
happyaronLaney: seems my membership in ~ubuntu-input-methods-dev is about to expire, can you help me to renew it?06:17
Laneyhappyaron: ok11:15
LaneyI fixed it so you can self renew next time11:15
happyaronLaney: great12:12
* desrt yawns12:26
larsudesrt: welcome to europe ;)12:38
desrtnot yet12:38
desrtat yyz12:38
desrtjust about to go get on my flight12:38
larsuoh. Safe trip, then ;)12:38
desrtwill be on the ground in another 7 hours i guess12:38
desrtprobably won't be in cambridge until after midnight12:39
desrtsee you tomorrow :)12:39
larsusee you!12:39
istimsakHello team. I have been looking for an easy to setup email client for my ubuntu system. Thunderbird takes too long to gather new email messages, statues and changes. I have been geary and it is quick, simple and too the point. It  makes reading email messages seem like instant chatting. It could use more features, like the ability to create folders on internet email servers.19:43
istimsakCan I suggest making "geary" the default email client on ubuntu installs?19:43
istimsak Sorry typo, " I have been using 'geary'"19:52

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