
=== michihenning is now known as michi
imgbot=== IMAGE 76 building (started: 20150124-02:10) ===02:10
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 210 building (started: 20150124-02:15) ===02:15
imgbot=== IMAGE 76 DONE (finished: 20150124-03:30) ===03:30
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/76.changes ===03:30
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 210 DONE (finished: 20150124-03:45) ===03:45
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/210.changes ===03:45
davmor2Morning all09:43
popeymorning davmor210:11
jibelpopey, +1 to publish clock-app11:11
jibelnik90, ^11:12
popeythanks jibel11:15
popeyhave pinged dpm a mail to upload when he gets a chance. Might not be till sunday night / monday morning.11:17
vilacihelp: mako-06, -10 ,-11 stucked11:25
psivaa_vila: did someone ask for it ?11:26
vilaerr, wrong channel11:26
ogra_psivaa_, hmm, seems the krillins cant do adb anymore in smoketesting ...11:33
psivaa_ogra_: let me take a look11:33
ogra_psivaa_, we enabled the adb lockscreen checking ... plars thought it was all fine server side for this (needs a certain u-d-f version that seemed to be installed on the server)11:34
ogra_could you reboot one of the krillins in recovery and check if there is a file called ".adb_onlock" in the /data dir11:35
psivaa_ogra_: u-d-f is the latest in the server11:35
psivaa_and yes i'll reboot krillin and check that11:36
ogra_yeah, then --deveolper-mode should create this file11:36
psivaa_ogra_: that file is there11:42
ogra_damn ... then it should let you adb shell ...11:43
ogra_uh ...11:43
ogra_/data is mounted under /android/data in the running system11:44
psivaa_ogra_: it just says error when adb shell is run11:44
psivaa_how do i get more  verbose output?11:44
ogra_it should say "error: closed"11:44
ogra_ok, yeah, thats the lock check code11:45
ogra_but adbd looks for /data/.adb_onlock11:45
ogra_while i guess it needs to look for /android/data/.adb_onlock11:45
* ogra_ tries that here 11:45
psivaa_ogra_: do you want me to move it11:45
psivaa_let me try that11:46
ogra_move it, reboot and you should be able to adb shell11:47
psivaa_there is no /android btw, hope it's OK for me to create?11:47
psivaa_ogra_: does not seem to fix11:49
ogra_yeah, i'm able to log in right after lightdm started ... no unlocking needed11:49
ogra_works here, are you sure the filename is correct ?11:49
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -l /android/data/.adb_onlock11:50
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 24 12:46 /android/data/.adb_onlock11:50
psivaa_ogra_: i *created /android/data and moved the file from /data, then i did adb reboot. now the /android/ dir is gone11:51
ogra_in a normal boot ?11:52
ogra_(in recovery there is indeed no /android dir)11:52
psivaa_no in recovery that was11:52
psivaa_no, in recovery that was. i mean11:52
psivaa_but without being in recovery i can not adb shell11:53
ogra_try the following in recovery then:11:55
ogra_touch /data/android-data/.adb_onlock11:55
ogra_then reboot again11:56
psivaa_ogra_: i'm in with that11:58
ogra_ok, adbd needs to check in /userdata for the file then11:58
psivaa_i guess a new image then :)12:02
jibelbfiller, boiko landing of silo 11 failed. Test 4 of the test plan of history service (Ensure that history-daemon is not running by default after rebooting phone) does not pass12:02
ogra_bug 141428812:03
ubot5bug 1414288 in android-tools (Ubuntu) "adbd falsely looks for /data/.adb_onlock to override the screen lock check" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141428812:03
ogra_jibel, do we have anyone who can approve landing a fix for this ? ^^12:03
ogra_its a 4char change to get smoke testing back on track12:04
jibelogra_, ping me when it is in a silo12:04
davmor2ogra_: do you have a FB account?12:07
ogra_davmor2, nope12:07
davmor2I'll ping cwayne112:08
ogra_trainguards ^^12:13
