
davmor2Morning all09:43
daftykinsthat's how i feel ;)10:12
davmor2popey: that's how I felt ages ago10:18
* daftykins brings out the Branston10:38
daftykinsi saw something quite sad in the supermarket earlier, the place now making the sandwiches for their lunch section thinks that "ham, cheese and pickle" is to be made with gherkins instead of branston :S10:41
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:55
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
popeyabout right10:59
davmor2popey: I'm outraged there is no Links in there11:00
davmor2popey: or links2, or lynx, or wget and read the source it's like the matrix of browsers :D11:01
knightwisehey peeps12:00
knightwisehey. how ya doin daftykins12:02
knightwiseim out shoppin with the wifr. theb12:03
knightwiseirc on phone. sorrybfor typo12:04
daftykinsmmm not too shabby ty, i think the ol' shingles is healing up now - slowly :) how's you?12:04
daftykinsah-har, not clothes i hope ;)12:05
knightwiseand a dryer12:06
penguin42hey popey13:12
daftykinsgents o/13:15
zmoylan-pimammals o/13:23
brobostigoncarbon based life forms.13:24
zmoylan-pithere is a bot in the channel, probably silicon based lifeforms too13:25
lubotu3Yum! Err, I mean, APT!13:25
popeyhow to out a bot in one easy step :)13:25
* zmoylan-pi sticks with 'everything i sat is a lie'13:25
zmoylan-pithat and a nokia in a sock to take out terminators and i'm covered :-)13:27
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: maybe that borg-killing picture13:30
zmoylan-picouldn't we just email them an epub of escher? :-)13:41
daftykinsoh my word14:01
popeyapparently done in their "lego room"14:03
daftykinshow the other half live14:03
shaunothe other half live in lego castles?14:05
daftykinsthat they do14:06
daftykinsthey're a lot smaller so we never notice14:07
davmor2WOW just WOW14:39
=== AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell
diddledandaftykins, did you get 10 installed?19:18
diddledanallo folks19:18
directhexdaftykins: you had shingles? that sucks, i had that a couple of years ago19:21
* zmoylan-pi had that when i was teenager19:22
directhexi'm not convinced the meds weren't worse than the illness itself19:22
diddledanI had the pox when I was teeny19:22
directhexfelt *so* pukey after my morning dose of antiretrovirals. yuck19:23
penguin42oh I hadn't realised they were using them for shingles19:33
directhexpenguin42: risk of nerve damage19:50
penguin42directhex: From the drugs or not using the drugs?19:53
directhexnot using19:53
penguin42I'll have to watch out in later life; I got chicken pox in my 30s19:54
directhexshingles is a VZV (chicken pox) re-activation on a spinal nerve, so it manifests in a patch on your skin for an area affected by a single major spinal nerve19:55
directhexif it's a nerve related to your face or eyes, you're in trouble19:56
penguin42(Oddly I was in hospital for an unrelated problem when I was about 9 when the rest of the ward had chicken pox and I didn't)19:56
popeyhmm, is it possible (in windows) to raise the refresh rate above 60Hz? Mine doesn't seem to go any higher.19:56
penguin42popey: I suspect it depends on what the monitor tells it19:57
popeyDVI if that matters.19:57
popeythe help for the monitor suggests it can go to 75Hz19:57
MartijnVdSpopey: depends on what the screen claims it can do19:57
directhexpopey: at your target res?19:57
popeybut the UI won't let me19:57
MartijnVdSpopey: what does "xrandr" say?19:57
popeyoh, I guess maybe not19:57
popeyMartijnVdS: Windows :S19:57
MartijnVdSpopey: oh :(19:57
diddledanthere's not much reason to do so unless you're running 3d off it19:57
MartijnVdSMy screen does 75Hz up to 1280x102419:57
MartijnVdSand 60Hz above that19:58
popeyoh okay, so probably not possible19:58
popeyI just noticed flicker in the corner of the screen19:58
directhexpopey: try feeding a proper .inf for your monitor, not relying on EDID/PnP profile19:58
popeywill do19:58
diddledaninteresting - 3 has bought o219:58
directhexoh, yes. hm20:00
brobostigoni think there are still loads of hoops to go though, like competition approval etc.20:00
popeywonder what that will mean for giffgaff20:00
directhexconcerns about price rises... people *do* know o2 was already one of the most expensive networks, right?20:01
directhexyeah, i wonder for giffgaff20:01
brobostigonand i believe, its is hutchison whampoa that has boought o2, not three directly.20:01
directhextechnically, yes20:01
DJonesCan't see it changing existing contracts20:01
popeyheh, it can do 1024x768@75Hz!20:03
popeyno higher20:03
brobostigonone would hope, it expands three's existing 3g/4g/lte, and will allow three customers to roam with o2 in lower signal areas.20:03
diddledanbrobostigon, I would surmise that the first order of business would be to allow the two networks to roam between as you hope, and then eventually merge the infrastructures20:06
brobostigonyes, i would agree diddledan20:07
ali1234yeah better signal for three would be great20:16
brobostigonand more consistant data,20:17
penguin42curious, my VM router has a log message from 23/00/201520:22
diddledanpenguin42, magic20:22
penguin42diddledan: https://plus.google.com/photos/118251468822440261663/albums/6108006605325208145/610800661080610605020:25
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker

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