:55
zertyuiis that normal ?13:57
przemek1aHow to check if your system is running processes that13:58
przemek1ahave been running with root privileges is what the command13:58
SchrodingersScatps aux | grep root #??13:59
SneakyTurtleHi can someone help me please, yesterday i installed ubuntu 14 in my desktop, so i am now running dual boot (windows 8 + ubuntu) and i just can't find my home wireless internet, i dont know, i can find my neighbours but i can't find mine, please help me14:04
SchrodingersScatSneakyTurtle: that's odd, is your SSID hidden?14:05
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SneakyTurtleHow can i check if my SSID is hidden?14:06
SneakyTurtleI can use my internet in windows 8 but i can't find it in ubuntu14:06
SchrodingersScatSneakyTurtle: you'd probably know from connecting other devices, normally a setting you would activate on the router.14:06
SchrodingersScatok, nvm14:06
przemek1aHow to Check How many software packages installed in your14:06
przemek1aoperating system? What command14:06
SneakyTurtleSchrodinger, can you please help me out? :S14:07
SchrodingersScatSneakyTurtle: I'm not sure where to start really, if you weren't getting anything then I would direct you to !broadcom, but if you're getting other routers in the area then I don't think it's a driver issue?14:07
SneakyTurtleIt's not a driver issue14:08
SneakyTurtleI think14:08
SneakyTurtleIt's really weird, i can find SOME of my neighbours internet but i cant find mine14:08
przemek1aHow to Check How many software packages installed in your14:09
przemek1aoperating system? What command14:09
hroianyone familiar with incrontab under ubuntu14:09
hroiits kinda not working out of the box for me...14:10
hroiI have this line. "/home/hroi/tmp IN_CLOSE_WRITE /home/hroi/bin/foo  $#"14:10
cfhowlettprzemek1a, synaptic package manager >>> All >>> Installed >>> bottom of the box will display the package count14:10
bobbobbinshey, I’m trying to get something to run at startup, and i have it added to rc-d, and I can see the file in /etc/init.d, its executable and owned by root, but when I try to start the service it says no such file or directory. Any idea why?14:10
cfhowlettprzemek1a, synaptic package manager >>> Status >>> All >>> Installed >>> bottom of the box will display the package count14:11
przemek1aHow to Check How many software packages installed in your14:11
przemek1aoperating system? What command14:11
cfhowlettprzemek1a, synaptic package manager >>> Status >>> All >>> Installed >>> bottom of the box will display the package count14:11
cfhowlettprzemek1a, READ ! synaptic package manager >>> Status >>> All >>> Installed >>> bottom of the box will display the package count14:12
cfhowlettprzemek1a, or run this command in a terminal     grep '^Package: ' /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Sources | wc -l14:12
bobbobbinsnevermind, i got it…carraige return in the file14:16
Fohlenanyone in here has expierence with Acer Aspire? I got a 5750G around and it doesn't display after loading the installation-boot-screen (14.04)14:18
Fohlenit shows the mouse n stuff but not the desktop environment14:18
Fohlenmight be a problem with the 2 inbuilt graphic cards, I thought14:18
Fohlenso it's basically working, booting etc, but fails on the display part14:18
BluesKajFohlen, make oner of the gpus default in the BIOS or UEFI whatever your machine uses14:19
hroisorry dropped out14:20
hroiis there an irc chanel for ubuntu-server?14:20
hroifor server admin related questions14:20
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu-server | hroi14:20
ubottuhroi: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:20
cfhowlett!server | HRJ14:20
ubottuHRJ: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:20
EdwardIIIhuh, the php5-fpm package doesn't actually install a php binary you can use on the cli? you really have to hav php-cli?14:21
FohlenBluesKaj: what graphic driver will be needed to use 2 integrated graphic cards later on? I remember some special project, but can't come up with the name14:22
NoImNotNineVoltEdwardIII: considering fpm stands for FastCGI Process Manager, i'm not surprised.14:22
BluesKajFohlen, optimus ?14:23
Fohlenexactly that, ty14:23
BluesKajnvidia and intel gpus , Fohlen ?14:23
EdwardIIINoImNotNineVolt: i just kind of imagined it'd need to normal php binary somewhere under the hood14:23
FohlenBluesKaj: switching to integrated GPU mode now gives some output14:23
EchoNighthow do i dim the brightness in latest ubuntu? the brightness slider in brightness&lock doesn't show.14:24
cfhowlett!nvidia | Fohlen14:25
ubottuFohlen: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:25
NoImNotNineVoltmatrox still exists?14:26
NoImNotNineVolti used to be the proud owner of a matrox mystique. that was before 3dfx's voodoo2.14:26
* NoImNotNineVolt reminisces14:26
EdwardIIIi had 3dfx voodoo2. it was the bizzle14:27
cfhowlettFohlen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9835356/       for ino14:27
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NoImNotNineVolti had a second one and ran them in SLI :)14:27
EdwardIIIyou were living in the future14:27
NoImNotNineVolti felt pretty boss beta testing everquest :P14:28
uber_hulkuber_hulk> hi14:28
uber_hulk7:54 PM <uber_hulk> any solution to this https://bpaste.net/show/7acf36e33808 ?14:28
OerHeksuber_hulk, on what ubuntu version?14:28
EchoNighthow do i dim the brightness in latest ubuntu? the brightness slider in brightness&lock doesn't show.14:29
dellerhey, sorry for bothering, but does someone know of a good network programming IRC channel?14:29
uber_hulkDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS14:29
uber_hulkOerHeks: ^14:29
EdwardIII##networking ?14:29
OerHeksuber_hulk, oh, not the awesome error.. what did you do to get that message?14:30
dellerthanks, ill try ##networking14:30
EchoNighta little help here would be nice14:30
uber_hulkOerHeks: .xsessions-error14:31
cfhowlett!patience | EchoNight14:31
ubottuEchoNight: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:31
OerHeksuber_hulk, you should give more info14:34
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:34
BluesKajFohlen, http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/using-nvidia-graphics-drivers-with.html , a bit outdated but the instructions should work14:34
Fohlengreat, thank you very much (:14:35
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uber_hulkOerHeks: okay let me reproduce and see what exactly I did14:35
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lucidguywtf .. I can't seem to get a PDF with color to print in black and white.  Using a Xerox workcentre.  Printer via PPD or their own PrinterManager software, same results.  You can select greyscale but always comes out in colour, anyone ever encounter this?14:47
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sbn314159Hello.  I am having a problem with aptitude when trying to contact IPv6 addresses — it appears that the servers are unreachable.14:48
sbn314159For example: Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::14)  That doesn’t complete.14:50
sbn314159I feel that questions about ubuntu.com servers ought to be in a different chat room, but I don’t know which one.14:51
cfhowlett!server | sbn31415914:51
ubottusbn314159: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:51
cfhowlettsbn314159, wait, no.  ignore that.14:52
cfhowlettsbn314159, you can search with this: /msg alis list SearchTermHere14:52
sfdebugdoes anyone here uses Terra Terminal?14:52
Picisbn314159: #canonical-sysadmin would be the place to report it... Per the history there, it looks like at least one other person has reported an issue with that in the past ~12 hours or so.14:54
Picisbn314159: sorry, looks like 24-48 hours.14:54
sbn314159Pici: thanks14:55
StephanieRaymondI was trying to install play on linux and the software centre went gray and the progress bar isnt going up anymore what should  i do?14:55
NoImNotNineVoltplay on linux?14:56
StephanieRaymondit came up when i searched for wine so im guessing its for windows apps14:56
NoImNotNineVoltoh no.14:57
NoImNotNineVoltit's a ubuntuized wine.14:57
* NoImNotNineVolt facepalms14:57
StephanieRaymondeither way its frozen or something and i dont know how to fix it :(14:58
NoImNotNineVolti take it you're not very comfortable using the command line?14:58
StephanieRaymondjust installed last night and went to sleep i have no idea on anything lol14:58
NoImNotNineVoltah, i see :)14:58
bottazziniGuys, everytime I plug two monitors on ubuntu I get my smaller monitor inside my bigger monitor in (Displays)14:59
StephanieRaymondis it dangerous if i try to hit quit on it?14:59
NoImNotNineVolti might be too nerdy to help you. i haven't used software center in ages and don't really know my way around the gui parts of ubuntu14:59
NoImNotNineVoltno, it should be fine.14:59
bottazziniI can't put them side by side and the screen gets stretched...14:59
bottazziniAnyone here has got this problem too?14:59
NoImNotNineVoltbottazzini: works fine for me.15:00
bottazziniHave you got Nvidia ?15:00
NoImNotNineVoltbottazzini: just be glad you're not running debian. that most definitely did not work fine for me :P15:00
NoImNotNineVolti'm ati, even worse.15:00
bottazzinilucky guy15:00
NoImNotNineVoltati under debian was... wow.15:00
bottazzinireally ?15:00
bottazziniI was thinking in changing to Debian, actually15:01
bottazziniWhat is the ubuntu version you have?15:01
BluesKajati was fine until amd bought it15:01
NoImNotNineVoltfeel free to try debian, but only if you have excess hair. because you'll be ripping it out soon enough.15:01
bottazzinihahahah I dunno if I should try it anyway15:02
bottazziniI do enjoy ubuntu...15:02
bottazzinibut I miss the old times which Ubuntu had Gnome2 :(15:02
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theadminbottazzini: Get Xubuntu. Xfce is very, very much alike with GNOME 2.15:04
theadminMore functional, though. There's also Ubuntu MATE, which is Ubuntu with GNOME 2.15:04
bottazzinitheadmin, nice !! I will try this one =D15:05
jiohdiI have been using mate for a few months now, love it15:05
bottazzinijiohdi, mate?15:06
jiohdianyone know why pulse audio starts up scratchy/crappy and takes a while to clear?15:06
theadminbottazzini: MATE is a fork of Gnome 2.15:06
jiohdiyes, mate is in official repositories and is about the best I have tried so far15:06
MonkeyDust msg ubottu find mate15:06
MonkeyDust msg ubottu find mate15:07
MonkeyDustmsg ubottu find mate15:07
BluesKajjiohdi, intel audio ?15:07
bottazzinihaahahah nice15:07
jiohdiI don't know if I have tried them all, I also like trinity but its not in official15:07
jiohdiBluesKaj, nvidia I think15:07
jattjiohdi: does your sound work correctly without pulseaudio?15:07
jiohdijatt, can I tell without uninstalling?15:08
BluesKajjiohdi, aplay -l15:08
jattjiohdi: or, create an /etc/init/pulseaudio.override file with contents:15:08
jattand restart, to see if everything works without pulseaudio15:09
jattit probably will15:09
SchrodingersScat!info mate-core15:10
ubottumate-core (source: mate-desktop-environment): MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0+7 (utopic), package size 1 kB, installed size 26 kB15:10
jiohdiBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/y2BVfms615:10
BluesKajpulse audio is mainly required for flash on websites, and simultaneous audio sources, otherwise pulseaudio isn't needed15:10
jiohdiI use google talk as a phone15:11
jiohdithat is where it seems to mess up the most15:11
NoImNotNineVoltall this pulseaudio talk is making me want to rant about systemd.15:11
jattagreed. for normal use it's completely superfluous. unless you want to mix sources, etc. which 99.999999999% of users don't need to15:11
przemek1aDoes anyone know how to find out which process has the largest burden in terms of system ram15:13
BluesKajI have a m-audio soundcard that can't link to alsa on wensites, therefore I need pulseaudio ..my laptop has an intel sound chip which works on all sound sources without pulse15:13
k1l_przemek1a: see top or htop and sort for mem15:13
pbxprzemek1a, System Monitor will tell you15:13
jatthtop is nice15:14
jiohdiso you just use alsa?15:14
BluesKajjiohdi, on my laptop, yes15:16
jiohdiis that already on ubuntu or does it need to be added and pulse removed?15:17
sfdebugdoes anyone here use Terra Terminal?15:19
MonkeyDustsfdebug  is that a game?15:21
CHVNXFirst time I've heard of it.15:21
CHVNXDrop down term.15:21
sfdebugMonkeyDust, no, that is a command terminal...15:21
MonkeyDustsfdebug  what CHVNX says: ubuntu has guake15:22
tewardis there a way in network manager to set a default route, such that Wifi is always superior (in terms of internet route) to Ethernet15:22
lucidguyAnyone ever try to print a color PDF in black and white.. on a linux system?15:22
sfdebugi know ubuntu has it15:22
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chrisss123456hey guys, i have a grub problem. i have 2 partitions for recovery, the windows recovery, and a lenovo recovery (on a thinkpad) that dont show up in my boot option. anyone know what gives?15:24
pbxlucidguy, say specifically what steps you are taking and how the result differs from what you want15:25
BluesKajchrisss123456, have you done a grub-update15:25
k1l_sfdebug: you need a ppa for that15:25
chrisss123456BluesKaj: i have not. would that just be running grub-update?15:26
BluesKajsudo update-grub15:26
BluesKajchrisss123456, ^15:26
lucidguypbx, I've tried evince and ocular to print a PDF, select black and white or grescale.  Print job always comes out in colour.  My printer is setup via a PPD and I've tried the XeroxPrintManager.  No luck.15:26
DocPlatypusif I have two filesystems, / and /home, how big should / be under 14.04?15:27
chrisss123456BluesKaj: ok, so its found all the linux images, and a windows boot manager, but thats normal, and what i've currently got15:27
DocPlatypusas a realistic minimum15:27
k1l_sfdebug: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/terra-drop-down-terminal-emulator-with.html15:27
chrisss123456BluesKaj: but it hasnt found the other two....15:28
NoImNotNineVoltDocPlatypus: bigger than you'd think.15:28