boikojibel: I'll be back in a few hours to check that12:32
sil2100Practice took longer, but I'm on IRC now if any landings need tending ;)12:43
ogra_sil2100, line 101 please12:43
vila+1 ;)12:43
sil2100Browser opening!12:44
sil2100charles: once you're around, would be awesome if https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/rtm-14.09-lp-1410874-alarm-sounds-vs-calendar-sounds/+merge/247229 could get approved12:52
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping sil2100 | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: devel-proposed images for mako #74 and krillin #82 can't be installed
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping sil2100 | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
davmor2sil2100: everything is broken so far not a good start to the day :(13:08
popeydavmor2: want some fb testing or something?13:12
sil2100davmor2: what's broken?13:12
ogra_jibel, silo 015 is ready (line 101 has all instructions)13:12
jibelogra_, ack.13:13
davmor2popey: I got onto cwayne1 via email and pushed him all the info he asked for13:13
sil2100Anything for me to worry about? Anything landed that broke the world? Since my e-mail says nothing13:13
bfillerjibel: checking if that is supposed to be like that or the test plan needs to be updated13:14
ogra_sil2100, the adn change for which you just assigned 10113:14
davmor2sil2100: silo 19, silo 0, silo 11, silo 7, silo 17 and the one I'm working on currently is partially fixed and partially broken in silo 813:15
popeydavmor2: ok13:15
davmor2ogra_: so it looks like signon-apparmor-extension got added back into the seed even though the silo 19 that fixes the failure to add a u1 account failed  so now scopes can't log into anything and I'm assuming that app installs will fail and this is why it should be a dep on package and not in the seed grrrrrrrrrr13:20
bfillerjibel: hmn, for me history-service is not running after boot13:22
bfillerjibel, boiko : with silo 1113:22
bfillerwill reflash with latest build and try13:22
bfillerback in a few hours13:22
davmor2sil2100: ^13:23
bfillerphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ps auwx | grep history13:23
bfillerphablet   3684  0.0  0.0   4836   664 pts/42   S+   08:21   0:00 grep --color=auto history13:23
jibelbfiller, I'm on 210 with silo 11, let me reboot one more time.13:28
jibelbfiller, immediately after boot, I unlocked SIMs and greeter13:32
jibel⟫ adb shell pgrep -a history13:32
jibel3474 /usr/bin/history-daemon13:32
jibelbfiller, how do I troubleshoot that?13:32
jibelbfiller, I'll reflash and try again13:34
davmor2Lunch time13:35
sil2100Good reminder, same here13:42
jibelogra_, if you want us to test silo 15 can you build it? it is marked "Silo ready to build"14:19
ogra_jibel, oops, yeah, indeed14:19
jibeland update the test plan with this case if it is not done already (I haven't checked yet)14:20
ogra_i dont think there is any testplan at all for adbd14:20
pmcgowanogra_, do we need to back out the signon apparmor extension14:21
jibelthat solves the test plan problem then14:21
ogra_pmcgowan, dbarth bugged me daily for the last ten days to seed it ... no idea, i just made the change for him14:21
pmcgowandobey, can you check on silo 1914:23
* ogra_ can indeed quickly drop it again if needed ... as long as you are sure dropping it solves the prob14:23
ogra_pmcgowan, i think you got his mail about it too ...14:24
ogra_Subject: "Seed of signon-apparmor-extension to RTM"14:25
pmcgowanogra_, yeah he said it worked for him, just pinged him14:29
davmor2pmcgowan: with the package removed from my long term use phone I have a usable system again,  silo19 failed yesterday as I could login to U1 in order to install or buy and app14:34
pmcgowandavmor2, dbarth will be here soon to take a look, god to know14:34
davmor2could not login even14:34
davmor2pmcgowan: dobey already started looking at it last night14:35
