
=== Tom is now known as Guest38426
=== martinst is now known as martins-afk
=== quix is now known as pdostal
=== zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren
optrustyHi Guys I just bought a vps and I wanna ask what can I do with 1GB Ram03:52
optrustyIt's kind of a dumb question, but I am still wanting to know03:55
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grendal_primeok im now officially fully perturbed07:49
grendal_primei have a desktop that i need people to remote access.  how the hell do i do this without all the fkn artifact crap going on?!!07:50
grendal_primeif i connect to this even with vnc i get crapy screen refresh stuffs missing. On the local lan its fine, over the vpn it BLOWS07:52
grendal_primeits ok if its slow..but come on if i cant read it? operations is going to bitch like yo wouldnt believe07:53
=== Tom is now known as Guest92858
=== bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
=== Tom is now known as Guest69813
mmanceIs anyone else having problems with their mdadm raid in 14.04.1?09:00
mmanceI am getting  create user root not found on boot09:00
mmanceit was working, but it seems to happen during a package change09:01
mmanceI have reinstalled 3x to "fix" it. but after doing an apt-get whatever and rebooting causes this09:01
lordievaderGood morning.09:41
TomlowndesFor some reason I didnt have a name09:49
lordievaderWelcome back, Tomlowndes.09:50
TomlowndesHow are you today?09:54
lordievaderDoing good here. How about you?09:54
Tomlowndesyeah im okay thanks In Manchester and Nottingham for the weekend so hoping the weather stays nice so I can take some photo's09:55
CiPiDaaaamn, when i install server from usb, every time is installing the grub on usb, i can`t do anything to change this, how can i fix this. I can`t boot without usb.11:17
lordievaderCiPi: Manually install it to the correct drive?11:17
CiPiYes man, i have try every damn way. Now i try installing after fiew steps, i removed the usb...11:18
CiPiThe os has been loaded to HDD, after this i removed the USB.11:18
CiPiNow i`m on the grub step...11:19
CiPiHuh, hope it runs...11:19
lordievaderCiPi: sudo grub-install /dev/<disk> (or whatever it was in Ubuntu)11:19
CiPiYep, i have try this, in the final is giving an error, something like that, are you using two disks ?11:19
lordievaderCiPi: So read the error, investigate and fix the error.11:20
CiPiSeems to work for now, is still installing. USB is out, grub installed to master boot record.11:20
CiPiThis method worked...11:21
CiPiNeed to remove usb before installing the grub11:22
CiPiAt the grub step.11:22
lordievaderCiPi: That seems like a bad idea... but good to hear it worked.11:23
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest6639
CiPiWorking without problems.12:58
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
kabarhow i view example.com.csr file14:52
kabari am using ubuntu 14.04 nginx14:52
kabarwhich command i use to view inside the file14:52
lordievaderkabar: Is it a text file?14:53
lordievaderkabar: cat, less, more, dog, tail, head, etc, etc.14:53
kabaris "cat example.com.csr" is right command14:54
kabari am new in this14:55
lordievaderkabar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:57
lordievaderkabar: And yes.14:57
=== antix- is now known as antix
=== liam_ is now known as Guest25335
TachikomasHello. I'm looking for the best way to protect my ubuntu server from the web. I use actually fail2ban, but it protect just the open ports. Any idea ?16:11
ogra_what else would you protect ?16:12
ogra_non-open ports can not be talked to16:12
TachikomasIt's a backup server, using bacula.16:13
Tachikomasso just 21/22 / 9101/9102/9103 open.16:13
TzunamiiIf you want good protection you should set up something like OpenVPN client(s)<->backup server16:44
TzunamiiAfter that just add some iptables rules to accept input on the port(s) from the VPN16:44
TzunamiiDeny everything else16:45
Tachikomaslike that ? http://pastebin.com/CU6LRPvB16:46
TzunamiiSomething like that, yes.16:47
TachikomasI try to enable that on the restart.. but impossible with update-rc.d16:47
TzunamiiGet a VPN up and running first between client and server and when it works well, just add a few rules. It's quite easy16:47
TzunamiiIf you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to poke us/me16:49
TachikomasThanks. :)16:49
TzunamiiBesides putting up some iptables rules you can force a application to just listen to one network (IP).16:51