BluesKajchrisss123456, check with gparted to see if those partitions are still valid15:29
DocPlatypusNoImNotNineVolt: good one. seriously, though... both share a "500 gig" hard drive along with swap. swap I'm not as worried about and /home is nowhere near full15:29
NoImNotNineVoltah, that's more than enough.15:29
NoImNotNineVolti've made my / very small before, and it bit me in the ass.15:30
DocPlatypusNoImNotNineVolt: right now / is 24 gigs15:30
NoImNotNineVoltshould be ample.15:30
chrisss123456BluesKaj: both are so called "hidden, diagnostic" under flags. is that the problem?15:30
DocPlatypusNoImNotNineVolt: except I'm running out of room right after upgrade to 14.04.15:30
NoImNotNineVoltand then you can always break /usr onto its own partition if need be15:30
NoImNotNineVoltoh wow.15:30
sfdebugk1l_, i already tried it, but, on apt-get update i get: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ozcanesen/terra-terminal/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found AND W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ozcanesen/terra-terminal/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found15:30
DocPlatypusNoImNotNineVolt: just to get the upgrade to run, I had to uninstall libreoffice, gimp, inkscape, openarena, and a few other things15:30
DocPlatypusto be fair it was a great excuse to uninstall all the games I tried to run on this box but ran way too slowly to be playable15:31
k1l_sfdebug: got no trusty packages15:31
NoImNotNineVoltcd / ; du --max-depth=1 -h 2>/dev/null | sort -h15:31
BluesKajchrisss123456, certainly looks that way, hidden, diagnostic seem to be windows recovery partitions15:31
k1l_sfdebug: so your program is quite dead. use quake instead15:31
NoImNotNineVoltDocPlatypus: do that.15:31
sfdebugk1l_, did you men guake?15:32
MonkeyDustsfdebug  methinks terra terminal is no longer maintained/available15:33
chrisss123456BluesKaj: oh cool :) i think we're getting somewhere. how do i fix that?15:33
chrisss123456or, is that even an issue?15:33
NoImNotNineVoltDocPlatypus: that should give you an idea of what your biggest space hogs are on /, then you can try to break those out onto their own partitions if you need more space on /.15:33
BluesKajchrisss123456, i think you can safely ignore those partitions if you plan on using linux more than windows15:34
DocPlatypusNoImNotNineVolt: I've done that... actually I do something slightly different: du -xh | sort -rh | less15:34
DocPlatypus-x = stay on same filesystem (otherwise it pulls in /home) and -r = largest at top15:34
steven__Q: Is it normal to have a bunch of [WARNING] when doing a check with rkhunter? No rootkits were detected. This always happens like a few weeks after having used Ubuntu15:34
NoImNotNineVoltthat's too noisy :P15:35
chrisss123456BluesKaj: thats the thing... haha my windows has broken for some inexplicable reason, and i'm trying to recover it. all methods have failed, so im trying to use the recovery partition, which is nowhere to be found...15:35
NoImNotNineVoltalthough good tip about -x :)15:35
chrisss123456BluesKaj: so, i need to use the windows recovery partition15:35
NoImNotNineVoltas usual, /lib is my biggest eater on /.15:35
erichf[09:35:05] $ ruby1.9.1 --version  ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]15:35
erichfHow is this possible?15:35
NoImNotNineVoltand i learned the hard way, you can't really have that mounted anywhere else :P15:36
BluesKajchrisss123456, run os-prober , then sudo update-grub15:36
steven__Is it normal to have a bunch of [WARNING] when doing a check with rkhunter? No rootkits were detected.15:36
MonkeyDusterichf  how is what possible?15:36
erichfruby 1.9.1 is the system version of ruby -- yet its version command gives 1.9.315:37
BluesKajos-prober might find your windows recovery partition, chrisss12345615:37
chrisss123456BluesKaj: aha! when running os-prober, i only find the windows boot manager15:37
lordjancsohow can i list on ubuntu 14.04 server which applications start automatically when system starts15:37
EchoNighti installed brightness indicator and it says 'no backlights were found on your system'15:37
DocPlatypusI'm also having things show up in the wrong colors in 14.04... my Chromium window bar is always gray now, not blue15:37
chrisss123456BluesKaj: i remember having this problem with the windows boot manager itself, and someone else on this board was kind enough to help me15:37
chrisss123456but i forgot :(15:37
EchoNightanyone know how to fix?15:38
NoImNotNineVoltlordjancso: immediately after boot, run `ps aux`15:38
k1l_steven__: rkhunter is not a "virus scanner" but a "what has changed scanner". rkhunter needs a lot more work and knowledge than the "antivirus programs on windows" but is way more efficient if you can use it15:38
MonkeyDusterichf  apt-cache show ruby shows:    Depends: ruby1.9.1 (>=
lordjancsoNoImNotNineVolt and how can i add a program to start automatically?15:38
cfhowlettsteven__, normal.  warnings do not equal rootkit found15:38
BluesKajchrisss123456, did you partiton for linux when installing ubuntu?15:38
steven__So anything I will update will get flagged with a warning because it has changed?15:38
NoImNotNineVoltlordjancso: that's a much more complicated question.15:39
NoImNotNineVoltlordjancso: create an upstart script for it.15:39
steven__Okay. Thanks.15:39
chrisss123456BluesKaj: My partitions are admittedly kinda stupid.... i initially put 40gb for windows, and 450gb for linux, then realized i needed space for some win apps, and so added 100gb for windows after the linux. so its a windows sandwich with linux filling.15:39
k1l_steven__: basically yes. its not a "anti virus program for non tech people". you need to know whats up with the system to read the rkhunter output.15:40
NoImNotNineVoltsounds delicious.15:40
BluesKajchrisss123456, so where on the disk is the windows boot/mbr?15:41
DocPlatypussounds more like a s#$% sandwich to me15:41
saulocasteloHi guys, i can't see flash with ubuntu webbrowser oxide, any one can helpme?15:41
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chrisss123456DocPlatypus: i admit, it's retarded. i might completely fix it if i have to. thought it would do  for now though.15:42
chrisss123456BluesKaj: the windows boot manager is on the windows partition15:42
NoImNotNineVolti don't see anything wrong with your partition layout.15:42
BluesKajchrisss123456, and you say windows won't boot ?15:43
kubancHello, what ubuntu distribution would you prefer for guest... I can see that unity is in a Ubuntu guest a little bit slow...15:43
DocPlatypuswhoa. and I just now realized my network settings icon isn't in my systray15:43
DocPlatypushow to get it back?15:43
MonkeyDustsaulocastelo  do you have al the required oxide codecs?15:43
k1l_kubanc: guest?15:43
chrisss123456BluesKaj: Windows used to not boot, but now thats fixed. someone here helped me a while ago.15:44
saulocasteloMonkeyDust:: i think so15:44
saulocasteloi   oxideqt-codecs                                                             - Web browser engine library for Qt (codecs)15:44
kubanck1l_, I am running virtualbox on Ubuntu host. And I am running Ubuntu 14.04 in Virtualbox and I can see that unity is slow..15:44
MrSassyPantsok I'm having nvidia-331 problems. Last time I installed nvidia-331-updates to fix it, but now it seems it can't remove that package, it somehow registers as half-installed now15:44
MrSassyPantsI'm going to assume the nvidia-331 package was fixed in the meantime. How do I properly replace it?15:45
MonkeyDustkubanc  ubuntu runs faster in vmWare15:45
BluesKajchrisss123456, sorry I've obviously lost track of your problem then15:45
kubancMonkeyDust, Also if the host is Windows OS?15:45
chrisss123456BluesKaj: haha thats ok. so basically, i dont have a boot image for my recovery partitions. how do i change that?15:46
MonkeyDustkubanc  not sure, i have ubuntu 14.10 guest in ubuntu 14.04 host15:46
kubancMonkeyDust, Is the unity fast enough?15:47
p0aHello I have installed ubuntu on virtualbox. network worked out of the box. Then I removed some stuff and installed lubuntu-desktop and now internet doesn't work anymore15:47
MonkeyDustkubanc  no, not unity, use xfce, it's faster15:47
saulocasteloMonkeyDust: do i need anything else?15:47
cfhowlett!details | kubanc,15:47
ubottukubanc,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:47
p0aShould I just grab the lubuntu .iso image and install that?15:47
k1lkubanc: if you want lightweight use Lubuntu15:47
MonkeyDustsaulocastelo  not sure, it's my closest guess15:47
BluesKajchrisss123456, i think if you run check on those partitions in gparted , then update grub again they might restore, but I can't be sure15:47
saulocasteloMonkeyDust: can you see flash with ubuntu webbrowser?15:48
p0aI guess that's what I'll do, thanks everyone15:48
kubancMonkeyDust, I will try xfce and see if it faster...15:48
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: how do i do that?15:49
MonkeyDustsaulocastelo  trying...15:49
saulocasteloMonkeyDust: thanks15:50
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: nevermind i think i understood. apparently its risky, but i assume any damage would occur to those partitions only15:50
MonkeyDustsaulocastelo  seems not15:50
BluesKajchrisss1234561, open gparted, right click on said partitions choose "check" in the drop down and apply15:50
saulocasteloMonkeyDust: :( thanks15:50
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: got that :)15:51
EchoNight!patience EchoNight15:52
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: ok, so i've done all that, and update grub only finds what it found before15:52
BluesKajchrisss1234561, I've never seen the windows hidden partitions on grub after installing linux, iirc15:53
cfhowlettchrisss1234561, the windows restore partition should not be listed in grub15:54
BluesKajthey probly show up in windows disk management15:54
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: oh :( cfhowlett: how do i do it then?15:54
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: windows disk management is broken though :') thats the thing!15:54
cfhowlettchrisss1234561, personally, I'd get my windows disk and run windows repair.  that would wipe out grub, but reinstalling grub is caveman easy15:55
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chrisss1234561cfhowlett: windows repair is broken. everything in windows thats system related is broken. only thing that works is chrome and word -.-15:55
BluesKajchrisss1234561, which windows ?15:56
cfhowlettchrisss1234561, word works ... WITHOUT windows?  how do you manage that piece of magic15:56
Radihi guys15:56
chrisss1234561cfhowlett: haha by only working, most things work, but system errors pop up whenever i do anything system related. i.e. i get error messages when running cmd as an admin. BluesKaj, sadly, win815:56
Radii am having touble formatting a usb key to ntfs15:56
Sh3r1ff!fdisk | Radi15:57
cfhowlett!usb | Radi15:58
ubottuRadi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:58
BluesKajfwiw chrisss1234561 I dumped W8 in favour of W7 on my laptop , haven't looked back15:58
jhutchinschrisss1234561: If you run a windows restore process from the original windows installation, it will most likely restore the original partition scheme.  If you installed Linux to a disk that was originally part of Windows' installation, it will destroy that.  (If you're on a seperate disk that was not part of the original you're fine.)15:58
Sh3r1ffRadi: use fdisk15:58
RadiSh3r1ff where to paste fdisk output15:58
Sh3r1ffRadi: pastebin?15:58
cfhowlettRadi, fpaste.org15:58
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi, I'm here.15:58
chrisss1234561jhutchins: oh damn, thanks for that information. :( that wouldve been a bad surprise15:58
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: im just holding out to get the win10 update15:59
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: but yes, i hate it15:59
RadiSh3r1ff http://paste.ubuntu.com/9836508/16:00
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: but i need to fix it first! :(16:00
Radiits unmountable though16:00
cfhowlettRadi, sudo mount /devicetargethere16:00
BluesKajwell chrisss1234561 , I think you may need some #windows chat help16:01
EchoNighty won't u mofos help meh16:01
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi, I listened to the reply , but i'm not sure it will work.16:01
Sh3r1ffRadi: did you run mkfs after creating the partition with fdisk?16:01
cfhowlettEchoNight, stop that16:01
Radicfhowlett, i formatted it with 2 tools, still no luck and cant mount it at all, gparted has a red sign and shows this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9836524/16:02
chrisss1234561BluesKaj: i was there, and the people here are a lot nicer :) they just told me to get the dvd from the seller16:02
EchoNightthen help meh16:02
MonkeyDustEchoNight  what's the issue?16:02
cfhowlett!patience | EchoNight,16:02
BluesKajEchoNight, just ask your question16:02
ubottuEchoNight,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:02
EchoNightno backlights were found16:02
EchoNighthow to fix?16:02
MonkeyDustEchoNight  meaning?16:03
EchoNighti asked this b416:03
EchoNightscroll up16:03
RadiSh3r1ff i did, but it shows errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/9836559/16:03
MonkeyDustEchoNight  hit the up arrow to repeat the question16:03
EchoNighti would do dat, but i quit earlier16:03
cfhowlettEchoNight, restate it.  scroll doesn't work if he wasn't in the room when you stated it16:03
MonkeyDustEchoNight  and i just entered16:03
OerHeksEchoNight, did you search for ubuntu+ your laptop model for simular issues ? we don't even know what laptop you have, how can we answer?16:04
EchoNightit's a chromebox16:04
EchoNightnot a laptop16:04
MonkeyDustis that arm?16:04
EchoNighti think so16:04
OerHeksEchoNight, chromebox, there is more than one16:04
MonkeyDustEchoNight  ok, there's also a ubuntu arm channel16:04
EchoNightasus chromebox16:04
BluesKaj!attitude | EchoNight16:04
ubottuEchoNight: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:04
Sh3r1ffRadi: what were the commands you used?16:04
