
tewardwgrant: thanks again00:16
wgrantteward: np00:19
pedahzurI found this page: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/OpenID but it doesn't answer my question. Is there a "generic" URL to which I can direct my users for logging in to my app via OpenID? For exmample, I can provide a link to send users to https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id All I'm finding so far for launchpad.net indicates you have to include the user's launchpad.net user name.  Ideas?00:51
wgrantpedahzur: https://login.ubuntu.com/00:54
maxbThis is partially guesswork, as it's been quite a while since I read about openid, but give https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+xrds a try?00:54
pedahzurwgrant: That does work, but login.ubuntu.com != launchpad Logging via launchpad gives me an identity of https://login.launchpad.net/+id/BnLLNMR while logging in with login.ubuntu.com gives me https://login.ubuntu.com/+id/BnLLNMR So, same ID, but not the same URL.00:58
pedahzurmaxb: https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+xrds gives me "provider not supported"00:59
pedahzurmaxb: This works though https://login.launchpad.net/01:00
wgrantpedahzur: login.launchpad.net is on the way to deprecation, but it works.01:00
pedahzurwgrant and maxb: That got me on the right path. Thanks!01:00
wgrantIt is not recommended for new consumers.01:01
pedahzurwgrant: Thanks.01:04
pedahzurwgrant: I thought the OpenStack project required a launchpad ID to login. Do they allow login.ubuntu.com (Can't check right now, as their https://www.openstack.org/ is returning a 525 error.)01:05
wgrantpedahzur: login.ubuntu.com and login.launchpad.net are aliases. They share the same account database, but login.launchpad.net is deprecated. OpenStack tends to use login.launchpad.net, so it may make sense to use the same domain if your consumer is OpenStack-specific.01:06
pedahzurwgrant: Understood.  But as I noted above, logging in via one vs. the other produces different entries in the database as to what the user's "identity" is.  So, if they initially log in via one, and then log in via the other, without properly linking the accounts, then they will create two different accounts in my application.01:09
wgrantpedahzur: Right, but is that a problem if you only allow one of them?01:10
wgrantAnyway, it doesn't matter too much. If you're OpenStack-specific, and everything OpenStacky uses login.launchpad.net, I'd probably use login.launchpad.net.01:11
pedahzurNo. The application right now (Gerrit in this case) doesn't allow one to restrict which OpenID providers are used. So, it will just become a support case if they log in via one, and then the other.01:11
wekaHello, I tried doing sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipelight/stable after adding the launchpad url to my sources and I still get a 404 on my debian..05:07
wekaThis is what I have in my sources.list file: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu maverick main05:08
slacknerweka: does that mean you're still using maverick (10.10)? we do not provide any packages for such old distros, lifetime expired three years ago05:10
slacknerweka: take a look at /etc/os-release if you're unsure which version it is05:10
wekaPRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)"05:13
wekaNAME="Debian GNU/Linux"05:13
wekaVERSION="7 (wheezy)"05:13
slacknerah - when you are using debian, why do you use the ubuntu instructions then? ^^05:13
wekaI'm learning :( I thought this was Debian..05:14
wekaI just want to watch netflix on this computer :(05:14
wekaOh no I realize mmy mistake. The URL of the update is for Ubuntu05:14
slackneryep, the instructions you used were for ubuntu, there are separate repositories for debian - nevertheless, if you're only interested in watching netflix, you could also try out the linux native solution with google chrome + html5 drm05:15
wekaI'll try that... I have Google Chrome and Google Chrome Chromium installed05:16
wekaBut the option to view with HTML5 was not present for me in my netflix option05:16
aryoexcuse me, I've got this error build on Launchpad https://launchpadlibrarian.net/195703055/buildlog.txt.gz12:24
aryowhat should I do then?12:27
aryookay, I've retried the build, and it was successful12:51
me4oslavHullo. Anyone here to help me with a PPA issue?16:28
maxbIt's best to ask your actual question, so people can judge whether they are able to help with it16:54
me4oslavmaxb: ah, sorry, I am not really good with PPA stuff16:57
me4oslavso the issue is this16:57
me4oslavon the numix ppa16:58
me4oslavlink - https://launchpad.net/~numix/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:58
me4oslavthe numix-icon-theme-circle builds are failing16:58
me4oslavbecause bad importing from GIT16:58
me4oslavlaunchpad says that the GIT branch has submodules16:59
me4oslavand it doesn't16:59
me4oslavso, that's my actual question16:59
me4oslavif anyone can help - that would be fantastic17:00
maxbme4oslav: hmmm..... is it possible it had submodules at some point in the past?17:22
me4oslavmaxb: I don't think so17:29
me4oslavwe haven't use submodules17:29
maxbHmm, that's odd17:34
maxbI cannot see the failures you refer to17:35
maxbPossibly because the builds are failing before they ever get to the PPA17:35
maxbPost a link that actually shows a failure?17:35
maxbOh, numix-icon-theme-circle "Built by deleted recipe" - that's why I can't find it17:36
me4oslavmaxb: I will cal one of colleagues17:45
me4oslavthat knows more about this17:45
maxbWell, the answer is likely to end up being "the Git history has submodules, and Bazaar sadly never got support for importing them"17:47
maxbPaoloRotolo: hi17:47
PaoloRotoloHi maxb17:47
PaoloRotolook, we can talk here too :D17:47
maxbI'm not aware of any way to work around this, unfortunately (or at least, not without sacrificing the convenience of LP doing all the import work for you)17:48
PaoloRotolomaxb: I think we never created submodules in our Git repo17:50
maxbPost a link to the import branch on Launchpad?17:52
PaoloRotolomaxb: https://code.launchpad.net/~numix/numix-icon-theme-circle/numix-icon-theme-circle17:58
maxbHuh. odd. I agree it doesn't seem to contain submodules. At which point, I can only think it's a bug in bzr-git or LP's integration18:04
PaoloRotolomaxb: is this a good o bad news? :) I mean, can you fix it?18:05
maxbI have an appointment to go play mahjong now. It does look like it won't be a quick fix18:06
PaoloRotolomaxb: no problem, I can upload it manually on bzr for now. I just hope that it will be fixed in future18:08

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