
Nixusk, also, not sure if this is an issue, but throughout the os, some of the first letters of words are underlined, while other aren't. why?00:00
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashNixus: you mean in menus or button labels?00:05
brainwashmaybe a screenshot can help to visualize the problem00:07
Nixusboth, and on some, the second letter is under lined00:09
brainwashthe underlined letter can be used as keyboard shortcut -> Alt + letter00:10
brainwashto trigger the menu item or button00:11
Nixusany way to disable this?00:11
Nixusso it's like dos menus... I see....00:11
brainwashit's a common feature across most operating systems00:12
brainwashI guess you can disable it, but I have never tried it00:13
Nixussome menus don't have it...00:28
brainwashthis change only targets GTK+ 2 windows00:29
brainwashGTK+ 3 and Qt windows behave differently00:29
Nixusoh, I see, thank you00:30
brainwashalso, an app itself may override this or implement menus/buttons differently00:30
knomeor not provide acceskeys, so they won't have those underlined letters.00:31
xubuntu37wSomebody gave me this: glxgears to run in the terminal. I ran it and it won't stop. How can I stop it?00:37
xubuntu37wTHANKS VERY MUCH, GUYS!!00:38
Nixusoh LOL, you got me on the first question i could answer00:38
xubuntu37wHave a good night!00:39
knomeyou too, enjoy00:39
Nixusanyone know how to completely hide an autohide panel? when it's in hiding, you can still see a small section00:59
deshipuyou could make it transparent...01:01
Nixusbut when I unhide it, I don't want it to be transparent. and when I change the enter/leave, it has some delay01:03
knomeNixus, i don't think you can01:07
remlineI'm about confused about the Indicator Plugin on the Panel -- why doesn't it let me select which things to show and hide?02:42
pleia2probably because no one has written that feature02:45
remlineHmm, maybe it does, the checkboxes weren't working in Indicator Plugin properties, but I force restarted the panel and now they seem to work. Mysterious.02:50
aegisHi all... does anyone know how to get copy/past to work when logging into xubuntu through xrdp FROM a windows 7 laptop using RDP.03:16
holsteinaegis: can you copy paste otherwise? after login?03:17
aegisI can copy and paste within the RDP session03:17
aegisso within xubuntu, I can copy and paste... but I can't copy something on the windows 7 machine and paste it into the rdp session.03:18
Unit193Generally you have an option when connecting from Windows for that, in preferences.03:18
holsteinaegis: so, after login, you can copy paste as normal? its just in the login screen, where, you are not atble to copy/paste username? or password? or what?03:18
aegisCopy and Paste is not working between the sessions03:19
holsteinso, its not limited to the login, in any way.. i would look at the preferences where Unit193 suggests..03:19
aegisI cannot copy test from the Windows machine and paste it within the RDP/xrdp session03:19
aegisUnit193, yes, I have the Local Resources/Clipboard box checked in the Windows RDP app03:20
aegisJust not sure why it isn't allowing the paste.03:20
holsteinsounds like its not working properly.. have you looked for an update to whatever you are using?03:20
Nixuswhat do you think of my desktop? http://imgur.com/M2dkkoF03:21
aegisi like it nixus03:25
aegisyes holstein... it's a known problem...  some people have gotten it working though.03:25
Nixusjust added the conky03:25
Nixusmight adjust the position on it03:26
holsteinaegis: sure, but is it a problem with xubuntu? xubuntu shouldnt be doing anything to block it.. i would look at, and try different RDP clients, or another connection setup..03:26
remlineNixus, does that use the standard Panel application, or did you install a custom one?03:26
holsteinthe bottom right is a panel.. the middle looks like plank03:27
Unit193aegis: I see that as well, you are on trusty?03:28
aegisUnit193, yes... trusty03:28
Nixusthank you!03:29
Nixuspretty new to linux, just around 6 months03:29
Unit193Seems using x11rdp as the backend is the trick.03:30
aegisso everyone suggests using this x11rdp-o-matic03:30
aegisis that what you mean Unity193?03:30
holstein!info x11rdp03:31
ubottuPackage x11rdp does not exist in utopic03:31
Unit193http://sourceforge.net/p/xrdp/mailman/message/31379218/ was one of the things I was looking at, but I don't use rdp except for vbox.03:32