Tachikomasit's already done. Bacula just listen from authorized ips.16:52
=== martins-afk is now known as martinst
TzunamiiTachikomas: Well, I'm talking about forcing. Not instructing the application in it's config-files.16:53
TzunamiiAnyway, I wish you the best of luck16:54
TachikomasThanks :D i think i will need it.16:54
TzunamiiDon't fret. This is very common practice so it's quite documented. Just have to pull your sleeves up and Google your arse off for some research16:55
hariomhey friends, I have 3 VMs. They are NATed. When I try to connect any of the VMs from remote server over https, I am able to connect. But when from with in one of the VMs I issue the same https request, it gives timeout msg.18:04
hariomWhat could be possibly wrong?18:04
hariomhttps url is of the form: https://www.myexample.com/mypage18:04
hariomWhen I use https://<internal_ip_of_the_VM>/test , it works fine but not the https://www.example.com/test18:14
CiPiDamn, ubuntu is fuuuul of errors18:28
bekksCiPi: So is every other distro.18:30
devster31can anyone suggest me a good rtorrent script either for upstart or init.d? I'm having trouble finding one that uses a particular user:group and tmux and kills the process with SIGINT20:19
Tzunamiidevster31: https://github.com/mjsilva/rtorrent-screen-debian-init-script/blob/master/rtorrent  perhaps20:21
devster31i'm using tmux, it complicates things a bit since the start-stop-daemon doesn't track the correct PID and doesn't kill rtorrent, moreover the TERM command isn't the correct one since it kills all connections instead of closing them, on the rtorrent manual they suggest it's better to use SIGINT20:26
Tzunamiidevster31: I don't use tmux myself, but this might help you out: https://sites.google.com/a/demonkutya.com/demonkutya/bash/anewimprovedrtorrentservicescript20:28
devster31that's what I was looking for20:34
TzunamiiAny time20:34
TynachHi, I'm developing a website, and so on my Ubuntu desktop I've installed some of the server packages. Because I don't want to run X11 apps as root, I'm storing my website files (written in PHP) in a subdirectory of my home directory.20:38
TynachI'm using Ubuntu 14.10, and I finally managed to get Apache to load the index.php file and send it to the browser... But it's just raw PHP. Not the output of the PHP file.20:38
TynachIf I use PHP inside of the /var/www/http folder, it works. But outside of that, it does not.20:39
TynachHow do I fix this?20:39
devster31I think there's a piece of Apache config that tells the server which pages should be processed by php, I'm not that familiar with Apache though20:40
TynachWell yeah, but that's just for file extensions. .php, .php5, .phps, etc.20:41
devster31did you check if all the phpmodules are installed and enabled in apache?20:45
Tynachdevster31, yes, and inside of /var/www PHP works fine. But outside of there, it does not.20:46
devster31if you're using virtual servers maybe you need to copy AddType application/x-httpd-php .php in the second one too20:47
TynachYou know what, nevermind. I just found my problem, and I feel like an utter moron. I tested PHP in my home directory with '<?' tags instead of '<?php' tags.20:49
TynachSwitching to <?php works just fine. I presume if I really want to continue using <? I'll just edit php.ini.20:50
kabar*** System restart required ***20:59
kabarwhich command i used to fix this20:59
devster31sudo reboot?21:00
Tynachkabar, 'sudo shutdown -r now' should work. I don't know if Ubuntu has a different, more preferred method.21:00
TynachThe '-r' in there is for 'reboot'.21:01
devster31unless you already did and there's still the message21:01
devster31or you don't want to reboot21:01
* andol nowdays prefer the reboot command, since that day he accidently mixed up "shutdown -r" and "shutdown -h", on a remote server.21:02
kabarif i only use reboot21:02
kabaris good21:02
kabaror not21:02
guntbertkabar: you need     sudo reboot21:03
Tynachkabar, unless you're already in a root shell, you need 'sudo' for anything that affects the operation of the system. Whether that's a system configuration file, or shutting down/rebooting the system, you always need 'sudo' or in some other way gain root privileges.21:04
kabarit's work21:05
kabarnow *** System restart required *** is not showing21:05
devster31how do file permission work for a docker container with a system folder mounted?21:06
=== bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away

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