
DreskSo, along with upgrading from Mandriva 2011 and not changing any hardware except my video card, I now have the most bizarre issue with my mobo NIC just disabling randomly.  I have dmesg logs to show what's going on, and I'm stumped02:43
ianorlinwhat is your nic on mobo ?02:44
DreskLet me get a nice Pastebin going02:44
DreskIsn't there a colloborative Pastebin site?02:45
DreskI thought I saw one before02:45
Unit193Why would you need that?  And yeah, etherpad.  pad.ubuntu.com is one if you have an LP account.02:46
DreskI just like those things02:46
Dreskhttp://pastebin.com/9x8u50kD - Here you go02:49
DreskUnit193: Did you notice the Pastebin link?  I do not wish to be pushy if you did03:13
Unit193Dresk: Ah sorry.  That looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-trusty/+bug/134682803:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1346828 in linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu) "eth0 (e1000e): transmit queue 0 timed out" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:18
DreskIs it with the e1000e network module?03:19
Unit193There is a workaround to try.03:19
DreskOh, yes it is03:19
Unit193Same device, yep.03:19
DreskIt's a bug under LTS?03:19
DreskI want to know what tso and gso are, those sound like hardware offloads which I want on03:20
DreskYeah, TCP Seg offload and generic seg offload, reasons why we get these cards03:21
DreskThat's going to hurt Mr. CPU03:21
Unit193I'd think it's proper to poke #ubuntu-kernel with the bug to see what's up.03:22
DreskYeah Importance : Undecided ?  That's one of the most popular Intel NICs03:22
DreskWell no response from them yet, but Undecided?  What the crap, they use the same driver in Intel's flagship Server NIC, the I350-T203:30
DreskThese NICs are like top of the line, support virtualization, but this dang kernel module makes 'em blow up03:30
Unit193Dresk: You could try linux-image-generic-lts-utopic and the same with headers.03:31
DreskAnd now for the love of god it's only connecting at 100Mbps04:09
Dresk[168886.370323] e1000e: eth1 NIC Link is Up 100 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx04:09
Dresk[168886.370433] e1000e 0000:02:00.0 eth1: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO04:09
DreskWhy, dear lord, why, what is this module doing04:09
ianorlinthe sad thing is I have nothing else to plug into that does gigabit on my i1218 nic and only get 50 down and 5 up on internet04:12
DreskUnit193: What's a good, simple way to test 1000Mbps on your LAN?  Simple as can be04:22
Unit193rsync to another computer on the LAN?04:22
DreskUsing file transfer?04:23
Unit193rsync is a command, and it can tell you at what speed it was going.   rsync -avhP lubuntu-15.04-amd64.iso zeta:  for example, and larger files would be better of course.04:27
DreskI must have defective lights on my NIC, this makes no sense04:27
DreskUnit193: Check this out, might need to download the fullr es version to read it all : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5m3tV03NqXScFByX2ZDaGpZaTA/view?usp=sharing04:51
* ianorlin would care about transfer not the light04:55
DreskIt makes no sense!04:56
DreskIt's all ass backwards!04:56
DreskAnd GIMP took 89% of my CPU via Xorg when I was adding that red text!04:58
DreskI swear I like Lubuntu but all it's been is problems!04:58
DreskI'm about to declare Linux 3.x the worst Kernel ever04:58
DreskBut I'm getting dramatic and digressing04:58
Unit1931. Try a different kernel.  2. Change themes.04:59
Unit193!info numix-gtk-theme04:59
ubottunumix-gtk-theme (source: shimmer-themes): Numix GTK2 and GTK3 themes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 44 kB, installed size 507 kB04:59
DreskI love Clearlooks though and I had no issues previously!05:00
dinohi hyper06:45
dinou there06:45
=== dino is now known as Guest41104
Guest41104any1 there?06:45
Unit193Guest41104: Please don't ping specific people, just ask your question and anyone that is around and able to answer may.06:45
Guest41104I just installed chrome via package installer but it is not listed anywhere under internet or software center06:46
Unit193"Package installer"?  And Chrome, so where did you download the file from?06:48
Guest41104firefox, i downloaded a .deb06:49
Guest41104chrome offical site06:50
Unit193And, in that case, try  dpkg -L chrome06:50
Guest41104it says no packages06:51
Guest41104but package installer said installation complete06:51
Guest41104I just installed chrome via package installer but it is not listed anywhere under internet or software center07:05
Guest41104I just installed chrome via package installer but it is not listed anywhere under internet or software center07:09
Unit193Guest41104: Perhaps you'd be better off in #ubuntu..07:13
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest6639
dustany suggestion how to configure a gamepad? to also find out which button has which number and so on?20:54
holsteindust: i usually just try it in the game UI, if there is one.. but, i would look for any suggestions from/in general ubuntu. those will work with lubuntu21:22
holstein!info jstest-gtk21:25
ubottujstest-gtk (source: jstest-gtk): joystick testing and configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1~git20140501-1 (utopic), package size 127 kB, installed size 469 kB (Only available for linux-any)21:25

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