RadiSh3r1ff, first made new partition in cfdisk, then mkntfs /dev/sdb116:05
MonkeyDustEchoNight  type /j #ubuntu-arm16:05
EchoNightbut it's intel cpu16:05
RadiSh3r1ff, second tool i tried was gparte16:05
OerHeksthere are asus chromebox celeron, i5, i3, maybe arm too...16:06
cfhowlettRadi, try a different USB16:06
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi, The reply of that guy MESSED MY WHOLE SYSTEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!16:06
Radii did16:06
Radinone works16:06
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: what reply?16:06
Radicfhowlett. i tried 3 usb, none works16:06
Radicfhowlett, however they can format just fine to fat3216:07
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi: Reply of Perumal93 in the https://askubuntu.com/questions/576857/unable-to-download-wine-with-software-center-or-terminal16:07
Radicfhowlett, ntfs-3g is installed; ntfsprogs isnt16:07
cfhowlettRadi, this is for a boot usb?16:07
Radicfhowlett, yes; for my girlfriend; no windows pc available else i would do it on windows16:07
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: hardly messed up your system16:08
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: you are clearly unable to  understand all the instructions given to you so be more considerate when people are trying to help you16:09
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: you can start by trying to find out exactly WHAT the things people tell you to do actually does16:09
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi: WHAT CAN I DO NOW ???????????16:10
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi, Can i undo the process ????16:11
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: I dont have time to help out, but I recomend that you start by learning more about your system what it does since you clearly very much to learn16:11
OerHeksEchoNight, never seen a Small Pc with backlight16:11
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tomodachiif you would have made a copy of the file before modifying it you could just have reverted16:11
ArshiaAghaeiI'll try to undo for now...16:11
erichfReally weird question: I'm on a dell e7440 and my 'w' key is uper sensitive -- I often type 'w' and get 'ww' -- does ubuntu have a way to reduce sensitivity on one key?16:11
OerHekserichf, sounds more like dirt in the mechanism that gives you this feature.16:12
erichfoerheks maybe16:13
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: just change to another mirror, and you will be fine, but please for the sake of all of us learn more about your system16:13
NoImNotNineVoltthe debouncing circuit isn't debouncing very well.16:13
ArshiaAghaeitomodachi: How ???16:13
NoImNotNineVolt(that's a technical term)16:13
mandhmy var size is 95% i remove auth.log file which has size 27G but still df give same usage16:14
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: im sorry but you ask to many super basci questions , WORK IT OUT yourself and when you get stuck ask for help16:14
MonkeyDusterichf  use a high pressure air duster to clean your keyboard16:14
tomodachiArshiaAghaei: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html#research16:15
ubottupietrolis: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:19
yepladoes proprietary fglrx driver is broken ?16:19
yeplaimpossible to install it16:20
DocPlatypusyepla: quite probably, yes16:21
DocPlatypuscomplain to AMD, they are the ones that provide it16:21
OerHeksyepla, for what ATI card?16:21
DocPlatypusbetter yet, next time get an nVidia card and use nouveau16:21
yeplaHD 795016:21
DocPlatypusok so finally I get my indicator tray back if I "pkill indicator"... question is how it's wedging to begin with16:24
DocPlatypusI know 14.04 can work better than this, I've been running it on two other boxes16:24
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ChincePrarmingSo where exactly is my wireless key stored on the filesystem?16:27
ChincePrarmingI mean, it has to store my connexion info somewhere right?16:27
OerHeksin seahorse/keyring i guess16:28
ChincePrarmingOerHeks, ah, it's in the keyring?16:28
ChincePrarmingYap, looks like it, found it16:29
ArshiaAghaeiCan anyone give me the text of source.list ????16:29
DocPlatypusArshiaAghaei: it'll vary depending on what exactly you want to install16:30
OerHeksdepends what version. ubuntu kubuntu 12.04 14.04 14.1016:30
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, yep.  but for what it's worth ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/9836842/16:30
OerHeksArshiaAghaei, are you in china and use trusty?16:31
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, this might be useful   http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php16:31
ArshiaAghaeiOerHeks: No.16:32
OerHeksrepogen is good, carefull with the extra options16:32
nbusronehi , does anyone know how do I set earphone to output audio fully ? The case is I need to press and hold the earphone button to get louder audio.16:32
ArshiaAghaeicfhowlett: I hope this won't MESS UP WITH MY WHOLE SYSTEM !!!16:33
xanguaArshiaAghaei: please avoid caps and you still haven't explained what is your end goal16:33
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, if you know what you're doing, it won't.16:33
ArshiaAghaeixangua: I asked a question in the following link. someone said you should replace all of the .us domains with your country-domain-name but when i done it , my system gone to hell !!!!16:35
OerHeksalways start with cp  /etc/apt/sources.list  /etc/apt/sources.list.old16:36
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999916:36
ArshiaAghaeixangua: Link :https://askubuntu.com/questions/576857/unable-to-download-wine-with-software-center-or-terminal16:37
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: What it will do ???16:37
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: it will upload your sources list to a pastebin and give you the link16:37
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: I hope you're not lying.(Forgive me , i'm a hell of a lot angry from that answer.)16:38
EriC^^$ echo "i'm not lying" | nc termbin.com 999916:39
nbusroneNot sure i can explain it well. The earphone which came with a smartphone which support mic or handset , having 4 pole conductor 3.5 mm. Problem is the sound output only output background sound16:39
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: I see no result.16:40
MonkeyDustnbusrone  sure you're in the right channel?16:40
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: what are you typing?16:41
EriC^^cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999916:41
nbusroneMonkeyDust : yeh, using Pulse audio on ubuntu 14.0416:41
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: ???16:41
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type that ^^16:41
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: I see no result !!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:42
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  paste EriC^^ 's line in a terminal16:42
EriC^^lol, chill out16:42
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: I DONE IT. BUT NO RESULT !!!!!!!!!!!!16:42
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type ls -l /etc/apt/ | nc termbin.com 999916:42
OerHekslooks like no internet then16:43
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Look at the previous massage.16:43
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: are you talking from the same pc?16:43
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: What are you talking about ????16:44
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: What same PC ????16:44
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: nevermind16:44
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type the second command, ls -l ...16:44
cfhowlettEriC^^, same here ... no pastie from that command.16:44
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Wait...16:44
EriC^^cfhowlett: really?16:45
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cfhowlettEriC^^, copy paste, no joy16:45
EriC^^cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999916:45
OerHekshere it does http://termbin.com/9qcr16:45
EriC^^maybe your isp bans termbin.com ?16:45
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: What the hell is this ???!!!!16:45
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: nothing, chill16:46
EriC^^deep breaths :P16:46
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, chillax16:46
nbusronegetting simple , earpod from apple only output background music or vocal only .I need to press and hold the 4th button on the jack16:46
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: go to paste.ubuntu.com16:46
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: copy and paste cat /etc/apt/sources.list16:46
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  paste this command      sudo apt-get install pastebinit; cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit16:47
[Relic]how do I put all currently installed packages into a list in a text file?  (I may need to reinstall today after hardware upgrades)16:47
cfhowlett[Relic], dpkg -l > installed.txt16:48
MonkeyDust[Relic]  dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}' > ~/Documents/packages16:48
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  kept it easier16:49
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: I cannot download anything by the Perumal93's favor. He messed up with my whole system.16:49
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: https://askubuntu.com/users/358411/perumal9316:49
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  what's that?16:50
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, why are you posting that?16:50
OerHeks!info wine trusty16:51
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:51
EriC^^[Relic]: dpkg --get-selections > /path/to/list16:51
OerHeksArshiaAghaei, how did you get wine 1.7 in trusty ?16:51
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: Let's be clear on this, you messed up your system by doing something you didn't understand.16:51
ArshiaAghaeijhutchins: Yes, but it was his fault.16:52
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  what brings you here?16:52
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, uhhh, no.  you are the administrator of your system.16:52
ArshiaAghaeicfhowlett: Yes.16:53
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, l;et16:53
cfhowlettlet's move on ...16:53
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: I need the sources.list code.16:53
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: did you upload /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com ?16:53
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: I see no result.16:54
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: aha ,  wait.16:54
jhutchins!wheezy sources.list16:54
jhutchinsErp, 'scuse.16:54
cfhowlettjhutchins, that's not helpful at all16:54
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jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources16:55
SchrodingersScatThis is also why !pm exists.16:56
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: this is my messed sources.list code : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837170/16:56
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: it looks fine16:57
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type sudo apt-get update16:57
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, ?? looks normal16:57
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837220/16:59
cfhowlettArshiaAghaei, might be time to backup and rebuild your sources list ... as was also suggested earlier16:59
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources16:59
uber_hulkHi all. while playing around I broke some dependencies and I am seeing this problemm http://askubuntu.com/questions/485999/apt-indicator-errorbrokencount016:59
OerHeksthere was a google GPG error, and causes these problems.17:00
uber_hulkI am using xubuntu, any solution?17:00
ArshiaAghaeijhutchins: I didn't see something useful.17:00
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*17:00
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: then sudo apt-get update , again please17:00
PiciWhy down we all slow and and pick one person to give suggestions here.17:00
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: What it will do ??17:00
btorchis remaping the interfaces using udevadm no longer possible on precise or trusty ?17:00
btorchbefore I used to just use udevadm trigger to change them17:01
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: it will remove corrupted files which will be regenerated17:01
btorchand whatever was on my udev rules for the net would change what the system displayed with ip addr17:01
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ http://blog.ubuntu-tweak.com/guide/how-to-fix-the-source-list-files https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine17:01
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837260/17:02
OerHeksagain that google GPG error, and causes these problems.17:03
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com17:03
PiciOerHeks: agreed.. seems that everyone wants to give different suggestions right now though.17:03
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: -su: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list: Permission denied17:04
OerHeksPici i think EriC^^ is on it17:04
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:05
EriC^^and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com17:05
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: command not found17:05
EriC^^ls ?17:05
EriC^^ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:06
ArshiaAghaeitotal 817:06
ArshiaAghaei-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Jan 20 18:41 google-chrome.list17:06
ArshiaAghaei-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 124 Jan 15 19:49 meebey-ppa-trusty.list17:06
EriC^^not here..17:06