holsteinUnit193: you use the "baked in" rdp? in vbox?03:33
Unit193holstein: Yes, which is entirely unrelated.03:33
holsteinyeah.. not a "Fix" here,for sure..03:33
aegisthanks...  I think you guys are onto something with the x11rdp03:34
Unit193I'm sorry I can't say, only used VNC in terms of remote desktop control.03:54
Nixusanyone wanna share their desktop?04:28
holsteinNixus: maybe try one of the offtopic social channels..04:29
Nixuswoops, worry wrong channel, sorry :/04:30
aegisUnit193, holstein that script worked perfectly...  took about 20 minutes to compile... but copy/paste works fine now.04:31
aegis^^^ more current04:32
xubuntu322hi, I am installing this free OS on my old dell desktop - p305:18
Unit193On a p3?  Good luck, man!05:20
xubuntu322everything looks good so far. I hope it does not mess up my basic millenium install.05:20
xubuntu322yes, it is an intel p3 with 512mb ram, and a 20gb hd.05:22
xubuntu322did have a bit of trouble with the install/setup. could not figure out how to create a swap partiton05:23
NoticeMeSenpaiis it a big deal if i installed ubuntu and then installed xfce or should i download and install xubuntu instead?06:04
cfhowlett_NoticeMeSenpai, given a choice: you want xubuntu, install xubuntu06:05
NoticeMeSenpaii mean i already did ubuntu is it worth reinstalling?  I should have worded that better06:05
cfhowlett_NoticeMeSenpai, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:06
NoticeMeSenpaiyep just did that :D06:06
cfhowlett_NoticeMeSenpai, note: adding xfce will ONLY add the desktop environment, not xubuntu default apss06:06
NoticeMeSenpaiahh so if I just installed why not just do xubuntu i guess ill start downloading06:06
Unit193NoticeMeSenpai: Then you'll still have unity and all default Ubuntu applications, but it does still work, yes.06:15
Unit193Though I would recommend  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^  over just installing the meta.06:16
NoticeMeSenpaithe meta?06:19
NoticeMeSenpaii literally just installed ubuntu anyway and the iso is downloading i guess its not really a big deal to reinstall heh06:22
Unit193Heh, it is pretty easy and fast, yeah.06:24
aegisxubuntu is pretty awesome07:34
dirgeable_hi, i cannot select any new version instead of long term in software manager09:00
dirgeable_anyone know of a solution?09:00
elfyhave you set software and updates to notify for any new version on the update tab?09:01
dirgeable_elfy, when i click it it simply stays on only long term09:02
elfyok - and what version are you currently running?09:02
dirgeable_elfy, how do i check, sorry installed a long time ago09:03
dirgeable_elfy, fixed it i think09:06
brainwashremline: that's bug 131168509:50
ubottubug 1311685 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "Checkboxes for hidden/visible indicators not working properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131168509:50
ethical_anarhisthi, does anybody here know how to setup bitcoind on xubuntu, i've searched everywhere already, but no answer10:59
knome!foocoin | ethical_anarhist11:12
ubottuethical_anarhist: Ubuntu's repositories do not include clients for most cryptocurrencies. You will need to use a !PPA or !compile from source to get them. Since neither of these options is officially supported, consider asking your cryptocurrency's IRC channel (see !alis) for help.11:12
ethical_anarhistthanks, will do11:12
remlineThanks for the bug link, brainwash, it sounds like this behavior started with Trusty12:20
noobuntuIs there a way I can permanently delete the XFCE Power Manager? I hate having two battery symbols in my taskbar13:13
deshipujust uninstall it13:15
noobuntuCan't find the package name to uninstall in terminal and I don't have a right click uninstall13:15
noobuntualso not in ubuntu store13:15
brainwashnoobuntu: xfce4-power-manager13:16
brainwashbut you can run xfce4-power-manager-settings and just hide the tray icon13:17
noobuntuThank you. But everytime I reboot it shows up again13:17
brainwashmaybe it was not able/allowed to update its config file, so changes are only temporary13:19
brainwashbut you are free to remove the package if you don't need any of its features13:20
Unit193Or remove indicator-power...13:20
uber_hulkHi all.13:32
uber_hulkI am trying to install awesome wm13:32
uber_hulkand I getting this error https://bpaste.net/show/0e5176b2c22713:32
uber_hulkHow can I solve it?13:32
koegsuber_hulk: did you try "sudo apt-get update"?13:37