davmor2let me forward you the mail14:35
pmcgowanok, seems we should have an MR for signon in that silo14:36
davmor2pmcgowan: 2 incoming14:36
davmor2pmcgowan: my confusion is to why signon wasn't just a dep of the package rather than added to the seed directly ,  thankfully cwayne1 was pretty responsive to the email I sent him today to figure out what the issue was14:38
pmcgowandavmor2, ok lets see what db says14:38
ogra_davmor2, might be that the package is also on desktop and a dep would have pulled it in there which could be unwanted14:39
davmor2ogra_: hmm true14:40
davmor2ogra_: all I can say is thank god for the silo 000 or I doubt I would of noticed till Monday on sanity testing :)14:41
davmor2jibel: did you want me to sanity test 210 and see what is broken by the package?14:41
jibeldavmor2, i'd rather fix it, build a new image and sanity test that, since we know it's broken?14:43
davmor2jibel: fair enough, the only issue is going to be that any silo we test that uses it is likely to be broken14:44
jibelogra_, +1 for silo 1515:23
jibelI added the tests to our test plan15:23
ogra_thanks !15:23
sil2100ogra_, jibel: thanks for the silo!15:32
dobeydavmor2: signong-apparmor-extension isn't a dependency of u1-credentials, because it isn't a requirement for u1-credentials to be useful; rather, with the necessary fixes even, it seems to break u1-credentials, or at least, it breaks it for anything that is unconfined and needs to use online-accounts, from what i can see15:38
davmor2dobey: which is possibly the issue with scopes I think most of the act in an unconfined manner right?15:39
davmor2dbarth: ^15:39
dobeydavmor2: not sure which scopes you're talking about, but most are confined afaik15:40
davmor2dobey: so for example with signon-apparmor-extension in place like on image 210 photos login for facebook and instagram fail even though the accounts exist15:41
dbarthdavmor2, dobey: i'll be there in a second on r21015:42
dobeydavmor2: i'm pretty sure fb/instagram are confined15:42
davmor2dobey: hmmm could be15:43
dbarthwhat escapes me is that 205 + extension + silo 19 work fine for me15:43
dbarthdobey: do you have LoggingLevel=2 in ~/.config/signond.conf ?15:44
dbarthi will need to change networks to get 210 fully unfortunately15:44
dbarthotheriwse, i have verified the branches and fixes and all the ones attached to the bug (but the 2 u1 ones) are merged fine and in rtm afaics15:45
dobeyi don't right now15:46
dobeydbarth: exactly! like i said, it was working fine last week when i landed the exact same change in vivid, but now it's broken there too :(15:47
dobeydavmor2: even15:47
davmor2dobey: no I think it was a good reply to dbarth :)15:48
dobeyoh right15:49
dobeyi should go back to sleep15:49
dobeyand i'm not really "here" anyway, i just hopped on to check non-work things and saw my name hilighted in irc :P15:49
dbarthdobey: sorry for that, but real quick, you have all the rtm branches already in silo, right?15:50
dbarthdobey: ie, the announce errors and unconfined ones?15:50
dobeysilo 19 is both branches15:51
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=== bfiller_ is now known as bfiller
bfillerjibel: unlocking the sims is what's causing history-daemon to start and that is normal. if you don't have sim lock on and reboot it will not be running16:55
bfillerboiko: isn't that correct?16:55
bfillertrainguards: anyone around who can help reconfigure ubuntu silo 7? I added a new package to it17:05
bfillersil2100 or cihelp ^^^17:05
rsalvetibfiller: can do17:06
bfillerrsalveti: great, thanks17:06
rsalvetibfiller: done17:07
bfillerrsalveti: cheers17:07
rsalvetibfiller: dbarth: davmor2: what happened with signon-apparmor-extension then?17:09
rsalvetishould we revert the seeds change?17:09
davmor2rsalveti: <dbarth> davmor2: ok, so by removing the apparmor extension i can go 1 step further with pay_ui17:09