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ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Sorry, it didn't give me a warning17:06
OerHeksthat meebey-ppa has no trusty candidates, so you can remove it safely17:08
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* doesn't work?17:11
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: NO !17:11
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: if it doesn't work, please paste ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d in paste.ubuntu.com17:11
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: THE RESULT IS : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837342/17:11
cfhowlettEriC^^, root???17:12
OerHeksEriC^^, what would be wise, locked list and GPG error,  sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf # and run update & upgrade again?17:13
EriC^^OerHeks: sure17:14
TrivialGravitasEncrypted swap isn't loading on boot up, swapon works fine17:14
uber_hulkHow do I solve broken dependencies problem17:14
uber_hulkBrokenCount > 017:15
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: do you have access to google from your isp?17:16
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Yes17:16
DocPlatypusTrivialGravitas: to get encrypted swap working reliably, I had to get rid of UUID in favor of using something from /dev/disk/by-id/17:17
DocPlatypusTrivialGravitas: only catch is if you move partitions around, swap hard drives, etc you need to update at that time too17:17
DocPlatypusone should not have to do that but apparently that's how to get it to work17:18
uber_hulkokay how do I get over this issue  package libglib2.0-0:amd64 2.42.1-1 cannot be configured because libglib2.0-0:i386 is at a different version (2.40.0-2)17:18
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Do you know what the problem is????!!!!!17:18
DocPlatypusuber_hulk: uninstall libglib2.0-0:i38617:18
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*17:19
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: then type sudo apt-get update17:19
NoImNotNineVoltisn't that a bad idea?17:20
cfhowlettNoImNotNineVolt, standard method of rebuilding a corrupted sources list17:20
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Result of first is : rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/apt/lists/partial’: Is a directory17:20
NoImNotNineVoltah, ha17:20
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: no problem17:21
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: also type sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*17:21
NoImNotNineVolti read that as rm /etc/atp/sources.list.d/* -vf17:21
TrivialGravitasDocPlatypus, How do i go about doing that?17:21
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: The next result is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837462/17:21
NoImNotNineVoltmy fault :P17:21
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: You're really taking serious risks by executing commands from random strangers on irc when you don't understand what those commands are meant to do.17:21
TrivialGravitasUUID doesn't work after reinstall or drive cloning anyway17:21
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: do NOT execute the command i typed above :P17:22
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: You could very easily make a worse mess of your system than you already have.17:22
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: https://ubuntu-manual.org/17:22
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80140417:22
ArshiaAghaeijhutchins: What is he doing ????17:22
ArshiaAghaeijhutchins: What he have done ???17:22
ArshiaAghaeijhutchins: What kind of mess ???!!17:23
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: There may be nothing wrong with the suggestions, but if you don't understand what they're supposed to do you won't know.17:23
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: Which one ?????17:24
phrozensilverI am having some trouble with symlinks, could someone point me in the right direction http://superuser.com/questions/868589/replace-refrenced-files-with-symlink#86858917:24
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: I hope you didn't destroy my entire system...17:25
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: i only typed one command. do NOT rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*17:25
NoImNotNineVolti didn't destroy anything. i didn't suggest for you to type anything.17:25
SchrodingersScatdgarstang: you made it17:25
dgarstangI'm booting EC2 instances here running Ubuntu, and I am setting the hostname via a script that runs on boot. Isn't there a better Ubuntu-ish way?17:25
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: Well, i think i didn't type it.17:25
NoImNotNineVoltsudo apt-get update17:25
NoImNotNineVoltif you can still do that, you're good.17:25
jhutchinsArshiaAghaei: Nobody here can damage your system - only you can do that.17:25
NoImNotNineVoltor, if you couldn't do that before, then you're no worse.17:26
NoImNotNineVoltis it beeroclock yet :\17:27
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  that's called PEBKAC17:27
NoImNotNineVolthaven't heard that one in ages.17:27
NoImNotNineVoltthank you.17:27
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:27
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: the result is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837530/17:27
NoImNotNineVoltthat's good.17:28
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: What is called PEBKAC ?????17:28
NoImNotNineVoltor, well, it's no worse than where you were.17:28
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: ignore him/her, focus on your problem!17:29
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: if you type dl.google.com in a browser, do you get a webpage?17:29
NoImNotNineVolt< EriC^^> ArshiaAghaei: type sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*17:29
NoImNotNineVolt< EriC^^> ArshiaAghaei: then type sudo apt-get update17:29
NoImNotNineVoltdo what EriC^^ told you.17:29
NoImNotNineVolt(my apologies for derailing the conversation a bit)17:29
georgiconnect irc.del.bg17:31
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Yes17:32
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: What do you mean ????17:32
ceed^Finally found a way to get the systray back in Unity17:33
NoImNotNineVolti mean i'm sorry for wrongly questioning EriC^^'s advice.17:33
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: just ignore me.17:33
NoImNotNineVoltactually, that goes for everyone else as well. just ignore me.17:33
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: it seems it's due to the isp or google blocking service to certain countries17:33
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: did it used to work?17:34
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: What ?? the dl.google.com17:34
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  what country are you in?17:34
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: IR17:34
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  is that iran?17:35
ArshiaAghaeiMonkeyDust: Yup...17:35
NoImNotNineVolt!farsi | ArshiaAghaei17:35
ubottuArshiaAghaei: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.17:35
alin_need help17:35
MonkeyDustArshiaAghaei  then it may be restrictions due to local politics, that's why you're struggling17:36
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: you may need to use a proxy.17:36
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: i found another person from Iran giving the same error17:36
alin_on my pc (not this) i cant update or install other apps on my ubuntu 8.1017:36
MonkeyDustalin_  that's because 8.10 is dead, offline17:36
NoImNotNineVolt8.10 predates LTS releases, right? :P17:36
MonkeyDustalin_  8.10 is no longer maintained or supported17:37
xanguaNoImNotNineVolt: what17:37
MonkeyDustalin_  or available17:37
NoImNotNineVoltxangua: can you be more specific with your query?17:37
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: Is it because of a 403 error (Forbidden) ???17:37
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: it's because iran implements internet filtering, preventing users from accessing certain sites.17:38
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: you might be able to get around it17:38
xanguaArshiaAghaei: it's because you changed your mirrors to an unexistent "ir" one17:38
NoImNotNineVoltArshiaAghaei: one way of solving this problem is by not being in iran (which is probably not a realistic option). another solution is to use a proxy that is located outside of iran.17:38
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type sudo -i 's/ir.archive/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list17:39
ArshiaAghaeiNoImNotNineVolt: Hm... You mean that is because of Iran filter system ???? or iran has a forbidden access ???17:39
* NoImNotNineVolt sighs17:40
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: then type sudo apt-get update17:40
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: -bash: s/ir.archive/archive/g: No such file or directory17:40
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: sorry...17:40
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: type sudo sed -i 's/ir.archive/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list17:40
NoImNotNineVoltalso, ubuntu 8.04 LTS (apparently they DID do LTS back then) reached End of Life on May 9 2013.17:41
christian_Im new to this whole linux thing what some things i can do with it?17:42
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NoImNotNineVoltchristian_: what do you typically use a computer for?17:42
Fuchschristian_: the same as you can do with other operating systems. Usually: running various kind of applications, such as web browsers, media players, office applications, games etc.17:43
MonkeyDustchristian_  even social media17:43
christian_Well yeah i kinda figured that this is just my second machine and i wanted to check out what are some things you can do on linux oppose to windows?17:43
NoImNotNineVoltthings you _can't_ do with linux: run windows-only or mac-only software.17:43
NoImNotNineVolt(generally speaking)17:44
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837748/17:44
Fuchschristian_: well, there are various applications available that aren't available for windows, as vice versa17:44
Fuchschristian_: but in general a computer is a computer, so things are similar17:44
Fuchschristian_: as most applications are free and you can install them via the package management (see that as some sort of app store): feel free to try out some17:44
MonkeyDust!manual | christian_17:45
ubottuchristian_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:45
NoImNotNineVoltif you're into PC gaming, linux is (in almost all cases) not as nice as windows, as most AAA releases target only windows (and maaaybe apple), but very rarely linux.17:45
NoImNotNineVoltthat's really the biggest shortcoming for most people, i'd imagine.17:45
christian_Yeah thats why i only put it on my second machine17:45
MonkeyDust"it's not the OS, it's the apps"17:46
NoImNotNineVoltin that case, you can do pretty much everything else. without having to worry as much about malware.17:46
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Did you see the result of apt-get update17:46
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: yes17:46
NoImNotNineVolt(most malware, much like most games, targets windows (and maaaybe apple), for the same reason: that's what most people use)17:47
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christian_Yeah i understand just did not know if there was any flashy things Linux could do besides the basics17:48
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: So???17:48
NoImNotNineVoltoh well yea. definitely.17:48
NoImNotNineVoltbut that's not really of concern to most users.17:48
NoImNotNineVoltif you're a software developer, linux is generally way more awesome than windows, for example.17:48
MonkeyDustchristian_  define "flashy"17:48
christian_Flashy anything that is not usual haha17:48
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: if you want you can remove the google ppa17:48
NoImNotNineVoltor if you're one of "those people", you can heavily customize linux...17:48
NoImNotNineVoltand make your desktop environment look very "flashy", for lack of better words.17:49
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: you won't get chrome and google talk-plugin etc. updates17:49
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: but apt-get update will work17:49
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: How ??? And what is google ppa ???17:49
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: That is a risk.17:49
christian_Wait how do i customize linux thats not what i was talking about but that sounds cool too17:49
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: i guess you can try to see how you can use a proxy with apt17:50
NoImNotNineVoltchristian_: see. you can make it look... different.17:50
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: But i cannot download anything by that mistake.17:50
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: what do you mean?17:50
christian_give me one sec looking for something17:51
MonkeyDustchristian_  what "unusual" things do you do with windows or mac?17:51
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Did you remeber i said someone said to me that i must edit the sources.list17:51
ArshiaAghaeiArshiaAghaei: That was a mistake17:52
ArshiaAghaeiArshiaAghaei ----> EriC^^17:52
NoImNotNineVoltbrief aside: so i went to install emacs24 on a mostly-fresh ubuntu... and...17:52
xanguasome people say emacs is an OS17:53
NoImNotNineVoltyea, but it could use a good editor.17:53
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: yes17:53
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: I edited. That's what we're talking about.17:54
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: try to open the dash, type software, click on software & updates, then try to select a different server and press reload17:54