uber_hulkkoegs: yes, also I tried upgrade, sudo apt-get -f install13:37
uber_hulkI install awesome wm using this guide^13:37
koegsso you use that ppa?13:38
uber_hulkand then I removed it when I was in awesome env itself13:38
uber_hulkis that broke it?13:38
uber_hulkkoegs: yes I did that13:38
uber_hulk+use that13:38
koegsi use awesome without ppa13:38
uber_hulkkoegs: how do I remove that ppa?13:38
uber_hulkOr I can't undo what I've done?13:38
koegssudo ppa-purge ppa:klaus-vormweg/awesome13:39
uber_hulkppa-purge command not found13:39
uber_hulkkoegs: ^13:39
koegssudo apt-get install ppa-purge :)13:40
uber_hulkkoegs: you using awesome 3.5.5?13:54
koegsnope, the standard 3.4.15 coming with xubuntu 14.0413:55
uber_hulkkoegs: okay but if I want to use 3.5.5 how do I do that?13:56
uber_hulkwithout using the ppa which is breaking ti13:56
koegsppa would be the easiest way, but then you have to ask the ppa-maintainer why it is broken13:57
koegsuber_hulk: do you really need 3.5 or do you just want to have the latest version?13:57
koegsbecause 3.4 is completely stable13:58
uber_hulkI see13:58
uber_hulkokay, thanks koegs  :)13:58
cfhowlettuber_hulk, bleeding edge tends to be bloody ... perhaps better to wait for it to hit be included in repos13:58
uber_hulkright, okay then i will have the current stable one13:58
koegsi am happy that ubuntu still uses 3.4, no time to rewrite the config for 3.5 :D13:59
uber_hulkokay checking it up then13:59
uber_hulkany solution to this https://bpaste.net/show/7acf36e33808 ?14:24
GrandmotherHello people!15:12
GrandmotherIm sitting in the middle of an install of xubuntu and it "freezes"  whem creating a new ext4 file system.15:14
Grandmotheri keep getting this error message:15:14
Grandmother     /usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_components/nmwidgets.py:131: Warning: Source ID 70408 was not found when attempting to remove it   GLib.source_remove(self.rows_changed_id)15:15
brainwashGrandmother: that a warning message15:19
Grandmotheryes but i thought it might be realted to the lack of progress of the installer.15:20
brainwashI'm not that familiar with the installer, best place to ask would be #ubuntu15:21
GrandmotherThe installer does not freeze its just that no progress is made.15:21
GrandmotherOkay il keep looking.15:22
brainwashthe installer is not xubuntu specific. the install produce is logged, so looking at the log files should help15:23
brainwashprocedure I mean15:25
brainwash-> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity15:25
sim642I'm trying to edit the main menu to add an icon to a program's shortcut, but when I choose the png for image it loads and shows it properly but when I click OK, it's gone16:10
sim642I've been using alacarte for that16:16
DoDiesisGood evening, may I speak Italian or only English?16:54
cfhowlett!it | DoDiesis16:55
ubottuDoDiesis: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:55
cfhowlettDoDiesis, but if speak English, ask here16:55
DoDiesisthanks cfhowlett. My problem is taht today, while atempting to enter the sistem, I only got a black screen. Nothing happened16:56
DoDiesisxubuntu did not start16:56
cfhowlettDoDiesis, new installation?16:56
DoDiesiscfhowlett: no, I only placed some updates and then switched off the system16:56
DoDiesisnow I am using a live CD16:56
cfhowlettDoDiesis, was one of those updates the kernel?16:57
DoDiesiscan't remember exactly... I think not. I just moved some directories and then went off16:57
DoDiesisI moved the directory "documents"16:57
DoDiesisnow I am here using a live cd on my computer where there is only xubuntu 12.0416:58
cfhowlettDoDiesis, that shouldn't freeze frame you.  try this: reboot.  at grub, choose advanced options and boot an older version of ubuntu.  kernel upgrades sometimes cause hiccups16:58
DoDiesisI think it is impossible beause I receive a strange message BASH... and something else. Then I have the prompt GRUB> and nothing more16:59
cfhowlettDoDiesis, right.  OK, are you dual booting17:01
DoDiesisNo, I only have xubuntu 12.04 here17:01
cfhowlettDoDiesis, brilliant.  reinstall grub17:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:01
DoDiesiscould you tell me kindly how to do this? :-)17:02
cfhowlettDoDiesis, read the wiki, amigo  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub#The_terminal_way17:02
cfhowlettDoDiesis, or would that be "paisan"?17:02