davmor2<dbarth> davmor2: so i guess, the workaround for now is to unseed again the extension17:09
davmor2<dbarth> davmor2: and check further whats wrong upstream in vivid where it was working previously17:09
davmor2<dbarth> pmcgowan: ^^ ; i'll send a quick summary17:09
rsalvetiright, but should we revert or wait?17:10
bfillerrsalveti: don't know about that17:10
rsalvetidbarth: what do you think?17:10
rsalvetiwe can revert that and trigger a new image later today with the fixes that got in already17:10
pmcgowanseems we should revert17:11
bfillerwhat was the issue? not caught up17:11
rsalvetialright, let me prepare that17:11
pmcgowanscopes and such are denied access17:11
rsalvetidavmor2> [08:20:47] ogra_: so it looks like signon-apparmor-extension got added back into the seed even though the silo 19 that fixes the failure to add a u1 account failed  so now scopes can't log into anything and I'm assuming that app installs will fail and this is why it should be a dep on package and not in the seed17:11
sil2100bfiller: on it!17:12
bfillersil2100: no worries, rsalveti took care of it17:12
rsalvetisil2100: already reconfigured it17:12
sil2100bfiller: ah, rsalveti was faster ;)17:12
pmcgowanrsalveti, actual problem seems unrelated to U1 but maybe to the ACLs ,17:12
bfillerrsalveti: you won't revert other seed changes though right (with keyboards stuff added)17:12
davmor2bfiller: you can't buy or install apps, you can't login to any accounts from scopes and the scopes don't show content for accounts you are signed in for other than that nothing17:12
rsalvetibfiller: nops, just signon-apparmor-extension17:12
bfillerdavmor2: minor issue :)17:12
sil2100I would say +1 for the revert, since it will also open up more QA possibilities17:12
pmcgowanbfiller, how does one use the emojis17:12
rsalvetialright, let me prepare the silo17:13
bfillerpmcgowan: go to keyboard settings and enable it like other language layouts17:13
boikobfiller: let me check (history-daemon)17:13
bfillerpmcgowan: then it will show up in globe menu in keyboard17:13
pmcgowanbfiller, should we turn that on by default?17:14
pmcgowanor based on context?17:14
bfillerpmcgowan: don't think so, iOS does not17:14
sil2100I think it works like any other language17:14
sil2100And for now that's good enough I suppose17:14
bfillerpmcgowan: no color yet, need support in qt 5.4 for that17:15
bfillerbut better than nothing17:15
pmcgowanbfiller, got about 4-6 in  here so far17:15
bfillerpmcgowan: silos?17:16
pmcgowanbfiller, snow :)17:16
bfillerpmcgowan: ah17:16
bfillerpmcgowan: me too, about the same17:16
pmcgowanabout 6 silos too it seems :)17:16
bfillerpmcgowan: had to drive to Dorchester this morning for Owen's hockey game, kind of nasty17:16
pmcgowanI bet17:17
sil2100Snowing here as well, moments like these make me sad for not having a garage17:17
sil2100Will have to un-snow the car17:17
* sergiusens mentions it's 38 Celcius here today17:18
sil2100hmm... who's filling in for the scopes team?17:18
davmor2pmcgowan: so for testing now I'm just going to remove that package it has already unblocked silo017:19
* sil2100 needs someone to approve https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/net-cpp/fix_ppc_timeout-rtm/+merge/24740917:19
sil2100brb, need to fetch my girl17:21
rsalvetisil2100: pmcgowan: problem with https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/net-cpp/fix_ppc_timeout-rtm/+merge/247409 is that it seems only tvoss is able to top approve17:42
rsalvetibecause he's the maintainer and driver of the net-cpp project17:42
rsalvetiwhich is wrong17:42
rsalvetisil2100: so only tvoss can currently approve that17:43
rsalvetipmcgowan: davmor2: publishing the revert17:53
rsalvetiwe should trigger a new image soon, just don't yet know if we're landing more stuff today17:53
rsalvetiwill wait a few hours and trigger a new image17:54
