
deltwhat is the name of the process that displays the volume/sound settings icon in the systray?09:31
deltwhat is the name of the process that displays the volume/sound settings icon in the systray?15:42
cfhowlettdelt, indicator plugin15:43
deltcfhowlett: the default setup has only notify in the panel, and not indicator....?15:44
cfhowlettdelt, panel > add new items > notification area15:51
deltcfhowlett: yeah, i do have the notification area in my panel16:10
deltexcept only the volume control disappeared (other icons are still there)16:11
deltbtw on my desktop, the systray icons use the "indicator plugin" .... if i remove the indicator plugin, they disappear, even if i have the notification area.16:12
delttried logging out and back in (with notify and no indicator) ...still empty, no icons16:13
deltwhereas on my laptop, i don't even have the indicator plugin installed, and the systray icons happily use notify16:14
deltyep, double checked.... on my desktop machine, no icons appear if i have a notify and no indicator in the panel16:29
cfhowlettdelt, logout, login to guest account and see if they appear.  also: 14.04???16:29
deltyeah 14.0416:30
deltthis is weird, on the desktop machine, the guest account has an indicator16:31
deltand as expected, if i remove it, no systray icons - even if the panel has a notify16:32
cfhowlettdelt, yeah, you did something in your settings.  there is a solution: nuke all your xfce hidden configurations and it'll reset to defaults16:32
deltoh and i found the process for the volume-control, it's /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service16:33
deltcfhowlett: the guest session has the same problem16:33
delt(notify is empty, even if i remove indicator)16:33
cfhowlettdelt, 14.04?16:34
deltyeah, both machines16:35
deltfor the volume control on the laptop, the indicator-sound-service process is running.... even killed it and ran it from a terminal, saw nothing suspicious16:36
holsteindelt: you saw nothing suspicious? other than, the volume control doesnt start?17:04
holsteindelt: you say, you have no volume control in the panel?17:05
holsteindelt: personally, in "studio", i use pavucontrol, or just jack with something the panel application doesnt work with.. but, i would try making sure its system-wide, by using the guest or another user (like you say you did), then, i would simply check for updates and apply them17:06
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:06
holsteinthen, i would look at any 3rd party ppa sources that i have added and see if they are causing issues17:06
deltholstein: i'm also trying to clarify this indicator vs. notify issue..... on 14.04, is the default setup supposed to have an indicator, or just a notify?18:41
deltholstein: like i mentioned, on the desktop machine if i remove the indicator and keep only the notify, no tray icons appear in the panel. However, on my laptop the indicator plugin isn't even installed, and the tray icons happily use the notify plugin.18:44
deltjust wondering..... why? and how do i change this behaviour?18:46
deltthis is weird.... on the laptop, the guest session has only a notify, and icons appear no problem19:00
deltso the problem has to be system-wide, ie. a package that i installed causing trouble19:00
deltbooting from the livecd, same thing as my desktop machine: systray icons use only the indicator plugin.19:33
deltwonder how the hell i managed to make my laptop use notify......19:34
deltanyway, bbl19:34
deltD[pts/8][user@laptop]:~$ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service23:20
delt(process:25846): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound' does not contain a key named 'greeter-export'23:21
deltTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)23:21
deltthat's the error i get when running indicator-sound manually23:21
deltsame error when running the one on the desktop machine directly across nfs23:25
deltsame error from guest session23:37

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