uber_hulkuber_hulk> Hi all. while playing around I broke some dependencies and I am seeing this problemm http://askubuntu.com/questions/485999/apt-indicator-errorbrokencount017:04
DoDiesiscfhowlett: no, I think it is good, but before coming here I tried to do it by myself and obtained the bad result I wrote before. If you think I should retry, I will do it, hoping that this time Isucceed17:04
cfhowlettDoDiesis, assuming 1. underlying OS is good, then reinstalling grub should quickly cure you17:05
DoDiesiswell, ok. So I will go to the page you advised me and I should solve my problem. Have I understood correctly?17:06
cfhowlettDoDiesis, yes,17:06
DoDiesiscfhowlett: thank you so much. A last question: Can I do all that remaining with this live CD? or there is another way to do so?17:07
cfhowlettDoDiesis, yes, live cd is required.17:07
DoDiesisperfect. Now I go and try. Thousend thanks to you! :)17:08
cfhowlettDoDiesis, happy2help17:08
DoDiesis:-) bye for now :-)17:08
DoDiesisHi all, hi cfhowlett17:32
DoDiesisUnfortunately I did not succeed reisnstalling grub17:32
DoDiesisAt booting, after BIOS check, I receive the same message as before (Minimal bash-like line editing is supported...)17:33
DoDiesisshal I format and reinstall my favourite OS Linux Xubuntu?17:34
DoDiesisI see that cfhowlett is not here. Could somebody help me on making my system start again?17:36
DoDiesisHello, could somebody help me? I speak Itlaian or English17:39
DoDiesisok. no problem. Thanks anyway. Bye all17:43
eatyourguitarhow do I delete all partitions on /sdb usb?19:35
eatyourguitarunetbootin puts partitions that windows can not delete19:36
eatyourguitarI'm on xubuntu now19:36
geniiuse dd to put a bunch of zeros over the MBR19:36
eatyourguitarsudo dd19:36
eatyourguitardo I need to umount first?19:37
geniieatyourguitar: like:  sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1     ..and yes, unmounting is recommended19:37
eatyourguitarit says /dev/sdb not mounted /dev/sdb1 not mounted19:38
eatyourguitarbut I am pretty sure xbuntu automounts19:39
eatyourguitarmaybe cause the partitions are damaged?19:39
geniiCould be any number of reasons19:39
eatyourguitarwhat about fdisk19:40
geniieatyourguitar: At any rate, if it's mounted or not not mounted, that dd command will wipe out the mbr and it will think now it has no partitions19:40
eatyourguitarsdb returned 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00929667 s, 55.1 kB/s19:41
eatyourguitarsdb1 returned 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00929667 s, 55.1 kB/s19:41
eatyourguitarsdb1 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00444334 s, 115 kB/s19:42
geniiShould jus be sdb and not sdb119:42
genii( the entire disk, not it's first partition)19:42
eatyourguitarcause if I mount or umount it uses sdb19:42
eatyourguitarwhen I open the mounted device in xfce I do find target19:42
eatyourguitarthen I get sdb119:42
geniiIf it mounts sdb then it already doesn't have a partition. You can format a raw disk and mount it, but it's rarely done like this19:43
geniieatyourguitar: Probably using cached info. I would do: sudo eject /dev/sdb   and then physically pull it out, wait 10-12 seconds, then plug it in again19:44
eatyourguitarI think I figured out why19:45
eatyourguitarI used another usb storage device it has a different write speed for sdb19:45
eatyourguitarbut sdb1 is the same19:45
eatyourguitarso sdb1 is cached in ram or hd19:45
eatyourguitarmakes sense right?19:46
geniiNot really19:46
eatyourguitarso I just wiped my two usb storage devices and now I can use windows to format fat3219:47
geniiIf you used that dd command, you will also need to make new partitions as well, before formatting them19:47
consolidatedfdisk /dev/disk, sdb, whatever.... then press n p 1 and hit enter twice, then press t, c, a, 1. then mkfs -t vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1 or whatever your partition is... i think.. thats memory from making a lot of fat32 formats a long time ago heh19:49
eatyourguitarit worked!19:54
eatyourguitarall sorted19:54
eatyourguitarand did not need to install anything19:54
eatyourguitarmuch thanks to you19:54
eatyourguitarthe dd thing worked19:54
eatyourguitarok so now I can make an easypeasy and a kali usb19:55
consolidateddd is very versatile19:55
eatyourguitarI used dd to make an audio loopback19:55
Junkadoes xubuntu  use alsa or pulseaudio20:20
brainwashJunka: pulseaudio, but technically both20:21
