
mephuxanyone know how to install wayland01:33
darkxstmephux, yes01:54
darkxstyou just need a desktop file, hopefully that will be available next week01:55
darkxstmephux, I just uploaded gnome-session to ppa:darkxst/ppa, if you install that (once it builds)  you will get a gnome-session-wayland package to install02:14
darkxstvivid only of course though02:14
darkxstmephux, bug 141425603:22
ubot5bug 1414256 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "split wayland session into its own package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141425603:23
darkxstmgedmin, ^03:23
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darkxstricotz, hi, libinput transition is pretty straght forward, I'll upload to ppa and and get it through into archives next week08:35
ricotzdarkxst, hi, great :), so this means all "3.14" packages are building fine with 0.8.0?08:44
darkxstricotz, just one patch needed for the get_axis change08:49
darkxstall fixed upstream except kwin which seem to have proposed disabling libinput on 0.8 since its still experimental also08:50
darkxstalso wayland 1.7 should come in time for vivid by the looks of it08:51
darkxstbut first bug 141425608:53
ubot5bug 1414256 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "split wayland session into its own package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141425608:53
ricotzsounds good08:56
darkxstyeh, seb already +1'd that, but will try push it to debian also09:12
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lindolhi all :)11:05
darkxsthi lindol11:43
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towoSo whoever's in charge of the staging ppa knows they broke adwaita-icon-theme-full? ;)15:26
mephuxtowo: whats wrong with it16:41
towowrong dependencies, sec16:42
towoThis happened during update16:43
mephuxea - not good16:43
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