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: ok, so after you edited this error started?17:54
ferthHello there, has anyone the backup software UrBackup installed in Ubuntu? If so, do you know is it possible to upgrade in place just by sudo apt-get??17:54
NoImNotNineVoltprotip - always save a backup of a configuration file before you make changes.17:55
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Yup...17:55
NoImNotNineVoltUrBackup? there's a hammurabi joke in there somewhere.17:55
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: ok, try to open the dash and do the rest..17:55
ferthhammurabi? I don't even know what hammurabi is??17:55
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: How to change the server ???17:56
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: click on the arrow and change the server17:56
NoImNotNineVoltferth: he was the ruler of babylon. known for hammurabi's code (eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, etc.)17:56
NoImNotNineVoltthough Ur was a sumerian city-state, not babylonian.17:57
* NoImNotNineVolt shrugs17:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:57
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: I don't see Iran on the servers. should i choose another server what didn't lock outed Iran ????17:58
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: yes, try the main server17:58
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: ok.17:58
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Failed to download repository information17:59
ArshiaAghaeiCheck your Internet connection.17:59
Genesis_I am trying to setup a crontab to (on restart) start a screen, and execute a command.18:00
ferthreally? hammurabi rules !! :-)18:00
Genesis_@reboot /usr/bin/screen -dmS Factions /home/vnfc1/Factions/start.sh isn't working18:01
Genesis_any idea why?18:01
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9837970/18:01
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: ok, do you have a proxy?18:02
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Nope18:02
masterhi there18:04
jpdsGenesis_: Don't you can use screen like that.18:05
Genesis_jpds, how could I use a screen?18:05
jpdsGenesis_: Does the script really have to run in screen?18:05
Genesis_jpds, yes it would be very helpful if it did.18:05
jpdsGenesis_: Why?18:05
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: Which proxy is good. i don't see hotspot shield for gnu-Linux18:05
ArshiaAghaei. ----> ??18:06
Genesis_jpds, in order for me to execute commands and interact with the script.18:06
jpdsGenesis_: When you're rebooting?18:06
Genesis_yes, after reboot.18:06
Genesis_if the server crashes, or reboots, or whatever, this script should execute when the machine is back up jpds18:06
jpdsGenesis_: OK, and what exactly are you trying to accomplish?18:07
Genesis_jpds, when the server starts up, create a screen called "Factions" and within that screen, execute start.sh18:07
jpdsGenesis_: I know that bit.18:08
Guest78820Hi, i want to uninstall Ubuntu from a dual boot but can not remember partition i installed it on?18:08
Genesis_jpds, that is all I want to do.18:08
jpdsGenesis_: What's start.sh suppose to do?18:08
Genesis_it starts a minecraft server.18:08
jpdsGenesis_: Oh, in that case, why don't you just create an start-up job to run Minecraft?18:08
jhutchinsGenesis_: FINALLY - you're trying to launch a minecraft server at startup!18:08
jpdsGenesis_: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Ubuntu_startup_script18:08
Genesis_jpds, because i want it in a screen18:08
Guest78820Hi, i want to uninstall Ubuntu from a dual boot but can not  remember partition i installed it on?18:09
Guest78820Hi, i want to uninstall Ubuntu from a dual boot but can not  remember partition i installed it on?18:09
jpdsGenesis_: Can't you run commands from within the game?18:09
jpds!repeat | Genesis_18:10
ubottuGenesis_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:10
jpdsSorry, that was for Guest78820.18:10
jhutchinsGenesis_: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Server_startup_script http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Ubuntu_startup_script http://askubuntu.com/questions/474878/how-to-create-a-startup-script-for-minecraft http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/44903/how-to-start-a-script-file-on-boot18:10
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: i tried to create own on a free shell i have18:10
EriC^^ArshiaAghaei: i'll pm you it18:11
jpdsGenesis_: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands18:11
ArshiaAghaeiEriC^^: ?? do you mean private of pm ???18:11
Genesis_jpds, thanks18:11
NegativeFlare!ask | ubuntu06618:16
ubottuubuntu066: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:16
NegativeFlareIf you need help, just ask -_-18:17
ubuntu066anyone active?18:17
* NoImNotNineVolt facepalms18:18
NegativeFlareubuntu066: If you're here to troll, go ahead and leave. I've already told asked you to explain what you need help with.18:18
Genesis_so why would ubuntu have issues running a .sh file?18:18
NegativeFlareGenesis_: depends on how you run it18:18
Genesis_whenever I run ./start.sh it tells me it can't find the file.18:18
christian_is there a way to open up a private chat with people through this?18:18
Genesis_yet its there18:18
NoImNotNineVoltGenesis_: the file doesn't have the execute permission bit set.18:18
NegativeFlareGenesis_: bash <filename.sh>18:18
NoImNotNineVoltperhaps the shebang line is wrong?18:19
NegativeFlarechristian_: /query nickname18:19
Genesis_NoImNotNineVolt, I gave it 777.18:19
NoImNotNineVoltGenesis_: what does the first line of the script say?18:19
ubuntu066how to set eclipse to its default settings?18:19
ubuntu066eclipse an app18:19
Genesis_NoImNotNineVolt, I should be able to run it using ./start.sh18:19
NoImNotNineVoltGenesis_: yes, if the shebang line is correct.18:20
Genesis_NoImNotNineVolt, If i run bash start.sh it works fine.18:20
NoImNotNineVoltif you type `which bash` in a terminal, is the output "/bin/bash"?18:20
Genesis_but not ./start.sh18:20
Genesis_its weird because a different .sh file with the same thing works fine18:20
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Genesis_NoImNotNineVolt, yes the output is /bin/bash18:20
NoImNotNineVoltunder ubuntu, it should be.18:20
ubuntu066how to set eclipse to its factory settings18:21
NoImNotNineVoltthat's odd. i'm sorry, but i doubt i can help you :\18:21
ubuntu066how to set an app to its factory settings?18:21
=== motto is now known as Guest17454
jhutchinsGenesis_: Why not check out one or more of those links I posted rather than trying to re-invent the wheel?  There are tried-and-true methods to do this.18:21
NegativeFlareubuntu066: if no one answers you, you don't need to repeat yourself.18:21
NegativeFlareubuntu066: also try rm -Rv ~/.eclipse18:22
NegativeFlareThat removes the config files for the entire IDE18:22
Genesis_jhutchins, I need it in a screen.18:22
NegativeFlareGenesis_: did you try using it with bash? Like this: bash <filename>18:22
Genesis_NegativeFlare, yes, that works fine.18:23
TingelTangelTom@Undecim Hello18:23
NegativeFlareGenesis_: Then just use that?18:23
Genesis_NegativeFlare, there should be no reason to.18:23
NegativeFlareActually, there is. Some scripts act retarded to bash when you try to run them. Unless you tell bash yourself to run it with itself o_o If that makes sense.18:23
dirangedDoes the Ubuntu team produce their own Virtualbox OVF images and share them anywhere?18:24
NegativeFlarediranged: Not that I know of.18:24
TingelTangelTom@undecim I change some Settings in the Server menu, then i restart the server but he crashed18:24
john_doe_jrI'm getting the following error message when attempting to mount a nfs share…any ideas?  "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting"18:24
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TingelTangelTom@undecim Are you Busy now?18:26
NegativeFlareTingelTangelTom: I'm not sure you're highlighting him correctly.18:26
NegativeFlareYou don't put an @ sign when you highlight someone.18:27
TingelTangelTomOk, where is my error?18:27
NegativeFlareRepeat: You don't put an @ sign when you highlight someone.18:27
TingelTangelTomname and space is enough?18:27
NegativeFlareThat's how you highlight someone :P18:28
NegativeFlareBasic IRC18:28
mgaranitohi, how to change resolution to 800x480 on 7" display18:28
NegativeFlare!resolution | mgaranito18:29
ubottumgaranito: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:29
TingelTangelTomYeah i am start with IRC, Thx for your correction18:29
TingelTangelTomundecim: So next try :)18:29
NegativeFlareno problem.18:30
SchrodingersScat!tab | TingelTangelTom, tabs are easiest.18:30
ubottuTingelTangelTom, tabs are easiest.: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:30
jaron-michaelhow to add a "Swap partition" after install???.18:31
john_doe_jrI'm getting the following error message when attempting to mount a nfs share…any ideas?  "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting"18:31
NegativeFlare!swap | jaron-michael18:31
ubottujaron-michael: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:31
TingelTangelTom!tab | undecim Thatś easier?! Hmm...18:32
ubottuundecim Thatś easier?! Hmm...: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:32
OerHeksjohn_doe_jr, can you give us more info ? what comand did you use to mount etc ?18:32
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
TingelTangelTomI think i doesnt understand it... >noob<18:33
john_doe_jrOerHeks: I added the entry to the fstab and did a mount -a18:33
tewardwhich version of Ubuntu has a gcc/g++ compiler with C++11 or newer in it by default (gcc-4.7/g++-4.7 or newer)18:34
tewardif any18:34
OerHeks!info gcc trusty18:34
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.124ubuntu6)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 41 kB18:34
Genesis_what is wrong with this crontab: @reboot 'bash /home/vnfc1/scripts/startminecraft.sh'18:40
geniiGenesis_: Might want full bash path there18:41
Genesis_oh shitr you are right18:41
Genesis_genii, do I need the ' '?18:41
arun_hello every one18:41
john_doe_jrWhere would I see the error logs for mounting errors associated w/ ntfs?18:42
quatroxGenesis_: you do not need 'bash'  there at all if you use the hash bang18:43
Genesis_quatrox, I do, I tried it with the bash bang.18:43
Genesis_anyways running /bin/bash /home/vnfc1/scripts/startminecraft.sh works 100% fine18:43
Genesis_but for w/e reason the crontab isn't working18:43
Genesis_any ideas?18:43
quatroxGenesis_: with "#!/bin/bash" as the first line in the bash script?18:44
Genesis_er actually /sh18:44
quatroxdid you chmod +x <your_script> ?18:45
Genesis_I did.18:45
SchrodingersScatso it's /sh but you want it to be ran with bash?18:45
Genesis_as i said it works fine when i run it from terminal18:45
Genesis_if I change #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash18:46
quatroxsh is a symlink to bash18:46
Genesis_I still need to do bash runscript.sh18:46
quatroxohh... then I learned something new18:46
Piciquatrox: no, sh is a symlink to dash, which is not bash.18:46
SchrodingersScatquatrox: for me it's a symlink to dash18:46
NaranjaLocadoes anyone know why people generally seem to prefer running l2tp with IPsec instead of just IPsec by itself as a VPN? I really don't see the function of l2tp and google isn't helping18:47
Genesis_using /bin/bash /home/vnfc1/scripts/startminecraft.sh18:47
Genesis_works 100% fine18:47
Genesis_but the crontab won't wo rk18:47
Genesis_I am doing @reboot18:47
SchrodingersScat!pm | hickuper not interested in whatever your pm is about.18:47
ubottuhickuper not interested in whatever your pm is about.: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:47
quatroxGenesis_: the alternative to cron is using init to trigger the script18:49
lucidguyOMG, still can't figure out a way to print PDFs that have color in them in black and white or greyscale .. I want to kill myself.18:49
geniiquatrox: Actually sh is a symlink to dash, not bash18:49
Genesis_quatrox, I tried making a mkdir with crontab on reboot18:49
Genesis_and it worked fine18:49
Genesis_so what the hell :(18:49
quatroxgenii, Pici and SchrodingersScat already told me that.  I was just confusing with a different distro18:50
NaranjaLocano VPN wiz peoples in here, huh?18:50
quatroxGenesis_: why would you want to do that from cron?  It sounds more like an init task18:51
Genesis_quatrox, how would I do it from an init task?18:52
quatroxGenesis_: regarding cron: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/109804/crontabs-reboot-only-works-for-root18:53
Genesis_quatrox, a mkdir works fine using @treboot.18:53
tewardOerHeks: so 4.8 is the default in trusty?18:54
hickuperGenesis_: maybe you need file ownership privileges.18:54
OerHeksteward, yes18:54
Genesis_I have it for that user hickuper18:54
OerHeks!info gcc utopic18:55
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.133ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.9.1-4ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 5 kB, installed size 42 kB18:55
quatroxGenesis_: but not your script?18:56
Genesis_quatrox, I own the script.18:57
Genesis_i'll figure it out later18:57
Genesis_no big deal18:57
quatroxGenesis_: I meant to ask if the script was triggered by cron?18:57
Genesis_quatrox, how would I know? it doesn't produce anything.18:58
Genesis_i'll figure it out later18:58
Genesis_thanks guys18:58
serasWho programs on Python?18:59
MonkeyDustseras  ask your question and wait18:59
tewardi accidentally screwed up my gcc alternatives - what should i set them to by default for trusty, or is there a way to automatically reconfigure them19:00
NaranjaLoca does anyone know why people generally seem to prefer running l2tp with IPsec instead of just IPsec by itself as a VPN? I really don't see the function of l2tp and google isn't helping19:00
quatroxteward: not sure if you can use dpkg reconfigure or something similar19:01
tewardquatrox: hence my asking19:02
quatroxteward: forget about what I said.  I found something else19:02
