
somekoolLove is in the air02:14
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abc_anyone know a little about public key encryption?06:10
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts06:13
lordievaderGood morning.09:41
* lamogo says hi09:41
owlmanHi all! Just tried to install plasma 5 following the instructions to upgrade from 14.10 plasma 4. I'm getting some interesting artefacts displayed on the desktop. Just to confirm: I should choose sddm as the display manager during the upgrade?11:41
soeeowlman: yes you can use sddm if you are not using optimus technology11:42
soeeowlman: anyway you have upgraded to 15.04 or installing Plasma5 on 14.10 ?11:43
owlmanThe artefacts look a lot like the password entry text box and the user icons from light-dm11:43
owlmanfollowing instructions to install plasma 5 on 14.10. No upgrade to 15.0411:43
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owlmanoptimus technology?11:44
owlmanah, nvidia. I'm using open source radeon driver11:46
owlmanInteresting... Both lightdm and sddm are running11:50
soeeyup both works11:52
owlmanShouldn't only one display manager be running at one time?11:52
owlmanI have processes for both11:52
soeeowlman: well try to remove lightdm than11:55
soeeim on 15.04 so can't verify this11:55
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest6639
MoonUnit`only have sddm running on mine.11:56
owlmanyep. I was trying to reproduce my experiences with the first install. I'd like to help out with debugging plasma 511:57
owlmanI followed the instructions on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu to the letter, and somehow I end up with 2 display managers running.11:58
owlmanMakes for a very confusing desktop ;)11:58
owlmanand confused desktop11:59
owlmanbtw, first install (into a virtualbox vm) worked perfectly once I removed lightdm. Although dpkg-reconfigure sddm gave an error prior to removing lightdm12:06
owlmanThink I'll try a fresh install of 14.10 into a new vm (was cloning my 14.10 plasma 4 vm) to test the upgrade from scratch12:07
owlmanerror from dpkg-reconfigure on original vm is WARNING: /lib/systemd/system/sddm.service is the selected default display manager but does not exist12:15
owlmanthis file doesn't exist on the new vm either, however dpkg-reconfigure sddm isn't issuing the warning12:16
BluesKajHiyas all12:26
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mzilikazifresh install of kubuntu 15.04 - kubuntu-driver-manager is installed but I can't seem to find it under System Settings Menu > “Driver Manager for Kubuntu”15:38
mzilikaziwhat am I missing?15:39
BluesKajmzilikazi, run it in the terminal...it's missing from system settings til more packages are ready15:39
lordievadermzilikazi: Support for Vivid is in #ubuntu+115:39
mzilikazithanks BluesKaj15:50
BluesKajmzilikazi, I tried it, but it doesn't work :(15:50
mzilikaziBluesKaj: well it ran and seems to have installed the driver - we'll see what happens now15:54
BluesKajodd, mzilikazi the command doesn't launch the driver manager here15:55
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parsnipHow can I view my wifi passwords as a list, rather than via GUI?16:21
parsnipI tried looking in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/, but no dice.16:22
BluesKajparsnip, how many wifi passwords do you need ?16:25
parsnipabout a dozen16:25
parsnipthey are for cafes16:25
parsnipschools, libraries etc16:25
parsnipfriends' wifis16:26
parsnipeverytime i play around with my install, i have to ask at every location again16:26
parsnipis there a command line view of wifi passwords? maybe i can grep.16:26
BluesKajhow about using kwallet for them , is that possible ?...I never use kwallet personally16:26
BluesKajparsnip, sorry, no idea16:27
parsnipokay, thanks anyway16:27
parsnipi'll try that version of question at #bash or some such16:27
BluesKajparsnip, or ##linux  maybe16:28
parsnipthanks, yeah that might be better16:33
NytramHi everyone, does anyone know how to fix my desktop icons please? They keep disapearing intermittantly. The only way to get them back so far is to switch from folder to default desktop then back again.16:37
=== David1977 is now known as Guest36490
NytramI guess I'll try some of the more recent ones and see what happens. If it fails I can always try plasma. :P17:02
WalexNytram: not enough details.17:06
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NytramSorry Walex, if you scrolled up a bit (30 mins) you'd see my original question, but it's all good now. I'll live with it or install something else... yes, I really am that fickle. ;)17:20
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ShalokShalomis there a way to automount my external devices and open dolphin in the specific place ?18:09
ShalokShalomi know the automount device plasmaoid, so just a solution for the dolphin thing is, for what i look ;)18:10
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robotdevilanyone know if the network manager (wifi or eth) automatically connects after resuming from a s3 suspend ?18:58
robotdevilis fixed?18:58
AleksejsHomeproblem with DR-BTN200 earphones: when I try to conect them, they mostly are connected in telephony duplex mode, which is the mode that applies some noise effect etc. Sometimes, when kubuntu has good mood, or when I sacrifice goat, earphones are connected in normal mode, and sound quality is normal. The problem is: I ran out of goats, I cannot sacrifice more to the god of Kubuntu. Is it possible to make it19:32
AleksejsHomework without magic, voodoo etc? I can't figure out the sequence, when it is connected in normal mode. Any advice?19:32
Irish_Canonim using Kubuntu 14.10 and Centos within Virtualbox I have a shared folder that I can see but cant access : I have uncommented the #wheel  ALL=(All) All line19:48
Irish_Canonthen ran gpasswd -a user wheel19:49
Irish_CanonAny ideas why I would not be able to access the folder19:52
other_guyI'm seeing two weird issues with the 15.04 Alpha 2 release that existed in Alpha 1 as well, but don't occur in Plasma 5 on Fedora 21.20:52
other_guyFirst is anytime I'm in the appearance settings and I click on a "Get New....." button and it takes me to what should be a list of other window, cursor, toolkit, etc. themes. There's an error at the bottom of the window saying that the provider.xml couldn't be loaded.20:53
other_guyThis works fine in Fedora 21 with the Plasma 5.2 Beta Copr repos enabled.  It seems like it's gotta just be a typo or something in a configuration someplace in Kubuntu, but I have no idea where to track it down.20:54
other_guyThe second problem is when using the Breeze Dark theme.20:54
other_guyThe panels properly get the theme applied, but the panel pop-ups (including launcher menu) keep their white background, but their fonts properly change to white, so you get this impossibly difficult to read white on white situation.20:56
other_guyAnybody have any ideas?20:57
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NytramSlow night for answers tonight. I guess the guru's are out clubbing21:22
bpromptI surely wouldn't like to get "clubbed", glad I'm not with them =)21:26
Felishiaisn't there a mail app like geany that integrates well with kde?23:54
Felishianah... too complicated, my head already hurts with code23:59

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