
pleia2alright, sent email to summary writers00:23
wxlhopefully i can GET SOMETHING DONE this time :)00:24
ahoneybunpleia2, I see you have a event going on for UGJ as well02:30
pleia2ahoneybun: yep :)02:31
ahoneybunnice I just got the stuff in the mail for my event pleia2 :)02:31
pleia2cool, I have some pens and t-shirts left over from fossetcon, so I just asked for some reimbursement for food02:32
pleia2anyway, should head out for the evening, have a good night :)02:32
ahoneybunoh cool shirts!03:24
imnicholPaulW2U, how am I doing?18:07
PaulW2UNot bad at all, very good in fact :)18:08
imnicholGlad to hear18:09
imnicholLet me know if I'm doing anything wrong18:10

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