EriC^^teward: not sure if dpkg-reconfigure would do the job19:02
quatroxteward: update-alternatives --config gcc19:03
quatroxand select the newest19:03
tewardquatrox: except there was nothing there, hence me saying i derped it19:05
tewardquatrox: 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 seem to be 'present' on the computer, and 4.8 is the default in trusty apparently based on gcc-defaults19:06
quatroxteward: is that from gcc --version?19:06
tewardquatrox: no, from ls /usr/bin | grep gcc19:07
tewardand looking for .real19:07
quatroxupdate-alternatives --auto gcc19:07
divBy0can someone recommend an irc client for ios8?19:08
quatroxteward: auto should select the default19:08
PicidivBy0: Not sure why we'd know, try ##iphone or ask alis.19:08
hickuperdivBy0: not off hand19:09
divBy0Pici: trust of #iphone user's software intuitions vs that of #ubuntu users19:09
PicidivBy0: I don't know anything about that channel.  Its not an Ubuntu support question though.  Try #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps.19:10
divBy0Pici: thanks19:10
tewardquatrox: there's nothing listed in the alternatives.  I readded them, set -4.8 to the auto, gave lower priority to the others19:12
uweHi try to setup zfsonlinux on ubuntu with encrypted devices. the devices are not with luks, but plain. but the boot order is wrong. first zfs try to import the pool, after than the encrypted devices were open. that not work for me. how can I fix the thos (or the boot order) to be sure the devices will encrypt before zfs import start?19:12
tewardquatrox: as i said, i broke my alternatives >.>19:12
tewardquatrox: i apparently DO have 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 installed though so it never hurts, I believe, to have them all in the alternatives list and have 4.8 at the higher priority19:13
quatroxteward: maybe the last two posts here gives you some help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7832892/how-to-change-the-default-gcc-compiler-in-ubuntu19:13
tewardquatrox: strangely enough i'm in the askubuntu variant of that post19:13
tewardand i just readded all the compilers and set 4.8 back to default (auto).19:14
quatroxteward: sounds correct19:14
quatroxteward: Which one you want as default is up to you.  I believe that if you add all by using --install, then --auto should set the default back to how it was19:18
=== theadmin|ghost is now known as theadmin
uweHi try to setup zfsonlinux on ubuntu with encrypted devices. the devices are not with luks, but plain. but the boot order is wrong. first zfs try to import the pool, after than the encrypted devices were open. that not work for me. how can I fix the thos (or the boot order) to be sure the devices will encrypt before zfs import start?19:27
tewardquatrox: it set to whichever I gave the highest priority number.  Which was 4.8 (per defaults)19:36
quatroxuwe: not sure what you mean by "import the pool".  Is that something triggered by init?19:37
sir-meHey whats wrong here cant updates sudo apt-get install http:deb //mirror.angani.co/ubuntu precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse19:37
sir-me 19:37
EriC^^sir-me: is that an error?19:38
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120419:38
quatroxteward: ohhh... anyway, why not just use the most recent one?19:38
NegativeFlareOh, making sure.19:38
NegativeFlaresir-me: the Mirror might be down19:38
tewardquatrox: my choice.19:39
tewardquatrox: if Ubuntu stuff depends on 4.8 by default with the gcc-defaults set to 4.8, i'mma use that with auto19:39
tewardquatrox: and change it with update-alternatives --config   as needed19:39
quatroxteward: ubuntu does not install gcc by default19:39
quatroxteward: it is only if you want to compile yourself19:40
sir-meEric:here is the error : Unable to locate package http19:40
sir-meE: Unable to locate package //mirror.angani.co19:40
sir-meE: Couldn't find any package by regex '//mirror.angani.co'19:40
sir-meE: Unable to locate package precise-updates19:40
sir-meE: Unable to locate package main19:40
sir-meE: Unable to locate package restricted19:40
EriC^^!paste | sir-me19:40
NegativeFlare!pastebin | sir-me19:40
ubottusir-me: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:40
tewardquatrox: i know that - i meant what build-essential isntalls19:41
tewardquatrox: which is on my system because packaging19:41
teward!help | [Arab]19:41
ubottu[Arab]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:41
EriC^^sir-me: what are you trying to achieve?19:41
EriC^^sir-me: you want to add the repository of precise-updates ?19:42
sir-meEric: get updates19:42
quatroxsir-me: it should be http://mirror......19:42
EriC^^sir-me: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:42
[Arab]So I get "error: unknown filesystem." "Entering rescue mode. . ." "grub rescue>"19:42
EriC^^^^ that will fetch the packages and upgrade them except for a few19:42
[Arab]What should I do?!19:42
NegativeFlare!mirrors | sir-me19:43
ubottusir-me: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Utopic, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:43
quatroxteward: now I understand why.  I am sorry I cannot help19:43
NegativeFlare[Arab]: What did you do before this happened?19:44
sir-meEric: Am so new to linux thats19:44
[Arab]NegativeFlare: Installed Ubuntu :/19:44
EriC^^sir-me: ok, sudo apt-get update , gets the list of packages available, so you can search them and install what you want19:45
NegativeFlare[Arab]: Wait, try reinstalling again then?19:46
EriC^^sir-me: sudo apt-get upgrade will check the list of available packages for new versions, and upgrade the packages you have, except for the kernel and packages it has to remove or install new packages to get them to work19:46
NegativeFlareIt shouldn't do that at all o_O19:46
sir-meEric: thanks19:46
[Arab]NegativeFlare: How can I get to my previous operating system? :(19:46
EriC^^sir-me: in that case, it will mention some packages being held back, and you can use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , that will upgrade all the packages19:46
=== parduse is now known as Guest80456
NegativeFlare[Arab]: Previous? Did you install Ubuntu OVER your last OS? or no?19:47
EriC^^sir-me: no problem19:47
[Arab]NegativeFlare: Alongside my previous operating system.19:47
[Arab]not like "previous".19:48
[Arab]Just "other".19:48
jhutchinssir-me: It looks like your sources.list files are messed up.19:48
jhutchinssir-me: Did you edit them manually?19:48
jhutchins[Arab]: What is the other OS?19:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:49
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
[Arab]jhutchins: Windows 719:51
bottazziniall hail ubottu, he knows everythin :P19:51
oalIs it possible to get a pretty boot screen after installing nvidia drivers? Before I did, it was a high res splash, but now it's a low res mess.19:51
MonkeyDustbottazzini  ubottu is a she19:52
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:52
bottazziniMonkeyDust, wow I... I... I didn't know... I am so sorry ubottu19:52
theadminoal: Eh, that tends to happen. It doesn't really matter does it now :P19:53
jhutchinsoal: You might want to rebuild the initramfs if you haven't done that yet.19:53
oaljhutchins, update-initramfs?19:54
EriC^^oal: sudo update-initramfs -a19:54
tewardis there any command line method to get the arch that the system is, such that i386/amd64/etc are all that is returned?19:55
EriC^^teward: uname -r19:55
EriC^^uname -m19:55
tewardEriC^^: thanks19:55
oalEriC^^, -a doesn't seem to be a valid flag19:55
jhutchinsoal: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+question/2678119:56
EriC^^ah, -k all19:56
EriC^^oal: ^19:56
tewardEriC^^: is it just x86 for i386?19:57
EriC^^sometimes its i686 i thihkn19:57
SerpardumI installed Xubuntu but it won't boot. I can boot to the cd and see my file structure. I was wondering if once it's booted if I just couldn't change the mount somehow?20:02
EriC^^Serpardum: what happens when you boot it?20:03
[Arab]Do I really need a CD to fix the problem?20:03
[Arab]I'll do it tomorrow.20:03
[Arab]Good night.20:03
SerpardumIt shows the XUbuntu logo with the swirling circle not swirling, just stuck in one location20:03
Telendrithlol Serpardum, I'm pretty much in the same boat. Finsh the install. Reboot > Nothing20:03
SerpardumI'm booted to the computer now with the CD20:04
EriC^^Serpardum: ok, so it's booting20:04
SerpardumTo some point, yes, it just doesn't finish booting into xfce or whatever it's called Ig uess.20:04
EriC^^if you press esc does it show anything?20:04
SerpardumI'm new to xubuntu, coming from archlinux20:04
TelendrithI don't even get to grub. So I used the repair cd to get the boot info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9839171/20:04
SerpardumI'll go try. What should pressing esc show me?20:05
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SerpardumI'll try alt-f1 and such too20:05
Serpardumbe back in a bit20:05
EriC^^Serpardum: the boot up20:05
consolidatedi guess he is dual booting heh20:06
TelendrithI'm on a second device, but I guess he's still doing better then me20:07
Telendrithok, I re-installed grub2 and now my display just goes black, no signal :o20:08
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EriC^^Telendrith: how did you reinstall grub?20:10
TelendrithTwo steps further, one step back into darkness. I used the boot repair disk live CD20:10
=== Ankhers` is now known as Ankhers
EriC^^Telendrith: do you have a live usb of ubuntu?20:11
TelendrithNo, just the server ISO at the moment.20:11
TelendrithI can build one in a jiffy20:11
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EriC^^Telendrith: ok, cool20:11
Bashing-omTelendrith: EriC^^ :: maybe graphics issue ? Nvidia/ATI -> "nomodeset" boot parameter .20:11
EriC^^Bashing-om: good call, it might be20:12
EriC^^Telendrith: try to boot holding shift20:12
EriC^^see if you get grub20:12
ubuntu187I need help with eclipse20:13
Bashing-om!details | ubuntu18720:13
ubottuubuntu187: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:13
ubuntu129help with eclipse20:18
jhutchinsubuntu129: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?20:19
ubuntu129If you are aware about app, then I installed some android sdk files but after restart its not able to detect any20:20
TelendrithOk. EriC^^: So I get into grub20:21
ubuntu129My files are stored in home direcctory too20:21
isantopubuntu129: I've personally moved to Android Studio for android development. I find it fits the workflow a bit better.20:21
EriC^^Telendrith: ok, press e over the ubuntu entry20:21
=== doh is now known as Guest82723
EriC^^Telendrith: add nomodeset to the kernel line after linux vmlinuz ....... quiet splash20:22
ubuntu129I downloaded about 1.1 GB of data wasting all my time I cannot let it go in vain ! Plaease help!20:22
serpardumI was able to boot this time by selecting the 2nd boot partition I installed too.20:22
serpardumMy question now is, where do i configure my 2 screens?20:22
ubuntu129Is ther any method to mount the configured files20:22
serpardumcan't find anywhere to adjust those20:22
Bashing-omserpardum: What desk top are you running ? the setting varies for multi-displays .20:23
ubuntu129It does not even shows Android Manager now after restart20:23
serpardumit was default xubuntu installed so i believe xfce20:24
Bashing-omserpardum: Main menu settings -> display ?20:25
ubuntu129Is ther any method to mount the configured files20:25
TelendrithEriC^^ so just add a space after quiet splash and $vt_handoff and add nomodeset?20:25
EriC^^Telendrith: yeah20:25
serpardumI type display and dr.ont' see it, don't see it in main menu eithe20:25
cpubuilderdoes the b43legacy bug still exist20:25
EriC^^Telendrith: then press ctrl+x20:25
serpardumoh, right, I gotta disable this laptop mouse, it drives me crazy20:26
MonkeyDustcpubuilder  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic20:26
Telendrithok, screen hasent shutterd or turned off. but now it's just blank :o20:26
cpubuilderim running 12.04 on an imac G4 with an airport extreme20:27
ubuntu129Nobody gonna help20:27
ubuntu129Nobody gonna help?20:27
Nach0zubuntu129: patience, padawan20:27
MonkeyDustubuntu129  start with a question20:27
EriC^^Telendrith: make a live usb and chroot and maybe update the kernel, which ubuntu are you using anyways?20:28
ubuntu129help with eclipse20:28
ubuntu129If you are aware about app, then I installed some android sdk files but after restart its not able to detect any files20:28
ubuntu129My files are stored in home directory too20:28
ubuntu129Is there any method to retrieve them again?20:29
TelendrithEriC^^ Ubuntu server 4.04.1. can I PM you with a boot link?20:29
cpubuilderdoes anyone know why the FOSS b43legacy driver is so slow with a 4306/2 controller under ubuntu 12.04 PPC20:30
serpardumBashing-om, it was settings manager -> display,.  Thanks20:30
ubuntu129I downloaded about 1.1 GB of data wasting all my time I cannot let it go in vain ! Plaease help!20:30
Bashing-omserpardum: I do run XFCE as my DE ( not Xubuntu, but ) and in the top task bar is "applications menu" in this menu is "settings" and from settings is "display" where I can set up the display options . yours is not so ?20:30
Bashing-omserpardum: Great .. glad ya got it sorted .20:31
EriC^^Telendrith: it's ok to share it here20:32
consolidatedubuntu129: i know nothing about eclipse... have you tried #eclipse ?20:32
ubuntu129yes recently installed20:32
ubuntu129Is ther any method to mount the configured files20:33
TelendrithEriC^^: here was the original report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9839171/20:33
UlugbekHi there - has anyone heard of the Kafeine-Bug in Adobe-Flash?20:33
EriC^^Telendrith: i think it is graphics related, grub is booting so it doesn't seem to be an issue20:33
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bpromptubuntu129:     what are you trying to mount?    you story seems to be scatter about in several fragmented lines.... if you could consolidate them.... that'd help I'd think20:36
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