=== barry` is now known as barry_
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jibelrsalveti, wait until we land silo 11 to trigger a new image, it's the last critical from the list of silos ready for QA.18:00
rsalvetijibel: sure18:00
jibelprobably less than one hour18:01
sil2100rsalveti: geh, net-cpp needs some additional maintainers, seriously18:07
boikojibel: I was going to test the history-daemon thing, but after flasing rtm proposed I could not access the device via adb anymore, trying to flash again to see if it helps18:18
jibelboiko, unlock the device to use adb shell18:18
boikojibel: oh, didn't know, thanks18:19
jibelboiko, it's a fix that landed yesterday18:19
jibelor security feature, give it the name you want18:19
boikojibel, ok, installing the silo to test now18:20
boikojibel: the history daemon is not running here after rebooting, anything special in your setup I need to be aware of?18:23
boikobfiller: I don't think sim unlocking should bring the history-daemon up, but I will give it a try to try to reproduce what jibel is seeing18:26
davmor2night all catch people tomorrow18:28
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sil2100davmor2: see you o/18:35
bfillerboiko: no other explanation I can think of18:37
pmcgowancan someone top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/net-cpp/fix_ppc_timeout-rtm/+merge/247409 per the first comment18:38
pmcgowanbfiller, maybe18:42
bfillerpmcgowan: doesn't let me18:42
pmcgowanbfiller, maybe I can whats the link18:43
bfilleryou just pasted it18:43
pmcgowanso its just not enabled to approve18:44
bfillerpmcgowan: where it says status there will be an option to mark it approved18:44
bfillerpmcgowan: right, same for me18:44
pmcgowanany landers here with the powers?18:44
sergiusenspmcgowan: bfiller the target branch for that is ~tvoss18:44
sergiusenspmcgowan: bfiller only tvoss can top approve18:44
pmcgowanyep I see it18:45
jibelbfiller, silo 11 is OK-ish. searching for " returns nothing and % returns everything. the search string is not escaped properly.18:45
jibelbfiller, and the test plan of the messaging-app has not been updated18:47
sil2100pmcgowan: I can override that and enforce landing that18:48
sil2100pmcgowan: but I need to hear a definite override decision from someone higher-up ;)18:48
sil2100pmcgowan: should I land it without a top-approval?18:49
bfillerjibel: we can fix those and update the test plan, there should be some automated tests already but we can add manual ones as well18:51
bfillerboiko: can you have a look at those issues? not sure if tiago around18:52
boikobfiller: sure, I will fix those18:52
pmcgowansil2100, let me verify what his comment says18:52
jibelbfiller, right, there is one AP test but it is very basic and just search for a plain ascii string18:52
rsalvetipmcgowan: yeah, as I said earlier today, needs tvoss18:52
rsalvetibecause he's the owner of the project18:52
rsalvetithe commit seems fine, so I'd just vote to override it18:53
rsalvetiand get tvoss to fix that project and branch18:53
sil2100pmcgowan: it passed QA so it seems ok, but still I always prefer to make sure that we land what the upstream developers want in their code - but this seems safeish18:53
pmcgowansil2100, it is the same diff as he said18:53
rsalvetiit's also already in trunk, and tvoss approved that one18:53
pmcgowan4 lines18:53
pmcgowanright I say go ahead18:53
sil2100Yeah, this needs tvoss...19:20
sil2100The train doesn't have the power to push to that branch, grrr19:26
sil2100And I suppose webops are not available today19:26
pmcgowansil2100, seems the package landed but the merge failed?19:28
sil2100pmcgowan: yeah, not much I can do with that, I'll have to just send an e-mail to tvoss about this19:30
sil2100And free the silo in the meantime19:30
sil2100No one in #webops to help me sadly19:30
pmcgowansil2100, yep ok19:30
