
arunguys, can anyone get me a screenshot of vividvervet?09:30
TheBigDealis there any solution to this bug here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/139558009:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1409555 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1395580 drop extras.ubuntu.com" [High,In progress]09:40
lordievaderGood morning.09:41
TheBigDealany idea?09:43
lordievaderTheBigDeal: There is nothing you can do about that. If it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist.09:45
TheBigDeallordievader, hmm :(09:45
TheBigDeallordievader, some people are using the vivid vervet currently, what's happening?09:58
TheBigDeali mean, how did they download it?09:58
lordievaderTheBigDeal: They downloaded the iso or upgraded from 14.10.09:58
lordievaderI think I upgraded mine.09:59
TheBigDealupgraded from 14.10?09:59
lordievaderTheBigDeal: sudo do-release-upgrade -d10:00
lordievaderTheBigDeal: You do know release upgrades may break at random moments, right?10:00
TheBigDeallordievader, i'm using that command to upgrade10:01
TheBigDealbut the result is the bug i mentioned10:01
lordievaderTheBigDeal: Disable the extras repo.10:02
TheBigDeallordievader, how?10:02
lordievaderTheBigDeal: Are you sure you want to be running a development version? IMO you should be able to fix minor problems like this if you want to run a development version.10:05
TheBigDealalright buddy thank you very much :D10:06
arunguys, can anyone get me a screenshot of vividvervet?10:10
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BluesKajHiyas all12:27
mzilikaziBluesKaj: the driver manager was successful16:01
BluesKajmzilikazi, I launched it with kcmshell4 kcm_driver_manager in the krunner/run command16:02
mzilikaziBluesKaj: same here - it launched and worked for AMD graphics accelerators from fglrx-updates16:06
arunhi guys, can anyone please get me a screenshot of 15.04's unity ?17:15
arundesktop ..17:15
arunhello, anyone around? please ..17:19
foormea running kubuntu 15.04. i installed isc-dhcp-server and tftpd-hpa, in order to create a netboot server, but tftp fails. i did it with no issues on 14.10 (all works), but with 15.04, i can successfully tftp localhost and retrieve files, but if i tftp <interface's IP address>, it just won't transfer. port is open and there's no firewall issue. can you think of anything that might be wrong?17:20
arunhello, anyone around? please ..17:32
arunhi guys, can anyone please get me a screenshot of 15.04's unity ?17:32
foormeaarun: sorry, i'm on kubuntu/plasma517:33
arunfoormea: ok, can you please send me a capture?17:34
foormeaarun: mh, yeah, i guess. hang on17:35
foormeaarun: http://reho.st/self/3c222699d2300e2052edca3758db94f9ac6f41a3.png17:38
foormeaarun: i quite like the design of plasma5. it's quite buggy though right now, but kinda usable if you're not too fussy17:40
penguin42hmm my VV install isn't happy at all in a VM18:45

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