bpromptUlugbek:     I guess not, not I for that matter, not sure if relevant, but I do run kaffeine20:37
ubuntu129I wanna mount some dowmloded files linked to an app 'eclipsed'20:37
bpromptubuntu129:   you're fragmenting again20:38
=== manjaro-kde5-use is now known as yppe
ubuntu129If you are aware about app, then I installed some android sdk files but after restart its not able to detect any files20:38
qoheletbprompt: Kafeine has nothing to do with the popular program. It seems to be a serious bug in Adobe-Flash player. According to the news Windows, Linux and Mac are vulnerable. So is IE and Mozilla. Chrome doesn't (till now)20:39
bpromptubuntu129:    ... not sure I can get much from that... "about app".... there are tons of apps of all kinds.... I haven't installed an android sdk myself yet, so... dunno I gather20:39
yppeis there anything like AUR in ubuntu/mint. when im using ubuntu i feel like i dont find any program i need but when using manjaro/arch i find everything there with AUR. Is there like large list of PPAs somewhere?20:39
bpromptqohelet:   k20:39
TelendrithEriC^^ You are probably right. Shouldn't it still boot into terminal with out gfx issues?20:41
ubuntu129Can you suggest me some android IDE that works well with 64bit ubuntu12.04?20:42
=== ubuntu-studio__ is now known as valkyr
=== valkyr is now known as valkyr87
ubuntu129Can you suggest me some android IDE that works well with 64bit ubuntu12.04?20:42
ssalenikyppe: you can try searching on launchpad.net20:44
EriC^^Telendrith: try to boot with adding set gfxpayload=keep20:44
EriC^^set gfxpayload=keep20:44
EriC^^on a line before the linux vmlinuz ... line20:45
whiiiteeehttp://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abv20:45
whiiiteeechat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/20:45
whiiiteeehttp://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abv20:45
whiiiteeechat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/20:45
whiiiteeehttp://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abv20:45
whiiiteeechat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/20:45
whiiiteeehttp://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abv20:45
whiiiteeechat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/ http://abvchat.com/20:45
=== cyphase_ is now known as Guest50791
valkyr87hello.. just had a major wtf moment with ubuntu-studio 14.04.1 installation20:46
valkyr87i had 13.04 desktop, so couldn't update through the updater20:47
valkyr87so i downloaded ubuntu studio iso and started installation20:47
valkyr87it detected my previous 13.04 which was dual-booted with windows 8.120:48
MonkeyDustvalkyr87  keep your question in one line, it's easier to follow and repeat20:48
valkyr87k, it gave me an option to erase 13.04 and replace with studio. i selected that and long story short: it formatted my entire HDD20:49
ubuntu129Can you suggest me some android IDE that works well with 64bit ubuntu12.04?20:49
valkyr87i thought it was going to erase just the 13.04 but now my entire data is gone20:49
valkyr87the installer doesn't specifically say it will erase entire HDD :|20:50
MonkeyDustvalkyr87  did you have backups?20:50
valkyr87i did but the last backup i had was a couple of months ago.. all my newer documents are gone :|20:51
EriC^^enter testdisk20:51
EriC^^!info testdisk | valkyr8720:51
ubottuvalkyr87: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3 (utopic), package size 314 kB, installed size 1269 kB20:51
valkyr87i backed up the 13.04 home directory before this but not the entire hdd20:51
valkyr87ok i'll try that20:51
MonkeyDustvalkyr87  home is a lot good stuff saved, what more are you missing20:52
valkyr87MonkeyDust: all the other windows partitions..20:52
EriC^^valkyr87: testdisk can probably get back the windows stuff easily20:53
EriC^^there's also a bunch of other packages apt-cache search recover partition , will show you a list of them20:53
valkyr87EriC^^: installed testdisk.. it is scanning the hdd now20:53
=== g4vr0che is now known as g4vr0che-tmp
cpubuilderdoes anyone know why the FOSS b43legacy driver is so slow with a 4306/2 controller under ubuntu 12.04 PPC20:54
OerHeks"the installer doesn't specifically say it will erase entire HDD " is not true20:54
valkyr87OerHeks: it didnt.. it was a ubuntu studio installer20:54
valkyr87you are probably thinking of ubuntu-desktop20:55
halvorgHey, in ubuntu 14.10 my dash and top-bar have disappeared, any ideas?20:59
halvorghappened after I upgraded video drivers i thikn20:59
valkyr87oh btw.. the ubuntu-studio installer failed saying something like "couldn't install grub on /target" and then the window wouldn't close20:59
halvorgI can right click to add folders etc, but i cant move windows.20:59
valkyr87the bug-report window won't close20:59
cpubuildermy wifi is still slow21:04
Bashing-omvalkyr87: If it is any consolation and IF it applies : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1265192 . testing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2259055 . Maybe add your voice to the bug report ?21:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Fix released]21:05
valkyr87i also have a Samsung laptop with UEFI, Windows 8.1 + Ubuntu 13.04 dual booted21:08
valkyr87i have the exact same problem as of Tomasz Kuczak's (tomasz-ks9). i'll post my experience as well.21:10
Bashing-omvalkyr87: It is a shame it happens - seems it is a UEFI thing. It is good that you add your "ouch" to the report .21:12
tewardis there any easy one-liner in command line to determine whether the architecture is armhf armel or arm64?21:13
Rednax66yo, got an issue with what seems to be an un bootable ubuntu server installation21:14
Rednax66was wondering how i could get more information?21:14
TelendrithSorry EriC^^ I had to grab lunch, going to try and set gfxpayload=keep now.21:14
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
TelendrithJust make a new line before linux /vmlinuz .. etc ?21:16
DocPlatypusokay... this is not good. upgraded to 14.04 LTS last night/today, I leave the computer for a few hours, and I come back and I cannot get the password prompt to come up for the life of me21:21
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supersatanyone knowing what's up with Ubuntu's IPv6 servers/routes? I can't seem to reach them from some places21:21
DocPlatypusone thing of note about this system: for some reason it shows some kind of phantom built-in display like a laptop would, that I have not know to correspond to an actual display that exists21:21
DocPlatypusI've turned that display off in unity-control-center but apparently sometimes stuff still gets displayed to it. wondering if there is a way to turn it off completely21:22
mrecis there any way to disable gnome-screensaver?21:27
=== chandler_ is now known as Guest92071
hddont know21:27
DocPlatypusmrec: Applications / System Tools / System Settings / Brightness & Lock21:27
mrecDocPlatypus: via command line?21:28
DocPlatypusmrec: pkill gnome-screensaver21:28
hdso, why these ubuntu are many of command line?21:28
DocPlatypusthough normally when one logs in via GNOME one uses the GUI tools to disable things21:28
mrecnot very efficient...21:28
DocPlatypusthere's probably a way to poke something in via the command line... I've never tried to disable my screensaver that way21:29
EriC^^Telendrith: yeah21:29
undecimhd: The command line is unambiguous and desktop-independant21:30
EriC^^mrec: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false21:30
TelendrithNo luck EriC^^. but if i go into safemode and then go to normal boot. it works just fine21:30
EriC^^mrec: gsettings list-recursively | grep screensaver , will list some keys21:31
EriC^^Telendrith: check what safemode uses21:32
EriC^^Telendrith: press e over it21:32
perohello - im currently getting booted from my wifi every few minutes (deauthenticated - reason 4). new issue as of an hour ago21:32
hdok then, guess and IDE command line, like in other programming tool to integrate functionally for the many. then desktop-independant as software dependant but better integrated for "the many"21:33
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jonleshow do i register a nickname so i can chat in certain channels?21:44
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:44
hdundecim: ok then, guess and IDE command line, like in other programming tool to integrate functionally for the many. then desktop-independant as software dependant but better integrated for "the many". this way by understanding text interface logic like to built the terminal\load prompt tools based then on hardware system chekings? then it is from the previous a more machine standard?21:46
undecimhd, I don't quite understand you.21:49
hdundecim: i just preview the progress to the "big" picture.21:50
undecimhd, Linux distros, including those made for server, share a lot of libraries and components. When you use the command line, you don't have to worry about what the purpose of the system is. It doesn't matter what desktop environment you're running (unity, gnome, KDE, etc.) or that you have one at all.21:51
yepladoes it better to use LTS or the last ubuntu ?21:52
undecimhd, Also, when explaining stuff on IRC/Web, it's a lot easier to share the command line than saying "Go the this application and hit this button and that button"21:52
undecimyepla, If you have to ask, stick with LTS21:53
yeplaundecim: i have not understand21:53
yeplawhat u mean ?21:54
undecimyepla, Use LST21:54
yeplawhy it s better ?21:54
undecimyepla, more stable, longer support term21:55
yeplaundecim: does i will have upgrade of last package ?21:55
undecimyepla, Not always21:55
undecimyepla, If you want the most up-to-date, use 14.1021:56
hdundecim: yeah social i understood, thats a way to protect incoming logic to the system filosofy.21:57
yeplai don t want have pb with the proprietary fglrx driver21:57
yeplaand actually with the last impossible to install it21:57
connection_boa noite ...21:59
connection_alguem sabe um programa bom pra email markting21:59
Pici!br | connection_22:00
ubottuconnection_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:00
connection_boa noite22:01
DJCruzecan someone by chance help me out with something22:03
=== Agent_Isai is now known as CPWN
=== CPWN is now known as Agent_Isai
DJCruzecan someone help me with flash issues22:05
fry__Is there a command to edit the "last modified" attribute on a file?22:05
unixistfry__: touch22:07
ironfoot495Hello I just installed 14.05 LTS and I need help installing xiphos is anyone familiar with this software?22:11
ironfoot49514.04 sorry22:11
=== jonzzz is now known as psykotika
NikeshWhy would $ date and $ hwclock be different?22:14
MonkeyDustNikesh  i guess that's ntp related22:14
dalekusaCould I use Gparted to make a partition for use with the Windows 10 preview?22:15
MonkeyDustnetwork time protocol22:15
gcl5cpclean system ok, after install gimp and imagemagick png images have "No default app associated", mime type warm22:15
gcl5cpwhy and how fix it?22:15
Nikeshhwclock says 2:15AM and date says 12:15PM22:16
EriC^^dalekusa: yes i guess22:16
MonkeyDustgcl5cp  right click, propersties, open with, set as default22:16
gcl5cpdoesn't work, any app is saved22:16
EriC^^dalekusa: allocate some free space if you're using the same disk, and then use windows installer's custom partitioner to make the necessary partitions22:17
MonkeyDustdalekusa  i'm running win10 preview in vmWare Player, as we speak... runs like a dream22:17
gcl5cpclicking on "Open with: No default ... [Change]" do nothing22:18
dalekusaI plan on taking up 125 GB of my 500 GB hard disk for the Win10 partition22:18
MonkeyDustdalekusa  what i'm saying is: with a virtual machine, you don't need to change partitions22:18
EriC^^dalekusa: ok, is ubuntu already installed>22:19
gcl5cpclicking on "Open with: No default ... [Change]" show any menu22:19
dalekusaMonkeyDust my computer is semi-old, so it may not run as well22:19
EriC^^dalekusa: ok, use gparted to allocate the free space, then install windows22:19
EriC^^dalekusa: you'll need to reinstall grub after the windows installation22:20
dalekusaI used to run Win 7 before it derped on me, so I think it should work22:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:20
DJ_UnibobI was just about to ask about fixing grub, someone beat me to it.  :)22:20
dalekusaI am running 14.10, but my disc is for 14.04 LTS22:22
Bashing-omironfoot495: What is the problem ? -> apt-cache show xiphos >> Version: 3.1.5+dfsg-1build3 ; in 14.04 repo .22:22
MonkeyDustdalekusa  mind: backup first, before you start modifying partitions22:22
EriC^^dalekusa: not a problem22:22
delinquentmeso how do I tell if a file is a compiled binary OTHER than opening it up and seeing nothing but jibberish characters22:22
EriC^^delinquentme: file <program>22:22
delinquentmeEriC^^ check_nrpe: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xf3d099ed53530573b0b47c11b8dfb83a435ac5bb, not stripped22:23
EriC^^ok it's a 64bit program22:24
dalekusaBoot-Repair-Disk looks like a good alternative...22:24
delinquentmegot it. yeah so thats not getting edited ... or well I need to rewrite that code22:24
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dalekusaEric^^ could I use Boot-Repair-Disk instead?22:26
EriC^^dalekusa: yeah i guess22:26
makaveli0129hello everyone i'm getting the message DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for 512 bytes at device 0000:00:1f.222:31
makaveli0129any idea what that is22:31
compdocmakaveli0129, you might disable IOMMU in the bios22:31
daftykinsi doubt you'd see that setting in a BIOS. it's a kernel boot parameter too, though22:32
dsnydersHi all!  Is there an easy way to put a marker line into a log file?22:32
EriC^^dsnyders: which log file?22:32
daftykinstry #bash as that'd be more relevant than OS support22:32
makaveli0129compdoc: i added iommu=soft to the boot and still no dice getting the same message that freezes computer22:34
daftykinsmakaveli0129: what PCI device does that bus ID correspond to?22:34
compdocmakaveli0129, are you trying to use iommu?22:34
compdocyou have a VM?22:35
beaton_I used to date a guy named "Ubuntu" once22:35