pmcgowanrsalveti, sil2100  anything else looking to land or ready for a build19:40
rsalvetipmcgowan: all waiting qa sign off19:41
sil2100pmcgowan: it seems everything is waiting on QA, there's only boiko's new vivid silo19:41
sil2100But that seems to be far from ubuntu-rtm yet19:41
pmcgowandoesnt seem to be anything active right now, dav is off19:42
pmcgowanI think 11 needs fixes19:42
pmcgowanas does 1719:42
rsalvetipmcgowan: afaik jibel is still testing 1119:44
pmcgowanrsalveti, boiko fixing some issues there19:48
rsalvetipmcgowan: should we trigger a new image then?19:48
pmcgowanrsalveti, trying to raise boiko to see19:50
pmcgowanrsalveti, did you see my comments on the battery bug with AP connected and not19:51
rsalvetipmcgowan: iirc you said the battery consumes faster when connected, right?19:51
pmcgowanrsalveti, yes, at least the aborted suspends are much higher19:52
rsalvetiright, that's expected with our wlan driver afaik19:52
pmcgowanso maybe doesnt prove anything19:52
pmcgowanbut colin said 15% aborts was too high as I recall19:52
pmcgowanand its much lower o mako19:53
rsalvetibecause any ping/request to the device ip is already enough to wake it up19:53
rsalvetiright, that might be a difference/bug with our own driver19:53
rsalvetithat's why testing with android is also so critical19:53
rsalvetiwe might not necessarily be using the same options and so on19:53
boikosil2100: I added a new component to vivid silo 17, can I just use the reconfigure link, or do you guys need to act on that?20:08
sil2100boiko: a completely new component?20:08
sil2100Or an MR to an already allocated project?20:08
boikosil2100: yep, it had history-service, I added messaging-app20:09
sil2100boiko: ok, I'll reconfigure it for you then20:09
boikosil2100: thanks :)20:09
sil2100Currently it's still restricting that ;)20:09
boikosil2100: no problems, just wanted to check :)20:10
sil2100Reconfigured :)20:12
boikopmcgowan: rsalveti: jibel: fixes building on the silo already, I will now just update the testplan20:14
sil2100boiko: in which silo?20:15
sil2100Ah, in 11?20:15
sil2100Not sure if jibel is still around today :)20:16
sil2100He was already long long long20:16
boikosil2100: oh ok, no problems20:16
jibelsil2100, boiko unless it's an emergency, I'll review it tomorrow.20:45
boikopmcgowan: rsalveti: ^20:47
boikopmcgowan: rsalveti: in that case, I think you can trigger a new image20:47
rsalvetiboiko: alright20:55
sil2100rsalveti: image triggered?21:02
rsalvetishould show up son21:02
sil2100Although come to think of it in a few hours we would have the auto-built one anyway21:02
sil2100rsalveti: thanks21:03
rsalvetinops, cron is disabled on weekends21:03
sil2100Ok, then good :)21:04
sil2100Make sense21:04
* sil2100 needs to AFK for some time21:04
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 211 building (started: 20150124-21:05) ===21:05
pmcgowanvery good21:20
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 211 DONE (finished: 20150124-22:10) ===22:10
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/211.changes ===22:10
rsalvetipmcgowan: ^22:10
ToyKeeperWoot, that should make things easier.22:31
ToyKeeperNot a fan of the new restrictions on adb connections.22:58
ToyKeeperIt totally broke half of my flashing script.22:58
ToyKeeperAlso, breaks the method normally used to install silos...  which normally happens *before* the setup wizard.23:00
ogra_ToyKeeper, adb reboot recovery; adb shell touch /data/.adb_onlock; adb reboot23:05
ogra_(after that the check is disabled )23:06
popeyooh, thats handy, thanks ogra_23:06
ogra_if you flash with --developer-mode and --password u-d-f puts that file in place23:07
ToyKeeperI must have an old version of UDF.23:07
ogra_well, we didnt SRU u-d-f so this function is only in the vivid versionn23:18
sil2100Anything needing releasing?23:52
sil2100*in need of23:54

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