brainwashpulseaudio can be removed if you don't like it20:21
Junkabrainwash: :)20:22
xubuntu66wHello. I'm having trouble installing xubuntu on my laptop. I have the drive partitioned and would like to install xubuntu on one partition and leave Windows Vista on the other.20:59
xubuntu66wI have a dvd rom with xubuntu on it currently in the drive20:59
knomexubuntu66w, what's the problem?21:00
xubuntu66wI can't seem to get the installer to open. I've installed several other linux platforms before, but never xubuntu.21:01
consolidatedxubuntu66w: i'm assuming the dvd is booting ok to to "try / install" screen?21:02
xubuntu66wIt contains a series of folders for the install. I have tried opening the program in the "install" folder with no success. I can't get the .iso file on the drive.21:07
xubuntu66wI have teamviewer if necessary21:08
eatyourguitarI'm back21:08
eatyourguitarunetbootin does not see my usb drive as removable storage on windows since I erased the MBR with DD on linux21:08
eatyourguitarI tried to flip the removable bit21:09
eatyourguitareject etc..21:09
eatyourguitarwindows still sees it as removable21:09
eatyourguitardo I need to clear a cache in windows?21:09
eatyourguitarthats the problem21:09
consolidatedxubuntu66w: im sorry im slightly confused. does the DVD boot?21:10
xubuntu66wSo it's a problem with the flash drive rather than the linux file?21:10
xubuntu66wIt booted straight to windows. I could try a reboot.21:11
consolidatedxubuntu66w: you said DVD before. did you burn the ISO to a dvd or write it out to a flash drive?21:12
consolidatedeatyourguitar: did it see it as a removable disk before?21:15
consolidatedi know theres an issue with newer USB drives no longer showing up as "removable" in windows21:15
consolidatedand legacy apps needing it to be removable are breaking and MS, in very nice MS fashion, doesnt give a flying f21:16
knomeconsolidated, remember the language, this is a family-friendly channel21:16
consolidated*doesn't care  - apologies21:16
knomeconsolidated, it's okay :)21:16
eatyourguitarconsolidated yes before I started doing things to the usb storage device in linux21:16
eatyourguitarI used unetbootin21:16
eatyourguitarbut after I was done with the installer I wanted to delete all the partitions21:17
eatyourguitarthe only way to delete them was dd command in linux21:17
eatyourguitarbut it erased something on the MBR that makes the windows box see it as removable21:17
eatyourguitarthe bootit removable bit flip util did not work21:18
eatyourguitarI can not edit the reg with regedit either21:18
eatyourguitarsomething is protected21:18
consolidatedeatyourguitar: how did you partition and format it? did you do it in windows or did you do what i wrote a while back?21:21
consolidatedaccording to google setting the active flag in fdisk can cause this... i don't know ive never tested etc... seeing if i have a usb stick thats "removable" now heh21:21
eatyourguitarI inserted it into my windows machine to format21:25
eatyourguitarbut it was weird21:25
eatyourguitarit asked to format I said yes21:25
eatyourguitarit said fat3221:26
eatyourguitarthen in disk management it says ntfs21:26
eatyourguitarthen I formatted fat32 again21:26
eatyourguitarthen I flipped the removable bit21:26
consolidatedim trying to test but windows has decided it needs to update nvidia drivers first. it knows whats better for me.21:29
eatyourguitarsandisk does not have any firmware upgrade utils21:29
eatyourguitarnot in the free app anyway21:30
eatyourguitarHP gives out firmware repair apps21:30
eatyourguitarthey format and set all the flags and stuff after the firmware upgrade21:30
consolidatedjust did this on my 2gb flash laying around and no difference... still removable.21:40
consolidatedtheres a bunch of articles about sandisk drives changing from removable to non removable but it seemed to be more of a "newer drives don't show up as removable" thing and not the same drive. but i only scratched the surface of the allknowing goog21:41
consolidatedif you plug it into a linux machine and check dmesg does it show up as removable? like "[sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk"21:43
eatyourguitarwill you be here tomorrow?21:44
eatyourguitarI have to leave now21:45
consolidatedmaybe... i barely know what im doing in 10 mins... odds are i'll be procrastinating so yes probably here avoiding work.21:46
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