makaveli0129daftkins: 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 4 port SATA IDE Controller #122:35
beaton_he would "play the bongos" on  my ass22:35
makaveli0129compdoc: i don't even know what it is22:35
compdocmakaveli0129, then disable it in the bios22:36
makaveli0129compdoc: what does it do and why is it failing though?22:36
dsnydersEriC^^: Does it matter?  /var/log/messages perhaps?   Or all of them simultaneously.  Sometimes, when you're trying stuff, it would be helpful to know where to start looking.22:36
beaton-noobsflyvfr lol great name22:36
compdocmakaveli0129, and dont forget to remove  iommu=soft22:37
beaton-r u a CFII or something?22:37
beaton-line pilot?22:37
EriC^^dsnyders: if you want to add something to /var/log/syslog , you can use logger , logger <message>22:37
compdocmakaveli0129, its used to 'pass-thru' a hardware device, like a network card, to a virtual machine22:37
christian_Does anyone use turn tables or know a good software compatible with linux let me know please22:38
compdocyou give the VM complete control of the device22:38
makaveli0129compdoc: i use vbox for like windows and stuff will disabling it break that22:38
dsnydersEriC^^: Thanks.22:38
compdocmakaveli0129, no22:38
EriC^^dsnyders: no problem22:38
makaveli0129compdoc: let me see if i can find the setting and i'll be back shortly22:39
christian_Does anyone know Mixxx is compatible with actual tables22:40
GraemeLionchristian_: By tables you mean DJ Controllers.22:40
jonathanweberI have a problem that may sound weird, but actually it is for a quit big movie project. I need a 16-digit prime number with the highest amount of digit "6" in it of all 16-digit-prime-numbers.22:40
jonathanweberI found a program that is returning all prime numbers between 10^15 and 10^16. Currently I am piping the output of it to a file like "countprimes > primenumbers.txt" - but the file gets extremly large without getting even close to finishing the scan.22:40
GraemeLionAnd the answer is yes.22:40
jonathanweberSo is there any way to count the amount of digit 6 in the program return and only put it in a file if it contains the digit more then, lets say, 5 times? Something like "countprimes | check "6" --morethan 5 > primenumbers.txt"22:40
diamondjennyis it better to get oracle java or openjdk if i want to play minecraft?22:41
christian_@GraemeLion im talking about i guess controllers yes the turn tables and sound board22:41
EriC^^jonathanweber: yeah22:41
daftykinsdiamondjenny: use what works.22:41
jonathanweberEriC^^: Awesome! Can yo give me a hint on what I need to do it?22:42
christian_Do you know if Mixxx is compatible with them or is it just onboard software tables?22:42
GraemeLionchristian_: It's compatible with a variety of midi controllers.  They should have a listing on mixxx's website22:43
frodopwnshey guys i just installed ubuntu 14.04 server on a machine and cannot for the life of me get apt-get update to work http://pastebin.com/iaEUGBVF22:43
christian_Thanks bud22:43
frodopwnsor aptitude update for that matter22:43
daftykinsdon't use aptitude22:43
frodopwnsneither work22:44
daftykinsfrodopwns: your DNS is flawed, it's not resolving. "dig us.archive.ubuntu.com" likely fails out22:44
daftykinswhere is this system? is it at your home? is it a physical system or a VM?22:44
frodopwnsits an old dell connected to a router under my desk22:45
frodopwns; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.1-Ubuntu <<>> us.archive.ubuntu.com22:45
frodopwns;; global options: +cmd22:45
frodopwns;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached22:45
daftykinsfrodopwns: yep flawed DNS, have you configured a static IP or is it on DHCP right now?22:45
frodopwnsstatic uip22:45
daftykinsvia what, interfaces file edit?22:46
daftykinsdid you specify nameservers in there?22:46
frodopwnsi vimmed /etc/network/interfaces22:46
frodopwnserr eth022:46
daftykinsyeah so you messed up :)22:46
frodopwnsthatll happen22:46
EriC^^jonathanweber: something like if [ $(<program> | grep -cx <number>) -ge <times found> ]; then send it to file; fi22:46
frodopwnswhich file do i edit to set teh dns?22:46
daftykinsfrodopwns: you can put them in interfaces too. or, "sudo apt-get purge resolvconf" then put "nameserver" into /etc/resolv.conf22:47
frodopwnsdaftykins: im used to settign this stuff up via gnome22:47
jonathanweberEriC^^: Thank you, I'm gonna give it a try :-)22:47
EriC^^jonathanweber: not sure if you can send the output of the program to a variable first, do the check then echo that to the file22:47
daftykinsfrodopwns: note that this will fail on a reboot too, you'll need to edit the file above after a reboot for it to stay there.22:47
frodopwnsk will try er out, thanks22:47
Ranieri_Can someone take me through the syntax of a man page.22:48
Ranieri_Why are their 4 different lines that start with the command I want to execute?22:48
Ranieri_tar [bundles-flags <args>] [<file> | <pattern> ...]22:48
Ranieri_wtf does all that mean?22:48
EriC^^jonathanweber: try var=$(<program>); if [ $(echo $var | grep -cx <number>) -ge <times to be found> ]; then echo $var > /path/to/file; fi22:49
EriC^^jonathanweber: that should work22:49
Ranieri_That looks cool.22:50
EriC^^jonathanweber: you might need to drop the -x from grep22:50
Ranieri_bash control structures and such?22:50
frodopwnsdaftykins: that worked, thanks again22:51
EriC^^jonathanweber: no problem :)22:51
makaveli0129compdoc: i don't see anything for specific iommu in bios but i did add the kernel parameter iommu=off22:51
daftykinsfrodopwns: no problemo, remember it may break on reboot again. one more edit and it'll be set :)22:53
EriC^^jonathanweber: without the -x it might grab incomplete numbers, maybe try using " <number> " with a space so it grabs the exact match22:54
melrayHi I have a live image iso burned to disc and verified for version 14.10....however since I have a nvidia card it won't boot without a corrupted display. I have not been able to figure out how to get into the grub boot information to pass nomodeset depmod which on other distros allows boot to continue. I did find hitting F6 will let me select nomodeset but there is no choice for depmod22:54
frodopwnsi rebooted and it was still there, noted tho22:54
diamondjennyhow do i format one of my drives22:54
EriC^^melray: holding shift while the pc boots should make grub appear22:55
melrayEriC^^: Thanks so much22:55
EriC^^diamondjenny: man mkfs22:55
diamondjennyi put that in search computer and only a stock came up22:56
tewarddiamondjenny: you were supposed to put that into a linux command line to read the manpage22:57
pavlosto rename files to lower case one, can use the rename 'y/A-Z/a-z' * What does the y mean?22:57
tewarddiamondjenny: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man8/mkfs.8.html22:57
diamondjennyoh i have no idea what that is22:57
tewarddiamondjenny: read that page22:57
EriC^^pavlos: it's like the tr command22:59
pavlosEriC^^, I understand that but cannot find anything in perlexpr tutorials.23:00
EriC^^pavlos: like if you give it 'y/abcd/ABCD/' it will convert all occurances of abcd to ABCD23:00
EriC^^pavlos: man sed23:01
pavlosEriC^^, man sed, that was it. At the very end it shows y/source/dest/  ... many thanks23:02
michael_pwhat is a good gui website program that's in the software center ?23:03
EriC^^pavlos: no problem23:04
makaveli0129hi all ok keep getting this message which locks up computer eventually: "DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for 4096 bytes at device 0000:00:1f.2" I've tried iommu=soft and that doesn't work and i also tried iommu=off and that leave system unbootable any help?23:06
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daftykinsmakaveli0129: have you tried changing SATA config or hunted for other BIOS options as you were already suggested?23:10
makaveli0129daftykins: the only bios setting i see is virtualization23:10
makaveli0129daftykins: i don't see any bios settings to turn it off23:11
daftykinsmakaveli0129: which is your CPU? exact model.23:11
makaveli0129intel wolfdale e850023:11
daftykinsso an old core 2 duo?23:11
makaveli0129daftykins: yea23:12
daftykinsi don't think those had VT-d, hmm23:12
daftykinsso - SATA options?23:12
makaveli0129daftykins: what am i looking for in sata options23:12
daftykinsthe controller mode23:12
makaveli0129daftykins: as that is the device that it seems to be blowing up on23:12
daftykinsRAID/AHCI/IDE emulation23:13
daftykinsyes thats why i'm suggesting it23:13
makaveli0129daftykins: i believe it is ahci but i'm not sure i would have to reboot and check23:13
daftykinsgive it a whirl23:13
makaveli0129ok i'll be back23:14
MrmacHDhow can I setup two different configurations for eth0 for two different physical locations (e.g. modems/routers) that I have in mind?23:18
MrmacHDis eth0:0 and eth0:1 via aliases the right way?23:18
makaveli0129daftykins: i had a sata raid/ahci that was disable so i moved it to ahci23:18
makaveli0129daftykins: the only other option i had was something like sata 0-3 native mode which was also disabled23:18
daftykinsMrmacHD: GUI system? nah i'm sure network manager can help there23:19
MrmacHDno terminal only23:19
MrmacHDno guis23:20
daftykinswhy does this machine move, then?23:20
MrmacHDbecause its portable, beaglebone black if you know.23:20
MrmacHDwell portable at times.23:21
daftykinsi once read an article that said the whole interface:# was the wrong approach23:21
daftykinsbut i don't have it to hand to share23:21
MrmacHDso that was what I suspected.23:21
daftykinsi mean i'm sure it'd work, but it depends if you prefer "the right way" over what works :>23:22
MrmacHDnetwork interface aliases seemed useful for custom setups, like proxies/vpns...23:22
MrmacHDno prefer the right way.23:22
MrmacHDdurable work.23:22
MrmacHDmacintosh has that, add/remove network service23:22
daftykinsmacs aren't GUI free though :>23:23
MrmacHDbut on linux im not that familiar since I never have seen the gui.23:23
MrmacHDthe problem is mainly that the two modems I am dealing with have different subnetmask ip addressing structures.23:24
MrmacHDand I don’t want to manually reset or change these details everytime I move.23:24
daftykinsMrmacHD: you could just keep two /etc/network/interfaces files configured and swap out when you move, guess it depends on the scenario which you know better than i23:25
MrmacHDyes, at this point i am slowly thinking of scripting the manual setup ...23:25
MrmacHDbut that is not going to be a durable solution.23:25
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DARUDEanyone here used cable isp that is running on last-mile?23:27
daftykinsDARUDE: what makes that an Ubuntu support query?23:29
daftykinspeople on freenode are from all over the world. discussing ISPs is quite futile23:30
MrmacHDok thanks daftykins23:31
p0aHello I installed lubuntu-desktop but now I don't want it and I want ubuntu back to how it was before23:37
p0ahow can I do this?23:37
p0ain particular the problem is that internet doesn't work now I installed lubuntu-desktop. I am not sure why (I'm running this through virtualbox)23:37
EriC^^p0a: ok23:38
EriC^^if the internet worked, you'd want to keep it?23:38
p0ait runs smoother23:38
EriC^^ok, get it to work then23:39
p0aI've no idea how to do that23:39
EriC^^p0a: you can choose ubuntu too btw, from the top right corner when you login23:39
p0aI had clicked 'log in automatically'23:39
p0aif I logout from the user will the option be available?23:40
EriC^^yeah i think so23:40
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p0aalright I did that and I'm waiting for the response, it kinda froze right now23:41
daftykinsif i had a local unit of currency for everytime someone selects auto login then can't change session... ;)23:41
p0adaftykins: if I had a local unit of currency for everytime I get absurd things happen to me that never happen to others :)23:42
p0abecause if you think that's common try this: internet worked only half of the times so I had to reboot until it did23:43
p0amaybe it was a connection thing where I could just toggle 'connect/disconnect' until it worked23:43
EriC^^i think you'd be poor23:43
EriC^^p0a: not sure if this really helps, but sudo service network-manager restart seems to help sometimes23:45
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p0aidk it doesn't work now23:46
Fusldoes someone know how i can make ubuntu stop starting daemons that i stop with "service <daemon> stop"?23:46
EriC^^Fusl: update-rc.d23:47
FuslEriC^^: that's not what i meant23:47
Fusli mean, i do "service transmission-daemon stop" and ubuntu keeps starting it up again with: init: transmission-daemon main process ended, respawning23:47
daftykinsp0a: well, as long as you're blaming virtualbox :)23:48
dgarstangI just had to put this out there. I was talking to my boss about how to manage users ssh keys and his suggestion was to pre bake our ec2 ami with all the users home directories already created. I work for a fucking dinosaur.23:54
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:54
ElfBotHi guys anyone know where I can get the source code for the old ubuntu windows installer23:55
daftykinsi wouldn't touch WUBI with a bargepole if i were you23:56
dgarstangI just had to put this out there. I was talking to my boss about how to manage users ssh keys and his suggestion was to pre bake our ec2 ami with all the users home directories already created. I work for a epic moron of the highest magnitude.23:56
daftykinsboss intelligence is off-topic23:57
EriC^^dgarstang: doug is that you? i think i work with you23:57
ElfBotdaftykins: I onyl want it to look at the torrent downloader part23:57
EriC^^dgarstang: j/k23:57
ElfBotIf i need linux its a VM or old PC23:57
daftykinsElfBot: i wasn't even aware it downloaded releases by torrent 0o what's the plan?23:58
dalekusacan you help me with the process of creating a 125GB partition using GParted?23:59
ElfBotJust a little project I have nearly finished - seems a waste to write an entire libtorrent wrapper/torrent client from scratch23:59
daftykinsdalekusa: on an empty disk, or?23:59
dalekusamy current, singular HDD (gonna install Win10 preview on it)23:59

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